2 (Sec 1) Statesman. Scdam, Ore. Friday, Aug. 21. 1S53 Bla zein f5 aw. SUtenau News Seifvle I wee HAZEL GREEN A Ut of fii X equipment got a run thursdly i , evening to a fire about lone mife ' , ".east of Hazel Green school, but he Brooks Fire Department wjii - Credited with putting out this ho urn, t h Z Flames were created when etraw apparently got clogged in Tthe brakes of a combine on the 'Elmer Klopenstein ranch. Fir- jnen thought the blaze was under -control when it started up again 3bn an adjacent ground belonging : ,o Jimmy Snyder. Altogether:, "about three acres of wheat were burned and five acres of stubble. Getting calls to the fire were the State Forestry Departmental pumper, Silverton departmejh which stood by, but didn't leave .town) and the Four Corners de partment 2 t GATES OPEN 7:00 SHOW AT 7:45 f NOW - THRU SAT.! All Technicolor Show! Ray Mflland : ArleneDahl Wendell Corey in "JAMAICA RUN" Also Vaughn Monroe Joan Leslie In ''TOUGHEST MAN IN ARIZONA" plus TONIGHT (Friday) OUR BIG ALL COLOR CARTOON CARNIVAL You've never seen a sharper, brighter picture! in a Drive-In . . . than thej one on our Giant Screen! I COMING SUNDAY At Regular Prices . . . Jose Ferrer ia "MOULIN ROUGE"! STARTS ITODAY ! ! Two Technicolor Thrillers I ! 5 0 mm ljfjh ' George PU I..Q!ITGOMERY mUlh Aiifala STtVMS g it ' : - Si j . Got; Your Roserro Ticket NOW ... For Noxt Monday's ShoWl I Still a Few Choice Slots Available for Each Show! I MUSICAL INSniJITIES Of 1954 3 t s!:2i HUCi C2AYC0, KCGC, I5G3Y KCSSAB, .rAnrnxtTATKr-KASLia imc:u Kinscci02zs cat, :tnnca KAY, tlZYM iZZlS, FSATX1I UTTIE, TL'E CUT sucxexj, tk sucmrrrxi i T PRlCES53.6Cl-$2.40-$X.OO 2 Vi HOURS OF HIIARIOUS COMEDY! ! MAIL ORDERS TAXEK . . . MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE . . - CAPITOL THEATRE . . SPECIFY FIRST OR SECOND SHOW V Area Youths Win in Essay Competition Two U. S. Savings bonds and honorable mention went to Salem and Brooks youths, winners in the Future Scientists of America Foundation contest reecntly con ceded. : ; ' . First prize and a $50 bond went to Stanley Lee, 17, of 2365 Tepper Ln., who wrote a "paper on "Re production of Early Microscopes.'' Miss Carmelita Barquist, Salem High School, was his teacher sponsor. Second prize in the contest went to Ann' Lowery, Brooks Route 1, Box 256 .who wrote on "Enemies of Oregon's Industry and Their Control." She received a $25 bond. Her teacher at Salem High was Miss Irene Hollenbeck. Honorable mention and a certi ficate of meritorious achievement went to Rosemary Gilbert, 15, of 1555 Beaumont Dr. Her project was a paper on "How to Use a Key to Identify Winter Twigs. Her teacher was also Miss Hollen beck. Presentation of awards will be made in the flaU DRIVE-IN THEATRE mom urn UIIJH 6AUEM. HIGHWAY ft J Gates Open 7:00 Show At 7:30 ENDS SATURDAY 1 The Perfect Family Program "SCARED STIFF" Martin & Lewis Plus "TAXI" Dan Dailey Constance Smith Tonite (Fit) Our Regular 4 Color Cartoon Carnival JOHN ! DONNA K : 5 REED Lon Chewy HUBBY! I HUBBY! ! ! TWO GREAT SHOWS . . . At 7:00 and 9:30 P.M. .IN 1 hdA EmployeStole GPO Parcels, Says Woman By ED CREAGH WASHINGTON W A woman's story of secret documents being pocketed by her boss and yery intimate friend," Edward Roths child, at the Government Printing Office was made public Thursday by the Senate's permanent investi gations subcommittee. -Along with it came a declaration by Sen. Potter (R-Mich) that spy ing on a scale that would mate th Alger Hiss case look like petty larceny" may have been going on to hasten Russia's development of the hydrogen bomb. The testimony against Rothschild suspended last Tuesday from his GPO bookbinding job, came from Miss Cleta Guess, a New Orleans shopkeeper who used to work at the Government Printing Plant. In that testimony she said: Saw Pamphlets Pocketed' 1. She saw Rothschild "on a few occasions" put pamphlets in his trouser pocket pamphlets "per taining to military stuff..Jike air planes and different things pertain ing to war." 2. She saw him reading "a secret code for the U. S. Merchant Ma rine" which he "picked up" from another workman's machine. Whether the witness saw Roths child leave the building with any classified material was not brought out. McCarthy said previously the woman's testimony accused Roths child of stealing the documents. Miss Guess did say, though, that 'Loved Him Dearly "I knew him very well." she said. "I loved him dearly. He was my very intimate friend. But one day, she went on, Roths child "pounded his fist" and shouted "damn lie when she remarked it was her understanding the Commu nists were out to overthrow the United States government. "He said, 'If you don't like Com munists, don't speak to me about anything but our work.' " Miss Guess said. A few weeks later, she said, she was transferred to an other job out of Rothschild's sight. Complex Gadgets Learn Alphabet SCHENECTADY, N. Y. (JPh Computing machines have more "initial names' than departments in the federal government Some of the hew business machines be ing manufactured here bear such titles as WAC, SWAC, XRAC, UNIVAC and ELECOM. And there is one called OMI BAC, the name of which was in spired by the Army infantry man's "Oh, My Aching Back." Spelled out in full, what it really means is "Ordinal Memory In specting Binery Automatic Com puter. Don't ask what thatJ means. Gaton-Alf onso Act Staged by Drivers KANSAS CITY (;p)-Police. in vestigating the how and why of a car wrapped around a light pole, ran into this problem: Neither of the two occupants would say who was at the wheeL In fact, both men stoutly in sisted they had been dozing at the time of the crash. Officers charged both with careless driving. TRAINS DELAYED EUGENE 'JP One car of a 70-car freight train was derailed Thursday 17 miles east of Oak ridge and held up five Southern Pacific freight and two passenger trains for nearly two hours. PMOME S-S447 50c Till 5:00 Cary Grant Deborah Kerr "Dream Wife" James Mason The- Desert Rata pmsnk a-araa Clifton Webb "Mr. Scoutmaster" - Uproarious Comedy Denise Darcel Patrie Knowles "Flame oi Calcutta" Air-Conditioned Now Shewing Open C:45 "Tilanic" Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Wagner i Ce-Feiture "While Lighining" Stanley Clements, Steve Brodie Oh, My Aching Back! Gt Schaefer's Linimcxit For & reUei of muscular achei and pains due. to mx rdse or exposure - 50c, 1.C3 Ci I.7S Schaefer's Drag Store Opea Dally 7:30 AM. U t PJL Sudays t AM. to 4 IMf. 135 N. Commercial tHz: u 1 Death Takes Son of Pioneer. AlbanyFamily i PORTLAND UV."- Charles H. Cusick, ; 84, died in a 'Portland res home Wednesday. He was ft member of a pioneer Albany faun ily. ' r ' Cusick was pharmacist at the Oregon 1 State Hospital at Salem for several years about 1900. He later Joined his father and broth ers in establishing a bank at Al bany. It was sold in 1923. He later lived . at Forest Grove and Nesko- WUL His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cusick crossed the plains from Illinois, in 1SS3. Phone Gill Result Nets Peek Suspect A neighbor of 1177 Court St, called city police Thursday night to say there was a man loitering near the bedroom window, which resulted in the apprehension of a "peeping tom"usually a very elusive individual Police said an officer was near the house when the call came through and noise of a freight train passing nearby muffled his approach. Being held in city jail in lieu of bail on a vagrancy charge is Gilbert T. Beltran, a transient Pesty Worm Buries Self In Intestines CHAMPAIGN, I1L (JPh- The dark world of the spiny-headed intestinal worm isn't a bad place to live. According to the late Pro fessor Harley J. Van Cleave of the University of Illinois, a world authority on these little-known Worms, they are not like anything in the animal kingdom and be long in a separate one of their own. His book, "Acanthocephala of North American Mammals," has been published by the Uni versity of Illinois Press, Urbana, $4.00. , In his 40 years' study of worms, Prof. Van Cleave found they bury their large, thorny head in the intestine of the animal they attack. He said the adult worms range in size from the largest nearly 16 inches long, to the tin iest of which 400 would make an inch. Known as "Acanthocephala," these parasites live in seals of the Arctic, birds of South America, whales and even man. They have no sense organs or digestive sys tems. Although they are more of a "pest" than a menace, they cause considerable damage. fOR FUTUHE i ... . 'll : . J Measure ur mon wit W K. COMMERCIAL 70-Pound African Monkex Raises Cain With Civilization PHILADELPHIA tl) Thomas Is 70-pound African monkey that can't stand human beings, has no respect for the peace and doesn't know, 'his own strength when aroused. . He demonstrated these feeling Tuesday and early Wednesday aft er he was deposited by bis new owner," Ralph Yeakel, with an em ploye of the Women's Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani mals. SPCA man Carl Lee had nothing but friendly feelings for monkeys OSC Scene of Assessors' Training Meet OREGON STATE COLLEGE Oregon's 36 county assessors and other county and city officials concerned with tax valuations' and appraisals will attend an in service ' training school Sept 8 and 9 at Oregon State college. THe school, sponsored by tne Oregon State tax commission in cooperation with OSC, is designed to bring equality in appraisal values and a greater degree of uniformity in appraisal methods throughout the state. It replaces the individual schools conducted each year at various towns throughout the state by the tax commission. Annual training for county tax workers is required by a 1947 state law. Governor Paul L. Patterson will discuss "Oregon's Reappraisal Program at the opening session. Special classes are planned on ap praisal of farm lands and build ings, land values, agricultural prices, fruit production, range land classifications and timber valuations. Representatives from the OSC agriculture and forestry staffs and the tax commission will be instructors. TSAOE-IN VAUII If - I and Ouarterhorse racinc that i I &. - IT at 1 . i m ' 1 ikjs ever appeared in uregon ; imiraren unatr iu, just 4icj AfAHt mt PARKING X tfj Sn ' - L - ! VafllffllEf! F",M rot DINNER f Til ry tr f FAMOUS BUFFET irrvh S Downtown on Stat Street d f 1 1 1 jf VI )iAjfa 4 AIR-CONDITIONED BY CARRIER . JsS s Mffimffi CTTr Park Fr at tha CrParit-rjiwNrry e WJ uu when he received his visitor at his home. And then these things hap pened and Lee's an alerted man: Themas Koas Wild - 1. Thomas ran wild from room to room and finally out the door. 2. ;xten . red car policemen came to Lee's aid and three hours laler managed to corne- the mon key. 3. Lee took Thomas to SPCA headquarters and locked him in a cage. Unlatches Cage 4. An hour later he discovered the monkey had unlatched the cage and walked out 5. Driving along East River Drive Tuesday night Lee saw his old friend Thomas disappear behind a clump of bushes. Lee stopped his car and called. Thomas, in a friendly fashion, came over and climbed into Lee's car. 6. Lee drove off and then Thom as, began jumping and screeching. Lee grabbed a piece of pipe and rapped Thomas over the bead. Tern Raps Lee Thomas grabbed the pipe and rap ped Lee twice. When the battle was over, Lee was in charge again. 7. Back to the SPCA went Lee and Thomas. Lee chained the ram bunctious animal in the cellar and went to bed. Visitor Departs 8. Early Wednesday he heard noises, investigated and found his visitor had departed. 9. For the next several hours res- f3J OCT -K Presenting the finest program of Thoroughbred and Quarterhorse racing that has ever appeared in Oregon o). JAPANESE SLAVERY TOKYO WWPn stiU has a "slave" trade. A survey conduct ed by the women and children's bureau of the ' Labor ' Ministry show nearly 1,500 young boys and girls were sold into service of some kind last year. Of these, 326 of the girls were pressed into prostitution. idents in the neighborhood kept calling, saying -they had 'seen a monkey. 10. Lee summoned police once more and with the aid of two caught chained and tamed his ad versary, for the time being at least i AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT s s s r r"l and choice t of ide isert for your FRIDAY DINNER s m 11 A M. . Sat There's no denying; It. The ownerjwno takes a yardstick view of things quickly realizes what a jewel of perfection he has acquired. Here's the one car in its price field offering all three optional power features that end driving drudgery? '3 I - - j power steering, power brakes, arid i new X 4-way power-ope fated seat I Here's a flashing V-8 powerhouse teamed with Merc-O-Matk Drive, Touch - I C or silent, synchro-riesh standard transmission. Ana Unified Design exclusive in puts brawn andjmusde behind? sleek good looks . . . giving you added miles of tjrovble-free nfoy meat and added value ca fleaf Mute Hit By Automobile i LEBANON A UO-year-oM deaf mute , was struck by : at automobile on Highway 20 just north ning jof Lebanon Thursday eve ilnd his condition was con sidered serious at Lebanon Gen Hospital late Thursday night ! The police jboy was identified by stat as Monty Meier of Lebanon Driver! of the car was Lloyd l of Albanv. Extent of thi Johnsdn boy's injuries were not known, e boy was unconscious lat but the Thursday night . ; ) ) r O C to 8 P.M. 5 your choke of O - ArWtic Overdrive, ! If Mercury construction at re-sale time. for BALD L Q2LZQU