The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 28, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    $Soc 1 Sterftnneou Salaxn. Oro Friday, Aug. 23. 1SS3
Around Town . . .
VISITORS OF NOTE . . v Mr. and
'Mrs. Kenneth A. Holmes (Bev
rly Hutchison) and young son,
Mark, have arrived in the capital
from San Antonio, .Texas, where
-they have been living the past
year, while Mr. Holmes was sta
tioned there with the air force , ;
he has been released from active
duty after twenty months of serv
ice .: . This fall he will enter the
Willamette University Law
School . . . Temporarily the
Holmes family is residing with
her pareilts, Mr and Mrs. Joe W,
Hutchison . they spent a few
days in Albany with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. -Glenn Holmes,
before coming on to Salem. . . .
I the capital .... a few days
this week were Mr. and Mrs. Rob
crt C, Mayfield (Lorraine Pain
dexter), who visited with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Poin
dexter . . . the Mayflelds are
leaving today for Seattle, where
Lorraine will teach in the ele
mentary Schools this year, and
her husband has accepted a
teaching fellowship at the Uni
versity of Washington . . . he
will also study for his doctorate
degree . . . The past year the
couple has been in Bloomington,
Indiana, where both attended In
diana University . . . Lorraine
received her degree in June and
her husband his master's degree
. . .-Enroute west the couple
stopped in Abilene, Texas, to vis
it with his parents ....
A trip sooth .... for Mrs. Clif
ton Mudd, who has been in Men
lo Park, Calif., the past fortnight
visiting her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. William Mudd
. . . she returned to the capital
Wednesday night . . . While in
the bay area she enjoyed a lunch
eon with longtime friends from
Texas and Oklahoma at the Al
lied Arts Club ...
From South Dakota .... have
eome Mrs. Alexander W. Findlay
and children, Meredith, Marshall
and Mitchell, of Rapid City, for a
three weeks visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C H. Holcotnb,
and with her brother, Keith Hoi
comb. In Hillsboro . . . Mr. Find
lay will Join, his family here
later ... '
A vacation .... in Salem for
Miss Lorry Aguyrre of 'San Fran
cisco, who is the house guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collins for
several weeks . . . Lorry is en
gaged in promotion work on the
Call Bulletin, ore of the daily
newspaperrin the bay city ....
Flying. .... east today will be
Miss Brenda 5 lass, who is leav
ing on an extended trip, return
ing to Salem on October 1 . . .
Her itinerary includes Chicago,
Washington, D. C, Chattanooga,
Miami and two weeks in New
York City
It's welcome home .... for
Mrs. Delsia Larson, who has re
turned from a three week's trip
in the mid-east . . . she visited
her son, Robert Larson, in Gene
va, HL, and other friends ... In
Ames, Iowa, she was the guest
of a former Willamette Univer
sity student, Phil Phipps, who
; win teach this year at Massachu
setts Institute of Technology ....
A visitor .... in the capital
the past fortnight has been Rich
ard Page of San Francisco, who
has been at the home of his. par
ents, Judge and Mrs. E. M. Page
. . . enroute north he stopped in
Ashland to attend the Shake
spearean Festival . . . the visitor
will return to the bay city on
Saturday ....
Leaving . . . . this weekend for
Portland to make her home is
Sharon Hamilton, eldest daugh
ter of Mrs. Ralph Hamilton . ...
Sharon, who is a graduate of
Stephens College and the Uni
versity of Oregon, has accepted
a position j as speech therapist
with the Portland school, system
... she will be teaching at four
. different grade schools ....
Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen will be
hosts' for a farewell party Satur
day night at their Fairmount Hill
residence in compliment to Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Bogardus, who are
Social Gathering
For CDA Monday
MT. ANGEL-The monthly so
cial gathering of the Catholic
Daughters of America was held
Monday night with honors in
cards going to Mrs. Theresa
Print. Mrs. Al Vochsler, Mrs. P.
N. Smith and Miss Elizabeth
Beyer. '
The committee serving the des
sert nncheon that followed-the
card playing .included Mrs. Ed
Hammer, chairman, Miss Theresa
Dehler, Mrs. Anthon GriesenMier,
Mrs. L. A. Zeis, Mrs. Victor Tiof
fer, Mrs. Don 'Cook, Mrs. Jos. C
Schmitt and Miss Elizabeth
Keber. -
annn 1avtaff for Enffene to make
their .home . . . Forty of the hon
or guests' friends have been in
vited to the informal gather
ing . :. . ; : - . "
Entertaining . . . . a few friends
at dinner Thursday night were
Dr. and Mrs. 'John Radamaker . .
the occasion was a farewell gath
ering as the Radamakers expect
to leave in another week for Den
ver, Colorado, to reside for the
ensuing year . . . Guests of the
Radamakers were Mr. and Mrs.
William Van Meter and Mrs,
Nora Thompson ... Dr. Rada
maker has . taken a sabbatical
leave ' from Willamette Univer
sity and will do research and
work en a book for a year . v, his
wife will lake graduate work at
the School of Social Work, at the
University of Denver . . . Accom
panying the Radamakers to Den
ver will be their two children,
Johnny and Janice . .
A picnic .... on the agenda
for Sunday when Mr. and Mrs.
W. I. Needham and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Needham entertain the
employees of Needham's Book
Store and their families at the
Needham. beach home at Nesko
win . . . Thirty are expected to
attend the all day outing and pic
nic dinner ; ... .
Au revoir party .... on Tues
day for a group of the college
contingent who are leaving soon
for school, at the home, of Mrs.
D. A. Emerson . . . honor guests
were future coeds from the Cal
vary Baptist church and a few of
their friends ... A dessert sup
per was served by Mrs. Emerson
and later she presented the girls
with a farewell gift . .. . The
guests included Diane Burkland,
who enters Unfield College . . .
Neva Gilman, Marilyn Isaak, and
Carol Svinth, who will register
for their freshmen year at Wil
lamette University ... Charlotte
Graber, who is going north to en
ter Pacific College at Seattle . . ;
and Marjorie Kronser, who will
be a freshman at Oregon College
of Education at Monmouth . . .
Other guests, who were high
school graduates in "June, were
Glenna Allmer, who will be a
secretary at Leslie Junior High
School this year, Evelyn Andrus
and Rita Cobb, a visitor in the
capital this summer from Chica
go . . .the latter is a student at
the Baptist Missionary Training
School ....
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Of DAR'Fair
A number of Salem women
were at Champoeg on Saturday
for the second annual DAR coun
try fair, which was attended by
members and friends from all
parts of the state. ' A highlight
of the far was the dedication of
the caretaker's , cabin - with, the
state regent, Mrs" Allen E. Mc
Lean 'presldintv r ? V: " ;
Proceeds from the fair will he
used to defray the expenses of
the new. cabin.: which has been.
built during the past year near
the DAR Pioneer Cabin built by
the organization nearly twenty
years ago. .Articles for the sale
were jet up on tables on the lawn
about the Pioneer Cabin.
Among the distinguished guests
attending the fair and dedication
were Rufus Holman, former VS.,
Senator: ' Burt Brown Barker,
'president of the Oregon Sons of
the Revolution; Alden Miller,
president of the McLoughlin As
sociation; Joseph stern, president
of the Sons and Daughters of
Pioneers. . " ?
Representatives of families of
former Oregon I governors were
present including Mrs. Walter
Pierce, Mrs. Earl SneH, Mis
Elizabeth Lord, all Salem, and
Mrs. Lee Patterson of Portland.
Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of
Oregon's governor, brought greet
ings from her husband, wno was
unable to attend.
Guest speaker was C H. Arm
strong, member of the state high
way commission. Who gave a re
view of early Oregon history and
the significance of Champoeg.
Mrs. John Y. Richardson, chair
man of the building committee,
announced the many memorials
of cash gifts the or
ganization. Appearing on the program
were two Salem girls, Joanne and
Dedication of
(?1?minY?W LojWLvl
mm ays o
XIM68Mi -sir
Wlit, Sill liB ffeijliill
- IV
for all mako Sqwing fiachinos
Frco Cstimatos!
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Vandecoevering (Helen Berg)
whose marriage took " place on Aug. 22 at SL Mary's
Catholic Church in ML AngeL The bride is the daughter
of the Richard Bergs of Grants Pass and the groom is
the son of Mrs. John Vandecoevering of ML AngeL (Jesten
Miller Studio).
Charline Taggart, daughters of
the Edward Taggarts, who took
part in the May Pole dance pre
sented by the children of the
tt.y I ... AL. P
Chemeketa Chapter members
assisting at the fair were Mrs. W.
E. Hanson, Mrs. Herbert J. Ost
lind, Mrs. Millard A. Pekar and
Miss Ruth Rulifson.
, ...
6? f!CZ5 TXttf GO&Z
iBristows Will
Repeat Vows
w mnA Mrs. Robert Bristow.
whn wr married in Amarillo.
Texas fifty years ago, will repeat
their marriage vows at tne eve
ning cervices at the First Bap
tist Church Sunday night at 7:30
o'clock with the Rev. Lioya An
derson officiating. The couple's
marriage took place on August
20. 1903. ' I
The Bristows have resided in
Salem since 1944. They have four
children vnd eight grandchildren.
A. daughter, Mrs. Marlin D.
Karnes, - resides - in Salem. The
other children are Mrs. Robert
MnrnhT of Garden Citv. N.Y-
S. T. Bristow of Bend and Rob-
ert Bristow of Nash, Texas.
Showpr Honors
Miss Sundorlin
tricia Louise Sunderlin, daughter
and ' bride-elect of Ramsay E.
of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sunderlin,
Miller Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ramsay E. Miller, was the honor
guest, on Tuesday evening' at a
pre-nuptial shower,' when Mrs.
Warren Shrake opened her home
for the occasion with Mrs. Har
old Snook the assisting hostess.
The wedding date has been set for
September 5 at 8 o'clock at the
First Christian church with the
Rev. Dudley Strain officiating.
Bidden for the pleasure of Miss
Sunderlin were her mother, Mrs.
Ervin Sunderlin, her fiance's
mother, Mrs. Ramsay E. Miller,
and Mrs. Cecil Snook, Mrs. Wil
lard Pederson, Mrs. Stuart Johns,
Mrs. George Starr, Mrs. Arlo Mc-
Lain, Mrs. Mike Kipper, Mrs.
Lawrence Shrake, Mrs. Frank
Stone, Mrs. Robert Burns, Mrs.
Henry Hanson, Mrs. Lor en
Richey, Mrs. Glen Laverty, Mrs
R. Behm, the Misses Barbara
Snook and Phyllis Shrake.
rily Today
T Ll
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Modern and traditional ftyles . . . Light! and Dark Woods,.
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AMITY Of Ijatertst to friends
of the couple n -the Willamette
Valley is announcement of the
marriage of Miss Alice Virginia
Wakeman, daughtei of Mrs. An
drew Wake man of 5 McMinnville,
and Clarence E. lis hop, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Karl 3 is hop of For
est. Grove, which look place on
August 23 at the I First Baptist
Church in McMinnlf ille. Dr. Gor
don Frazee .perforned the nup
The couple will Eve in Seattle,
455 Court ; Street
. 12) b'
FrePrkind 1 -i1 TPhof 4-S673
415 buth High MillSts. Salem.Oregon
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Friday and Saturday, Angnsl
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No extra cost with
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There's a Kerimore to fit
Sears Roebucx tt Co.
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Gentlemen: fjleaso send , mo further information do- !
sfribina Kentmor Sawtna Machines. I
JsO II. Capitol,
Nuptials Hold
where the .bride will teach and
the groom; will attend the Uni
versity of Washington. Mr. Bishop
Will continue his studies in phil.
osophy. Th bride is a graduate of
Chicago Baptist Missionary Train
is 2 School and Linfield College.
Mr. Bishop graduated from Lin
field in June. ,
28ih Ct 2Sih
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your budget
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