" ' ' DAILY AND SUNDAY The Nation's Top Comics , Your Home Newspaper BLONDE DICZ THACY TWtt IS THE ANTITOXIN PCtt. THE BLUE-BACK ANT BfTE, mS TO BE ADMIN t-IUL LITTLE ANNIE BOONEY BUZZ SAWYER MICZEY MOUSE I Ww.Mr : iff 1 I f -ouiuuuuiiiujiiiu 1 . CvJHATSTHE) NaKSS- 4 I Vw WHATS THE I "3 bP2 ii f SW, V GOLLY TERO-V THAT MAN IS AN ARCHITECT, AN! f h'tf " t) THAT? rT PlAYXWOUMOA SWIMMIN POOL AN WILL BE JUST LIKE MAVIM'A II im, I .Si n ll SOUNDS UnCA m DlC. MVS Wt IJJ I -iwwt- r..r t2CT'A pv TA. P------- V Tf. BACK YARD WONT IT S rr i : v. -. ,-r ni I i-ni 7 I op kiiliti ! THEYRE IT swill A XMPTY! ' A EL. fr'B'.7i - 0U3 AKYTMWfi ASOUT up? y baby LzbiyFviflcS ! V om XPAif J co? woo?yryf anp PfJ If W"'- L a MIAA AKOUNC?, McNAlLV'- T'UL. JUST gg gESTlN BIP CBBY gRtNSSHIS ptSTOL 9UTT com, IN Is GASOLINE ALLtT Rjdo would wait 1 things happen 1 untii our vocstion to uddnly Corky. BARNEY GOOGLE SAKE5 AUVEU r JES BEEN HUrUW; DOC9 SVUAMPEO WIF PORE OL' UNK SnUFPVS 60NE FROM THIS MOkniN' BAD TO WUSS 2 B.O. AND I U4VE TQS3fia UAQDTO JQ"TL KEEPTMEM MEAtXWY TVEV L AND STRONG vVBc OKwf. NOW. tnj i i , r n C I 1 1 I - I il 1 I I 1 I n J II - I . .1 EXCUSE ME FOK eTAlhkS ... BUT 1 Ul K JT HE COULPfST CHANGE r-rfCANT 5ET OVEK AAE BRAINS! I'VE GOT t X WAS ONCE A ""slvtXlR BEING TWE Sl-ATHEfS9 Of TWIAA! J ' VERTV IMPORTANT R?? KING'S PTSIME V . . ( c?ipijavvAT...-nLu ministeri 1 STTZZ THE KING CHANggP Jl V ' I 1 ( JFfZe J l ANOTHEfECUFRCferV VJlUH (a WILL KEEP UIM W AfN.fi THAT IMAY! jrC IJ VjVl i.y .... M i W the man He ouqhtYasn't anytxxly ever TO Vm wi ccmrci or me i som - situation and not leave I us in the mien, a r t us m th lurch. A is in the minority J Prt 1 SNUFPTS GOT A RJRjE-flALL IN USCMST-j jrw luAcnuo mule is Muff CALLS LUKPS TVT PtP VJUI04 MEANMW F. ATfSUNNV THE NEW BATPOOCM fT WAS PEQTWEM? NCMtUAvBE THEY WaNTCerACHANCETOUSg WITH SWINGS AM'SUOES AN' l UTTLE MERSY-6O-R0UMDS- IT WILL BE JUST LIKE MA VIM A fcce crocus in vour own BACK YAOO- WONT IT 6EPUM?! JbWS HIX.OUTf fwrien his one ygu iiictc ane tinws when tne man in the minority UWe nps CHICKENS VWUE COT - UH - LET ME SfcE- 0N OUGHT X LOOK AT FUST By CHIC YOUNG By CHJk-.--B GOULD By DABBELL McCLUBE HOW ARE T GONE FOBEVER THE KIDS, MAVBEf OONTASK lU BETYA NO K0 WILL EVER PLA HOOldV FROM THIS SCHOOL m. 8ETYA WHEN SCHOOL IS LET OUT, THE UOSWUXPUVMOOKy ROM HOME "X PLAV (M THE 6VMNASIUM- 7 By ROY CRANE By WALT DISNEY By ALEX RAYMOND OHNOI By UNO stiongYjust the samel 1 ti ;ns&.' -; 1 1 purpose can oe our- I rt wa mqnty voted by two pouuig inconsiderate.' By FRED LASSWELL I : TELL VOCE UNK SNUFFY J A1 I'LL BE THAR AS SOON J-Ti-3fV S I LOOK AT THESE I f Den 7cj!i Stiz QcofaEszs By THS ASSOCIATED PRES Admiral Corporation 23 Allied Chemical 6tV4 Allis Chalmers 4H American Airlines k American Power u lAgnt i American Tel. & Tel. .1M American Tobacco 73: Aoaconda Copper 32 Vi Atchison Railroad 8$3& Bethlehem Steel 47 Boeing Airplane Co. 39 Vi Borg Warner 66 Burroughi Adding Machine 13 Caliornia Packing 23f Canadian Pacific Zi Caterpillar Tractor 49 Cetanese Corporation 22 V Chrysler Corporation 67 Cities Service 76 Consolidated Edison 39 Consolidated Vultee 17 H Crown ZcUerbach 28 H Curtiss Wright 7H Douglas Aircraft 64 duPont de Nemours 96 Eastman Kodak 42 tt Emerson Radio 10 General Electric 704 General Foods . 55 V. General Motors 55 ' Georgia Pac Plywood 12 tt Goodyear Tire 45 ft Homestake Mining Co. 35 International Harvester 25 tt International Paper 49 Johns Mahville 57 Kaiser Aluminum , 24 tt Kennecott Copper 60 Portland Produce PORTLAND un Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 68-71 Tb; first quality 66-69; second quality 63-86. Valley routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter Wholesale, i.o.d. du cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 66 lb; 92 score, 65; B, 90 score, 63; C. 89 score, 6a Cheese Selling pnee to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 42 tt- 45 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf 48tt-50tt. Eggs To wholesalers Candied eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, f.o.b. Portland A grade large 66 tt-67 tt; A medium 62 tt- 64 tt; A grade smalls 43 tt; B grade large 58-62 . Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 74: A large, 68-69; AA medium, 65-66; A medium, 64-65; A small, 44. Cartons 3 cents addi tional. Live chickens No. 1 quality, f.o.b. plants Fryers, 2tt-3 lbs, 31; 3-4 lbs, 31; roasters, 4tt lbs, up, 31; heavy hens,, all weights. 18-19i light hens, all weights, 15-16; old roosters 14-16. Rabbits Average to growers- Live white, 4-5 lbs, 20-23, 5-6 lbs, 18-22; old does. 10-12, few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 57-59; cut up 61-65. Wholesale dressed meats: Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 53.00-57.00; rounds, 50.00 55.00; full loins, trimmed, 70.00 78.00; triangles, 27.00-32.00: fore quarters. 28.00-34.00; chucks, 35.00 38.00; ribs. 49.00-55.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, H2 lb, 59.00-65.00; shoulders, IS lbs, 39.00 43.00; spareribs, 52.00-55.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, 63.00-66.00; car casses, choice 120-170 'lbs 38.50 40.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 28.00-38.00; commercial, 24.00-30.00. Lambs Choice-prime, 38.00- 40.00; good 34.00-38.00. Wool Grease basis, Willamette Valley medium, 50-52 lb; Eastern Oregon fine and half blood, 55-62; Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42; 12-month wool, 45-50. Country-dressed meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef Cows. 23-26 lb; canners- cutters, 17-19; shells down to 13. Veai Top quality, lightweight, 30-31; rough heavies. 20-28. Hogs Lean blockers, 38-39 lb; sows, light, 32-34. Lambs Best. 35-36 lb. bnlonslW. White Globe. 2.25- med. 1.75-2.00; lrg.. 1.25-1.40. Potatoes Boardman Long Whites, No. 1A. 2.25-35; Washing ton Russets 2.75-3.00; No. 2. 50 lb sack, 80-85; Wash, Long Whites, No. 1, 2.00-25. Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa. 28.00-30.00, delivered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and Seattle. Dr. T. V. La ND Dr.O. Chaa,KO DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUKOPATHS Upstairs. Ill North liberty Ofnee eea Saturday eniy. IS te 1 , to t Consults. Uoa. bleed press. re and arise tests are tree e4 charge. Practiced ae.ee 1917. Write fee attractive gift. Ne rrsWCETOKPOPUUH Keep teeth, triglxti n Tj'- c. r vucw wihk wmnin si. i --t-UL iwtkbri. MKWS 'I- -- Freshens taste, sweetens breaih. i-JFzigrMi mt m----3 ; Llbby. McNeffl . t Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated 11 tt Long Bell A 25 Montgomery Ward 57 Va Nash Kelrinator IS tt New York Central 21 tt Northern Pacific 55 tt Pacific American Fish 9tt Pacific Gas It Electric 28 Pacific Tel. ft Tel. 112 Packard Motor Car 4tt Penney (J. C.) Co. 69 tt Pennsylvania R. R. 19 tt Pepsi Cola Co. . 12 tt Philco Radio 28 Radio Corporation 21 tt Rayonier Incorp. 23 tt Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel 44 Reynolds Metals 44 tt Richfield Oil 49 tt Safeway Stores Inc. 38 Scott Paper Co. 61 tt Sears Roebuck A Co. 56 tt Socony-Vacuum Oil 32 tt Southern Pacific ! 38 tt Standard Oil Calif 50 Standard OH N. J. 69 tt Studebaker Corp. 26 Sunshine Mining 7 tt Swift tt Company 38 Transamerica Corp. , 26 tt Twentieth Century Fox 17 tt Union Oil Company 39 tt Union Pacific 104 United Airlines 23 United Aircraft 37 tt United Corporation 5 United States Plywood 24 United States Steel 35 tt Warner Pictures 12 Western Union Tel 42 Westinghouse Air Brake 24 tt Westinghouse Electric 41 V Woolworth Company 43 tt Salem Market Quotations Aa of lat yesterday) BCTTKKFAT Premium No. 1 No. a BUTTER Wholesale .70 .67 44 .71-.73 .78 Retail EGGS (BnylBf) (wholesale prices ratife from to 7 cents over buylnr Diice) Large AA M Large A .86 Medium AA .M Medium A .54 Pullet POULTRY Colored Hens 19 At JO .14 JO Leghorn Hens Colored Fryers Old Rooster. Roasters Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press August 31 STOCK AVERAGES . 30 IS Indus! Rails Net chafe D2.8 D2.3 IS SO Utll. Stks. D .6 D 22 U S 102 4' 53 - 104.6 5.1.1 106.2 53.0 109 2 53 6 106.4 Monday 133.1 Previous day 133.9 Week ago 137.T ; Month ago 141.7 Year ago 141.7 New 1953 low. 77.7 80 2 0.1 87.3 MS BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 rail lndust. utll. fsm Net change D .1 unch unch O J Monday 92.4 96.2 93.8 79 2 Previous day 92.5 96 2 93.5 79.4 Week ago 92 I 96 3 93 6 79.5 Month ago VIS M l 93.9 79- Year ago 93.6 98 4 96 t 774 Portland Livestock PORTLAND (USDA)-CatUe salable 2.900: market rather slow. most classes steady with late last week; some bids lower on grass steers, heifers and beef cows; load choice 1025 lb fed steers 28.00; part load low choice 849-lb and short load heavier weights 25.00; few loads good 938-1.095 lb supple mentary fed grass steers 22.00- 23.00; several loads mostly good around 950-1.050 lb grass steers 18.50-20.00; utility and commercial steers unevenly 11.50 -17.50; two loads choice 806 and 828 lb fed heifers 22.50 and 23.00; few good heifers 18.00; utility and commer cial grades mostly 10.00-16.00; can ner and cutter cows largely 7.50- 8.50. few 9.00; shells down to 5.00; 9 S0' few corn- young cows scarce; heavy utility and commer cial bulls mostly 13.00-14.50; cutter and utility light bulls 10.00-12.00. Calves salable 350. market about steady; good-choice light vealers' 17.00-19.00; few prime 20.00; good and choice above 350 lb calves 14.00-16.00; cull and utility calves and vealers 7.00-11.00. ' Hogs salable 750, market steady with late last week; choice one and two butchers 180-235 lb 26.25-27.00; few choice three lots 26.00; choice 250-290 lbs 24.50-25.50: choice 325 500 lb sows 21.00-23.00; lighter weights to 23.50. Sheep salable 1,500; market un even; spring Iambs weak-.50 low er; feeders mostly steady; ewes unchanged; good-choice spring Lambs 16.00-17.00; several lots mostly choice 17.00.50; one lot choice prime 18.00; good feeders mostly 15.00; good slaughter ewes 3.50-4.50, culls down to i.50; common-good breeding ewes 3.50-6.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND OP) No bids or offers. Monday's car receipts: wheat 88; barley 14; flour 13; corn 6; oats 1; mill feed 18. NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING As executor of the estate of HERB ERT L. 8TTJT. deceased, the under signd has filed la Circuit Court of Oregon for Marlon County, In Pro bate, his final account In estate of said decedent, and September 30. 1953.' 9:13 o'clock a.m and courtroom of said court have been appointed by said court for bearing of objections to said account and settlement there of. HERBERT L. STTTT. JR., As Executor Aforesaid Wallace P. Carson and Allan G. Carson. Attorneys for Executor An. IS. 25. Spu 1. 8. 15. a sparkling smife u important Yl w"lct' is sr. I L Statesman. Salw Orsw Twclcry. Sept 1. 18S3 Sc 2V 5 Stock Market Hits Lowest Point of Year NEW YORK m The stock market dropped to a new low for the jrear Monday. It was the year's third worst fall. All sections of the market were engulfed in the decline, especially the railroads. Losses extended to between 1 and 3 points with many issues going beyond that range. 1 The market has been sliding lower for the past two weeks with declines registered in 10 out of the past 12 sessions. The move is regarded as an ad justment of stock prices to the low er levels of general business ex pec ted i later this year and next. When the, industrial segment of tne market broke through to a new low for the year, that Immediately became a signal for professional selling.: The public had little or no part in trading. ine Associated tress averages of 60 stocks declined 12.20, highest drop since June 9 and the third heaviest of the year. At the close the average stood at 1102.40. olume : amounted to 2.190.000 shares, considerably higher than recent sessions. Call 2-2441 To Place Ad 300 Personal 310 M ttng Notlcs SALEM LODGE NO. 4. AT. Sc AM. Wed.. Sept. 2. Stated Communication, S:00 P.M. 312 Lost and found LOST: Red purse. Sunday afternoon near Capitol Bldg. Wilson Park. Check stubs of value to wwner. Please caU 2-5897. 316 Psraonal I WILL NOT be responsible jr any 'lebts unless contracted by myself. ,. Thomas L. Snethen. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group N L 2088 N. Commercial. Phone 3-9419 or 3-4537. P. Q Boat 724. ALCHOLICS Anonymous. iisTi W. Commercial St. Ph. 2-210 or 2-2S43. 400 Agriculttire 402 LlTMlock BEAUTIFUL PaUmlno Mare. Must be sold by Saturday. Best offer takes. Ph. 2-2923. WANTED I AU kinds of horses. E. C. McCandlUh. 1127 S. 25th. Phone 3-8147. BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Edwards. Rt. X Boat S99. Ph. 4-1113. 'CENSED and bonded Evestock buyer. E. L Snethen. 15 Kenwood Ave. Phone 2-1345. LOCKER Bt'.FT. Hereford. 24c; locker pork 45c Nothing down. months to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loan ed tree. Salem Meat Co. 1325 S. 23th. Ph. S-4S38. aONDJtD Livestock Buyer. A. T. Sommtr, U8S Harmony Dr. Ph. .2617? fiONDEb UVETOCK buyer. E." McCandllsh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. S-S147. 404 Poul try end Rabbtte WAiITED Leghorn and colored hens Any quantity immediately. Will pay over top Portland Mitt. Lee's Matcnery. mens a-zaci. CUSTOM killing. Eowl of any kind. Ph. 4-3426. Newell's Poultry Plant Kill days a week. Rt. S. Box 108. Salem. WE are hatching New Hampshire-, Golden Broads, and Arbor acres White Rocks every week. Special prices to year round fryer growers. Fox Hatchery, 3830 Stat St. Phone 3-4969. 408 Pats REGISTERED Dalmatian puppies. Ph. Monmouth 8273. TO GIVE away to farmer or rancher. 3-months-old Austratlian Blue Shepherd. Good breeding. Call after 5 Dm.. 3-8564. TbUNG Parakeets. Blue or green. ji.vo. fit. t.iaxTer ma GOOD home for 3 kittens. 2723 SSt verton Rd. PARAKEETS carefully selected young birds. Choice colors. 31 SO Livingston. Phone 2-1842. i GERMAN Shepherd -female year and a Kegisrcrea ajv.u excellent breeding. $123. Phone 2-7C34. DACHSHUND pup. 9 weeks "old". black. See at 245 S. High. WANTED female fox terrier puppy. won registered, ynone --7J31. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM, 195S Mc Coy, 1 block east of N. Capitol, H, blocks north of Madison. Ph. 2-A897. CHAMPION bred boxer puppies. Ev- ery pup a potential champion. Moore's Tropical fish, equipment. Goldfish. Parakeets. 2 miles from Lancaster on Macleey Road. Phone 4-3770. Closed on Wednesdays. 410 Sndi and PlantT WANT to buy. Whito (grand) fir cones, loggers, ranchers I We pay $1.30 per bushel or 4 cents per pound whichever Is more. Bring to our plant or write us lor name of buyer near you. Woodseed. Sm- Inn. 4-3533. BEGONIAS, 5 for 31X0. 1 week only. Cazxell's Greenhouse. I1, zni. on Lai don Rd. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce PEACHES. J. H. Hale, and Improved Albertas. First load wed., sent. 2nd. Puritan Cider Works, 791 Ed&ewater. W. Salem. BARTLETT pears and Gravensteln apples. Sprayed. 52. 310 W. Chem awa Rd. Keizer. Phone 2-0181. l. Keir CUCUMBER U-pick, Sc. Rt 2, Box i93B. Phone 4-3847. Clear Lake BAKTIJfcTT pears Sl-U 52.00 a box Ph. 2-2224. 4510 Oaxter Rd. PEARS for saleTATS. Holtzclaw. 4430 Claxter Rd. tVAKTLXTT pears. Si pel $1 per box for No. 2. Sl5 for orchard r run. 31.73 for No. U Phone 2-0047. CUCUMBERS for dill, $2 I per Duanei. 255-r. 4-1354 Al Nolan. Rt 2, Box ve. 1 Beans GET YOUR CANNING AND FREEZ ING BEANS NOW. U-PICK. 4c A POUND. BEST BEANS YOU CAN GET GROWN ON LAKE LABISH. 2 MILES NORTHEAST OF KEIZ ER. . WATCH SIGNS TO BEAN TTARDj. RALPH HOES INC. PHONE S-S58SJ BALED HAY. Aalia. S)l7 a ion. Good Imeadow hay 513. a ton. Tice Ranches. . Burns. Oregon, or call fiam ana Pmll, nH nr.fnn MOST varieties of peaches ' E season. Worm ire L.ravensieina. i: mun on Wallace Rd. L. E. Wcndt grow er rrm SaJA Vlamath Alfalfa hay. Delivered if desired. J. P. uersn telt. Manlln. Ore. Box 507. 400 ApxicTjJtnre 412 Fruit and Farm Prodaew- Pickling j Cukes - fresh dally from ir farm. ' Field run So lb. Organically grows pota toes, red or white, Peaches, black berries. Phillips Bros. Farm Market. rrON aJialia and rye grass hay. iiA ion in uu ziajo. werune Hon Ranch, Independence. Phone tart. 425 Auction SoLcs j AUCTION - i. . Xast Side AucUon House Thurs-Sept. is, T P.'M. Restaurant Equipment new e-noie uectne Steam , DM, large electric fans, new dishes 8s silverware, good electric dough mixer, ladles, pots 4. pens. China . -aps. Many other Items. " 1 AUCTIONS ' OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S i TONTTX. 440 CENTER IT, SALEM 450 Ierchjndisg K 4S5 HMhold Goods For Sol. S ROOMS of fin furniture, include nig G. E. Refrigerator, Automatic Washer . Chrome I Set, Etc. 28S Portland Rd. GENERA-TsTiectrlc 'spin dri washer; Good condiUon S35J Phone 4-2532. . ilk Wonted WAPOED ! USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE , Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 r CAall 1'OUA. Good utM fumitur or will ecu on conslgnm-nt ph. 2-8098 SudtcQ's Auction 458 Bulldlna Mcrtsnim Red Cedar Shingles Best grade, coast or mountain tlm oer, aeirverea- prices, mo, , fe.z, No. X S5; No. $, 94;. No. 4, MJO. COMMON LUMBER Complete mill stock. Ship lap 2x4 arm wider. Delivered prices az per Salem 2-1196 evenings. Beautiful Used Brick teriors. Phone 2-7411 2-3SS5 after 10 a.m. On your lot to your specifications. is mo. to pay. rree esumates. Bork man Lbr. and Hdw. Co. Phone 3-3701. 34 State. m PLYWOOD Interior Sc Exterior, 4x1 sheets or In cut sizes. Mill ends 3c ft. up. Cedar Sdg. ; clean tip) 1IA0 to 35.00 M. Doors 4.95 np. Birch. Ma- nag. mir m sup spoors, s-envi is nr. Shakes 10.TS Sq. sa. Hard board 1.7S sheet. Hem Sdg, rig. 09.50. Mldgs- Wallboard. Roofing, decorative panels, and Lumber all priced light free delivery Sc estimating service, nothing down 3 mo. to pay. Open all day Sat Portland Road Lumber Yard 3343 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-44M WINDOWS Largest stock la Salem. New weath er - stripped windows .completely assembled, $14t0 up. Large modern sashes and crystal picture windows, as up. Pick your choice at bargain , prices. -1 PLUMBING I New toilets with seat $23 50 SO" x 18" washbasins complete 17M Bathtubs with fittings . St BO Double laundry trays complete 30.7S Shower cabinets complete 43.00 ' Double kitchen gfnka. electric ws W m i ii i.i.mi T r I 4" solid Orangeburg pipe 3Se 500-gaL steel septic tanks CI JO BARGAIN Colored bsth sets OTHER BARGAINS Metal garage doors with hdwe . 45.00 New 4xS plasterboard ' 1.40 4x8 waterproof wallboard .. 1.75 interior at exterior plywood cheap Nails, carload supply S.7S Overhead garage door, hdwe M Loose insulation, per bagl l.oo RoU bUnket insulation .. .. BARGAIN V- "Jap Birch" plywood !" "Jap Birch" plywood Sle 42c 923 SjOO 4jM mahogany plywood No. 1 cedar shingles No. S cedar shingles No. 3 cedar shingles Three-tab comp. roofing BARGAIN Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types glass doors LOWtST FRlcr- New fir door jambs , - 2.M Painted cedar shakes 10.75 Unpalnted cedar shakes 4jM New asbestos siding; , I M Exterior white paint ' S 95 Shake molding, per ft 1 J0 Cedar fence posts Cheap , 1 C.G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 I I mile N. of Kelr Roofing 57.70 per Square. 3 and 1 thick tab shingles (from ear load shipment). Take direct from car (save). Place your order now pick up on arrival of car. Car due first of September. KEITH BROWN Lumber Yard From Jc Court Street ' Phone 3-9111 We Give SSrH Green Stamps Remodel, Repair, Now, Save your cash for rainy day. Ne Sows payment SS aaenthj to pay. Epping Lumber Co. 574 SU verton ltd. Phone 44123 Open aH day Saturdays 460 Musical Instrtnnnts HOHNER accordion. Uke new. New Price 8150. 595. Ph. 4-4 7d barfsr: ; FINE upright piano In excellent con? dltioa. Can evenings. 1590 S. Cot- tare. NEW and used pianos, tot a better buy. wuuey aauase Steli . : 4S1 Sports Equl pmont GOOD lft-rt ear top boat S bp. Evla rude motor $143. 1040 N. Omars. f7CIN outboard motor. U5. 1544 Ferry. - j f?EW It used boeto at reduced prices. Phone 3-8004. 3J722. Ho-Hi Boat Co 1 885 Blrchweod Dr. ARCHk Vn-kJiTbujiUi if oows. ar rows, free Instruction. Call 3-5444.