9 1 1 2 8 (Sec 1) Statesman, Sclcsau Or. Friday. Aug. 21, 1853 Radio and TV Schedules : KPTV I Channel 27 ritlDAY ' ' v 9:30 What's Cooking? 11:00 The Big Payoff. 11:30 Welcome Travelers. 12:00 On Your Account. 12:30 U.N. General Assembly. 1:00 Double or Nothing. 1:30 Strike It Rich. 2:00" Matinee Theater. 3:15 Search for Tomorrow. 3:30 Love of Life. 3:45 Toymaker. - 4:00 Terry and the Pirates. 5:00 Cisco Kid, , 5:30 Northwest Digest - 5:40 Newspaper of the Air. ' 5:45 Time for Beany. 6:00 Sports ReeL 6:30 The Practice Tee. 6:45 News Caravan. TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lana Ave Open Monday and Friday Eves. Ph. 3-8558 FRIDAY'S BROADCASTS KSLM 139. KOCO 1490. KGAE 143$, ROD t7. EGW 2t, KEX 11M Pacific Standard Time , aVPTV-UHF Ctunel 27: FM: Megacycles KOIN Hl.l; KEX J (Editor note: The Statesman publishes in rood filth the programs and timet as provided by the radio stations, hot because oftiaaes the programs are chanced without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the accuracy herein.) HOUR iO-Jt 6 KSLM News KOCO West. Melodies KGAI Brlc. Nook KOIN RJF.D. Oregon KGW Dave West KEX Ore Farm Hr. 0:15 sost rrime keeper News (West. Melodies (Farm New iRi-k- Nmk I Brk. Nook KOIN Klock niw wst lore Farm Hr. 7 KSLM Hemingway KOCO KOCO KJock KGAE Brk. Nook KOIN KOIN Klock KGW Country Ed. KEX First Edition Break. Can I Break Gang. KOCO Klock I KOCO Klock I Brk. Nook I Brk. Nook I Madeod. News Goss News J. Lm Wills (News lAgronsky I Bob Garred 8 KSLM Cecil Brown KOCO News KGAE Jim Dandy KOIN Cons. News KGW Old Songs KEX Break. Club Family Altar I KOCO Klock I Jim Dandy IVaile News (Old Sonus I Break. Club KSLM Dr. Sword 5 (Cap. Comment. I Cast ors Call IBarfain Counter KOCO Ray's Records I Ray's Records IRay's Records IRay's Records KGAE Backfence Mat. Backfence Mat IBackfence Mat IBackfence Mat KOIN Road of Life ' IMa Perkins !Dr. Malone Guiding Light KGW News i Mer'dth Wilson) Mdrn. Rmncs. iMdrn. Rmncs. KIX a jb. Edition i iSUrs ot Today i DbL or Nothing! DbL or Nothlnc KSLM KOCO KGAE , KOIN I KGW KEX Glenn Hardy; Rays Records Backfence ! 2d Mrs. Burton H. House Prtyu Chet Huntley rTello Test (Rays Records Backfence IH. House Prty. Morn. MelodiesfTrue Story 7 KSLM Ladles Fair i I Ladies Fair KOCO Rays Records (Rays Records KGAE Backfence Backfence 1KOIN Mkup ur Mind (Music Sparkle KGW Bob Hope ' Pays to Marry KEX Whispering Sts.Girl Marries KSLM Too Trades I I Sews KOCO News r I Major League " KGAE 2 KOIN KGW KEX -Spider" i "Spider" Macleod New Cosae Get It Noon News Road of Life Paul Harvey ' I Noon Edition KSLM I Kirk wood U.-cte Kirkwood 'Lucky u Ranch KOCO Major League I Major League KGAE "Spider" "Spider". KOIN Hilltop hse. I A. Godfrey KGW Backstage Wife Stella Dallas KEX Kay West , iKay West KSLM News KOCO Major League: KGAE Kecora Room i KOIN A. Godfrey KGW Plain Bill KEX Jack Owen I Music IMajor League I Kecoxd Room lVrt Godfrey f'r. Pa. FarreQ Jack Owen 3 KSLM Music : IMusic INewa KOCO Magic Melody IMagic Melody (Magic Melody KGAE Jim Dandv - I Jim Dandv Uim Dandy KOIN Wizard of Odds Ruth Ash ton Story's Bk'yrd KGW Travelers I Travelers "Dr. Paul KEX ; know your news P. M. Edition'For Girls 4 KSLM Fulton Lewta; tHeminaway KOCO Music U Want! Music U Want KGAE Kid's Corner ! (Music Mart KOIN Art Kirkham j (Rosemary KGW Life Beautiful iFor'rd March KEX ; This is Oregon! Squirrel Cage 5 KSLM B Bar B SongsIB Bar B SongslWonder City KOCO ; Tune Time I Forward March KGAE ' Traffic Jamb, I Traffic Jamb. KOIN E. R. Morrow News KGW Bill Stern News Hour KEX Happy Time I Virgil Pinkley 6 KSLM Cab Heater KOCO Candleligh KGAE' Supper Club KOIN i Music in Air KGW ; Relax. Music KEX : Weatherman (N.W. News randlelieht Supper Club IMusic in Air I Relax. Music iHome EdlUoa 7 KSLM iOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX Jimmy Fidler Rosary Music Lost Persons Sports Tops Rhythm lEdDodd Stars Sing IMusic (Lost Persons (Sports Tops (Rhythm 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW John Steele 1 I John Steele IHarmonalres I Dinner Conert Dugout Dope? J Baseball 'Baseball I Baseball Johnny Merctrf Johnny Mercer This I Believe Dance Orch. 1 Man s Famtiyiwortd News i Eddy Fisher (Rose. Clooney UJJ. Assembly U.N. Assembly Platter brains IPlatterbrains 9 KSLM KOCO Hardy News Fulton Lewis Music Baseball ; (BasebaJI (Baseball Bdwy's my BeatlBdwy 's my Beat) Music in Air Kom KGW KEX tsest nays : luest riays What Song : What Song KSLM Coke Time KOCO Baseball KOIN ' S Sar '-nal KGW : Tirblrt RDtr. i KEX ; Final Edition I Baseball U 6c World SiKirt Pare (Dance Time aj KSLM Official Detec: I KOCO, Night Song KOIN City Club IKGWi News KEX J Dance Tim Music (Music Night Song (Night Song City Club (Music Uawson McCaXJ City Cotincil Dane Tim I Dance Tim KOAC S50 kc Pacific Standard Time. J-.0O a.m. The News and Weather: 10:15 Especially for Women: 10:45 Story Time; 11. -00 Concert Hall: 12 AO The News Sc Weather: 12:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride Em Cowboy: 1:15 Let's G to Town; I -JO Artistry in Classics: 2 300 Living & Learning: 2:15 Hawaiian Holiday; 2:30 Memory Book of Music; 3:00 Ore gon Reporter; 3:13 Music of the fiVoforoIa Radios Portables Table Models For i -, Automobile Complete line f Telerisioa Installatioa Sales and Service MrTCHEUtADIO&TV 1SSA SUte St Fh. M577 7:00 Gene Autry. 7:30 You Askfi for It . 8:00 Doorway to Danger. . V 8:30 The Goldbergs. 9:00 Chance of a Lifetime. . 9:30 Bob Considine. ' 9:45 Vest Pocket Tbeater. 10:00 Live Portland Wrestling. 11:00 Pulse of the City. 11:15 Nite Owl Theater. 12:00 (Approx.) Sign Off. HIGHLIGHTS FRIDAY What's Cooking 9:30 Cooking show witl Barbara Angell oven barbecued fish (South American recipe idea) cole slaw quick dressing with carrots. Matinee Theater, 2:00 "The Mystery". Toymaker, 3:15 The old Ger man Toymaker brings his tales of toys to delight the young of heart on this live children's show. Terry and the Pirates, 4:00 oonna iraae my Little Red Wagon On a Brand New 0U5 March of Time (World News I Brlc Nook iKOtN KJock I Dave West (Ore Farm Hr. IK.OXM KiOCK Dive West I Ore Farm Br. News I KOCO Klock I Brk. Nook Rabbit Show I Knox Manning Bob Hazan Bible Inst. I KOCO Klock Jim Dandy I Helen Trent I Music Box I break. Club IBlble Inst I World News Jim Dandy J Gal Sunday I Music Box I Break. Club (Coca Cola CaJlIMusle 1 Rays Records IRays Records Backfence Backfence Norah Drake Btrlke it Rica .Brighter Day Istriv- n Rica iTrue Story IQueen for Day IQueen for Day (Rays records Rays Records 'Backfence Backfence (Wendy Warren I Aunt Jenny (Phrase Pays (Second Chance IKeep's Korner IKeep's Korner I lay BO's I Music IMajor League Major League "Spider" "Spider" House Party I Rouse Party I Pepper Young i Happiness I Sam Hayes The Todds Lucky u Ranch IMajor League IMajor League "Spider" "Spider" I A. Godfrey I A. Godfrey i Victor Lindlahr A oman in rise IKav West Kay West iMusic I Magic Melody Record Room (Art Godfrey I Lorenzo Jones iSrhr. Bandwgn Better shoppers (Magic Melody I Record Room I Curt Massey (Doctor's Wife Smr. Bandwgn I Music Magic Melody (Jim Dandy I Tunefully fD. Garroway (For Girls iCurt Maasev I Sam Hayes IMusic U Wantll Music U Want! Music Mart IMusic Mart I Art Kirkham lArt Kirkham I Music Box I Art Baker 4 :5S Squirrel Cage 'Happy Time Wonder City I Fish Caster Supper Club .i.iic Goss C Peterson Bob Garred IMusic (Supper Club I World Today ILawson McCaQ I Huntley News ICaU Board New (Supper Club ISdis. Spotlit t Judy Canova Good List'nin' News 88 Keys ISupper Club (Meditation Judy Canova I Bob Blackburn Cisco Kid IBand stand (Sign Off IU Thomas Hit Parade Orchestra .Cisco Kid I Bandstand IF am Skeleton Hit parade Orchestra Music Baseball Music in Air (Best flays Best Plays (Aragon Ballrm. fArsgon Ballrm. I News "Night News Record Show I Bob 4c Ray I Da nee Time iOff . Detective Night Song I Record Show Bob Sc Ray Dance Time Music Night Song iMusic City Council Dane Tun Masters: 4:00 Sports Forecast: 4SS On the Upbeat; 4 :4S News Commen tary; 5 AO' The Children's Theater: S30 Jerry of the Circus: 5.-45 UN Story; S.-00 News ic Weather; :15 Voices of Europe; 0:45 Here's to Veterans; 1 S Frontier Fighters: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; 8:00 Cooper Forum: 0.00 Music that Endures; 8:55 News and Weather; 10 .-00 Sign off. filARR RADIO & TELEVISIOU - Salts Urkn Installation TV Opea 9 A. M. U 9 P. M. Weekdars Ph. 2-1C11 2U 8. CemX Salem's first TelerisiAa Store Chinese Legacy" concerns S young Chinese-American GI who comes to China to claim a V mil lion legacy. Kidnaped on arriTal, another Chinese takes his place, Northwest News Digest. 5:30 Features Norman Wallace, news caster with BiH Stout as sports reporter and commentator. Cross country news and weather round up by Wallace. Newspaper of the Air, 5:40 Features Bill Clayton with local news and news photographs lo cal and live. On the Practice Tee, 6:30-lo-cal, live golf instruction with Helen Dettweiler. Gene Antry, 7:00 Gene Autry, singing cowboy, and his horse, Champion, and his comic side kick, Pat Buttram, ride the plains in dramas of the old West Yon Asked for It 7:30 "Ab dullah" Hindu street merchant demonstrates East Indian Leger demainJudo escape artist Wal ter Burgo of Hawaii performs- "Glurpo, the underwater clown will delight the children and will be assisted by a group of "Aqua maids." Doorwayto Danger, 8:00 Agent Doug Carter (Stacy Har ris) goes to the aid of a friend who is sentenced to die for trea son. The Goldbergs, 8:30 Family situation comedy, starring Ger trude Berg as "Molly." Molly takes count of the years when she discovers she has a few gray hairs. Wrestling, 10:00 Local live re mote telecast from the Portland Armory. Nite Owl Theater, 11:15 "Woman Must Dress" with Minna Gombell and Hardie Albright SATURDAY 9:00 Dog Tales 9:15 Toy Maker and Friends 10:15 American League Baseball 12:30 Talent Patrol 1:00 Date With Judy 1:30 Smilin Ed McConnell 2:00 Lone Ranger 2:30 Arthur Godfrey 3:00 Beat the Clock 4:00 Life Begins at 80 4:30 Superman 5:00 Saturday Night Review 6:30 Private Secretary 7:00 Amateur Hour 7:30 Sammy Kaye 8:00 Dangerous Assignment 8:30 Wrestling Headline 9:00 Death Valley Days 9:30 Playhouse of Stars 10:00 Mr. and Mrs. North 10:30 Premiere Theater 11:30 Nite Owl Theater 12:00 (Approx.) Sign Off SATURDAY HIGHLIGHTS Dog Tales, 9:00 Local live. The Toymaker and His Friends, 9:15 Approximately five young sters will 'appear. Major League Baseball, 10:15 Detroit at Chicago. Horse, Racing From Portland Meadows, 3:30 Local, live, re mote telecast Superman, 4:3(5 "The Talka tive Dummy" the baffling mys tery of armored car robberies in which the entire car disappears is traced to a ventriloquist's dum my by Clark Kent Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen. Sammy Kaye Show, 7:30 Tru dy Richards, songstress famous for her recording of "The Breeze," is guest vocalist Kaye renders "Harbor Lights. Dangerous Assignment, "The Parachute Story" (8:00). Steve is assigned to parachute into East ern Europe, find a house in the village of Margovia and get a hid den confession which will clear the U.S. of an international frame. Death Valley Days, 9:00 The Charivari" story concerns a charivari a custom of serenad ing newlyweds on their wedding night in which the groom delib erately keeps the charivari going for three days. Playhouse of Stars, 9:30 "Sheilah" stars Vincent Price as a man whose plan to latch on to his inheritance before it's due 'is foiled by an alley cat Mr. and Mrs. North, 10:00 "House Behind the Walls" Pam and Jerry go house hunting but find a murder instead. Premiere Theater, 10:30 "Friendly Enemies" with Nancy Kelly, Charles Ruggles and Charles Winniger. Oregon Kin Move to Greet POWs Return PORTLAND UT) Oregon rela tives will be on hand Sunday to greet three returningosoners of war who are amonsnOfirst ship load to be brought UFsan Fran cisco. Cpl. Edward Clevenger, 21. Day ton, will be welcomed by his fa ther, Edward E. Clevenger, his stepmother and his uncle, Leonard Clevenger. . Mrs. Matt Tuom win be' on hand to greet her son, CpL Marvin J. Tuom, 27, Of Clatskanie. With her will be two daughters and an other son. Mrs. Frances Coze will fly from Portland to San Francisco Friday to be ready to greet her son, W. 4 SERVICE 9 A.M.-9. PJM. DsHy 1419 8. 12th St Ph. 44512 or ?Tw Answers Filed inTest Further attacks against a suit seeking to invalidate the reappor tionment measure, passed by Ore gon voters in 1952, was contained in an answer filed in Marion County Circuit Court Thursday. The original suit was filed by David O. Baum, Union County legislative representative. ; ' He brought it against Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry and Attor ney General Robert Y. Thornton. Baum has maintained the reap portionment amendment to the state cpnstitution is unconstitu tional and that Newbry should not enforce the measure. Thursday's answer was filed by Walter H. Dodd, an intervenor defendant and a resident of Lane County. Dodd alleges in the complaint that Baum has failed to show ac tual or threatened violation of his legal rights, has failed to show a "justiciable controversy." Dodd also maintains that the courts have no jurisdiction in the mat ter and no right to nullify an adopted section of the constitu tion. The defendant alleges the re apportionment amendment is con stitutional, valid and operative. He asks that the plaintiffs case be dismissed. The complaint was filed by Douglas R. Spencer, at-, torney for Dodd. Coast Credit Delegates Here For Sessions About 75 members of the Pa cific Coast Credit Association were registered at the Senator Hotel Thursday evening during the current three-day conference being held there. More members are expected today. Open meeting of the confer ence will be held today at 9:30 a.m. today in the hotel with a welcoming .address by Mayor Al fred Loucks. Gov. Paul Patter son is scheduled to address the group at the luncheon meeting today in the hotel. The afternoon's business con sists largely of a series of speak ers by representatives of differ ent credit groups. Purpose of the conference is to exchange ideas on "national credit problems and to discuss ways of helping busi ness men with credit difficul ties. A special ladies program will be conducted Friday after noon and conclusion of the day's conference will be at a banquet at 7 p. m. today. Saturday's business will in elude election of officers and the conference will conclude Saturday evening. Current offi cers of the group are Wynne P. Grier, Medford, president; Ralph P. Smith, Provo, Utah, vice-pres- ldentj and J. H. Clawson, St Helens, secretary-treasurer. Joseph Odden Dies at Dallas Statesman News Service DALLAS Joseph Richard Od den, Dallas resident since 1948, died Thursday morning at a local nursing home. Services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Bollman Funeral Home with the Rev. Leland F. Morse, pastor of the Assembly of God Church in Dallas, officiating. Interment will be at the Dallas Cemetery. Odden was born in Wisconsin, July 6, 1878. He married Elsie Billeter, May 1, 1933, in Kelving ton, Saskatchewan, Can. After moving to Dallas they resided at 1002 Stump St and for the past several years he had been night watchman at the Gerlinger Lum ber milL Survivors, besides the widow of Dallas, include sons, Duane Odden and Donald Evers, both of Mc Minnville; daughter, Margie Gersdorf, Marshaltown, Iowa; sister, Anna Denton, Dupree, S.D., and three grandchildren. 0. Dwight E. Coxe. Mrs. Coxe, in her 801, said she never would fly, but she changed her mind when the Oregon Journal and Western Air Lanes offered the trip. Coxe, whose home is in Fresno, Calif., was sporting a full beard and smoking with a long cigarette holder when released. His picture was widely distributed. He now has shaved off the beard. Woodry's Site Of Teamster Strike Spread Striking by members of the Teamsters Local 324, drivers and warehousemen which started Monday at Hogg Brothers, spread Thursday to the Woodry Furni ture Company. Main issue under dispute, said by union officials to have precip itated a breakdown in negotia tions underway since last May, in volves members' desire for a 40 hour work week. The men cur rently work a 48-hour week. Don Woodry, proprietor of the com pany, was not available for com ment r Other members of the Salem Retail Furniture Dealers Associa tion include the H. L. Stiff Fur nitnre Company and Hamilton Furniture Company. Business Slows To Walk in Stock Market Activities NEW YORK tf Business slacked off to a walk Thursday in the stock market with prices hold ing steady. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks gained 10 cents at $107.30. Railroads gained 50 cents while in dustrials held unchanged and utili ties were up 10 cents. Volume came to only 860,000 shares, one of the lower totals of the year. Wednesday's business amounted to 1,400,000 shares. Train-Auto Crash Among City Mishaps Errant autos and drivers in Sa lem Thursday collided with one another at intervals throughout the day, but worst of the lot was a train-car collision shortly after I a.m. Thursday. The wreck occurred when a car driven by Charles Russell Nov vak, 425 S. 22nd St, collided with a freight train on North Front Street His passenger, Erna Lo max, 1175 Aiken Dr.. was taken to Salem Memorial Hospital by Willamette Ambulance Service where she was treated for a knee injury and shock, but was re leased after treatment Police records indicate the car was bad ly damaged. Nowak was unin jured. A three-car smashup at 12th and Oxford Streets Thursday afternoon resulted in bad dents and broken glass for all three vehicles, but no injuries to driv ers or occupants. Autos were driven by Pearl Wilson, 1064 E. Rural Ave.; Christopher Charles Vanluven, Brooks Route 1, and Carl Emery Alderman Jr., 345 Hood St An intersection collision at Liberty and State Streets Thurs day morning occurred when one driver apparently failed to use the one-way street erid in Salenrl right Drivers of the cars were Alden Medric Basse, Gardena, Calif., and Henry Early Beggs, Sweet Home Route 1. Two Salem cars were struck while they were parked late Wed nesday night and whoever hit them failed to stop at the scene. One of the cars was owned by Wheeler R. English, 1329 Cheme keta St, struck in the 23 00 block of Adams Street The other parked car was owned by James Morrill, 680 N. Liberty St., hit while parked in front of his home. Both cars were banged up with one side of the English car scraped and the trunk lid, license plate and bumper of the Morrill car damaged. FLOATING SCHOOL BURNABY. B. C (-Burnaby has a new four-room school so light it literally "floats" on a peat bog. The building is made of a series of boxes and has no solid ground for 80 feet underneath. Salem Obituaries BEAKDSLXT Nellie, J. Beardsler, late resident of Tillamook, at Werner. Idaho. Aug. 17. Survived toy children. Jerome Beard sley. ' Bremerton. Reno Beardsler, Rainier, Clifford Beardsler. Portland, Mrs. H. O. Proutjr. Long Beach, Mrs. C. W. Townley, New Meadows. Idaho, Mrs. frank Huffman, Portland. Mrs. Edward Vander Jagt, Tillamook: sis ters. Mrs. Hettie Merrick, Woodburn. Mra. August Broderson. Weiser and Mrs. Catherine Bean. Portland; also nine grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. Services will be held Friday, August 21 at 1:30 p. m., in the W. T. Rigdon chapel with the Rew. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment in Belcrest Memorial Park. BROWN Gerald L. Brown, late resident of 450 S. Capitol St., at a Portland hos pital, Aug. 18. Survived by wife. Mrs. Laura Irene Brown. Salem; daughter, Carol Nadine Brown, El ma, Wash.; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erie R. Brown. North Platte, Neb.; sisters, Mrs. Opal Berry, Maywood, Neb. and Mrs. Mathilda Belle Ro mine. Palisade, Neb.: brothers, David Brown, San Bernardino. Calif.; Wayne Brown. Redding. Calif.; Stan ley and Lyle Brown, both of North Platte. Neb and Marion Brown with the U. S. Navy. Services will be held in the Clough-Barrick Chapel Monday, Aug. 24. at 1:30 p.m. with interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. LUCAS Lue Allen Lucas, late resident of 2240 S. 12th St at Veterans Hos pital. Portland. Aug. 18. Survived by widow, Mrs. Lorna Lucas, Salem: daughter, Mrs. Vivian Hardman. Port Scott, Kans brothers. Earl Lucas, Gi rsrd, Kani , and Leo Lucas. Detroit, Mich.: granddaughter. Deanna Kay Hardman. Portland. Services will be held Friday. Aug. 81 at 1 p.m. at the Virgil T. Golden Chapel with the Rev. John DeBoer officiating, inter ment in Belcrest Memorial Park. In lieu of Cowers contributions to Amer ican Cancer Society are requested. NAVRATIL Vincent Navratil. late resident of 3210 D St, in a local nursing home Aug. 18 at the age of 83. Survived by two daugters, Mrs. Agnes Wojcie chowski and Mrs. Mary Chapman, both of Salem; brother. Frank Nav ratll; grandaughter. Mrs. Mary Schweinfurth, and great grand-daughter. Janet Louise Schweinfurth. both of Salem. Graveside services Sunday, Aug. 23. at 3 p.m. at Falrview Cem etery. Gates, under direction of How ell-Edwards Co. PORTER Ena L Porter, at the residence, Oakland. Calif. Mother of Perry Porter, Everett. Wash.; Mrs. Mary Jean Misener. Oakland. Calif., and Sister Jean Frances of the Holy Name Sisters of Saa Rafael. Calif. Graveside services will be held Sat urday. Aug. 22. at 10 a.m. at the City View Cemetery. Under direc tion of Ibe W. t. Sigdoa Company. How To Hold FALSE TEETH Morw firmly in Place Do your false teeth annor nrul mi. barrass by slipping, dropping or wob bttng when you eat. laurh or talk Just sprinkle a little FAS TEETH on your plates. This alkaline (non-acid) powder ho Ida false teeth more firm. ly and mere comfortably. No gum my. gooey, pasty 'taste or feeling. Doe net sour. Checks "plate odor" denture breath). Get F ASTZZTH today at any drug store. NW POWs on list of Freed MUNSAN OPH The following West Coast men were among 150 American prisoners of war re turned Friday in the 17th day of Korean armistice POW exchange: Pfc Kenneth II VilesCo. K. 7th Rgt, 1st Cav. Dir.; mother, Minnie Barbara . Viles, 1 Box 49, Nahcotta, Wash. I , Sgt Thomas El Duncan, Hqs. Co., 35th Rgt, 25th Div.; mother, Gladys L. Duncan, Route 1, Box 288, Kennewick, Wash. CpL Calvin J. McMurtey, Nipo mo, Calif. CpL Andrew C Aguirre, Chula Vista, Calif. Sgt Ernest E. McLean, Co. C, 7th Rgt, 1st Cav, Div.; mother, Mrs. Lola C McLean, Box 108, Medical Like, Wash. Pfc Nick J. Antonis, San Fran cisco CpL Lester R. Buelf, Jr., Whit tier, Calif. CpL Edward Montejano, Santa Ana, Calif. CpL Robert M. Haram, Azusa, Calif. Pfc. Charles E. Cargile, Co. M., 31st Rgt, 7th Div,; mother, Ethel F. Cargile, 522 :S. E. Jay St, Grants Pass, Ore.' Pfc. Thommy H. Thomas, San Pablo, Calif. CpL Theodore J. Montreuil, Co. 1, 38th Rgt, 2nd Div.; mother, Pauline Montreuil, 15626 Sunset Highway, Renton, Wash. CpL Richard D. Gallardo, Los Angeles. CpL Raymond Arias, Compton, Calif. Cpl. Verle H. Hatch, MD Co., 31st Rgt, 7th Div.; mother, Mar tha M. Hatch, 1916 th Ave., S. W. Puyallup, Wash: Wheat Contracts Hold Firm in Day's Trade CHICAGO in In another gen erally sloppy market Thursday on the board of trade the bulls in wheat could find some consolation in the fact that, for the first time this week, not all wheat contracts declined. Wheat closed lVi lower to higher, corn H to 1 cent lower, oats 1V to 2 cents lower, rye 2 Vs. to 3 cents lower, soybeans 1 cent lower to Vi higher and lard 10 cents lo werto 35 cents a hundred pounds higher. FORMER RESIDENTS VISIT UNONVALE Mn. Mildred Paetel and daughters Margaret and Jeannie were guests last week of Mrs. Florence Church and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Church. Miss Margaret Paetel is leaving to teach biology in Guernsey, Wyo. Jeannie will enroll at Whea ton College in llinois. Mrs. Paetel is planning to spend the winter with friends in Chicago. The Paetels formerly lived on the place where the X. J. Donnhauers reside. Portland Produce PORTLAND W Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 68-71c lb: first quality 66-69C; second quality 63-66C. Valle' routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 66c lb; 92 score, 65c; B, 90 score, 63c; C, 89 score, 60c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 42 Vi- 45c lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf 48 tt-50 Vic. Kggs To wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, vases in cluded, f.o.b. Portland A large, 67 -68 Mc; A medium 64-65 c; A small 50-51c; B grade, large, 61- 63 hie. Eggs To retailers Grade AA. large, 74c A large, 69-70c; AA medium, 67-69c; A medium, 66-68c; A small, 48c; Cartons S cenjts addi tional. ' . j Live chickens No. 1 quality, f.o.b. plants Fyrers, 2H lbs, 31, 3-4 lbs, 31; roasters, 4 lbs, up, 31; heavy bens, all weights. 19-20; light hens, all weights, 17; old roosters 15-18. Rabbits Average to growers Live white, 4-5 lbs, 20-23c, 5-6 lbs, 18-22c; old does, 10-12c, few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 57-59c; cut up 61-65C. Wholesale dressed meats: Beef Steer, choice 500-700 lbs 41.00-43.50; good, 37.00-42.00; com merdal 27.00-38.00; utility 23.00 30:00; commercial cows 22.00-26.00; utility 21.00-24.00; canners-cutters, 19.00-23.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters. 53.00-57.00; rounds, 50.00 57.00; full loins, . trimmed, 70.00 38.00; triangles, 27.00-32.00; f o r e quarters, 28.00-34.00; 'chucks, 35.00 38.00; ribs. 49.00-55.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lb, 59.00-65.00; shoulders, 16 lbs.; 39,00 43.00; spareribs, 52.00-55.00; fresh hambs, 10-14 lbs, 63.00-66.00. Veal and calves Good-choice1, all weights, 30.00-40 .00; commercial, 25.00-32.00. Lambs . Choice-prime, 41.00 43.00; good 36.00-40.00. Wool-Grease basis, Willamette Valley medium, S0-52c lb; Eastern Oregon fine and half blood, 55-62c; Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42c: Dt. T. V. Lsjb NT Dr . O. Ckaa. NO DKS. CHAN ... LASS CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs. 241 North Liberty 5 , Office epest S attar 4a oaJy. IS r to 1 p-asw tut C amrtatt . aloe amnr mm mtimm testa are free ( cfcargt. Praeocee sue I Ull. WrrU fee attractive gift. Ne I7cv7 Ycrfi Slz Admiral Corporation v jl 25 V4 Allied Chemical Ji 68 American Airlines H 13 American Power 4c Light ' American Tel. k Tel. 154 American Tobacco , 75 Anaconda Copper '.' I . 32 Atchison Railroad , . 91 Bethlehem "Steel . 50,. Boeing Airplane Co. j - 39 Borg Warner . V 70 Burroughs Adding Machine. 14 California Packing 24 Canadian Pacific, Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated v Edison Consolidated Vultee 24 50 24 69 SI 39 17 29 7 65 100 42 11 76 55 58 12 47 36 26 50 60 26 .63 22 12 26 58 19 23 63 9 37 115 Crown Zellerbach ! Curtiss Wright jf Douglas Aircraft 3 du Pont de Nemours I . Eastman Kodak t Emerson Radio j General Electric . $ General Foods General Motors I Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire i Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper I Johns Manville i Kaiser Aluminun Kennecott Copper 1. Libby, McNeill j Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A f Montgomery Ward -a Nash Kelvinator 3 New York Central I Northern Pacific I Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. j9 tel. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Aag. 2 BOND AVERAGES 20 -10 10 10 Rails Indust. UtiL Fgn. Net Change . D.l Unch Unch Unch Thursday 92.S MJ 79.4 Prev. Day S2.T M.2 93 8 79.4 Week Ago 92 8 M.2 93.9 79.S Month Ago 92.1 S.S 93.S 78.7 Year Ago SS.5 SSJ 98.0 77.7 STOCK AVERAGES 30 f IS Indust. Kails Net Change .Unch iA.5 Thursday 139.0 ;84.1 Prev. Dsy ..139.0 i?R3.8 Week Ago .141.7 iIM.7 Month Ago ..138.J i 87.0 Year Ago ..141.4 183.6 IS 60 UtiL Stks A.l A.l 53.1 S2.7 54.3 52.4 S3.2 107J 107.2 109.5 107.6 107.6 Salem Market Quotations (As of late ygesterdsy) BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. 3 ... BUTTER Wholesale Retail EGGS (Baying) (Wholesale prii to 7 cents over Large AA Large A Medium AA Medium A Pullet POULTRY Colored Hens Leghorn Hens Colored Fryers Old Roosters Roasters . Portland Livestock PORTLAND lrVMUSDA)-Cattle salable 100; marfet slow, mostly a cleanup trade pt weak prices; 1 good 1,045 lb Steer 22.00; few commercial steers 15.00-16.00: cut ter and utility $eers 10.00-13.50; canner and cuttrr cows mostly 8.50-10.00; few utlity cows 10.50 11.50; cutter buljl 11.00-12.00; util- ity and commercial bulls in narrow demand. . f Calves salable 5; market drag- gy; good and chiice light vealers scarce; salable around 18.00-19.00 or above; sizable! lot good 340 lb calves 14.50; heavier weights and commercial grades down to 12.00; culls down to 7.0t and below. Hogs salable la); market active, around 25 higher 1 sows 50 or more up; choice 1 and5 2 butchers from 180-235 lbs 27.50-28.00: few choice 250-260 lbs 26.00-26.50; choice 350 ID SOWS 24. W; Z5-485 IDS 22.00- 23.00 I , Sheep salable 400; holdover 400; market slow, mestly steady: few lots good and choice spring lambs 16.50-17.50: few choice lots 18.00; utility lambs 13.Cp-15.00; good 'eed- ers 14.00-14.50: kood and choice slaughter ewes salable around 4.00- 5.00; culls downgto 00. 12-month wool, 45-50c. Country-dressed meats, f. o. b Portland: Beef Cows,.2l-28c lb; canners- cutters, 22-23c; viells down to 17c Veal Top quality, lightweight, 31 -32c: rough heavies, 23-28c. Hogs Lean backers, 38-39C lb; sows, light, 32-33C. Lambs Best, J 1214c lb; cull utility. 8-lOc. Fresh Producer Onions Calif. White Globe. 3.25- 3.50; 50 lb sacks! of Wash. Yellows, med.. 1.50-1.75; Ige.. 1.25-1.40. Potatoes Local Triumphs, lugs. 1.50-1.75; Boardxfian Long Whites, No. 1A, 2.50-2.50; No. 2, 50-Ib sack. 80-85c: Calif. Whites. No. 1. 2.85-3.00: special markets 3.25. Hay U. S. N 2 green alfalfa. 29.00-30.00, delivered car and truck lota, 1.0J5. Pormnd and Seattle. USTPCIOVE EffiESSUASTE NttiW ar t a lis, loss e pep aa4 eaersT. ssihssaa44itiiissssssay seaneteslew. eWa ef kidney foaetioa. Doctors say goo4 kidney f emctioa is4vry important to good kfrfc. Wkea ansae fvaxydajr omditkm. aeek ao "1 4 atimli, amm thta iaapartaat Znetioa toaknr Otrmn. u; folks avflar tat. fiaf Iwifftarhe f I BaiaeraUe. Minor bawi. oar Irritatioaa du mid er wrvng Mt aur rettis an alaihta or t mmnt Doa't aechkct rntr kklara if tkeae etmit- otiMT you. Ty Doeai'a FUi a sniM 4U nrmtm. It a aansiaa kow but tiaaaa Dou'i 4 .70 1 .67 2 M 1 .71-.73 4 .7S eeaj range from 1 er Sbuylng price) i c M 1 .58 i M 1 J6 J. 50 4 : n & .14 4 Jl i31Z2?ti!?ip Dally. 7:39 iAIPM. i aaaa awt waata. As for aw, avrr. aeonoair aise and saso sassaet. Get Doaa s Pitts today I 4 71 20U 134 30 , ' 24 Vs - 25 U 47 49 52 37 -63 I 59 34 43 51 "4 '72 28 t 38 27 17 42 108 25 39 S 24 37 13 46 25 j 43 Twenffieth fCentury Fox union ou Company l Union) Pacific i United Ahaines f United Aircraft . United Corporation United Stales Plywood L United Stales Steel .? Wamr Pfctures f Western Ujnion Tel , WestUighouse Air Brake Westighoiise Electric Woolworthl Company j Portlarlcl Grain! PORTLAND m Wheat (bid) to arrive rharket, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered toast: Soft i White 2.20; Soft white (excluding! Rex) 2.20: White Quo 2.20. HarH Ren" Winter: Ordinary 2.20; 10 per cent 2.20; 11 per cent 2.20; 13 per cent 2.20. , ! Hird Whits Baartd Ordinary 2.20; (10 per cent 2.20;: 11 per cent 20; 12 pf r cent 2.20, Thursdays car receipts: wheat 63; bkrley6; flour 5; torn 1; mill feed 7. I j ..-!,. Noticx or sale' or RIAL PROPERTY NOTICE US hereby; nivrv the ujndendgned, as guardian of the estate! of Doris Maxlne Morris, an inconipeterit person, br, virtue of an wraeri inuea out or me :Clrcult Court of th4 State of Oregon for the County of MSrionJon the 5th day of Aui. ust. 3853 iWlll nroceed tn ..n . Prtvate sale, for cash, at 4U Pioneer Trustj Building. Salem. Oregon, from '..I oy OI September, ft the; hour of 10:30 o"clock A.M. of said date, ta the hlrheat aU right, title and Interest of the ?2!Ui1of f1 tocompetent person in M fallowing described real property: of Brooklyn; Addition, to Salem. Marion County. Oregon. (Sc. Volume X, page Sl.i Record of Town Plats for said County and Salt sale shaU be mad hiM 4 u oi jaiocas in or Amtndefr Plat the confirmation of the Circuit Court of the State of Orea-on for tha Pnunt. of Mttrion. Probate Department. In' the rtiatter of the estate of said In competent person. 1 Jjaueo this Bth dsy of August. 1953. I I AJUMJIT U-E MORRIS Guardian of the Estate of Doris Maxlne Morris, an ificamMt.nt ymrmm ..... . . a . . . " - Attorneys for the Guardian 412 Pioneer Trust Building, oaiern. uregon. ;AU. 7. 14, ai. 28. S. 4. riicE NOTDCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ;A Ssgner's Son, a partnership of 600 j South Pulaski Street. Baltt Maryland, has filed Its i"POK3TANG trade-mark for nothing, with! the Secretary of bwi gi vregon. ! ! Au. 21. IS, S. 4 300 Personal 312 Lot cmd Found tOSlj: Pekinese, S rnonthsh eld, i reddish brown, Nsmed "Sakl." R. 1 ward. Phone 2-7548. t LOS-ff: 2 small Siamese kittens. 2271 I N. Front. Small reward. 314 jTranaportation WANT responsible party to' drive 51 Foihl panel to San trancisco ares around Sept. 1st for free tranipor- : stion. Call 4-6402 or 4-6243. EADf desires ride to Hillcrest and retarn daily. Box S13 co States- !Mf i I- 316 Personal! 1 MRS I JEAN. I psychlel reader teHt your past present. 1 future. Can helt overcome all obstacles thai rkep you front success, health and happiness. Tip Top Motel, 3580 & JCoiTimerclal My. 98E. Apt. 1. ALCOHOLICS Anooyimous group ria L 20SS N. Commercial. Phone S-S41I or S-4537. P. O Box 724. 400 Aprriculture " i , 402 iLlVMiock bred Arabian saddle ' horse. English ! saddle Si bridle tsisd. ipnrtne 3-6S1 2. , Bonded Livestock buyer.' t 5 J MrCandltuh. 1127 S. 29th, Ph. S-S147 ONDED Livestock Buyer. A. T I Sommer, 1265 1 Harmony Dr1. Fh 4-2817 1 EonDeIT stock bill buver. Claud Edwards. RL 3. Box 899. Ph. 4-tll3 LICENSED and bonded livestock buyer. E. L Snethen. IBS Kenwood JAve. Phone 2-1343. I LoCltER BEEP. Hereford. 24c; locker pork 45c Nothing down. months to pay. Custom kifling. Trailer loan ed free. Salem. Meat Co. UZS S. iitSUi Ph. S-4Sa. 1 404 Poultry and Rabbits WHITE CORNISH Game Chicks, ac claimed the true fryer of tomorrow, now available commercial fryer growers. Processors psy premium priors for this broad double-bresrt-ed 1 fryer. Quantities limited and if tMiavallable. try the next best, ourj first generation . Arbor Acres White ROcks. Y ear-around hatches every Thursday, Also, New Harnp. shines. " LEE'S HATCHERY KM Center Street ' Phone S-2S81 C&Sl(oMkIUing. Fowl of any kind. , Pit 4-S43. NcweU's Poultry runt. : Kilt days weak. St. S, Bo 10a. iSalea. i Sdiacfcis Ncryb Tqnic For functional disturbances, ittrvous headaches, nervows Irritability, excitability, sieep- l4rSSrirSS. : ' $I.00-$I.75 i !'''!.' Schaefer's Drug Store f ondaya, I AJUU4 P.M. 115 K. Cemmercixl Packard Motor Car Penney (J. C Co. ' Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co.! Polled Radio -Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel i ' -. Reynolds Metals Richfijeld Oil : Safeway Stores Inc. Scott uPaper Co. Sears Roebuck Co. Soconjr-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif. Standard bil N.J. Studettakei Corp. jstinsnine alining Swift jfc Company Transamecica Corn.