. ...J'' " J"""' . j . , . .. -, .... .1 More Orchard Bits f ; ' 4 1 Plumbs Prunes Mako Fino ConsoryOi May Bo Frpscn f or Winter Uco -j j ! v-J By MAXINE BUKEN ' ' ' ' . Statesman Woman's Editor V '-. Every 'winter, come tree planting season,' we promise our selves an assortment of plum and prune trees and after 12 years cf filling up ; our ten acres, we still do not have that collection. Hovreverj we did add a good old Italian prone tree last year which perhaps may , portend brighter ' days In the future orchard. Maybe well get around to Satsumas, Petite, , Blue Damson and Green Gage. ' ' , Damson and Petite Plums Intrigue us; and we have bought the fruit and made preserves and conserve from it frequently. J Take this very rich recipe for Instance: . - r '-V,' ' I i -7 ! daIison plum preserves - ? 2 pounds Damson! plum' 'A cups sugar 1 cup water Bring sugar and water to a boil, drop in the whole fruit Cook until fruit is s4ft and syrup thick. Seal hot. ,' Then there's a lum chutney we have liked: ' ' '" PLU3 CHUTNEY ' . .. Cook 4 quarts pjums in mild vinegar to cover until fruit is tender, but not softj Add i cup chopped onion, cup brown - - sugar, 4 epp choppjed raisins, 2 tablespoons mustard seed and . 4 tablespoons scrapejd preserved ginger, some salt, paprika and the grated rind of to lemons and the juice of one. Cook slowly until thick and seaJin sterilized jars. Serve with meats. Here's a very did favorite, which many households in by (one days would no be without. ;' : J r Thvk BUTTER v - Cover plums wth cold-water and cook slowly until well done. Put through, i eolandar. Measure, and to each quart of pulp add 2 cups sugar and i teaspoon cinnamon and cook until ..thick, stirring frequently to Ikeep from sticking.' Put into sterilized jars and seal . Peaches snd pWms will combine in this recipe:.' - j -!'.'f PEAC-PLUM'JAM V 3 lbs. red plums (fr cups) j 2 lemons (sliced very thin) 3 lbs. peaches (7 Irape) f I" 12 cups sugar Peel and pit peaches, pit plums, eut into small pieces,- add sugar and lemon and cook Ito desired consistency. Pour into sterilized jars and Seat i I . " Like so many other fruits, prunes and plums can be frozen, for eating later orf for making - into preserves or conserve - as seeded. v j '.!; t To freeze prune or plums, wash, stem and sort completely r ripe fruit and cut 14 half to4 remove pits. Pack; in the freezer ' containers and covei with a 40 per cent syrup (lV cups sugar -to 2 cups water). Plce pad of freezer paper in the top of con tainer to keep fruit? submerged in syrup. Freeze immediately. , Rainbow Girls .... , -1 t ) Outline Plans ! For Fa I Rainbow Girls of Chldwick As sembly made plans' id? ; a silver teo on Sunday afternpon," Sept. 20, at a special meeting on Tues day night at the Masonic Temple. The tea will be held all the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Quistad in Kingwood Heights and proceeds will be given to the grand worthy advisor's Shrine Hospital project The tea will be one Of the1 first fall projects of the assembly. The girls will make .Christinas cards and hold a rummage sale in Oc tober and secure blood donors for the September 3 Salem day. An invitation was received for the assembly members; to attend the Institution of a new assem bly at Mill City on Sept 13. The next meeting will be Sept 8 at which time election of officers will be held; . ! A picnic supper preceded the meeting and the girls j surprised the mother advisor, Mis. Arnold Johnson,' on her birthday.. A gift was presented to Mrs. Johnson by Miss Joan NeaL, worthy ad Visor. ' ' j , Amity Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Gfl laspie observed their 16th wed ding - anniversary Sunday " at a dinner party. Guests were Mrs. Gillaspie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kulp of Forest Grove, t Needlecraft ' ' j m . . a . i &WUi Hit of your bazaar booth! New est, prettiest fashion I accessory! Pansies, buds, leaves, fnade from discarded nylon hose I cost al most nothing. Easy to make! hi Gifts! Bazaar! - Corsage from nylons.' Make earrings! to match, too. Pattern 662; directions. ! , - i - -.. F v Send Twcaty-flT B(a in coin (or this pattern add S cent (or each pattern for first-clasa mailing. Scad to Statesman. Need5ecaft Dept, P.U Box $740. Chicago 80. Ul. Print plair.lv VOUS NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE. PATTERN NUMBER. CCCITING VALUE! Tea. ye TEN popular,' new designs to crochet, sew embroider. ( knit printed! rtgbt n the . Laura Wheeler jNeedlecraft Book.. Ptua i many more ioatterns to en-t - for-(deaa - tor girta. bazaar inonejr-makera. fashions t Send 30 crttt for Tout copy! SEE THE FABULOUS . PFAFrj Sewing Machine at j - MYRONS ; 153 S. Liberty PK 3-5773 War nock-Stewart Nuptials Monday HOPEWELL A eandleUght ceremony Monday night at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Hopewell united in marriage Miss Marie Ruth Helen Stewart, daughter- of' Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Newell of Newcastle, Wyo., and Melvin Warnock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warnock of HopewelL Elder G. E. Schaffner of Salem - officiated. Mrs. Ken neth Warnock of Salem lighted the. candles. ' Stanley Warnock, brother of the groom, played a trombone solo accompanied by Mrs. Ursel Hallsted of Salem .who also played the wedding music Rob ert Clayvill of Salem was soloist The bride wore a pink suit with, white accessories "and car ried a bouquet of white roses. Her cousin, Miss Irma Pfaff of Denver, Colo., was bridesmaid and wore a light blue suit with white accessories with pink car nation corsage. James Bacchus Jr., McMinnville, vwas best man. The bride's mother wore a black sheer dress with white ac cessories, and the groom's moth er chose a . royal purple crepe dress with white accessories. Both wore corsages of white roses. A reception was held at the Hopewell Evangelical United Brethren Church. Mrs. Lloyd Ny seth. sister pf the groom, served the wedding cake and Mrs. Don Andal of Salem presided at the punch bowL Mrs. James Bacchus Jr., of McMinnville, was in charge of the guest book. The young couple will make their home in Walla Walla, Wash., where the groom will finish his senior year at Walla Walla Col lege. ..Mrs. Max Fowler and daughter, Judy, of Corvallis have been visit ing in the capital, with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Jacob sen. Judy has remained for a longer visit with her grandparents.- . i . t . , ... if . , t The YMCA YWCA Co-Rec Club will hold a picnic at Paradise Is land Friday night at 6:30 pjn. Members are asked to meet at the .YWCA, where transportation will be available. V .".- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brfggs ef Harding, Neb. arrived in the capi tal Monday to - visit her uncle, Scott Ebright, and Mrs. Ebright. The travelers will be here for. ten' days. - : Modern Etiquotto" By EOSERxA LEE - Q. Wher a person is using both knife and fork for cutting bis meat at the table, is it necessary for him to transfer the fork to bis right hand before taking the morsel into his mouth? A. No; the "criss-cross , man ner of eating is no longer con sidered necessary. It is perfectly all right to convey the food to the mouth with the fork in the left hand. ; - 1 Q. When a man and a girl are dancing, and another man wishes to "cut In" is it permissible for either the girl or her "partner to refuse? ; . A. This would be very rude, and also extremely embarrassing to the other, man. t ' Q. How should ' one take the olive stone from the mouth? 4 A. With the thumb and fore finger, and placed on the plate. FREE ESTIMATES On Kitchen Remodeling CAPITAL ' 1 HUSKY FACES Tina Reed ef Lm Astrelea wrka a mask made af dried palm hasks, wvratchmg her are ether bosk masks she created as a hobby far her home and gifts t friends. Betrpthal of I Duo Told ' Mr. and Mrs. Leif Barthold of Silverton are announcing the en gagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Richard Sievert, son of Mrs. Elaie Sievert of Minneapolis. Minn. No date has been set for the wedding. .The bride-elect is s graduate of Northwestern College in Minne apolis and is now teaching at the North Dakota School for the Blind. ,Mr: Sievert is with the Sievert Roofing Co. in Minneap Pattern 4797 12-20; X-42 SIMPLY MADE for all your busy doings from now right through winter! This smart casual has dashing details that give it a new-ceason look. Suit your fancy have the collar, cuffs, pockets match or contrast with the dress. Pattern 4797: Misses' Sixe 12, 14, 16. 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. Size 16 takes 3 yards 35 inch fabric; 4 yard contrast. . t i This pattern easy to use. sim ple to sew. la tested for fit. Has complete Ulustrated instructions. Send Thtrty-ttve cents la coins for this pattern add S . cents for each pattern for lst-clasa mailing. Send to Anne Adams, care of The Ore on Statesman. .Pattern Dept.. P.O. Box mo, Chicago SO. Ill- Print your KAMI, ADDRESS Wlta ZONE; SIZE, STXXJt NVMBEJU. Picnic Honors Mrs. Sargoant ;: . HOPEWELL Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sergeant of College Place, WaslL, are visiting his mother, Mrs. George Sargeant, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sargeant on Grand Island. A pic nic in- honor of Mrs. George Sargeant was held Sunday at the Maud Williamson State Park. She is 91 years old and fifty relatives and friends attended. A reception in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Harris, new ly appointed pastor of the Hope well Evangelical United Breth ren Church, , will be held Sept. 4 at 8 p.m. at the church. News has come from Fair banks, Alaska of the birth of a daughter on August 20 to Mr. and Mrs. GFen Wagers (Norma Bowder). The baby's grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowder and Mr. and' Mrs. Robert V. Wagers, all of Salem. The great-grandparents are Mr. ' and Mrs. J. I. Wagers and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kiser, also of Salem. Mrs. Donald Sc heeler was host ess to members of her bridge club at a dessert supper on Tues day night at her home on Ship ping Street Additional guests were Mrs. George C Alexander and Mrs. Courtney Jones. Oregon POWs Dock Saturday SAN FRANCJSCO un Two re patriated prisoners of war from Oregon will return Saturday aboard the transport Gen. W. F. Hase, the Army announced Wednesday. They are among 437 POWs on the vesseL The Oregon men: Sgt Thomas J. Eichorn, 3226 Harvey Ave., Milwaukee. Henry F. Williams, 48 Mace Road, Medford. CITY IN BUSINESS" ROSEBURG on Douglas Coun -3 m HCIfCSk UKVI)WlAiCU luwu, Winston (pop. 2.300), was "in business Wednesday after elect ing its first City Council. The five councilmen are Frank True, Paul Bender. Ed B. Welch, Martin Suk- dorf and Roy Fisher. i Particular Haircuts f r ' Particular Peoeple By GORDON at Haleys Beauty Center 1114 Union St Ph. 2-0992 csCaclxede 6 August Fur Event Now! Exquisite New Furs 134S Ferry Ph. 1-6814 ait ooctrosfe 5 On Portland Road Vt Mile North of Una'erposs 3 L.d ?(o)? EBgdgOdljqgg L O New Stocks! . . O New .Fixtures! O New Arrcaigements! O New Management . . .. ; v" ' x . . VISIT OUR PRODUCE SECTION IT'S SALEM'S BEST! C talesman, Salem. Or. Thurs-, Aug. ZT, 1 0 -3 i - OFEII rniDAt ; inGins,. . - r 5 TIL 9 P.IL t ----- : -.:-"!' v Pari: Frcp pa Oiir LoI ; UMId on' Stop Gar Sf: 1 o 1 ' DC3 m TOQQCXg SOFAS iUID SECTIOUJILS 1 toxtarod aqua and ross soia and matching chair 1 damask sola J. ' ' 'I: : : FORMERLY MOW .1490 79.50 I manrt mohrrlr modem sofa , ; ', , 1 maroon and beige 4-pc sectional -with matching chair I only tapestry Queen Ann sofa ... 1 1 rots mohair 2-pc. lor seat Right and left sections 1 only beautiful green and gray V 2-pc. lore seat. Right and left sections '. .199.50 2 19.00 2490 2.C0 395.00 90.75 100.50 124.50 104.50 197.50 -365.00 243.50 MANY OTHER VALUES IN SOFAS AND DAVENOS $4,000. STOCK QF QUALITY LAI IPS NOW 2.45 4.95 4.95 Early American Lamps 11.85 5.05 Vanity Lamps Vanity Lanfps Table Lamps; . FORMERLY 45 L 9.95 t 10.95 Table Lamps Table Lamps Table Lamps Floor Lamps FORMERLY j..' 14.95 29.95 39.95 v 82-95 '71 ' NOW 7.45 , 14.5 19.5' 1445 FAMOUS s CAI1D ,v' t ! TntirVe vi k - - - UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS SOIL BEDROOM OR LIVING ROOM m w H 4-95 " . v v i -' -i j COTTON RUGS j vs 24x4(r- ;;-;'" j EARLY AMERICAN BOUDOIR CHAIRS FLORAL LIVING ROOM CHAIR FORMERLY 12.95 ' BLUE DAMASK CHAIR & OTTOMAN MAHOGANY SHERATON L. R. CHAIR 2 RED 2 GREEN SHERATON CHAIRS GREEN SHERATON 34.50 39.50 54.50 .64.50 690 iW D.95 I3T195 19.50 27:50 34:50 30.50 OCCASIONAL TABLES J OUTDOOR LOUIIGE - Rec 3150 29-95 X FORMERLY NOW Matched blonde corner table 34.50 19.95 Matched blonde step table 29.50 14.75 Matched blonds end table 240 12.25 Matched blonds coffee table 2150 12.25 CORNER TABLES END TABLES COFFEE TABLES LAMP TABLES Deduced To 50 i .'.si. r DEDROOII FURIHTURE l: SUIIIG GLIDER 4-pc Double "Dresser Set Modern oak .. 6-pc Modem Vanity Set Carina wood 8-pc Colonial Cherry Vanity Set 3-pc Rock Maple Double Dresser Set 4-pc Double Dresser Set Pror." cherry . 5-pc 18th Century Mahogany Double Dresser Set 6-pc Colonial Cherry Vanity Set . - u . 5-pc Mahogany Double Dresser Set , 5-pc Colonial Maple Set Dresser or Vanity FORMERLY .259.50 .4540 393.50 .3030 .3290 .650.00 .359.50 .359.50 .393-50 0W 199.50 349.50 2919.50 139.50 249.50 403.00 279.50 279.50 WW Ilailress and Box Springs $ 49J0 Valus : NOW A SIMMONS HOTEL SPECIAL! . -3 Re 27.00 1 .:,"f"i y - i clOSTURE't,'V r ciikin ; LoiniGE i ! Ref j 990 59-50 . FREE! 40-oz. IJolhproof Vafflc Rug Pa With these and many other Specials In our Carpet Department during Final Week a our Auaust Clearance. This Week Only! i! P i 1 j FORMERLY NOW 12-ft. Cocoa WUton L.15.95 12.95 9-fL Beige or grey -12.95 10.95 12-ft. Spice tone i 10.95 C.95 4 BUGS California Casuals 8x10 NOW ONLY 49.95 9x12 NOW ONLY tiV i. mm 9'- TiTTTfTTP i 1 spfWai. Ret-llMO r 79.50 "i FREE4TV-RADI0, COIlBniATIOII ; Cone In Tegay Conies! Will End Salnrday Evening Acgcsi 29 5:30 PJI. LEI I TED Til IE OIILY -mi.. , m mm mm' i n 'WHWri n vw )v vir inn a V & tlftU U iL2Lkm L1LA r I' HOOVER VATOUII CLEAIIEn i I Vlth AacbmenL 39,?5 a suiiiisiij With the Purchase of any Admiral or Dumont Consols, or Combination TV Sets. FIRE? LACE j? SCJfPEII FIDE TOOLS i. J f . u . Re(4 24.90 r jutiH rliCHiiii 7 8 .1 f I I- 4 V ST0HE" : 1U X. Cigh . ffc. 4-5431 : t