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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1953)
Shower Honors Miss Katka HAYES VTLLE Miss Margaret Katka of Ward Drire was hon ored Monday evening with a mis cellaneous shower at the home of Miss Evelyn Tuers of Hayes viile Drive. Assisting the host ess was her daughter, Mrs. Ber nita Vibbert, and Mrs, Reva Tib betts. Miss Katka will become the bride of Tom Dodd, USN, who is now stationed near Korea, on September 12 at the Halbert Me morial Baptist Church. Feing the bride-elect were Mrs. B lance Zahara and Betty, Miss Aletha Vibbert, Mrs. Paul Zielinski and JoAnne, Mrs. Dor othy Noren and Susan, Mrs. Fran ces Benson, Mrs. Gordon Weseley and Kay, Mrs. Myrtle Katka, Miss Aline Mullins, Mrs. Fay Black and Helen, Mrs. Julia Olson, Mrs. Grace Katka, Mrs. Mary Weddle, Miss Barbara Withrow, Mrs. Eve lyn Siddall and Jeanette. Miss Katka is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arvo Katka. She graduated from Hayesviile Grade School and from Salem High in 1952. The past year she has been employed in the Marion County 4-H offices. She and tier mother have been very active in promot ing the 4-H work in Hayesviile, leading both sewing and canning clubs. Recent Flower Show a Success Silverton Mrs. John Middle mess was hostess Tuesday night to the Silverton Jay-C-Ettes with Mrs. Walter Flager assisting. A special guest for the evening was Mrs. William Wortman. Members reviewed the recent flower show, reporting that it ' was one of the most successful yet staged. Net proceeds of the $80 taken in as a silver offering at the show, will be used for the" welfare projects of the club. Possible projects for the win ter were discussed with final de cision as to what will be adopted set aside to the Sept. 15 meeting at the home of Mrs. Denzel Le gsrd. Mrs. Schroeder Feted at Picnic MILL CTTL A visitor in Mill City the past week has been Mrs. Robert Schroeder of Crescent City, California. Last Wednesday a picnic was held at Silver Falls State Park, honoring Mrs. Schroeder. Those attending the picnic in cluded Mrs. Earl Parker of De troit; Mrs. Charles Gentry and Mrs. Arthur Hoenig of Salem, Mesdames James Swan,' John Swan, V. S. Todd and Stephen and Allen, Floyd Johnson, J. W. Potter, W. W. Allen, Ernept Gra ham, Donald Sheythe and Mark, Clara Cor bin, Curtis ClineJ Harry Mason, and Hugh Walkup and granddaughter, Holly Bracber, all of Mill City. ) Party Given f Janice Johnon VICTOR POINT Miss J Janice Johnson, bride-elect of 3 Bruce Reynolds, was honored by a gift shower Wednesday eventing at the home of Mrs. B. E.r McEl haney on the Silverton - Stay ton highway. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. A. N. Doerfletf, Mrs. Albert Mader and Mrs. 1 J. C. Krenz. j Refreshments were served in the dining room, v where pastel flowers, white candles and small wedding bells made an attractive A centerpiece. Serving were Mrs. O. II. Johnson, mother f the h ..iored guest, and Mrs. Henry E :sen of Salem. Several other social events are pi nned to honor Miss Johnson J be-.ire her marriage which will be at Trinity Lutheran Church oil Saturday, September 5, at j r erton. Vacationists CF Interest FOUR CORNERS Mrs. W. C. Flood is spending a week in San Francisco attending a conference of the Christian Science church. House guests in the Jess Mc Ilney home were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Osterburr of Hildreth, ' Neb. This was their first trip to Oregon. Spending a week at the Breit enbush Camp were the Warren j Shrake, Harold Snook. Robert ; Burns and Linden Morris fam- ilies. , House guest at the Albert Brant home is Mrs. Brant's cousin, Mrs. Leslie Tarr of Glou-; tester,, Mass. , Silverton Iavitations are is the mail for the marriage of Miss ; Janice Ann Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Harold ' Johnson to Bruce Mayo Reynolds, which will take place on Sept 5 at 8 p. m. at Trinity Lutheran j Church, Silverton. A reception j will, follow in the social rooms of I the church. Statesman, Salotn. Ore. Thuxm, Aucj. 25J. Prices Good, Thru Sat. Reg. M.95 AC Sun Glosses (3 $1.69 American Optical Sport Glasses .9' Toiletry Reg. Sc-Lifebuoy, Lux Medium Ivory or Camay Toiletry Limit Four Four Alluring Fragrances 1 to Compter e Your Ptrfufnt Wordrtt Richard Hudnuf Vi Dram Each 1. 65 Value RSVP Vogde Gemey Rhapsodie ' PI as Tax Reg. 2.98 Picnic Basket Variety $349 Certified Improved Mulfi Vitamins Contains Vitamins A and D, Vitamin C, Bl & B6 100 Capsules 8 $2.98 Certified Vitamin "A" 25,000 units 100 Caps. 99c 100 Solid Brass Heavy weight Adjusts From Fine Mist to A Heavy Stream Limit On $190 Sure Soak Plastic Lawn. Sprinkler 20 Foot Length 11 9 ' p. & Save 17 1 a Carton 19' Philip Morris Cigarettes Other standard Brands Cart. $ 1 .73 Ot this thrifty carton price. 10 .kfs. 20' King Size Popular Brand Cigarettes '1.83 Ropid turnover assures you f olwoys fresh stocks. Toiletry 54 Chic Electric VIBRATOR 4 attachments stimulates circulation. 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