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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1953)
el I assifie Sell Your No Longer Needed Items TODAYI Call 2-2441 for AD -TAKER d.'Pays Dividend Big i GOO Real, Estate c. I.- . . .... ... ftESTAURANT BUSINESS ON PACTIC HWY. Exclusive, Dinners & Breakfasts. tDoing better than $100. per day .average thru year. Full Details given oy caning j. . ivtw COUNTRY HOME AT TOT CITY'S KDGXVM Acres of Cnehalis-Newberf. silky loam sojl dose to Salem with productive walnut orchard adjoin lng subdivision property. Late built, lovely tree surrounded home with 3 If, bdrms-. Jibrary, liv. rm. la x 17. 2 baths, basmt. auto-oil heat, 1 fireplaces on main floor. Lge. patio, sprinkling system. 4 car garage. Owner will trade lor income property m aim or r-oruna or m in home tor party payment. For additional detail CALL. ROY- FERRIS EASY 'TERMS We now have 4 lota of State Street Tour corners. Rice S4U4W up io svmmm. vaui i GRABENHORSTv JR. J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEAUTY SHOP Well located In on of Salem V busiest diitricts. Neat and clean, with food equipment. Price $3,000. Shown by appt. only. : - LAUNDROMAT A sacrifice Owner must seJL An established business, . well located, best of equipment. SHOE REPAIR SHOP Jn one of Salems busiest districts. All Stock and equipment goes. Terms. COrrXE SHOP An ideal location. Seating capacity 45. Excellent equip ment. Price 96950. CALL H. K. LAYMON QUALITY THROUGHOUT In this lovely Nob Hill 3 bdrm. home. Beauti ful oak floors, tiled bath with shower, tiled roof, icopper gutters and downspouts, metal framed windows .nice live. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kitchen, utility room, arranged for auto, washer St dryer, lots of built-ins and storage space. Auto, forced air oil heat A rea buy at $1X790. Immediate possession. CALL J. E. LAW SCHOOL TIME SPECIAL Lovely setting and location with trees. 3 car garage, central hallway .lovely kitchen with auto-dishwasher, dryer St washer. Lge. Uv. and din. rmi, "fireplace, lots of built-ins, auto-oil heat, nice bath with 2 lavatories. 3 good bdrms, $14,000. CALL ROY S. FERRIS' - . GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St J. E. Law 3-5113 Roy Ferris PRICE REDUCED You should see this lovely 4-bedroom home now offered for sale to settle estate. Ideal country estate. 1.35 acres, grapes, nuts, fruit. Beautiful grounds with stately trees. Lovely 4-bedroom home with all hardwood floors, fireplace, double plumbing, full basement. Also 4-room house. Garage. 3 barns. A wonderful home and an unusual opportunity for the discriminating buyer at only $13,500.00. Call for appointment today. EAST OF SALEM 40 acres with' fin creek through place. Good S-room borne with fireplace. Barn, garage, chick house. On oUed highway. Only $11450.00. Small down payment. R. A. WJLLOUGHBY with CLAUDE KILGORE Realtor and Auctioneer 1300 N. Lancaster Dr. - Eve. and Sun. Ph. 4-4137 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY .. AUGUST 30, 1953 3 TO 6 P.M. 895 HANSEN AVENUE , ON CANDALARIA HEIGHTS Beautiful West View 3- bdrms., daylight basement, 1 fireplace, oil forced heat. CALL J. E. LAW v GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. n Phone 3-2471 ' Evenings & Sundays call J. t Law 3-5113 H. K. Laymon 2-5103 Roy Ferris 3-5010 RIVER VIEW HOME; EH scrim lna tin g - buyers will simply love this attractive home located tn fine quiet residential neighborhood. Trees everywhere and the dining room, living room and daylight basement all have beautiful view overlooking the river and hills. Covered patio off party room, -2 fireplaces, double plumbed, 2 -car garage. Central hall floor plan. Price reduced $2,000 for quick sale. Ask for CUFF BOWDER. home phone 3-9936. Ph.4-3398 Be. 1980 Fairgrounds Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 806 Home For Sol Very- Close to school THIS MOST attractive, sparkling clem 3 bedroom home with fire place, automatic oil heat, all hard wood floors, insulated and WS. East sub. i blk. to cjty bus. re duced to $11,000. Low down pay ment A. A. Lsrsen Realtors 191 S. High Ph. 2-8629 -Res. 2-3738, 2-4591. 3-7163 -Business! ADDING MACHINES 1 ALL MAKES adding machines and typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Roen. 4V Cotirt Phone 3-6773. At tTH.'lVTTM WINDOWS, doors, screens, a Cliff Wilson Co- Portland. H. Lento n. Salem, raone a-easi. BENDlX. Crosley and Botpoint Sales and Service. Ralph Johnson Appli ance. 35S Center St Ph. 3-3139. YEATXR APPLIANCE CO 373 Che- meketa. Phone 3-4311 r BUILDINO AND REMODELING CARPENTER. Suilder contract or iy work. O. R. Peterson. Phone 1-2176. ' L BW08ATWQ " - 5 ENGRAVING Half-tones, sine etchings. F I worKmansnip. 4 Prompt service. Salem Engraving Co. aiVISJOn OI SHicsnu c-uuuw tng Co, 280 N. Church St Phone 2-i44I 1L FURNACE CLEANING i i BILL'S Furnace cleaning. AH work fully guaranteed. Phone 5-H43. - unrT, untron HOUSEMOVING and iacklng up for foundations. Bales At Brady. Ph-2-4542. 846 N High . ? HOUSE MOVING, raising, leveling . and foundation work. 10 years ex perience. Fully bonded and insured. Free estimates. Phone 2-8063 er ' 3-7588. - . ' t . WOTJ8EHOLP FKODUCTS : J. k. WATKInS Co. products. 111a S. ComX. Salem. Ph. -63Hi. Free i ellvery, wuunvrvt - i SHARPENING. Sales and Service. Dougherty Bicycle . and Mower Shop. 2130 Fairgrounds. Ph 3-5721 (tHAliP N IN G G ua ran teed service New oower and hand mowers Cap , Harry W, Scott 147 So Coral St HLhi'iso FlXTtR8 SALM'S Exclusive Uehting Me Mm Bnpt ii rn. 800 Real Estate e Vn'ir Yr ft n ''",;",'.,; located in Meadow Lawn Tracts south Ph. 3-1471 Evenings St Sundays call 2 - 8010 H. K. Laymon 2-5193 Phone 4-6083 806 Housm For Sal Special & Spacious See this beautiful Normandy style 4 BR. , home bordering on beautiful Englewood Park. Large landscaped yard, outside fireplace, fish pond, glassed In patio, full basement and well equipped party room. Nice LJt fireplace. Wall to wall carpet ing in L.R. & DJL This home is worth every dollar of $24,500. Drive by this home located at 1940 Vir ginia St. If interested, call Center Street Realty 1748 Center St Ph. 44631 Home Phone. Russ Bright 3-5562 OWNER MUST SELL. TRANS TER RED TO ROSEBURG. Beautiful view, 3 bedroom home. 2 fireplac es, wall to wall carpet, large util ity room, situated on V acre. Will iccept offers. Accept late model car down. Price $9,850. Phone 2-6268. " GOOD BUY 3 BEDROOMS, fireplace, wall-to-wall carpeting, large lot. northeast Sa lem. $9,300. $1,000 down. Faye Seal, Br. Phone 4-5384.- NEW 3 bedroom home, has fireplace, marvelous kitchen and oil furn - ace heat. Also has a nice big Iiv ng room or will rent, five years lease. Near new schools. -Phone 2-9185. HOME AND INCOME Good locetion for school, shopping end hospital. $9,000. Faye Seal. Br. Ph. 4-5354. Directory - MATTRESSES - CAPITOL Bedding Mattress rcno vatora. Full line. New mattresses. Phone 3-4069 r PAINTINQ AND DECORA TINO TAMES S. DOWNES. Painter and Dec orator. 1793 N. Front St Ph. 3-9591 PAPKltlNq. PAINTINQ painting e fa paring Free eatl- rwtes. 3-9513. 857 Shipping, GENERAL REPAIR and pumps. De' eattur Maerx. 870 8. ComX Ph. V6223 , ' PltlVTTNG - ' PRINTING Complete Printing Service. Prompt delivery: reason-' able prices. . Commercial Printing Department Statesman Publishing Co Dial 3-3441 ROAD GRADING TILE DITCHING. ' Joy ' Sbkkfaden. Ph--ne 3-5-JO. AND ANP GRAVEL - WALLING SAND and GRAVEL CO. , Crushed rock. For roads and drive i way. Cement Ready-Mix concrete. ' Garden sand. Bulldozing drainage . and ditching.: 4 yd. - snarrei. and drag line. Phone S-9349 SKPTIC TANKS Uik'i Septie Service. Tanks cleaned. -. D rooter cleans sewers, drains. Ph HAMEL'S septie tanks cleaned, Cne service Guaranteed work Phone 3-7404 or 3-0774. awnomical sepUe tana service. Guar anteed work. TODD'S. Ph. 9-Q734 SEWE3 Septte tanks, drains, cleaned. Roto-rooter sewer servioe. Phone 3-5327 ' ' TOOL 8HAKPENTNQ - - LAWNUOWERS Saws Sb. - We pickup 3-4015 Uta and TT Phone WUL DRILLING Domestic. Irri ration. Industrial. H. X. '.Robinson, 3214 K. Front St. Ph. ' 3-7383, - . 800 Real Estate ' Vz ACRE TRADE This new beautiful 3-bdrm home (EAST). Will sell or trade for good home or acreage in S. Salem, equal value to. $9,500. 5 ACRES : WITH NICE L1TTUVHOME all mod ern, 3-car garage1 In Pringle Dial. Price $5500. Only $100 down. 118 ACRES 53 A. in cult. Bal pasture. On Falls City Highway. Near Dallas. With almost new J-bdrm. modem home. All for $11,000 TERMS, v ; 85 Acres Near Marquam DUE TO ILL HEALTH MUST SELL this farm with creek. SO A. in cult, new irrigation system. 3-bdrm home. PRICE REDUCED TO $15,900. (TAKE SMALL ACREAGE OR HOME TO $8000 IN TRADE.) SEE T. T. ANDERSON FOR A FARM EVE. PH. 4-2714 . f Dill 44494 yj MR'. STATE GJ. Investigate this opportunity to own s modern. 3-BEDROOM and DEN, ranch type home. Owner will carry 2nd mortgage to help make your down payment and HE WANTS AN OFFER. Home is double plumbed, has a beautiful yard, covered patio, and is only 2',t years old. Asking price $11,900. Ask for DON DAVIS, home phone 3-7028. 1 it -4K ALTO' J 1980 Fairgrounds Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT RELMANN NEED MORE BEDROOMS? Then here is your chance to make a trade with the house you have out grown and get a large 3-bed room home, all on one floor, with large dining room and an extra large utility room, and even a basement with sawdust furnace. Large corner lot with both streets paved. Bus by door, close to Lethe Jr. High and new Sr. His. This wont last long for only $8,730.00. COUNTRY GROCERY To be sold, lock, stock and barrel, including building. Grossing over $50,000 per year. Plenty of storage space. - Lovely 3-bedroom living quarters. Good fixtures. Ideal for growing family. Only $12,000 plus inventory. Will trade for a home tn Salem. EAST MORELAND $11,500 buys late built 3-bedroom home in better district of Engle wood. Large living room with fireplace, separate dining room, al so space for breakfast set. in large kitchen. Beautiful lot on paved St.. only short distance to school. Only $2500 will handle. 3-BEDROOM HOME Only $6750 with possible $500 down. Just finished re-decorating and in first class condition. Separate din ing room and separate nook. Large Eirage and work shop.Extrs wide t with plenty of flowers and shrubs. Inside city limits snd school bus stops at front door. RELMANN LOANS AND INSURANCE 201 South High St Ph. 3-9203 PHONE EVENINGS AND SUNDAY: 4-1671 3-3858 4-1288 4-5319 3-3264 3-4876 SCHOOL LOCATION (Family Home) For you and your teen-age family? If you have girls this home with 3 full baths will give father a chance to get to work on time and it is so close to Psrrlsh Jr. and Sr. High the children can stroll to school in 8 minutes. 4 full sixe bedrooms and study, beautiful hedge enclosed yard opening off dining room through french doors, full base ment, fine carpeting and best of all, home has been kept in beauti ful shape for gracious living. See this prime school location offered for $15.750 00. Ask for THELMA MANKERTZ, home phone 3-8053. Pk. 4-3398 Eve. 3990 m I RE ALTO W J 1980 Fairgrounds Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 806 Houses For Sal DRIVE BUYS MUST BE SOLD MUST BE SOLD $29504055 Gary. Cute little 2-bdrm home on large lot. Water-system. $2950 Vista Ave. New l-bdrm garage hse on corner lot Will trade up for new 3-bdrm home In South Salem to $10,000. $59501560 Bellevue. Nice 2-bdrm home . on lovely lot. 78x192. GOOD INVESTMENT PROP ERTY. TERMS. $63001735 Fail-mount Ave. 2-bdrm home on sloping Fainnount Hill. ONLY $950 down buys tkas. . $68504378 Durbin Ave. This is a real buy In lovely ' 2-bdrm home on ',4 acre tn the 4 cor ners dist TERMS. (75002323 Byram. Excellent buy In larger 2-bdrm home with liv ing rm. dining rm. hemlock firs, attached garage. X Z TERMS. SPECIAL DUPLEX BUY located on : N. 19th St In com $100 per month. DUE TO ILLNESS SELLING FOR 8500 DOWN. GROCERY STORE FOR ONLY $2950 down. YOU WILL, NOT BE SORRY YOU INVESTIGATED THIS MON EY MAKING MARKET TODAY. GOOD INCOME. Present owner must sacrifice this business because of school. KIG" KIGGINS. EVE PH. 4-5494 MRS. OG LESSEE, EVE PH- 2-5373 a. S Dial 4-449,4 SflfiamMjaiE) ...... I I BSanaiBBSBSPBaBBBjBBaaBaVBJBBBBSny-' Very, good 3 bedrm. home AT 1310 N. 25TH ST. 3 BATH ROOMS EXTRA NICE KITCHEN ' LIVING ROOM. FIREPLACE DINING ROOM ' Drive by to see interior call JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 413 N. Rich St Please do not disturb tenant. BOO Real Estate V 1 ) WHO WANTS IT!! . . - Good 2 bedroom home, close to school and bus, hardwood . floors, fireplace, basemen swell large lot good terms. 1- L - i an for $7930. ' LEX OHMART 4 Corners District .. - A good 3 bedroom home, just S years old. nice living room, kitchen and dinnette. lots of closet space, new piped oil furnace, lot is 100 x 150, on paved street $7930. North Salem 1 We have a brand new listing that's a dandy. 3 large bedrooms, double plumbing, full basement with oil heat. 3 car garage, this wont last at the price of $12,000 terms for the 'buyer.. Beautiful Dutch Colonial True colonial style, 3 bedrooms and bath up. very spacious living-room, large dining room, kitchen and ' nook and bath down, . basement with playroom, unusually lovely back yard with patio and large fireplace here is a TRULY fine buy for $17,500. Farm Special j 22 A. Chehalis soil, all in crop. Irrigation well and pump, no buildings, wonderful crop Included in this close-in property for $20,000. ; Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 COURT ST. PHONE 2-4113. 2-4114 Evenings Ted Morrison 2-5046 - Louis Lorenz 3-5590 - Ralph Maddy 2-3465 ' Henry Torvend 3-3532 WNER LEAVQG TOWN' $8,850.-4 corner Dist Lot 1Q0 180. Very nice 2 Bdrm. liv dinette, kitchen witn metal Dullt-lns. Hdwd. floors, wail to wall carpet in uv. rm. Auto, oil heat Utility rm. At attached garage. Newly decorated inside and out Bus Sc school close. Good terms. i -- ' MUST SELL . $7,950. Richmond School Dist, 2 Bdrm-. liv., kitchen with nook. Newly dec " orated. Corner lot Close to bus, school Sc stone. Good terms. VISTA-AVE., $8.000. Owner will trade for 3 Bdrm. home. Good clean 2 Bdrm., liv., din. comb., kitchen bath. Attached garage. Good terms. INCOME PROPERTY $10,500.-2 Apt, and large living quarteri. Close to hospital. State Buildings and school Full basement, sawdust heat, 3 cat garage. A. A. LARSEN. REALTOR 191 S. Hlgn Ph. 2-8629 . Andy Halvorsen Ph. 3-7163 A. E. Beckett Ph. 2-4591 A. Wells Ph. 2-3738 Eves, and Sunday - NEW 3-BDRM. HOMES $450.00 Down-GI (5 DOWN 25 YEARS TO PAY) $900.00 Down-FHA (10 DOWN 25 YEARS TO PAY) ; Full Pi-ice Only $8,750.00 BEAT THE RUSH! 25-year loan City water 6c sewer Paved streets & curbs 'Lots 61x110 m fits fin ft flTMP rt a r- ONLY If you have been waiting for years for a low down payment plan, call any salesman listed below. NOW while we have the lots anLerms. DON DAVIS .. THELMA MANKERTZ (XU7 BOWDEH Pk. 4-3380 ES-WOByTT Next to Willamette Valley Bank, HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 836 Houses For Sals ROY TODD REAL ESTATE HOME BUILDERS, ATTENTION! If you want a choice large .lot with plenty of trees, call us. Keizer, Just off Chemawa Road. $900. FAIRMOUNT THREE-BDRM. BARGAIN Owner says to sell it 3-bdrm. with dining rm. breakfast nook, basement, sleeping porch. Hurryl $8400. j TWOrBEDROOM In convenient location on pavement close to shopping and bus. Has large living room and large kitchen. Good condition and well worth $4500. HIGHWAY BUSINESS Owner says too much business for hint to handle. Includes home. Well equipped garage, service station and approx. 'a acre on 99 E. Also AAA. wrecking service,. Equipment goes. A buy at $20,000. ROY TODD, REALTOR 2319 State Street ! i Office phone: 2-8591 Evenings call: Simpson. 3-8239; Rucht 3-7913: Todd. 2-1731. 760 McGILOHRIST Open 2 to 5 P.M. Sunday li. NEW HOME. 2 BR. ON FIRST FLOOR. tARGE FLOORED ATTIC. LARGE L.R.. DR-. LARGE KIT. WITH iSNACK BAR. COLORED BATH, AND FLOORS, nREPLACEl FfLL BSMT, PIPED OIL FURN, ON LOVELY LOT OVERLOO)KINC SALEM. PRICE $13000. ED BYRKIT &! OPEN HOUSE Today 2 P.M. to 5. P.M. J 4250 Shoi'eline Ave Manbrin Gardens You are Invited, newcomers -jnd others In our fair dty. to visit-Salem's most modern, neauuxut niDunwo area, we nave pavu walks. curbs, sewers, and a water system all our own.- While here Stop to inspect this marvelous opportunity! to purchase at a surprisingly low ' figure, one of larger ranch type structures. The house contains 1404 q. ft on a lot 122 x 196, It la a $14300 value offered for Just $12,800. There is a $10,000 FHA loan available. Call Al Watts.! 3-7263. J NELSON & SPECIALIZING tta N. High St WHERE ELX Can you find a new home In exclm aive - Candalarla Heights for --iust 81500. down? 3 B.R. down andJ floored npstairs with room for 2 more big BRs. Nice Liv. rm. St. Din, rrru. axiracuve bji., omiuw sareirjc r, ' . . --,. - . big 100 ft lot $11,500. Call Bob tLGTwim view of Willamette River Conklia for appt S - GOOD rNVESMENT Older S BR. that has just been COM PLETELY remodeled. You name It It's new. This is a real buy at lust $540l and wont last long. Dool miss this one.". - burtpicha! Fvei: Bob ConkJin 3-SSM 37S N. High SU Off: 3-4047 t 800 Real Estate x r I 7. RUDY CALABA 40 LOTS AVAILABLE e Hardwood floors " Steel casement windows Youngstown Steel Kitchens Pick your own colors 1 eve. i-n. -fUZ f 4 Eve. Ph. 2-8053 JLV. m. a-wao "pk, 4-33oe ie.aaeeyfr t6ALTO- 806 Reuses For Sols CO. NELSON REALTOR I Phone 2-3669 8C3 Lots For Sale LOTS, North of Salem, no t- restric ;. tMons, $650, $10 Da, $10 a Mo. Owner. I- 1035 Broadway Ph. 3-8611" NEAR 3 ' schools. 80 x 100. 2340 East Nob Hill. Inquire 2335 S. High. and Citv on Fair" Oaks Way. 4-3293. FOR SALE lots. 100 x 300 ft Clear, -lake Dist. mile from school St ' store Rt Box 274. Ph. 4-1 316, CANDALARiA by owner. Choice cor- nerj Phone 2-3960. x 8li Exchanae Beal Estate root SALS or trsdt for farm or. . acreage, 6 room, unfinished house.' EKTuity $4000. Accept any reseon atole. offer. Pnone S-233 after 4 pa. 'aartun Kcmday. . 8Q0 Real Estate 812 Exchrxnow Bxxl Estate V TRADES ' 3 bedroom home in North Salem $8.50rade for Farm. 40 Acre farm, for 3 to acres with ouiioings. A good paying garage with a rest dence. wants a farm. E. A. McGlauflin. Rltr. 1033 Broadway 3-8611. Sun 4-2618 TRADES Modern 3-br. home, north. Take large suburban lot as down pay meat, ' Lovely 2-br. home, north, basement, oil heat consider' McMlnn villa or Portland home lnr trade. Nice 9he. him mk Wmmmm. sawdust heat Pay cash difference lor new j-or. com Keuer. Older type duplex, south. Take large mpuern trailer nome part payment Alsi $ br. south for rfCelier property. T7TAT. F5T1 TF 1595 N. Cottsge. Ph. 4-3661 day or eve. TRADE equity in 4-year-old. 2-bed room home in Portland for subur ban home in Salem. SU 7372. Port land, or co Box 633, Statesman. 810 Farms. Acreage For Sale - 200 Choice Acres LOCATED at the North end of How ell Prairie 14 miles Northeast of Salem. 187 A. cultivated. WU. and beaver dam soil. 147 ft.- 10-ln. irri . gating well with full auto. 30 h.n. elect motor, aluminum pipe and all larm men. 1 completely man. 4 bedrm. hse. with 2 baths and 2 -car ga.f 1 mdn. 4-rm. and bath tenant hse. Dandy large barn. Plus rood feeding barn with cement floor I now ieeoing au neaa oi Angus, lat est of design open pit silo. YouH look and look before you find a better buy and farm for $82,500. $23,000 down. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor ". 133 N. HIGH PH. 2-6680 EVE. call DEAN SCHA CKM ANN 2-5654 or Ed. 2-8704 816 Resort Property" A Weconia Beach Oceanview Home You will be proud to own and enjoy all year. Built only a few yrs. 25 ft. living rm. with picture windows, flrepl. and french doors leading to a spacious glased-in cem. patio, with view of the breakers. 2 gen erous bdrms.. full bath, large at tach, gar.. 2 lata, all fenced-in with beautiful lawn, flowers and shrubs. Only 2 blki. to level beach en trance. $13,500. E. W. BUTCHER. REALTY LohKamp Bldg. Wecoma Beach, Ore. Ph. DeLake 3221 OCEAN VIEW Bay nearby. Cabin, garage.- city wa ter, lights, lot Own a beach cabin of your own. For cash : sale only $1,350. AL HAUTH. CO-OP BROKER Mt. Angel' Land Co. Phone Green 44 or Blue 59 ' 818 Wanted, Real Estate HAVE buyer for 1 or 2 bedroom house close to school. Up to $7,000 or so. Will pay $50O down and $50 .a month. Ramsey Realty. 4-6211. 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale 1943 FORD' club coune.-radio and heater. $225, terms. McCaUs. 1297 State. r - . AN "EXTRA Special." Private par- ty. sjoq, aown, oaianoe 8337 JO. 47 Pontiac, 4 door, Just overhauled. new Draxes, radio and heater, new t Lost driver's license. MUST selL 813 N. 3th, basement PORTABLE steam cleaner, late mod el. almost new. Just the thing to clean up those automobiles, trucks, tractors, 'or what have you? Cash or trade. 3024 S. Com'l. ' 1937 WILLY, good condition. 8380 N. River Rd. $30. 1930 MODEL A. 600x16 tires. All in gDod condition. $50. 5380 N. River Look What $95. Will buy 1939 Chcv. 4 door, good tires, new batter, clean inside. See at 1316 Reedy Dr. SAM SAYS: We're back' to Church (street) where we may be "UNDERCOVER BUT NOT UNDERSOLD." Drop In today and see these terrific values we're offering to celebrate our homecoming. 267 No. Church Ph. 3-7817 1950 STUDEBAKER Champion. 4 door. Regal sedan. Automatic drive. Runs and looks like new. 11.095. McCalls. 1287State. 1950 CLUB COUPE. Heater, good condition $845. 1938 Che v., radio, heater, good work car. Also good 2' wheel trailer. Model A frame. 3840 Bartlett Dr.. just off Ewald Ave. 1943 OLDSMOBtLE'S CyL Hydra matic convertible. Radio, heater, perfect condition. $795. McCalls. 1297 State. i 1948 FORD coupe. Radio and heater, sest covers. A very clean car. Mc- Call, 1297 State FORD CONSUL. 4 door. 1 year old. heater, signal lights, excellent condition. $1195 er will sell.eulty. ww. j-3Jo arxer s p.m. 39 CHEV. Coupe 885. 41 Ford Tudor $125. Both run good. Call MUt In- gran, a-c3Z. 51 STUDEBAKER champ, in very nice condition. Only 2300 miles with overdrive and .heater $1050. May consider trade. O. W. Hall. Phone 3-4448, SUverton. '47 CHEV. aero sedan. R&H new ww tires. Custom upholsterjK Excep tionally clean. Phone 944596 or 4-22i and ask Tor Wlllard Moore. lent condition. "$895 or best offer. May be seen at 99E. Highway Serv Ice. 2950 S. CommerciaL m 1940 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. sedan., $25. Body good, tires fair, motor needs work. New 84 license. A. E. Knox, HI. Z. BOX J3I-H. MiDtsn village, 1950 HUDSON, black. Excellent con dltlon. Will trade. Ph. 2-1510. FOR SALE, 41. Ford convertible! big engine. Restyled body. $650, fnone s-asso. 1947 7 , PASSENGER Chrysler. 1940 Chev. sedan. Excellent condition. Reasonable price. Ph. 2-2363. FOR "SALE or tracfe, equity In '48 -Chev. station wagon. Jasper Hard- er, 718 Euendale. Dallas. 1953 FORD CUSTOMLTNE Four-ooor Sedan, Radio St Heater, Overdrive, EZI Glass. Direction Signals. UndeBcoated. Local Car. leac than two months- old. finan , cial conditions Compel me to ell. will discount $250: See at '185 Cul- ver Lane. Pnone 4-5865. . . MUST sell this weekend. 1951 Chev. Deluxe 2 -door, sedan. Very clean. Daryam. eza irxiora, 194) FORD 4 -door sedan. A good run ning car for $100. Easy terms. Me- Calls. 1297 State. ' " - j ii51. DODGE Meadowbrook 4 door S)dan. Immaculate Inside and out. i car anyone would be proud to own. See it before you buy. $1,495. acuans, IZ97 State. 5t BUICK convert. R&H. Dynaflow. exc mechanical eond. Sell or trade. Ph. 2-7472. '50 BUICK special' sedan. 33.000 rrfileZ uooa i ires, s-xone green, sint, oee at 1995 W. Nob Hill after 8 p m. 4. HUDSON 4door. perfect condi- . tlon. See to appreciate. Call 2-3244. PRIVATE party will seTr1950Hud- son 4-door sedan. fdSSiW. Phone 2-931 1. Vm; 150 MERCURY. Radio, heater, oyer- drive. 6U7&. BU S. Box U. Pnone -n3Mr I. Statesman, Salem, Orei. Suadar, Aug. 30, 1S53 (Seci 1) 17 850 Automotive -852 .Used Cars For Sale e A fle a. a ; r - V ' i. ' ' w Leonard's U-Pick COME IN TOMORROW AND TAKE THEY'RE RIPS NOW AND WONT LAST LONG SO HURRY. 1948 CHEV. COUPE 1946 DODGE SEDAN 1949 NASH (SMALL) 1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN . 1941 2 PASS. COUPE 1940 BUICK CONVERTIBLE 1941 DODGE SEDAN 1941 CHEV. SEDAN. COMPLETELY OVERHAULED. 1947 PONT. SEDAN , , ... . . 1941 DeSOTO SEDAN ' ,, , ; . ,. 1942 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 1940 FORD SEDAN . 1950 CHEV. SEDAN (POWER GLIDE) 1941 CHEV. COUPE 1941 OLDS SEDAN (FLUID DRIVE) . 1941 CHRYSLER SEDAN (WINDSOR) 1940 BUICK SEDAN 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN . 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN . 1939 FORD SEDAN 1941 CHEVROLET SEDAN Lot's of Older Cars LEONARD'S USED CARS 273 3. LANCASTER DR. Salem, Oregon 1953 Plymouth Suburban with hy . drive, 2 tone paint, loaded with extras. 1953 Plymouth Suburban with heater. 1949 Plymouth Suburban. Looks and drives like new. 1950 Chev. pickup, 4 speed, deluxe cab. 1949 Buick Sedanctte. faido. heater. 1949 Ford Custom with overdrive. 1949 Chev. Club Coupe with over drive. WEEKEND SPECIALS 147 Ford. 4 dr.. 146 Ford, 2 door. Your choice $395. Prewar models from $50. on up. MEIER MOTORS 3024 So. Commercial 854 Tracks, Trailers For Sale 1946 CHEV. Flat bed trub with side and top rafjts. lire ina general cuaa. very guoa. Open on bids. Terms. Phone 3-4041 days. 19351 TON Ford panel with ' dual wheels. Tires and motor in good condition. Phone Salem 4-2852. 856 Wanted, Can Trucks BEST $600 ear In trade for M acre. Didg. lot, box 64, mqepenaence. ZEELVS USED CARS Birr SELL TRADE 2328 Fairgrounds Rd. . Ph. 2-8454 853 Motorcycles Motorcycles . and ; ' SCOOTERS ; NO DOWN PAYMENT at - Shrock MOTORCYCLE SALES 3007 Portland Road . . Ph. 2-1423 . 1949 HARLEY 125. Just overhauled. L. A. Wood, 878 W, Dearborn. Ph. 4-3074 1950 . HARLEY 123. Like new, 5,000 -tiles, windshield, extras. $-9892. . 1552 BlA, GOLDfN Flash motor overhauled this summer. Save over 9200 and buy at only 8495. Capp's Used Cars; 253 Union. Ph. 2-6143. : p e x m k o n t Rfnv a n t g- iftqsfc 1 TjAjM A R MSlKriOlDlEOpjElV I LrTTR(V ... -T- 4 u nhbIl HFOgF T E -r-, - S PIR I rvGr' T A LHP ' P "tNi'E "t TIL 6 , t - CREST IP A R 40 T gr"M E RfT rice "TdTe r d eIrtTn . ef!!oj' V A adojt a Mnc a ttte d g eTrTTp" ' P P E N D g LjU MTm OIllR g" r?PTCr 6E : Z SOB E rAjgNTD I NiOyTCjOjO" 'SETTER rto ElN A, L :"Z T AjBlulLjA lt ERR "1R E.D A NTj T r E 16 aIrT If EN P 0 U RHP OPlSgRR I MMfT f A S C Qf N oter"ac IXik &p 5TC LET TE rT" D I D q S T VPS O R"NIE R ' A L A S "3C ANT OjiL A R PT ; i e7cs TTat I C"T0 RT gar p eTniEIr al a TTTTr ag I'd i gNNE1 Ro"al a . SOL OJ iLE V ELTPACT IjNiO S ' E0TElr4l,-ElNE'lMiYt lgNTiRl jDNTl ' Solution to Today's Puasle , '$.:) j.:f - Umi i Urn a nifcj oniiu iii !,. ii i - difc. i"i a mi . - 850 Automotive 832 Used Cars For Sal ' e. Bindc Paalar m - ! See selections ct Otto J. WILSON A Company Commercial at Center Phone 2-3622 ' 'i ; , -f YOUR PICK OF THESE BARGAINS. , $308 lv $59$ I . i 1 1 , $59$ $35 .$495 .4225 -$12$ J$165 -$596 -419$ -4166 -4128 -$1141 $ 9$, -$196 -$168 -$123 - $ 98 -4 M -4 80 ..4145 1941 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. Ra dio and heater. Far above average. $395. Easy terms, McCalls, Utff Stste. -1929 MODEL A coupe. 193? Pontiae t 8 passenger coupe. Both licensed to Aug. ,54. Priced cheap. 145$ N. 23rd. . 862 House Trail NEARLY NEW 10 foot car top boat snd a good 2 H P. Evlnrude motor. Both for $143. 1040 N. Cottage. . NEWLY decorated 27 ft. trailer. Brooks Trailer Court. 1984 State. i ilAVE YOU SEEN . . The "long-long" Trailer, that luxur ious home on wheels with elthee one or two bedrooms. This really presents solid comfort st a price; you can't afford to miss. See thera today at . . . JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 240 Portland Road ALL METAL 18 ft. American Clippel house trsiler. Electric refrigerator, brakes. Sleeps 4. $693. 860 Wll4 Wind Dr. between S. Summer St 6, Hlsh 1 fi-METAL Eastern built, Relrifer, ator, water heater, terms. Ph. 3-8B01 20 FT. completely refinlshed insidd and out at less than half price. By original owner. Complete wiUi electric brakes snd controller. 1 ' gas tanks St awning. 603 Mille Ave. Dallas.1 Or. mil) &&4 II EqtiJpmsmt FOR SALE or trade, 1948 8 yard. F-1 Ford dump,; 2 speed, good tlreaj fiWHJ. Phone 4-3HS3. ' TON Studebaker pickup trucl ucl overdrive, very good eonditl 8875. Owner guarantees. Call 1-70 9-6 JO, Monday.