i r (Sec 2) Sicrtesaqxu 3oJeia,Or. Tb,ursi Aug. 27, 1S53 ". Marry in 195 ; DAILY 'AND "SUNDAY ! The ;Nation's.:Top:' Comics CANBERRA CTV Fewer Aus in tralians married in 1952, but government statistics ' show they Your Home Newspaper married younger, last year there were 74,172 marriages, the I low est total for three years. But the average; age of bridegrooms I YOUNG was 28.74 years, and i that 1 of brides 23.61, compared with 28.-1 92 and 2571 in 1931. j : Two hundred and six girls of 15 years and under married last year, including one . girl of (13. The boys , were more ciutious. They waited until they were 16 at least ." f v '. " I' V'.-,-.. f 1 . I . ' .I..",.-.'.-.' . : . .. ,' . . 1 . . ELONDIE - ' I . ' I " - " ' l' T ' - , Br CHIC i. M ' . . ii i I I i i V' I I -J. ALEXANDER-)! .-.si I OfiGVOOQ I WANT YOU TO GET j vt iPCV u X?--- TTV fW r CdVE ME THAT ERgL- rfPfc1 (ATOOKXJ -XJISS rtUj j j 'j kE:ibjuvJ - . "";-Ctf ; bt Chester gould J. TaLLZCAM FMOAREAPEW lpSRACSOPTWBR.V OK- 1 T DOCTDR. TWB5E5 NO PMONE -1 VWELL-WMtfrrSTlUil? NO T WBJS TWE COJLD BE WSQCT VOCALCCBDSl VWEN f JUST A iHERE. OGIVE MC DOWNTOWN. . OOCTOC? 1i fVEn- 'J. I BfTES COULD BE RASH. OO VCUWRST NOTICE I . FEW iW GOT TO SEE OCX TRACV TNT t; LITTLE ANNIE BbONETf f ' i I By DAREELL McCLUBE v 1 YES MYSELF ANO A SWAOM If OMLMO IV STILL 1 f TWS IS THE EARLY AHER1CAM 1 1 THERE CR NO (ZEAL ESTATESU8- "1 - I, ( OTwSNGHAfED A IM THE ARMY OP ,1 WAY OHE TOR ALL AND AU. I DIVISIONS OFFERING NEV, MOOERM i I totUKT L7 IMC 1 AMA tUK tuuiuw-I is runuvwiw n i nm v. . I I iootovaY J ff -Wi JjiiwoKT)cn(UNrsQiiw-MUPre I nntmi 7 i1?l I rrocn.ourl riDooATiOiJ . L. , mn rr VTrf I ' Tur Oil AtoM5 WiWTTr--3 k ' BUZZ SAWYEH ' By ROY CRANE ft vl II .i - ii :: R.i iWrtrrure erACT iutimt m etvunv ; i 1 1 1 ii 1 I .r.OMAtt OTTERS CHILD FOR ADOPT OK K " I tSgr1 ! ?f I i r'"r i 4? wwgu v'tfirAMoKali I rww 11 M i?V, I hl2SJ warms? !'-rl WCKENSACK. M AI T' V 1 1 . 1 yT7T V wlMV CALL TWT I mnrv. v mrrkrrcp ' ' WALT DISNEY yiiwni a ? I ! . I ' .. i. .. .. 1- -. . ... ,.m t-f w fao w r.-.-f i .mj MS PALACE CSUAKt,. . , - ;.."TIS BE HCJAfe NCri ITHIS WAV. LACTO THE fZCJVAL. . JT 1 KJT THEY PONT CAt MUCH FgKJ lTrtfr-Y7TrT f TtH - i ... in i. 1- i.i. 1 1 r?.T.. : : r .1 "RIP KIRBY i f . By ALEX RAYMOND 1 GASOLINE ALLEY . I 1 ;: By KING rTWTTTTill TVes. but that Is strictiy ' n lttJT f HI have V&jY rbejt frorn That Mona partt Jer bjine He rlynWU gX- Sf?wi? " 1 gfagaiftQ t "BARNEY GOOGLE i 1 1 ' ' J By FRED" LASSWELL ! s .' i" 'I- a i '.' . . . , , 1 I.1,-- ; . ' . " ' I - - --yr - 1 ; ;- L I THODSKT YOftE UNK TKAftrTHAR- CO WOKAT JfftW'S A THAT MAINt . T.at TTxSNLJ WU2CN TWMENO. OONT 6fT I fW f2?St' NOTHSN A Jf.v t- JLJGWAJDr BUT HYSTEERICAU7 4 "SSf? V HeVJ Jq School-3Iinded Qan Nearly .Adopt College STATfi COLLEGE. Pal UPi i i ne iicwuaams xamuy is orac- ucauy incorporated with Pel sylvan la State . College- now that Judy McWilliams has received her degree. , uowara u. Mcwiuums was graduated from Penn State ; in! 191L His brother, Ralph, and sis ter, Elizabeth, also got their de grees. Two sons of Howard's also graduated, and now the baby sis ter, Judy, in 1953. The husbands of two of Howard's sisters also are Penn. State graduates. Portland Produce G I A N TP L 0 W A bey Snds a perch atop H-fUt-wide scrapers ef soewplew built atCala nateo, Mlcb for U. 8. Air Force use wider extreme conditions at Thalei Greenland, base PORTLAND UTI Biflterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, ' 68-71C lb; first mialitv fifiJ?Qf KafrtnA nualitv 63-66c. Valley routes and country 1M points 2 cents less. V WIC M.Sgt. Rusty Puts in Duty Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 98 score, 66c lb; 92 score, 65c; B, 90 score, 63c; C, 89 score, 60c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 42 -45c lb; Oregon 5-Ib loaf 48 -50 Eggs To - wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss,, cases in cluded, f.oJb. Portland ungrad ed large 64c; AA large 68c; A large 62-63c; AA medium 47-59c; A grade smalls 38-39c. Eggs To wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, f.o.b. A large 67 -68 ; medium 63 -65V4;. small 44; B large 59-63. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 75; A large, 69-70; medium, 67-68 A medium, 66-67; A small, 46. Cartons 3 cents additional. . Lire chickens No. 1 quality. f.o.b. plants Fryers. 2 -3 lbs, 31; 3-4 lbs, 31; roasters, 4 lbs, I tip, 31; Heavy bens, all weights. 18-29; light hens, all weights, 15-16; old roosters 14-16. ' Rabbits Average to growers- Live white, 4-5 lbs, 2&23C, 5-6 lbs. 18-22c; old does. 10-12c. few higher. Wholesale dressed meats: Beef cuts (choice 'steers) Hind quarters, 52.00-56.00; rounds. 50.00 55.00; full loins, trimmed, 68.00- 78.00; triangles. 27X0-32.00; f o r e I quarters, 30.00-35.00; chucks, 35.00- 40.00; ribs, 43.00-53.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lb. 63.00-70.00; shoulders. 16 lbs, 42.00- 45.00; sparenbs, 54.00-56.50; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, 65.00-68.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 34.00-40.50; commercial, 28.00-36.00. Lambs Choice-prime, 40.00- 41.00; good 36.00-39.00. 44.00; good 39.00-44.00. Wool Grease basis, Willamette Valley medium. 50-52C lb; Eastern Oregon fine and half blood, 55-62c; Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42c; 12-month wool. 4j-50c. Country-dressed meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef Cows, 23-26 lb; canners- cutters, 17-19; shells down to 13. Veal Top quality, light weight, 30-31; rpugh heavies, 20-28. Hogs Lean blockers, 38-39 lb; SOWS, light, 32-34. Mutton Best. 12-14 lb: Cull- utility, 8-10. Lambs Best 35-36 lb. Onions Calif. White Globe, 3.25- 30; 50 lb sacks of Wash. Yellows, med.. 10-1.75; Ige.. 1J5-1.40. Potatoes Local Triumphs, lugs, 1.50-1.75; Boardman Long Whites; No. 1, 2.25-2.50; Washington netted gems. 2.50-2.75; No. 2, 50 lb sack. 80-85. ! Hay S. No. 2 green alfalfa. 28.00-30.00, delivered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and Seattle. INDIANAPOLIS (P) The boys at the Army Finance Schoo figure M. Sgt. Rusty, in her way, has put' in enough service to re tire. But Rusty, who has marched and slept and eaten with the boys here and there ' since 1946, woulcurt hear to such a thing, nor would any of the boys. Kusty is really only 7 years old, but the boys say a year for a dog is the same as five years of a man's life. That would add up to 35 years and retirement She came to the school's Head quarters Co. at Ft Benjamin Harrison as a pup. M. Sgt. A. J. Yarrisb, then topkick of the out fit, found her outside a barracks here and adopted her.' Sgt. Yar rish has since gone to Korea, but Rusty has stayed on. mar Grains Ease Off to Yield Early Gains NEW YORK UV-The tock ket declined for the third straight time Wednesday when it proved unequal to the task of holding to early gains. i , Things looked bnent lor a re versal of the downtrend until after the fourth hour, when a mild sort of selling entered the picture The Associated Press average of 60 stocks declined 30 cents, double Tuesday's loss. That makes the de cline $2.30 this. week. The average now stands at $105.30 just $LlO above the low for the. year. Stock Market - Again Drops CHICAGO (A Grains eased on the Board of Trade Wednesday for the first time this week, giving up only a part of the gains scored in the previous two sessions. It was a little too much to expect Salem Market Quotations TRACK PONY RIDES For Kids 6 to 14 Yrs. 15 Minutes ". . . 50 30 Minutes, . . C5 1 Hour V . . . . 1.50 3376 Siivertoii Read Mile East of Fairgrounds (Aa of late yesterday) BCTTERTAT Premium i, " No. 1 No. - a ., , ' BUTTER Wholesale ' , Retail M ,.,1 1 .71 70 7 .64 ..73 .76 EGGS (Buytof) (Wholesale prices ranee to 7 cents over buying targe AA Large A , , Medium AA . i Medium A : Pullet, tnttk price) POULTRY Colore4 if ens Leghorn Hens , Colored fryers Old Roosters Roasters. , .81 .M , .66 .54 .33 ' .10 .17 .30 .14 .31 Portland Grain youn OUflOOKl i PORTLAND m Coarse grairs, 15 day shipment, bulk, ; toast de livery: Oats No. 2 38 lb white 55.(0. Wheat (bid) to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.20: Soft White (exclud Rex) 2.20; White Club 2.20. .. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 120; lo per cent 20; 11 per cent 2.20; 13 per cent 2.20. ' Hard White Baart: Ordinary 20; 10 per cent 20; 11 per cent 2.20; 13 per cent 2.20. , I Wednesday's car receipts: wheat 46; barley 29; flour 4; corn 1; mill feed 2. - : it Enjoy gGol chming . r Want to fed happier? Chew Wrlgley's Speaonlnt Cum! Gives you nice little Wt- cep a package handy , pvrs or pockat WTRIGltY'S -TV Villi 'I f1 : T5 . AM3SS 5 4; - ' . I,, I , I ( I - ( '' -J 1 11 in im j . - i ... ... J r'-r-rM RUFUSfRUS T ED Kufus, eseaiMl red-necked hora. bill, cause ef a two-dy tkyscraper-rooflop ehase In New Yerk; City, is held by ASPCA agent after wanderizixj Inte a plreen coop. . the market to push ahead for three straight sessions, a feat whichJias not been accomplished j in more than-, a month. Selling j was not heavy, but potential buyers were reluctant to make purchases with out price concessions. Wheat closed 14-2 lower, cor: lower to 1 higher.! oats un changed to lower, re M-2Y lower, soybeans 14-2 Hbwer lard 30 cents lower to I cents a hundred pounds higher 2 -T Stockd and Bonds Compiled by the AoclaUd Press ' 3Agnat M STOCK AVIUfAGXI is ee ladust. Ralls : trtiL Itks. Ket Changs i D 4 DJt T1 , D 3 Wednesday 41M.B Sl.3 j S3 I ' )0S J Pre. . Day Il36. . Si t ! BI.T 106.6 i Week Ago A.139J0 63.6 B3.7 101 aod j Month , Ago .4.138.3 . 8S.1 BJ 106.6 ieir Ago ...J XVJM &J.I 5 n. iu 1. 9 New lI.low) i ! Portland Livestock PORTLAND un-WSoi) Cattle salable 500, market slpw, beef cows around 50 lower for two days; other classes , nearly steady; one lot good-choice 1087 lb fed steers 24.50; few good 893-1062 ilb steers 20.50-22.50 few high commercial grass steers ls.oo; cutter ana util ity steers and heifers mcltly 10.00 13.50; few medium-good 844 lb feed ers 13.50; canner and. cuter cows 8.00-9.50; utility beef cows mostly 10.50-11.50, few commercial cows 12.00; cutter and utility bhlls 11.00- 13.00. i Calves salable 150; glod-cholce under 300 lb vealers steady at 17.C0J9.00; few prime grides 20.00 and 21.00; heavier calves ' slow, mostly steady; good and choice grades largely 13.50 -14-00, few BONO AVIJ6AGES ' j!' . . I 20 -10 16 - 16 ' " f HsiUlndust. VUt Tgn. Net! Chango I. D.l D.l . D.l Unch Wednesday 1.92 M.3 3.S 70S Prey. Pay JI 933 MJ -: S3.6 7.S Week Ago vE 62.7 HJ 93.6 76.4 -. Month Ago 11 92 3 ti t B4. 76.S Year Age -L SSJ M.4 86.3 77.6 " ' . i 1 ii 1 1 around -350 bs 16.00; culls down ward to 7.0a. ' j ' ; , , Hogs salalle 200. 'martoet slow, 50-75 lower; choice 180-235 lb most ly. 26.75-27.0C! few choice one lot 2725 and few head 27.35; -choice 250-275 lbs 23.50; choice 300-500 lb sows 21.50-3Xh k . : ; Sheep sal4le 350, market fully steady; good-choice j spring lambs 16.50-17.00; fw choice and prime grades 17.50 1 one lot mostly prime 96 lb 18.50; die lot utility and good 74 lb No. 2 tlt lambs 15.00; few good-choice feeders 14.00-.50; util ity and goodj slaughter ewes 2.50 4.00J -. -1 ! . , , ;. ! - Ugv7 York Stock Quotations By THE . ASSOCIATED PRESS Admiral Corporation , r : 24 Allied Chemical i 68 Allis Chalmers . J SV American Airlines . : 1 . 12 Ts American Power At Light American TeL z TeL American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Company Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing . Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation , Chrysler. Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright -Douglas Aircraft du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak . , Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pacific Plywood Goodyear, Tire 4. 154 74 32 g 91 49 40 & 68 mi 23g 234 49 H 23 67 Y 79 40 17 28 V 7T4 65 97 42 11 73 54 . 57 12 47 Hamestake Mining Company 38 International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew s incorporaiea Long Bell A Montgomery Ward '. Nash Kelvinator New York -Central -. Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas k Electric Pacific TeL & TeL , . Packard Motor Car 26 50 58 64 9 22 11 28 57 yr 18 22 60 38 114 4 70 29 Pepsi Cola" C. rhilco Radios 1 . ; Radio Corpolation . i Rayonier Indorp. , t Raypnier Indorp. Pfd Republic Stefl j Reynolds Metal ; Richfield Oil I ! 1 Safeway Stores Inc. Sears Roebuclc k Co. i Socony-Vacutsjm Oil ; , ; Southern Padfic . Standard OilCalifornia -Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Corporation : Sunshine Mining -Swift k Comrkny Trans america Corporation Twentieth Ce&tury Fox Umor Oil Cofipany Union Pacificj United Airline United Aircraft United Corpoiatloa United Statesi Plywood United. SlatesfSteel Warner Pictife n Western Unioii Tel. WestinghouseAlr Brake WestinghouseiElectric Woolworth Ccnpany 13 29 22ts 24 31 46 47 . 51 38 57 , 33 41 51 -71 27 $ 38 28 17 40 104 24 ' 38 5 25 36 13 45 25 44 44 Last .iiii ii mi "ii Dr.T.V.tAsa ND tr.aciuta.KB DR3. C51AN . . . LAM CniXTSE ; N ATCEOP ATE3 Cpstalrs, 111' North Liberty Office opea latorSay only, 16 a.m. te I P- 6 to 1 y m. ConuJtaUos. fetloe pressmte abS artne imi ar rr ef cbarge. rraeOcstf fn- 1911. Wrtte tpt attraeUre gtrt. KM f Me Penney (J. C.) Co. bllcatlea. Fennsylvania Railroad f - . . :' Si H i . . : ......