.- t Louisa Feller Marriedto Navy Man Miss Louise . Feller became George L..Schlegel'i bride at an O o'clock, ceremony ! Saturday night at the First Congregational Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Feller of Turner . and the groom's parents are the Homer Schlegela of Al bany. ' :';: "'- , i,U V ji Tix. Victor ' Hugo Swwd per formed the nuptials before a setting of ; varigated lavender gladioluses and chrysanthemums flanked by white tapers. . Peter Van Horn was the soloist - and Jean Hobson Rich the organist Of white slipper satin; was the bridal gown designed with a lace bodice adorned with seed pearls and Peter Pan collar. The full skirt, which terminated in a train, was enhanced with lace panels down the front. Her veil was fingertip length and she carried two. large lavender or chids combined with net in a cas cade effect. -. " i- , . r Mrs. Finn Svendsen was the bride's only-attendant. She wore a frosted lavender organdy gown over taffeta and carried a bou quet of rubrum lilies. Mr. Erb is Best Man ! Darrell TL Erb stood with the groom as best man and seating the guests were G D. Spencer Jr., James Vance and Richard I Feller. . Mrs. Feller chose a navy blue silk dress with white trim and white accessories. Her flowers were pink baby orchids. Mrs. Schlegel wore a steel grey gown with black accessories lor her St. Jpjsephfs Setting for Nuptials ? St 1 Joseph's Catholic - Church was the setting for the 10 o'clock nuptial mass Saturday morning uniting in marriage Miss Jean Ringwald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ringwald,-and Richard D. Welsh, son of William IL Welsh. " .-. . : ...... :' . .. . f Father Joseph Vanderbeck of ficiated at the . rites before a background of white gladioluses and white candles. Soloists were Gerald Neitling "and Lorraine. Nelke. Mrs. Raymond Barton was the organist I Of Chantilly lace was the brid al gown, fashioned with long sleeves, a Queen Ann collar and a full skirt with a chapel train. Enhancing the skirt in front was a panel of tiers of pleated tulle. Her veil was fingertip length and she carried a bouquet of stepha notis centered with a white or chid.'' I Miss Sara Welsh! sister of the groom, was the honor maid. She son's marriage and her corsage was of, white baby orchids. A reception followed in the church parlors-. Mrs. Arthur Kri ever and Miss Lilly Feller pour ed. Mrs. Clifford Mayer cut the cake assisted by . Mrs. C. D. Spencer Jr. Assisting were Miss Jayanne Remington, Miss Ella Patterson, Miss Deloris Swin ford, Mrs. Robert Feller, Mrs. Darrell Lawrence and Miss Margie Cordy. After a honeymoon along the Oregon coast the newlyweds will leave for San Francisco to make their home, where Mr. Schlegel is stationed with the navy at Hunters Point For traveling the bride changed to a navy blue linen suit with white accessories. wore a ballerina frock of yellow net over faille . taffeta with a matching bolero. Bridesmaids were Miss Dorothy KesseL Miss Georgeann , Barghart and - Mrs. William Welsh, who wore zurcon blue net ballerina frocks over taffeta.' The attendants all car ried bouquets of yellow carnations;-' ,,. ; ; .. . ;: Attend the Groom " James Moisan , stood with the groom as best man. Seating the guest were Bernard Nanneman, William Welsh, William Hasle bacher, Kenneth Munson, Neil Se lander and Charles Taafe. Mrs.' . Ringwald chose a rose lace . gown with . navy and rose accessories for- her 'daughter's wedding. Her flowers were pink rosebuds. ' ' : The newlyweds greeted their guests at a reception at the Salem Woman's Club. Pouring wereMrs. Richard Ringwald and Mrs. John Suing. Cutting the cake were Mrs. C. H. Ringwald, aunt of the bride, and Miss Marjorie Davey. Assisting were Miss Rita O'Brien, Miss Georgia Burns. Miss Ann Hilger, Mrs. Kenneth Munson, Miss Donna Marie Barry and Miss Marlene Raschko. For her going away outfit the new Mrs. Welsh wore a nayv blue silk suit with navy and white accessories.. After a wedding trip to Southern Oregon and Califor nia the couple will be at home in Salem at 1737 Market St AT imioirs 153 S. Liberty, Ph. 3-5T73 Court Street TBmDE'JN ALLOWANCE For Your Old Refrigerator in Run n ing Condition on These Philco Models and Exclusive CHEESE KEEPER I Regular Less $100 Trade 349.95 100.00 You Pay - plus Double Stamps 249 95 Handiest storage door . ever designed.: Exclu sive Chees ; Keeper keeps cheese fresh for weeks, as recommend ; ed by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. In ad dition. Butter Keeper. Huge shelf space for even full quarts of -milk. SPECIAL PHILCO OFFER $100 Trade-in rfeg. . . 349.9S Less . . 100.00 Plus Double Stamps J -JtHllll1- j ' . , I HllCO IBISfJ 11 to. ft. Hugo apace for food yet takes , - no more room than an old style 6 ft. model. A . value sensation. . . DOOR STORAGE , . Pins built-in i Batter Keeper. 1.6 CUBIC FOOT FREEZER J Holds 56 lbs. o f : fxosen foods. CHILLER DRAWER, Stores meets: chills foods fast! Sfnfomrm, tpbaa. Orsw SmwiRog. 23, 153 CjA O Ca i I 1 """eameiBjfcsSBssneWsf -iaaBjasasBaMsBSMessaesi marc street -coujit st?eet The Savings Opportunity of the Year! Roberts Annual Green Stamps Days! Special Buys! Special Prices! Special Bonus Stamp Days!, Watch Roberts . v;l . Ads! Double Stamps on Cash Purchases! j ' ' ::M:: M DOUBLE STAMPS MONDAY r -7 OP5N FRIDAY I NITES i TILL 9 SPECIAL PURCHASE II till II II USUALLY 7.95 WELL-LOVED SHORT-SLEEVE SLIP ON IN ALL NYLON OR BLENDED WOOL-VICARA-NYLON. USUALLY 1 1 .95 - Long-sledve Cardi- , i gan; fitted or boxy. 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' p IVwV SLIGHTLY IRREGULAR, 1.35 VALUE - V NYLON HOSE fcd xf ; yj If you need more Nylons, and what jK- j XV vy il woman doesn't, here's a rare oppor- fT3 'fm&H W ; 'mm li tunity to buy a supply! We have 31 LJJC fifu m32V A--''- gauge 15 or 30 denier wc'hts ... in 3f7 I vliiisjQ (K$t 1 v"f l' I lovely new summer tones. Tiny flaws JJ JJ I rf1J I '& f? 'r I practically impossible to find. Sizes I f'HUfiWM&i i llmQjl ' ft I 8MI-11. y Njr' j urcs French Crepe! Dresses j Cool little dresses, washable, ; various styles,' complete! $003 size assortments j W Cotton Shop third Flow ' ; I Clearankel Women's Sportswear . , .I'M:' One group of shorts Mouses i skirts -summer sportswear C3 values to $4.95. 1 ; - Sportswear Second Floor Clearance! 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MEN'S NYLON-WOOL SOCKS WeU-fitting, long-weartngi Nice assort- j i ment of patterns as well as . solid Q f . colors. ' . ' ' "x" - WW' I - Men's, main floor j - Reg 5 MEN'S CARDIGAN SWEATER 12.9S. Blend of !lt and! wool so it's easily washed. iLong- ZIO .1 .1-.. k..4An I 0m m f Menrs, main floor OYS "DOUBLE fcNEE" JEANS ton jj-wea ring, double-knee, stitched .. (f O at sain points. Sizes 4 to 12. Bor main floor i ! t -.. - i it