: j . ' . '. . ' J :. XT J : : r A . I L A ; h I ! r 1 1 Waters Field Twin .Bill at 7 p.m. i By AL LIGHTNER ! Statesman $ports Editor . - ' J. Pluvius, the old- gent who; earlier in the season did as much to harass the Salem Senators J as aid comDinea. wrecea tasi mzaia Field with the Edmonton ;Eskio Impossible to play baILs f ' a The two clubs hope to set with: it tonight I . in another j double-; header..- however, starting - it seven o'clock. Eskie fcoes John Conant (22-10) and Bay McNuliy (14-7) are to face the Senators'! Gene Roenspie (16-3) land Date: Dahle (5-8 in the nocturnal pah. . Chances i are. another j double- header will be played Thursday nieht. . when the Eskimos - are dated to close out the - series J made certain of it Tuesday. J, Vancouver is slated for a fivje- Came local stand starting Fridiyi night, with doubleheaders Satur-f day night and Sunday afternootL nnnrtm n'vht ' in h tie! annual "Ra d icA Appreciation Night" at the park, and on S4 - urday night the ZZ cudic ippij centage points aneaa ox xne see v 1naf with fnrrf i nnti nla Snnkinc Indians who will be given tway by the Ing Jack's and Dickson's Markbt firms. " i . -- . .;..! r Needing one win to go into a tie with the sinker-ball throwing Conant for the league lead in pitching wins, Joe ' Nicholas is slated to face the Eskies Thurs day night. ; Nicholas has a muda better record than Conant, with 21 wins and 5 losses, to 22 vfc- tories and 10 setbacks for tne Eskimo ace. A Senator pitcher: for fije seasons, and one who notched 19 wins for the Salem of last sea son. MeNultv will be making ms first local appearance of the cur rent campaign witn tne .tcunon- ton crew this wees. Gavilan Faces Jones Tonight vrr-w vork im IWelterweidit Champion Kid Gavilan warms up for his title defense i against Car men Basilio by taking o middle weight Ralph (Tigerl Jones in ?a non-title 10 rounder; at Madison Square Garden Wednesday night. Tne Kid is a 2-1 favorite although Jones hasn't been beaten in his last seven fights! and; is a ranking middleweight His streak includes two wins over Danny (Bang Bang) Womber who upset Gavilan in Sy racuse May 2. ' ': I - 1 1 I That was the Cuban chan&p'i first loss in 2 year and1 mapped his unbeaten string at 281 -J f J , The 27-yearnald Gavgan williscale about 152 pounds, fiveioverth wel ter limit he must make for Basilio fc Syracuse, Sept. 18. I I i A loss to Jones would dim G av ian's hopes for a middleweight ti tle shot with the Randy: Turpin Bobo Olson winner. Gavilan's score is 93-13-4. Jones; record is 3. Houbregs Inks Pro BaU Pact - ' . Mi- - J i MILWAUKEE (ff Bob Hoa bregs, the University of Wash ington's Moot, 7-inch center, has been sighed with the JUilwaukee Hawks of the National Basket ball Association. General I Man ager pen Kerner of the Hawks hit rfAHineri to reveal the amount of Houbreg's salary! but said it I was-one of the biggest ever, paia to a collegian , entering prd bas- Vothall TTauhrecrs wais the Hawk's No. 1 draft choice, i n" I if Kerner also signed Joe ; Cipri- ano, a' teammate of Houbregs and hiehsst scorins guard in Washington's history, v! I " Houbregj, 21; made most of; the All America teams rlast sea-; son. His field goal shooting aver-: as? was an amazinz 93.8 peri cent, third highest in the nation.: Kerner said Houbregs was signed in the face of persistent; competition from several AAUi teams." i ;i udsHbti BefvvehfPe -- r l HIM The John Hennihg vs. Erc Pe-fj derson mat rematch at! the Ar- mory last night was! expected to: be a sizzler. But it turned out; to be . more than that as! fans; and rasslers alike got into it be-4 fore it was over. Actually was one cf the best riots the Ferryi Street Garden has had in jsoraeS: time. . . '"!.' ,v;.; J ;..,;) Both the arrogant Pederson and the former Navy "Frog lMan" were tied in falls! when the ex-! plosions took place. Penning bad: won the first fall j by cleverly: squirming from aj body: slam ta apDly a convincing jacknifej hold for the pin. Pederson climaxed ai roueh and ruped iNo. 2 fall with a full nelson. !' j j ' Pederson :had Henaiag igoin?(: in No. 3, setting him: up for, the kill, and giving the popular Floridan a beating the prpcessj But suddenly a wild swing conned; Referee Jack Riser and, knocked him Hying from the ring. He lit on hls hedlin the aisle., i i Henning then rallied with a vicious flying drop-kick,' using both feet and knocking Pederson in a heap. He climbed on for the pin an4 held the .Los An4 geles blond down lor fu ly s event or eight seconds. But there was) a n wJUUU u wuuuv. UUVJ t air 01 tneir nine common joes pcneuiucu iwm .i nora. The day-long rain made it Broncs Retain Slim Margin In WIL Chase - A . aTT Tlf iinrliff il rrria Manager Bill Brenner of the Lewiston Broncs batted in the rfwidinff runs, and Ditched his 21st win of the season to keep his club on top in the tight West- "Tiav .n?trht &s thel Idahoans topped Wenatchee by a 9-7lcount The win left the Broncs six" per- Smfl-Jkept pace with a 6-1 verdict over Yakima behind the pitching of Bill Franks. : . - Fourth clace Vancouver took a double setback at the hands of Victoria, being blankedin both games. The Vies won the opener Ui nn the hurlinsr of Bill Bottler and took the finale 6-0 as 'Earl Oollins chalked a four-hitter. A three-run , homer in the tenth inning gave Calgary a 10-9 win over Tri-City. Brenner socked a two-run dou ble in the sixth inning to give the Broncs their margin over Wen atf hp But Lewiston at the same I time received a jolt with. word that catcher Clint Cameron may be out the rest of the season be cause of a finger, injury. .044 013 010 13 0 Wenatcbec .013 020 0107 10 1 and Cmrmv Bcamon. Klein 8. D Croli and Bartolomei. Spokana .30 000 100 S t 3 yaKlma ,000 010 0001 7 1 rrank and Sheets: Del Sarto. Ed munds 2 and AlbinL Victoria ..000 000 03 J 1 . 000 000 000 S 1 Vancouver Bottler and Martin; Hernandez and Duretto. Victoria 000 101 400 S 0 Vancouver . 000 000 OOO 0 4 1 DoUins and Harford; Roberts. Mar ghall 7, Thomason 8 and Duretto. Calgary Tri-City 004 001 003 310 19 1 100 Oil 113 3 9 IS 4 Levenson. Stite 10 and Brieker; Bloom, Dobernie , Michelson 10 and Pesut, Warren 10. Ducks9 Pigskin Fete Cancelled EUGENE W) The University of Oregon Tuesday cancelled a "Football is Fun" show scheduled for Wednesday night after 'enter tainer Phil Harris telephoned he would be unable to attend. Harris had been billed as mas ter of ceremonies for a banquet and as a performer at the show. He explained that a change in plans for his fall television show would keep bxm in Hollywood. Some 500 tickets had been sold for the banquet and 4,000 for the show. . - TEN HOFF WINS NEWARK, N. J. (JPi Hein Ten Hoff, the latest German heavyweight import stopped balding Jimmy Rousee of Troy, N. Y., in 2:24 of the fifth round of a scheduled ten at Meadow brook bowl Monday night It was Ten Hoffs fourth straight kayo victory in America. Today's Pitchers NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago at Brooklyn Church 7-7) v ' Loes (13-5). St. Louis at New York Haddix ( 16-5 vs Hearn (T-S). Mil waukee at Philadelphia (night) Sur kont (11-5) or Buhl (10- vs Drews (-9). Only games scheduled. , AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia at Chicago Kellner (10-12) vs For nieles (8-4). New York at Detroit Sain (ll-) or Miller (3-1) vs Gray (7-13). Washington at Cleveland Stobbs (9-) vs Hoskins (5-3).. Only games scheduled. . morv orawi on, Henning no Riser available to count the winning falL ' . , When Henning got up to see what was amiss, Pederson slam med on a full nelson. This brought a surge of ringsiders climbing into the ring, bent on fracturing Pederson. It was a wild and wool ly next few moments as fans and grap piers traded punches - and tossed one another about the arena. . Riser eventually got back into the fracas and called everything "no contest" He wanted to give the match to Henning, but didn't officially. - That's where It ended. " In the first mainer Luther Lind sey used a full nelson to flatten The Masked Marveh in the first frll, and then got Referee Tony Ross nod, via disqualification, in; the second when the hooded hoodlum got too nasty. Jack O Riley spilled Span'sh Greg Jar que in one of the prelims and Mr. Sakata and Riser went to a no-fall draw in the other. Since Ross gave Pederson quite a pasting in their Portland' (and TVd ) match last . Friday night Erie would have none of Tony as referee for t'e final jn-fn event Hence K' ttoover the chore, much, to his regret Softy Meet MILL CITY (Special) Rain completely muzzled the State Softball ,i Tournament schedule Tuesday with two games being called off after black clouds opened up over Allen Field That means the tourney's climax will be pushed back another day. The two games washed out Tuesday will be played Wednes day night In the first ; one, at 7 ,0'clock, Corvallis tangles with Eugene. The loser drops from contention and the winner takes on Grants Pass in a mix im mediately following" at 8:30, The victor in the Wednesday eve second game then goes into the finals against Mill City's un beaten Kelly Lumbermen on Thursday night. If the Lumber- ? f Glen Blanton, 4055 Arnold St, Salem, doesn't fool around when he goes fishing. He is shown here with the largest brown trout ever taken from Wickiup Reservoir. The whop per, taken on 5-pound test spin ning line, weighed 22 pound, 14' ounces, and measured an even 3S inches. Looks like a salmon, but isn't WESTERN INTERNATIONAL W L Pet. W L. Pet. Lewstn 23 .598 Yakima 28 2 .491 Spokane 36 25 90 Calgary 27 28 .491 Salem 32 24 J71 Victoria 29 38 .44 Vnever 32 30 .516 Wntchee 23 33.431 Edmntn 28 27 .509 Tri-City 2 33 .407 Tuesday results-: At Miem-tamon-ton. rain; At Wenatchee 7. Lewiston 9; At Yakima 1. Spokane s: ai Van couver 0-O. Victoria 2-: At Tri-City 9, Calgary 10 (10 inn.). COAST LEAGUE W LPct. W LPct. Hllywd 98 60 .620 S. Fran. 76 81 .484 SeatUe 88 69 J61 S- Diego 74 81 .477 L. Ang. 81 76 JIS Oakland 7 91 .424 Portland 78 78 .494 Sacmnto 66 90.423 Tuesday results: At Portland-San Diego. -rain- At Los Angeles HoUy wood 4 (10 inn.): At Sacramento 1. Seattle 4; At San Francisco O-l, Oak land 2-7. AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. N. York 84 39 .683 Wshngtn 61 65 .484 Chicago 75 49-.605 Phlphia 50 73.407 Clevelnd 70 53.569 Detroit 45 78 .366 Boston 10 56 .558 StXouia 42 84 333 Tuesday results: At Detroit 3. New York 6 (11 inn.): At Cleveland 4. Washington 8: At Xnicago 2. Phila delphia 4. Only games scheduled. NATIONAL LEAGUE W LPct. W LPct. BrWyn. 85 39 .689 N. York 58 65 .472 Mlwkee 77 49.611 Ctncinti 56 69.448 Phlohia 69 56 .552 Chicago 47 76 -382 St. 'Louis 67 55 .549 Pittsbrg 41 91 .311 Tuesday results: At BrooTdyn 1-6. Chicago 3-3: At Philadelphia 6-2. Milwaukee l-: At New York 3-2. St. Louis 0-9; At Pittsburgh 6-8. Cin cinnati 8-9. 2nd Playoff Tilt Tonight The second Industrial League playoff game scheduled between the Ed's Market-Wolgamotts club and Commercial Seat Cover Tuesday night at Phillips Field was rained out and will be played tonignt starting at 8 o'clock. Ed's Market-Wolgamotts won the first game Monday night by an 11-3 count and , needs one more victory to clinch the set and advance into a finals play off with YMCA. ; If a third game is necessary in the current playoff, it will be played Thursday night The playT off with YMCA then would open Friday; evening. I - t - r Senator Swab ab h 2b 3b hr rbi pet 1 81 .338 3 62 .330 1 42 JBO 10 68 .300 11 89 J95 1 27 J90 38 .276 0 24 .271 0 tJSl 1 41 J41 .163 So BbEr Deyo : 402 135 17 1 Withers poon .348 lis 24 Luby Z 2S9 81 11 Tanselll 490 147 28 Perea ; 437 129 22 Nelson , w 64 9 Ballard 243 67 10 Masterson , , 7.14 58 7 Eswgian . ,115 30 Sabatinl - , , SO MarshaU 49 - Pitching: . . G Ip Nicholas 28 208 100 109 63 Roenspie Hemphill Collins Borst 23 160 " i 29 1474 30 108 .17 119i a i9 74 70 59 78 101 95 80 94 64 74 55 54 45 38 44 13 IS 22 Won at at home. 9 S S 1 Dahle Petersen Totjl double Plays. 105. Whopper V I ho. , e, 41: m road, 31. Lost 20; oa road. X7 . Rained; Action Tonight men should lose the first game on Thursday evening another will follow. But if the Kelly's club wins the crown is theirs. Hermiston and Tillamook were eliminated from the tournament Monday as each took a pair of losses in a jam-packed schedale. Salem's Merchants and Bend were earlier victims. Bend chose to forfeit to Eugene after their Sunday game was stopped by rain after five innings with the Lane County club leading by a 3-0 count i Mill City's Lumbermen are now odds-on favorites to take the crown. The Kelly's crew will have a couple of sterling pitch ers, Ron Davidson and Johnny Pearson, ready for, the Thursday finals. ... .. : Pearson turned in the top stunt of the current tournament when he threw a no-run, no-bit game at Grants Pass Monday night' In doing so Pearson dged out Vera Collins, up t othen con Corvallis9 Grade Advances . . lentiyh, Lesser Snare ley ilexes in Ama euii1 PROVIDENCE, R.L CB Grace Lenczyk 'of Newington, Conn., a comebacking ex-titlist, and Pat Les ser, 19-year-old college champion from Seattle, won the big test matches Tuesday as the field in Acorn Twirler Hurls No-No; Bevos Rained By The Associated Press The scheduled series opener at Portland Tuesday night between the Beavers and San Diego was rained out The game will be made up in a doubleheader on Thursday night- At San Francisco Oaklands Jim Atkins twirled the Coast League's second no-bitter of the year to give the Acorns a 2-0 win over the Seals in the seven-inning first game of a pair. The Oaks also won the nightcap 7-1 as Don Fer rarese held the Seals hitless un til the eighth inning. A pinchhit homer in the tenth inning with two aboard 'by Max West gave Los Angeles a 7-4 decision over the leading Holly wood Stars. At Sacramento Gordy Goldsberry bit three singles and a double to lead Seattle to a 4-1 verdict over the Sacs. Vera Kindsfather pitched the Sud's win.' Hollywood 002 000 110 64 10 Los Angeles 031 000 000 37 13 Munger. Queen 3, Mac Donald S, Lynn 7, Maltzberger 1 and Bragan. Malona 7; Spicer, Fadget S and Evans. SeatUe 100 10O 02O4 12 0 000 100 0001 S 0 Kindsfather and Orteig; Johnson. Schanz 9 and Montalvo. Oakland . 000 002 02 6 0 San Francisco .000 000 0 0 0 1 Atkins and Neal: Bradford. Shan- dor 7 and Tisiera. Oakland 150 010 0007 S 0 San Francisco -.000 000 0101 3 2 Ferrarese and Neal; Botmltr, Clough 2. Ponce S and Tornay. Veeck Doubts Move to Coast ST. LOUIS LT) Bill Veeck, the St. Louis Browns' wandering pres ident, came home Tuesday and in dicated the West Coast doesn't fit into the club's plans for a new residence. "Los Angeles and San Francisco are delightful," said Veeck, "but I don't think they are for us." Veeck is searching for a new home for his American League Bsowns. The hunt has been going on since league officials vetoed his proposed shift to Baltimore last spring. SEARS ON BLOCK BALTIMORE (JP) The Balti more Colts Monday placed Jim Sears, former Southern Califor nia halfback, on the trade block in an attempt to bolster their National Football League club. National League First game: Chicago .. 010 200 0003 n 001 ooo 00 1 s l Brooklyn Rush .' and McCullough; Pod res, Wade 2. Hughes t and CampaneUa. First game: ' Milwaukee 1M 000 000 1 S 2 Philadelphia . 200 601 12 11 1 AntoneUi. Bickford 8 and CrandaO; Roberta and Lopata. First game: St. Louis 000 000 0000 New York . 002 001 00 3 MizeU. White S and Yvars. Rice S; Comes and Westrum. First game-- CincinnaU 004 10 201 S 14 1 Pittsburgh 030 003 000 10 1 Nuxhall. Collum S. Kelly 7 and Seminick: Dickson. Waugh 3, HetkJ 7. Bowman and , Janowicx. . Second game: Milwaukee 000 220 110 S 12 3 Philadelphia .000 001 0103 12 1 Burdette and Cooper: Miller. Riid cik 6. Konstanty 7. Kipper S and Burgess. . " - Second game: St. Louis -.. '...310 010 202 0 13 1 New York 2O0 000 000 X A SUiey and Rice: Worthlngton. CrU som 2. Kennedy S, Wilhelm and Noble. CincinnaU . , , t 100 002 t 13 3 Pittsburgh 000 200 060 13 S Perkowski. Baczewski S and Sem lnick; La Palme. Hall 2, Friend S. Face I. Bowman S and Sandlock, Atwell ft. ' Second gam Chicaco . 003 000 110 S 11 t Brool-yn 001 000 50 11 0 Packer Leonard 7. Lown S and Car ola: Erskine. Labina a, Hughes S and. Gampanella. sidered the outstanding hurler in the meet Eugene's Rubensteln's, of course, are always a top threat After being topped by Hermiston in the first round, the Rubes have come back strong." They have a couple of tough hillsmen in Bob (Bull) Willis and Ron Wilioughby. .; u . The cast of the! Corvallis entry includes several men that spark ed the Corvallis Elks to the title last year. This is not the same team, however, i The Benton County crew's best pitching bets are Hal Wehmeier and Tommy Holman. The Sprick brothers, big factors on last year's title winner, are important cogs in the lineup. - . If the rain continues heavily the rest of the week and makes tourney play impossible, officials will be in-a quandary. In such an eventuality it's, likely that the Kelly team be handed the crown on its record. - the U. S. Women's Amateur golf tournament was reduced to 32. ' The 25-year-old -- Miss Lenczyk, who hasn't done ' much since she swept the national and collegiate crowns in 1948, survived a dogged 20-hole dule with Joyce Ziske, the first day giant-killer from Water ford, Wis. - .The willowy, blonde New Eng lander clinched the match with a par four on the second extra hole after' the two had battled the full route without more than a single hole's difference. Miss Ziske, 19, eliminated the British champion, Canada's Marlene Stewart, Mon day. Miss Lesser, her coal-black pig tails bobbing with every swing, took the measure of Claire Doran, Curtis Cup member from Cleveland, 3 and 2. The Seattle girl was never be hind. 4 Other Faverites Win Other prime favorites who kept pace in the 43-match eliminations over the 6,371-yard, par 71 Rhode Island Country Club course. Included two other former cham pionsDorothy Kirby of Atlanta. 1931, and Mrs. Mark Porter . of Philadelphia, 1949 and Curtis Cup pers Mr. Howard Smith, formerly Grace DeMoss, of Corvallis, Ore.; Marjorie Lindsay McMillen of De catur, m.; Pat O'Sullivan of Orange, Conn., and Polly Riley of Fort Worth, Tex. The brash younger element con. tinued to be well represented with its standout color bearer bantam. weight Barbara Romack of Sac-4 ramento, Calif., who was one under par for trouncing the tourney-tested Marueen Orcutt of Haworth, N-J and ,4. Other youngsters playing winning golf included 15-year-old Annie Quast of Everett, Wash. Miss Lesser won the first hole against Miss Doran with a birdie three after laying a three-iron shot four feet from the pin. Claire got even with a par on the next hole but fell behind on the third, never to see daylight again. Pat was' out in 40 compared with Claire's 43. Both were wild on the incoming nine, each going five over par. Rodeos Mean 'Good Times' To Navajos WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. (JP Cries of "Ya-ta-heh" mark , the Navajo rodeo season in July and August. A Navajo rodeo turns out the population. A wagon encamp ment moves to each as the fam ilies make it a . celebration that eventually includes night-long squaw dance and other activities. At least one community plans a rodeo each week end. Often as many as three will stage them at once. When a contestant fails to throw his calf, a light-hearted spectator will usually leap into the arena and toss the critter. The rodeos have all the regular events, but sidelight peculiar to the Indian shows set the crowds to whooping. Such ar event is the wild mule saddling, in which three-men teams try to, manage six mules captured, from the range. j Even the curious white man will turn up at a Navajo rodeo,," where he s always welcome. The language barrier isn't great. In fact, one word Ya-ta-heh will make him one of the crowd. It means "Hello and How are you7 It also means "great 8how."i And it means a good time. Although the emu was - once threatened with extinction, it has come back to the point where it is a pest with a bounty on its beak in parts of Australia., 4 SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SUITS Regular SOQCO 145.08 Regular $42.00 to $50.00 Regular r . 155.60 t $65.09 High at Court Senator Hotel (rejsotitatcBraan S tatesman, Salem, Ore Wed. V: - ex. i V -tT-M iri u - -!-- , - j-tiZ , ,JI-.. ..-J Miss Klamath, shown being "ridden" (temporarily) by Deb Copen naver, will be but one of the Christensen Bros, saddle. broncs in the State Fair's World Championship Rodeo starting at the Fair grounds Saturday, September 5. Miss Klamath was purchased from the Klamath Indians in 1951 and has never been ridden by man. She has unseated some of the best cowboys in taje business. Rodeos will be held during the Fair at 8 p. m. daily, with matinees slated for 2:30 p. m. Sunday and Labor pay. Honor Voted to Kb ogan, iisieison, sneaa In PGA's Mall of Feme CHICAGO (JB Byron Nelson, Ben Hogan and Sam Snead -were named to the PGA Hall of Fame Tuesday. The PGA announced the trio's 35 Cardinal Gridmeii Drill Coach Leo Grosjacques and a 35-man Sacred Heart Academy football squad opened drills this week in preparation for the sea son's opener at ML Angel on Sept. 11th. The Cardinal mentor spent Monday in fundamentals"! work and calisthenics and to avoid the rain gave his charges a chalk talk Tuesday. - Grosjacques has around a doz en lettermen back, to serve as a nucleus for. his squad. Among the returnees are three regulars from last year's club Center Jim Borsberry, TackleJim Mo rtality who may be switched to an end this season ..and Tackle Clyde Fladwood. The SHA crew suffered a ter rific blow when Jim Fischer, the big fullback star, was lost for the-eampaign because of a frac tured leg that hasn't mended properly. The Cardinals will work out every afternoon on their Lan caster field. PEPPER SUSPENDED WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. Pepper Martin, manager of the Fort Lauderdale Lions, Tuesday was suspended for three days and fined $50 for a ruckus on thejplay ing field at Miami Friday bight. Martin dashed up to umpire Charles Albury and grabbed him by the shoulder to protest a .de cision that Mario Marsalisi was thrown out at home plate, j 5 - Aug. 28. 1933i (SecJ 21 1 r 1 f 1 " ,-.r . -i Trio ... ? selection for the honor by the na tion's sportswriters and iportscast ers. . .!' They will be honored, along with the 1953 Ryder Cup team, Sept. 3 in Washington, D.C. during the National Celebrities Open Tourna ment. ; ; . . - . I . 1! ' - I Nelson, Hogan and Snead were selected from a list of 11 outstand ing golfers nominated by the PGA Hall of Fame Committee. Others nominated were Jimmy Demaret, Ralph Guldhal, Jock Hutchinson, "Lawson Little, Lloyd Mangrum, Macdonald Smith, Wil lie Turnesa and George Von Elm. Each of the three new members has won the national PGA title more than once. Snead took the crown in 1942, 1949 and 1951; Nel son in 1940 and 1945, and Hogan in 1948 and 1948. h WAIVERS ASKED . j. GRAND RAPIDS, Minn. Green Bay Packer Coach Gene Ronzani asked waivers ion three players Tuesday as the squad head ed west for an exhibition game against the Chicago ardinals Sat urday at Spokane, Washj! . The waivers were asked on Joe Sabol, Tennessee tackle; Stan Lowza. St. Bonaventure end, and Nate Harlan. Cincinnati end. The cut reduced the beam to 45 players. CAM WINNER ! LOS ANGELES Ifl 'Boston's Joey Cam., 129. made a, success ful West Coast boxing debut Tues day night as he outpointed Reu ben Smith, 128, of Los Angeles, in a gruelling 10 rounder at the Olympic Auditoriunu li . ? Y . SWIMMER HURT GRANGEVILLE, Idaho iff) Peter Duncan, 18-year-old mem ber of the 1052 Southi : African Olympic swimming team, was critically injured in anil automo bile accident near here! Monday. - igC- no. liJOflOuu N , ill I Ml i'akes Ntory Braves Iso Divide; Aps Don WjiUe jSox ; NEW YORK? fl hie NaUonal League played its first complete twilight-night poubleheader sched ule in its historyl Tuesday niht. Six of the eight clubs including the first , placfct Brooklyn : Dodgers and second f place j Braves broke irven. i f Milwaukee Brooklyn lost its first borne game In 11. starts is) the opener to the Chicago Cubs jp-l but came crash ing back on pwo home runs by Jackie Robinsn to win the night cap jM... j; it, i J ;! , Robin Robects of the: Phillies finally won hi 21st game, beating Milwaukee' lp : f ,i Lew Burdet of thai Braves ran hL season's mrtrk to 13-2, the best percentage In the National League, with! a 6-2 victory in the second game. i - - f j .. At! Newi Vfrk' Rubeof Gomez tossed a four hit 3-0 triumph over the St. . Louis pardinalsj to snap a seven-game losing streak 1 but the Giantv commtxed five errors in the isecond gwne and bowed to Gerry Staley i-i. The victory was staieys ism ib ;: Clncy Hips' Wi CincinnaU wWi twice from Pitts burgh t-6 andj M. Bob Borkowski drove in the Mnning run in the opener with a I home hun and Roy McMillan followed suit in the sec ond jgame. : ); : ! In the Amerkn League the New York Yankeesf kidded a full game to their lead, fetich now stands at 9V4 games, i 3 i li rl This Yanks' e&cd Detroit 6-3 in 11 innings in a iay game and the Philidelphia Atifletics clipped Chi cago. 4-2 at nigKUon home runs by uus hernial arkttDave Philley. Zer- nial hit two and accounted for three runs. J Coleman and Mor- ris Martin bied to give the White Sox on! Po hits. c ' The Yankee n with a four-run rallyiin the llib: Jeaturing a bases ioadfd double j by Gil McDougald. A pair or loer !run rallies, in the first land fourQi inning, gave the Washington Senctors an M deci sion f over Cleveland, ilim Busby starred the Sehatrs off right with a three-run harrier in the first In ning. Bob Porjtertteld went all the way for his" Ipth victory;! Boston and! Sti Lofiis scheduled. - : jll weren't e,iil Yjakiroi Leads II;! i ion ncs HASTINGS. I Neb. m -. Bi Torrt Gibson held tfer'tdns fn the Rich- mona, caur., American Legion Ju nior; BasebaUers t Tuesday ; night while his YaJtim.-t, Wash., team took I advantaeg tff a Richmond pitching collaf si and iron, 5-2. The game waf the first of the final! showdown I Miries S in the Le gion I sectional fcdbriiey fcere. A Iwin fnr FVablma iioi- RifK- monl Wednesday night liwould send the Washingtcbi f teem la the Le gion's UtUe WorldT Series in Mi ami.! A Richmond win would force another game p$.vmcn the two. uiijson auofea oniyi three hits and struck out 3. Kichmond 1016 100 000-2 a o 000 041 Clx 3 9 4 Yakiha Taber. -Roe f 5f and Ott: Gibson ana Jiowatt. i t i T American KLeague New f York .... M 000 Detroit jXJO 020 Oil innincs.) i t McDonald. Rarnolds tJ Carman fl. Kuzava 10. SairTll. and Berra; Hoeft, Herbert S and :ptta. ; j Washington 4-400 4AOn00O S t Cleveland .. .1.1.200 2OOf0OO 4 10 0 Porterfield hdf ritzgc -ald; Lem on, Wifht 4, Hooper jhnd Hegan. Phiuaeiphu .4,000 iorirco-4 T s Chicago I 1011 000 W)0 S S 0 Coleman, Mrtla -aad Murray, Asinnn 1; nercfi and iiar. I - i.L. VThy Just fVSrtch if Grow! Ctnon and Help ttj Growl Salem! Senators ai" T7; flpsebi-aTigh "Matol P ucta that lasf 1912 1 J Fir I Fighting C80 S. UUt I : Phone S 7CC9 a. .;.. Roberts 2ist; it W T a 3t 04 11 0 boo oira l Ml - n pro Dt; I i n 1 I '! 4s.wl H" I I I I ! li . -i !; I v 1 tod