1 1 1 1 1 -10 The Statesman. Salem Radio and TV Schedules ICPTV Channel 27 MONDAY! ,3Q-Wt's Cooking " llrtJO The Big Payoff 1 J :30 Welcome Traveler 12.tK)-On Your Account N. Assembly 1:00 Double or Nothing 2:06 Matinee Theater 3:15 Search for Tomorrow 3;30 Love of life . 3:45 Toyrnaker . ; 4:00 Wild BUI Hickock 4:30 HopaLong Cassidy 5:45 Northwest Digest 6:00 Fights from Chicago 6:30 Sportsman's Club 6:49 News Caravan 7:00 Chevron Theater 7:30 Voice of Firestone 8:00 Name That Tune 8:30 Safety Spotlite 8:45 Armchair Adventure 8:00 Robert Montgomery 10:00 Arthur Murray Dance 10:30 Big Playback 10:45 Sports Den 1 1 :0O Telenews, Weekly 11:15 Nite Owl Theater 12:00 Sign Off (Approz.) HIGHLIGHTS : What's Cooking, 9:30 Cook ing show with Barbara AngelL Birthday party broiled turkey; - 1 United Nations General Assem JT-1 VCI I . ' - TRADER II 1879 Lana Ave Open Monday 7 C!i v hi i MONDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time IIUI 1399, KOCO 1430, X6AK 1430 KOIN -70 KOW, IK 11M sUTV-TJHF Channel -7: Megacycles KOIN 111.1; sunt' BJ (Editor's not: Statesnian publishes tn g4 fait't-jweta a time a provided by th rati nations, but fteea-s fUm th programs arc chanced without notifies ti en. this newspaper eann-t k responsible for tk accuracy herein.) - HOUR 0:09 0:15 6 KSLM New KOCO West. Melod. j EGAS Brk. Nook ftOW RID. Oregon KOW Dav West KKX Farm Hou? $ Timkpar West Meloa. iBrk. Nook IKoin Klock ID- West iFarm Bout , 7 KSLM Hemlnrwav Break. Gang I Break. Gang KOCO Keco Clock ' TCoc Klock Koc Klock KOAI Brk. Hook iBrk. Nook (Brk. Nook KOIN Koia Klock ! IM-60 Nw IGosa New HOW Country Editor IJohnny L. Wills News 1st Edition IM. Agrona-y 8 KSL.M Cecil Brown I Family Altar BOCO New ? IKoc Klock KOAI Jim Dandy ' I Jim Dandy KOIN Consum. New Vale New KOW Old Songs i: (Old Songs KKX Break. Club I Break. CI tth 9 KSLM DT. Sword Bnrrt niv'ii Records KGAB Backfence Mat. KOIN Road of uu KOW News KKX . News KSLM News ; ITeUoTesf KOCO Ray's Records (Ray's Records KGAB Backtrace Mat.lBackfene Mat. KOIN. Mrs. Burton (Perry Mason! KGW Hostess House I Hostess Houtw KBX Chet Huntley (Music ifc l KSLM KOCO Indies Fair ILadles ralr i Ray's JRecorda Ray's Records Backfence Mat I Backfence Mat MX Up Ur Mind!SparkUng Mu. Bob Hope (Pays to Marry Whispering Sts.lGirl Marries KGAB KOIN KGW KEX - KSLM Tp Trades : INews Gay tCs Music 1 KOCO News (Major League IMajor League (Major League J KGAB Spider : I Spider (Spider (Spider 2 KOIN MacieodNews (Com Get It House Party House Party KGW News IRoad of Ufa Pepper Young Happiness KBX Paul Harvey Noon Edition Sua Hayes ITh Todd's 1 KSLM Jack Klrkwood Jack Klrkwood Lucky U Raachl Lucky V Ranch KOCO Major League (Major League (Major League (Major League KGAB Spider (Spider I Spider (Spider x KOIN HOltoo Rouse ! Arthur GodfreylArthur Godfrey A rth ur Godfrey KGW Backstair Wlfe'StsUa Dallas HWidder Brown (Woman in Ha KEX Kay West I KaT West (Kay West Kay West 2 KSLM News , ' ; I Music IMuslc (Better Shoppers KOCO Magic Melody aiMagic Melody (Magic Melody j Magic Melody KGAB Record Room 1 Record Room. (Record Room (Record Room KOIN 'Arthur GodfreylArthur GodfreylArthur Godfrey (Curt Massey KGW Jus mam Bill r. P. FarreU (Lorenzo Jones IDr.'s Wife KEX Betty Crocker (Jack Owens Bandwagon (Bandwagon 3 KSLM KOCO KGAB KOIN - KGW - KBX Music - (Music ' (News . Music Magic Melody iMagie Melody (Magic Melody (Magic Melody J Dandy Show! J. Dandy Show) J. Dandy ShowlJ. Dandy Show Wizard of OddslRuth Ashton (Story's BkymrdlTunefully yours i -i velera i Travelers Dr. Paul ID. Garroway Know Ur NewslAfternoon EdL (Tor Girl I Tor Girls 4 KSLM KOCO KGAB KOIN KGW rulton tUtwts iHVminKwa Music U Want! Music U Kids Corner (Music Mart Kirkham New (Rosemary; , Liife Beautiful iBroadw'y Rev' This Is OregonlSquu-rel Cage 5 KSLM Babby Benson KOCO Tune Tim KGAB , Traffic Jamb. KOIN E. B. Murrow KGW ' Bill Stern KKX Happy Tim News Mw Rnnr 6 KSLM Gab: Heater KOCO Candl- Light KGAB Susoer Club 1 Perry Cprao (SiL Serenad (Candl Light rNwa t Supper Club (Supper Club I Walk a Mil (Talent Scouts Relax Music Bob St Ray (Horn Edition (Good Lisfng. KOIN Walk a Mil KGW Relax Musi Weatherman NvSLM Cud This B Youl Cud This B Tou'Memory Room (Memory Room KOCO Rosary ' (Stars Sing (Bandstand (Bandstand KGAB Music (Music (Sign Off I KOIN Muaio Man (Music Man JL. Thomas jramlly Skeletoi KGW Blue. Serenad I Nation's Bus.. IVoice FirestonelVoice rirestona KKX Lone Ranger I Lone Ranger I Henry Taylor iShow Tim KSLM Geo Do It (Geo Do ; ( Music IMuslc- l KOCO Da?out Dope (Basebaa ; (Baseball ) Baseball . KOIN Johnny Mercer) Johnay MerceriThis I BeHevo iDanco Orch. KGW ; Man's Tamlly i News f-Oroad , Hour Raiiroaci "w KEX Symphonette (Mut. NewsjTel (Great, of TheselGrcat- of These 7 8 9 RSLMtHardv Nws Mut. Newsreel JRep. Roundup! Rep. Roundut KOCO Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball KOIN sSummer Thtr. I Summer Thtr. I Summer Thtr. I Summer Thtr. KGW , Horte Hou Phone rlut C London Music I London Music KEX . Yestrdy's HiU Yestrdys ( Hits I Powerland Powerland KSLM Fulton Lewis KOCO Baseball IMcsic ; , Baseball KOIN 3 sui c'tnaJ V World KGW Richfield Rcor. I Soji ts Final rinai Edition I Dane Tim .SLM Fantasy Hall IMuslc iMusi, IMnsle KOCO Night Song (Night Song , I Night Song I Night Song KOIN Midnit Music IMidnite Music IMidnite Music IMidnlU Music KGW News 4T U McCall 'City Council (City Council KKX Dane Ttmm I Dance Tim Dane Tim " 1 Uanc Tim KOAC 55 kc Moldr100 ajn The News and . Weather i ' 10:13 Especially for Women;- 10:45 Story: Time. 11 AO Concert Hall; U:00 The News and Weather; 12:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour; 140 Rid Em Cowboy; .1:13 Music of Many Lands; 1:30 Ports of Call; 2: ttk Living and Learning; 2:13 Hawaiian Holiday; 2:30 Memory Book of Music; 340 Oregon Report er; 3:13 Music of the Masters: 40 'Adventure in Research; 4:13 On the Ore - , Mondayy Auiyt 31, 1SS3 bly Meetings, 12:30 Henry Cas sidy and Peter Stursberg provide commentary on assembly. Matinee Theater, 2:00 i "Rem edy for Riches." . ... T i -; The Toymaker, 3:45 The old German Toymaker brings his tales of toys, to delight the young of heart on this live children's show.-rJi:." i .s 4''--;;S "'s'-.-v: Wild Bill, Hickok, 4:00 . "Blacksmith Story" A brutal blacksmith picks owners of cer tain tracks of lan-for his victims. Wild JBiH and Jingles solve the riddle in exciting fashion. Northwest News Digest, 5:45 Features Norman Wallace, news caster with Bill Stout -as sports reporter and commentator. Cross country news and weather round up by Wallace.. N e wi a p e r of the Air, 5:55 Features Bill Clay ton with local news and j news photographs local and live. Boxing from Chicago, 8:00 Vernon Roberts from Gary, In diana vs. . Henry Schnexneider of New Orleans in 4-round bout in 168. pound class. (Final event) Johnny Walls vs. Kenny Lane in 4-round 141 pound bout ; Chevron Theater, 7:00 - "Last of the Outlaws' an amusing and exciting tale of the reckless West stars William Fawcett, Arthur Space and David Saber. Grandpa (Fawcett) decides to track down bank robbers and finds the West hasn't changed as much as he thought Gonna Trade My Little Red Wagon Wll WIUIIU i O YT LOUIE TV and Friday Eves. Ph. 34558 fltdt 141 (News (March f Tim rarm Now Brk. Nook new Brk. Nook Kola Klock IKoln Klock Dt west Dan West Farm Hoar irarm Hour New (Koce Klock I Brk. Nook CBahMtt Slurw iKoox Manning woo uarraa sea Blbla Institute Btbie tnstiAtf IKoco Klock I World New I Jim Dandy I Jim Dandy IHelen Trent Music Box IBrkfst Club Gal Sunday I Music Box IBrkfst Club ICasitol Comnt-I Pastor's Call Barraln Countx Ray's Records; I Ray's Records I Ray's Records BacJcience Mat.1 nacxienca naai.inacaience aaai. Ma Perkins Dr. Malon IGuiding light m. Wlllaon . ICon. Invest. (Con. Invest. Stars of Today iD'bl or Noth ID'bl or Noth Coco Cola Cas'rMusic Ray's Records I Ray's Records Backfence Mat.) Backfence Mat. Norah Drake (Brighter Day Strike It Rich Strike It Rich Tru Story fTru Story tQuea a Dav Qimb a dav (Ray's Records (Ray's Records .(Backfence MaUBackfenc Mat: I Wendy Warren) Aunt Jenny (Phras Pays iSecond Chanc (News (Keep's Korner ! Cart Massey (Sam Hayes -. Want Music U Want) Music U Want Music Mart I Music Mart Art Kirkham (Art Kirkham Music Box (Art Baker 4:53 Squirrel Cage Happy Tim Babby Benson (Wonderful CltytWonderful City Research - I Music (Brdway Revu Traffic Jamb. (Supper Club I Supper Club (World Today Goss News IT. L. MrCail lElmo Roner (Virgil Pinkley (Huntley Nef(S Bob Garrao (Sam Hayes ISS Keys (Supper Club ITalent scouta. Bob 4c Ray List'ng. I News (Night News Record Show I Bob & Ray J I Dane Tin (Fantasy HaH I Night Song Record Show Bob St Ray t Dane 1m t'obeat. 4:45 News Commentary; S:00 Children's Theater; 3:30 Jerry of the Circus; 9:45 Let There , B light; tXQ The News and Weather; 4:15 Tom Roberts, organist; 0 nying Time; 6:45 Guest Star: 1:00 Excur sions In Science; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 8:00 America's Composers; 89 The Great Adventurer 8:45 The News aad the Weather; 9:00 Music That Endures; 9:55 New and the Weath er; 10:00 Sign Off. Voice of Firestone, 7:30 Sop rano Lois Hunt is guest. ... Robert Montgomery : Presents, 9:00 Tierce 3101" is a melo drama of a man who contrives an almost perfect crime against his wife who refuses to divorce him. John Newland plays the husband, Margaret Hayes plays the . wife, and Elizabeth Montgomery the other woman with whom the hus band is infatuated. Arthur Murray Dance Party, 10:00 Locally produced, live dancing' show. . j The Big Playback. 10:30 The 1920s American Cup Yachting race in which Sir Thomas Lipton suffered his fourth defeat in his $15,000,000 attempt! to win the world's most coveted '.yaclting trophy. ; Bob Considine will de scribe the event. Also to be shown will be a fabulous rodeo, a fam ous pro basketball game with three overtimes ana Leo Sjogsen setting the , world's walking re cord. . . Sports Den, 10:45 Live show featuring Bob Blackburn Nite Owl Theater, ll:15 "Gentleman From Louisiana." TUESDAY : 9:30 What's Cooking. ? 10:0 Freedom Kings. . 11:00 The Big Payoff. 1 1 :00 Welcome Travelers. 12:00 On Your Account. . 12:30 U. N.i General Aisembly. 1:15 Arthur Godfrey. 1:45 Hollywood KeeU, 2:00 Matinee Theater? 3:15 Search: for Tomfcow. 3:30 Love of Life. ! i 3:45 Toy Maker. 4 4:00 Howdy Doody. 4:30 StrangerThan Fiction. 5:00 Names itie iSame. 5:45 Northwdif igest 5:55 Newspa-ff f the Air. 6:30 It Happened in Sports. 6:45 News Caravan. . 7:00 Mirror Theater. 7:30 Break the Bank. 8.00 Fireside Theater. . 8:30 This is Your Life 9.00 Adolphe Menjou. : 9:30 Candy Theater. ? 10:00. Judge for Yourself. 10:30 Half-Hour Theater. 11:00 Frosty Frolics. 11:30 Nite Owl Theater. , HIGHLIGHTS TUESDAY What's Cooking? 9:30 Cooking show with Barbara Angell Lima bean salad broiled sponge cake how to "start Dickies. si "Matinee Theater, 2:00 "Scarlet Clue" Charlie Chan feature star ring Sidney Toler and Mantan Moreland. The Toymaker, 3:45 the ojd German Toymaker brings you tales of toys to delight the young of heart on this live children's show. Northwest News Digest, 5:45 Features Norman Wallace, news caster with Bill Stout as sports reporter and commentator. Cross country news and weather round up by Wallace. rf Newspaper of the Air, 5:55 Features Bill Clayton with local news and news photographs lo cal and live. It Happened in Sports, 6:30 Story of Bob Kane, graduate man ager of athletics at Cornell Uni versity will be told. Mirror Theater, 7:00 "The Party" is an adaption of a story by F. Stott Fitzgerald. It con cerns two neighbors whose friend liness turns to hate when they lose perspective over their chil dren. Featured are Shepperd Strudwick, Katherine Bard and Patty McCormack. Fireside Theater, 8:00 "The Traitor" is a story of an Ameri can soldier about to be sent to Korea who has been completely taken by the "better world" prom ises of the Communist party. Later when taken as a prisoner at war, he becomes a spy against bis fellow Americans. Starring is Don Keefer with Jerry Paris, Hugh Beaumont, Bob Sherman, and Keye Luke. : MARR RADIO & TELEVISIOII Sales - Service Installat'ton . Open 9 A. M. te,9 P. M. Weekdays Ph. 2-1S11 2140 S. ComT. Salem's First Telerlsioe Store SERVICE frn& co. 9 A. M. - 9. WM. Daily ' Ml S. 12th SC Ph. 4ASVtf Or. T T lm ND Dr G Chin. ftO DKVS. CHAN . . . LAM ' CHINESE NATUROPATHS Cr-sUirs. 241 North Ubertr ' , . ! - - ' f Office apes Satarday ly. 19 - i t l puu, 6 t I p as. Cnau-ta, I tot prvsanr and arts tests an I fre of charge. PracUced sine I 1911 Writ fari attract- gtr n jtiij -ti-x ii mmmmm&A&mtmlUbmmmm 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notices SALEM LODGE NO. 4. AJT, Sc AM. Wed, Sept. t. Stated Communication, (."00 i PJL, 312 Lost and Found - LOST: Male Tabby eat with fou whit feet. Near 455 N. Cottar. Child's pet. Reward. Phone 3-3444. 316 Personal I WILL NOT b responsible for anv debts -unless contracted by myieJJ. Thomas l. snctnen. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group td- L 2068 N. Commercial. Phon S-Mll OT 8-4537. -P. O, Box 724 : ALCHOUCS Anonymous. 315", N. Commercial St. Ph. 2-2108 or 2-2842. 400 Apricnlturc 402 Livestock S NICE red weaner piss. 231T Brown Rd. mile northeast ox ttwegm school. WANTEFi All kinds of horses. E. C. McCandlish. Hii a. zatn. . raow S-S147. UON DEO Livestock buyer. Claud s J Edwards. Kt. a. bc saa. ra. -tiiA liCEHSm and bonded . Uvestoci buyer. C L Snethen. ISS Kenwood Ave. HioMiim REG IS T ERD Halt Bred, (Stambull AraDian raaaie norse, also uigusn saaaie ana prime, rn. j-qqj.. LOCKEK BEF Hereford. 24c; locker pork 45c Nothing down, 6 months to pay. Custom kifling. Trailer loan ed free. Salem Meat Co. 1323 S. 25th Ph. 3-4838 J M. BONDED Livestock Buyer. A. IV Sommer. 12SS Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-2817. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer, E. C. McCandlish. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. a-8147. 404 Poultry and Babbits KICK fryers, Cornish it white rocks crossed. 4244 HayesvtU Dr.; Phon 4-4003. WA.ifED j-eghorn and colored hent. Any quantity lmmeaiateiy. win pay over top Portland Mkt Lee's Hatchery. Phone 2-2861. CUSTOM killing. Fowl of any kfi&L Ph. -3426. Newell's Poultry Plant. Kill days a week. Rt 9. Box 109. Salem WE are Hatching New Hampshire. . Golden Broads, and Arbor acre White Rocks every week. Special prices to year round fryer growers. Pox Hatchery. 3830 State St Phon 1-4969 403 Pets PARAKEETS r carefully . selected younc birds. Choice colors. im Living ston. Phon e2 -1842. GERMAN Shephard femai year and , Registered A.K.C. Excellent breeding-. S12S. Phone 2-7654. 5ACHSHUND pup. weeks old. black. See at 2465 S. High. WANTED female fox terrier puppy. Non registered Phone 2-7331 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM J 1958 Mc. Coy. 1 block east of N. Capitol, l'i blocks north of Madison. Pn 2-rS7 CHAMPION bred boxer puppies Ev eT! pup a potential champion. Moore's Tropical Iisn. equipment. Goldfish. Parakeets. 2 mile from Lancaster on Macleay Road Tfhon 4-3773- Closed on Wednesday, 410 Seeds and Plants BEGONIAS, S for SUM. 1 week only. cazzell s Greenhouse. ln- mi- on Lardon Rd. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce FOR SALE Klamath Alfalfa hay. Delivered if desired. J. P. Her in- felt. Manlln. Ore. Box 697, CORN for freezing . or canning. 2 miles out wauace Rd. Turn rigm on River Bend Rd. . Robert Loucks. GRAVXNSTE XN apples.) IV,' milea northwest of Keizer school, on pavement. Henry- Schmidt, Jit. 2, Box 170. BARTLETT. 81!S bushel. You pick. Bring containers. Ph. 3-4918. 1172 ; Park. J Beans GET YOUR CANNING AND FREEZ ING BEANS NOW. U-PICK. 4c A POUND. BEST BEANS YOU CAN GET GROWN ON LAKE LABISH. -2 MILES NORTHEAST OF KEIZ ER. WATCH SIGNS TO BEAN YARD. RALPH HOESING. PHONE 3-8588. BALED HAY. Alfalfa. 817 a ton. Good meadow hay 313, a ton. rice Ranches. Burns. Oreeon. or call Filmore 5349. Portland. OregonV U-PICK Boysenberries. Be lb. 1 mile east and 1 mile nortn of Brook. G T. Lowery. r- Li: ru j., X 1C II tg Fresh daily from our farm. Field run 6c lb. Organically grown pota toes, red or white. Peaches, black berries. Phillips Bros. Farm Market. -590 Portland Rd. Phone 2-4512. MOST varieties of peaches in season. Worm fre Gravensteins. Hi miles on Wallace Rd. L. E Wendt. grow er 8 TON alfalfa and ry grass hay. 820 a ton in tn field. Werlin Hop Ranch. Independence. Phone 38F4. 0 Tprrlidndise 453 Hsehold Goods For Sole GENERAL electric spin dri wssher,( Good condition $35. Phone 4-2532. : 45S Wanted, Hsehold Goods WANTED. USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valle- Furn. Co. 2-7472 IT WANT to sell your furniture? See Lamoeru. ;.(, .st tuUA( rooa used t ur nature or will sell ea consignment Ph. 3-8098 SudteR's Auction. 468 ding Materials Red Cedar Shingles Best grade, coast or mountain tlm- : oer. oeuverea prices, no. , -. No. X $5: No. S. $4;, No. 4. $2J0. 1 COMMON LUMBER j Complete mill stock. Ship up zx an.1 wider. Delivered prices $23 per thousant, and up. Ted. Muller, Ph. Salem 3-1196 evenings. Beautiful Used Brick teriors. Phone 2-7 -U - 2-383S after j I 450 Merchandise 453 BuSdlna Materials PLYWOOD Interior it , Exterior, 4xt sheets or in' cut sizes. Mill ends Jc ft. up. Cedar Sag. (clean up) 13.00 to 35.00 M. Doors Mi up. Birch. Ma hog. Fir In Slab Doors. Panel in Fir. Shakes 10.73 So., up. Hard board 1.79 sheet. Hem Sdg, Fig. 59.50. Mldgs.. WaUboard. Roofing, decorative panels. . and Lumber ill priced right. . Free delivery & estimating service, - nothing down 3 mo. to pay. .. Open all day Sat- Portland Road Lumber Yard 3545 'Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4133 WINDOWS Largest stock tn Salem. New weather-stripped windows .completely assembled. 814.20 up. Large modern sashes and crystal picture windows. SS up. Pick your cholc at bargaia prices. PLUMB aNG New toilets with seat 225.50 20" x 18" washbasins complete 17 M Bathtubs with fittings 69.50 Double laundry trays complete 20.73 Shower cabinets complete 43.00 Double kitchen sinks, electric water heaters, pip . ruHEAP 4 solid Orangeburg pip 500-gaX steel septic tanks BARGAIN i Colored bath sets - OTHER BARGAINS Metal garage doors with hdw - 43D0 New 4x8 plasterboard 1.40 4x8 waterproof wall board 1.7S Saterlor It exterior plywood CHEAP Nails, carload supply ' t.73 Overhead garage door, hdw 13.95 Loose insulation, per bag 1.00 RoU blanket Insulation BARGAIN " "Jap Birch" plywood . 260 " "Jap Birch" plywood . 61c " mahogany plywood, 42c No. 1 cedar shingles 1-3 No. a cedar shingles 5.00 No. 3 cedar shingles 4.00 Three-tab com p. roofing BARGAIN Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types glass doors LOWEST PRICES New fir door jambs' 2 JO Painted cedar shakes 10.73 Unpainted cedar shakes 6.00 New asbestos siding 9 50 Exterior white paint ' 2.95 Shake molding, per ft. 40 Cedar fence posts Cheap ' C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 I. mile NT of Keizer KEITH BROWN Close Outs DOORS. DOORS. DOORS, 2-0,to 3-8x6-8 Fir Flush. Paint Grade , 86.93 Ea. 2-0 to 2-8x6-8 Fir Flush 8.93 Ea. 3-0x6-8x1 -i Fir Flush 2-0xS-8xlfc 3 Panel 8.93. Ea. 6.95 Ea. 6.95 Ea. 2-0 to 2-6x1 1 Panel 2-0 to 2-8xl 10 Lit French 9.87 to 10.49 2-6 to 3-0x6-8x1 1 Panel 9 Lite Top .1I J6 to 13.34 WINDOWS AND SASH 26x24 GM Lite Bottom 6 Lite Top $3.00 X Lot Odds and Ends Windows. Sash and Frames 25 Off Some Ladders Left - 23 Off 3-0x6-9x1- 3 Panel Screen Door . .87.50 Hand Tools and Hand Saws 25 Off Few Electric Fans 25 Off 1 Drill Press $71.75 less 25 Lignt Fixtures i .5 Off 4x5-7 to 10' Rough SO Ea. Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front & Court Street Phone 3-9111 WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS Roofing Special 87.70 per Square. 3 and 1 thick tab shingles (from car load shipment). Take direct from car (save). Place your order now pick up on arrival of car. Car due first of September. KEITH BROWN Lumber Yard Front 8c Court Street Phone 3-B111 We Give S&H Green Stamps Remodel, Repair, Now Save your cash tor a rainy day. Ne . down payment. 38 months to pay Eppin- Lumber Co. 740 Silverton Rd. Phon 4-8123 . Open all day Saturdays 460 Musical Irxstruments NEW end used piano. For a better buy. Wlitaey Music House, I860 itat. 462 Sports Equipment RIFLE 300, Savage, model 99, new 1 lastxfall. 2 teoxei of shells. 93 Phoni NEW 12' Lawrence-craft boat. Reg. $179, sale price -$139 14' Chriss-craft kit Bui, up and and painted. Reg. $335 Sale .4223 14" Deluxe Cris-Craft kit reg. $215. Sal .. $m 12' Deluxe 12' Crias-Craft kit Reg. $143. Sale : $115 14' and 15' Wizard glass boats. Re duced over $100 each, i Gil Ward. 450 Center NEW St used boats at reduced prices. Phone 3-8904. 3-3722. Ho-Hl Boat Co.. 1885 Birch wood Dr; ARCHERY tackle, hunting oowi. ar rows, free instruction. Call 3-5444. 484 Bicycle BICYCLE, like new. Schwtnn. and Columbia. New departure brakes. 1230 Market. 4S8 For Rent. Miscellcmeous" U DRIVE TRUCKS tOR RENT. Blanket furn. 1201 Stat, ph. 2-9062 TOOL RENTAL. U-FIX-IT. Corner of North CommerdM and Columbia 4-526 X. ' RENT or bur. All types electrical t-rd tools, garden tractors, spray tOR. B.LNT or ieaa," Ig. warcboua space -cement floors, brick bldg. down town. Inquire H, L. Stiff Fur .3-918S. s . V 470 For Sale, htuuan K5us CLEAN. Kerr wide mouft canning jars wiVft rings, quarts 9 per doz en pints 65c 'per dozen. Lawn chairs. Mopta Vtbwer, car luggage carrier, - snaths ' and blade. 1225 Che.Ttewa Rd. Phone 2-S333. USED refrigerator, good condition. reasons onaple. Phone 4-1895. IRON Fireman conversioh o(l b burn er, complete wnn auxo. conn utm Complete with auto, con and copper tubing.. 990. Trader Louie. 1870 Lana Ave. 2 WOOL coats. 3 blue formats. Sizes 14. 910 Norwayj Phone 4-1745. PORTABLE steam cleaner, it model, almost new, just trie mini to clean up those automobiles, trucks; tractors or what have you? Cash or trade. 3024 3. com'i. NEW iawna planted, day phon 3-7373 eve. 2-2190. - REDUCED 5 PER .DAT UNTIL SOLD 1 (SHAPER AND STAND V Starti ngLprice Auf. 25t i. $82 August 31 $57.00 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Front 'and Court Phone 3-9111 We give S St fljgrccn Stamps FOUNTAIN and carbonator. $1,000. Meat sheer $100. Meat grinder $250. Ali I ke new. Phone 3-7661 or 2-7005 G. E. REFER. Special $19.9S USED MDSE. MART 270 S. liberty St Phone 4-8311 Terms of Course BLUE, flash bottle cooler. A-l con diUon. $123. Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave. &AVENO in good condition, alio re , dining chair with ottoman. 1563 Liberty. Phone 2-85-2. 450 Slerchandise 473 For Sole, hllacellcmeouii GARDEN TRACTOR with plow, dl.tc. and cultivator. S75. PMone . 3-50 11. auunu oa uuuua i ote, ia slons. solid oak $10. Doubl bd. inter-spring mattress. Looks U t new tliO. 6&3 S. 19th, 3-8060. ARS auto, washers with suds sav er 6' 1 12" cu. ft. General lec. re frig, and X ft. deepfreeze. All lit new. 25 Portland Rd. fiAVENPORT. Excellent shape. Bar gain, can 3-5707 anytime. SFECLAli. closeouta on davenport and chair sets as low as $14.95. t USED MDSE. MART 270 & Liberty St. Phon 4-6311 M;I Terms of Course u : ' - -ELEC. ' clothes dryer only . $59-5. i only. lYeatet Appllanc Co 178 Chemekta St .. , Laundromat, Westinghous aut . matic I washing machine. $X)0. Never Ai Check price w dowa- town ana nurry to cau 3-3901, LINCOLN Welder, 180 D. C. Gas dri v- en. mounted on trailer. $450 cat h. Phone 4-2532.4j.34 Hager St-. TTV. $100 offTTrak over contra:. Set 2 months old. 21-lnch. Hoff man, run door blond. Phone 4-13 . SPC. BR. Set. Your choice or ly - $99.95. j USED MDSE. MART. 270 S. Liberty St phon 4-8371. Terms of course. 6tC tank 250-gaIlon. Like rxfw $39.50.1 Trader Louie, 1870 Laoa Ave. PLASTli-KOTE requires no wajuag , for your floors or linoleum. Yealer Appliance Co 379 Chcmeketa. f h 1-4311 DEEPFREEZE bom freezers, YeiT er A p Uanc 378 Chmkta. Fh. LIMED oak show cases florescent light.; See Dick Ramy, Sears Roe- Duck & co. Phone 3-9191. CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for table, furaitur. railings. 1149 N. Liberty Crushed Rock FOR roads 8c driveway Cement Ready-mix Concrete Garden Sar d Bolldozing drainage and ditching. 4 yd shovel It drag Un. phoa -02494 Walling Sand & Gravel I Co. Top Soil Htver sjlt, fill dirt, prompt delivery J. HOME FREEZER. 4 leu. ft Special only 4 83 USED MDSE. MART ' 270 S. JJberty St. Phone 4-6371 Terms or course BIG game rifles. As low as $15. Trad" er Louie. 1870 Lana Ave. . Diamonds & Jewelry -, Lin. mar r'all nr rrita W Mitchell. 1175 Hillyard. Eugene. ore. -S37 STANLEY home products. Le Blindt T8C Madison. Ph. 3-4058- THOR ISPlNNER automatic washers, like nw. 2 only $79.50 ea. Yealer Atolijanc Co. 370 Chemeketa. Ph J-431 USED electric ranges $12.95 and up. Yeater AppUance, 375 Chemeketa. pnon 3-43H W)ODj ladder-back beds! Full sis and twin size. Your choic $9.95. USED MDSE. MART 270 S. jLiberty St. Phone 4-8371 GOOD 'used refrigerators 849.50 and :' up. Used wsshers 89.95 and up. i ,Yater Applianc 375 Chemeketa. prion 3-4311 COALMAN auto, floor furnace. 50.000 B.T.U, $90. Trader Louie, 1870 Lana C"hXrrTS foundation girdles. Era. ' For (appointment phon 2-6438 or 3-5072. Mary E. Bales. $30 ALLOWED for" your old water .heater regardlea ofQ-onditlon or make'- on a new Westinghous automatic electric water heater. with a ten year guarantee. Yeater Appliance Co. 270 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. - WASHING machines in good shape. Youil choice only $9.99. TTKEn MDSZ. MART 270 S. Liberty St. Phone4-8371 NEEDED, old sewing machine. Up -jo su or mor zor your ua mw machine on a new fre Westing hous sewing machine with a 20 yr I warranty. Yeater Applianc Co, 335 Chemeketa St 472 Wanted, 4Ucecmeou USED! furniture and antique. On piec or houseful. 2-7862. Lbgs Wanted Gr-od 1 2nd growth logs. Prem. paid , Ia 9st ,nH lonwr Also 8' fctud logs or multiples of 8' plus trim. 6" to 16" diam. IBURKLAND LBR. CO. Ph. Turner 1125 Eves. 2503 Turner or 2-782B saiem, LOG- WANTED Top price on today's market for long or short second growth fir logs. For prices phone 3-9593 days. 4-1784 eves. West Salem Lmbr. Co. 1160 Wallace Rd. ' 474 Misellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST I CASES Irtng! or mail your Plates for Repair. DR.! HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adulph Bldg Stste St Com. Ph. 3-3311 HOSPITAL beds for sal or rent Stiff Furniture Co. pn. s-eiso 476 Fuel Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green er dry. Stove-Diesel os. m. -at ' W '-T a c I yna H " " ' " " iimn Cinitol Lbr. Fuel Co. ORDER your wood now. Plywoot' cores, old growth fir. oak planer ra 198 S. Com'i St Phone 3-7721. ANDEK&ON'S hand picked slabwood l cord S14. Phone 2-7751 or 4-4253. '"' .... oIuSer NOW I ',eMiafr. hlmwr mnA P. G. WfSf SALEM FUEL CO 1525 Edgewater Phon 24031 500 -Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan SEE US FOR FARM. CITY or ACRE AGE LOANS. BEST OT TE-tS WX BUY i Real estate mortgages St contracts. FINANCE CO. 187 n High St Pa 3-4121 yJL-y ill i i, i limit) Consolidate AH Bill? rwenty-flve years ego; General Fi nance Corp was organized by Sa lem buiunes end prvfessional men to giv you a Joan service. We have lent millions j TRY OUR SHHV1CE Ycu 'can repay anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer time to repay Ph. first for e one trip loan. Loans 823.00 to $300.00 on signature, furniture and equipment A Loans to $500.00 ea can. trucks, and trailer houses. " . free customer parking at "Marlon Car- Park"; across , from office 136 S. Commercial St. I Uc. NoS13S and M33S mmm 600 Employmjent CC3 Pickers Wcmledl STEADY YOU CAN WORK tTTTIL" SEPT. TRANSPORTATION FREE. 20 1-2348! BETWEEN 9 AM. AND LOOK HERE I your bank a esc o un t drooping? Do yau have an anemic purgj ?o do I! Come to Ri scheV -Beari Yardrl-ftli re both our ills. Salem. Phone Hose to -2789. 3 602 Help Wanted YOUR JOB? REGISTER TODAY. WOl TOMOR- ROW IF QUALIFIED.! JUST A ' PARTIAL USTIWG F-RecptJ dr's ofc 25-35 F-Kecpt. secretary. 9 da) ELOW $200 $183 F-Gen. ofce bkkpg. expi $ da .$200 F-Switchboard op., recei 20-35. $183 F-Bookkeper, 9 day, 20-1 $225 $250 $200 F-LegaL steno.. exp. F-Medical steno.. 20-40 .J F -Legal steno. tout of toil rn ..$275 .4185 F-Cashier, gen. ofce. 21- M-Accountant M-Route' sates 21-35 BEST WAY TO THE .$278 Open T BUYS COMMERCIAL PLA' EMENT ! AGENCY 494 Stste(Oregon Bldg.) lone 4-3351 CASHIER bookkeeper..! Speedway Restaurant 1170 Center!. No phon calls. : T NIGHT SCHOlL $15 per I mo. Mon.-Thufs.--4 to 9. Includes all subjects. , I Fall rlasses starting. Register now Shorthand, speedwriting, typewriting, office machines, etc. Pre placement wrvice for studants. I Call 2-1415. Merritt Davis School of Commerce, Over th Man's Shod. 420 Stat Street WANTED: Men or wonien to work on our hop picking machine, start ing August l7tn. -lav and nignt work, i Located S milesilN. of Salem on River Rd. Call 4-1323 or 4-1323. Mission Bottom Hsrverters. WE ARE now taking applications for paper Routes at srrier Dlvl. sion. i Statesman Bui ding. Boys er and have m-tst be 13 years or th written consent their par- nts If you bav ady applied kindly do so again. XttX OREGON ITESMAN .04 Help Wanted, feile PAnrrERS wawted. liOO DAM.il p I . BOYS, IS yrs. sf e to Interesting work, gi pins. Clean pay. B St B Bowl.f 3085 Portland COMPETENT young irjan. 27 years old. coQege grad. moving to Salem, desires position with frcliabl firm as bookkeeper or office mgr. Pleas call Salem 4-1949. " BARBtR wanted. Senator Hotel Bar ber Shop. Steady maijjt WANTED: Flat bed k and drlv- era. haul bops to picl ng machines. Wm. Krebs and Sons.i hone 2-4948 CAR hop. Woodruff's Shop. 3400 Portland Rd. No pho 606 Help Wanted, jFemale EXPERIENCED waitre Part and full time. Apply in erson. China City. .3858 s. com'i. AJTEDTTleUable by sitter "to i Bve iin with rooi board and wages. Phone 4-4195J IXPERlXNCED sales fgirl wanted. Apply Hsrtmsn Bros! 399 State, jj. WOMAN to baby sill, my home. North. Parttlme nowiand full time later. Phone 4-1811 WAITRESSES WANTED Experienced 21-38. $7, shift, and board. Elderber Inn 25 miles east of Seaside on Su Call Elai 3. collect j Met Highway. ik for Lloyd Morgan. 500 tsus. Cl rjinance r -Mk 510 Money to Loqn CUT yments as Cut your present much as Wm. Let us show how it Insy be done, i $50 f SZioO AMOUNTS PAYMENTS $188.32 258.72 1 S 9.00 ! 14.00 535.9 830.0$ 29.00 48.09 PACIFld Industrial (Loans COLONIAL PiWTNI, COMPANY 887 Court fctreet T Phone 4-2283 , Buy Sell-iLoan Uai! Estate .Mortgstes Contrscts AUTO LOAN to. r-. .7 K . ufi v WIAJE.11 Kgntlll I 1S2 S Churt St- 1 Ph. 1-2437 i Par4ng Aflenty Lie. M159S154 PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. X-0784. O-UHled A-vertlsln Per werdL 1 . t-Mj I Per word, tlinei tOe rer -wera. i -u-tc Per word. 1 mofilb SOe MIziLmam tea wolds. Cztrs ehsTte f or 4 . -Blind- i 1, ,.;",'"' . Render- In city briefs: Per word J 7e Ml nlxaum ten jsHrs. . Ne Refunds. I '' The Deadline for? Classified Ads eonUtning larg display types to 12:00 Noon th day before publication. On Column ads setijln this size, -type only accepted up i:44 P-M. F The statesman reserves the right t reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under th proper classification ' . rh Sl-'esman assumes no finan cial rex po nubility lor errors which may apoear In advrrtlsennents pub lished n ttr cohimns and In ease wher hla oaper las at fault will re- Er it that part of an advertisement i which th typorphical mistake occurs - - I A TUnd Adsl ad containing s Statesman bos nuiihber for an ad dress la for th protection of th advertiser and ' mirst therefor be answerce by lettei Th States ui Is not at Vbectv tail divulge informa tion a ta th idenltitv of an advr- user eaing a r&uxtM sa. sea od 1 - I " - ' 280 Ne. Oi-reW St 600 Employment tCI Flclcers Wanted i 11 WORKIUt? i 1-tH. MAKE (lrtl rXR DAY. ACRES GOOD CUCUMBERS. PH. f i P-M. $ean Pickers Now picking good second crop of pole beans, good crop, and clean yard. Excellent camp facilities. ' Steady work. Daily bus service from Salem on following route: Starting at 8:45 A.M. at Owens and Liberty, -ten north on Liberty to Broad way, north on i Broadway to High land, east on Highland to Silverton Road, east on Silverton Road to Fairhaven Av West on Silverton ' Road to Fairgrounds Road, south on fairgrounds road to. Summer St south jpn ! Suirjmer to Center, East en Center to 12th. south 12th te Hoyt. West on Hoyt to Commercial. North on Commercial to Liberty. , North on Liberty to Owens. West on Owens to South River Road and . em South River Rotd nine miles te farm. Look for Dark Green Inter, national bus with D, P. MacCarthy nd Son' Farms painted on it. Flag down driver, he will b glad te sop anywhere! on this rout for cytJit Please, no children under four-' teen unl- with adults. For fur ther information drive out South River Road nln miles to farm, or Phon Independence 19-F-3. D. P. MacCarthy and! Son. Rt No. 3. Box No. 833, Salem. Oregon. &AN PiCJEi-WANTli peak Picking, ! cabins. stove, wood, lights, and showers furnished. Store on grounds. 3-8F4 Werline ' hop Ranch. Independence. ANPICKiWANTEDTvr 120 ACRES finest pole.beihs Just n lenng peak picks. Excellent free Camp wlth cabins, electricity, shower bthsj etc. Dean Walker f aims. Independence, Oregon. Ph. 39 or 1 to for information. 6ArlTiclirs. New yard.' new Wa Won. , mile N. of cascade High. 2nd lsn to right. U. E, Hansen. SlAN pickers wanted. Finecror. Fir Grove ' Farm. Rt 2. Box 258- ' Plr. 4 -40B3. i J WKNTBdMop" pickers; early an- Ufi hop.' Bus . leaving from - Employ, meat of fie on Ferry St at 8:2S. Starting Aug) 24th. Paul StaedeuV Rt 3. Box 143, Silverton. Phone Silverton 3-4850. . 610 Sales Persons Wanted HAVE opening for salesman. Special- izt in homes. . Al uaax. rteaiior. Ph. 4-3311 i Opportunity Knocks J But Once This Is youri opportunity to get In on the ground floor with a fast grow ing company, j Du to expanding t end opening inew Urritorle in the promotion, of our. regular agents to managers, we are in need' of 4 good men. Regardless of what you are how selling or If you like to get into th selling field,, investigat. Your qualifications are. neat tn ap pearance,! ambitious, and own an automobile. No collecting or rout running, appointments , furnished rou. Your arnings should b 150 per week to start plus an ad ditional bonus check every month . after vou have . been with us a Short -time. Phone 4-8223 for ap pointment or can at sis i Hoed St Room auz. 612 Work Wonted. Mo3i7 CUSTOM hay baling.' Q. Strand. Ph. -3-4S12 Silverton. v , BONT7nd grading with light erawicr, a-TOi o. Tractor foik'. Ipiowiag, discing.. Blsd work.' - i Phon 2-3041 ' LAWN MOWER sharpening. Ala Sharpen scissors, clipper heads, saws, etc. Oscar Vast aret 391 Gerth. ' Phone 2-1858. ( .- FALLING, bucking, clearing, etc. Ph. 2-5032. - ' fM-soh Work. Patch Plastering Stfcro and repair. Basements water- - -prooiea oy putaurnns. MVr outstd flreDlaces. Planterr's. patios. .... i Jl 814 Work Wanted. Female CltlLDipkr 9 years or yioungcr, my Home.r 325 S. 17th. - E14PEReErc-shier. clerk. typUt, Wants part Ume or full time work, ' excfllent references. 2-7298. RSOiQt-?-t full charge, needs permanent position, 8 day week. lute refs. I Silverton 3-4439. , 615 Situations Wanted BOOKKEEPING nd psyroll service, also typlnir at home. Call 2-4816. WL TTAKS care of chifdren in your - home, days or eve. Phone 2-s87. S&NfKG50c ani hour. Bring hang ers. 10112nd S. West Salem. , NEWlawnsi-Prepared and seeded, rotary hoing.i Diian Wolcott --1 27 f , , . Er'USH and Spray painting. Phon 4-3509, 3-8591. i . ' RTNTLn"C57 wsterproofing. Free es timates. t ess niuro. rnvn 2-4307, 3-fc23. KlIW HOME construction, remodel- iWBd Trr i Mtlmate. local refer. esnce Miles and Jtnutson, 4-6340 -.. fr- TRiafh-NG. 'experienced. Wrii .lius Plnua, 1700 North 20th. Ph. ' j-9342. : I CEMENT WOKK Sidewalks. tD, pattos. basement. ifrompt service. Guarantee. Phone fAiHriUCSTifklefior and mterTor! McClain maa uotaen, s-non or 3-3869. i i, ! .. ' ' Statesman i. i rone't-44I Sabserlptloa Rates i By-earrlet te citlest' Daily and Sunday , Dally only , . , - ... Sunday only . , j , ... t 1.4S per me. 12 per mo 40 wk By;eulL Sunday enryt i (In advance! J 0 M per mo 2.75 six mo 8.00 year Anywhere In O i 8. By ;eUl. Daily and S-adayt i U9 Tiwr f (h six counties . ( Benton. Clacka Imas. Unn, Mar. Ion. Polk. Yam- Ihllll' , ' , ilsewhere la -I 0 1X0 per me S.25 six me 10 50 rear 19 eer roe 1 45 per me ; Oregon .. .. .L Us U S outside , - I Oregon j . r MeDBber Andlt Bureae ef Cfrcalatlona Cores n ef Adyertlsinc. ANPA J Oretron Newspaper ' 1 f PvbiJshers As-oelatiea Adyertlslog Keprcsenunves: Ward-Crlfnth C04 v ; New I York. Chicsce Sae Ffanclsce. Detroit ' 'r .4