10 (Sec 1) Statesman, Salem, Or, Suxu Aug. 23. 1S53 . 600 Employment 615 Situations Wanted PAINTING 23 years experience In Salem.' Free estimates. Knone j-v.b-. - SlULLDOZING and laud clearing. 2593 Hollywood Pr Phone e-n- HAVING AUTO RADIATOR TROUBLES r , V ley Motor Co. expert win solve your pro D terns ana save you mooc;. Free estimate, speedy service. Center and Liberty. TOR practical nuraea & domestics. cull Mrs. Hopkins Registry. 3-5072. bAIMTTNC. exterior and interior, Mcdain and Golden. Phone 3-3322 ' flLLLNG WITH rotary-hoe. Gardens, lawns. Phone m x-ver- .green. "MICKDfflAWS NURSERY STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT ED. HRS A-M. to P.M. PH. 2-7898 ' ilOMX building, remodeling. Free tim ates. Ben Grave. Ph. 3-9393. XaNDSCAPING. tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phone 4-3373 CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea sonable. 4240 Macleay Rd. Phona 45961 DAYTIMS child care. "by- day . or week in my borne. Ph. .4-5035. 1229 N. ; 5 th. NURSERY SCHOOL. Fine's Ultra modern. 855 Mission. Ph. 2-7638 LiGHT crawler dozerr dirt leveling. grading. Phone 2-3220. Painting For quality work reasonable prices cu i-niza. Licensed Day Nursery especially for Infanta and two-year- olds. Phone z-nozz. -TISH smoking and fish canning. Sa letn Custom Curing Plant. 3-7003. 620 Day end Contract Land Clearing 25 yrs. Exp. Call for estimate en hour work or oy contract for ine com plete Job. L. C Mitchell. Phone 3-5337 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads CI earing Ditching Sewer 8c Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot I Phone day 3-940S ! Evenings 3-7412, 2-4417 . Salem. Oregon 700 Rentals GARAGE for rent. 1263 N. 4th St. . 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board" FOR gentleman. 2-rm. apt. ntTv furn. 255 Center. Com- atLEEPrNG room, hot t and cold water, heat. 255 Center, NICE room for gentleman. Close in. 632 N. winter. PLEASANT rooms near everything. 658 Ferry St. HEATED rooms, $18 mo. 1. V, kitch- en privileges. Pnone -;tx3. NEWLY redecorated light house keeping room, $30. Lady. 885 N Church. i . 703 Wanted Rooms. Board PRIVATE room and board! for elderly woman. References exchanged. Box ' 621 ce Statesman. j 705 Apartment For Rent COURT apt. Newly decorated. 2 rms. and bath furnished. TV available. Inquire 1348 S. 12th. i S ROOMS and bath. Partly furnished. 825 per month. Phone 4-6253. 3 ROOM apt. Newly decorated. Pri vate , entrance. Adults., Close in. 435 N. winter. ; FURNISHED 3: room apt. Walking distance downtown. Private bath. Lights and water furnished. JOE NOONCHESTER Real Estate 15OT N. Cottage Ph. 4-3661 day or eve. CLEAN modern, near shopping cen- ter and suite house. Phone 3-4307. FIRST floor furnished or unfur nished. Heated. 1411 Courts CLEAN, quiet 1-room apartment and right downtown. Lady preferred. 645 Ferry. - CLEAN 1 bedroom unfurnished, half duplex apt. 2595 N. 5th. FURNISHED 3-room, electric refrig- era tor and stove. Call 963 Saginaw. LEE APTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Address Available now, one bachelor unit, $57.00; another available Sept. 1st; all large and roomy quarters with lots of closet, space. 585 N. Winter. 3-RM. furnished apts. Refrigerator, all utilities paid. $35 mo. 444 S. . High. J-ROOM apartment with bath, $35 per month. Phone 2-7717. 2770 N. Front. 3-ROOM furnished apt. Utility 8c heat included. $45, a mo. No drink ers, smokers or children. 1340 S. . 12th. COMFORTABLE furnished base ment 2 rooms.- Private bath, util ities. 420 S. 20th. 2 ROOMS unfurnished. Refrigerator, stove, automatic washer. Adults. 3-7108' mornings. SEPT. 5th 1 one bedroom unfur nished apt. Available now 1 one bedroom furnished. Newly redeco rated. Inquire at Webber Apt. S. 13th in 1600 block. f sea - i Madison Court Apts. Newly decorated, unfurnished apt. SiO. Also nicely furnished apts. VERY attractive 3-room furnished apt. New: appliances, private bath & entrance. On bus line. No pets, adults only. Working or college couple preferred. $40 per month. z8 Broojts at. WILL share my apartment with young business woman. Complete ly furnished, including radio, type writer, sewing machine, and steam iron. All sew furniture: and drapes. Excellent location close to State offices and Willamette University. Cell 3-9993 after 3 o'clock. COURT apts. $10.50 per week and up. Phone 3-8723. 1 ROOM furnished, private bath, laundry. $23 mo. 1599 State. 280 New Church St. Classified Advertising? Per word. 1 time ,', , Per ward. S times ,j , Per word. 7 times.; ,. . 4e -10c JSC .60e -Per ward, 1 month . BfJxumvm ten words. Extra chaxre for ! -Blind" ads 25 Readers la city briefs: k- -,Per ward '. . I 7a Minimum ten words; ; r! ; Ne Reftmds. - . y . The Deadline for Classified Ads 'containing large display types is 110 Noon the day before publication. One, Column ads set in this size type only accepted up to 5:45 P-M. The 5t-.tesman reserves the right to reject Questionable advertising. It further reserves the tight to place all advertising under i the . proper class ticatl on. ' f - The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility tor errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished -B its columns and in cases where this paper is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement .In which the typographical mistake occurs. j A -EHru- Ad en act containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must ; therefore be answered by letter The - Statesman ts not at liberty to divulge informa tion as to the identity j of an adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. - : ; - - J ; f 700 Rentals 705 Apartments For Rent EXTRA nice, large, clean, modern. e a room, paruy xunuanea. IBM ge- ' water. W. Salem. NEAT 3-room furnished apt. For one . or two ladies. Reasonably , priced. , a rt. vapiTOi a ner i. noon. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, utili j ties, walking distance, 450 S. Cap.- VERY clean, furnished 2 room apt. Private bath. 1853 N. Winter. Ph. 2-3747. NEWLY decorated, close in, quiet lo ; cation. Employed lady. 666 S. Sum mer. THE ELAINE has available:. Furnished living room, kitchen, dinette, - bedroom and bath. $55. Free laundry facil ities, central heat. 879 N. Lib tv. VERY nice unfurnished 2 bedroom apt. at .822 N. 14th, range, refrig : erator, washing machine and water furnished. Call 3-8568. SALEM'S finest large I bedroom! fireplace, unfurnished. Select areas. Phone 3-1117. SROOM upstairs apt. Range, refrig iaunary. uuuues pain, sjm.so. fa, 3-9084. 2261 Hazel Ave. ROOM furnished, private bath, en- trance. 1 or 2 adults. 359 N. Liberty. Ph. 3-7124 appointment THREE rooms, furnished. $32. 1968 N. Comm'L FURNISHED 3 rin. court apt. Newly decora tea, close in on N. Coml. Ph 2-8648 or 3-8644. REDECORATED, furnished, modern apts. s 4Q. Estep, 1075 N. Capitol, 3-ROOM furnished apt. Nice 8c clean. nose m. oiocxs so. of Ladd & Bush bank. Available now. 310 Bellevue St. Call after- 8 JO. Ambassador AdIs. Nlcelv furnished ants SSfl K Snnmw I LARGE rooms furnished! newly decorated Garage. Very nice. $60. 841 N. Liberty. Phone 2-3448 or 3-3UOU. Capitol Plaza FURNISHED and unfurn. apartment 1165 Chemeketa. Phone auAR3n CLEAN furnished apt. Phone 4-5578. 3 OR 4 ROOM furnished flat. Near High. Jr. & Grade Schools. On nu line. Garage. Adults, referen ces, rnone s-7i Before 10 am. or after 6 o.m. r APARTMENTS for rent. Devereaux apartments. 1488 State St. Phone 2-2534. 707 Houses For Rent ROOMS,, full basement, oil heat. S85. 635 Catterline. 4-4424. 2-0773. WIRED for electric stove. 3 bed- rooms, available immediately. Rea sonable.. Phone 4-4563. COMPLETELY furnished. 3-room duplex, available Sept. L Adults. 1920 Chemeketa. BEDROOM house. North River Rd. 1 block school, bus. References. write f. o. Box 183, Oak Grove, Ore. NICE clean 2-bedroom home at Pen 4-Corners. $65.00. Extra land for large garden. Range and heater Included. OLAF THONSTAD. REALTOR 841 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-7903 S-ROOM furnished house, attached garage, walking distance. Available Sent. 1st. Phone 3-9639. MODERN 1-bedroom home. Unfur- nished. I1, south of Pringle School. ynone S-81P5 S-ROOM house. I Oil furnace, fire place, basement, adults. 1227 N. 4th. 2-BEDROOM. nicely furnished house. 935 Wilbur St. Phone 2-6031 after WANT a completely furnished fi re om home with deep freeze? Al most a gift to right family. 3 blocks to school. block to bus. Refer ences required. Phone 2-8507 be fore 1 p. m. MODERN 2 -room house, 4800 Idaho st. Phone 2-eaii BEDROOM flat unfurnished. Adults. 860 Ferry. Available Sept. 1st. Phone 3-6275. ONE bedroom furnished. $42.50. See owner in rear at 2S63 Portland Rd. FOR RENT, modern house, 5 rooms & bath, all electric. Phone 3-7283 after 4 p.m. ROOMv modern house. Partly fur nished. Adults. Phone- 3-7712. In- quire 3415 Williams Ave. PROFESSIONAL location or home. 677 S. Commercial. Excellent for professional office. Rooming house or home for large family. $63 per month, call Z-B010 or 2-2471. MODERN 1 bedroom cottage. All electric, attached garage. Fairmont O'St. 5-3551. FOR RENT or sale, small well built heme. Extra lot, bus by door. Phone 3-8497 after 5. 835 CATTERLIN. 2 bedroom, oil heat. $85 month. Call 4-4424. or 2-0773 eves. NEWLY decorated unfurnished, extra large l bedroom home. Ph. 2-8754. FURNISHED, grand for 1 or 2. Must see, appreciate, store, bus.. 3-5085. BEDROOM house. Electric stove. oil stove -and electricity furnished. 840. wo children, cau 2-6990. ROOM house, partly furnished. Walking distance from Capitol Shopping Center. 1033 N. 16th St. 708 Farms. Tracts For Rent IT YOU want a place In the country, and have record of paying your rent, 'you can buy from me. It doesn't cost anything to find out. Phone 3-4706. 709 Wanted to Bent MO PERN. 3 bedroom. Living, din ing nook, recreation room. Rent open. Adults & references. Call 4-4184 710 Wanted to Bent, Houses 2-BEDROOM unfurnished home. Up to u a monm. nave i small child. Phone 2-7924. DESIRE to lease 3 or 4-bedroom nome. McXinley school dist. pre- ierrea. rteierences furnished. Ph. 3-4213. 714 Business Rentals GROUND FLOOR office or store space far rent. Can at Fittr Market 216 N. Commercial Phnn. 3-4434 OFFICE SPACE for rent. Excellent location downtown. Reasonable. Call eve. 2-6286. Phone 2-2441 . Subscription Rates By earlier in eltiest Dally and Sunday $ 1.45 per ma. uauy onry i9 per mo Sunday only - , JO wee By aaaU. Sunday, ontyt (in -advance) . $ M per mo. Anywhere la US- 2.75 six mo. 3.00 year By man, DaXry aad Sunday t ; -. (in advance)' In six counties 8 LOO per mo. iBenton. ciacka- . .. mas. Linn. Mar- 8t3 six mo. ton. Polk. Tam- hill). : 10JS0 year Elsewhere to Oregon 120 per mo In U S outside Oregon . , J 1.43 per mo. Member : ! Andit Bureaa of Clreolstiens Bnreao of AdTertislnx. ANPA . On iron Newspaper Publishers Association , Advertising Representatives: Ward -Griffith Ce, .New York. Chicago , San Francisco. Detroit 700 Rentals 714 Business Rentals 228 NORTH Commercial, reasonable, B. M. Mason. RJt 164 S. Comml FOR LEASE, business building. 4000 sq. it 2193 g airgrounaa it a. nwnt 3-7 7124. FOR RENT OR LEASE Office space suitable for doctor or dentist. Located in fast growing community. Contact Mux grave Re- altors. 1211 Edge water. i BLDG. in Hollywood. Approx. 600 sq n. S9 a mo. tiu Kawuna Realty at 2-4664 or 4-1761. -FOR LEASE, 160-200 ft. frontage on Fdgewater SU West Salem. Ira Fitts. Phone 3-8403. 800 Real Estate 801 Business QpcarunlSes THIS IS A GOOD DEAL! FOR SALE or lease. Lee. bide No. saiera, 7.200 sq. ft. 1 acre ground. Taxe very smau on. payment - or trade. Suitable for furniture, ga rage. . storage, machinery, taber nacle, auction, skating, dance. night club, grocery 8c etc Contact owner. Glenn wooary at itsoa no. summer, aaiem jcn. 3-3o ..eve, AGATXAND HOBBY SHOP Good location on Portland Rd. Equipment and stock. Have fun while you earn. Faye Seal. Broker. Fnone 4-3384. SACRIFICE for quick sale. Estab- iiahed septic tank service, ess cen ter. " ADDITIONAL IN COM2 Leaving town, must sell 20 practical ly new gum vending machines in cluding merchandise. Half price. . Phone VE7540 or writcApt. 9. 1235 a. ti. zem aw, Portland. Oregon. TRADE OR SELL SMALL" MOTEL Located on 99E north. 2 units furn. plus 3 br. living quarters. Room for expansion. $13,000 or take home on acreage near Salem in trade. SPECULATOR ATTN. S 1.000 DN. House with 5 sm. apts. needs deco rating throughout. Good cr. it. . Only $4,500. Call Nell Knittel with ALLEN C. JONES. Realtor 231 N. High Ph. 3-5838, Eve. 4-2310 ARE YOU A LANDSCAPE FLORIST? If so, here is a chance to go Into yjur own business cheap. Approx imately $3,000 worth of stock. Also small house. .78x100 lot with soil mixture throughout, suitable for growing stock. Includes garden tractor and miscellaneous equip ment, Family 'trouble forces owner to sacrifice to $6,000. ' ALLEN C JONES. REALTOR 231 N. High 3-5838. eve. 2-9848 FOR SALE: Grocery Store in recre ational area on busy Hi-way. Do ing better than $100,000.00 annually-gross Two can handle. Write Box 558 cyo statesman, WILL sell interest in going televis ion and radio business. Long es tablished service dept. with out standing customers following in Salem area. For details write box 819, co Statesman. NEW STORE BUILDING 38 x 60. Modem. Located north. Fast growing district. A A. LARSON. REALTOR 191 S. High - Phone 2-8629 Grocery Growing country store in prosperous populated area. Efficient operation which would require no previous experience. Established over 20 yrs. Business greatly increased in last yr. Nice living quarters, low rent 8c overaead. 13,900, plus inventory. aox eis, co statesman. GSOCERY and meat market in up- v alley town doing good business. box 617. statesman. REMODELED major oil company service station for lease. Phone 4-4458. GROCERY, prosperous rural com m unity, owne retiring, lease or buy buildings. Phone 3-3848, MOTEL Best buy in Oregon. Inquire Nod-A- Way Motel. FOR SALE by owner 1 mile S. of Hubbard on Highway 89. service station 8c garage with living quar ters. Large grounds and welL A good buy 8c terms to suit. Write W. Wagner. P. O. 4297 Portland or call Ca 1359. 804 Suburban SUBURBAN COMFORT On 1 Acre northeast, beautiful Cape Cod. 4 bedrooms and full base . rncnt 2 inside fireplaces, auto, oil heat, nicely landscaped and in per fect condition thruout, on paved road within walking distance to school. There are a variety of fruit trees and small poultry house. The home is about 12 years old. a perfect family home loaded with happiness for years to come. You will easily see the value for $13,650. Call 4-3353, eve. 2-0422. Bowes v 8c Wood. 224 N. High. 2-BEDROOM home. Fireplace, hard wood floors, on 14'. acres, south, 6 miles. Rt. 4, Box 586. Phone 4-1183. 806 Houses For Sale HOMES BACK TO SCHOOL A 3 bedroom, double garage, al most new-, reduced to $11,000. B. $650 dn.. 2 br. inc.' range 8c oil circ. full price $550. C. 2 br. (unfinished up). Dining room, TV reception. HW floors, Xtra lot inc. outside, steak grill te fireplace. 8ft, x 10 ft, fin ished Doll house for the girls, reduced to $10,950. D. YOU ARE INVITED to Inspect dally, 2 to 6 p. m. 1. 548 KING WOOD Drive. 3 br. Day-light basement, 2 fireplaces, see this now, terms, 2. 561 RIVER VIEW DR. 2 br. mahogany paneling fireplace. Iron Fireman fur., new paving Included. A DEAL. $10,500. E. 100 ft, on Edgewater 2 br. home, see this home on a busi ness lot. only $4,250. T. Owner Needs More Room. Here is a dandy but with 4 boys he needs more room must selL Asking $8,150. . . . G. One Acre Plus. Large oaks &' a brook, what a wonderful place for your pets, very mod ern, late bit. 1 br., circulating t fireplace, auto. heat. HW floors, picture windows, 20x30 gar. Asking $7,500. H. Near St. Vincent dePaul 4 br. 8c den.-fine family home, base ment, oil heat, patio, asking $19,900, might consider trade or rental. DELL SHIELDS. EVE. 3-9045 JOE HUTCHINSON. EVE. 2-4789 JOE HUTCHINSON Realtor 983 Edgewater ' Pho. 4-5743 BY OWNIGMwo bedroom duplex. Plastered throughout. Income $115. Pr. $12350. Ph. 4-2438. """ - AT 225 N. ELMA For only $3,950.00 and $500.00 down this one-bed room home In this social minded, growing community ts worth your consideration. OLAF THONSTAD. REALTOR- Ml N. Capitol St. Phone 3-7903 Sales 4-5958 or 3-1993 AT PEN 4-CORNERS Near School. Bus and Shopping At 750 S. Lancaster: A cute, clean 2- bedroom home with an extra lot for gardening. Range, heater and new carpeting goes with place. Owner bought larger home. Immediate possession. OLAF THONSTAD. REALTOR 941 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-7903 NEWER 3-bed room home. $L000 will handle, se XTjoa Ave. 800 Real Estate 80S nouses For Sal 1 1 i i 1 1 i i INIV Inters 1 Two Lovely Now Homes. Located 700 Block Brenner Street LARGER HOUSE HAS : v ? ffe 1" 1 Large bath with Coleman cabinets. Tl 5LfaUtr , r Exclusive sliding glass shower door, ElPinm' ''' and tiled tub recess. - Beautiful sea squirrel den that Beautiful birch kitchen with eating may be used for 3rd bedroom, space. . ALL CABINETS HAVE FORMICA RAISED DUTCH FIREPLACE. MAHOGANY PANELING AROUND FIREPLACE WITH BUILT-IN BOOKCASE. ' MAHOGANY TRIM IN LIVING AND DINING ROOM. MAHOGANY DOORS THRUOUT. SMALLER RUSTIC HOUSE HAS: ' Beautiful knotty pine den ' 2 large bedrooms Beautiful birch kitchen ' d nette. Large, bath with pullman and tiled recess, and exclusive slid- Large Utility, lag glass door. . MAHOGANY PANELING AROUND LIVING ROOM. AND HAM OG ANY DOORS THRUOUT. FIRST HOUSE WILL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 10 DAYS Second House to Be Completed Shortly Afterwards BOTH HOMES ARE ELABORATELY DINING AREA AND COLOR SCHEME THRUOUT. Before You Buy Consult Us for CUSTOM HOMES.' 4435 PORTLAND ROAD PHONES 4-6634 2-8395 NELSON Fir-Tree Setting 3 Bdrm Suburban This snow white brick clean architectural lines make this one-story home u .ti. m paiicru -or gracerui uving. inside with that colonial touch paneled doors, attractive fireplace that provides a cozy setting for cold winter nights. Every bit of space (U-shaped) in the kitchen is designed to take the drudgery out of housework. Double garage, south west, Price $16,900. CaU 2-1350. SPECIALIZING REALTORS 702 N. High St. NEW modern home with picturesque western viewi 3 Brsdr. den. 2-car garage, Really a dream house. New district paved streets and curbs Beautiful 3 Br. home with car port. neasonaoiy pncea at siiuu. Very small down payment. . CONTACT GLENN HAMILTON 1423 Fairgrounds Ph. 2-3388 3-6062 or 2-0529 5 LARGE rooms. Sunny breakfast nook. Full basement, forced air Sand berg furnace. Near Salem High ana farisar scnoois. none owner 3-B315. JUST COMPLETED V 2-bedroom insulated home, close, to Wasaington school. 2965 Larsen Ave, just south of Silverton Rd. $8750. KEIZER. modern. 2. bedroom house, newly painted In and out. acres. none 4-1709. For Saleby Owner. RESTRICTED DIST. 3-bedroom ranch type home, strict ly modern, double garage, ii A Best soil, fruit, lawn, shrubs, close bus and school. Leaving state, sell Turnuure reasonable. Phone 2-007 1 BY. OWNER Attention school teacher I. Best buy of the year. 2 -bedroom home, all newiy decorated, excellent loea Jon. Across from new high school. -terms, rnone a-4jqi. S vIALX. 5-room house. West. Salem. so.aao. Terms. none a-4361 v.ow uuoi pnec. wm raae xor - . v.. . 1 I 1 i Cn nt 4.i. . T2 T V. ii -m.. . a.. m iwi . 1 tor, 1910 Wallace Rd. Phone 4-5363. (V nurMVO .--- M..vi a BY OWNER. 7-room home, full base- ment, with deep freeze, large gar- oen witn approximately 3 acres. Ideal : location for development, zzio enmeexeta. rnone 3-9674. IN West Salem. Sell equity in 2Eed room i nouse . attached garage, leacea Dacxyard, close to school, some - furniture. Will take late model car as part of equity. Phone 4-3210.; BY OWNER: Smart 2-bedroom home on large lot. Call 4-4554, or see at 1443 Wallace Rd. ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom house in West Salem, $500 down. $85 month. 1735 Starlieht Dr. 2-9926. ESTABLISHED 3 year old home for rural family living. Landscaped. 1 acre of ground, more available. 4 bedrooms. 3, baths. Full dry base ment. 2 fireplaces, expert Interior decorating! Spacious rooms, small barn. Built by builder for his own home. Phone 2-1316.-' BY owner. 4-bedroom house. 2 fire- piaecx, Z baths, double garage, play room, view. 3-4448. 1 BEDROOM house, lot' 110x120, FuU price $4500 Call evenings 973 Cadar war. HOME with, five" bedrooms 8c large closets. Two baths, fireplace, full basement, oil heat. Sell or trade "or smaller home. Owner. Phone 3-6350. i 2 BEDROOM house for sale, close to grade schools, bus service. 2175 N. . Liberty. 8500 DN. Own your own home the easy way. Bring in the family. We help with down payment. : SUMMERS. REALTOR 1 1723 State ' Ph. 2-4602 day, eve. FOR BETTER LIVING Pick ; this borne to pieces and you . will still find value in its Youngs town kitchen. Radiant heat. Inside planter box. Panelled fireplace, and A'uminum casement windows. Built to last forever : and situated on a view lot in a fine quiet neigh borhood. . Move away from the traffic where the air is pure. T. V. aerial Included. All for only $10,500. Home phones DAVIS 2-8053, Mrs. CROSE 3-9333, MRS. MANKERTZ 2-8053. pP-w 4-3393 Eve. 39S6yffi to; Next to Willamette Valley Bank !. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT , Phono 4-3395. Eve..3-S9 ! 800 Real Estate 80S Houses For Sole TOPS. LIVING ROOM 21x14 WITH FIREPLACE. MAHOGANY TRIM IN DECORATED WITH PAPER IN THE NELSON & NELSON Ph. 2-366S GOOD BUY 3 BEDROOM, fireplace, wail-to-wall carpeting, large lot. northeast Salem. $9,300. $1,000 down. Faye Seal. Br. Phone 4-5384. DRIVE BY 1205 PARK AVE ONLY $5,500 dn. pymt. $2,245 bal. $40 mo. Excel, location, N.E. Bus at door. Approx. U A. Hen house and garden spot. UNFINISHED HOME 8c ACREAGE TOTAL price $1,200. . down. 610 A RESTAURANT, $T50 DN. INC. considerable equip, and lease. Price 81.950. $500 DN. OR TRADE FOR CAR 3 YEAR modern home with approx. 22100 A. Located 5 mi. S. ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR 231 N. High 3-5838. eve. 2-9848 FOR SALE Nice country home, 2 acres, buildings in good shape. .Near store, post office and school. Write Mrs. Vida Scott. West Stay- lon, tjregon. 9-ROOM house, 4 bedrooms up and 1 down. 5 acres, bath, pantry and fruit room, extra, surrounding Dorch. south side of town. Illness . forces sale. 85,000, Loren Cooper. rails uiy jie. 3-Bedroom house, close: in on quiet street, near bus and school, den. timing room, fireplace, basement, sawdust heat, large lot, with trees and shrubs. $9,850, 640 S. Summer. see noon til dark. ENGLEWOOD at 965 North 18th St. (only 2 blocks to school). A nice clean comfortable1 older home hav ing 3 bedrooms on one floor. Nice lot with fruit and walnut trees plus garden space. Occupied by owner who wishes to go back East. OlAT THONSTAD. REALTOR 941 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-7903 sales Ph. 2-19S3 or 4-Sfl'M FOR SALE, 2 modern houses. 1, four year oia, s rooms, one, three year oia, rooms, oarages attached same lot. Make an offer. 2410 RIVER frontage 2 bedroom home. Beautiful setting; 2 blocks S. of atanbria Gardens. $7,800. By owner: John Hancock, 3895 Rlvercrest Dr. Ph. 2-4280. FOR SALE or take trailer bouse or car ior down payment on 5 acres with nice 4 bedroom home. Call $55.00 FOR 15 YRS. Want to get out of that apartment? Stop 8c Think 1 We have a wonder ful little 2-bedroom home that's onl- 5 yrs. old. Clean as the day it was duut. xou can own it on HA terms. 20 down and the balance, including tax 8c insurance, for less hah rent. Why pay for your land lords property? Own your own home NOW I Count up your rent receipts and then phone CLIFF EOWDER. . Next to Willamette 'Valley Bank HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Phone 4-3395: Eve. 3.945ft HOUSE on large lot. Take car as part down payment. 23 East Salem Heights. i feY EUILDEB EAST ENGLEWOOD New 3 bdrm. exclusive district, birch sjicnen. quality buiit. excellent loan. 2-7071. ; - LEAVING TOWN House with 3 apartments, all fur nished. We live in one apt. 2 rented. $140 per month. Large lot. 4 walnut trees, cherry, apricot, peach. 2 apple. 1 plum, fine gar den and flowers oo Mill creek. 8 blocks to 1st National Bank. 830 N. Commercial St. 2-1593; Owner, 4-BEDROOM brick house. 2 lots, full basement, sawdust furnace, steam heat, large living . room, dining, fireplace and small kitchen. . Bath, hall, hardwood floors, fireplace, large garden and lawn. 3 apple and 2 walnut trees. $10,000. 153 Gentry St. or P.O. 278, -WlUamlna. Phone Willamina 2322. i-XCJLENT 2-bedroom home. ' Re- dueed to- $8,950. Immediate pos session, 1185 Diets Ave." Phone 4-5057. ' - i OPEN HOUSE r 1 TO 5 SUNDAY 1054 Glen Creek Rd. Excellent Ranch Typo Home, spacious liv. and din. rooms, large bedrooms, basement, air cond, furnace. 2-car garage, patio inclosed backyard. nice shrubbery, fine surroundings, view. . The price te right. See Ed Schreder. B. M. I Mason, ; Realtor 184 S. ComX Ph. 3-8841 Eve. 3-7825 "7P--3398 E-.3-0&SegT t HALT Ok .-in 7 1 1. i ' . 800 Real Estate PARTICULAR? Beautiful ranch type 2-xirm. home. Large living rm. with corner fire place, separate auung rm. jutcnea and sep. utll. rm. Reverse Re frig.. neat. Located in. the best of neigh borhoods on extra large lot. $16 $18,400. t l KAISER 88.900.00 3-yr -old extra nice 2-bedrm. home. tTf lot, Thit wont last long. i EAST Beautiful 2-bedrm. home with dble: gar .itcnen and nook in knotty pine. An exceptional home priced to sell at FJLA. appraisal. Owner would consider a car on down pay ment. i BEN LOMOND DIST. New 2-bedrm. with unfinished up. x uu oasement. ) Living rm. with fireplace, dinin,? rnv, well arranged sat. su.uoo.uo. Eve. and Sun. call Frances Knappl'1000 fOWN--bua this 2-bdrm. home. i-n-oa or zja' cyrxii z-ess. REIMANN NEW HOME BARGAIN I t&mj5r"Z. School. All hardwood floors. In closed utility and plumbed for au tomatic washer; Large corner lot. Close to bus line. I 40 ACRE FARM Only $12,700 complete with stock and equipment, z-homes and a cabin plus a barn and other buildings. 5 acres of strawberries. IS acres of grain land, zo acres of pasture. Plenty of spring water. Only 15 minutes to downtown. Will trade for city property. HONEYMOON COTTAGE Onlv $3,650 buys a neat little home laeai for cory living. Only 8 years oia ana worm roe money, bus one block. Would consider car in trade. ; REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 201 South High Street Phone 2-9203 Phone Evenings and Sunday: 4-167L 1-llOB. 4,ajlg, 3-3ZM. 3-4879 3 13. R. HOME $1,000 DOWN and with 2 lots, only $4,950 ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR 231 N. High 3-5838 Eve. 2-9848 River Bottom Land 40 ACRES 8 Acres peaches. 8 Acres ; filberts. 9 Acres pie cherries. Owner ior years naa ciearea iir, or 820,000.00, on orchards alone. Can raise mint, alfalfa, beans, etc. Serin si nn nnJ OnJr 3-BEDROOM house, living room. Dreanxast nooK, nardwood floors, basement, oil furnace; city bus 1 i block. Near park. Double garage. , Lawn and shrubbery. Very nice buy at $12,500.00. ABRAMS, B0URLAND ! & SKINNER 411 Masonic Building Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans 3-9217 Eves: 3-7388 or 2-4709 806 Houses For Sale SOUTH HIGH STREET (8 BLOCKS FROM CITY CENTER) This location is SO choice, few homes ' have been for sale there in last 10 - j i iwi iut wiui ucnirnuuui pin oak shade trees. Magnificent Uving in this spacious 14x24 living room. Two 14x14 bedrooms, lovely ; dining room, spare bedroom fin ; ished upstairs. Large unfinished : upstairs, full basement, oil furnace, i Offered this week for $13,500. i Shown by APPOINTMENT ONLY. i Ask for THELMA MANKERTZ, nome pnone 2-8053. PK 4-3395 C WEALTCH Next to Willamette Valley Baak HULLYWOOU DISTRICT Phone 4-3395 Eve. 3-9958 BEAUTIFUL 3-bdrm. home in a set- ting of 3 large oak trees. Wonder ) ful view from patio of rolling hills I and mts. Close to park, playground i 8c swimming pool. Jr. Hi 8c new ' High school, 1 blk. Liv.. din., kitch en, 2 baths, large party rm. with small kitchen, t utility rm.. 2 fire i places, wall to wall carpet on main ! floor, asphalt: tile on basement ; floor., small work shop, auto, oil ' furn. Fenced backyard. Price $18,- SO0. 1790 S. Winter St. Ph. 3-7163. VlEW home near school. 3 bedrooms, i double garage, daylight basement. j 314.000. 2790 S. 12th; $350 DOWN,, $33 A MONTH Neat-and clean little home. 12x15 Liv. Rm, Din. Rm. Wired for ; range, elect, hot water, trees. In i S. E. Salem. Sewer connected. $3,950.00. i E. A. McGLAUFUN. REALTOR 1035 Broadway. 2-8611 Sun. 3-6612 Low Down! Look at this 4-bedroom home in pood i school location and we'll work out I terms to suit. Good lot. Paved ! street. Older but very clean and i completely modern. Full price $5,000. Interest at 5. Ramsey, i Realtor. 4-6211T Sunday 4-1696. Highland School Extra nice 2-bdrm. home with tile bath, large living room, spacious kitchen with eating space. Newly painted, new: aluminum screens and storm doers, attached garage. A very beautiful fenced yard, city water, sewer, 1 block to bus and Close to school. Price $9,950, $1,650 j wiu nanaie. Immediate Possession Glistening & Exquisite' 3-bedrm. home with No. 1 oak floors. cxperuy aecorated. urge Uving room with fireplace also birch kitchen with dining area, inside utilUy, Delco forced air beat, large tile bath, sliding door closets in De-rooms, located on corner lot. paved street. : Close to bus and school, price $13,800. LeEeKlump, Realtor 3055 Portland Rd. Phone 2-7642 Eve. 2-38842-3568 2 B. R, modern home in Keizer Hdwd. firs, throughout. 3-year-old newly painted inside and out, Patio, attached garage, near bus and school. Large landscaped yard. uniT yi.uwu. zap center." Pn, 3-3Z89. MUST BE To close estate. 3-bedroom house. Extra large rooms. Large closets, full cement basement. . corner lot. choice location close ; to Leslie school, and Bush Pasture. Price only $8250. Partly Furnished Home Excellent location close to Leslie school, bus - by door, 2-bedroom home, large i corner jot sia1 trees. Price only $5J50. - (- . Denton; & Denton ; Realtors 244 State St ' : Ph. 2-3883 Eve. call 3-4007 or 3-871 S STSwUfSTSTK house, full base: roent less tnaa year eld. $1,000 my equity. Will consider- '49 thru 51 model car as payment,' Assume. CI loan at 4. 178 Draper Dr. Salem. ,4 ml east of 4 Corners. rs. i i t m. 800 Real Estate I j I A I EASY TERMS Vie now have 4 lots located In Meaflow Lawn Tracts south Ziu&uSmTTj Coram- T ,3 00 WPF G- H- T '- r I ' .V I; i THREE-UNrr APARTMENT-Cood location, each with 1 bedroom. All with plbf. Excellent buy at $1100. CALL ROY S. FERRIS. p. ARRESTING IN OME APPEAL-Uv. rm! with fiipUce. plate glass win oow. din. l-rru with corner cabinets, 2 bdrms ljath. model kitchen and - wu rumpus rm. mna urepiajce. single attacned ga rage, co vored .patio, greenhouse. $13,100. CALL J. E. LAW. : 1 - ! i . . . ' j ONE ACRE SOUtH-iA very nice 2 witn brsr. nopk. A full besmt. furnace, lots f fruit trees. Price i v s "S. oira im wim Me Btreei. iuu mes uou. call ROY 8. FfRRIS. . - j IDEAL FOR WORKING COUPLE Nice quiet location. 2 bdrms .. liv. rm' with picture window, kitchen and nook, lovely ath. Inside utility, auto forced air heating. Beautiful lot with: outdoor I fireplace. Attached ga rage. CALL JJ E. LAW. i I MOTEL HIGHWAY .K-Seven units pletely furnisked. Owner's quarters. Close-in te town and restaurants, will consider trade for Income er residential nrobertv. rAT r. u v t av MON. A 8. Liberty St' Hoy 8. Ferris S2-8010 J. X. Law 808 Houses for Sale OPEN SUNDAY. 2 TO f 4120 GARDNER ROAD, OUT 99 WEST TO This home is eaUy lovely. Designed to at d pleasure to com fort. A Den upst that is out of this world. Extra half bat Iudlnt 011 hf- Rooms that mike your home life uui ox uiia wo raa, Beautiful wall o wall carpets. Att 2-car garake. AL ISAAK AND 3035 Portland Rdad OW7?.3.'1? 'or Arizona Sepfasth. They would like to dispot of their home before they leave, have priced their homo to sell noTIo iust try and-jsqueew the very last nickl. ou of the buyer It'. ?Pot- bv.i JLUV f Jryer" ftrced ollnrceiiched 2 WtaelTrd all ftLi? ili fr,n lrult nd ornimental 7? ?f a . "u f"ced with i white rail boards Pvt st stir- $500.Q0 Down $50 Mo. Full price $4,000. New ga rage. t house, good drilled cased well with Elecf. pump. 85x225 lot. variety of bearing fruit 8c nut trees, all kins of berries, real ?ood soil Sc drainage, located about miles East of town on Pvd. Rd. in the Auburn District Ed Lukinbekl, Realtor 433 N. High, Phone 2-8880 OPEN HOUSE 2-5 P. M J!- ;- I- : .' .: - ! Sunday at 1155 Oxford ' 3-BEDROOM honi with attached (arasa about S AM .414 i yenV,UnU' rP- This home has been rented for the past 2', years for $70 per month and needs some painting and clean up work. The tinn. nrf '.Tl toiFHA plan, and spScifi! :L "ff n THA PPrpved loan at 4. Excellent location foi shopping dW bus. and easy walking distance of schools, especially th new high schpol Out of city owner wants the property sold quickly f JZ?m ,n,y I8'850 which U r" t1 "PUceVnent cos?. d hJ will accept aj low down payment. I with monthly paymenU like rent Any bonafldS offers below the asking price will bi submittX. W. wpdi, to j. 1UU. work, and .J JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR - 1140 N. Capitol I Jh. 3-8218 I Sunday 3-7217 PEN ODAY 2 P. 635 Minbrin Drive o PRICE $10, U50 DOWN 2 BEDROOM; EACH 12', x 12 O OIL HEAT i O DINING ROOM Sc INSIDE UTILITY ROCftf o NEWLY REDECORATED 02 N. High St. o 1 a .1 300S-$ $14,000 TERMS -bedroom home Birch kitchen Mr he" 1 fireplace I 4t In beautiful South Village 945 Harris St ALSO 2 bedroom New I Birch! kitchen R. C. Van Slyke HOME .3785 Harvey ' OPENltolfSES Sundat, August 231 :00 Jo; 5 :00 P. M. 1 i i ' i 2680 Englewoad Avenue. 2 bedroom, living I room, dining room, blrrfc kitchen with nook and formica counter tops, fireplace, full basement, oil furnace. Totals price $13,000 00. -.. j t, 2. 2670 Englewooi Avenue. Birch kitchen with Kok. 1 bedrooms, full base- ment, plastered garage. bedrooms with targe wardrobe closets. $12,800.00. 1 if jj f , X 2660 Engl rood Avenue. li story house with 2 bedrooms down, lots of room for 2 bedrooms j up. All birch kitchen, i hard wood floors, fireplace, full basemenU auto, oil furnace, large living room and dining room. $13,900.00. j 4. 2820 Englewoad Avenue. 3 bedrooms! oaui wiin snower ana Duni-in vanity, large -living room with beautiful birch mantle irepUce. kitchen and dinette, full basement with oil fur nace, plastered garage. $12,500.00. E A -- An 4 of these hpuaes were built by Engiewooa Atrenue in the beautiful new Eat Englewood Addition onlv one block tod city bus and 3-blocks ta new Hoover schooL Drive out Sunday from 1:00 to 9.-00 p. m. For the beat ; basement houses in tows ABrIvMS. BOURLAND SKINNER REAL ESTATE INSURANCE f MORTGAGE LOANS 411 MASONIC BUTLDIKG SALEM. OREGON t Phone 3-9211 Eves 800 Real Estate : Tji Jt i bdrm. home. til. rm, din. rm. kitchen with a third Mm. rireUe. nw n $12,300. CALLiH. K. LAYMON. Richmond School District. Fireplace. xruic irees. rstvement. Drlva hv J4?a plus i Mam fne rfititlnnt tat I ,1 i f . . - i . if A I . RABENH0RST BROS. REALTORS Ph. Z-2471 Evenings 8c Sundays can 2-SJ12 It JC Laymon J-5183 808 Houses For Sale HOUSE P. If, AUJ. 23rd K SOUTB! TCI BROWNING.' TURN TOP OF H.L -i ' ! i ' I ' . . s ; :i i AutomaUcf washer and dryer. i S? earraing Youngstowa ! kitchen. - j j. ;-. living room needs only your favor ite chair to enjoy television to the nth degree. a One of the lovliest fireplaces you have everi seen. 1 Owner wfll accept a smaller home' as part payment. j 'Priced ati only $24.500. -JHow caa you mlasK :0., REALTORS : i Phone 4-3311 or 3-7820 Look & Look Asrain ! i j : aavaa WUIfi WllW UWnCrl, 1 t m - ! I $1,000 Down FOR a 3 bedrm. furnished bouse, has 1 . baths, Ibasmt with sswdust fur. 2-car garage, corner lot, good & Clean, some kitchen remodeling recommended, asking ; $9,930. Lo cated at; 1894 Broadway, we havt the key. ! ' Eve.: LyU Force 3-8887. Ed. 2-8704 HOUSE M. TO 5 P. M. In Manbrin Gardens O GUARANTEED 20-YR, yHA PAVED STREET WITH CURBS o SIDEWALKS AND SEWER o BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED LOT ,WNrR LEAVING STATE MUST SELL I fij ' t -' NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING REALTORS ft J - Ph. i-3689 ith daylight abasement ft ! i I G. E. auto-dishwasher Insulated and weather stripped t Dmihia only 3 blk off garage . home $118 Colored plumbing Plastered garage BUILDER i! . 1 Phone 4-5832 with large birch wardrobe closets. FrankJ North and are all located en 2-4709 far S-73M