Shah Greeted RacSio . fend ; I Schedules 450 7.1crcliandise 450 ' 7Jcix!isnt!lso G&itiiaries iZO f.Tosicc Inatrtzrients 4C3 MvdHec lafrnar..?:s c ... KP7V . : Channol27 THUESDAY 90 What'i Cooking? , 1 10:00 Freedom Rings. .. 11:00 The Big Payoff. . 1 11:43 Welcome TravelersJ 12:00 On Your Account 12:30 U. N. Assembly. 1:00 The Little Show. 1:13 Arthur Godfrey. 1 ' 1:30 Strike It Rich. . 2:00 Matinee Theater. &1 -Search for Tomorrow. - V 3:30 Love of Life. ; ; , 3:45 Toymaker. I 1" 4:15 Variety Roundup. ; ; 4:43 Felix the Cat, i, 5:00 Range Rider. I if- 5:43-!-Northwest. Digest I 0:00 Qsco KidL , 6:30 Hunting and Fishing! "6:45 News Caravan. . I, , 7:CX-GrQcho .Marx. J .: 7:30 Dragnet : ,- 8;00 The Unexpected. j , '8:30 Ford Theater. :00 Martin Kane. , ' 9:30 Ethel Barrymore. 10:00 Hollywood Wrestling. 11:00 Nite Owl Theater. 12:00 Sign, Off (Approx) j THURSDAY HIGHLIGHTS - What's Cbokinc?. ftt30 rnnfe lag show, with Barbara AngelL 12 ProfesskMaol Floor f Dryors 1 $290.09 JUs3 240 FomowMaka, Portoble, EUctrk Hair Dryer SSeeerwrMen lee. i To bo Given Away Boginming Awowst 31, 19S3 63 Each Month tor Four Months write kt 42 words or i loos way ysw fervor fo i Hki Eli Oil Tonic! . .ADD ' v.. i , 1 .jap OlOw ....... I r . 42 ft eaay, fcacaase Wo con tall yaw in m iffy ef ne many evttawe Infj sjal taings there ore to aery oewt "42- Teak toe cantata fcenef tela! lanolin and JabacoeeU, wat eives Ms hair the vivoreaa, "olive leek seen in pictaras. , Jast send yowr tatter wita aoaar jaart of the labaf from any bottle of FeraaaWi -42" Hair Oil Tank tot . - Forwaala r42" Hair Oil Tank 0. Box 42, Raercho Station Los Angeles 04, California The contest Ms wit! tekct 63 win. eino tetters each aontk, August Kra November 1953. Writer of the three bast knars each seonth will receive tke fkar saodel dryen, one nSe writen af h 60 neat bast letter eoch month wiN wceive portobie, electric dryer. Ded sioas af the (ades wi ba fetal. All aatriat becorwe the property of "42 frooWs, Ltd. . Sead at many entries as fee wall, ce loaa et each k accompanied by the aeper part ef a Formula "42" Hair Of Tank label. Should identical entries be ,' received front different persees. eW aeate prizes will be eworcUd. , f A New Contest Eoch Month. Awowst Thru November 19531- f j - Get Year fntry In Tedey I t Farmola -42" Hair CII Teak 1 7 8 1 1 tatltfoKtion Cvoronfeocf r fwJeo xovr money frodr Coatest sebiact ta Federal,! State and iSJfT Td rau,o1io. Employee 'rodwcH.Ud,aad nembert af their famkt aot alioibk for contest. 3 Frankfurters and , ham kebobs, peach pie. UN. General Assembly, 12:30 Live telecast from New York. : Matinee Theater, 2:00 "Under the Big Top," with Anne NageL uarjone Mam and Jack LaRue. ' The Toymaker, 3:45 The old German Toymaker brings . his tales of toys to delight the young of heart on this live children's show. : . . . '. ' ; Northwest - Digest, 5:45 Fea tures Norm Wallace, newscaster, with Bill Stout as sports reporter ana commentator. Cross-country news and weather roundup by wauace. Newspaper of the Air, 3:55 Features Bill Clayton with local news ana news Dhotoeraohs local and live. , Cisce Kid, 6:00 The Rev. Cal vin Whitacre. a QehtiM oarson. visits the corrupt town of Bitter wens to visit his estranged brother who is boss of the town. - Huntinr and Fishinc News. 8:30 Rudy Lachenmeier report- Dragnet, .7:30 "Big Layout Detective Sgt Joe :- Friday solves a teen-age drug ease. The Unexpected, 8:00 The Magnificent Lie," is a story of an agin; alchemist who believes he has discovered a process to transmute lead into gold. Stars William Lock and Carol Bran nan..' ' ; .. -. Ford Theater, ,830 lt Hap pened in a Pawn Shop," stars Eddie . Crack en, Terry Moore, lAAWl RADIO & raivisiwi Sales - Service Installatlofi TV Open 9 A. Mte I P.M. "Weekdays Ph. 2-1411 2149 S. ComT Salem's First Television Store THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS KSLM 13H. KOCO 349, KOAX 1438. KOIN 978. KGW 626, UX UN Pacific Standard Time xmr cnsanei zi: u Megacycle koxn uu; (Editor's aete: roe ItatHHu yekBsbes ta geed faith the pninai ut tlati as provided by ta radio statteas, bat because eftunes the Kmn an ckuiri wit-eat aetlfleatien, this newspaper caaaet be raspaarlhle (ce tb Meaner hernia.) HODS 90S 6 KSLM KOCO KGAI KOIN KGW Morn. Rears iTimekeeDer Western MalodkfWestera MeleHatTarm Newt , Brk. Nook I Brit. Nook (BrlcNook RJTJJ. Or(oa KOIN Kiock KOIN KJoek Davt West Dav West Dave West - Ore. Farm Rr. lOr. fum Br. I Ore. Farm Hr. KOCO KOAB KOIN HemlnrwaT KOCO Klock Brk. Nook KOIN K)oek Country Edit. First Edition Break. Gaa Break. Gang I KOCO Klock I KOCO Klock I Brk. Nook (Brk. Nook - Maeleod News IGoss Mews iJohaLee Wille INewe ' -M. Aaronsky - Bob Gamed KGW I 0 KSLM Cecil Brawa Tamfly Alter KOCO News (KOCO Klock KGAI ' Jim Dandy JJim Dandy KOIN , Consumr News I vane News KGW TheOidSoass lousean Breaa. Club - Bteaa. Clua 9 KSLM News I Commentary KOCO Ray's Records' KGAI Baekfence mat iBacktence KOIN Road ot Lite KGW Mews News 1 KtLM KOCO News TelloTest Pv'a Records . Ray's Records I Ray's Records I Ray's Records KGAB Back rence U. Back fence KOIN 2d Mrs. Burton iferr'Masoa I KGW Reynolds shew Reynold Kl KX Cbet Huntley I Mora- Mel 1KILM Ladles Fair KOCO Ray's Records KGAB Back Fence M 1KOIN Make Up Mind ! KGW Bob Hope ' KKX Wbisperia Sis. 1KILM Top Trades . KOCO News K 3ABS '. "Spider" M KOIN Maeleod News 3 KGW Noon News KEX l Paul Harvey (News Come Get It Road of Life Noon Edition 1 KSLM KOCO KGAB ROM KGW KEX J Kirkwood Major Lea rue -fepider" Hilltop House Bckstaf e Wife Kay West tj Kirkwood Major League "Sp.der" Godfrey Stella Dallas (Kay West 2 KSLM KOCO KGAB KOIN ' KGW KEX News Major Lea rue Record Room Godfrey IMusie I Major League Record Room (Godfrey Plain Bill 3 ruiapw irrur.iuziij itiwvnw vim ur.inut i. Turn to FrlencVTurn to Friend ISmr. Bandwgn SmrBandwgi KSLM Music - Musle yNews IMuaJe KOCO ; Magic Melody fMagie Melody (Magic Melody (Magic Melody KGAB J Dandy Show J Dandy Show IJ Dandy Show I J Dandy Show KOIN Wizard of Odds Ruth Aahton J Story's B'kyd iTuneflly yours KGW Travellers i Travellers - (Dr. Paul- IDaveGarrway KKX Know Ur News Afternoon Kd. FortheGtrla iFor thoGirJs 4 KSLM Fulton Lewts Hemlarwav U Want KGAB Kids' Cornet Muue Mart KOIN KirkJiamNews I Rosemary . KGW - Life Beautiful Star Time KKX This is Oregon Squirrel Cagei 5 KSLM Sgtfrestoa KOCO Tune Time KGAB Traffic Jamb. KOIN Murrow , JSgLPrestoa (Guest Star (Traffic Jamb. (News (News Hour I Virgil Pinkley anw ; Bill Store KEX ' Happy Time ,i'K9ui i tiao. Heater N.W N 1? a Candlehrht fl KGAB ; Supper Club Supper Club a k oin ; American Way American KGW Relax Music I Relax Musts KEX Weatherman I Home Edittoa KOCO Mvurie U Want IMusie U Want IMusie U Want HSLM . Cisco Kid tCiacoKld IMusie IMusie KOCO i Rosary StarsSins I Bandstand Bandstand KGAB Music IMusie ' (Sign Off I KOIN Meet Millie Meet Millie Low'l Thorn. Fam. Skeleton KOW i Ralph Edwards I Ralph Edwards !First Nifhter First Nlghter KEX I Stars of Space IStars of Space lHeritage Heritage KSLM i Crime Fybtrs Crime Fghtrs KOCO 3 Dugout Dope (BaaebaU KOIN J. Mercer J. , Mercer KOVf, 1 Man s Family iWuk Nws KEX : i Sympbonette Symphonette KSLM ! Jlen Hardy lKuin tewts KOCO Base bell I Baseball KOIN - Romance I Romance KQW; l Dd Kmtws ' - Oad Knrws " KEX ' i Bdwy. in revue (Coc Gr. Or. KSLM KOCO KOIN Behind Story Baseball tiveStr Final oorter Final Edmeo fNewsreet I Night News lU and World it twrta Final : ID-tea Time ' OKGW KKX ; 4- KSLM Crime rOea KOCO i Night Sonf . COIN Natl Guard IMusie (NiCht Sonf IMusie . Lwsa MeCaB Dance Time KGW i News - KEX Dance Time KOAC S3 kc 10:0 News at Weather; I 10:15 Especially for Women: 10:44 Story Tune; 11 DO Concert Hail; 1J.-00 j News 4c Weather; 12:13 pjn. Noon Farm Hour: 1 .-O0 Ride em Cow boy, 1:13 Bui Scott, Forest Ranger: 130 Your Navy Show; 1:45 Radio Bookshelf; 1 .130 Living and Learning; 3:15 Hawaiian Holiday; 3:30 Memory Book oft Music: Oregoa Reporter: 3:15 Musie of Mas ters: 4M Ballad Hunter; 4:15 Oa John ". Hubbard and Veda Ann Borg in a play about an out-of-work trumpet player and an equally .broke singer . who meet in a pawn shop. ; Wrestling from Hollywood, 10:00 Jack McDonald vs. San- dor Szabo. (Main event) Baron Leone vs. Fred Blassie. Nite Owl Theater. 11.-00 "Phantom Broadcast" with Ralph Forbes, Gail Patrick and Viri- enne Osborne. ' FRIDAY v fl.30 What's Cooking . 11. -00 The Big Payoff 1120 Welcome Travelers 12:00 On Your Account ; 1230 UN Assembly ' ' 1:00 Double or Nothing ', -130 Rich 2:00 Matinee Theater 3:15 Search for Tomorrow 330 Love' of Life . , 3:45 Toymaker ". 4:00 Six Gun Playhouse 5:45 Northwest Digest 6:00 Sports Reel - , , 6:30 The Practice Tee ? ' 6:45 -News Caravan 7:00 Gene Autry t i j 7:30 Ym Asked For It 8:00 Doorway to Danger, 8:30 The Goldbergs 9:00 Chance of a Lifetime 9:30 Bob Considine 9:45 Vest Pocket Theater 10:00 Portland Wrestling 11:00 Pulse of the City . 11:30 -Site Owl Theater ' 12. -00 Sign Off (Approx.) Motorola Radios Portable Table Models For . Automobiles Complete line ef Television Factory Authorized Installation Sales and Service MITCHELL RADIO TV 1SS0 SUte SL i Ph. 3-7577 ssj t-a Ne March Tim World News (Brk. Nook koin moo! IDave West I Ore. Farm Hr. iNews I KOCO Klock (Brk. Nook H. Babbitt Knox Manalae aoo I Haven of Best Haven at Bast IKOCO Klock I Wor Id Newt ulm Dandy ulm Dandy I Helen Trent Music Box Bren ! Club ICal Sunday Music Boa ' Break. Clua J Pastors Can (Banra Counter (Ray's Records IRajrs Records IRay Records mat Backfence mat (Backfenca mat. IMarerains iur. aaaione uuiainfufnt I Meredith VTlsa II Waa Commie II Waa Commie Stars ot Today I Dble. or Nothia'l Dble. or Nothia Co-Cola Cain Music at. I Back Trace M. (Back Fence M. inoranuraxe innfnxeruay enew f&iruteiucn isniae.KicB True Story True Story Ladies Fair Queen for Day Queen for Day Ray's Records (Ray's Records I Ray 'a Records Back Fence M Back Fence M Back Fence M. lMusic Sparkles Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny j Pays to Marry I Phrase Pays j Second Chance (Girl Marries Keep's Korner Keep's Korner I3ayt0s I Musle Major learue i Major League i Major League Grf..1 l-MftIMM - iHouse Party IHouse Party I Pepper Younf I Happiness ISam Hayes jTheTodds Lucky u Ranch I Lucky u Ranch- Major league i Major League "Spider" ("Spider Godfrey Godfrey Widder Brown ' Woman in Hsa. Kay West . IKay West . I Music Better Shopper 1 Magic Melody Marie Melody Record Room Record Roorh i Godfrey (Curt Maisey irrt.a'f. rarreii I Lorenio Jones iDr. iwut . CurtMassey p :n Hayes (Musle U Want Music Mart Music Mart. Kirkham News Kirkham News (Music Box Art Baker AM Squirrel Cage - IH ov Time IWonderful City Wonderful Cltv Music - ISongtoRemembr Supper Club Supper Club Worwl Toaay tGuaa. News T. L. MeCall I Peterson IChet Huntiey IB. Garred Silver Serenade I ;m Haves. -(New 8S Keys ISunner Club ISunner Club - ' (Supper Club Way Elec. Playhse. Elec. playhse ' Eddie Cantor Eddie Cantor 3ood Listening idood Listening: Musle (Baseball . (Geo. Fisher 'Rov Boeers IMlkeMalloy (Music I Baseball (Dance Orch. . I Rov Mosers IMlkeMalloy - Music iBaseban I On Stage I Waa Commie (Mail call musle I Musie (Baseball On Stage II Waat ummle " Mail can music .Crime Files Night Song (Record Show I Bob M Ray Dvncw rime . Night Sooc (Record Show (Bob & Ray . 'Dane Time . IMusie Musie (Night Soaf ' Musie lOty CoancfJ .-aTtsno INight Sonx . Musie ' (City Council I Dane Tune The Cpbeat: 4:43 Newt Comnen. taryr f 0 ChUdren'a Theater; SO Jerry of the Circus; 8 S Programs from UNESCO: 6tOO The News and weather; S 13 Library of Congress ; B30 Headlines of Chemistry: :45 Waltzes of the World; 70 Report From Washington; 1 :13 Evening Farm Hour; 5:00 Great Plays Dramatic Adaptations: 5:30 from Portland State: 8:45 The News and Weather: B:00 Music that Endurea; 9 :SJ News and Weatber; 10:00 Sign Off TKliKAN Mohammed Ren PaalevL dark naiformed at left, the snaa ef Iran, chats wita tutidenuCed members ef the diploma tie. corps woo rree tea bub at nemaDaa Airport iouowing; nis re tarn te Tehran. The retnra ef the shah from a five-day exile la Iraq and Italy climaxed the uprising which unseated the anti-shah government af Mohammed Mossadegh which sent the young monarch inte exile (AP Wirephoto via radio front Rome te The SUtesaian.) r J HIGHLIGHTS What's Cooking?, :30 Cook ing jhow with Barbara Angell How to make cake mixes (white and chocolate) yummy cake leftovers. UJ. General Assembly, 120- Live telecast from New York. I Jatinee Theater, 2:00 "Wings afver the Pacific with Inez Coop- r WJ M . ' mm . ex, Mviro atoms anu Montague Love. Northwest News Digest, 5:45 Features Norman Wallace, news caster, ; with Bill Stout as. sports rep6rter and commentator. Cross country news and weather round up by Wallace. Ob The Practice Tee, f :30 Golf instruction with Helen Dett weiler.' Gene Autry, 7:00 Gene Autry, singing cowboy, and bis horse, Champion, and his comic 'side kick, Pat Buttram, ride the plains in dramas of the old West. Yea Asked For It, 7:30 "Fear less Gregg will be shot out of a cannon Puppeteer Bob Bromley from Paris will present his pup pet -Sir Butch" Rudy Docky and talented Boxer dogs give an exhi bition of water polo Art Ash- ton, -The Golf Trickster" will demonstrate some tricks with golf balL . Doorway te Danger, :00 Fed eral Agent Doug Carter is ad mitted to Sing Sing Prison as a prisoner to break up . a top pionage ring. , The Goldbergs, 8:30 Family situation, comedy starring Gert rude Berg as "Molly; Portland Wrestling, 10:00 Lo cal, live, remote telecast origin ating from the Armory, Nite Owl Theater, 11:15 "Ken tucky Carnival' with John Ar- ledge and Mary Lou Lender. Trailer Coaches To Be Feature Of State Fair Largest display of trailer coaches ever assembled in the Pacific Northwest will be shown at the Oregon State Fair Septem ber 5 i through 12, it was an nounced Wednesday by Leo G SpitzbarL fair manager. "Tnder sponsorship of the Ore gon branch. Trailer Coach Asso ciation, approximately 23 house trailers valued at more than $125,000 will be open for in spection, according to Everett R. Phillips, Salem, chairman of the TCA Oregon chapter. Trail ers will vary in length from 12 to 40 feet and will accomodate two to eight" persons. A feature of the exhibit will be a black "mystery' trailer with interior construction features cut away and illuminated with vari ous colors of black light. The trailer : was a major feature of the April ' show in Sportsman Stadium, Los Angeles, Phillips said. This will be the first time it has been in the. Pacific North west. : - ' r btijhi tilevltlis thafr REALLY works In a ough fringe area THE 471 N. Capital ' Ph. 2 5371 The Capitol Shopping Center Ope. Mon. tt FrL HI t PJL mi , fl in i.i n i i PEDESTRIAN KILLED EUGENE uT William Bill mire, o, of Blachly, died in a Eugene - hospital Tuesday five Hiours after he had been struck by an automobile while ' walking on a highway about 45 miles west of here; . ' - Ne. S7-47 ' Synopsis of Annual Statement ' for the year ended December SL 1952 ot the Beneficial fire and Casualty Insurance Company of Los Angeles, in the SUte of California, maae to the Insurance Commissioner of tt)s State of Oregon, pursuant to lawl ADMITTED ASSETS Bonds. 530,414-2s. Stocks, none. -- . ' Mortgafe loans oa real estate, none. ..... v . . .- Real estate, bone. Cash and bank deposits. $22721229. 1 Agents oaiances or uncouectea premiums S6S.6ai.Sl. - Interest, dividends said real estate income due and accrued. 5434547. Other assets, 5121,410.14. Total admitted assets, 5915,258.75. iJABLLJTIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER TUNDS T nams S5S.S3a27- Loss adjustment expenses. - $1U iN.n. Unearned premiums, 528.5vO.S2. v All other liahillUes. 515.612.74. Total liabilities, except capital. Xa9swv9OUU Capital paid up. S425.000.00. Special surplus funds, none. - Unassigned funds (surplus), 5374,' Surplus a' regards policyholders. V4)tt.13. Total. 591589.75. STATEMENT OP INCOME Premiums earned, S2SS.17S.9L, 1 Losses incurred. 51945.74. Loss exDcnses Incurred. 546.275.31. O'her underwriting exnenses . in. rcurreu, si.s.waiju. Total underwriting; deductions. S1B1.47S.SS. . Net underwriting gain or loaa, t4. Investment Income. 29H.0C ' Other income 55.643.1a. Total. before federal income taxes, 5H730S.S4. . Federal Income taxes Incurred. Net Income. 5H7JOS.54. Dividends to stockholders, none. Dividends., to . policyholders. a, Capitalafhanges (netl. none. Othertems aff eeuna; surplus (net) Total capital and - surplus items neti. Increase in surplus as regards poucynoiaers, 9llM.lW.T9. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. 53,525.80. Net losses oaid. S1JOL33. Dividends paid or credited- to pel Kniucni none. tfOTICE OP FTNAL ACCOUNT FRANCES PARRAR, administrat rix .ot tne estate of UCK PARRAR. deceased, has filed her final account as such in the Circuit Court of Mar lon County. Oregon, and said Court has fixed September 14. 1553,. at 9:15 o clock a. m, in the courtroom of said Court, as the time and Place of kaar4n ae at. Am .ill - A 1 a. -WL PRANCES PARRAR, Administratrix . PA JL R. HENDRICKS, Attorney. 412 Pioneer Trust Bids'. ' Salem. Oregon AUa. 13-20-27 Sept. 3-10. 53 & . Ne. sa-aa Synopsis of Annual Statement f or the year ended December 31. 1952 of tne Beneficial standard Life Insur ance Company of Los Angeles, m tne SUte of California, hum ta tha Insurance Commissioner -of the State ox urefon, pursuant to law: . ASSETS Bonds, 5J.681.795.1J. , Stocks, 52.7096002. ' Mortgage loana on - real aetata. Policy leans and oremium notes. $59,550.75. caan ana bank deposits. S991.351.35. mmiuiM due and deferred (life and accident and health), 5235jeft2.19. interest and other . investment in come due and accrued. 532.401.03. . inner assets. , x ToUI assets, 59,345.539.39. t L1ABOJTIE.S. SURPLUS :, AND OTHER FUNDS Reserves for life and accident and health policies, 52,532.406.55. Policy and contract claims. '5519.. 355.55. All other lisbiUties. 5593.523.24. Total liabilities, exeeot canttaL S3.S47JSV.54. - . i 7 wpuu paia-up, oa. Special surplus funds, 6520.951.95. Unaasicned surplus. 54.17S.S99 .80. Surplus aa regards do Ucy holders. 55.69751.73. - Total, 89 J43J39J9. SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS 4 Accrual Basis) Premiums and annuity considera tions. 58.983,139.23. Considerations . for sunolementarv contracts. 55.783J5. Net investment income. 1 140 .021 .45. Other Income items, 6229.39548, . Total.- 59 J55J4X74. Policy benefits. 52.788.883.53. ' t Psyments on supplementary con tratita. dividend accumulations, and interest, 69.038.70. ' Increase in reserves, S3za89.T2. Commissions, claim and general insurance expenses and taxes, 84,41e 1UJ4. Other ooeratlnaT deductioaa. 534 022.25. Dividends to policy holders. Dona. Total. 57JOM1L35. f Net gaia from operstionx. 51 JS5.- 031J9. Dividends to atockholdera. 5224. 997 JL . - Other items affaetlnf surplus and surplus funds (net), sixuaial. . Total. 6475.736.42. . la surplus snd - special surplus funds. 9L0S2Jv4.97. BUSmESS IN OREGON ;. 1 POR THE YEAR ' Cross premiums and annuity eon siderauons collected during : the yesr. 154.4 52-45. v -' t " Dividends paid or credited to pol icyholders during the year. none. Gross beoefits and claims, endow menta. surrenders, and annuities paid dunne; the year, 5iai4Aa. I BANN1STEK Babert Bannister, la this dry. Au( 25. at the ace of 54 years. Late reet dent af 111 Cbetaekcta St. Survived by brother." Sam Bannister. Granite faTla. Waab4 sister, Mrs. Mildred Car penter, Snohomish, Wash. Announce ment of services wlU be made later by . the W. T. Ricdoa Cooipany.- Thomas D. XaOuke. at the family residence, 3355 Crawford SL. Auf. 25, at the age of 71 years. Survived by wife. Mrs. Viola LaDuke and son. Thomas W. LaDuke. both ot Salem: daughters, Mrs. Thebna Stram, Arlington, SJD.l Mrs. Audrey Coul ter. Douglas. Alaska, and Mrs. Max fne Curley, Phoenix. Arix-J sister. Mrs; William Critton. Salem. Also survived by IS grandchildren. Mem ber of the Vlrst Christian Church. Announcement ef services will be made later br the Howell-Ed wards aTCKAJU) .' i Klsy Reeves Pickard. late resident of Marion, Auf. 54 at the residence. Survived by wife. Mrs. More Pickard, at anon: steo-oaucnter. Mrs. Acnes CjUae, Wheat Ridge, Colorado; step son, AJi on courtnant, coquuie. serv tees will be beld Friday-. Auf. 28. et li ta. in the Virgil t. Golden Chapel with the Rev. Ivan Had ley ofnciaunr ana interment at Belcreat Memoriai rarkv , WTO BY '"" ' "' i Arthur B. Widby. at a local hos- gtaL Aug. 25. 'Late resident of Sa m Route 4, Box 73. Survived by wife. Anna L. Widby, Salem; son, Donald Widby, Salem: sisters. Mrs. Eva RuddeU, Sacramento. -Calif.; Mrs. Ruth Rackleff. Myrtle Point, and Mrs. Veda Johnston, Portland; broth era. i. C Widby. Sacramento. Calif Arix and two grandsons. David and Dennis Widby, both of Salem. Serv ices will be held st the VlrrU j. Golden dspel Friday, Aug. 25, at 2 pjn. with the Rev. Lloyd T. An derson officiating and interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. NOTICE OP STREET VACATION NOTICE HEREBY IS1 GIVEN that Howard E. Olsen, and others, on the first dsy of June. 1953. filed a peti tion with the city recorder initiatins proceedings to vacate the street de- scrtoed ss follows, to-wit: A tract of land situated In section ' 12. Township 7 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Marion County, Oregoa; and bounded oa the West by the East . erly right of way line of the -Pacific Highway (U.S. 99-E); on the East by the Westerly line of -Blo-k 1 pi-NorthgaU AddiOon, , aa shown by the Amended Plat . thereof; on the North by the west erly projection of the North line of said Block 1 aa ahown by aaid Amended Plat; and on the South, by the direct Westerly projection . ot the South line of said Block 1. Northgate. as shown by said Amended Plat: - for the reason that - such street is used by the public and it waa not intended to dedicate the same for public use, the dedication having been made by mistake, and that it would be beneficial to vacate aaid street, and there is no need or neces sity of retaining the same for public use. The Common Council ef the city of Salem has fixed the 14th day of September, 1933, at the hour ot 730 o'clock p.m.. aa the time, and the council chambers In the city hall in Salem, Oregon, aa the place for hearing said proceedings and any and all objections and remonstrances to the proposed vacation. Objections to such 'vscation. If sny there be, should be made in writing and filed with the city recorder (of said city nrior to the time of the hearing. BY ORDER OP THE COMMON COUNCIL; July 21. 1953. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder AU.6.13,20.27,3.3. NOTICE OP EXAMINATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a promotional examination, subject to the rules and regulations and pro visos of the Civil Service' Commis ston of Salem, Oregon, as amended, will ba held in the City Hall. Salem, oregoa, aa gouows: Wednesday, Sep tember 23, 1953 and Thursday, Sep tember ae. issa, wmq a. m. or CAPTAIN FIRST AID - FTRX DEPARTMENT GENERAL SCOPE OP EXAMINA TION: General ' knowledge based on First Aid experience and knowledge of itea croaa First Aid courses. PAY: Three Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars ana Mlnely-nve cents. (5365.93) per month. ' DUTIES: Supervision of Fire De partment Equipment and personnel assigned to Captain First Aid luriadic tion uid transmission of orders of superior officers and directing their enforcement. EXPERIENCE: Not less than three years of continuous service under permanent appointment as Fireman In the Salem Fire Department. APPLICATIONS FOR THIS EXAM INATION MAY BE MADE at the of fice of the City Recorder, must be filed in person, and win not be ac cepted for filing after the following date: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER IT. 1553 50 P. M. DATED at Salem. Oregoa. August 24. 1953. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION BY: Alfred Mundt Secretary and Chief Examiner Au.24.Z5 ,25 .27 .28 ,29 ; 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: st Brooks, a lady's white purse including red billfold, with valuable papers, keys, cash and travelers checks. Reward. Ph. V255S or 2-3133. Mrs. Paul VanZee. LOST rust colored cocker. Reward." Stanton Olson. 1035 Cascade. 4-J732. LOST 1 horse electrie motor in vie inity of Crystal Spring pony rsnch. Please return to L L. Ch as tain. Route 3. Box 1 14 on Vita' Springs er Phone 2-7442, Reward. rrcrnsTportti'lon COLLEGE bey wants ride to Nebras ka, wro. STUDENT desires Los Angeles trans portation. Call Z-4579. ' ., GIRLS want ride Ohio. Share x penses. help drive. References, requires. 754 Perry. Phone 9-6317, 316 Personal HEALTH without drugs. Rayavlns. Ph. 9-21.. ALCHOUCS Anonymous. 313, N. Commercial St. Ph. 2-2108 or t-2843. f WILL NOT be responsible for any debts unless contacted op myseix. Floyd Franklin. Plank. CHRISTIAN gentleman, 6. " wouU hke to correspond with Christian lady. E vera tie Too ley, 1144 N. Cot tar "WILL not be responsible for any debts other than my own. D. E. Ciark. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group Ne L 2088 N, Commercial Phone S-9419 OT 5-4537. P. O Bos 734. 00 AxrricTiItTirc 432 XJvestock BONTED LHreatock boyer. Claude Edwards. Rt 3. Box 899 Ph. 4-1113 1CXNSD and bonded ttvestock buyer. E. L Snethea. 155 Keaar sod Ave. Phone 2-1343 LOCKER bef Hereiord. 24c. locker pork 45c Notlunr down, s months to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loan ed tree. Salem , Meat Co, 1323 S. tth Ph 5-4B58 1 S YEAR eld Bay mare. Gentle and well broke. 873. Phone 3-B14T. GOOD sale Hereford beef quarter w half, JuUua Gehnnf, Kt. a, Sllverton. Oreeon. Phone S-4769. BbNDDUV3lokbuyer lCi T trCnnn . in S 25tH Q't 3-BMT iO.Di-D Ltvestoclc Buyer. A. F Sommer, I2S5 Brmony Dr. Pa a-asit.: i ... TJPRIGHTS 550, S75,tl00. OTHERS RICHER PRICED. BUT BARGAINS. lQiABZ, STEINWAY. MASON HAMLIN, JCTC. I 7SED SPINET ONLY 3. jf . Full Xirle of New . It pays ' (a mile from hirh prices) I Cor. 12th and Mill Streeta 400 Aj-riculEure 404 Poultry end Rabbits ECO I AV-P 17S yearling Leghorn bene. Ralph Stewart, 4115 Fishe? itd. Ph. 5-6179. WAITED Leghorn ami colored bene. Any quantity immediately. Will pay over top Portland MklL Lee's na itcherv. Phone Ia1 JSTOMnkTlffiSaTw-og -nv kindl Ph. 4-3420. NeweU'sl Poultry Plant. Kill 5 days a waekJRt. 5. Box Ida. Baienc r !f WB are batching New Hampehirea, uviuvbt aaroaaa. anci aroor acres nacu every weex. special prices to year round fryer growers. Fox Hatchery. 3830 tate Si, phone 3-4968 eta retrievej LABRADOR retrieves puppies, aired Gringo, son of BBIgnaUa Gringo. Ideal for hinting Are child's pet, 525. Phone Independence 245J. 12 PUPPIES to giva away! Phone T-ZJOO. t STUD SERVICE aril Ajcc "BT ue enow rhwv Phnn. ;t5-ain WANTED temale fo4 terrier puppy. Non registered. Phie 2-7331. Hollywood aquarium, issa iid coy. l Bloc east cf N. Capitol. niocCT mnn or Masnison. fti. s-nra7 CHAMPION bred boaier puppies." Ev ery pup a poteatlal champion. Moore's Tropical $ab, equipment Goldfish, Parakeets 3 miles from Lancaster en Macleey Road. Phone 4-3773. Closed oa Wednesdays. 410 Seeds and FiastsT FUCHSIAS, TuBERCtTS BEGONIAS. GERANIUMS. MEKRIL'S GREEN HOUSE. BROOKS, j . 412 Fruit and Farm Produce" GRAVEN STEINS. Bex 29 Msdesy Rd. rnone 4-78as ueuvefed in town, CRAVENStlNS. He Best. Come ana get them, ater box. deliver ed 52.00. Windfall your price. Stevens, RL 3. BoxrjSM Roberts. Ph. 3-1094. 'Alfaila BALED HAY. AlfaSia. $17 a ton. Good meadow bay 113, a ton. Tlce Ranchea, Burna. Oregon, ' or call Filmore 5349. Portland. Oregon. PEARS 515 bu awate plums $1,007 You Ptok. 3575 Lee. Phone 3-0.4X TOR SAIX-Oata adid clover hay. fi per ton. Phona 4-ms SaTLJ-MTUBLIC kURkET1 "iFirm- era) lzee a itursubj 1 dioc : ean ox 12th St., will be espen on Wednes days and Saturdays, 5:45 a.m. Plenty of eggs, ioeans.' potatoes, cucumbers, summer squash, flow trt and other produce. U-PICK Boysenberrles. 5c lb. 1 miU east and 1 mile aorth of Brooks. G. T. Lowerv. . Picklind Cukes rresh .dally from aur farm, lield run Be lb. Oraanlaallv crown Dots . toes red er whitej, Peaches, black- . berries. Ptimips' Jroa. arm anarxet. o590 Portland Ha. pnone x-s-is. COST varietlee of peaches in season. - Worm free Gravtunstelns. Hi miles en Wallace Bd. Z4E. Wsndt. grow 5 TON alfalfa and fye grass hay. 620 ton in the tiaid. weriine Hop I8F4. Ranch, Independence. Phone 8F 414 Farm Ecrulpgnent HEAVY DUTY JohS Deere. S bottom 28" disc plow. Model sos. weigni approx. 4J3M lbe.JXuben Bros. Me hama. ore. P.O. aox ivs. . 425 Auction Sales SUDTELL'S AU ION Thurs. Aug 27tk. 5'Sllverton ltd. Phone -096 ' 10 a m. Misc. FurnSure Ac Vegetables 1 pan. (Livestock Chickens Ac Rabbi1. Baby Calves at VeaL Weaner At reader jmgs, neu-ers.- Feeder Stoik. Bulla. Steers, Milk Ml Beef Cows. Sheep At Goats. Come to bu, orjseU. Lane ouaiep s aucuuii SalesjYard A0 Mercliritl tne ii 4SI Machlnarr! and Tools 6" Craftsman tilti arbor table ssw. i h i. meter. Call 2-6948. 770 Belmont. 455 Hsehold For Sale OCCASIONAL ctalrs. lnnerspring 4 mattress, box soring, xsoie lamps, floor lamp, bed trame. studio couch, tables. See snyttjne. 2205 Chemeke- ta Ph. 2-4C77 BEAUTIFUL bat room sat . with larea mirror ac medicine cabinet. Large buffet, vei reasonable price. 2025 M sneer, i PIECE Mahogany .room set. Day enoort. Call 3-72 GOOD. 4 unit Monarch-electric table top range 535. lip Norwa. 456 Wanted, Hsohold Goods j .WAiyTED USED FlfRNITURE TOPSpRICE Vallev Furti. Co. 2-7472 WANT to aeH wour furnitureT "See Lamberts. 2-784a. CAabl IOUA. ood used furniture or will sell oa i consignment Ph. S-(WS Buateuaj aucuoa 454 Building Hate-iota PLYWOOD Interior Ac Exterior, 4x5 sheets or In cut sizes. Mm ends 3c ft. up. Cedar Sag. (.lean up) IS -00 to 35.00 M. Doors .8 up. Birch. Ms hog. Fir in Sab Doors. Panel in Fir. Shakes 15-71 So. tip. Hard board 173 sheet Hem &dg. Fig. 59.50. MldgS.. Wall board. Roofing, . decorative panel-, and Lumber 11 priced right. Free delivery . Anil estimating service. ' nothing down i; mo. to pay. .. . . Open a day Sat. Portland Road Lumber "ard 3545 Portland Ph. 4-4433 Goods Spinet and Grands ta shoe at U . ' i 1 458 Bpgaipq Matetiftls Melal Fences Permanent. Ne upkeep. Free esti , mates. 3d mos. to pay. Borkman Lbr. At Hdwr. Phone 2-370L 2460 : Stste Stj !" ' i BeaiilHul Used Brick For exterior walls, fireplaces and In teriore Phone 2-7481 sfer 1 a.m. WRECK535 a house at 1744aaalFksW 4aU materials for ssie, SWanU Bet That you tan save dofltrs ta vtumb i ing aahiest It's o.k. because this ; sure thing is aa g arable. Check our : savings in: u , i . I- toiieta. i ; , wash-basins, ' : M ' " ' besi-tuba. ' Vjj. waters heaters,: '" . kitehea alnka, L , ', pipa and fitunga, ' , - colnred bathroom seta. Capital Bargain House na center g.. Salem WlfJDQWS Largest stick ta Salem, i New weath i er stripped windows xompietely ; assembled. 814 Je op. Large modern J sashes and crystal picture windows, ; 55 up. Pick your choice at bargain : prices. 1 i J, 1 PLUMBINO New tofletf with mu, 54 20 x 18" washbasins comnlata 11 M Bathtubs with fittings . sa.54 Double laiindrv trava mmnUt. tni Shower cainnets complete iJ 04 Double kitchen sinka, alectrie - 1 . Pipe ., . ,. ..CHIAP f.mire nfrk 1 500-gal. steal septie Ur,lcs' 67 6d g r j BARGAIN ;, Coloi-tsd bath sets ; OTHER BARGAINS MeUI faraie doors with hdwe 43.05 New 4x5 plasterboard . . .. , ,. 1.4a 4x5 waterproof waUboard , 1.71 I?rior Afexterior plywood. CHEAP Nails, carUiad aupply - : a 7S Overhead garage door, hdwe 13-fil Loose insulation, pvr bag 1 bi Roll blanket insula Uon BARGAIN VZ "JP rch plywood , , 24 fm JP ttrCh" Plywood 6ll i" mahogany plywood ' 424 No. 1 cedaS shingles 1 No. 5 cedar shingles - go Noy 8 cedar shingles 4.0J Three-Ub fomp roofing . t JJ Ug Panel doorg, hardwood doors, sll .types glass doors LOWEST PRICES New fir door Jamba 1 b Painted ce$ar shakes 10 7 Un painted edar shakes I D New asbestos siding s Camp Ada- windows 5 0 Exterior white paint . a. Siake moiling, per ft j I Cedar fence posts Cheap j C. Gj LONG & SONS PK 4-S0S1 1 mile N. ef Kemouel, Repair, Now rainy day. N lonths tetPeM Eppiig rber Co 1740 filfveiton Bd. Phone 4-4-123 Saturdays ? . Openi al day KEITH BROWN Close! Outs ' DOORS. DOORS. ' IW1X. 1-e to S-8x6M rir Flush., paint Grade - : - :..-, ease T Z-0 to S-8xSj8 Fir Flush I,, .. 8.95 T.d 3-Ox6-8xl-i Fir Flush a ss Ei 2-Ox-Sxl,i3 Panel .., 5.95 Ei 2-0to l-5f 1 Panel SJS Ei -0 to 3-8xts 10 Lite i FTench 1.1. 9.67 te 10 4) 2-S to -oxMxn t Panel t Lite To .. . :.H MtOl3JI WINIDOWS AND 8ASH 26x24 CM Ig Lite Bottom 6 i Lite Top i i ; U -..... $3.0) 1 Lot Odds and Ends Windows. Sssh snd rrsrnet - . , , Ol ame Ladders Left , . ,.' 3i Oi a-vxo-sxi-vw a ranei I! Screen Door 1 87 Sj Hand Tools and Hand Saws ..25 o few Eiectrif Fsna ..,.. r...28 o Drill Press 871.75 less 23 1 , 'J. 4a5f U luihT .f..t3 O .4.50 Ea Keith Bown Lumber Yd a ron et y,m street rnnni - a WE GIVE SAiH GREEN STAMPS 4S0 Musllal Instruments , . VTOLrrr with ease snd bo J. B fid wood elahnet with easet Phonl - 2-OBSS. ' I ' ' ! ' COiPLETE reconditioned sad re'inj ' ished newjpiano, guarantee, a trul) . superb pidno. , . GJ-and Piano fiY bald'.vi;: Your old piano In 1 act. Terms. Salem Music Company 153 S. High i ! Phone 5470) - Acroms fj-om lnore ratfr Sriinet Piana Slightly used, new plana guarantee ' lias new. Trade-in aceeptsbie. -A REAL BARGAIN ! Terms of Course 1 ? Salem Music Com iany 153 S. High 3 . Phone 2 7 Across fjTj El'ilnAre Thea'e--MEW and used piaooe. Tor a bett-4 buy. Wtnaey Muaie i House. 185 i State 2 6NLY Story and Clark Pianos b a vj mahogany; sounding boards. Wi split. tune 73 -- .. vr..-.4. r--M-I ter. t sa-e (n a, a ua musav 470 . Capitol. Phone 2-537 t ! Refit I a Piano ! 51.00 'per month f i i Every! plaao guaranteed r - ! ! LXMITliD BtNtAL STOCK ' Salem Illusic Cornpan 153 S. High I phone 1-971$ . Across from Elsie ore Theater 4S2 Sports Eq-alpment ' 1 I 1 ' f I ARCHERS ( I, 55 LB. bear bow. 5la dnren net - arrows (best) extras. , olf of cosj 4-3341ext.i63or 3-9417.i 7rw"ldarlinT6 CcKeap or trsol Clyde Wytnore, RL 5. Bex ii&4 Balem. j ; ' ISai 25 H.P.ilvinrude motor, uaed 3 hours. By Jowner at Green 'a 00 ing Goodsj. Ul S. Cont L. Phoi fffW 12f Laivrence-crsit boat, Reg. 5179. aale prtee -1 . tH 14 Chrias-crlft kit. BulH i ' and and painted. Keg. S-S Sale !JZ. , 62 14' - Deluxe Cm-rart ait, reg. 621 6. Sale i.-J. ... 11' Deluxe fr Crlss-Crsft kit. JR fl U. Ssle i. 147 and 131 iVIiard gUas boats, duced oven 8100 each. 1 Gil Ward. 450 Center tUPLE 30u7av-gC model 99. nf last fail, i boxes of shells. 1-1 Phone 3-P 7 IiTVil2iCIi&iTZ& like '.new. Ao ! man rubber boat Call eveninr Rt. 2 Bo-j 403. Peter Reitensteii 1',, miles 4at of totem j pole of rwuua -. 1 - . - ' . at a. aw - '