The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 20, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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' S (See 1 Statesman,
AmundMvnm . . .
ROMANTIC NEWS . . . high
lights the mid-week calendar wiih
word received of coming marri
ages of. former Salens resident
. . . Mr. and Mrs: George Robert
Kaye of Portland, who lived here
until a fewyears ago, are leaving
Friday by plane for sPasadeiia,
Calif, to attend the, wedding pt
their son. Ensign" Michael Cun
ningham Kaye. USIf .;. ... The
young naval officer, who gradu
ated in Jane from the United
States Naval Academy at Annapo
lis, will be married to Miss Pru
dence Baldwin, daughter of Dr.
nd Mrs. Grant Baldwin of Pasa
dena, on Saturday, August 22
r i' I
The nuptials ... will take place
at All Saints Episcopal Church
at 4:30 o'clock with a reception
following at the Valley Hunt
Club . . . Five of the groom
elect's navy friends will serve as
ashers and form an arch w&h
their swords as the newlyweds
leave the church. . . . The couple
will live in Coronado while En
sign Kaye is stationed at Sin
Diego . .He attended Salem
schools and received his ap
pointment to the naval academy
while living in Salem . . . the
future Mrs. Kaye is a graduate
ef the Westridge School in Pasa
dena and the Garland School in
Boston . . . she is a member of
the Junior League of Pasadena ,
Invitations . . . have been re
ceived from Salem friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Victor McNamara t)f
Olympia, Wash, to the marriage
of their daughter, Miss Patricia
McNamara,' and Rodney Alan
Plath . . . . the ceremony will
take place on September 5 at
the First Christian Church , in
Olympia . . . the McNamara fami
ly formerly resided in Salem . . I .
Newlyweds .... now living n
Salem are Mr. and Mrs. John
Cameron McLean, who were
married on August 8 at St. Paul's
Episcopal Church in Chicago . I .
the bride is the farmer Patricia
Lawson, daughter of Mr. a ad
Mrs. Jack G. Lawson of Chicago
and the groom is the son of Mrs.
Bety Bailey McLean of Chicago
The wedding reception fol
lowed at the South Shore Country
Club ...
The couple drove west on. their
honeymoon and are now at home
at the Lee apartments ... Mr.
McLean is with the legal depart
neat of the Oregon Sate Highway
Commission . . . his bride was
engaged in producing commer
cials for' television on NBC prior
. to her marriage ... She is a
graduate of the University of
Arizona and a Kappa Gamma . 4 .
her husband is a graduate of the
University of Chicago Law School
Congressman and Mrs. Walter
Norblad, who have recently come
west and are now settled in their
new home near Stayton, will be
honored at an informal parry
Saturday night at the Stayton
home of Mr. and Mrs. Amandiis
J. Frank .... Assisting hosts
will be Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Freres,
and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. Devers, Jr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell. . .X
large group of friends from Stay
ton, Salem, Mill City and nearby
cities have been invited to wel
come the Norbalds to the com
munity ...
A neighborhood coffee ... on
the agenda for Thursday August
27 when Mrs. Glenn Stevens and
Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst enter
tain for their neighbors on Canda
laria Heights . . . The party to be
held at the Stevens' home on
Alvarado Terrace with guests
bidden to call at 10 o'clock
Entertaining . ... her ' study
club at luncheon on Monday was
Mrs. I V. Benson, who invited
the group to spend the day at
her summer home at Devils Lake
"TRAVEL TALK . . . It's wel
come home for Miss Lena Belle
Tartar, who has returned from a
month's trip south and east .
he made the entire trip by train
. . . Her jnain destination was
Johnson City, Tenn., where she
attended her "family reunion on
July 20 . . , . over a hundred
were present for the occasion
Miss Tartar also visited in Kings
port, Tenn. and Wytheville, Va.
with relatives and friends ... On
Spiritual Sunflower Club. Bush's
Paature, sack lunch. 11:30 a. m.
Barbara Jrietchte Tent DUV. with
Mrs. Jack -Simkins, Route 1. no-host
luncheon at noon.
Salem, On, Tnnraw Aug. 20. IS53
the return trip she stopped : in
Hamilton, Ohio to visit relatives
and in Detroit to see her niece
and her husband, Dr. and Mrs.
John N, Reid (Ann Tartar),
formerly of Salem . . . The travel
er stopped in Seattle on the last
lap of her trip to visit her broth,
er and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs.
Herman Tartar ...
Vacationing ... in Oregon for
a fortnight are Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Y. Young of San Fran
cisco .... Mr. Young Is home on
leave from Hamilton Field, where
he is stationed . . . . The Youngs
are spending most of their time
at Cannon Beach at the summer
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W, R. McWaters . . . Mr.
Young's mother, Mrs. Donald A.
Young, is joining the family
there today for the remainder, of
the week .... The young couple
will visit in Salem a few days be
fore heading south ...
Arriving ... in Salem Tuesday
was Carlton Savage of Washing
ton, D. C, who has come west to
spend several weeks with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jj C. Sav
age, and his brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goode-
nough . . . Mr. Savage is a mem
ber of the policy planning staff
of the Department of State in
Washington ...
Here from Ontario .... for a
visit is Mrs. Lynn McLachlan, a
former Salem resident, who is
the guest of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James
Annpriest ....
Young Visitors .... at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Linn C.
Smith this week are her grand
daughters, Sally and Tia Plymp
ton, daughters of the Donald
Plymptons of Oregon City . . .
Dividing . . . their time be
tween Salem and Portland for a
few weeks are Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell C Haehl Jr . . . . the young
couple just returned from a fort
night's sojourn in California fol
lowing his release from the army
. . . he arrived home from Korea
the end of July . . . The Haehls
are visiting her parents. t'- Rev.
and Mrs. George H. S and
with his parents, the . . C.
Haehls, in Portland . . .
Returns north . . . Miss Edna
Sterling returned to her home in
Seattle Tuesday following a ten
day visit in the capital with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen . . .
A sojourn ... at the Oregon
Coast for Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
O'Connor of Seattle . . . they va
cationed at Dean's near Wald
port . . . The O'Connors stopped
in Salem the first of the week en
route to Seattle ....
Return From
Trip South
Mrs. Roger Nelson and son, Jim
Cuthbert, have returned to Mill
City after a six weeks vacation
trip in the southern states. They
were the guests of relatives and
friends in Mobile, Alabama, Val
paraiso, Florida and New Orleans.
Part of the time was spent at
Roman Beach on the Gulf of Mex
ico. A highlight of the trip was
an evening and breakfast party
on one of the Waterman barges
and a visit to the Mobile Yacht
Club for the Sunday afternoon
The travelers were feted at
several dinner parties and trips
during their visit Mrs. Nelson
and her son made the trip south
by plane through Denver and
Dallas, returning via bus through
Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and
Modern Etiquette
Q. What is the proper way to
eat spaghetti or macaroni when
it is served Italian style?
A. It is probably better to avoid
embarrassment or mishap by
breaking it with the fork, unless
you are dexterous and thor
oughly experienced in the Italian
manner of eating it
Q., If a girl who is going to be
married does not have a father or
a brother to give her away, whom
can she choose to perform this
A. If she has no other close
male relative, then she may
choose a male friend of the fam
ily. Ql What should a girl do or say
when she has completed a dance
with a young man and he thanks
A. A nod, accompanied by a
smile, is sufficient
- 4
- i
Mr. and Mrs. larfes Hyer (Mildred Dardelson) who
were married on August 7 at the First Methodist Church
manse by Dr. Brooks Moore. The bride is the daughter of
Peter Danielson of Webster, Wisconsin and the groom is
the son of Mrs. F. M. Bryant of Sweet Home. (Artz Studio).
Miss Shryock
Married to
Army Man
Wed at an impressive cere
mony on Wednesday, August 5
at the Foursquare Gospel Church
at 8 o'clock were Miss Dorothy
Shryock, daughter ol Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Shryock, and Private
Donald William Scott, son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Scott The Rev.
Roy Worthington performed the
nuptials. Tburman Krater was
the soloist and Miss Patricia Fagg
the organist
For her wedding the bride
chose a white linen suit with
matching hat She carried a
white Bible marked with a laven
der orchid.
Miss Myrna" Boyce was the
bride's only attendant She wore
a pastel blue suit with blue ac
cessories. Her flowers were pink
Roy Bloom stood with the
groom as best man. Ushers were
Private William Verburg. Darrell
Currier of Estacada, a cousin of
the bride, and Robert Shryock,
the. bride's brother.
Mrs. Shryock attended her
daughter's wedding in a pink
nylon gown with blue accessories
and a corsage of pink gladioluses.
Mrs. Scott, the groom's mother,
wore a navy blue lace gown with
white accmessories. Her flowers
were white gladioluses.
A reception followed in the
church parlors. Cutting the cake
was Mrs. Ernest Currier of Es
tacada, cousin of the bride. As
sisting were Mrs. William Bot
torff of Portland, cousin of the
bride, and Mrs. E. T. Rose of
The newlyweds spent their
honeymoon along the Oregon
coast and Washington. Mr. Scott
has left for Camp Stoneman,
Calif, to await further army or
ders and his bride will remain
in Salem at the home of her
4-H Club Holds Picnic
BROOKS The Busy Beavers
4-H Club held its last meeting
of the season on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph,
A. Daniels. A picnic dinner was
served by the parents and the
children played croquet, finished
their record books and making!
club banners for the country
fair. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Buford, club' lead
er, and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Zellner and Paul, Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Sartain, Martha and Nancy,
Joe Doran and Robert, Charlie
Bergerson, Richard Prantle, Mr.
and Mrs. Daniels, Paul and Dean.
End youx doa's aamovi cxmaeKin
aad irritation with CLOVER'S
.-j J Jaltwl. mm tmatamttw
) 7
Ragsdale Family
Reunion Sunday
: MILL CITY Almost fifty
members of the Ragsdale family
gathered at the home of Ernest
Ragsdale in Mill City for a re
union on Sunday, August 9.
Part of the time was spent in
playing tape recordings brought
by Mr. and Airs, oillis Kagsdale
and their son, Walter, of Arizona,
who moved away from Oregon
17 years ago. This was their first
trip back to visit relatives. They
made tape' recordings of their
children's voices, talking, singing
and playing the guitar, before
they started on their visit here.
Those attending the reunion
were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ar
thur, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Arthur
and daughter, Marlene, Mrs. Lu
cille Klinge, Mr. and Mrs. John
Kennedy, all of Eugene; Velma
and Ardith Conklin of Corvauis;
Kennie Burn worth of Philomath:
Mrs. Pearl Bihl of Rio Linda, Cal
ifornia; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Query
ana children Judy, Jackie and
Rickie of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ragdale and
daughter, Devota, and Mr. and
Mrs. Elbert Ragsdale and sons,
Arnie and Dickie, of Rickreall:
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shepherd of
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. - T. J.
Wedkind of Canby; Mr. and Mrs.
George Smith of Dillard; Mr. and
Mrs. Gillis Ragsdale of McNeaL
Arizona; Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Ragsdale of Tucson. Arizona:
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ragsdale and
children, Carol and Joe Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Lenthel Ragsdale and
children, Susan and Kahy, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ragsdale
Sr., all of Mill City.
1 1 sr; ti ;!: 1 1:"
Visitors Guests
AfRada Home
MILL CITY 'Guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Rada are their
son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Rada ; and sons, Stephen,
Billy, and David. ,
They will return to Pasadena,
Calif, by Sept 1, where Rada is
on the faculty of UCLA.
. The Edward Rada family spent
two weeks camping on the hills
north of town. Also, in the camp
ing party were Mr. and Mrs.
Munson Dowd and children, Es
ther, Trinka and Mike of Pasa
dena, Calif. Mr. Dowd and Mrs.
Rada are sisters.
Also visiting the Frank Rada
home last week were their other
son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ru
dolph Rada and sons Robert,' Ron
ald and Roger. Mr. Rada is as
sistant superintendent of Pendle
ton Schools.
Joining the rest for a weekend
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rada's
daughter and her family, Mr. and
Mrs. John Martin and daughters,
Gloria and Helen, of Portland.
Mrs. Martin, Edward and Ru
dolph Rada are all graduates of
Mill City High School.
Y ' i
, sizes 4tt 5 i 5V4 I 6 6 I 7 7' 1 8 I O1 9
j 2 2 j3 3 4 2
1 I S I 4 I 9 110 4l 4 I 417 I 7
Y Regular to 3.49 -o
'XN r ".""r ''';'. Other Days 9i30
VFW Picnic to
Be -Sunday i
Marion Auxiliary, Veterans of
Foreign Wars will hold its an
nual picnic with the Post Sunday,
Aug. 23, at a park near Stayton.
All members and their friends
are invited to attend. Those
wishing transportation are asked
to call 42744.
Regular meeting of Marion
Auxiliary will be held at the Vet
erans of Foreign Wars hall Mon
day evening at 8 p.m.
The Sodality dance committee
of Mr. Angel is sponsoring a
semi-formal dance Friday night
at the Mt Angel Auditorium be
tween 9 and 12 o'clock. Stubby
Mills and his orchestra will play
for dancing and the interested
public is invited to attend.
le 6
August Fur Event
Exquisite New Furs
1S4S Ferry Ph. 3 814
Hurry in for
All our fine summer styles in soft leather
mesh or fabric styles. Sandals, slings
pumps, casuals, many others.
Not All Sizes in all Styles.
Mrs. furlough
Mrs. Sylvia Furlough of San
Francisco, formerly Salem, has
been spending her vacation here
and in Washington. She visited
with Mr. and Mrs. A L. Skewis,
former Salem residents, at their
home at Sequim, Wash. Mrs.
, ' . .
- Brooks Soy Petrel's birthday
was an inspiration for a surprise
party Sunday night at his home
near Brooks. Honoring Mr. Pet
rel were' Mr. and Mrs. Avon May
field, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brutka
and Judy, Joe PetzeL Miss Elsie
PetzeL and Mr. and Mrs. Emery
Jones, Mr, and Mrs. Hank Beier,
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lee and fami
lies, and Mrs. Roy PetzeL , .
As $oo50
Much as Allowed
443 State St Salem
Open Fri Nites Til 9
best selection .
" ' ' STORE HOURS: Mon. A
Fjurlcughland Mrs. Skewis wen
ofi to . Victoria and Vancouven
B.C for aUhort sojourn.
Onj the return trip the travel
foprted ia Salem for a few dayi
visit at the home of Mrs. Laurf
Johnson, i She is leaving todai
for the bay city. Several informJ
dinner and luncheon partiet
fftedl the visitor. On Sundal
Mrs. Uohnson was hostess for ai
iafortnal at home between 6 an
9;o'clock for, the pleasure of Mrs.
riurlough ad a group of her long
friends. Mrs. Kathryn Dri
coll Assisted the hostess.
Unwanted Hair
From tho Face
N. Liberty Dial 3-3921
FrL 9:30 to 9
it 5:30' j ...
a. M i , , . m
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Phorie 3-9191
' '' f V '" " ' J." "9 " ' 'if '" 11 ' J I
550 N. Capitol, Salem
TTm Jrjmj0Tjm. mm fm m,m M W t