450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 600 Employment 600 Employment " 600 Employment 600 Employment StatBtmazw SgIxb Oregon Saturday. August 23, IS 53-9 1 470 For Solo. Miscellanacus COMPLETE set of bathroom fixtures. Ph. 2-9715. 4980 S. Pacific Highway. CtAS HEATERS. Glenn Woodry's. PLA-STl-KOTI reaulrea no waxing (or your floor or linoleum Yeater Appliance u 171 ummnia. ro. f-4311 6 PC Wrought iron (laM top dinette j et. $90. Glenn Woodry's Bargains, 1805 N. Summer. ?EW cocktail tables. Glass tops $6.$e. a Wood nr. 1803 K. Summer. HOME FREEZER. 4 CU. ft. i Special only $49.99 USED MDSE. MART y. 170 S. Liberty St. Phone 4-4371' . .TeJm course - ' fe&EPFREEZE bom freezers. Yeat- er Apllance . 37$ Cbemeketa. ph. 34311. to LID walnut swivel chair, $37.50. Steve Anderson. S41 Court. Phone 2-3453 SOUND tub Maytag washer with ' pump, looks like new. $95. Liberal - tra'le-ln allowance on old washer. ' Valley Furniture. 219 N. Commer t eial. ' 4VPIECS bedroom sit with 'coil - springs 4c mattress. 150- Valley furniture. 819 N, Commercial. CO i B1NATION Thayer highchair St . cr seat. Like new. $10. 2525 -Myrtle. : ' , : a OUR poster bedroom set. walnut finish, box springs, good condition. Ph. 4-83ft5. ClDER automatic washer. Best offer r accepted. 4-4344. fOO PADDED seats now being remov ed from liberty Theatre. Good con ' dition, reasonable price. Call Mr. Jones, Capitol Theatre. INING table and 4 chairs. Haywood waxeneia queen Ana style. S43. 1840 g. Nob Hill. ' ' ' . LlMED oak show cases ' florescent lights. See Dick Ramy; Sears Roe- Duck St Co. Phone 3-9191. G. X. Refer Special I10JS USED MDSE. MART i S70 S. Liberty St. Phone 4-4371 Terms of course SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Kilocycles: KSLM 1394, KOCO 1424). KOEW $7$, KGW 424, KXX UN, KOAR 1434 FM: Megacycles (X41ters note: The SUtetman pnalishes In good faith the programs a aid times as provided fey the radio stations, but because eftiaaea the. programs are changed without notification, this newspaper caaaet he respenslhle for the accuracy herein.) 1 HO UK 1:00 0:15 t COIN 4:00-7 :00 Church of the Air. mm R$LM"Musie I Music S.OCO : aoiN Tabernacle - (Tabernacle ROW Sun. Musie ISun. Music KSX Concert HaU I Concert Hall 8 iKSLM rat Baptist (First Baptist IBackteGod I Back to God KOCO Geo. Wright I News (Cent. Lutheran (Cent. Lutheran EGAS Waffle Club Waffle Club -(Christian Hour (Christian Hour KOIN Latin America -J Latin America iHoward Smith 1st. Era nets Hr. W Sun. Music ! Sun. Music I Sun. Music I Sun. Music KXX Sun & ShowersJSun 4c Showersl Light St Life Light at Life 9 StSLM Bible Class (Bible Class . KOCO Bible i (Organ Loft ROAR Roberta, Organ I Roberts. Organ XOIN Sun. Afternoonl Jewish Faith KGW Radio Pulpit Radio Pulpit Uncle Bob irop e' Morn. 1 KSLM Hardy News KOCO Presbyterian KGAI Waffle aub SloiN Sun. (Attn ROW 6. Shelley Sunday School I Lutheran Hr. I fresoyrenan Waffle Club ISun. Aft'a 1G. Shelley Negro Choir Negro Choir K.SLM . , ik & Era. I Musie rirst Methodist (First Methodist ROCO First Baptist (First Baptist ( .aottst (First Baptist KOAR Calvarv Bapt ICalvarv Bapt ICalvarv Bapt ICalvsrv Bapt, KOLN Music Festival IMusic Festival IMusic Festival iMusic Festival ROW Art of Living (News Eternal Light (Eternal Light KRX Parade af Hits Parade ef Hits 'Parade ef Hits Parade of Hita 1 1 1 BILM iOCO' ROAR KO ROW News -News (Cunningham Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade World News (World News Rainbow sundae Rainbow sundaeiRainbow sundae) Rainbow aundae Parade Hits (Parade ef Hits 'Christ. Action I Christ. Acuest Guy Lombardot Guy LombardoKotelaneti (Kostclanets Major Leagues I Major Leagues I Major Leagues (Major League Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade News tSun Afternoon Shirley Thomas Shirley Thomas Rainbow sundaeiCay M'a (Rainbow sundaeiRainbow sundae Revival Hour- (Revival Hour- Revtva' i:mi I'.rur SMidow - lhadew iTrue Detective True Detective Major League (Major League Major League Major League Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun Serenade Syncopation: (Syncopation JIdyrwild lldylwild Bob Considine (Rainbow sundaeiRainbow sundae! Rainbow sundae 1 KfXM KOCO KGAR KOIN ROW 2 KSLM KOCO KGAI KODi ROW ' Proohecv Voicell-i-r)ierv 3 KSLM KOCO KGAR KOCI ROW Nick Carter ( Nick Carter I The Falcon fThe Falcon Sunday Muste Sunday Musif I Sunday Musie (Sunday Musie Record Room ' Record Room iRecoro Rrxn.i (Record Room Tdylwtld Idyrwlld , I Rich. Diamond (Rich. Diamond Rainbow sundae Rainbow sundaeiRainbow sundaeiRainbow sundae Billv Graham itfiliv Graham 4 KSLM News (Music KOCO Don Stewart I Don Stewart KGAR Record Room (Record Room torn Jr Mlu . .Ur. Miss KOW Rainbow sundaeiRainbow sundaeiRainbow sundaeiRainbow sundae Church In Hn, ICiurcA in 5 KSLM News KOCO St. Francis ITJ NeverKnow U Never Know (Record Room KGAK Record Room KOIN Dec. Bride (Dec. Bride KOW Rainbow sundaeiRainbow sundaeiRainbow sundaei Rainbow sundae Music HaU (Music Hall 6 KSLM KOCO KGAR KOIN KOW KSX Fam. Theater Bandstand Record Room -Gene Autry Relax Music Taylor Grant (Fam. Theater (Dugout Dope Record Room GeneAutrv (Relax Music IJunmte Fiddler 'Freedom 7 KSLM KOCO KGAE 1N KOW ' KEX m SLM II KOCO KOIN M KOW KEX Symphony Senators ' Record Room (1st Precinct Armbruster ms 20 Oueftlons Moon Garden S& Sense, Senators (Senators, (Senators ISenstors Belloc Orch. (Belloe Orch. (Guy LombardolGuy Lombardo NBC SymphonylNBO Symphony! Symphony Hr.f Symphony Hr. Mon. Headlines Drew Pearson Research Adv. I Doris Day 9 KSLM -Newr- i Ed'tnnally Mayor Speaks KOCO Senators (Senators Senators KOIN Tommy DorseylTommy . DorseylLltUe Margie i KGW Symphony Hr.f Symphony Hr.I Meet Press , I KEX Time Capsule (Time Capsule ISpencer Show KS1.M Peace ' KOCO Senators - uiN - scat ruMi k KGW Reporter 1 KXX final Edition Peace (Senators Memories (Story Teller Faith our Tim KSLM Silent I Silent KOCO ,et t. " KOIN Musie (Music KOW News Nlfhtcao' City Council KXX Concert Hr Concert Hr. tM Na CbBCcb St. " Classified AdvertlslBg Per word, 1 , time 4c Fer word, J times' le Per wordV 7 times t Per word 1 month 60c Blinimum ten wards. Extra eharre for -Blind- " .k Betiers In city briefs: Per word! fi It Mlnimam tea words. V Refunds. The Dea Mine for dassiflcd Ad; enlam nc targe display types is 12 KX' Noon the day before pubiicst-on.-Oae Column d set in this t-e typt civ accepted up to 5: 'J FM. , The U.tevnan ruservea .ie nan. to eict questionable, advertising I' further reservet the right to place all advertising, under the orooei dam-Oration -i.''-. I he anesman aumi ne finan cial responsibtlitv lot - errors ' which may apueai ta advertisements .oub Usbed . i it- columns and tn rasec where hh oaoer is l fsuti will re print that part ot fen advertise.nent in wch the tVDr?inil mistaii( occurs A TUnd" Ad -an ad containing Statesmen box number for an ad dress ta for the protectioo o the advertiser and must therefore be answeteo by letter The Statesman tlon as to the Identity of as adver tiser using a "Blind" m 470 For Scl. t.ascsllaaow PAINT t.9-raL Glenn tWood-Vs. KLriflY cleaner.' Like new! Less than , t new- price. Glenn Woodry's, ISO . in. Bunwntr. 1 ; 1 - ' CLOTH&oXlNZ poet, iron legs for table, furniture, railings 1 143 N " Uberty Sun visor. &u si. 52. 53 oids. "as- or -82, S3 -wr-. 1199 Columbia. Phone 3-404 after 9 p.m ANTIQUE, china, glass.' brass, furni ture, miscellaneous items, we buy antique' dishes- etc. Open Friday -evenings.- John Keren ian, 1097 S. Commercial. Phone 1-744. Crashed; Rock FOR roads tk driveway Cement, Ready-mix Concrete.. Garden Sand Bulldozing drainage and ditching. 4 yd. abovel St ins line. Phone .-A24S. Walling1 Sand & Gravel Co.' TopSoil River silt fill dirt, prompt delivery, :t n 1-174. ELECTRIC HEATXR. irons, plates. lamps, ranges, toaster, waffle irons, etc. Always cheaper 0 Glenn Wood ry's, 1605 N. Summer. Diamonds & Jewelry at cost plus I0, Call or write W. C Mitcneu. U7 fcuuyaro. Eugene. ore. t-6331 SMALL wood circulating heater taju. uienn wooary a, isos w. oummer. BUNK BEDS Complete with springs and mattress. owy B33.S0 USED MDSE. MART 370 S. Uberty St. - Phone 4-4371 yrmi of course KITCHEN "STOOLS, $T5, Voodry- OIL CIRCULATOR heater. Like new. aiso -i on Dmu ana tubing. Phone 4-3863. K0TN 111:1. KXX ft J f Musie i llnv. to Lrng. J Sun. Music I Concert Hall Melody llnv. to Lrng. Sun. Music I Concert Hall Prophey Voice tPhrophey Voice Ave Maria I Ave Maria Waffle Club (Waffle Club Unl. Explorer iNewa G. Shelley G. Shelley Mas. of kraal Mes. of Israel iLutheran Hr IS ones Ren-. icnnstopners IWaffle Club (Waffle Club (Music Festival Music Festival (Two on aisle (Two on aisle Nai l Vesoeia Nai l Vespera I Bandstand I Bandstand I Major Leagues I Major Leagues (Major League Sun. Afternoon ( Sun. Afternoon voktra An union. pan. Am. union 'Herald of TrutMHerald eflruia (Mennonite Hr. IMennonite Hr, (Don Stewart (Don Stewart (Record Room I Record Room (Newsroom I Newsroom Mm. I Look to Skies ISunday Edit. Music Nat. Guard Record Room (Bible Hour Bandstand Si?n Off Escaoe (Escape . IMusic HaU IMusic HaU Concert Musie Senators Record Room Bdwy. Parade I Con cert Musie I Senators Record Room (Bdwy. Parade (Tony Martin (Freedom I Tony Marun (Symphony (Drew Pearson (Musie (Senators . (Senators ; (Senators Record Room Sign Off J!lst- Precinct (WhisUer , Whistler I Armbruster I NBC Symph. (NBC Symph. Chapel On Road Traffic Records! Traffic Records I News I Senators Little Margie Meet Press ICooke Healing A dealing - Reverie , I Reverie (Waxworks . IWaxworks (Catholic Hour I Catholic Hour Sacred Heart (Concert Hour I Silent I tlent -err (Music ' i (Music ICit y Counril . ICtty Council (Concert H. Concert Hr. Phene X-S441 SKbscrtptioa Rutes By carrie- In cities: Daily and Sunday t I.4S per mo 2i per mo .10 week Dally only . . . Sundav onlv Bv mail. Sunday enry: (In advance Anvwhere in V S t JO per mo 2.79 six mo s.pB;. vear By snail Dally aad SnaSayt (in edvascei In six countlTs S 1 00 per mo (Benton.' Clacka mas Linn. Mar- S.2s els Sno ion Polk. Yam- . , hiUl 10.30 ar - Elsev.'here tn m Ore son Uta per mo , In U S outride Oregon 143 per me i . Member Audit Burean of Circulations Eureae of Advart!in. ANPA - ors;oB Newspaper r Pub': Srs , Association Adver:!sl-j ttenreseatatires; Wird-Grifftth . ; N-tt Tork. Chicago . San Francisco. Detroit 03 Pickers Wcmtsd y A WHERE X VwattAtg Boas' ' ' f f- , , . 1 ' . "( Jr0( II ! a ' ' 55aaa.: ''.". ..... ffl gl H ' ulp --r . VS. Kx B r CM 450 Merchandise 470 For Solo. MUcollcmoous gTANXEY home products. Lee Mlndt fee Madison Ph -40se. WHttE enamel wood range $20. Glenn Woodrv. 1605 N.-Summer. PAlNf $1J gaL ' innWoodrys. WALNUT modern JdeSir $20. Glenn ' Woodry's. 1808 Nummer. , FRlGlDAlRE refrigerator, A-l. $65. small ire. f r , X! Woodry .i. rurnftuf s Market, 1605 S7. s i j GOOD iKgTsi2.50. Clenn Wooary,. XhOK SPINNtR autonAaUc washers. Bke new. 2 only $7.M es. Yeater , , A oUance Co. . T0 Chemeketa. Ph. J-4311 TMXT 1.s9 gaL fclenn Woodry's. 0-FIX-lT garage. Repair your own Omm rvm en. lnfOTfliS tion. rhone or drop In for details. Ph 45281. 2003 N. Commercial. CSlDiTPAiNT. tl. gaUon. Glenn ntAr-m'm inns N Summer. tigkD eictrie ranges 9i2.Si and up. Yeate Appnance, ia wirui,,. rnons j-ion. . .., . COOD used refrigerators stto and - i . A r. K mrr Phone 3-4ai.t OP. U Sea WUOCll I" YVtater Appliance tit ChemekeU. ntone a-jii CbRONAoo Radio Phono Com ubina- Uon. only . USED MDSE. MART Tip S. Liberty St. Phone 4-4371 CJtARRIS loundation girdles, bra. For appointment pnon a-vu w j v , . 1 - 1 1 - - g-.rr,, i, , tlTTVQ ntm-nn ' Wondrv's. $30 AXUSWtO tor your old water neater regardless ox conaiuoa m make on a new Westinghouse automatic electric water heater, with a-ten year guarantee Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. fnone j-jii. xl2 NEW linoleum rugs. $3.85. Glenn rw tAAft W Rummtf SlKOlS old sewing machines Up 'm sao er more tor your oiu hwuh machine on a new free Westing nouse sewing machine with e 20 yr warranty Yeater Appliance 1,1. 1 I ytllll.nv. CURTAIN type fire screens. $12.91, reg. price 24.sa. unna nooorj Furniture Mart. , 16o N. Summer. 472 Wontod, Miacollaneous WANTED eld fashioned baby cradle, dkah. saltan. '. USED furniture and antiques. One piece or houseful. 1-1862. Logs Wanted -,--txi Snd growth logs. Prem. paid for No. Slogs IT and longer. Also r stud logs or multiples of S plus trim. V to 14" diam. BURKLAND LBR. CO. 7 Ph. Turner Eves. 2S03 Turner or 2-7824 Salem. ' . : LOGS WANTED Ton price eat today's market for long ..or short second growth fir togs. For prices phone 3-B5S3 days. 4-17M eves. West Salem Lmbr. Co. 1160 Wallace Rd. 6C3 Picker- Wanted MARKS THE YOU MONEY! N P There Is Money Waiting for You In Every Direction From Salem! Anybody Can Pick - Hero's All You Do! O Follow any road shown on this map O Look for posted signs in all areas O You can pick any hour of the day in the t Bean fields. r THE ENTIRE FAMILY CAN EARN MONEY THIS WEEKEND I 450 Rlerchandiae 474 MUcoHanoous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERV1CX IN MOST CASES Bring er mail your Plates for Repair. DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bide State & Com. Ph. 3-3311 HOSPITAL beds for sale or rent. Stiff Furniture Co Ph. S-tisS- 476 Fuel Highway Fuel Co. Oean sawdust, wood, green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ph 3-4444 Canitol Lbr. Fuel Co. ORDER your wood now. Plywood cores, old growth fit oak planer ends. 198 a. trnn i at. rnont j-iui AN Dh SON'S hand picked tlabwooa i cord $14. Phone i-7731 or 4-4253. bTa5ERN(5wi S&wdust; blower and P. O: SASH 4c DOOR PIANER ENDS. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. 152S Edgfwater Phone 24031 500 Bus. & Finance" 510 Monsry to Loan Consolidate All Bill? Twenty-eve years ago General Fi nance Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men tc give you a loan service. We have lent miHons. TRY OUR SERVICX Yz.a can repy anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer time to repay Ph. Srst (or a one trip man. Loans S2Z 00 to $300.00 en signature. furniture am? equipment Loans to $300.04 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. Free customer parking at "Marten car far across rrora omce 136 S. Commercial St. Lie. No S13 and M33S L . AUTO l6An" WILLAMETTE CRXDIT CO. 1$3 S Church St Ph. -2447 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S1S4 Stija V.B) UH I'AMM: CITY or AORE AGX LOANS BEST OT TERMS WK BUT Real estate mortgages A contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. 117 t High St Ph. 3-4121 EC3 Flckars Wantod CAN I C 602 Help Wonlwd ACCOUNTANT. CP-A. ExeeOent op portunity ' with expanding firm ef certified public accountaata. Send resume to David L. Moonie 4c Co, P. O. Box 40S. Eureka, California. Starting salary $300.00. WANTED: Printer-Operator for com mercial printing plant. Ideal spot for young man wishing permanent situation. Sun Publishing Co, Hood River. Oregon. ; DINNER cook, day shift, lady pre ferred. Talbot's Coffee Shop. 4-3.S42. ' . WANTED: Men or women to work on our hop picking: machine, start ing August 17th. Day and night . work. Located t miles N. ot Salem oa River Rd. Call 4-1322 or 4-1323. Mission Bottom "Harvcrters. WE, ARB now taking applications tor Paper Routes at Carrier Divi sion; Statesman Building. Boys mi'.st be 13 yearsor over and have trie written consent ef their par ents If you have already applied kindly do- so again. 1 J THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted. Malt) COMPETENT young man, 27 years old. college grad. moving to Salem, desires position with reliable firm as bookkeeper or office mgr. Please call Salem 4-1949. - BARBER wanted. Senator Hotel Bar- ber Shop. Steady Ynan. , 1 WANTED: Flat bed trucks and driv . era. haul hone to nicklne; machines. Wm. Krebs and Sons. Phone 2-4948. SETUP MAN. State experience, age and qualifications. Rate 11. 97 'a per nour. dox oju,aawmin. CAST MONTH our leading Salem Fuller Dealer averaged. $154.18 ; weekly profits. Lowest dealer $97.77. Business Is Fine and Dandy and need 2 more permanent men. Work by appointment only. CaU 3-8357. CAR hop! Woodruff a San Shop. 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calls. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Monsry to Lean . CUT CUT CUT Cut your present payment ee - t.- much aa so. - Let us show how it may be dose. $50 - SJUOO AMOUNTS PAYMENTS i $1MJ2 s $ tSX 254.72 14J , 435JS 29 i gMLOt . . . 44.00 . , PACIFIC Industrial Loans , lit 8 Llhertv Phone 4-2?W ' c6l0niAL" ts'VtsTurJTT COMPANY 41 otxrt trtraet Phone 4-22S3 ' Buy sell - Loan m . w.. ...v. .M n - m FiUVATK money to oea. Ph. 2-01&4 6C3 Pickers Wanlod SPOT MAKE ERS Bean Pickers Now picking good second crop ef pole beans, good crop, and clean yard. Excellent camp facilities. Steady work. Daily bus service from Salem en following toute: Starting at $:41 A.M. at Owens snd Liberty, then north on Liberty to Broad way, north on Broadway to High land, east on Highland to Silverton Road, east on Silverton Road to Fairhaven Ave, West on Silverton Road to Fairgrounds Road, south on Fairgrounds road to Summer St, south on Summer to Center, East on Center to 12th. south 12th to Hovt. West on Hoyt to Commercial. North on .Commercial to Liberty. North on Liberty to Owens, West en Owens to south River nosa ana en South River Road nine miles to Farm. Look for Dark Green Inter national bus vith D. P. MaeCarthy and Son Farms painted on it. Flag down driver, he will be glad to stop anywhere on this route for you. -Please, no children under four, teen unless with adults. For fur ther Information drive out South River Road nine miles to farm, or phone Independence 19-F-3. D. P. MaeCarthy and Son. RU No. 3. Box No. 833. "Salem, Oregon. BEAN PICKERS WANTED peak" picking, cabins, stove, wood, lights and - showers furnished. Store on grounds. 3-8F4 Werline Hop BEAN Hop Rsnch, independence. Bickers. Sat. and Sun. , Frank Toner's. I1.. miles notneasi or iveix e - Lots and lots of beans, phone -B4EA' PICKERS WANTfB MOW 120 ACRES finest polo beans Just en tering peak picks. Excellent free camp - with cabins, electricity, shower, bsths. etc.; Dean Walker Faims. Independence. 'Oregon. Pa. 3f or 140 tor information. 606 Halp Wanted, fomala WOMAN to baby sit. my home. Noita. Parttime now aad full time later. Phone 4-18l.x . WANTED reliable middle aged wom an to care for, 2 children while mother worked room, board, and $50 per month. Phone 3-4337 be tween SO snd 730pjn. fib'ARDac room "in exchange for 3 hours a day. No nouse wosat. May work out part time. 248 La Sejle... RlXIABLE care, boy 1 year. I day week. Eves. At weekends occasion- ally. Box Wl. co Statesman. BIspATCHIR for taxi service must . . i i ...... . - nm exwuvo. .uwiij m v. i pleasing voice end personality. Should be experienced on switch board work. P)ease give age. Write box 6ZB, statesman, INFANT care, 2 to 4 hours per day in childs home, north. Sundays off. Stsrt September 1st. Call -M94. , E3( tRlENCED dinner cook, morn tag shift.. Sundays off. Nohlgren's, 40 Sute. ;- - ' i - . WAITRESS and fry cook wanted. Apply ta person. No phone calls. please. Spot Light Cafe. WAITRESSES WANTED Vniii.w, .! eta ay a shift. an board. Eioerweiry urn m wnuwm east of Seaside on Sunset Highway. CaU Elsie 3. collect. Ask tor Lloyd Morgan. - -, - 600 Employment 603 Plckora Wanted NOTICE! 300 BEAN ilCKEttS URGENTLVTjEEDED. 4 DAYS BEHIND IN PEAK PICKING. Vi MILE EAST AND NORTH OF CENTRAL HOWELL SCHOOL. CLARENCE 4 HERR. RT. 2 BOX 1188, SIL VERTON. CALL SA LEM 3-1207. BEAN Pickers. New ysed, new loca tion. mile N. of Cascade High. 2nd lane to rirnt. u. m. Hansen. BANPICkERS wanted at Fran Toney. I'i miles NJ. of Ketzer. NJj. of K Phone 4-2972. $$FREE$$ $25.00 IN CASH PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN TO SOME LUCKY BEAN PICKERS WHO PICK FOR US ON ISATUR-, DAY AND WILL BE REPEATED ON SUN DAY. D R I f E OUT AND ENJOY 'A GOOD PROFITABLE DAY BEAN PICKING AND WIN SOME pF THE FREE MONEY AT THE END (Jl? THE DAY'S WORK. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO DRIVE, J R I D E THE FREE BUS, SEE SCHEDULE ANH ROUTE 1 THIS COLUMN.! GOOD crop of largje beans.rKnch NHfe MILES O U T ON S. RIVERfROAD. D. P. MacCARTHY & SON, RT. 3, BPX 833, SALEM5, OREGON. PHONE: INDEPEN DENCE 19F3 1 BEAN pickers wanted. I Fine crop. Fir Grove farm. RL X Box 238. Ph. 4-403. L ' WANTED Hop pickers, early and late hone. Bus teavinc from Employ mens ouice on Femr liSt. at 4:29 Starting Aug. 24th. Paul Staedell. Rt 3, Box 143. SUveston. S1e4nn II Phone WANTED thomlesa blaclberry pick . ore. Jacob Welgum. 29 Chemawa HELP ME! m r . e I ' ' ' Jiv neans have cone ti crazy! They look like bunches of bananas. You drive out, you IBS " won't be sorry! I'm close .to town, 3 miksit"dSy4 out South RivefRoad. Turn right oni mile. Rienscbe's Bean Yard. Phone 4-2789. BXAN PKXX&& WANTlSJ.";4tirana very good picking. 2 nllei nort east of Keizer on Laice . Lsbish. Witch signs to yard. Ralph Hoes lng. Phone 3-8588. f 612 Work Wanted. Malo MARRIED mshsnts fsrm lob, fur nished cabin, $33 a rnonth. Paul lnroid BaJem. CUSTOM' hay baling." 6, trend, Ph. 1-4512 Silverton. DOZlNd and griding Vith HiKi m crawler. -4lt, Tractor Wok Plowing, discing, blade, work.- Phone -2-3041 LAWN MOWER sharpening. Also shsreen scissors, clipnwr heeds. saws. etc. Oscar Vasfsref 391 Gerthu Phone 2-16M. I FALLING, bucking, clearing, etc. Ph. 3-8032. ! Mason Work. Patch PlasUring Stucco and repair. Basements water proofed by plastering, marneoues outside fireplaces Plantery's, patios. 2-4943. 614 Work Wanted, female T CHILD care years or y danger, my home. 825 8. 17th HOUSEKEEPING Job for PlNO J "gentleman in country. Good home. more man win. 39B Mission St. ZXPERKnCED cashlir. eJerk. typist' wants part time or lull time worx, excellent references. l-7tfl$.' BOOKKEEPER. fuU chairge. permanent position, $ itfay Exe refs. Silverton 3-44P. needs week. 1 615 Situations Wanted Will TAKXare of children in your home. lay or eve. Phong 2-4878. . fSOUCKG 50c an hour. Hiring haag ers. 1011 2nd SL West Salem. Carpenter work andi! painting. . PHnne i.MU I" NEW lawns Prepared ad seeded. rotary hoeing. Duaned .Wolcott, S-1Z7 BRUSH and Spray painting. Phone 4-3505, 3-8591. - - fKmWtC. walerproofinll free es ttmates. L. E. Hess Nelson. Phone e.4an7, J-8243. - f ' ' NEW HOME conatrucuorej remodel- tng. Free estimates, lxycal refer- ences. Miles and Knutaon, 4-4340 after I in Fves. )j - , fvRsstaAKING. experieoced Mra j-Jius Pineus. 1700 horU 20th Ph -9342. CEMENT WRK Sidewalks, steps, oaaoe, iieaements. Prompt service. Guarantee, Phone ajsieo - i ' PAINTING.' paper - hangirjg, da contract, small lobs welcome. P y or Phone 2-7B92. . ' f ITRXbOZING and land! clearing J.v'j Houywooa UT fnoree ,-ie. HIVING A JYOR'XQ AIWA f ' : - i THUUSLU' V. 'mm Untiw Cl KCMirtS wilt solve mtr orobVtms and save yoo- uiorury Free - estimates, speedy servion. t center ana jaoerv. 600 Employment 615 Situations Wan!) PAINTING 23 years experience In Saltan. Free estimates; Phone 3-79S3. YiR -racUcal nurses A doine.ti)- call Mrs. Hopkins .Registry. i-Wt. PAINTING, " exterior and interior. MeClaln and -Golden. Phone 3-4323 or 3-3BW9- ; ! j m rcRTjnXM's bi'y STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT. ED. HRS 4 A M. to 4 PJi. PH. 2-7994 ? i j - h HOME building.' remodeling.' Free ei? llmates Ben Graves ph. 3-8393. NDSAlLVGTtractor aridulUr ' work. Service Center. Phone 4-MJ3 DAYTlfit . childearer;by"'dsy or week in my home. Ph.r 4-8034. 12U J 9th. : I NURSERY" SCHOOL. iWs Ultra" modern. 853 Mission. Ph. 2-7658 CElHt crawler - dozer, turt le veiing! rradlnc. Phone J-32J0. CARM ENTER WORK. Any kind.'Rea- sonsDie. 2o Maciaay Rd. rhone 4591. ! t i-Cr LRiENCEX) commercial oTTver salesman wisnes permanent potl tion, calling on grocery stores, tav erns and raft in the Willamette Valley. I years experience. t Ph. Pa mtmr For quality .work reasonable prices eau s-sn-'s. t . Licensed Day Nursery especially for Infants and two-year-elds Phone 2-8022. . FlSH smoking and fish canning. Ka" tem Custom Curtng Plant. 3-7008. LAWN and i flower" bed workTKv lawns, planted, L, also I Roto-tilling work done: Ph.c453 or 4-1 51 1. PlNfTNG. Reasonable prices. Arlis Meit-jn. Phone 2-1353. i euiXBoZIorr yard grading, dirt loaamg. X-V71S. 34oa rtoruigate Ave. CARPENTER work wsnted. New or CONCREtTwork alTkinds. Concrete waiis. pauoa. siaewaixs, oaaements. jjhn Feldschau 4c Son. Phone 3-882$. 4-S339. Call after $ p. m. 618 Education BB A Naturopathic Physician. For In formation. Write to Wg.STa.KN STATES COLLEGE. Dept. R, 432$ S.E. Bird avenue. Portlsnd. Oregon. CLASS of"begLnners In piano to be gin siuay soon, in a i weeks, rne class will give its first! recital. En root your child now. Phone 4-44A3. 620 Day and Contract Land Clearing It yrs. Exp, CaU for estimate oa hour work or by contract for the com- rlete job. I C Mitchell. Phone -8337 ! Salem Sand & Gravel Co Contract Work : . Roads Oearlng Ditching Sewer 4 Basement . Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot ! Phono day 3-404 BveniMe 2.7412, S-441f Salem. Oregon . 700 Rentals 702 SI plna Rooms. Board FURNISHED room, kitchen end laun. jrry privileges. Phone 2-0487. " NICE ROSM for gentleman, close in. 89 N. Winter. ; . PLEASANT room near i everything. es rerry-at.! ROOM St board in private home lor school girl. 2023 Market. WIDOW wishes to share attractive home with congenial teacher near Junior St Senior High 4c grade school. Phone S-S287. i ATTRACTIVE ! room, private home. . gentleman. BBS n. aummer. rhone 3-4368. 1 -' NICE light housekeeping room. 444 N. Churckv 1 ' i r ' ? - 'i 70S Apartxoanta for Bsmt S LARGE rooms. Close! In. $40. 434 Division. ; ' IdOM furnished apt. UpsUirs. tw N. cora l, iflione i-i(wi. SONEt5R1iWt5 very thing rvmlahed. close so cap ltal Sapping Center) and State oulldings. Avsllable now. 134$ Cen ter St. MM ' ' - ' BASEMENT, i niceif fimlshed. 1 looms, prvute pain, uuuuu, tv UN FURNISH ED l-room Jspt.. private pain, cioee : in, uiuiuf. oomi wltn kitchanettelbath room J private en- v trance. Firs) floor back $30. 89$ S. 4rkoOM apt.;-partly furniahedT'Dav $43.00 a month, jllving-roota, bedroom. auicnen anawn. f " water and amrage servli rurnisnea. Phone a-azsn. j LARG E duplex ! apU Right down JTeirry. Phone town, adua. 480 s-arrs or 1-B43T, Xpf. for rent, walking distance. newly qecoweq. fnone -vbj. . FlARGIT furnished roomlbath. laun dry, 1st fteor front, jlarge yard.. nice. S4S.g. lth. -ITRNreHETflapartment tor adults. private entrance, ciwi mw. CLEAN i-rocrij furn.! apti Range, re frig, laundry i uuiiues paia. References desired. Phone 2-9084. ni M.t.I ti- . "Ml Madisoli Court) ApU, Newly decorited, unfurnished apt. BSO. AISO c JUCeiy jurnn -K Unilvwnnd f)lit. 1088 Madison. linNunrnishedapt. with priv- ate entranes ana garage, mo vroa. Phone 3-5954.1 ; . Elaine Apartrnenti t '$7 fit. LIBERTY ' w,. i i ninm anartment. CEvSBlnTcsn furnished apt. Pd- .. . h.th -atilitles. 7S Marion. fiEAUTlFtj't. J rooms inpnthTAll electric. Atito. washer. Ph. $-4411. 2230 Fslrgpyiwas Rg. TEANcheerful I as 3 I room spts. 1 . Unfurnished: jeV furnished. $ i. - 12th. -tt .- 1 ARTm11M5I ground ftofr. I rooms. f urnished. Adults. Ph. -437$, soo J1 Ml.h Sft t.5 i Tl-Tn A CTTV i T i-roomT 1-bedroom spt.- unfurnnsneo except ior eiec trie rsnge. retrigerstor. , 1140 S 13th irfM SMALL mooern l-room f arniahea apt. Aduus. no pets. Sheioon Apart. mevfts. 1 3C0 sNj. Liberty, j CC&SE IN atfracuve clean, furnished apt. Eleetrl stove, rerriierator, pn vatrbath, Mundry facilities. Double wall bed. 23 lUnion. Ph. 4-141. - T2VECy cicieTnTfirstfloor apt. Lou Of steam nf sk ana nov water. an at 83l OsklSt. - ' I ... 4, lllSfeORATtD. private entrance. ground fivw,i snower. si monm. Phone 2-98HI ...l. 11 5W FTaprrxtra nice. 1 rooms and bath. stove jana srif iaaire mr. ntsheo. x, l, sotenna ayauaoie. n- ooire 1S48 12th., TKiAUwrwtz: $K.' ph. hm. DOWNTOwNk clean. weU furnished. - -: e.kM.s lass4W its gswmtsPf'. rt56MS fGrSKidT4drTruUUeiriur- CL6AN j peffiroom umurtuaneo. nau duplex sot, 2f5 N, 51 K 4 : BViSlTi5Vreom. electric refrig Tttor and 4tove. Call 95 Ssglnsw. ItARGE 3 reind fuJniaKed.i . newly V ..... jw..w tit., m?rmmm- SA. Ht:VW.V. VWf ..'7 $41 N. Liberty. Phone 3-5444 or S4I0M. s I. - - - " r iR60M furAWbed apt private bath. utilities furnished, uoae in. as Marlon. 4i- ; ,M: EAacT- 3 room well ' rurnlaKed apartment. : Close ta. ss w. cot tare. w i - I COZY 3 '' rn I ground ' floor, close in reaaona.tiei. 4 n. tnurcn. us o Ire reargjrtouso 410. : SEWLY decc.ll. cloM in Cation. Emfiiroyed l lady. 44 . gum- sner. i 4 . . t-