The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 27, 1953, Page 22, Image 22

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    10--5c 2riata-acau SaUta. Pity. Thnnu Ang. 27, IS53
450 .Merchandise
4S2 Sports Eqtgpmc-t
49 SEA KING S HJ.: motor. Perfect
running condition. Phone 4-4333,
1070 Electric Ave. Price 60.00. ;
; IvEW Jc used boats at reduced prices.
Phone 3-8904. 3-3722. Ho-Hi Boat
Co- 1885 Birch ood Dr. ;
.ICAMP Kit tear drop. excellent con
dition. A buy. 1940 Lena Ave.
ARCHERY tackle, hunting oowa. ar
row, free instruction,! Call 3-5444.
GIRL'S bicycle. 313. Call: 4-5419 or see
at 1999 w, wop tan.
SMAt T. hoy'a bike, alia 30. Good as
new. 2775 8. High. Phone 3-8754.
GIRL'S Schwinn Bike, Ilk new. 433
N. Winter,
BOY'S bike, good condition. Phone
4-1473. ' i -
BOY'S bicycle. excellent condition.
. phone 4-349. , j r v ;
43 For Bent, Mixcellaifoua
Blmkctl fam. 1201 State, Ph. 3-9082.
OOL RENTAL, U-flX-TT. Corner oi
North Commercial ana loiumma
4NT or buy. All types electrical or
Land toots, garaen tremors, mvmr-
era. Howser grog, qxaa a. x-m.
J"OH KLNT or lease. lge. warehouse
apace, cement floors. Jbrtck bldg.
iinvn town. Inquire H. I SUtf
470 For Sals). Miscellansjoua
KIW lawai planted.
day phone
3-7373. eve. S-Z18Q,
PAINT 31 .99 gaL
Glenn Woodry's.
good condition.
Phone 3-0527.
yX'RNITURg Cheap. Bargain Barn,
Singer Electric
Console cabinet sewing machine with
regular set of attachments. Sew for
ward ana reverse over pins ana aw
drop teed , feature. $50- off new
smont sewing center
' - 130 N. Com'l
BETTER BUYS. Glenn Woodry's.
BARGAIN BARN open daily. add: to
5:30. 4 ml. W. Salem.
DAVENO .sectional davenport, rugs,
drapes, beds, lamps, chest ox draw
ers, combination radio and record
player, piano, .and other mte.
pieces. Call 3-3849 or see at 1595
Jefferson St. S :
BETTER BUYS. Glenn; Woodry's.
DAVENO SALE. Glenn Woodry's.
Terms, trades, lowest price in town.
IfUSKRAT coat, size 14, boys suit
7. wool dress 13. other; items. Call
3-6436. - - f J
Starting price Aug. 25th. $33
Augsut 37 372
Keith -Brown Lbr. Yard
Front and Court Phone 3-9111
We give S 8c H Green Stamps
iVEW cocktail tables. Glass tops $6.38.
Woodry. 1803 N. Summer. ;
EEPFREEZE home freezers. Yeat-
er Apliance.
273 Chemeketa. Ph.
Used j
- Clearance!
Feather weight Singer portable
Lake new . - i si u .90
Universal console
Singer Console
$ 64 5
4 390
Electric Console
Kenmore portable, light j
$ 73.90
JCenmor desk model, Aek.
ST Mat .- - T :
WClUk -.....
33 down, easy monthly terms.
sears KoeDuck c ? co.
550 N. Caoltol'
SOLID walnut swivel chair, $37 JO.
bteve Anderson. 341 Court. Phone
2-3453. j - I
HOT water tank with side; arm heai
er attached. Ready to install. 610
E. Ewald Ave. Ph. 3-27231 i
SOUND tub Maytag washer with
pump, looks like new. $95. Liberal
trade-in allowance, on old washer.
Valley furniture. 319 N4 Commer-
cial. . 1 i
4-PIECE bedroom sit with" coil
springs & mattress. $50. Valley
Furniture. 219 N. Commercial.
COMBINATION Thayer highchair Ac
car seat.
Lint new. i $10. 339
FOUR poster' bedroom set. walnut
finish, box springs, good condition.
' Ph. 4-6363. i ' -j
OLDER automatic washer. Best ofier
accepted. 4-6363.
COO PADDED scats now being remove
ed from Liberty Theatre. Good con
dition. reasonable price. Call Mr.
Jones. Capitol Theatre. ;
SUN VISOR, fits -51. 52. S3 Olds. "88"
or 52, S3 "38-. 1195 Columbia. Phone
3-4054 after 3 pjn. ,
ANTIQUE china, glass, brass, furni
ture, miscellaneous Items. We buy
antique dishes etc Open Friday
evenings. John Korenlan, 1037 S.
Commercial. Phone 2-7944.
Crushed Rock
FOR roads St driveway! Cement.
Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand.
Bulldozing drainage and ditching.
4 yd. shovel drag Una. Phone
. f-0243.
Walling Sand & (Gravel
; - Co. J
fcAS RANGE. $29.50: Glenn Woodryi
.and sewing machine. Phone i-3002.
rn-ivti al- menn iwooary .
PC MAPLE dinette set S37JW.
oak rocker $2.30. oak library table
$3.30. oak cabinet $3 JO, kitchen
table $1.50. 2 cord racks. $1.00 each.
Electric toaster $10. 1307 Marion
3 GAUGE double barrel shotgunT
$13. Woodry. 1603 N. Summer.
.STUDIO couch, .club -chair, washing
' naehlne. rugs. Phone 3-4823. j
I&aiTTKK BUYS. Glenn -Woodry's.l
tt9 Ne. Chore St, 1 A
CUsairied Advertisinx i 1
Per word. 1 time , : ; t
Fer word, S times i
Per word. 7 times ; -
Per word. 1 montb koq
Minimum tea words. k
Extra charge for
: -Blind sds
Readers In city briefs:
Per word ' ?e
Minimum tea words. j
Ne Refunds. . ,.:.'1Vi,
The Deadline for Classified Ads
containing la age display types ia 12 AO
Noon- the day before publication.
One Column ads set In this size type
Only accepted. up to 3:45 PJM.
The Statesman reserves the right
to reject questionable advertising It
further reserves the right to-place
all advertising under the proper
Classification . - -
The Statesman assumee no fman
etai res pons! bill ly for errors which
may appear in advertisements pub
lished n ttr columns and In cases
where -his oaper is at. fault: will re
print that part of an advertisement
fn w fucb the typographical , mistake
Occurs - t -- .
A "Bond' Ad-en ad containing1 a
Statesmen box number fori an ad
dress is for the protection of the
advertiser and must therefore be
answereo by letter ' The Statesman
fa not at .liberty to divulge Informa
tion as to the identity of as adver
tiser using e "Blind" ad,
450 Merchandise
470 For Sals, Ml$ceIlanou
LTMTT) oak show eases florescent
lights. ; See Dick Hsmf , Sears Roe
buck At Co. Phone 3-9191.
KIR3Y cleaner. Like new. Less than
4 new price, Glena Woodry's, 1600
N. Summer. -CLOTHoLLN'E
posts. Iron legs for
taxlca. furnlruxe. ctimuuuu n.
Libertv . -
davn6 toa.
Woodrv. 1603 N. Summer.
ELEC clothe dryer only $59.63. 1
only. - Yeatet Appliance Ca, . 373
- Chemerta St ,
LAUNDROMAT. Westing house auto-'
ma tic
washing machine. $230.
tsed. Check price down-
Never used.
4own and htrrrr to call 3-3901.
C-AS HEATERS, Glenn Woodry's:
PLAST1-XOTK requires no waxing
Apphance Co 373 Chemeketa. Ph.
S PC Wrought iron glass top dinette
se t. $50. Glenn Woodry's Bargains,
1603 w, summer.
Top Soil
River silt, fill dm. prompt delivery
Phjne 2-1743.
ELECTRIC HEATER, irons, pistes,
. lamps, ranges, toaster, waffle irons,
etc. Always cheaper 9 Glenn Wood-
rys. iaoa w. summer.
Diamonds & Jewelry
at cost phis lose Can or write W. C
MitcheD, 1175 Halyard. Eugene.
Ore. 5-6557
circulating) heater
22 M r.lmil
Woodry's. 1S03 N.
STANLEY home products. Leo Mindt,
"C Madison. Ph. 3-4053.
OIL CIRCULATOR heater. Like new.
also 3 oU barrels and tubing.
j-nonc twim.
WHITE enamel wood range 320. Glenn
Woodry. 1805 N. Summer.
PAINT $1.99 raL Glenn Woodrv's.
. ' i : 1 j j. .
BOAT and trailer. Phone z-8245.
flnnr limn haat molar, other
misc. 1993 Berry.
WALNUT modern desk $20. Glenn
Woodrv's. 1603 N. Summer.
fiELTA Band
ii - sssii iii -r r
saw set-up. Also twin
BABY buggy. Good condition. $20.
Phone 3-7184.
ROLL-AWAY bed. practically new.
410 N. Mth -
FRIGID AIRE refrigerator. A-l, $63.
Small size. Real bargain. Uienn
Woodry's. rurniture Market, 1603
N summer. Terms, xraaes.
BATTERY charger, 10 amps. 310. New
Sidereal clock. $20. 3830 sunnyview.
WANTED: Buildings to wreck for j
lumber. Also piano for sale. 4633
Center. Phone 2-6312.
GOOD BIKE. $120. Glenn Woodry.
THOR SPINNER automatic washers,
like new. 2 only $ ea, x eater
A.wliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Ph.
PAINT $1.99 gaL Glenn Woodry's.
2 ANTIQUE , black walnut chairs.
3323 Duncan' Ave.
U-FLT-IT garage. Repair your own
ear. Parts, tools, teen, xniorma
tioa. Phone or drop in for details.
Ph. 45261. 2093 N. CommerdaL
OUTSIDE PAINT, $LB9 gallon. Glenn
WoodrVs. 1605 Ti. summer.
USED electric ranges $12.93 and up.'
Y eater Appliance. 375 Chemeketa.
Phone 2-4311.
GOOD used refrigerators $49.50 and
np. used washers ss.93 and up.
Y eater Appliance 375 Chemeketa.
Phone 3-4311. '
CH ARRIS foundation girdles bra.
For appointment phone 2-3433 or
3-5072. Marr E. Bales.
BETTER BUYS. Glenn Woodry's.
330 ALLOWED for vour old water'
neater regardless of condition or
make, on a new wesungnouse
automatic electric water heater.
wtth a ten year guarantee. Yeater
Appliance . Co. , 370 Chemeketa.
Phone S-43I1.
9x12 NEW linoleum rugs. $5.35. Glenn
woodry. isos w. summer.
NEEDED.' old sewing machines. Up
a sso or more tor your old sewing' i
macrune on a new tree w eating
house sewing machine with a 20
Sr. warranty. Yeater Appliance
o- 375 Chemeketa St.
CURTAIN type fire screens. $12.95.
reg. price 124.93. Glenn woodrys
Furniture Mart, 1303 N. Summer.
472 Wanted. Miscellaneous
TVnTRT V mtrm, Imiutr. -wm TTmmA I
piece or housefuL 2-862.
Logs Wanted
Gd2-fTowtti togs. Prem. paid
for No. 2 logs 2T and longer. Also
8 stud logs or multiples of 37 plus
mm. o to 10 aiam.
Ph. Turner 1125 Eves. 2303 Turner
or 2-7828 Salem.
Top price on today's market for long
or snort second growth fir logs. For
prices phone 3-9593 days. 4-1784
eves. West Salem Lmbr. Co. 1160
Wallace Rd.
WANTED light pickup. 2-7862.
WANTED 12 gauge double barrel
or . Browning automatic shotgun.
fnone z-oaxt aner pjn.
474 Miscellaneous"
Dental Plate Repair
Bring er man your Plates for Repair.
Adolph Bldg State St Com. Ph. 3-3311
hospital beds for sale or rent
sun rurniture Co. Ph. 3-3IS8.
476 Fuel
High way Fuel Co.
Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry.
amwtinsti oils, ra. 8-e444.
Capitol Lbr. Fuel Co.
ORDER your wood now. Plywood
cores, old growth fir, oak planer
ends. 198 S. Com! Phone 3-7721.
i r&ene v2-t441 -
SnbseriptioB Sates
By carrier ta tiUesi
Daily and Sunday $ 1.45 per mo.
Daily only , . L25 per me
Sundax only U0 week
By- nail. Sunday enryt
(ha advance) 8 JSO pereno.
Anywnere u u. a x.s six mo
i : ' 11 . .. , 3.00 rear '
By saalL Daily sad Snadayi
(in advance
in six counties ..... 3 1X8) oerme.
(Beaton. Clacka- - -
' maa. Linn. Mar- 323 sts me
ton. Polk. Yam-
hill). - 10J0 year
- Elsewhere tn ". '.
- Oregon ' L20 per me.
In U S outside .
' Oregon ;,... -. v t.48 per UO
- Ii-" V-T . . .
, j; Blember ....
Aedit Bureau of Circulations
Boresv ef Advertisinx. ANPA
, Oregon Newspaper
. Publishers Assoelatiea
' AdTertislnx EepresentstiTes:
- TTard-Grtfflth Cm, '
: New . York. ChJeage
San rrsnelsce. Oetrelr'
6QQ Employment . -
610 Sales Persons Wanted
reDowsv I am tired of having bonified appointments made for men who
. are not able to close. I want 4
of their sales presentations. We
These men chosen win nave an
with our organisation that has
- and soundest organization of its
; the cooperation, sales aids and help
scare you. rd like to have you spend JJ minutes of .your time with me
' fuL Your future is as big as you make it. If$200-$5oa. per week doesn't
: -Hmwg out how we can, make- each ether nore successful in the future.
.See Mr. Barrett at the Senator,
. and t pjn. . ' ;
1 602 Help Wanted
I KITCHEN help. Speedway, 1170 Cen
er St. No nhone calls.
WANTED: Men or women to work-1
on our hop picking machine, start
ing August 17th. Day and night
work. Located 8 miles N. of Salem
on River Rd. Can 4-1322 or 4-1323.
Mission Bottom Harverters.
WE ARE now taking applications
tor Paper Routes at .earner Divi
sion. Statesman Building. - Boys
satst nit 13 years or over and have
the written consent of their par
ents If you have already applied
kindly do so again.-
I ."V",r , K" ' " iTSi
r5a Vlerk. 3040 exp. 200
I rlTvolst aDDtl fig. 3r75
I r-PayroU clerk, 1-day wk. . $1J0 nr.
i r Gen. ofc oarx-ume - ,, , tim.
i T.Takknr. - $250
I r-Legal steno. f d. (on coast $27$
I R-Recept. Steeo, S day . , ..3230
I I -a . n ti.i.1 .WmwKX infl
i r-omo, rw t;.t
I M-Bkkpr.
21-23, single.
I n-iuuvc,
1-vr. col
eTaVVsTaM v 4
I aoa irtmn VAAa Phone 4-3391
604 Help Wanted. Mai
2 MEN needed. Of good cnaracier.
willlnc to work-nam. posiuve so-
vinrmvnu. A ruaranteed future.
Apply Rm. No. 201. $13 Hood St.
9-12 noon.
1ST MONTH our leading Salem
ruilfr Dealer averaged $154.13
weekly profits. Lowest dealer $97.77.
RuitMa la lint ana Ulnar ana
need 3 more permanent men. Work
by appointment only, can
PSYCHIATRIC aids needed at State
institution, starting salary siim a
mo. 40 nr. 'week. Apply SUte Civil
Service Comm. 102 punnc service
OFFERING a broad program of op
portunities for young men wno
want to go places in the automo
bile f".TC-4ng field. No experience
la necessary. We need a single
man 21-23 years of age who has
had at least one or two years of
college. This is a permanent posi
tion with no sales work involved.
An automobile is furnished. Rapid
merit salary increases, vacations
with pay. Incentive profit-sharing
plsuv Insurance nenenvs wnn
free hospitalization. Call for ap
pointment. 3-4168. '
460 North Church St.. Salem. Oregon
EXPERIENCED groceryman. refer
ences required, steaay employ
ment. Phone 3-5014, as kfor man
CAS hop. Woodruffs San Shop. 3400
Portland Rd. Ho pnone-caus.
6Co Help Wanted. tmmSZ
DISPATCHER .for taxi service must
have excellent knowledge ox saiem.
pleasing voice and personality.
Should be experienced on switch
board work. Please give age. Write
Box 628. statesman
INT ANT care. 2 to 3 hours per day in
Ichllds home, north, Sundays on.
Start September
ISt. Call 2-641W.
WANTED 10 women, who have had
telephone work of some Type wno
can work 8 hours a day tor $1-50
ner hr. If vou are ever 18 and
think you can quaory. see Mr. ar-
lett at S13 XlOOQ Bl. DeiWCCB SI
I HOUSEKEEPING and child care, ref
I Bill. . . Wll . ,XUUVCKIZ K 1
In, ample time off. $80 month. Box
623. co statesman.
J.'tO TVTirrhnndU
v iUeTOiailuiSC
476 Fuel
ANDERSON'S hand picked alabwood.
i cord $14. Phone 2-773iore-w.
Sawdust: blower and P. O.
1323 Edgewater Phone 24031
500 Bus. & Finance
510 Montr to Loan
Cut your present payments as
much as 50.
Let us show how it may be done.
$50 - $2,500
$166.32 .3 t .00
258.73 14-Oe ...
53543 . ; 29M
850.0ft , . 48.00
Industrial Loans '
lis 8. Liberty Phone 4-2203.
Consolidate All Bill?
fwenty-flve years ago General Fi
nance uorpe was orgamzea oy sa
iem bustnesa and professional men
to give you a loan service. Wo
have lent millions.
You can repay anytime to reduce
coses, rut enaorsersr or neip own
friends longer time to repay. Ph.
first for a one trio loan, y '
Loans $2i 00 to $300X0 on stznature.
furniture and equipment.
Loans to $500.00 en cars, trucks. and
trailer houses.
Free customer parking at "Marlon
Car Park"; across from office.'
136 S. Commercial St.f
Ue. No 8138. and M338 ft
aiif;ii Mjaioa:
182 Church St Ph. 3-2437
Parking Aplenty . .
' Lie. M159-S154
887 Court btreet ' Phone 4-22X3
Buy Sell Loan
Keai Estate Mortgages Contracts
pctvsiTE mimev to toa fft z-oih
Ki, JS t OH F ARM. CITY er ACRfc-
' WE BUY '
Seal estate mortgages et contracts,
1$7 S QigA St Ph. 3-4121
600 Employment
-610 Sales Persons Wanted '
men that can close a high proportion
have appointments In an over supply.
unlimited money making opportunity
the reputation of the fastest moving
type is the field.. You will have all
that you need to make you success-
Hotel. Tfiday. Aug. 33th, between
J- : - .' "-
6C8 Help . Wanted. Female
EXPERIENCED dinner cook, morn
ing shift. Sundays off, Nohlgren s.
. 40 state. '
COCKTAUr waitresses, apply Turn
ble Inn,- Albany. Phone 913.
jGIRI Mc use work and child care.
- Private room, - bath, board and
. salarv. Phone 3-4640.
STENOGRAPHER. 23 yrs. or over.
Must have Oregon driver s license.
. CaU Hillcrest .School. 2430 Strong
Ha.-eim, rn. z-3uzz.
WAITRESS and - fry cook wanted.
Apply in person. No phone - calls.
please, spot Light Cafe.
Experienced 21-38. $7 a shift.
- and board. Elderberry Inn 33 miles
east oi seaside en Sunset Highway.
Call Elsie 3, collect. Ask for Lloyd
608 Pickers Wanted
BEAN PICKERS wanted at Trank
Toney. 1" miles NJE. of Keiser.
Phone. 4-2972. m
RT. 2 BOX 188, SIL
LEM 3-1207.
BEAN pickers wanted. Fine crop.
Fir Grove Farm, RL 2. Box 253.
Ph. 4-4063.
WANTEDHop pickers, early and late
hope. Bus leaving from Employ
ment office on Ferry St, at 8-23.
Starting Aug. 24th. Paul Staedeli.
Rt 3. Box 14X Silverton. Phone
Sllverton 3-4850.
130 ACRES finest pole beans Just en
tering peak picks. Excellent free
camp . with cabins, electricity,
shower, baths, etc. Dean Walker
Farms, Independence, Oregon, Ph.
33 or 140 for information.
Bean Pickers
Now picking good second crop of
pole - beans, good crop, and clean
yard. Excellent camp facilities.
Steady work. Daily bus service from
Salem est following route: Starting
at 5:45 AJ4. at Owens and Liberty,
then north on Liberty to Broad
way, north on Broadway to High
land, east on Highland to Sllverton
Rood, ; east on Silverton Rood to
Falrhaven Ave.. West oo Silverton
Road to Fairgrounds Road, south on
Fairgrounds road to Summer St.,
south on Summer - to -Center. East
on Center to 12th, south 12th to
Hoyt, Weston Hoyt to Commercial.
North on Commercial to Liberty.
North on Liberty to Owens. West
on Owens to South River Road and
on South .River .Road nine miles to
Farm. Look for Dark Green Inter
national bus with D. PwMacCarthy
and Son Farms painted .en it. Flag
down driver, he will be glad to stop
anywhere on this route for you.
Please, no children under tour
teen unless with adults. For fur
ther information XJrive out South
River Road nine miles to farm, or
pnone . independence 13-F-S. D. P.
MacCarthy and Son. Rt. No. 3. Box
No. 833. Salem. Oreeon.
BEAN" pickers wanted. 3rd picking.'
only a miles from Fairgrounds.
4-2837. 4203 Shafer Ave.
WANT bean pickers at once, second
picking. Bus transportation. Han
kel's yard. Can after 5 JO pjm. 46430
platoon leader.
BEAN Pickers wanted. Good picking.
H. 1 pearcy, Nursery Co. Rt. 3,
Box 190. Phone 4-1918.
BEAN .Pickers. New yard, new loca-
tloo. fa mile a. of Cascade High.
2nd-lane to right. U. E. Hansen.
BEAK Pickers wanted. 2 mi. south
east ef Central Howell. Excellent
jicking. Pesart and Alt.
My beans have gone
craiy! They look like
hunches of bananas.
You j drive out you
won't be sorry! I'm
close, to town, 3 miles
out South River Road.
Turn right one mile.
Riensche's Bean Yard.
Phone 4-2789.
picking, cabins, stove. wood,
lights, j and showers furnished.
Store en grounds. - 3-8T4 Werline
Hod- Ranch. Independence.
BEAN PICKERS wanted. i mile
eaat of Pratum. Albert Scharer,
Phone 4-4017.
very good picking. 2 miles north
east of Keizer on Lake La bis h.
Wttch signs to yard. Ralph Hoes
ing. Phone 3-8588. . m
612 Work WantsKL Male
MARRIED man wants farm Job, fur
nished cabin, 835 a month. Paul
Infold. Salem.
CUSTOM hay baling. O. Strand. Ph.
3-4312 Silverton.
DOZING and grading
with light
crawler, 3-esis..
Tractor Work
Plowtng. discing, blade work.
Phone 2-3041
LAWN MOWER sharpening. Also
sharpen scissors, dipper heads,
saws, etc Oscar Vakfaret. 331 Certh.
Phone 2-1656.
FALLING, bucking, clearing, etc. Phi
Mason Work. Patch Plastering
Stucco, and repair. Basements water
proofed by plastering. Barbecues
ouuiaoe fireplaces Plantery'a. patios
2-845.. i' f vi-v, . ,- ; . ;
614 Work Wanted. Female
HOUSEKEEPING yob for. gentleman
in country. Good income, more
than ware. 399 Mission St.
EXPERIENCED cashier, clerk, typist.
wants part time or full time work,
excellent references. 2-7298.
Bookkeeper. fi charge, needs
permanent position, a day week.
Exc rets, silverton 3-4439.
WANTED ! Rug weavinr. nus
sale. 1839 Manor Dr. Gladstone.
615 ElracrHoos Wanted
WILL TAKE care of children tn your
home, day or eve. Phone 2-6876.
PAPER hanging and pa ia ting. Free
estimates. Phone 2-0S27.
IaONING 50c an hour. Bring hang-
era. 1011 2nd St. Wert Salem.
MEAT cutter 23 years experience.
Age 48 wanta 30 hour week work.
Write 624 eo Statesman. '
CARPENTER work . and painting.
rnone z-Z':o.
LNTANT or child care ia my home!
Phone S-S0M
lawns: Preoared and seeded!
rotary ttnmtnm . rjuana Wolfott.
GARDEN work by the day. Pnone
2-7268 eves. -
BRUSH and Spray painting. Phone
4-3303. 3-8591.
PAINTING, waterproofing. Free ee-
timates, L. E. Hese Nelson, Phone
2-4307, 3-8243.
NEW HOME conftrucUon. remodel
inr. Free esUihatea, local refer
ences. Miles end Knutson, 4-8340
after 3 In Eves. '
Br T.S.S M A. KXN G. experienced. Mrs.
, J-Jius Pincua. 1700 North 30th. Ph.
4-9343. - " .
Sidewalks, steps, patios, basemen ta.
. Prompt Service. Guarantee. Phone
PAINTING, paper banging, day. or
contract, small lobs welcome. Phone
23 years experience in Salem. Tree
esrtmates. pnone -752.
BULLDOZING and land cleaHngT
2595 Hoiiywobd Pr Phone 4-1838.
Vf.ley Motor Co. experts win solve
your oroDiems ana save you money.
Free estimates, speedy servti
Center and Liberty.
FOR Tactical nurses 3c domestics.
caUMrs. Hopkins Registry. 3-5072.
PAINTINGT exterior and interior.
at eciain and Golden. Phone 9-asa
or 3-3869.
ED. HRS 8 KM. to 8 PJ4. PHv
HOME buildinx. rem
ins. Free es-
timates Ben Graves
Ph. 3-8393.
tractor and tiller
work. Service Center. Phone 4-3573
sonable. 4240 Macleay Rd. Phone
DAYTIME child .care, by day or
week la my home. Ph. 4-5053. 1223
N. 5th.
modern. 855 Mission. Ph. 3-7658
LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling.
grading. Phone 2-3220.
For quality work reasonable prices
car s-snza.
Licensed Day Nursery
Especially for Infants and two-year-olds.
Phone 2-8022.
FISH, "smoking and fish canning. 5T-
lem Custom Curing Plant. 3-7003
LAWN and flower bed work. New
lawns planted Ph. 3-4563 or 4-1518
POINTING. Reasonable prices. Arils
Melt-m. Phone 3-1352.
BlJLLTjOZING. yard grading, dirt
loading, Ph. 3-4718. 3460 Mortngate
CARPENTER work wanted.
remodel. Phone 4-5308.
CONCRETE work all kinds. Concrete
walla, patios, sidewalks, basements.
John Feldschau 3c Son.. Phone
3-8828, 4-5329. CaU after $ p. to.
618 Education
BE A Naturopathic Physician. For in
formation, write to wtaiiftr
S.E. 63rd avenue, Portland. Oregon.
CLASS of beginners in piano to be
gin study soon, in a weeks, trie
class will give its first reclUL En
rool your child now. Phone 4-8832.
620 Dory and Contract
Land Clearing
13 yrs. Exp. Call for estimate en hour
work or by contract for tne com
plete Job. U C Mitchell, Phone
3-5337 . ' . ' . '
Salem Sand & Gravel Co.
Contract Work
Roads Clearing Ditching
Sewer 4t Basement
Equipment Rental
Ditching by the foot
Phone day 3-8408
KvcDlnri 3-7412. 2-4417
Salem. Oregon
700 Rentals
702Sl34pino; Rooms, Board
ROOM 3c board in private heme for
school girl. 2025 Market. -
WIDOW wishes to share attractive
home with congenial teacher near
Junior 3c Senior High 4c grade
school. Phone 3 -528 7.
ROOMS for girl, kitchen priveleged
use entire house. T.V. 843 N. Winter.
Phone 3-4372 or 3-9460.
ATTRACTIVE room, private home.
gentleman, sts ri.
Summer. Phone
SLEEPING room for man. Private
entrance and telephone. Day or
month. Phone 4-8134. 1503 N. Cap
NICE light housekeeping room. 883
N. cnurcn.
ELDERLY ladies for board and room.
Phone 4-3780 after 8:00 pn. 1340
PLEASANT roomi near everything.
858 Ferry St. ,
705 Apartment For Rent
CT ogr jw attractive clean, furnished
apt. Electric stove, refrigerator, pri
vate bath, laundry facilities. Double
wan bed. 245 union. Ph. 4-146S.
LOVELY close in, first floor apt. Lots
of steam heat and hot water. See
at 338 Oak St.
CLEAN 3 large rooms, furnished apt.
Private entrance and bath. UtUi
' ties furnished. 418 S. 19th.
REDECORATED, private entrance.
. ground floor, shower. $27 month.
pnone z-geaa.
COURT idL extra nice. 3 rooms and
bath, stove and Frlgldaire. Fur- j
nished. T. V. antenna available. In
ouire 1348 S. 12th.
FOR gentleman, 2-rm. apt. Com
pletely turn. 253 Center.
BEAUTIFUL furnished 2 bedroom
apt. Steam heat 8c water furnished.
.f HoUywood Dist. $73 e month, 4-1720
or 3-5448. - i- '
NICE small apU furnished. Capital
ShoDDine Center. 460 N. 13th.
PLEASANT 2 rooms. $30. Ph. 27600.
SOWNTOWN. clean furnished apt.
Utilities. $45. 2-5223. 765 Marlon,
1 ROOM unfurnished apt. $45.
X room furnished apt. $20. Phone
DOWNTOWN, clean, well furnished.
corner, 3 rooms, bath. 858 Center.
3 ROOMS furnished. $40. Utilities fur
nished. 723 S. 13th.
CLEAN 1 bedroom unfurnished, half
duplex s pt. 2593 N. 5th.
FURNISHED 3-room. electric refrig
erator and stove. Call 985 Saginaw.
iVRM. furnished apU. Refrigerator,
ail utiiiues paid, su mo. 444 e.
LARGE " 3 room furnished. newly
Decorated, very nice. garage. $55.
841 N. Liberty. Phone 3-3448 or
1 ROOM I ur nished apt. private bath.
utilities xurnisneo. dose in. jw
Marion. ,
DOWNTOWN, clean furnished. UtO-
ities. 845. 2-5223. 763 Marlon.
FURNISHED trailer house. $20. 1968
w. CommereiaL -
LARGE 2 room well furnished
apartment. Close tn. 840 N. Cot-
' UK. " ,' ..
COZY 3 room ground floor, dose
in reasonable. 474 N. Church. In-
quire rear house 87ft' . 1
SEPT. 5th 1 one bedroom unfur
nished apt, Available now 1 one
bedroom furnished. Newly redeco
rsted. Inquire at Webber Apt. S.
13th in 1600 block.
NEWLY decorated, close in. quiet lo-
eauoa. sanjuoyee lady, ass s. turn-
ROOM furnished, private bath. n-
trance. 1 or 3 adults. 359 N. Liberty.
fa. 9-112 sppouiimeni.
COO Real Estate
SC5 Houses For Sol
Out Portland Rd. to
5:30.7:30 P.M.
New beautiful t bedroom home in
Built to highest standards. Separate dining room 4a nook, inside utility,
plastered garage. This home will please the most exacting buyer. Inspect
Phone 4-3353
. Eve.
8 BEDROOM, fireplace, wall-to-wall
carpeting. large low nortneaat
Salem, $3,300. . $L00O down. Fays
Seal. Br. Phone 4-5384.
FOR SALE Nice country home.
acres, buildings in gooa snape.
Near store, post office and school.
Write asrs. viae neon, west ouy
inn. Dr,,rtn -
s-ROOM house. 4 bedrooms up and
1 down. 5 acres, bath, panvy and
fruit room, extra, surrounding
oorch, south side of town. - illness
forces sale, ssjmw. sorea trooper,
F.ll. fltv 318. "
FOR SALE by owner, modern 2 bed
room house nesr school; Low down
' navment. balance like rent. 37.500.
See at 5103 Skyline . Rd. or call
BY OWNER, new ranch type home.
1350 so. ft. Dining, birch kitchen
with nook. utiUty, firepUce, birch
china closet, hot air ou xurnace.
large garage, covered patio, many
. other fine features. Must be seen
to appreciate. F.H-A. Committment,
1070 James St.. Keizer. lis bias.
from . schooL Lot 103x183. Phone
ATTRACTIVE 2 -bed room no use in
West Salem. $500 down. 883 month.
1735 Starlight Dr. 3-8928.
BEDROOM house, lot 110x120. ruil
price $4500 Call evenings 873 Cadar-
700 Rentals
70S Apartment For Rent
FIRST floor furnished or unfur
, 1 J u ...1 , lift
FURNISHED 2 rm. court apt. Newly
dicaratd. close in Ott N.
Ph' 2-8648 or 3-6644.
REDECORATED, furnished, modern
aots. 840.' Estep. 1075 N. Cspital.
S-ROOM furnished apt. Nice c clean,
elose In. 4 blocks So. of Ladd 3c
Bush bank. Available now. 310
Bellevue St. Call after 8:30.
. Ambassador Apts.
Nicely furnished apta 330 N Fummer
Capitol Plaza
FURNISHED and unfurn. apartment
116S Chemeketa. Phone 3-8630
NICE 3 room apt. good view, private
bath front and back stairs. Refrig
erator and utilities paid. 850. 1580
707 Houses Far Rent
ALMOST NEW 1 bedroom unfurnish
ed. Hardwood floors, electric neat.
close in. 310 S. 15th st;
SfLCAIJ. 1 hrirnam house. Partly fur-
nished. $32. a montn. jrn. -bi,
COZY ou bedroom furnished house.
Electric fireplace. Ideal for z. ncnt
$45. Water furnished, (.ail s-etua.
SMALL house. 2970 Sunnyview Ave.
(. of Market sj per nwmn.
See Steve Anderson. Atty. 841
Cnnrt St nhone 2-3453.
MODERN 2 bedroom house. On bus.
383 S. Elms.
CABINS. $7 a week.. 3415 Williams
i" BEDROOM all electric, built in
range. Hollywood visinci. so.
Phone 2-4482. -
CLOSE IN Extra nice street floor
duplex 3 rooms, large living room,
furniture, creek, car port. $73.00.
Ph. 3-5128 eves. .
COMFORTABLE 3 bedroom horse.
Near McKinley and Leslie scnoois.
Phone 3-8983. ;
2 BEDROOM home in South Salem.
blks. to nty bus. pnoac z-i43
or wr.te Lavina Cibsoot RL L
Box 18D Brooks.
FOR RENT, small house, clean, fur-
nished, electric range. 1 or z per
sons only, fine "for welfare or old
age pensioners. 1023 3rd St. West
' Salem.
VERY small unfurnished 3 bedroom
home. Ideal for woman and child
ot young couple. Refrig., . and
stove. No utility Toom. garags
furnished, excellent location, walk
in distance of State house, beau-
tiful yard a nd patio. Phone 3-0648.
UNFURNISHED 8 room house, Kei
xer district. $55 a month. 2-2380.
J-BEDROOM furnUhed house, $50.
Phone 3-5077.
Why Rent?
YOUR choice of (many) modern
homes $500 or- less down. Star
Realty. 3330 S. Pac Hwy. Ph.
LARGE older type house 350. 1369
S. 13th.
2 BEDROOM, all electric, south, apt.
range. Phone 2-7196.
8 ROOMS, fuU basement, oil heatT
$85. 635 Catterline. 4-4424. 2-Q7T3.
2 (BEDROOM house. North River
Ri. l block schooL bus. References.
Write P. O. Box 183. Oak Grove.
Ore. ;
3 BEDROOM flat unfurnished. Adults.
860 Ferry. Available Sept. 1st.
Phone 3-6273. j
f ROOM, modern house. Partly fur
rushed Adults. Phone 3-7712. In
oulre 3313 Williams Ave.
FURNISHED, grand for 1 or 3. Must
appreciate, store, bus. s-aosa.
708 Farms, Tracts For Rnnt
XT YOU want e place in the country,
and have record i of paying your
. rent, you can buy from me. It
doesn't cost anything to find out.
Phone 3-4708.
709 Wanted to Rent
SINGLE man teacher needs place to
live. Will consider furnished home
if not too expensive. Message at
WANTED garage. Not more than $5.
per month. Phone 2-8698.
710 Wanted to Rent Houses
WANTED TO RENT, nice furnished
2 bedroom 'home, by professional
man. wife and 1 year old child. Can
give references. Phone 3-3191. Poss-
Ibie lease arrangement.
3 OR 4-Bedroom house, near grade
school by doctor : and family. To
$100 a month. Needed Oct. 1st. Box
629, Statesman.
WILL PAY 8 months rent advance
for 3 to 4 bedroom home, near Les
lie schooL minor repairs, guaran
teed. Phone 3-4213j -
3 OR 4 BEDROOM; unfurnished in
Leslie School district. Up to $73
per month. Phone 3-9990.
WANTED -2 bedroom unfurnished
house, up to $73. Phone 2-4604 after
Pm. - f
714 Business Rentals .
WANTED, desk space and telephone
service in General' Insurance or
- real estate office, downtown, by
leading Li Ins. Co. Write Box
626. co Statesman, '
GROUND" FLOOR oliice or sWre
space for rent Call at Fitta Market
' N Commercial Phone 3-4424
OFFICE SPACE for rent. Excellent
location downtown. - Reasonable
Call eve 2-6286. t
FOR LEASE business building. 4000
. 4q. ft. 2195 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone
3-7124. ' ! . - - .
for Wart or 'LtAsi' , - 1 .
Office space a ui table for doctor- er"
dentist. Located ia fast growing
community. Contact Musgrave RaA
sltors. 1211 Edgewater. ' :
TTbLDO. in Ucuorwood. Approx. 5o0
sq ft. $50 e bo. Call Rawuns
Reslty at 3-4664 or 4-1761.
FOR LEASE. 16O-20O ft frontage ua
Fdgewater St. West Salem, tra
FUU. Phone 2-4403,
ow ileal ; Estate
- SC3' Ilouses) Tor SoIe
Northgate.. Foowtl siges.
Northgate. lota of .natural wood finish.
224 N. High
A Very! Good Bur
la a 2 bedroom iome south, FHA ap
proved and lippralsed at $9000,
: three years Old. plastered, hard
wood floors, attached garage, east
ironi. gooa siec sot. restricted resi
dential district, city bus. paved
irvei, near s kxm. .
. Old Fashioned Home
For the large ftmily. in very good
condition, 'wei located north near
Catholic. Hlgaland or Livingston
School. Has' as) double garage, tool
nouse. ana one oi tne nicest back
yards with bisj picnic patio covered
with grape arapr. all kinds of fruit,
nut trees, abundance of shrubs and
flowers. Homejl is roomy for TV, 4
Deo rooms plies extra room for
sewing, there) a heap of living
Home a$id Income
Beautiful one Story ranch style 2
bedroom homa-witli uii eini.hi
basement, automatic oil heat in .u
room: Separaes duplex renting for
$100 per month triple garage. 3 lots
rums xor more buildings.
Owner would jkonsider trsde for a
.mailer a or 14 J bedroom home.
onown oy ap
' Mr. F
lily Man
We have a two
torv srvfrv rv-kPYiilsis
i colonial style home with 3 bed
rooms, a nursery and a den, fire
place, picture windows, double gsr
arge. triple plusnbing. Present own
ers now need ,f smaller home and
will trade or at in position to sell
without too muth down. What have
you? .. .
Money and Listings
20 year homes and
farms. 4 PHA 20 yesr loans.
We want a limited number of good
listings, from . beople ' really inter
ested ia sellinsi Our financing set
up has helped 1 us to make many
deals for the -beyer and seller that
would have otherwise failed. We're
not a large offiee and we're not in
terested in speculative listiags.
Joe L. Bourne, Realtor
1140Jf. Capitol Ph. 3-8216
063 N18th..3 bcirm. 4 bedrnTlarge
home it I acnts. $10,500. 1035 N.
. 17th. 2 bedrrnk. $11,930. S. Lan
caster bedroern extra lot, $8,50.
On Shipping 2 bedrm. older home.
$500. One bedrm. pen 4 corners.
$3,850 easy terms. Also one rental.
941 N. Capitol Phone 3-7903
BY, OWKERTe room house in excel
ient condition, Rouble garage. Full
lasement. 1963 Maple Ave.
" By 5wne5 1 '
Modern 2 bedroom home on large lot
in nice neignoernooo. owner mov
ing from state .will sacrifice. Call
, 4-4534 os see aaytime at 1443 Wale
lace Rd. is
3 BEDROOM house $12750. Full base-
roent, new oil fir conditioned fur
nace, wall to Wall carpet. Phone
3-4916. 1833 Mae I son after 8.
In Englewood
EXTRA good vaiue. 3 bedrm.. fuU
basement norma. cjmy sio.voo,
worth more. Owner transferred so
hurry on this one.
941 ti. Capitol Phone 3-7903
801 Busln ess Qportutiltien
Located on 99E north. 3 unite furnl
plus 3 br. livingl quarters. Room for
expansion. $13,040 or take home on
acreage -near Salem la trade.
House with 8 srraY apts. needs deco
rating throughout. Good cr. it. Only
$4, SOU. call wen Knittei with
231 N. High 3-5838, eve. 2-9848
IX so here is a Hchance to go into
your own business cheap. Appro
imately $3,000 worth of stock. Also
small house. 78 100 lot wtth soil
mixture throucihout. suitable for
growing stock, include garden trac
tor and miscellaneous equipment.
Family trouble farces owner to sac
rifice to $6,000.
231 N. High 3-5838, eve. 3-9848
Mo. income about! 8300. 8 apt. each
have private bath. elec. range . ac
refrig. all furnished, very low over
hssdgood location. Price $22,500.
tnT lirni
379 ii. High St. Off j 2-4047 Eves. 4-3152
-.jj. 4 1. 1 t;"" -j
ICE CREAM store.-fully eaulDDed.
Doing good business. Also one-bedroom
house on irnain highway In
good nearby town. Price $18JO0.
$3400 down or will take in small
home as down
eyment. General
Real Estate. 255
enter. Ph. 3-3289.
RESTAURANT eqeipment, dough
. mixer, baker's scales, stools, stand,
table, sink, fans.,.french fryer and
cutter, cash register, show case, oil
burning water heater, dishes, psns,
misc. Phone Turner 465.
BY OWNER, leaving town. 4 plex.
.. 3 bedrooms, basement, fireplace, ga
rage, corner lotJ Hollywood dist.
Shown by appointment only. A
real buy at $32.p0. Phone 4-2357.
' Close-In Duplex
Six rooms n'flrsJ floor, fireplace,
beautiful new bathroom. Four
rooms, privste enetrance, full bath,
on second floor, fall basement with
room for two apartments, oil fur
nace. This property has been com
pletely redecorated Inside and out.
located in excelleet district. $20,000.
Terms. Call Mr. Keene.
j Suburban Variety
Good location in' f ist growing com
munity. All modern equipment
, needed for opersUbn at only $3,500
Inventory about i4J00. Buy now
and take oyer in time for the school
trade. Call Mr. Xeene.
Attention fnvestors
Large lot with! wonderful business po
tential. Older two. istory home with
two apartments fer rental income
, which should show a good return
, on your lnvestmeatf while the pro
. perty increases i value. Only $9,000.
Owner might consider two bedroom
home of lesser. vjie la trade. CaU
Mr. Keene. . ' i
C, V. KENT & CO.
430 No. Church Phone 4-2293
Eves: MrKetne 2-4078
MOKCY Making Launderette-" In
. small town, close to Salem. Will
take good bouse us Salem or Port
land. Price $8000. i '
698 N. Capitol 1 Phone 3-3233
TQR LEASE remodeled major oil
company service station. .Excellent
opportunity. Call 44458.
Gc-kI location 4n I Portland . Rd.
Equipment and stock. Have fun
while you -srn. Fare Seal. Broker, '
Knone 4-34 ... ' .
Sacrifice for quijk sale. BuC
lished septic tank arrvice. 638 Cen-
i '. i . ..
LBest buy in Ore gonn' Inquire Nod-A-
.Wty Motei. -i ij .
FOR SALE' by owont-l mile S. of
Hubbard on Highway 99. Service
. vtatloa es garage wib living quar
. ters. Large grounxis and well. A
rood buy 4s terms 1 te suit. Write W
Wagner. P. O. 42it fortiand or tall
Ca usa. ... J
HUO Rbltl Estate
W A RUSTlCr SETTING; New 2 larre
bed rooms oversized living rm,
dining rra, hdwd. firs., oil beat,
beauuful -kitchen, breeseway. rr.
K?;. ,:t000 down MAKES
a-337X '. ,
fiaJ 4-4491
V 4 Bedroom
Cloee la oaf North 4th Street, near
City bus and 3 blocks to Grant
n oo LI Completely , redecorated
rlth 2 bedrooms, bath, living room. "
dinette.- birch kitchen downstair
and 3 berfooms up. Full basement.
Oil furnsoe. double garage, nice
lawnand arge shade trees. School
ts almost Tiere again.v Let us show
you thu now. $10,900.00 la the price.
who. terra s. j
: - !f I ; 4
' ! Unoltructed , View
New 3-oedbom ultra modern con
temporaryS home on Kingwood
Heights. Huge living room with
panoramic view, fireplace, dkntng
room, kltcfien and i bath on up-
rr leveL Lower level has full bath,
bedrooeia. large utility room.
Natural wood exterior,: elder trim
f "VP: Ur double lot. 'Price
321.000.80. Call ua today;
Abralns, Bourland
4 Skinner;
R' I't Insurance Mortgage Loans
.Ph. 3-9217 I Eves: 2-4709 or 3-7388
80S Houses Fog Sole .
Clean aa a bin. New garage. 2 bed-
' 5?omJi5iI u". U for $7430.
. Try $300 down. See ua this morn-
365 N. CsilUl
iPh 2-8979
f-5413 !
I Ver Cloi t
THIS MOST 1 attracUve. anat-kllne 3 bedroom home with fire
place, automatic oil heat, all hard
wood floors, insulated and WS.
East sub. a,,: blk. to cltyi bus. re
duced to J11.0C. Low, down pay
ment. Si i ! : j
f A. A Larsea Realtors
it 191 8. fUghs Ph. 2-8629
Res. 23738. -XBI '9.7ltt
81I bWNERiand buUder. new 1 bed-
: room plastered home, close to hish
school, payed street, price rlj,7o0.
' Locsted 19b0 N. 13th. Wlll'consid
' er car or? lot trade : tn. 1 For ap- '
rjolntment call a.Sfawi 1
feTABIHib"ryear" old home ior
rural lamay living. Landscaped. 1
: acre of gpound, more available. 4
bedrooms, 2t baths. Full dry base
ment, 2 fireplaces, expert interior
i decora tin fi Spacious rooms, small
barn. Buiif by builder for his own
home. Phone 9-iaia i
CLAN3belroom 8 year old hornet
j aniacnea garage, plastered lnaul
i sied, elecirie heat, large fenced
yard, clokt to bus, school and
Stores. 84.73)0. Terms. Phona 4.S1U7
Sew 2 Tedriom home, has fireplace.
marvelous i alien en and oU furn
ace heat. Also has a nice big liv
ing room r will rent, five years
lease. Near new schools. Phone
2.9185. . S : i
BY: OWNER.? 7 room home, iuii base-
iwai. wius aeep creez. large ear
den with approximately 2 acres.
Ideal location for development.
2310 Chmeeketa. Phone 2-0674.
. . 8300TDN "Ti ". . '
Own your own home the easy way.
oruag in tae family, we Acid with
down payment. ' t
1723 State 1 Ph. 2-4601 day. eve.
NOTICE, Copege student and. state
workers. 3i bedrooms and: 2 baths,
hardwood tloors, fireplace, forced
jtr heat. blocks to college. 301
& 14th. Price $8950. . . s:
Good home i on large business lot
well located. . Hollywood dist. v Ss
10m . Writeico Statesmsn. Box 627t
walking: distance to parochial
schooL Large living . room with
fireplace, caning room, 2 large bed
rooms, bath. ! full basement, con
venient kitchen, double lot with ,
business possibilities. Only $8,000. t
Will consider some j i trade for if
equity. Phone 2-2780. ' 1 . I
TliRKE bedrsoom house, unfinished.
- Tike over loan and finish. Phone
2-3928. . ;
2-Bedrowm house, close in on quiet
street, neaf bus and school, den.
utning room, fireplace., basement,
sawdust heat, large lot. with trees
and shnsbs. $9,850, 840 S. Summer.
See noon til dark. -
NEWER 3-bedroom home.! $1,000 wiU
handle. B63Tryen Ave. j
FOR SALE or take trailerTiouse or
car for down payment on 8 acres
witn nice 4 bedroom ; home. Call
. - ; ;; j
fiYiOWNER 3 i bedroom ' hqme, on
bus line, 1 : block to Grant School,
Price $6200 Phone 2-8612. 1
RED TO ROSEBURO. ! Beautiful
view. 3 bedroom home, 3 fireplac
es, wsll to wail carpet, .large util
ity room, situated on ',i acre. Will
locept offer. ! Accept late; model
cat flown. Price '$9,850. Phone .
2-6268. i 1
bY ! OWNER, modern 3 bedroom
home, its or 2 eres. Keizer dist.
Verv reasoriable. Phone 4-1709.
new 3 Darm. exclusive district, circn
kitchen, quality built, excellent
loin. 2 7071 i
iBEDROOM brick houaej 8 lots, full
basement, sawdust furasce, steam
neat, large! living room, dining,
fireplace and small kitchen Bath,
hah. hardwood floors, j fireplace,
iarxe garden and lawn, 3 apple and .
2 walnut trees. $10,000. 153 Gentry
SU or P.O. 276, WlUamlna. 1 Phone
W'31amlna 2322. I
Riei home in Nob IfilTpist7"near
Srade school and new southi Salem
igh. 2 bed' rms.. den. dining rm,
modem kitchen 8t nookj,, daylight
basement party - rnu oil furnace,
hardwood floors, good garsgf, trees
as shrubs. ; Only $10,400. j Phone
3-57B0 Or 4-6365. i- 1
BY OWNER Attractive J-room. $- --
year house.. Large lot Fine new
disk. Many shrubs, - flowers and
fruit trees, huts S berries. Highly
, developed. No : agents. . See 2030
Jelden St. . i
OUR BEST BUY-"41.5i0IlN;
2 B R. home, 3 years old. imaculate
, througnout. utility room witnin
house. Only J9. 750. Hurry. -ALLEN
231 Nj High j Ph. 3-5838, eve. 2-9648
BY OWNER -i Bedroom. Large play- ,
room Two fireplaces.. Landscaped.
M"rrlrlde school. 896 Ratcltff Dr,
ONLY $3J00 an. pymt. $2343 bal.
$44! mo. Excel, location. NJ$. Bus
at door. Approx. 1. A. Hen house
and garden spot. . !
TOTAL price $1,200. down. 610 A.
INC. i considerable equip, and j lease.
Price 81.950. - '
t YEAR modern home with, approx.
22100 A. Located $ ml. S.
231 N. High i 3-6M8. eve. 4-2310
$5950. $ rm. home nice 4t clean on -paved
St., rlT is? down See.
! BLHT P1CHA . ',
3T9Ni Hlfh St, Off - -4fM7rves. 4-31J2
BEAUT11UL 2 bidrootn home. Has
everything. Auto, washer. Near bus.
2-7! 50. .
bToWKER, make an offer oo t has
4 room house and 1 918 acres. Lo
cated North, rhone 2-3343. .
6C3 Lots For Sale -
NEAR 3 schools. $0 x 100. tMO: East
Nob HilL Inquire tui S. High.