.-I .1. 4a (Sac. 2 Statesman. Salem, Orw Sazw Aug. 23, 1833 Doris Willard Is Brfde of Mr. Akers A bride of Saturday afternoon was Miss JDoris Willard, daugb u. ter of Mr) and .Mrs. C. BV.WiV lard. Her marriage to Berle Akers, son! of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Akers, tock place at the First Congregational Church. The Rev. Dudley Strain officiated at the 4 o'clock ceremony. Miss Makine and Miss Shirley Snyder, cousins of the bride, sang preceding the nuptials. Jean Hobson Rich was the organist. Bouquets df pink and white glad ioluses decorated the altar. The bridal gown was of white nylon net over satin ; fashioned with a fitted lace bodice Styled with a Mandarin collar. Chan- it1w Im irteamfa ahVm1 full Yf set skirt, which ended in a chap- ev craw. A. neaaaress oi im descent sequins and seed pearls held in place her fingertip veil, which was edged in lace. She carried a round bouquet of pink roses. ,U, Bridal Attendants - . Three attendants preceded the ' bride to the altar. Mrs. Harold Gilbert was her sister's honor matron and she wore a yellow nylon lace and net gown over taffeta with, a lace bolero. Brides maids were Miss Roberta Boyer, vho wore turquoise net with lace "'insets, and Miss Joyce Younger, ' in a pink net gown with lace in sertion. The attendants all car ried bouquets of white roses tied with white bows. Sharon Gilbert, in a yellow net frock, was the flower girl for her. aunt and Steven Frank was the ring bearer. Harold Gilbert served as best roia uuDen served as Dest e man were and Marvin Langeland. Mrs. Willard selected a navy blue sheath gown with pink ac cessories for the nuptials. Her flowers were pink roses. Mrs. Akers wore a cocoa brown lin en gown with beige accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses. Reception At Woman's Club The newlyweds greeted their guests at a reception at the Sa lem Woman's Club. Pouring were Mrs. . Harvey Snyder and Mrs. Leonard Snyder. Cutting the cake were Mrs. James Comstock and Mrs. Walter Frank with Mrs. Le roy Dalke assisting. j Mr. Akers and his bride have gone to Crescent Lake resort near Spokane and Victoria, B.C. on their honeymoon. For traveling the new Mrs. Akers donned a grey linen dress with white an gora trim and red and black ac cessories. After September 10 the couple will be at home in Forest Grove, where Mr. Akers will at tend Pacific University. Farewell Parties For Mrs. Fisher SILVERTON Mrs. Harrison Fisheiywho is leaving Saturday by p)alrte for Nyac, Alaska, to Join hetr husband, . was cornpli ntgnted jon -several" farewell oc casfons jthis week. Tuesday afternoon she was honored and presented with a cor sage at jthe Women's Society for Christian Service at the Metho dist church. Tuesday night she was a guest of a grpup of friends at dinner at Silvejf Falls State Park lodge. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riches, fMr. and Mrs. Ben Sprick, Mr. and! Mrs. W. B. Scarth, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Mr. and Mrs. T.jR. Hobart and Mr. I and Mrs. Lee Haskins. Wednesday night, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker entertained at their Salem home for Mrs. Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Riches. Mr. Fisher is employed bir a gold mining concern, dredging on the Kuskowin river. Taeyj will live in a small three-room cabin ' annexed to a one-room school house where Mrs. Fisher will teach the coming school year. Her pupils, first to eighth grade, will be children of 1 the mine officials and employees. ,H uiitleyg Leave on llrip Mr. and Mrs. Gene Huntley, 1055 Terrace Drive, are leaving , thi3 weekend for Victoria. B. C, for a four day visit Following - this the couple will board the two-masted sailing ichoo ner, "Idle Hour", at Orcas for a weeVs cruise anion? the ( Ssn Juan Islands. The trip through the 175 islands of the group will have such diversions r silmon trolling, swimming, fishing for ling cod, and clamming, and a barn dance at Friday Harbor. Returns 'from Air Trip SILVERTON Miss Hannah Olson. Silverton grade school teacher, returned to her home Friday after making an airplane four of South America during June and July, and a bus tour of the - midwest while visiting relatives before coming to Silv erton again. j Miss Olson reports that she experienced real winter weather while in South America. 1 She went dowgi the west side oft the continent to Santiago, .Chile, , then crossed the snow covered f Andes to Buenos Aires in, the dead of winter in that area. -. Mi .f & .. j ; J-.w - ' -, ' k ' I (A A benefit garden party is being planned by St. Mary's , Guild jmembters of St Paul's Episcopal Church for Sunday, August30 at Oak Crest Farm, the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes G. . Watts on the Wallace Road. Committee members recently gathered at the Watts' home to make final plansMor the afternoon party. Left to right are Mrs. S. D. Wiles, president of the guild, Mrs. Watts, Mrs. Charles W. Mills and Mrs. Gerhard Pagenstecher. All proceeds will go to the church building fund. (Kennell-Ellis Studio). -j j Garden Party ! t r r . 30 at Watts7 Home On the calendar for Sunday, August 30, is the benefit garden party to be given by members of St Mary's Guild of St Paul's Episcopal Church. The affair will be held at Oak Crest Farm, the country home of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Watts on the Wallace Road.. Hours for the afternoon party are from 3 to 5 o'clock and all members of the church, their families and friends are invited to attend. All proceeds from the affair will go to the building fund of the new church now under construction. Greeting guests at the gate will be Mrs. Carl Armstrong and Mrs. William IL Johnston. Serving at the punch tables will be Mrs. Robert KL Powell, Mrs. Thomas A Roberts Jr., Mrs. Woodson Bennett Mrs. Lester Carter, Mrs. Gerhard Pagenstecher, and Mrs. Robert W. DeArmond. Assisting about the garden will be Mrs. James G. Watts, Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod, Mrs. Sam C. Campbell, Mrs. Jack Price, Mrs. Ed Lewis;- Mrs. Kenneth Sher man, Mrs. Sam Haley, Mrs. Charles A Barclay, Mrs. Seth P. Smith, Mrs. Joseph M. Devers Jr. of Stayton, Mrs. William R. Shinn, Mrs. S. D. Wiles and Mrs. Charles W. Mills.- Mrs. Kenneth Muller is head ing the refreshment committee assisted by Mrs. Vern Shay, Mrs. Charles McColloch, Mrs. Dean Boyes and Mrs.. Lynn Woods. Mrs. Leon Perry is arranging for parking facilities during the party. Auburn House guests at the Den Jacobe home include Mrs. Lavona Jacobe of -Topeka, Kansas and Barry Jacobe of Seaview, Wash. Kenneth Jacobe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Jacobe, is spending a week in Seaview, WaslL, visiting. Regular meeting of Marion Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars will be held at the VFW Hall Monday night at 8 p.m. Jt. onteS 3-1 CCXOtFUV AND CONVENIENT, THESE VRTIKAl SUNOS COM BINE THC DECORATIVE QUALITIES OF DIATMIES AND CUI TAINS. CHEATS YOUt OWN COIOI SCHEMES, TO SUIT THE NEEDS Of YOUt ROOMS. PLASTIC PANELS EOt SATHtOOM AND KITCHEN. CLL anJ Offi SUN VEITIKAl HINDS AKE PLEXISLE POt EASY OPEIATION AND TRANSLUCENT POI COMPLETE CONTIOl OP UOHT. THE SMART STYLING AND WIDE RANGE OP COLORS OFFER UN USUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR VERSATILITY IN OFFICE 4 CLUS INTERIORS. USE THEM IN FOYERS, IOBSIES, tOUNGES, PRIVATE OFFICES, RECEPTION ROOMS. DISPLAY AND SALES ROOMS. CONFERENCE ROOMS AND CORRIDORS. Motefs and J4ospita(s THE WIDE RANGE OF COLORS MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO ACHlEYl ANY DESIRED DECORATIVE EFFECT . . . FORMAL OR INFORMAL. SMSTALL THEM IN IOBSIES, OFPICES. GUEST ROOMS. DINING ROOMS, LOUNGES. REST ROOMS, GAME ROOMS. BARS. AND CORRIDORS, Bring Just say charge it Visit From Nebraska Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Voigt have had as their guests, his brother-in-law and sister. Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Keim of Lincoln, Neb. Dr. Keim is professor of agronomy at the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture. He was head of the College for 20 years and president of the American Society of Agronomy in 1943. Dr. and Mrs. Keim have been vaca tioning in the Hawaiian Islands for three weeks, where Dr. Keim visited the College of Agricul ture at the University of Hawaii. Circle Meetings On Wednesday Circles of the Women's Society of Christian Service of Jason Lee Methodist Church will meet on Wednesday as follows: January-July Circle will meet with Mrs. Wood Welch, 1955 Highway Avenue for a 1:30 des sert luncheon. February-August circle will be guests of Mrs. Robert Forkner, 1855 N. Capital St, for a 1:30 dessert luncheon. April-October circle members and their husbands will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Larkins, 1759 Park Ave., for a picnic sup per at 6 p.m. March-September circle will meet with Mrs. C M. Roberts, 815 Shipping St, for a 1:30 dessert luncheon. The May-November and June December circles will not meet this month. - 'O ' - 'Jt PANELLED DRAPERIES ice5 ' your measurements for an asfimata 5 i 'fey - . , . 'w -u :v r w a v . a - r v -s -f ' s A Dinner Parties Will! Follow Rehearsals Mr. and Mrs, Robert A. Haw kins of Astoria, will be arriving in Salem the end of the week for the marriage of their son, Paul S. Hawkins, and Miss Nancy Ann Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Burr Miller, which will be an event of Saturday morning at St Joseph's Catholic Church. Friday night; Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins will jbe hosts for a dinner party at! the Miller home on North jl9th Street to compli ment to their sop and his fiancee. The affair; will j follow the wed ding rehearsal. Tables will be set on the patio for members of the two families and the bridal party. Covers will be placed for Miss Miller. Mr. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. E. Burr Miller, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Moloney, Mr and Mrs. Vance McKenney and Mr. and Mrs. Richard BL Morse, all of Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Miller, Miss Elizabeth Ann Law rence of Pendleton, Miss Nancy Collins, Miss Sally Phillips, Neil Mathison, Robert Altman, Ken neth Wagner, all of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rock of Corvallis, Miss I Barbara Keelan of San Francisco, William Kirby of Eugene, Jon Michael Miller, Donald Wichman, and the hosts. Rawlinsons To Be Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rawl inson will be in Portland next weekend for the marriage of their son, Richard A Rawlinson For an Exclusive Hair Style to fit Your Personality visit Willamette Valleys Most Complete Beauty Institution 251 N. Liberty Dial 3-3921 I 1 i H Convenient Terms " "1 m 5 V Little Boy Welcomed A second son, John Ralph, was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Shantz (Joan Smith) on August 21 at the Salem Memorial Hospi tal. The lad tipped the scales at seven pounds, ten ounces. Also welcoming the boy is a brother, Danny. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shantz. The baby has a great-grandmother, Mrs. Marion Huston of Washing ton, Iowa, and a great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Julia Dunbar, also of Washington, Iowa. Jr., and Miss Marian Moore. The couple's marriage will take place at the Calvary Presbyterian Church on Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Rawlinson will be hosts for the wedding rehearsal dinner on Friday night at the University Club in Portland for members of the bridal party and the two families. This afternoon Miss Moore is entertaining the feminine members of her bridal party at a tea at her Portland home. J ? ly BHBHBEfW French S. i li Music for Today , y Lucilo Cummings, Leonard Wdrron Headline WcekenH Musical Eyonts - .;-r; . I ' -.-:.v - - if v - ' High points on' the weekend music schedule ; includes the World Music Festivals broadcast by James Fassettj tBS radio's director of music, who is enroute to the Salzburg Festjval in Aus tria. The program will Include excerpts from the festival's opera and symphonic performances. Wilfrid Pelletier will again be guest conductor; f the NBC Summer Symphony; orchestra to night Leonard Warren .will be the guest' baritone on the Voice of Firestone Monday, night and Lucile Cummings, former Salem singer, will be the guest contral to -on the Telephone Hour. Gor don MacRae and Dorothy War enskjold will be featured on the Railroad Hour Monday night James K. Guthrie, conductor, and Joy Pottle, pianist, will make their debuts on the Standard Hour, tonight The 14yyear-old pianist began studying at the age of six and made her first public appearance at a Bach Festival in 1949. Sunday programs are . as fol lows: 10:30 on CBS World Mu sic Festivals Salzburg Music Festival, James Fassett, music commentator. Excerpts from "Cost Fan Tutte- ...... Mozart (With Irmgard Seefried, Dagmar Hermann, Eric Kuntz, and Anton Dermota. Vienna Philharmonic Orch estra conducted by Karl Boehm.) Piano Concerto in A Major (K. 488) -I ..Mozart Germaine Thyssens, Valen tin, soloist Bernhard Paum gartner, conductor. 7:30 on NBC The NBC Sum mer Symphony Orchestra with Wilfrid Pelletier as guest con ductor. Overture to" "Le Baruffe Chio- zzotte" , .Sinigaglia (The Brawls of Chioggia) Guernica (Premiere .. Pepin Le Festin de L'Araig nee . Roussel (The Spider's Banquet) Divertissement Ibert 8:30 on NBC Standard Hour with James K. Guthrie conduct ing, Joy Pottle, pianist and Gil bert Russell, tenor. Fackeltanze No. 1 ..Meyerbeer Faust: Cavatina ...-.Gounod (Mr. Russell) Waiata Poi Traditional Concerto No. 2 in D minor: First Movement - Mozart (Miss Pottle) Martha: M'Appari Flotow (Mr. Russell) Sinfonia Sevillana (Selec-- . tion) Turina The Damnation of r Faust: - Berlioz Dance of the Sylphs Minuet of the Will-O'-Wisps , Rakoczy March Monday's programs are as fol lows: 7:30 on NBC The Voice of faithful reproductions of Originals budget priced at' Magnificently don reproductions of originals from famous s French milliners included S1MONE CAIfCK . . . DEKI5E CHABOUD . . . r AULETTX . . . : CILBEXT OaCXL . . . liBourr.. jANcrrs columbiek twenty one styles dozens of i luscious colors. - j ' Jr f - i ? Firestone with, baritdbe Leonard Warren guest- Howard Barlow conducts the orchestra and chor us. We Sail The Ocean lue from "H.M.S. Pinafore-1 ..Sullivan Chorus and- lestra A Rovin Trad. Scott Warren and Clorus Dance of the Comedians from The Bartered Bride .Smetana Orchestra Soldiers Chorus fro; "Faust- 4 Chorus .Gounod Avant de -Quitter ce Lieux ..Gounod from "Faust Warren Whiffenpoof Song Galloway Warren and Ch s Drinking Song from JTbe Student Prince-; .Romberg Warren and C 8:30 on NBC Th Railroad Hour with Gordon J: cRae and Carmen orchestra. Dorothy Warenskjo Dragon directs the "Hope Is a Woman. 9:00 on .NBC The Telephone Hour with contralto LJicile Cum mings, guest .soloist, and Donald Voorhees conducting the Bell Telephone Orchestra. The Way You Look from "Swingtime" Orchestra My Lord, What a . , onifht . Kern Morning . Spir. Arrll Burleigh Cummings Waltz from "The Sleeping Beauty Tchaikovsky Orchestra A The Land o the J Leal ' Traditional Oh WhisUe an' I'll Come to you My Lad Traditional Cunynings ; Meditation from "Thais" ; Massenet Orchestra j PhidyleT- - Duparc Cummings The executive boarfl of Unit 136, American Legion' Auxiliary will be entertained" Tuesday night at the home of dent, Mrs. Carroll the presi- Robinson, Route 4, at 8 o'clock. This will be the first executive boaad meeting of the fall season and be outlined for the coding year's activities MOISOGRAM 't INITIALS... IED AT NO V.. Si fa hiim Ar at, bat gay, poty Momotffgmt by Meittrrgrum mmilabU kt ymtr FOR; THE FIRST 1TME i ', ' - i run to own l - Patricici Moll ' Reveals Plans' Plans have been completed for the wedding of Miss Patricia A. Moll and Robert E. Wiper, who will b iiarriel on September 6 at tfce wFirit, Congregational, Church, 'ftf bride-to-be' is the daughter, of Hfrs. J. C. Boyle of Hood Canal, Wash, and B. L. MoU of Vallejl, Calif. Mr. Wiper is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Wiper. I ; Dr. Brooks JMoore will offici ate at the' S o plock nuptials and a reception will follow in the church parlors Lighting the can dles will be Muss Marlene Bayless and Miss Vlviajn Chance. Mrs. JCennetfi Lund will be her sister's honox attendant The' bridesmaids Include Miss Janice Lee Boyle, Miss Wilene t Wiper and Mrs. Richard Calm - Ttnnit Boyle will be tfie flower girL David Turnttull will sUnd with Mr. Wiper asfbest man. Seating the guests willfbe Charles Robins, Donald Strauibaugh, Wesley Hedeeaj, Richard Cole, Karl Schmidt, Charfes Martin, Arnold Aeker, and Rbert Seamster. Jane Trojan to Hawaii Miss Jane Trojan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs A. J. Trojan, is ! leaving by plane on Friday for a fortnight's aoournJn Honolulu. She will be accompanied by Miss Barbara Griffith of Seattle, whose nncle owns a newspaper In Honolulu. Tie girls are: flying from Vancoufer, B. C. on the Canadian Pacific Airlines and returning on the Pan American. While in Honolulu they will be registered at he Edgewater Ho teL They also! plan several trips to the I other Islands their dur ing their stay! The coeds will re- ... - i A a a - mrn io oeauie in ume lor fall rushing! at the . University of Washington. Jjine is a member of Alpha Chi Onj ega and will be a junior on the grampus this year. THADEIN i ! YOURE OLD WATCH As knnSO Much as Allowed THE JEWEL BOX 443 State St Salem Open rL Nltes Til 9 8 Exposure Film Developed & Printed Jumbo of Regular Size f Jult 40c I Artz PHotographs , 325bourt St t ! WITH ANY NAME OR EXTRA CHARGE! , 1 - .1 li.. f. j warm corduroy Oomphietl becauM your' moiuitrin . 4n rtA rm A m. them Jn the color mt youi choice, at no extra charge. Not oaly defiihlfnl to look delicious to wear! . . with their - strewn linings. ,..fum to fiv for that gift with oproml lomtk BUtck, Rod, Nvy, Tr oi Crotm. Full tnd Wolf 'sa. Harrow S-10i MeJium U-10. When your OOmpnJea su de livered, vnsnap the detachable tabs and send them; In . ready-to-mail envelope, for monopaloming in the style you check. The USa willthcn be returned to yon. I 1 I FURNITURE j Main Floor " -1 :(!: I