f ... i I I 1 (Sc toUimoBULSoltxa, Or, ThurwAug. 20, 1353 4-HContest Winners to Get Place at Fair! 3 SDrine 4-H contest winner Win compete again today and tomor row in tne Marion County FJUl Show for the final honor i a place in the 4-H exhibit at the State Fair. j j 'Demonstrations and -armiTi exhibitions win be held today be ginning at 9 a. m. at Hogg Eros. Store. Members winning demon strations win attend the State Fair as Marion County 4-H rep resentatives. Salem girls competing are Marilyn Page,' Susan Hamstreet and Mary Ann Meyer. Other county contestants are Barbara Lichty. Central Howell; Gail Brundidge and Delbert Mc Laughlin, Union; Marie DuRette, Butteville; Sherrfll Hochspeier, Julia Ann Coin, Carolyn Adams and Gloria Bentley, Jefferson; Sara Mayers and Carol Ann Hud son, Keizer; Marilyn Rasmus sen and Judy GotchalL Butteville; Sandra Z wicker and Linda Lee, Aumsville; Martha Teifke, Joan Bennett, Darlene Tetzloff and Delores Meyers, Jefferson. Those competing tomorrow win be Sara Mayers, Joyce Mount, Donna Ebert and BertheU Adams, all of Keizer; Carolyn Adams, Gloria Bentley, Martha Teiflte, Arlene Farmer. Darlene DrislrilL 9 ,--v- . Extinguished Two trash fires and a smould ering 'wood pile i were ex tinguished Wednesday by Salem firemen before any damage was sustained. i i The first was a pile of trash which caught fire behind the Cal vary Baptist Churcn, 1230 S. Lib erty St, 'Wednesday morning. Firemen presumed that children playing near the area could have set the fire or possibly a cigaret thrown nearby, they said. . The - other morning fire oc curred at the Keith Brown yard in the 1400 block of Tile Road. Firemen said that rubbish stacked there smouldered a bit, but there was no damage. A cigaret thrown into a wood pile behind the old High School at High and Marion Streets was blamed for a fire there Wednes day near 4:30 p.m. The burn was put out before it reached danger ous proportions. f SherriH Hochspeier, Delene Gur- gurich and Joan Bennett, Jeffer son; Karen Tuers, Sigrid Wolfe, Linda Christensen, Linda Benson, David Richardson, and Martha Richardson, HayesviUe; Judy Fel ler, Mane DuRette, Carolyn Du Rette, Butteville; ReVerU Isham, Brooks, and Sandra Zwicker, Aumsville. : t - Okw Writfey" Speartak Cum, Eajoy Kvdy spearauat flavor. ibfeaUt. rvtie Forest Fire Suits Mount ROSEBURG i Eight suits were added here Wednesday to 15 filed Monday against Martin Bros. Box Co. of Oakland, Ore., and Forrest Solomon, contract logger, over a forest fire. The eight suits, totaling $29,600, were filed by insurance firms. They contend the defendants were negligent in allowing spread of the fire. The fire, in August, 1951, was in the Hubbard Creek area 15 miles southeast of here. tasks S3 sai! Crowds Kill Informant of Iranian Plo t (Story also on page 1) TEHRAN OT-Infuriated mobs who swept old Premier Moham med Mossadegh out of power Wednesday, tore to pieces CoL Ezatollah Momtaz who betrayed last Sunday's abortive royalist up rising. ; . -, Jail doors were opened and Mos sadegh's political prisoners about 50 were turned loose. ' Foreign Minister Hossein Fate mi. -Mossadegh's No. 1 henchman, who only Tuesday night threatened to hang the Shah, also was report ed torn to pieces by mobs. Fatemi was violently anti-British, disliked Americans and was considered the unyielding strong man behind Mos sadegh. Maj. Gen. Fazollah Zehedi rode into his job as Iran's new prime minister on a wave of pro-Shah sentiment whipped up since Wed nesday morning when mobs began massing. Police Turn on Premier The mobs, instead of meeting re sistance from Mossadegh s police, found the gendarmes shouting pro Shah slogans. People leaned out their windows and echoed them. Soldiers, formerly sent out to guard Mossadegh, shouted "death to Mossadegh" instead. Tanks and truck-equipped troops joined the mobs. One after another the key points of the city fell to the Shah-shouters. Among the first to go was Fatemi'i newspaper from which he had thundered bloodthir sty threats against the Shah. Zahedi reportedly had taken re fuge among wild, pro-Shah tribes men in remote Azerbaijan after Sunday's fiasco. He emerged to take over the country Wednesday. Shah Summoned The new regime called on the Shah to return 'from Rome and take over the country. In Rome, the Shah said he planned to fly back as soon as news of the coup was confirmed. The Shah said he wanted to do the best for his people. As furious battles raged in the streets of Tehran, the radio be- fTioIe Family Attending Co DENVER (Jfy-The whole Ern est Kim merman family is enrolled at Denver University. Simmerman is taking a course in fishing and Mrs. Simmerman is . studying horticulture. Daugh ter Polly, majoring in physical education, has finished her fresh man year and son Gerald, a Phi Beta Kappa graduate student, is working , toward a master's de gree in psychology.; Credit Bureau Managers to Sign Up Today FREE ESTIMATES On Kitchen Remodeling CAPITAL STOBE Ul N. High Ph. 4-5431 Some 300 mannagers from credit bureaus in the 11 western states and British Columbia will register today for the annual 3- day Pacific Coast Credit Confer ence in the Senator HoteL Gov. Paul Patterson and Mayor Al Loucks will address the group Friday. Purpose of the meeting is to exchange ideas on national credit problems and to discuss ways of helping business men with credit difficulties. Panel discussions and talks by well-known credit offi cials will be given. State Real Estate Commissioner A. J. Crose will speak to the group on the li censing act and on other laws af fecting credit officials. Local arrangement are being made by Chris Seely, Loring G r i e r, Charles Dean, Alice Mathey, Francis Smith, Roy Was sam and Gail Christensen. THe Nation's Top Comics DAILY li - . 1 Your H BLONDE AND SUNDAY Newipapcr amc i By chic young. , - ( HELP ME GET CMOOy I UHO I HATE I ML? MOM. J ( NOW THETlEU I (JILOOK GOOD tH A "" - ' i DICK TRACT Br CHESTEB GOULD came the only means of commu nication. Cable and telephone ser vice overseas was cut off. This correspondent was granted the use of Tehran Radio facilities, owned by the government, to broad cast direct dispatches to the As sociated Press monitoring facili ties in London. By evening, however, all appear ed calm here. Zahedi decreed an indefinite shut down of all shops except those of grocers, butchers and bakers. The city was firmly in control of his army and police. SEE THE FABULOUS PFAFF Sewing Machine at MYRONS 153 S. Liberty Ph. 3-5773 BACK ON. HIS ICE CREAM OCLEtS-OMAGEE PREPARES FOR US MA5TB4 tO Bfcl IkM 04BCXTO BE SURE THAT THE LITTLE DARLINGS ARE ALL IN THE BOX. AH.VES. first; loss of pebo twekl TUB PERLMAN CLUE-BACK ANT 15 A MCHTV MITE. i Meawwiue UNCLE CANHEAD, WERE CONG TO GET ANOTHER ICECREAM BAR. ARENOU MUTMCi FCR ICECREAM MAN, TOO r UTTLE ANNIE BOONEY By DABRELL McCLUBE 3 LOOKS LIKE BUILDIN6 WHY. ITS SCHOOLHOUSE THAT K fe DOOMED! THE OLD A YOU MEAN THAT NCC.LrTTLE.RC5 XruA ITS THE ONLY SCHOOLHOUSE IN TOWN-MOW ALL TWE LITTLE WOS WU, JlOl IHLI Xvx W0KTKAVE N0 5CM0OLTO I DONT EXPECT TME KlOS WILL OUT CFCRtEP-BUT IT WILL BE A MAAO BUW TO TMTIR PARENTS -1 I MOPE THE SOIOOLMOUSE -- WAS iwsucrD HI I I mm AN' IP IT Al NX 1HAT MEANS ITS BAD, MUM i mm BUZZ SAWYER By ROY CRANE ra, is FI RST. . .with L Blitz Weinhard! 'VE3S 73! ImSI r'flll i And for flavor...itsBrJTHyxHi haven't savored rhe rj65 j ' mad-mcllow goodness of Blitz lately, try itnexttimc r'NP mJf Notice bov the Light, pleasant tang satisfies and refreshes, t -u i '' i'Mr i twikof almost a cenmr'i - fx l- experience in brewing fine beer to Oregon's own tuj- I Slr partkulax taste. Next time vou buy beer, buy Blitz... l tfr hz "avor' YOU WOULD y WW5M0TKEO met STtAwre f".,TJ ajfscw Jvv ? PBAKf-KD0M NURSIS, 5PCIAL-PUTf NURSES, nOORKURSESiFUJOR ADAlKtSTtUTOT COTNH STIFF JKEM8EES AMD IHTERKE& THE CUkNWG MAIDS. A WUO IS lAUTflOSIZEDj tOWRE TKEY 1 ' JP M A 1 tin.. 1. 1 WtTCVTCMBltf J MT VJ Haute, vrcMBN6 TtEN iCOULOtfT A wjrWOUTKttiS . TMTS NpTJCpyCUr l WTE POSSIBLE. MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY I NOW, THIN ...I'VE OOT us ur A.kJr aac t9.ltS i vjf TVIC7C AWUiT 4 r . 1 jm ...... 0 r JV. PO! TKr UVU II 'S ...VOU WHO WE SO F?E MITU THE HEEL OP VOU? SHOE ON THE BACK OP ME HE AO. ITU. TURN V INTO A kOSc BUSH. OO AHEAC THIN, "ft UU FEATHEPEf IS 1 1 ""r '', ong.'. AAUSTMT! . NiOKISENSE...TI& TWC WAV ALL WOAA.EM SHOULD. Btl tOvELV...BUTCILEMT RIP XZRBY THAT T I ' TUC AAW M I suspbct omi.Fo T THE CWTMC GRAtfSS A- OFffiROYDJ a WAS pOPEr, -WHOMOCSSS jwTAtivm meat VTaii Tins VJI W mm m L n I 1 h. 1 X.OOT hOtCW .MCKEW f fBy ALEX RAYMOND J oesaN0iVMOHE cesciwnriCNj opt fTUA-f TP1IIFO TO THE IAAY.SE A CUUK IN IT -TNI jrrrs eoo to r. WHERS COIKES 1A GASOLINE ALLEY By CNQ Golfy, Hope, they to you lite? sure gave you a 1 n.jjnvfi make-over joow y- 1 -a Qve oie time to come out y- rfw-w 1 rrv-TikTrn- tub raw material kxedotey. 1 . . . uuhn ujo xr civic nrvn ttt honey the bU will tfimk Eve got angmer wne. t Heck, Hope, let's cp , some um: BARNEY GOOGLE OREGON'S OWN riNl lllR SINCI 1IS6 WAAL- FCTAINT I HEAR TELL SNUFFY 60T A RIFLE-RWJL WS OUST, SOt FETCHE9 VE SOME. FLOWERS i 1 Z AINT 60NC NOUMARS VET. YE SHIPIXSG SKONKB By FRED LASSWEU 1 J