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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1953)
i r iTheyi Struck It Rich During Coastal Fishing Trip - f ' 2 1 A 1 rift salmon were really rnnnlhg -anglers made a recent strip to Coastal waters, as the picture , would Indicate. From left to right the happy fishermen are Dick Richardson, : Marshall Denhem, Frank Tullius, Harry Menvain, E5g i gives frr-N, Sunday sorties: Surprise of this or any: other baseball season was the almost unbelievable turnout of only 2,000 for the free" night at the ball park. No one seems to have the answer for that one. We'd have bet our last nickel that every seat in the arena would be filled, Yet only aDout nau ox 'em were. Could it be that baseball as a spec tator sport even for free is be coming extinct here? . . . An old favorite returns to Waters Field this week with, the Edmonton Eski mos, but we rather doubt that the plant will treat Ray McNulty like a long lost brother. Now pitching for the Eskies, Ray committed -a dastardly deed at Edmonton in June when the Salems were play ing there. He was pitching to Milt Smith, and on that particular day had his control working perfectly. He had a two-strikes count on the Negro third aacker when he up and drilled him in the back with a ii3ing fast balL A visible snear was seen on McNulty's face as the w.,t CIW . echoed off the Salem bench, "just wait and see." The boys have reminded themselves of it on numerous occasions since, and have been looking forward to McNulty's Water Field visit Said visit starts Tuesday night, and McNulty is to pitch one of the games of the doubleheader. If he happens to be in the way of a fast ball during one of his trips to the plate, it will amount to the re ciprocation that is due Ray for his deed at Edmonton ., . . First sacker Clint Weaver has one coming alio, for t street-brawl tactic he pulled on Catcher Don Muterion while ramming him la a home-plate play at Edmonton also . . . We understand the village of Yakima , again took care of Cur Legion Junior baseball kids during their recent tournament trip there. When Vince Genna and his lads arrived they were confronted with a protest that three of their players were ineligible, which required long and arduous straightening out, via telephone, with Legion chieftains in Indiana. Then the night after the Salems walloped Butte stealing 18 bases in the process, the Yakima field was watered into a muddy mess the next evening when the capital visiting teams got air-conditioned rooms to sleep, in during the hot Yakima weather. The Salem team got the non-conditioned rooms. Then in the game with Yakima, the home team, the plate - umpire just happened to be the high school coach of the Yakima pitcher twirling against Genna's gang. . All this we get from Chris Kowltx, who acted as business manager for the local Legion team this year. And all ef it, . along with the easily remembered injustices rendered the ' Salems a year ago, emphasise the feeling that big Legion tournaments should be held In cities big enough to handle them properly . PCL Umpt Say Sacs' DeSautels Toughest t Surprising to learn that the toughest manager for the bandits in blue to get along with in the neighboring Coast League lsnt the. wild-mannered Bobby Bragan at Hollywood, Bill Sweeney of Seattle or Lefty ODoul at San Diego. He's Gene DeSautels at Sac- , ramento, say the umps. Also, they recall that the easiest pilot of them all with whom to get along was the outspoken, hard-bitten ' Rogers Harnsby when he was at Seattle . . . Speaking of umpires, local fans in the recent Tri-City series saw Johnny Nenezich back in action as a WI League arbiter. Little John, one of the most capable callers in the league's history, has been in and out of the circuit since 1S40, and mostly as a trouble-shooter. Normally a bartender in Seattle's popular "Home Plate" spa, John has also toiled in the Coast League ... Edmonton-Calgary Serieg Suitch Planned ' May not do much good, but Senators officials this week will make a pitch to those of the Edmonton and Calgary clubs that the forthcoming Salem and Tri-City jaunts to those Canadian cities be called off, and that the Eds and. Cals play - here and at Tri-City Instead, Big Canadian football games are played at both Calgary and Edmonton on the Saturday", the Salems and C-Oties are booked there, which means that the baseball garnet wouldn't draw much other than a dust-storm and a fe folks who got on the wrong street. Officials plan to ' sing quite a financial serenade to the Edmonton-Calgary chief tains if they'll ge for the switch .1 In departing our town and perhaps for the last time the other night, Edo Vannl offered, "Well 111 tell you one thing. They boo and ride me and get a kick out of seeing me get beat But you've got the best baseball fans in the league here in Salem. I'm sorry we didnt win more here, as I could have given them more of a: show. I don't like to cut up when we're losing." ? Rainout Helps Bevris Advance SEATTLE -WVThe Pacific Coast League game between Portland I and Seattle was ! rained out Saturday night and -the idle night aided the Beavers to climb into a fourth place tie as San Francisco lost Portland and Se attle play a twinbill Sunday. s : k t'tr. and biting when these eight Salem I g f j JOHNNY NENEZICH Back in WI League. V.. Ttr'11 wnn lis 4fc Posters played Lewiston. Other top ; place Hollywood Stars 64, Los Angeles downed San Fran cisco 6-3 and San Diego nipped Sacramento 3-L ; y- iMnmMto 000 009 100 1 11 San DUga OOO 010 11 S S Watktna, YayUan ?. Caadini fS and fUtebcy; Smith. Dickey (9) ana Matfcia. San Francisco 011 001 OOO 3 T S Lew Angeles 020 210 01 8 10 1 Lien, Clough (0). S ha mi or (I) and Tornay. Tieaierm (6); Hatten. Ihd (0) Mtf Oaaa. r t Hollywood Sl 020 001 4 11 Oakland . 130 Oil 01 S U 1 Sweep "TviflmWII r it j . m ' r - t n Joe Tullius, Dean Denhem, AI Coastal angling for the fighting good recently. . -a. 4-a Salems Slide To 3rd Place KENNEWICK, Wash. (Spe cial) The Tri-City Braves got a big measure of revenge for previ ous beatings here Saturday night, handing Salem's Senators a dou ble setback, 5-1 and 4-1 and drop ping them into third place in the Western International league race. The two losses put the Solons a half-game back of Spokane's Indians who were tumbled from Rawbone Ray McNulty, a for mer Senator, comes back to Waters Park Tuesday night to hurl the first game ef a twin bin for Edmonton against Salem. Frank Macklin and John Ducey, top officials ef the Edmonton club will be here for the series as will a couple of v scribes from the Canadian city. first ! place by the Lewiston Bronca. The Broncs took over the league lead by virtue of 5-3 and 54 victories over the Indian's Saturday night In the first game the Brave's off Bob Collins and Jack Hemp hill but the Solons could score only in the fourth inning via a walk to Chuck Essegian and Les Witherspoon's long double again st the boards in left Collins went three innings be fore yielding to a pinchhitter and gave two runs as he went down tq his eighth loss of the cam paign. Hempniu pitcnea in last thre frames and was rocked for three In the fifth via a walk, doubles by Len Tran and Bob Charouhas and a triple by Vera Hockaday. The Senators came close to scoring in the first frame. Dick Sabatini opened with a single and one out later Connie Peres shot a bingle tcright Sabatini tried to make third on the hit but was thrown out by Bightfielder Bob McGuire. Collins fanned three men in a row in the Braves' half of the first but still was scored upon. The lefty gave a single to 1 McGuire and two walks filled the sacks. In a nifty display of clutch pitching, Collins then fan ned Jack Warren and Hockaday, but a passed ball let in the one run of the frame. Bob retired the Doable Trouble Salem (1) ' B H O A SabUniJ 4 12 2 TanseUj 3 S 0 S PerezJ 4 10 1 Deyo.m 4 13 0 BaUard.l 4 0 1 Esegianj 3 110 Wtrspnx 3 2 2 0 Nelson.e 10 7 1 CoUins.p 10 0 1 HmphLp 0 0 0 0 x-Mrshl 10 0 0 5) Tri-City B H OA M'Guirx 4 2 3 0 Bucola.1 e 0 S 1 L-TranJ 1112 Warren.c 2 0 S 1 Hokadya 3 12 0 Chrhsjn 3 13 0 CarroUJ sees R.Tran j 2 0 0 2 Rbrtinj 3 0 0 1 Totals 28 S IS 8 ToUls 30 S 21 10 x Struck out for Hemphill in 4th. Salem - 000 100 O ISO Tri-City lot 030 S S 0 Pitcher IP ABH R ZRIOBB Collins . ... 3 13 2 2 1 4 4 Hemphill 3 13 33 3 1 2 Robertson ... 7 3281 1 4 3 Loser: Collins. PB: Nelaoa. LOB: Salem 11. Tri-City 3. 3BH: Hockaday. 2BH: Witherspoon. Deyo. L. Tran, Charouhas. RBI: Witherspoon, L. Tran. Hockaday 2. Charouhas. SH: BuccoU. DP: Nelson to Sabatini. Sab atini to Ballard. Umpires: Yuhaae and EUer. Time: 1:32. Attendance: 2400 (estimated). Second game: Salem (1) . (4) Tri-City BR OA B H OA SabtinlJ 3 0 2 S CarollJ 3 0 3 4 TarwUiA 3 0 13 Burola.1 3 ft S 1 PerexJ 4 1 S 2 L.TraaJ 3 11 8 Deyojn 4 13 0 Pesut.e- 4 ft S 1 Ballrea 3 0 8 1 VwiniJ 4 S S 0 EssgnJ 4 1 S S Chrosjn 3 2 4 0 Wither jr 4 0 10 MGurex 4 2 10 Masters 4 2 4 0 RTrinj 3 0 3 4 Nchlas.p 3 111 Snyder j 3 0.11 X-Mrsnu 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 8 3412 Totals 30127 U x-WaJted for Nicholas la 9th. Salem Tri-City ooo ioo 000 i a l .018 201 00 4 7 8 Pitching: I Ab H R Er So Bb Kicholaa i 8 . 34 7 4 .4 3 4 Snyder 37 1 12 8 Errors Ballard. 2BH Perez. Vasal 8, r Masterson. RBI Deyo, Charoues. McGuire. R. Tran. SB Charouas. DP Tanselll to Sabatini to Ballard: SL Tran. to Carroll to Buceola. umpires tiler ak Yvfeaoa. Time 3:11. ArU i Barber j and Charles ADender. salmon has been reportedly very wn. W I, Pet W L Pet 34 29 .576 Yakima 28 24 Jilt 22 24 .371 Calgary 2S2S.481 32 22.593 Wntcheo 23 31 .420 Spokane Salem Lwstn Vancver 22 28 23 Trl-Clty 24 34 114 Xdmnta 27 25 Jl Victoria 22 35 JJJ Saturday results : At Tri-City 9-4. Salem 1-1 1 At Spokane 3-4. Lewiston 9-5; At Calfary 7-9. Vancouver 3-1; At Edmortton 6. Victoria 6; At Yaki ma 7, Wena tehee 3. COAST LBAGUK W L Pet. W L Pet. Hollywd Hi 23 Sa Tran 73 78.490 Seattle S8 67J82 S Diego 72 81 71 L Angls T9 74.518 Scrmnto 64 87.431 Portland 74 77.490 Oakland 84 90.416 Saturday results: At Seattle-Portland, rain( at Oakland 0. Hollywood 4: at Los Angeles 8. San Francisco 3; at Ban Diego 3. Sacramento 1. NATIONAL LEAGL'K W L Pet. WLPet. Brookln K2 38.683 N York 87 63.479 Milwkee ?5 47.615 CincnaU 53 69.434 St Louis M 63 .555 Chicago 43 74 J78 PhUadel 67 53 .549 Pitsburg 41 87 320 Saturday results: At Pittsburgh 3. Brooklyn 5; at Milwaukee 2. Chicago 1 (14 inn.k: at PhiUdclphia 7-6. New York 1-9; lat St. Louis 9. Cincinnatt 4. 1 AMERICAN LEAGCK WLPct. WLPct. N York U 39 .878 Wshngtn 60 04 .484 Chicago 73 48.603 Phlladel 40 7203 Clevelnd 68 53 Ml Detroit 43 79.379 Boston 89 54 J52 St Louis 42 82 .339 Saturday results: At New York 4, Philadelphia 10; at Chicago 1, De troit 2 (ll Inn.): at Cleveland 4. St. Louis 1: at Washington 3. Boston 4. Thomas Signed To OSC Staff I CORVALLIS on John Thomas, former football and baseball star at Oregon State College, has been signed as an assistant football coach at the college. Athletic Director Spec Keene said Saturday that Thomas will coach the ends and scout. Thomas, now playing baseball for Bakersfield in the California State League, was a three-year lettermaa in both football and baseball land played end for the West All&tars in the 1931 East West Shrine game. side by whiffing Charouhas. All three fanned swinging. - Salem loaded the bases in the sixth but Robertson got out with out damage. In the! second game Joe Nicho las of Salem missed out in a try for his 22nd pitching win. Bob Snyder if the Braves held the Solons to six blows. The two clubs close out the series with a single game Sunday night The Senators return home and go to Eugene Monday night for an exhibition mix with Drain. They open at Waters Park again st Edmonton Tuesday night. OSWEGO GIRLS LOSE TACOMA un Bremerton's Myrtle Pierce Saturday used a six- IHIagerty Take j By CHARLES IRELAND i Statesman Sports Writer Royce iHagerty won the 75-lap feature here Saturday night and established himself as the man to beat on Stock Car nights at Hol lywood BowL Driving a 1952 Ford "6", the young Irishman from Portland nosed into the lead midway of the race and breezed on to the checkered flag after Bill Amick dropped out with motor trouble. Amick! had won the last big Stock Car race here, and Hager ty won the one before that. Twenty canr started the big grind and a dozen of them fin ished. - Officials were still trying to unscramble the results early Sun day, and nothing appeared defi nite except that Hagerty had won. After that, it appeared that Fred Connett (55) had . placed second, land Pat Divine (70), third. I Ray Chase grabbed an early Central U-Drivo Service i 4 tW St-l4a VVI UI 4V hB BM4U WNifV Vane. Stakes. P.U. 'FOR RENT Pheae 2-I.0S2 Victors Gain . Early Margin Marahfield Players Shine in Shrine Mix PORTLAND (A A fast, well driHed, sharp-blocking State team defeated City 21-13 in Saturday night's sixth annual Shrine All-Star football game here. 1 ' The victory gave State a 4-2 edge in the series. Proceeds from the contest be tween the pick of last year's high school seniors from Portland and from upstate go to the Shrine Hos pital for Crippled Children. The Staters quickly showed their superiority. On their first play, Tom Crab tree of Marshfield broke through the right side of City's line and ran 53 yards to the goal line. But he was called back on a penalty. Not daunted. State moved on the ground rather quickly to a touch down. Crabtree plunged to a first down on the City 47 yard line. Three plays later, 'Spike Hills trora, Marshfield, fullback, gained another first down on City's 33. A penalty put the ball on the 15 yard marker. Then Quincy Pow ers of Marshfield and Crabtree carried the ball- to the one yard line and Hillstrom scored. Floyd Burright of Springfield .converted. Hall Scores The Staters opened a 52-yard scoring march early in the second period. Miles Boardman of Bend ran U yards to the City 34. A few plays later Crabtree gained a first down and Prineville's speedy Fred Hall took a handoff from Powers and skirted left end for eight yards and the second touchdown. Burright again con verted. A long punt by Central Catholic's Leon Hittner and a fumble set up City's scoring play late in the sec ond period. The punt went to the State 10 yard line. Hillstrom fum bled. Bob Clark of Benson recov ering the ball in the air. He ran to the State 6-yard line, then Co lumbia Prep's Tom Hughes swept right end to score. Hughes' conversion attempt was low. State, leading 14-6 going into the second half, took the opening kickoff and marked 68 yards in 11 plays to score in the third quar ter. Boardman went the final 10 yards untouched around right end. Burright's third conversion ended State's scoring. In the final quarter, runs of 15 and 22 yards by Jefferson's Roger Williams put City's ball on its own 42 yard line. There State inter cepted a pass. But Jeff's Bruce Harding recovered the State fum ble on the interception and two plays later Bob Clark shot a pass to Harding who was downed on the four yard line. Williams car ried the ball two more yards. Then City was awarded a touch down after a plunge by Clark. The plunge was stopped but a ruling against State gave City the score. Crabtree. who was voted out standing player of the game, was the leading ground gainer with 93 in it attempts. Boardman the highest average for State 91 yards in 13 tries. Williams led City with 42 yards in five at tempts. Boardman was selected out standing State back and Clark Cubbage o( Eugene, outstanding lineman. Keon Hittner ef Central Catholic and Roger Williams. Jef ferson, won the back and lineman awards for the City team. State outgained City 298 to 115 yards and gained IS first downs to four for City. Staters 7 7 T 031 City -jO S 0 812 a tat a seorins?: Touchdowns HU1. Strom. Hall, Boardman: Conversions Burright 3. Portland scoring: Touch downs-Hughes. Clark. Officials: Al Lightner. referee; Mickey Davis, umpire: Len Patter. son. neia judges head linesmsn. Chuck Reynolds, sling fast ball and pinpoint control to post the first no-hit. no-run game of the Women's Northwest regional Softball Tournament. lead and held It until Amick passed him on the 10th lap. Amick in turn held first place until he lost it to .Hagerty. Chase gave the crowd of 2,000 the biggest thrill of the night on the 26th lap when he threw a wheel on the treacherous east turn. Chase's car left the ground, but didn't turn over. The wheel bounced off the track, then back on, struck another car and final ly rolled deep into the infield. - The fast heat race saw Connett place first; Amick second; and Diviney, third. s 75-lap S step, nana to: a JJodpe i BIG car comfort, performance 1 ' . ! but the : '. ' ' MOST ECONOMICAL CAR 1 ' ! you can own , . . ' I : ten -'Baker PJlotdre Chemeketa and High : I f. ... . ... 6 (Sec 1) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Suxu Aug. S3, 1953 erclients Dei Meet;! Erants Pass, tomisfcon Grab Wins MILL CITY (Special) The Salem Merchants dropped' their opening test in the double elimi nation State Softball Tournament Saturday afternoon as Tillamook pushed over a run in the bottom of the seventh to eke out an 8-7 victory. In other first round games Grants Pass nosed out Cor vallis 2-1 and Hermiston turned in the upset of the night with a S-2 verdict over the touted Eu gene Rubenstein's. In the last game Saturday night Mill City was leading Bend 4-3 in the sixth inning. (Result too late for sports deadline.) The Salems face Corvallis at 3:30 Sunday afternoon and the loser drops from the tourney. Jim Rawlins is slated to do the chucking for the Capital City club. Eugene faces the Mill City Bend loser in the second Sunday afternoon game and that night it's Tillamook against Grants Pass and Hermiston against the Mill City-Bend winner. The Sunday night program will be called Shrine Night with the Salem Shrine Club's band and drill team slated to perform be tween ends of the doubleheader. Proceeds will go to the Children's Hospital in Portland. One Bob Burke was the big thorn in the side of Bob Knight and the Merchants in the tourney opener. Burke knocked in six of the Tillamook club's eight runs, three on a homer in the fourth inning. The Merchants banged 11 blows off Keith Marshall, the Tillamook hill whizz, while the team from the coast got but six off KnlghL But those six were more damaging. Tillamook opened up with lour runs in the first inning, out Salem cot three in the second and one in the fourth. Tillamook went ahead again in the bottom of the fourth on Burke's homer but the Merchants again tied with three in the sixth as John Payne and Glen Blanton banged sineles and Claude weaver ana Don Vandervort clouted back to back triples. Vera Collins of Grants Pass fanned 11 and gave six blows as the Cavemen nosed out Cor vallis and Hal Wenmeier. Ken Knapp's error let in the lone Corvallis tally in the fourth but Knapp made amends by singling in both Grants fsis runs in me sixth. 1 , Bob Rankin's single scoring Sat Merchants . 030 103 ft? 11 S Tillamook . 400 800 1 Sj 8 3 Knight and Weaver; Marshall and Jaeger. . - . Grants Pass 000 003 ft 1 ; 4 3 Corvallis 000 100 01 i 8 1 Collins and rliak; wenmeier ana tagg. Eugene ..300 000 Hermiston .000 030 1 3 i 4 3 WillouahbT. wiins m and walker; Spencer end Rankin, DEAD HEAT SEATTLE ft Bribe and Prince Did finished in' a dead beat for first in the $2,000 featured horse race at Longacres track Saturday, Uncle Art was third. ; Sock Feature Ray Elliott won the trophy dash by default when Johnny Keiper dropped out! and Floyd Trimble went into a spin: that almost wiped out the electric-eye timing device. j f Virtually all the top Stock Car drivers of the Northwest were on hand except Herschel McGriff and the word around the pits Saturday night was that McGriff has quit Stock Car racing: The Hard Tops will return next Saturday night for a 126-lap pro gram including a 90-lap dass-A main event and a 35-lap B race. SALEM Phone: 2-2483: - ? - t 2 I' W .-f'i'V'-- lake loss Jimmy Jones in the seventh gave Hermiston the edge over Eugene. The Rubes tallied twile in the first t and then were blinked the rest of the way by Harlow Spen cer. Hermiston tallied J twice in the fifth. f Sjmrkles CHICAGO Ned Carver (above) pitched Detroit to anfll-lnnlng 2-1 verdict over, the Chicago White Sox Saterday. Broncs Climb To Top Place By The Associated Press The roaring Lewisto Broncs climbed into first plaqje in the tightening Western International League chase Saturday night by nipping Spokane, 5-3 and5-4. , The two wins gave Lewiston six straight over the Sptbkes. The Calgary Stampeders to4k a pair from Vancbuver by 7-3 and 5-1 and Yakima stopped" Wenatchee 7-3. In the first game of two Ed monton beat Wenatcheel Lewiston 031 010 1 S 13 3 Spokane .... 300 000 S 3 3 0 Butler. Marshall (1) anals Cameron; Spring, CordeU (7) and Seeets. Lewiston 030 SOOOClu- 8 13 Spokane 300 000 020-. 4 f Kime. Powell fit. MarthaQl (8). and Caray; Franks. Romero (f), CordeU (8) and Sheets. . 1 Vancouver 000 000 303 8 1 Calf ary .: 131 001 0B 7 10 0 Myers, Roberts S and Oiiiretto: Or Daretto; Or 001 S ! reu ana BricKer - Vancouver .010 000 Calf ary 000 023 Oll 8 11 I La S and Leavltt: rietcner, noberta s Hiitner ana BrtcRer. 1 Victoria .. . 003 000 OOlls 8 It 1 Edmonton 000 003 100-3 8 13 0 Drilling, Prior 10 and Msnford; TU oerat. Conant 10 and Prentice, Mor gan 4, " - - I - . n . Wena tehee . 000 l0 0403 T 1 Yakima . 011,000 M 7 7 3 Bowman. Klein 7 and Bartolomei: Townsena ana aiduu. Heart ilment Fatal toTaho SACRAMENTO. Calif. 1 The body of Jim Tabor, former Boston Red Sox slugger who died early Friday, will be sent Monday to the home of his parents i Owens Cross .Roads,: Ala. j The 36-year-old ex-thf d base man was stricken with a heart attack Monday. He spent; most of the time since then, unconscious in an oxygen tent. WE GIVE YOUR -' s ' ' '"--V mJm . ' The Mew-A$-Tcmorrow' LOOK With UQUI-Glass Announcing THE OPENING LIQUI A Profe83ioel Polish TUtNBOWS AUTO 213 S. Commercial St. Ph. Gliisox SufferLoSses For Seventh Straight Braves Win in 14th NEWj YORKf m The Milwau kee Braves won their seventh straight the hard way Saturday when Johnny Logan singled in the 14th inning to to give his team a 2-1 victory over the Chicago Cubs. Bob Buhl went all the way for the winners and held the Cubs to five hits: Howie Pollet, the Cub starter," looked like he had a shut out until the Braves notched a tie ing run in the bottom of the ninth. Warred Hacker took: over in the 10th and was charged with the loss. George Crowe opened the 14th with a; single. 'Then Buhl bunted and both runners were safe when Dee Fondy made a wild throw on an attempted force. Jim Pendle ton bunted and the , bases were loaded ! when Hacker juggled' the ball. Logan singled and that was the game. I , t . But the Braves 'still didn't gala on the: Brooklyn Dodgers who re mained eight games ahead of Char lie Grimm's men by polishing off the Pittsburgh Pirates 5-2 behind Preacher Roe and Clem Labine. Duke Snider hit a home run for the Brooks, f j In the Atnericaa League, the Philadelphia A's clubbed the New York Yankee! 10-4. Mario Fricano went until the ninth for the A's and held the Yanks well in check until then. Inf the final frame, the world champions scored three runs and Morroe IMariin - came in to rescue: Fricaao. ? ; -Garver Victor ; i Ned i Garver tossed the Detroit Tigers to a 2-1, ll-inning victory over the Chicago White Sox. Neith er team couli score until the 10th inning when ach tallied once. The Bengals made the winning marker the next innlgg. Bob Keegan went all the way for the Sox.. ' The t Clevdad ( Indians turned back the St. xuis Browns, 4-1 be hind the fivefhit pitching of Mike Garcia. Bill Glynn hit a three-run homer off Lou Kretlow in the fifth to provide the winning margin. ' The I Philadelphia Phillies ce mented theiri hold on fourth place in the National League by sweep ing a twi-night doubleheader from the New York Giants 7-1 and 6-5. The fifth place Giants now are nine games behind the Phillies. Carl Drews; went all the way for the Phillies in the first game. Ia the second, the Phils scored three runs in the eighth inning to cement the vej-dict for Jim Konstanty al though! he needed help from Robin Roberts in the ninth. In other night' games, the Bos ton Red Soxi with Ted Williams getting: two Hits in three times at bat, defeated! the Washington Sen ators 4-J and! the St. Louis Cardi nals turned (back the Cincinnati Redlegs. 5-4.1 Stan Musial hit a home run with one on in the first Inning.! I . i PREP STARS TIE I SEATTLE fun f ! Tri-City and State fought fto a 13-13 tie in a drama-packed contest at the Uni versity: of Washington stadium Sat urday for the first stand-off in the 7-year history of the annual All Star High School Football game. bwlor s i 1 i : ..... : FoR. Leagues new organis ing'. League meet wiU be fcekf this coming week, Adg.; 24 is 28 On Respective Evenings I At 7:30 to1 1:30 ; 1:1 For f these who attend meet ings. Some; openings for new teams, and individuals. Sunday Evening Mixed Doubles, Guaranteed Jack Pot 7t30. s , Capital Lanes 4SS irerrr J Phone 3-3571 Lane Cushnun Dick Phipps CAR OF ANOTHER Covling GLASS DEALER - Not Sold In Stores STANDARD POLISH SERVICE 4-6391 ! '? The Oakland Oaks topped the J Md"cStu: Ku7w 2400 iesti