- f 8 (Sac. 1 Statesmen, SalssvOr, Tus. August 25, IS S3 SAFEMAf mm it Rump, firm pears, iswcet nd juiceful to cat or can! Peer mum'i kitting iu pk and tha pick af tha crow is rollirtf from erchards to Safewayl her. Big" new supplies M$h daily. , These are Urge eatiflfsix paars... smooth- 234. Box akiauaad aad regular fa aha (eaay to pad far , mom canning). Sweet andjuicy U bit into. . CaTSOQ IVin-naatcd, too jroH not find a "mushy" . y gj w m the kCoine In while our BartletU " l ae a aaWplantifaLPr lor peak valval; I t ! !ee OapMiis 227c Dinnar Pica, of 40; IT) 3 LADY IN T H E RAPIDS Fritxi Schwinrel ef Austria guides her frarile craft threat the Reside ef Passiri to win the uue tn at ladies smgies folding canoes cuss ex the world canoeing championships held at Merane, Italy. Deposed Mosssdegli : IransJeried;; to Jail " (From Plush Quarters By DON SCHWIND : TEHRAN, Iran (JP) Ousted and ailing ex-premier Mohammed Mossadegh, long regarded as one of Iran's richest men, was reported to hare been transferred Monday from the plush officers club here to a jail cell. Mossadegh was kicked out last week at the climax of a political upheaval which first sent the Shah toto a brief exile and then brought aim back after the nationalist Pre mier's downfall j The report of Mossadegh's in ' carceration : under more stringent conditions came as dispatches from Washington said the Shah's urgent appeal for emergency funds for his country was receiving sympathetic gtudy by the United States. ' (In London, official sources said the United States, acting as a friendly - middleman, also ! might move soon to clear the way for new talks aimed at settling the two-year-old British-Iranian oil row. - (The informants said Ley Hen derson, UJS. ambassador to Tehran, bad arranged to confer with Iran's new Premier, Ma. Gen. Fazollah Zahedi. in a day or two ! to dis cuss the new regime'! foreign pol- ' Icies. 7 '?'::. j ' ' iHenderson liielr wffl wand "Za hedi out tin restoring diplomatic re lations between Tehran aad Lon don and negotiating - a settlement of the oil dispute.) j Since Mossadegh surrendered Thursday to Zahedi, the aging ex premier, long one of Iran's biggest landowners, has been detained in one of the four well-equipped rooms on the top floor-of the '.Officers Club. The building is one of the largest and most luxurious in Teh ran, j" -:; ' Official sources!" said that three of Mossadegh's lieutenants who sur rendered with im also were trans ferred to the jail, location of which was not disclosed. . j Still sought by Zahedi's police is Hossein Fatemi, Mossadegh's for eign minister, and a key member of the ousted government He was reported to be hiding in the bills north of Tehran. The government has put a price of 100.000 rials on :his head, j VTith the 1 latest unofficial ex- j change rate on the bazaars are 801 rials to the dollar, Fatemri ap prehension would be worth $1,250 to the authorities. The government's failure to kay where Mossadegh's jail is situated appeared to reflect newspaper de clarations that mobs would kill the ex-Premier if they could get at nun. Degrees Grow With Family BECKLEY, W. Va. ( The family 'of Attorney Fletcher W. Mann collects college degrees with abandon. - : Recently, son Jack, who holds a B.A. and LL.B from West Vir ginia University, bung out his law shingle with his father who also has a BA- and 1XJB. Mom, an elementary school teacher, has 1 - One daughter, Mrs. . Edward Nell of Detroit who formerly was an instructor at Michigan State, has B. A.. M. A and Ph.D de grees. She is an assistant pro fessor of political science at West Virginia. Can Potato Eating Bring on tThis? BAKERSFIELD, Calif. CP) Kern county supervisors boast that they carry more weight than any ther five-man board in Cal ifornia. . f They average 250.8 - pounds. Vance Webb of Taft is the big gest supervisor, 6-4. and Weigh ing : 272. Charles Salzer of Ba- xersfield is the "baby" at only 205. Incidentally, Kern County is , California's leading potato produ cing area. Chinese Reds Back Riissi InU.N.Talks TOKYO (A Peiping Radio said Tuesday Communist China backs Russia in the U.N. Korean debates and insists on the early withdraw al of an foreign troops from Korea. The Red broadcast, heard in Tok yo, quoted a statement by Premier Chou En-Lai, on the approaching Korean peace conference. Chou said the first business of the conference should be the nego tiation for withdrawal from Korea of all foreign troops, including U.N. and Chinese forces. He said early negotiation of . this issue was in accordance with the Korean armi stice agreement Peaceful Settlement Next, Chou said, should come peaceful settlement" of the Ko rean question, evidently meaning unification, and thereafter the dis cussion of "other questions." Chou declared the post-armistice Korean political conference should take the form of a round table conference" with "the participation of other nations concerned" and not just those countries which par ticipated in the Korean War. However. Chou added that "any decisions- of the conference must obtain the unanimous .agreement of both sides of the Korean armi stice before they are adopted." Accords With Vlshinsky Chou said the Chinese Red gov ernment stand regarding composi tion of the political conference was in accord with the proposal made by Soviet Delegate Andrei Vishin sky to the U.N. General Assembly Aug. 18. Vishinsky called for an 11-nation peace conference which would in clude not only the major Korean war belligerents but also such non- participants as India, Poland, Bur ma and Sweden. The Russian's plan which the - United State opposes, would bar several of the nations which furnished forces in Korea. Chou said it was "unreasonable that the U.N. General Assembly should have refused to invite rep resentatives" of Communist China and the North Korean government to participate in discussions con cerning the political conference. He said that because of this re fusal the General Assembly "has the responsibility" to keep Com-! munist China and North Korea "in-1 Helicopters, Air Age Baby Now Mature WASHINGTON (INS)- The youngest member of the aircraft family- the helicopter already has accumulated several lifetimes of flying experience. The estimated 2,800 helicopters thus far produced in the United States have flown some 1,200,000 hours equal to about 137 years of flying by a machine that first went into commercial production only seven years ago. In fact, the first production- type helicopter flew only. 14 years ago in 1939. Although a small segment of the U. S. aircraft industry, the rotor-plane manufacturers are now in active production on 13 helicopter models. Current heli copter industry employment is less than 2 per cent ot the tout aircraft and parts employment in the nation. Planes, official publication of Aircraft Industries Association, said that manufacturers report a wide variety of models in various stages of design and development They range in size, according to the International Air Transport Association, from one to 60-pIace craft In, experimental stage is the first of . the so-called "frying cranes" or heavy weignwiiung helicopters. Power plants of the newer models Include piston, gas generator,. turbepropV and tip-Jet units. Cruismg speeds are ex pected to range from 75 to 170 m.p.h. .- Estimated total payroll of the six U. S. companies now in pro duction on helicopters is $51,- 900,000 annually. Employment by these companies is currently 13,- 789. Plant area in use for heli copter production is 2,087,000 square feet Eeeftouels !ee EJapIsins i li issue Household Cleanser Babo 2 gr 25c Tot Spotless Woodwork Spic 'n Span i 25c Household Cleanser Scotch 2 25c Water Softener While King 25c Paper Par Roll Facial Pkg. of 400 Whit Pica, of 80 Paper Swifl's - V PI.CNl.CS" Pra-Cookad Ready to Eat 4Vi Lb. Can BeerShorl Dibr... t ' " . -Fresh Ground Beef BrcilO'Vcall !' Veal Chops Large Loin ef BU- Lani Bib Chops Tfr 5c I Lamb Loin Chops J. Bressl 0' Lanb 4 Zee Toilel Tissue Sills Toilet Tissue Chiffon Toilel Tissue 2 Rolls 2 Rolls Rolls 35c 15t Can formed of all the proposals and rec ommendations concerning the ques tion of the political conference. ARE YOU HOT? Well Winter Is Just Around the Corner. See the New f Duo-Therm - Automatic Oil Heaters CAPITOL FUEL CO. 198 S. Commercial Ph. 3-7721 Chili Con Carne lilfriiore Tuna Fish Seinfeld's Picldes Seinfeld's Sauerkraut Gebhardt's Jrand Fancy Seasoned Tangy Dills Ivory s Ivory No. 2Vi Six l m 2efi AT 141 ALICE AVENUE ( CANDALARI A DISTRICT) MAY VVE TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR PAINTING NEEDS? rl" i III. a wvru ante 7 HGEORGEN . ! ! 1 O JParlzina Xl. " ' Ba-sssssss-s.aw-ss-ssssssssi-s-s-ss-ss ssn Dl aver FREE HOME DEMONSTRATIONS LAMBERT-HOMKO AND PARKERETTE i LAWN SWEEPERS Seasonal CLOSE OUT OF POWER MOWERS f rF R K t ,AUCE AVENUfe. VA O o 3 r-H Seasonal CLOSE-OUT GYM SETS SVINGS - and " SLIDES : FREE CHARCOAL WITH VERY BARBECUE MP Lemon Juice ebhardt's Tamales Chili Ponder It's Healthful Heat and Serre VA-Ot. Can 15H-OZ. Com 2 Qeans Per Bar For Lorely Sldn Camay Soap 3 Z 23 : Cantle to Your Hands Camay Soap 3.a:'35' ! Deodorant Dial Soap 2 1 - 25 : 'Bound ths Clock Protection Dial Soap , 2 S; 37. THIS Gebhordt's Brand Miracle Detergent 48 Ox. Pkqr. i , i i w -3tti If, Bluo New Deteraent 7 Ox. Bottle New. Milder Detergent OPS II) .Wonder Working Detergent For Sole Bleaching 1 Comfort Toilet Tissue Kitty Cat Cat Food Pkg. Pkg. Vt-GaU BotUe nviOxj Pkg. Ivory 'C 12ViOx. Pkg. 4 rcSU 39c, JIo.I Can lOt Butii AshJbrook Pastries Starfllst Tuna Flan ToSsi Soap Sierra Pinb Prices EfiectiYe Through Wednesday August 23 25c 25c 125 Roll aL 19c 39c .Lb.29c 69c Lb. ...Lb. 09c ..ib. 19c r' Quality 1 Shortening I 34 ! I- Personal Soap 4 BarL!22 cintlo ! Soap 3 Medium , Ban iW Famous Ivory Soap 2 27' Grimy Hands LavdSoap! HO Granulcrted Soap I While King for LiqoiflSoap 30:;: MUd Ivory Snow 29 For Your Dainties Flalres ?o.' Can 35d Bsg. Bars 23 "'A 4 1