v. ,:. -" : -I ' h'' ;' ;,J,..' " . ' .' '' '''.if . ii '-: '.;'"' '. . ' " , .' r ' ' 1 : ' ; fcr&Mdur Best Bet " s uy-Sell-Rriil- STATESMAN Phone 2-2441 WANT-ADS wap 6-(Sec,2tateina 450 Merchandise 482 Sport Equipment 1 FOR SAU 3 OH painting. 18x24 untrained. Nude ' subjects ... $35.00 each. 3x4 German-made folding camera with case, flashgun and tripod . . . $45.00. Primo folding poscard camera . . . $7 JO. German Ziess Folding 137 split. (It pix per roll) . . . $23.00. 14-foot Speedboat with mahogany deck (been in water only 10 days . . . $ HP Johnson outboard motor . . . $65.00. 1950 Hudson four- - door sedan . . . $995 M. Private party will sell or trade all or part. Call 3-9311. fcEW 12' Lawrence-craft boat." Reg. $179. sale price -$139 14' Chriss-craft kit. Built up and and painted. Reg. $335 Sale- : 14' Deluxe Cris-Craft kit. reg. -$225 $215. Sale -$175 12 Deluxe 12 $143. Sale . Criss-Craft kit. Reg. sua 14' and 15' Wizard glass boats. K- duced over S100 each. Gil Ward. 450 Center 4S8 For Rant Miscellaneous U DRIVE TRUCKS TOR RENT. Blankets tarn. 19A1 Ktt m .osw TOOL RENTAL. U-riX-IT. Corner of North Commercial Cofumhla 4-5261. RENT or bur. All tvnea electrical or hand tools, garden tractors, spray- tn. nuwr gun, iioj a. iztn. FOR RENT or tease, lge. warehouse space, cement floors, brick bldg. down town. Inquire H. L, Stiff Fura. 3-8163. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous $x9 WOOL, rug and pad. $25. Phone . 3-5344. FOR SALE; Corner bath tub Sc fix tures, wasn nastn & fixtures. Duo. Therm Oil Heater Sc mat. Metal Medicine cabinet. A bargain at S ISO. UU Call 2-7133. Salem. BETTER Buys. Glenn Woodry'sT FOR SALE Bitt-Well daveno bed and cnair. Excellent for slip covering. Also almost new electric train. Call 3-5232. GOOD used Corona portable type- writer. $55. Remington adding $50. Desk lamp. $8. Phone 3-7466. CORONADO Radio Phono Combine- USED MDSE. MART 270 S. Liberty St. Phone 4-6371 Terms of course - USED ELECTRIC combination sew' ing machine, good sewing condition. Sews forward and reverse, only siiun. singer sewing center. 130 N. commercial. 2 Used dovb' bicycles. Fine eandl ti m. Boys' suits and jackets, size 12 to 16. Men's overcoats, 36-40. Ladles' suits and coats, 12-14. Shoes, 6-g','i. Ph. 2-5397. SPARK oil circulator. Fitting stove pipe Sc barrels Used 7 months. $93 Ph. 2-8660. RADIO-PHONO recorder. Like new. 79.50. Mahosanv console. Glenn . Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. HAMILTON BEACH MIXER Brand new save $10.00 USED MDSE. MART 270 S. Liberty St. Phone 4-6371 USED refrigerator, good condition. reasonable, j-rione 4-iess. bAVENOS 15.00 up. Bargain Barn New lawns olanted. dav phone 3-7373. eve. 2-2190. REDUCED $5 PBR DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 SHAPER AND STAND Starting price Aug. 25th. $82 Sept. 1 $52100 Keith Brown Ubr. Yard Front and Court Phone 3-9111 We give 9 & H Creen Stamps iw.w svia vrry nice piano. Lrienn - Woodrys, 1605 TT. Summer. SOLID Oak office arm chairs suit- able for den restaurant patio, etc Only 4.75. Bargain Barn. 4 mi. N, Salem. 99E. Ph. 2-5904. LawnmOWER 3.00. Bargain Barn. ELEC clothes dryer only $59.95. 2 only. Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemekta St. APT. Electric range, immaculate con dition. 109.50. Low as 19.50 down delivers. Also apt. size refrigera tors. Low as 65.00. Glenn Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. LINCOLN Welder. ISO D. C. Gas driv en, mounted on trailer. $450 cash. Phone 4-2532. 4134 Hager St. PAINT, 1.99 gal. Bargain Barn BR SET -bookcase, headboard, nite stand. Hollywood frame, chest and mirror, like new, only $70.00. USED MDSE. MART S70 S. Liberty St. Phone 4-6371 Terms of course T. V. $100 off. Take over contract. Set 2 months old. 21-inch. Hoff man. Full door blond. Phone 4-1389. PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co. 379 Chemeketa. Ph. 1-431 1. DEEPFREEZE home freezers, Yeat er Apliance. 375 Chemeketa. Ph. ;-", NEW plastic platform rooJkers. Regr 33 JO. only 195 this week at the Bargain Bam. 4 mi. N. Salem. 99E. CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for tables, furniture, railings. 1145 N. Liberty. TOR SALE: Portable Corona Type writer $25. 414 Corner South Liber- ty and Bellevue. Crushed Rock FOR roads & driveway Cement Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand. Bulldozing drainage and ditching. 4 yd. shovel it drag line. Phone f-0249. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. ANTIQUE dresser 20.00. Bargain Barn. GAS Camp Stove. A-l. 4.75. Bargain Barn. 99E N, li CU. FT. G. E. Commercial refrig erator. Ideal for restaurant, tavern, grocery store or farm home. Like new. Reasonably priced. Yeater Ap pliance' Co., 375 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-4311. rcjsontatcsittan 280 No. Church St Classified Advertising Per word, 1 time ' 4c Per word, S times 10c Per word. 7 times 18c Per word, 1 month 60c Minimum ten words. Extra charge for "Blind sds tie Headers In city briefs: Per word 7e Minimum ten words. No Refunds. The Deadline for Classified Ads containing large display types is 12:00 Noon the day before publication. One Column ads set In this size type only accepted up to 3:45 PM- The statesman reaeives the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear la advertisements pub lished In Its columns and tn cases where this paper is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake A "Phnd" Ad n ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the jrotectlon of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. . The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind ad. 600 Employmsat 450 Merchandise 470 For Sal Miscellaneous FOB SALT: Etched FostorU dishes bargain price. 414 Corner South Lib erty ana Bellevue. 5-PC Bleach oak dinette spc 29.50. Bargain mm. wjg n. 2.000 BARGAIN items on sale during Glenn Woodry's expansion. Daven os, bedroom, dining, everything for your home, new & used. EX. terms. low, low prices, snop uienn wod drv'i. 1605 N. Summer. CLEAN Kerr wide mouth canning , jars with rings, quarts 90c per doz en, pints 65c per dozen. Lawn chairs. Monte slower, car luggage carrier, snatn ana Disoe. uzs Chemswa Rd. Phone 2-6333. SEWING Barn. machines 7.00. Bargain Tod Soil River aUt, fin dirt, prompt delivery. Phne 2-1749. FOUNTAIN and carbon tor. $1,000. Meat sheer $100. Meat grinder $250. - AU like new. Phone 2-7661 or 2-7005 BEl'l'LR Buys, Glenn Woodry's. SPECIAL ON DAVENOES Your choice $7.95 USED MDSE. MART 270 S Liberty St. Phone 4-6371 GARDEN TRACTOR with plow, disc. and cultivator, $75. Phone 3-5011. 9x12 LINOLEUM rugs 5.65. Bargain mm fn. z-aaot. FOR SALE 3 oil paintings. 18x24 unframed. Nude subjects . . . $35.00 each. 34x44 German-made folding, camera with case, flashgun and tripod . . . $45X0. Primo folding poscard camera , $7.50. German Ziess Folding 127 split. (16 pix per roll) . . . $25.00. 14-foot Speedboat with mahogany deck (been in water only 10 days . . . $ HP Johnson outboard motor ... $65.00. 1950 Hudson four- door sedan . . . $995.00. Private party will sell or trade all or part. Call 3-8311. Diamonds & Jewelry at cost phis 104&. Can or write W. C Mitchell. 1175 Hillysrd. Eugene. Ore. 4-6557. STANLEY home products. Lee Mlndt irmc Madison. Ph. 3-4056. EASY Spindry washer 20.00. Bargain Barn. 99E N. 4 ml. THOS SPINNER automatic washersT like new. 2 only $79.50 ea. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. rn. 3-4311. . USED electric ranges $12.95 and up. Yeater Appliance. 379 cnemeaxeta. Phone 3-4311. PAINT. 1.00 gal. Bargain Barn. GOOD used refrigerators $49.50 and up. used washers 59.93 and up. Yeater Appliance 375 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. 9x9 UMBRELLA tent 7 JO. Bargain Barn. 99 E N. CHARRIS foundation girdles, bra. For appointment phone 2-6435 or 3-5072. Mary e. Bales. LAMPS 4.50. Bargain Barn. $30 ALLOWED for your old water heater regardless of condition or make, on a new Westinghouse automatic electric water heater, with a ten year guarantee. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. NEW matresses. 15.85 Bargain Barn, 99E N. 4 ml. WASHING machines in good shape. Your choice only $9.95. USED MDSE. MART 270 S. Liberty St. Phone 4-6371 NEEDED, old sewing machines. Up x S50 or more for your old sewing machine on a new free Westing house sewing machine with a 20 yr. warranty. Yeater Appliance co 379 i;nemexeia si. PAINT. 1.99 GaL Glenn Woodry's. 472 Wonted, Miscellaneous LOGS WANTED Top price on today's market for long or snort second growth fir logs. For prices phone 3-9593 days. 4-1784 eves. West Salem Lmbr. Co. 1160 Wallace Rd, WANTED: Used brick. State amount. price, location. Write Box 637. Statesman. WANTED, good used portable elec- tric sewing machine. Ph. 2-7481. BRING -us Douglas fir cones. We pay S1.40 per bushel or 4 cents per pound whichever is more. Act now. squirrels are busy. Time is short. Green cones only. Wood seed, old Sunnyside Road. South of Salem. Loas Wanted Good 2nd growth logs. Prem. paid for No. 2 logs 28 snd longer. Also 8 stud logs or multiples of 8 plus trim. to 16 mam. BURKLAND LBR. CO. Ph. Turner 1125 Eves. 2503 Turner or 2-7828 Salem. 474 Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or mail your Plates for Repair. UK. HARRY Sf.lYlLr.K Adolph Bldg. State Sc Com. Ph. 3-3311 HOSPITAL beds for sale or rent. Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. 3-0188. 476 Fuel Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry. stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-6444. Capitol Lbr. Fuel Co. ORDER your wood now. Plywood cores, old growth fir, oak planer ends. 198 S. coml St. Phone 3-7721. ANDERSON'S hand picked alabwood. I cord 814. Phone 2-7751 or 4-4253. ORDER NOW1 Sewdust: blower and P. O. SASH 6c DOOR PIANER ENDS. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. 1525 Edgewater Phone 24031 Phone 2-2441 g Subscription Rates By carrier In cities: Dally and Sunday 8 1.45 per mo. Daily only - 1.25 per mo Sunday only i .10 week By mail. Sunday only: (in advance) 8 -50 Derma. Jinywnere tn u. s. Z.7S six mo 5.00 year By man. Dally and Sandayt (in advance I tn Six counties 3 LOO OCT mo. I (Benton. Clacka mas. Linn. Mar ton. Polk. Yam hill). Elsewhere tn Oregon : In U S outside Oregon sV2S six mo. 10.50 year L20 per ma . 1.45 per mo. Member Audit Baresa of Clrenlstiomi Bnresv of AdTertisInc. ANFA Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association Advertising Representatives: Ward -Griffith Co New York. Chiesre Sen Frsnclsee, Detroit ' 510 Money to Loan SZS CS TOR r ARM. CITT or ACRE- AGS LOANS. BEST OF TERMS. WK BUT Real estate mortgagee ekeentraetav STATE FINANCE CO. 167 S High St. Ph. $-4121 - 41 ciofsr ill ill Consolidate All Bills Twenty-five years ago General Fi nance corps was organized oy sa Vem business and professional men to give you a loan service. We have lent millions. TRY OUR SERVICE You can repay anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends, longer time to repay. Ph. first for a one trln loan- Loans $25.00 to $300.00 on signature. xurruiure.ana equipment. Loans to $500.00 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. Free customer parking at "Marlon Car Park"; across from office. 136 S. Commercial St. Lie. No. S13S and M33S I'JHUUtr-! (MfpillftAmift CUT CUT cut Cut .our present payments aTlUvri mm wvjmm Let us show how it may be done. $50 - $2,500 AMOUNTS PAYMENTS $166.32 $ 9.00 258.72 14.00 533.92 29.00 850.0$ 46.00 PACIFIC Industrial Loans 119 S. Liberty Phone 4-2203 COLONIAL INrESTMENT COMPANY 6S7 Court Street Phone 4-2283 Buy Sell Loan Keal Estate Mortgages Contracta AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 & Church St. Ph. 2-2437 Parking Aplenty Lie M159-S154 PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-0794. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted Good Jobs See us for quality Jobs. Benefit by our Knowledge of employers and by our experience In the commun ity. Check our listing Mon., Tues., Thurs. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGCY. 494 State (Ore. Bldg.) Ph. 4-3351 CASHIER bookkeeper. Speedway Restaurant. 1170 center. No phone calls. NIGHT SCHOOL $15 per mo. Mon.-Thurs. 6 to 9. Includes all subjects. Fall classes starting. Register now. Shorthand, i peed writing, typewriting, office machines, etc. Free placement service for students. Call 2-1415. Merritt Davis School of Commerce. Over the Man's Shop, 420 State Street. WE ARE now taking applications for Paper Routes at Carrier Divi sion. Statesman Building. Boys must be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par- ents. If you have already applied kindly do so again. f THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted, Male IF ' YOU ARE Interested in Life Insurance as a career . . . Not afraid of hard work, and able to pass our, mental ability, aptitude test. and medical examination . . , Willing to undertake a two-year training program with assured In come up to $300 a month plus com missions, WRITE BOX 635, STATESMAN WANTED, 1 man to do carpenter work. $1 per hour. Box 630. States man. PAINTERS WANTED. 1385 BAKER ST. BOYS, 18 yrs. age to set pins. Clean interesting work, good pay. is at a Bowl. 3085 Portland Rd. COMPETENT young man. 27 years old. college grad. moving to Salem, desires position with reliable firm as bookkeeper or office mgr. Please call Salem 4-1948. CAR hop. Woodruff's San Shop. 3400 Portland Rd. no pnone cans. 60S Help Wanted, Female WANT care In country home for 3 children. Good pay, ynone s-eaao. EXPERIENCED waitress. Part and full time. Apply in person, umna City. 3553 S. CornT. EXPERIENCED sales girl wanted. Apply Hartmsn Bros.. 39 State. WAITRESSES WANTED Experienced 21-38. $7 a shift, room and board. Eiderperry inn u mues east of Seaside on Sunset Highway. Call Elsie 3. collect. Ask for Lloyd Morgan. 610 Sales Persons Wanted nlVT .nln, for aaleaman. S Dedal- ize In nomes. ai isaaz. neaitar. Ph. 4-3311. Opportunity Knocks But Once This ia Tour opportunity to get In on tee ground iioor wnn a zasz- grow ing company. Due to expanding and opening new territories in the promotion of our regular agents to managers, we are in neea ai gooa men. Recardiess ox wnai yeas are now selling or if you like to get imo the selling seld. . investigate. Your qualifications are. neat la ap pearance, ambitious, and ewai aa automobile. No collecting or route running, appointments furnished you. Your earnings should be $150 per week to start, plus an ad ditional bonus check every month after you have been with us a short time. Phone 4-5223 for ap pointment or call at 515 Hood St. Room 203. 608 Pickers Wanted STEADY YOU CAN WORK UNTIL SEPT. 15th. MAKE $8 - $12 PER DAY. I TRANSPORTATION FREE. 30 ACRES GOOD CUCUMBERS. PH. 2-2348 BETWEEN g AM. AND $ FK. HOP PICKERS URGENTLY NEEDED Early clusters, good picking, pick up at employment office s:is morn ings, suverton 3-4784 or ERNEST STADELI BEAN Pickers. New yard, new loca- con. mile I, or cascaae tign. 2nd lane to right. U. E. Hansen. BEAN Bickers wanted. Fine crop Fir Grove Firm, ku z. box za. Ph. 4-4063. WANTED Hop pickers, early and late hops. Bus leaving xrom .employ ment office on Ferry St. at 625. Starting Aug. 24th. Paul Staedell. Rt 3. Box 143. Silverton. Phone SilveTton 3-4850. Bean Pickers Now picking good second crop of pole beans, good crop, . and clean yard. Excellent camp facilities. Steady work. Dally bus service from Salem on following route: Starting at 5:45 A.M. at Owens and Liberty, then north on Liberty to Broad way, north on Broadway to iigh land. east on Highland to Silverton Road, east on Silverton Road to Fairhaven Ave.. West on Silverton Road to Fairgrounds Road.' south on Fairgrounds road to Summer St.. south on Summer to Center. East on Center to 12th. south 12th to Hoyt, West on Hoyt to Commercial. North on Commercial to Liberty, North on Liberty to Owens. West on Owens to South River Road and on South River Road nine miles to Farm. Look for Dark Green Inter national bus with D. P. MacCarthy and Son Farms painted on it. Flag down driver, he will be glad to stop anywhere on this route for you. Please, no children under four teen unless with adults. For fur ther information drive out South River Road nine miles to farm, or phone Independence 19-F-3. D. P. MacCarthy and Son. Rt. No. 3, Box No. 833, Salem. Oregon. 612 Work Wonted. Male CUSTOM hay baling. O. Strand, Ph. 3-4512 silverton. DOZING and grading with light crawler, 3-6918. . Tractor Work Plowing, discing, blade work. Phone 2-3041 LAWN MOWER sharpening. Also MOWER sharpen scissors, clipper heads, saws, etc Oscar Vasfaret. 391 Gerth. Phone 2-1656. FALLING, bucking, clearing, etc Ph. 3-SU3Z. Mason Work. Patch Ptasterins Stucco and repair. Basements water proofed by plastering. Barbeques outside fireplaces. Plantery's, patios! 2-6545. 614 Work Wanted, Female WASHING. Ironing and sewing done in my home. Ph. 3-3095. CHILD care 5 years or younger. my aT'yiffU L , EXPERIENCED cashier, clerk, typist. home. 329 5. I7tn. wants part time or full time work. excellent references, z-7298. 615 Situations Wanted COMPETENT experienced bookkeep er, cashier, typist wishes part time work. 3-3643. CHILD CARE IN MY HOME. 2-8007 PAINTING, paper hanging, day or contract, small jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. BOOKKEEPING and payroll service. also typing at home. Call 2-4816. WILL TAKE care of children in your home, day or eve. Phone 2-6878 IRONING 50c an hour. Bring hang ers. 1011 2nd St West Salem. NEW lawns Prepared and seeded, rotary hoeing. rotary 2-S127 Duane Wolcott. BRUSH and Spray painting. Phone 4-S3Q5. 3-8591. PAINTING, waterproofing. Free es timates, l. E. uess Nelson, pnone 2-4307. 3-8243 DRESSMAKING, experienced. Mrs. Julius Flncus. 1700 North 20th. pa. 3-9342. CEMENT WORK Sidewalks, steps, natios. basements. Prompt service. Guarantee. Phone 4-5129. PAINTING"! exterior and interior. McClain and Golden. Phone 3-3323 or 3-3869. HAVING AUTO RADIATOR TROUBLES 7 I V "'.ey Motor Co. experts will solve your problems and save you money. Free estimates, speedy service. Center and Liberty. BULLDOZING and land clearing. 2593 Hollywood PT Phone 4-1838. MICKENHAM S NURSERY STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT ED. HRS 6 A.M. to P-M. PH. 2-7896 HOME builHing. remodeling. Free-es-J uniiies Den wntra. ra. mn. LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phone 4-3373 DAYTIME child care, by day or week in my borne. Ph. 4-5055. 1229 r. etn NURSERY SCHOOL. Fine's Ultra modern. 855 Mission. Ph. 1-7658 LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling. rradinr. Phone 2-3220. CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea sonable. 4240 Macleay Rd. Phone 45961. . Painting For quality work reasonable prices call 2-8623. Licensed Day Nursery Especially for infants and two-year-olds. Phone 2-8022. FISH smoking and fish canning. Sa lem Custom Curing Plant. 3-7003. LAWN and flower bed work. New lawns planted,- asm Koto-UHlng work done. Ph. 3-4563 or 4-1518. PfvINTING. Reasonable prices. Arils nnun. rnont BULLDOZING, yard grading, dirt loading. Ph. 2-7l8. 3460 Nerthgate Ave. . CARPENTER work wanted. New or remodel. Phone 4-5308. CONCRETE work all kinds. Concrete walls.- patios, sidewalks, basements. x-SS28. 4-5320. Can after S n. m.. 618 Education BE A Naturopathic Physician . For fn- lormauon. wnie to wuiuui STATES COLLEGE. Dept. R, 4525 SZ 63rd avenue. Portland. Oregon. HLASS of beginners In piano to be gin study soon, in a weeks, ine class will give its first recital- En rool your child now. Phone 4-6652, 600 Employment 603' Picked Wanted i WORK!!! BEAN PICKERS D. P. McCarthy Sc Son. Bus for bean Slickers will run again Thurs.. Sept. rd. D. P. McCarthy & Son. RU 3, Box 833. Salem. Phone Indepen- denc 19r-3. BEAN PICKERS WANTED, peak picking, cabins. -- stove. ; wood, lights, and showers furnished. Store on grounds. 3-8F4 Werllne Hop Ranch. Independence. WANTED. 3 pickers to pick one acre or oiacKoernes. 1st gravel road S of Cottage Farm to left. H. R. Scholz. Rt. 3. Box 108. 620 Dot and Contract Land Clearing 15 yrs. Exp. Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete job. L. c Mitchell. Phone 3-5337 Salem Sand & Cravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot Phon day 3-9408 Evenings 3-7412. 2-4417 Salem. Oregon 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board NICE room for gentleman. Close in. 633 N. Winter. NICE light housekeeping room, lady 685 N. Church, 2 ROOMS grounds. 3-6857. for rent, close to fair 930 Tamarack. Phone WANTED: Ladies for board room. Ph. 4-3769 after 5. and HEATED sleeping rooms, ladies pre ferred. T. V. and home privileges. 4-2665. DOWNTOWN modern, clean, will furnished. 3 rooms, bath. 658 Cen ter. PLEASANT room near everything 658 Ferry St. 70S Apartments For Rent LEEAPTS. Salem's most distinguished address. Xwo batcneior units available in Sept. Nice large room awith neat, compact puXUnan kitchen; ward robe Sc linen closet, alrge dressing room, bath with tub & shower. In spection invited. 563 N. winter. NICELY furnished, dose in. Clean apt-, refrigerator, stove, private en trance and batn. ideal lor one per son. 245 Union. Ph. 4-1468. UNFURNISHED 3 rooms, .electric stove, refrigerator, automatic wash' er. Adults. 3-7108 mornings. 2-ROAM furnished apt. Electric range, refrigerator. $20 monthly. Elderly person. Phone 3-5276. SMALL furnished apt., private bath. f i rat floor, working conpie. COURT Apt. furnished, private bath. Ground floor, 87.50 week, xjo montn. 4-4835. " 5-ROOM. Ground floor, duplex. Sep- arate bath, furnace, entrance and laundry tray. Unfurnished. Nest, clean Trade and Winter. 3-6553. 1-ROOM Apt. Private entrance, ga rage, close to CapitoL 666 S. Sum mer. CLEAN, furnished apt. Private bath. Phone 4-5578. 3-ROOM modern furnished apt. New ly decorated.' ground floor. 845, in cluding mnnnes. raone -iao7. NEW Court - apt. stove, refrigerator. suburban.. 850.' Phone STATE at 13th. nice roomie- corner furnished apt with bedroom and bath. 850. To see phone 3-4370, UNFURNISHED except for stove-and" refrigerator. 1 bedroom. 2050 N. Capital. Apt. '3. - CLOSE in deluxe apt. 2 beds. N. cottage. 5-ROOM. Ground floor, duplex. Sep arate bath, furnace, entrance and laundry tray. Unfurnished. Neat, clean. Trade and Winter. 3-4553 after Monday noon. . Madison Court Apt. a One newly decorated unfurnished apt. $50. Also nicely if urnished apts. Hollywood Dist. 1065 Madison St. VERY attractive new and clean : 3 rooms . furnished. 3 bloeks to state buildings and shopping, center. Phone 2-7830. ' ' 3-ROOM I urnished apt. UpfUirs.706 ft. Coml. Phone 3-1007. ; FOR ONE OR TWO Everything furnished, close to Cap ital Shopping Center and State buildings. Available now. 1369 Cen ter St. BASEMENT, nicely furnished, I looms, prvlite bath, utilities. z S 20th. " -ROOM apt. partly furnished. Dav- ereaux. 1488 state, fnone z-zaj4. GOOD FURNISHED APTS. $45.00 a month, living-room, bedroom. kitcnen and batn. auto on neat, not water and garage service furnished. Phone 3-3256. LARGE duplex apt. Right down town, adults. 660 Ferry. Phone 3-6275 or 3-3437. , PLEASANT 2 rooms. $30. Ph. 27600. 3-ROOM furnished, ultra modern. radiant heat, bus by door. 1920 Bel vue. Ph. 4-3714. BEAUTIFUL 3 rooms and bath. All electric. Auto, washer.; Ph. 3-8511. 2290 Fairgrounds Rd. CLEAN cheerful 2 & 3 room apts. Unfurnished St furnished. 585 S. 12th. APARTMENT ground floor. 3 rooms. furnished. Adults. Ph. 3-C37S- sen N. High St. SMALL modern 3-room furnished apt Ad lilts, no pets. Sheldon Apart ments. 1360 N. Liberty. LOVELY close in. first floor apt Lets of steam heat and hot water. Sec at 336 Oak St. REDECORATED, private entrance. ground floor, shower. $27 month. Phon 2-9888. COUFT apt extra nice. 3 rooms and bath, stove and Frigid a ire fur nished. T. V. antenna available. In auire 1348 S. 12th. FIRST floor furnished or unf ur- nished. Hested. 1411 Court FURNISHED 3 rm. court apt Newly decorated, close in on N. cool Ph 2-8648 or 3-6644. REDECorat tJ-lT furnished, modern apts. $40. Kate p. 1075 N. Capital. Ambassador I Apts. Nicely furnished apts 550 N Summer. Capitol Plaza 1 FURNISHED and unfurn. apartment! 1165 Chemeketa. Phone s-euo. . - 708 Fanns. Tracts For Bent: fP TOU want a place fa the country. and nave record or paying your rent you can boy - from me. It doesn't cost anything to fmd.t Phone 3-4706. - 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Beat UNFURNISHED one-bedroom house. 825. Rt. 6. Box 809. Ph. 4-1060. l-BEDROOM house. 1940 Broad w a 8u. Call at 4450 Silverton Rd. 2-5153. 3 B.R. unxurn. home, fireplace, at- tached garage. Needs some redec - orating. Water turn. North. 4 B. R. unfurn. home, basement, fire place, lge. garage, near schools. see Joe l. Bourne. kU0 N, CapitoL s stove 3 bed- WIRED for electric rooms, available immediately. Rea sonable. Phone 4-4563. ONE bedroom unfurnished home. Clean, cut. 850. Adults. Inauire 2030 N. 17th. CLEAN 2-bedroom unfurnished house hardwood floors, oil ctrcu lator. attached sarase. Ph. 2-6259. UNFURNISHED house north, 3 yrs. old. very clean, ideal for couple. must be seen to appreciate. See at 1897 N. Water. Phone 2-5624. FOR LEASE or lease option. 2-bed room home, north, near school. $60. Ph. 3-6271. 2-BEDROOM home. Unfurnished. Ph. 2-1534 after 5 p.m. j SUBURBAN 1-bedrooin duplex, neat eIteprtPvrirnih!!d iVor tr"nc- rtlT fuh; 43-0,eoI ""ai complete. Phone 4-1908 or 4-3712. lis BEDROOM house in Keizer.j4y Phone 3-wzi or 3-8116. SMALL modern house. References required. Phone 3-8241. 2-BEDROOM modern home, Eola Hills, lovely view. $63 mo. Call week davs 9-12 and 2-4. 2-0363. ALMOST NEW 1 bedroom uniurnTsh- ed. Hardwood floors, electric heat. close in. 310 S. 15th St. CABINS, $7 a week. 3415 Williams Ave. . CLOSE IN Extra nice street floor duplex 3 rooms, large living room. furniture, creek, car port, sisjio. Ph. 3-S128 eves. UNFURNISHED 5 room house. Kei- cer district. 855 a month. 2-2380. 2 BEDROOM, ail electric, south, apt. range. Phone z-7190. 2-BEDROOM house. North . River N Rd. 1 block school, bus. References. I ' war i a, T- A s. al aa. f V Write P. O. Box 183. Osk Grove. Ore. S ROOM, modern house. Partly fur- nished. Adults. Inquire 3413 Wil liams Ave. 710 Wanted to Rent, Houses WANTED 2-bedroom unfurnished house. Highland school district. Phone 3-5600. s to a. days. 3 OR 4-Bedroom house, near grade school by doctor and family. To $100 a month. Needed Oct. 1st. Box 629. Statesman. WILL PAY 6 months rent advance for 3 to 4 bedroom home near Les lie school, minor repairs, guaran teed. Phone 3-4313. 714 Business Rentals A NICE room in the Trailwsy Bus Depot. Across from new Meier & Frank Bldg. For barber shop or real estate, etc. May be leased for 5 years, call 3-3815. GROUND FLOOR office or store space tor. rent, Call at Fitts Market ib n. commercial s-none OFFICE "SPACE for rent. Excellent! iwa ms wwastwwauss eraser as ai fca w. Call eve. Z-6286. FOR LEASE, business building. 4000 sq. ft. 2193 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3-7124. - J FOR LEASE, 160-200 ft. frontage on Fdgewater SU West Salem. Ira fitts. Phone 3-8403. FOR RENT OR LEASE Office space suitable for doctor or dentist. Located in fast growing community, contact J&usgrave Re- altors. 1211 Edgewater. BLDG. in Hollywood. Approx. 500 sq ft. $50 a mo. Call Rawlins Realty at 2-4664 or 4-176L 800 Real Estate y2 ACRE TRADE This new beautiful 2-bdrm home (EAST). Will sell or trsde for good home or acreage in S. Salem, equal value to $9,500. 5 ACRES WITH NICE LITTLE HOME all mod ern. 2 -car garage. In Pringle Dist Price $5600. only $isoo down. 118 ACRES 55 A. in cult. Bal pasture. On Falls City Highway. Near Dallas. With almost new 2-bdrm. modern home. All for $12,000 TERMS. 85 Acres Near Marquam DUE TO ILL HEALTH MUST SELL this farm with creek. 60 A. in emit new irrigation system. 3-bdrm home PRICE REDUCED TO $16300. (TAKE SMALL ACREAGE OR I HOME TO 88000 IN TRADE) SEE T. T. ANDERSON FOR A FARM EVE. PH. 4-2714 N . Dial 4-4494 5 801 Business Oportuntttes MOTEL Can be bought at a price you can make money. Nod-A-Way Motel. TRADE OR SELL SMALi, MOTEL Located on 89E north, 2 units f urn. plus 3 br. living quarters. Room for expansion. $13,000 or take home on acreage near Salem tn trade. SPECULATOR ATTN 81.000 DN. House with 5 sm. sots, needs deco rating throughout. Good cr. It. I Only $4,500. Call Nell KnltteU with ALLEN C JONES. REALTOR 231 N. High Ph. 3-5838, Eve. 4-2310 AGATE AND HOBBY SHOP Good location on Portland Rd. Equip ment and stock. Have fun while you earn. Faye Seal. Broker. Phone 4-5384. , LOOK! You can retire. Groceries Sc meats. Gross 670.000 to $80,000 year ly. Living quarters, building. 1.000 sq. ft Corner lot 187x127, lota of , parknlg. $6,000 to $7,000 stock;. Fix tures $6,000. Sell or lease bldg. Take good home, mortgage or contract. Write 838. co statesman. For Sale in Busy Sawmill & Plywood Town with $10 million annual payroll. Gas station and fully equipped garage. Lincoln welder, Jimey steam clean ,er. HaB valve facer and seater. ' Bid. is 30 x 40. SO ft frontage on highway, 18 complete stock of parts. Price is $7000. Some terms at low interest. Owner wants to retire. Also lovely home and yard next door priced right EARL L. RICHARDSON , Real Estate and Insurance Broker Phone 2522. Box 344. WUlamlna. Ore. (Br the Bridge) BUSINESS and Highway IVontag USINESS and Highway Frontage on S. ME. With nice bungalow only $8,500. Must sacrifice. Hi Way snop south ox tne new theater. RESTAURANT eouioment dough mixer, baker's scales, stools, stand. table, sink. fans, trench fryer and cutter, cash register, show case, oil burning water beater, dishes, pans, misc. Phone Turner 465, BY OWNER, lea vine town. 4 8 bedrooms, basement nrepiace, ga , rage, corner lot Hollywood dist , Shown by appointment only. A aeiTE JTrL4"5:, 1 Hubbax(L-en Highway 89. Service station Jc garage with U vug quar ters. Large grounds ana weu. a ood buy 8c terms to suit Write W. I iTagner. P. O. 4291 Portland or CaU I Ca 1358. j. ' . i 86o Real Estate w . 1 ''T' "oa.: one kfSSS- ehh Mr; JTL"1 fireplace, din. rm, mahogany trim, kitchen, full basmt. auto-forced air heat. Dble. garage. CALL J. fJ0 CAP! TOD-Only 3 !r?d,'.??wup.,f01 ..Ji I . wmm ss B. nJKHOOD GROCERY A good locaUon. Hia-hwav fronts.. Cn. rmnmm wnmmw n i i Jz. " . t necessary equipment, s-yr. ai5? i?- iawX- " approx. $8500. Price $5A00. Good 1 SDYXZ?,) mZi hJTkI. ZZuPlZJ?' .. - V- - wun ouut-ui buffet. Tiled bath and kitchen, utility rm, attached single garage. CALL J. . LAW. SKXRC??,TPM1tct r5"JP . Kvui-guuunu s-oarm. nome plus den. dbte. plbg lots of LtiVt!"117 room for a few horses or eatUe. beautiful sta-?l?-i'?Pwi?mJ!hwl. Pclou lawns, lge. paUo. Home overlooks ?ltZJ,d.ruF- Owner leaving state. For further details CALL soy . . ruuua. 0,5Olrn-A. 4dnn' Hom "v, rm. din. rm. kitchen W! brkl- ook. A full basement wit ha third bdrtai. Fireplace, new oU furnace, lota of fruit trees. Price 112,500. OWLLHrk. LAYMON. GRABENH0RST BRoi1 REALTORS fJrf U Liberty St H. K. Laymon 2-9193 Roy WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE NEED LISTINGS: Homes, Farms, A. cr cafes. Businesses, Motor Courts, xaverns What Have You 7 rFire the Landlord" And have a home of your own. High tano anst. 2mau out verv neat. Wired for dryer and plumbed for washer. A dandy for only $4,950.00. ana asy terms tool $825 Down and Your chance of a life time. Brand new 2-bedroom home, hardwood floors, nice dist. uii floor furnace Total price Only $8,250. Your Heart's Desire 3-bedroom home. Basement. Auto matic neat, immediate possession. in uouywood uiat. a "Must-See for those interested In Qualltv Priced at $11,250. Extremely good terms arranged. Need More Room? Owner will trade for smaller house. This has z Urge bedrooms; 1,350 sq. 'ft., fireplace, hardwood floors. a nome with today's essentials priced at $13,500. Terms. T tt 1 1 o a r aimiOUtlt Hill bpeCial piiv VOUl nyt ID vasr rmwkW mahaw into permanent security. 3 bed rooms, extra large lot with ad Joining lot available. 4 yrs. old. anouio go b. i. race only $6,830. Be Your Own Boss In this, nice restaurant Seats about 12. Nicely arranged and in clean condition. Owner will trad for home or acreage. See it today, jricea at omy aaao. Wholesale Iitreiness This is a golden opportunity. Last yrs. sales over 8800,000. Very well established. No dead stock. Equip ment In very fine condition. Shown by appointment only. Rent on bldg. only $165 per mo. Fixtures 37JDO0. Stock at wholesale apprx. $40,000. no pnone imormauon please. Steady Income 8 Apts.. 3 sleeping rooms and own. er's quarters too. Location is ideal. Practically In down-town Salem. Priced at $14,000, $5,000 Down. Owner will consider Portland trade. 4 Here Today But most likely gone tomorrow. It's a real ouy. 10 acres plus. All fur niture goes and' immediate - posses aion. Barn, Chicken house. All fenced. 4-bedroom house. 'Only $6,850. and $1,000 down will buy it. nee n now. , Peaceful Suburban Living With 3-bedroom home lust 3 miles from Salem. An every day vaca tion from noise and crowded liv ing. Machine shed. Barn. Pump nouse. tooo wen. meed at $8,500, Terms arranged. ' 20 Acres Where you can retain that lost en thusiasm for living. North of Sa. lem. 2-bedroom home and several out-bidgs. Walk-in cooler. Priced to sell IT.500. Good terms can be arranged. For Business Opportunities anf Homes call for: DAN ISAAK (Eve. 4-3533) - RAY GRIMMETT (Eve. 2-7879 MR. CRAWFORD (Eve. 4-5020) ror Farms omy call for: MR. LEAVENS (Eve. 3-4735) If no answer call 4-2248. licensed also in' Wash. Sc Idaho MORTGAGE LOANS AND CONVENTIONAL LOANS 20 Year Maturity AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 3035 Portland Road , Office Phones 4-3311 or 3-7820 Eve. 3-4735. 4-3533.-4-5020. 1-757$ If no answer Phone 4-2248 I WANT AN OFFER Suburban 3-bedroom. ranch home. Double plumbing, double garage, two xu-epiaces and party room. Daylight basement. near new school, city water. View I Someone la going to make a good buy. Cash. trade or terms.' Ph. 2-6160. Owner Transferred Must sell their home in Englewood a un. years old. Hardwood floors, fireplace, forced air heat attached garage, fenced-in back yard. IB. 1. down, good stairway to unfinished attic. Close to school Sc bus. $12,000. CaU Dolly. Good Farm Buy Owner anxious to sell this 44 acres of Willamette soil, year round creek, old bldgs. Located N. How ell Prairie district $15,500. Call Joy. a-- ri li 1 . i 155,500 Will DUV thlS One I, - v.. ' ki , .-"w- 8c fruit trees- Clou to achooL Bus by door. Older Home dose to high school and shopping center. Make us an offer. , Art Madsen, Realty 1328 State . Ph. 3-5580. 3-312 SlTBuIlnsss Proper FOUR business corners $2450 to $11.- 0OO. Ph. 3-8835 for details. Walt , Socolofslry Resl Estate. . PERMANENT Income grossing U57 Boat 64. Independence. 1 800 Real Estate V ' L - or Salem's top residential districts 4 yrs. old. excellent condition throughout, 0" Pce. Br. rm, din. rm.. hdwd. ni.brtck planter front. For addl- fUUUS. ... - - terms. 'r f-eioua 3-bdrm. home. r supplement family Income. Located I . ' Ph. 3-3471 Evenings 8c Sundays call. Ferris 2-3010 J. X. Law J-S11J NELSON South 15th Street . Newly decorated attractive 2-bdrm, lastered home. hwd. firs., utit rm. it 50x100. garage, pvd. st 1 bile to bus, good garden spot Only 36.750. Call Mrs. Wootten. i View Acre' This unusual suburban home was built to be lived in. Living rm. 14x28 with west valley view. Large red brick f place, natural wood fin isn with open beam celling. Large finished dormitory, upstairs room Ideal for 2 bdrms, lots of trees and garden area. Only $8,450. Call Mrs. Wootten. i Owner Leaving Istate Just $1,700, Including cost will make this excellent 3 bdrm. home on , paved St. sidewalks and sewer, yours. Beautifully landscaped yard. Home spick and span inside and out Total price on $10,300. Call Al Watts 3-65. p Suburban Home Neat cozy 3-bdrm. home located on creek. Ideal for children and pets with fenced-in yard. W1U trade for 3-bdrm. home near Leilie or Englewood dist- Price $8,500. $1500 Down" CLOSE IN TO CAPITOL A good older 3-bdrm. home, kitchen modernized. Interior good thruout -.new roof. lge. lot on pvd. alley. Lots of fruit trees, all for $8,760; $1,800 dwn. ' ' ' ' ' Down Town 30-UNTr APARTMENT Owner's health forces liquidation. Wonderful earning record netting . over $700 pr. mo. Property In good cond. Excellent terms may be ar ranged for qualified buyer. Owner will accept home, contracts, or , mortgagee as dwn. payment Price $70,000. CaU Mr. Schmidt Nelson . & Nelson Specializing Realtor 703 N. High St Phone 3-366$ 808 Houses For Sal New Home - Now Ready RANCH TYPE with 3 Urge airy bed rooms, plenty bullt-lnsa Urge liv ing room. Haw. floors throughout spacious kitchen with dining area, full deep basement ' Automatic Chrysler furnace, large 3-car ga rage. At $15,000, you will agree it's a bargain. See Mr. Johnson at once. ED D. POTTER, Realtor 213 S. High St. Ph. 3-3630 or 3-637$ OWNER'S SACRirlCET Beautiful 3-bedroom home in Can- dalalra Heights, unobstructed view, reel daylight bssement, party room, 3 fireplaces. Birch kitchen, etc. 133 Culver Lane. Phone 4-5865. BYbWNER 1 Bedroom. Large ptay- room. Two fireplaces. Landscaped, i Morr.lnnide school. 688 Ratcllff Dr. ' THIS most attractive, - clean 2-bed room home. Hardwood floor, in sulated, floor furnace, deep lot close to bus and school. - Can be nourht for 6600 down. Call 2-6908. BYlOWNER and builder. newTbed"- eoom plastered home, close to nign school, paved street pries $12,700. Located 1060 N. 13th. Will consid er csr or lot trsde - in. For an- ' polntment call 3-3800. ESTABLISHED 3 year old home for rural family living. Landscaped, l acre of ground, more available. 4 bedrooms, 3 M baths. Full dry base ment 2 fireplaces, expert interior decorating) Spacious rooms, small bam. Built by builder for bis own home. Phone 2-1316. BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom home. Has' everything. Auto, washer. Near bus. 2-7650. BY OWNER, modern 3 bedroom borne. l',s or 2', seres., Keizer dist Very reasonable. Phone 4-170S. XBEDROOM house. loOIuxHo. Full price $4500 Call evenings 075 Cadar wav.' ATTRACTIVE I large rooms, nook. full basement unfinished upstairs, shrubs flowers, convenient loca tion, near Salem High and Farrlsh. Phone owner 3-821 5. I BY OWNER, new ranch type home. 1350 sq. ft.. Dining. Dircn sutcnen with nook, utility, fireplace, birch china closet -hot air oil .furnace, large garage, covered patio, many other fine features. Must bo seen to appreciate. FJH.A. Committment 1070 James St., Kelrer. 1', blks. from school. Lot 103x183. Phone 9-1 lis. i BEDROOMS. 1 hatha. 1 JirepUces. double garage, playroom, view. Will trade for Portland residence. Phone j 3-4448. BY QWNER, 7-room borne, full base- meat with deep freeze, large gar den with approximately 2 acres. Ideal location for development 2210 Chmeeketa. Phone 3-0674. WISfALEM-eunquity"ln 3-be3T room house. Close to scnooi. at tached garage. Will take late model car as part of equity. Total price o. pnone s-xzio. R Good homo oa large business lot wea located. Hollywood dist Sa lem. Write e Statesman. Box 627. t-ROOM house and IS acres. 1 miles out $7500. Terms. Immediate pos session, contact Jonn sranzen at Blthop's Clothing Store. gOODfeUY BEDROOMS, fireplace, wall-to-wall carpeting, large lot northeast Sa lem. $8,200. $l.ooo down. Faye Seal. Kr. Phone 4-5384. NEW 2 bedroom home, has fireplace. marvelous kitcnen ana ou zurn- ace heat Also has a nice big liv , ng room or will rent five years lease. Near new schools. Phono 2-8183. ,' ri6Mt AtfD INCOME Good location for school, shopping and hoapitel. flQa. Faye Seal. Br. Ph. 4-3384. .