10 Sea 2 Sidesman, Safeau Ortv Thonu Sept. 3. 1S33 .' Husbands Apt To Do More Kitchen Jobs In i & JO-as. lis. Oraaga "aaJ frn 4ct. tl a. Hastia , Capital Shopping Center m4 DECANTER , I I end ' BOX if By AETHUR ED SON WASHINGTON UR Bad news for- all us husbands. The experts say from here on out we're apt to be spending more and more of oar time working in the kitchen. Some; 1,300 delegates to the Eighth International Congress on Home Economics, meeting in Ed lnburgh, Scotland, debated this question: How can we free women from household drudgery? Their answer, stripped to the bare bones of horrible reality, ap pears to be this: Shift the chores over to their hus bands. Kitebenry Taught Beys A Scandinavian delegate female, of coarse went so far as to insist kitchenry should be taught inno cent schoolboys. "When they marry said the Scandinavian lady smugly, "they might as well be used to working la the kitchen and drying the dish es." You see the plot? Trap and train em while they're young. Hatters Net Helped A worried check with the Amer ican Home Economics Association riirin't tieln mattjr much. Individual Site Rockingham TEAPOTS 29 . ; 1U Cap Size , ' , Kecktoghanvtype Pottery. CD 0uBI is," f-l CP) Has tray far small Hi! Hn4f bail Glcmt weder toys and beach bolls! Limited QuantlSee While -Existing Stocks Last. Hurry! 'mom Mrs. Ella McNaughton, assistant to the association's executive sec retary, said sweetly: "I think we've made consider able progress along those lines al . ready." Pramu Midi Mrs. McNaughton thinks more "progress" has been made in some nlaroa than in others. Sha thinks househusbands are to be found most readily in cities where both the wife and husband have Jobs outside the home. "Tn a small town." she said. the little woman will do the shop ping because she meets her friends at the store, and u s sort or a so cial affair. Men Da Shooninr "Here in Washington, where so many women work, you see many men doing the shopping at super markets." Mra. MrtSTauzhton . knows about this because Mr. McNaughton told her so. He does the shopping. "He likes it." said Mrs. Mc Naughton. Whisky, Drugs Claimed Sold BeforeRiots MONROE. Wash. US Whisky and narcotics were sold by guards and circulated among inmates of the Washington state reiormaiory nrior to the destructive Aug. 20 riot ' Inmates whose identities were withheld testified before a legis lative investigating committee Wednesday. Telia of Sales The second of the witnesses called in the afternoon told of the sales of whisky and an inhalant by guards until a short time before the riots, and was asked specific allv bv Asst. State Atty. Gen. "Have you ever purchased whis ky or narcotics? The witness renlied: "I would rather not answer that. "Do you know if other inmates purchased them?" Yes. ; 7 Per Ptot Under further questioning, he said the going prices were $7 for a pint of whisky and "$5 and up" for an inhalant, which retails at about 63 cents a tube to normal trade. A - Taking another line of question ing. State Sen. Albert J. Rosellini asked the second inmate to testify: "Have you known of money being loaned (by inmates) to officers?" "Yes." "Did that result in the inmate controlling the guard?" "Yes." "Was there any evidence of drinking or narcotics being used the night of the riot?" "Not to my knowledge." Malay Opium Trade Heavy KUALA LUMPUR W5) Mil lions of dollars worth of opium is smuggled into Malaya by large, well-organized rings. Singapore in the south and Pe nang Island in the north are the "reservoirs" piping the contra- Viand 4ntn Malavan towns, the Customs Central Information Of fice, set up to gather intelligence about the trade, has found. A. W. S. Sim, chief of the new office, said a blacklist of more than 8,000 persons believed en gaged directly or indirectly in opium smuggling has been com piled. Sim said Customsmen seiz ed five tons of opium worth $2,230,000 in 1952. Shakespearean Festival Seen by 18,00 at Ashland ASHLAND (A Good weather and a 10 per cent increase in at tendance combined to make the - lass Shakesbearean Festival a fi nancial success, William Dawkins. executive secretary, reported Wednesdav. - - i The annual festival i attracted mhimt " is 000 " spectators. Rain forced only two" performances un der cover. Three others in the faatftm to in 1 1 n 1 1 n yMaww w t E 51 I ff 5 ' vTS. ESS by Wlaey VALUES TO $5.00 OPINS O EARRINGS O NECKLACES O IRACELETS SMtianat ollfiaa ! fama Jawalry. Exaathra laaMttf , avari aiaeal XT . I If u l m M:t U I Ill VV- bM II - my MVf! Artistry 60 GAUGE 12 DENIER 0 pBrfWcfe Pill PtttllltMWI Saar rtaar nk keels ed tea la tWal laaaliy paekaa1 ia atifal Bottle of 100 6 Ilk mm nJiTf' uuu 2-Ce!I "Raw Black Enamel Metal Case 5 BUBBLE BATH jfSL. - 3 98c V700DBUDY SHAIIPOO 29c TOSSY HODIIOIIE LOTIOII '5," .1.75 WHITE SIDET7ALL BRUSH gf ...2 for15c CAirVAS T70BK GLOVES SU" 29c GEIIEY PEDFUIIE tgygg 50c BLACK FLAG AEBGSAL IIISECTICIDE 69c CHEBAI1Y SKHI BLAII f's" 1.00 FEYEH THEBIIOIIETEB 59c niPOBTED LATEX GLOVES Asst. Sixes 29c SACCAHBHI TABLETS T. ..... 12c BABY BOTTLE SHUSH 6c mTTTTT imisnti Methveelloloee Wafers O AO " t i l : I PAIR V , - Sparkling. Crystal Clear JN.rT-w Jl ;-oc: Hbi. v . J WLUIuM IhH HT IW us ; -w C a -v r a. i naft mcrm v a a w -ar aa.aiaT f w - . IS other type,: WM. i aaaaaaaaa"" """'iU. nirnl. . "'w ; COBlnap x I a nrr WP foods r: $69s SUM GLASSES Ladle K.m- .. . iaatai 'V'vf-'- 1 earal Cofored fromesf taya 12 ox. HIGHBALL 7 Wonderful for all Z those Ull drinks! Chip resistant rims. In Handy Carry AO Home Carton for Redodnx Diets Pound Box w Roy Rogr LUNCH KIT Wiaae ' r PW.ty .1 r" )) ,.4weKa ,54. a J3 :wv - Isfa. KODAK IROWNII dt 127 CAMtKA For bag'innanl HoW Uses TiHT. nun PACK FILM mmmm I No. CI No. L75 p ev; 87! STEAK - KNIFE SE . I CSlanat Jamb rrian Ha fctr StaTnf ' Maal a rat. htndltt. ml T 1 ' New! i9r"jJZmmn r- tHERMOS DOTTLE 0 riot stews w-. workman's Uech Ktt With Pnt -Thermos bettie. 79 -eiea Textrosi BRIEF CASE Mali. DaaW : ..wkMi " ' Ah. aed Coavos SCHOOL DAG Wk Erff Orttr Foiefc GET YOUR TICKETS HOW! SCHOOL DAYS $4,500 IN PRIZES nnAtin DT1T7P fS uAaMia mamm HILLIIAII '11IIIX' DaniiU-Mtteholl Folding Metal SHOPPING CART $4.95 Valuel l.iy fa aU y i r.U flat Tar .". up? Li fc- 4Uu M.HI ra- lnfareamanw. 95 Navy pj.rtie pip" k.ndU. Ue .trap. StuaJYl Mnnv nior Outstcmdlna Prizes Includina TV Sets, Automatic Washer Deluxe Bicycle, etc. DRAWINGS: Sept. 8, 5:30 P. II. - Sepl. 14 - 9 P. II. GRAND PRIZE DRAWING: Sep!. 19 - 6 P. II. 1 vtoNtfpSpmM&PWVf VASELINE HAIR TONIC ll 7 6 5 O -iuf 40-Hoar ALARM CLOCK color Mw 2.4f . . ...t..i. u" Cfcrom YRIST VATCH Jeweled, sfcock.rwst- , 1 5 , precision ?J V, Vast-line S a Ma ,mMt Hair look bat. tar aad scalp faals battar! bettie COLGATE Ribbon DENTAL CREAM Claaas taatli. nd braatk; to I ant m rfrap. fiuern-L NEW! aby Car Pen SAFETY SEAT i Rarl WMft WW "T Lta '.111 aaaaS M 5 Gr. BAYER ASPIRIN TABLETS Faet a!ata erating, fast paia raliafl 100 for IC MM 0 JORDAN ALMONDS Crisp ants, part at sugar caafinat! POUND IAG f s Imported PIPES Sentetionel colledion of Itali an, French end English briars! Assorted .shapes end styles. am ,.. cuy now ana myii 998 3.98 Vafses v e $5.00 YOUR CHOICE Has it's Carry ta Cesel rarraM Hatal BARBECUE GRILL ill PICNIC STOVE Reg. $5.98 1 , Hf-la staa caalts wIHioat paail Just brail right aa tka frill. Fira pa a aalasta fa 4 pasitiaat. WInal guard halps canaaatrata ftia kaat faed caaks fastar. FaWs vp flat far carrying Chocolate Strawljeu j emA , VrmiTlrt Foil Quart . t . ' - ... . C ' 1 amphitheater were rained en. 1