2 (See. 2 EtaUcMa, Scdea, Ore Ttsra Ac?. fc States to Get Federal Fund '.Game, Fish Projects To Be Given Boost WASHINGTON Ml Allocation to the 48 states o J16.084.516 in federal aid funds for wildlife and sport fishery restoration and de4 velopment projects was announced Wednesday by Secretary of the In4 terior.McKay. ' State game departments have; been apportioned $11,784,600 for . restoration land development of wildlife resources in the year endi ing next June 30 under the Pitt-man-Robertson Act. States have to contribute not lest than 25 per cent of costs for projects which must be approved by the secretary Sports fishery work got 14,299,916. The wildlife total to the states is $1,759,494 greater than last year's allotment. ; ; , ' i The territories received the max-j imum amounts permitted under law, $75,000 for Alaska, $29,000 for Hawaii and $10,000 each to the! Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.! The fund comes from the 11 per; cent federal excise tax on sporting arms and ammunition. levied on manufacturers. McKay said a total of $12,147,534 : was credited to the! fund in the year ended June 30 and all of it has been aJloted for distribution to the states land ter ritories and to meet cost of ad-f ministering and Pittman-Robertson Act. - ! I Increased Allotment 1 The appointment for sports fish cry restoration projects ijs an in crease of $1,791,389 over last year. These funds are allotted Under the Dingell-Johnson Act and come from a 10 per cent exise tax on fishing rods, creels and other equip ment, paid by the manufacturers. Under this program states sub mit projects to the Fish and Wild life Service and, after approval, carry them out, putting up at least 25 per cent of the cost They file reimbursement claims With the service for the remaining' 75 per cent of the costs. i Under both wildlife and fish pro grams a formula is used In allot ting the money to the states which takes into .consideration the ratio of the area of a state to that of the entire country and tfce i-atio of hunting or fishing license j holders in a state to the total for all states. Top allocations are limited to five percent of the fishery fund. ; By states, the allocation include: Wildlife funds: Oregon $288,637, Washington $314,483. Sport fishery funds: Oregon $92, 832. Washington $101,620. Veeck Studies Coast Cities (Continued from Prec. Page) . But a league committee of four owners told Veeck that it could not approve Los Angeles or San Francisco individually. The owners take the view that having just one major league club on the Pacific Coast would present too many nrrkHlom frrtm s traval eanlniinf it. m The Browns president apparent ly is out collecting facts and wi report back to the committee was reported that Kansas City i Baltimore. Toronto, Minneapolis and St Paul and possibly ,some Texas cities are interested in Veeck's plans. , There were a number of stum bling blocks as far as Los Angeles is concerned. No4 is the need for an adequate ball park. P. K. Wrig ley, owner of the Los Angeles An gels in the Pacific Coast League and the Chicago Cubs, appear to be cool to any idea of selling Los Angeles' Wrigley Field because of the possible adverse effect on the PCL and the Angels. The president of the Coast League. Clarence Rowland, claims the PCL would suffer irreparable damage if Los Angeles" or San Francisco should be lost to a big league club. The PCL wants major league classification for its entire circuit Harrison Draws With New Yorker CHICAGO un Tireless Tommy Harrison of Los Angeles and light heavyweight Jimmy Slade of New York fought to a 10-round draw in a lack-luster bout in Chicago Stadium Wednesday night. Only in the last round did both fighters open up with all they had, but by that time they were so weary from wrestling each other in a cream-puff punching duel that little damage was done. Both missed wildly and neither landed a solid blow throughout as Jleferee Frank Gilmer frequently urged them on to fight it out. No S Too Larcae flip We Pitk Up and Deliver for Doily, Fol ' Dependable Service to end Frm SEATTLE PORTLAND SALEM COCVALLlS ALBANY EUGENE COTTAGE GROVE ROSEBURG GRANTS PASS MEDFORD CRESCENT CITY EUREKA SAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND AND ALL WAY POINTS Thz$l Do It Every Timc kotaKep cut cf ths Tough Competition at H-Boicl JlflcErtff Enters Stock Car Program Saturday Herschel McGriff, unquestionably one of the best stock car auto racing drivers in the land, has entered Saturday night's Holly wood Bowl program here, it was announced yesterday by Valley Coach Greets Vik Hopefuls Around 60 Salem High School football candidates were present Wednesday night as Coach Lee Gustafson held an orientation session in preparation for the start of regular drills Monday. This year's squad will include 26 returning lettermen. Gustafson and his aides will issue equipment today and Fri day and the aspirants also will take physicals. Two-a-day drills are due starting Monday, one session being set for 9- a.m. and the other for 3 in the afternoon. The Vikings open their 1953 'campaign on Sept 11th in a mix at Portland against Cleveland High. Gustafson has made an appeal to all sophomores with gridiron inclinations to turn out Monday. .The Vik mentor points out that I these same, sophs will in two I years be divided between the i 14th Street school and the new South Salem school and thus jlots of JV members this year I may be playing varsity ball for one or the other in 1955. Dodgers Take l2tli straight (Continued from Prec. Page) Red Sox beat Philadelphia 6-4. Wil liams' drive with a man aboard changed the score from 4-3 Phila delphia to 5-4 Boston, i Detroit won its second straight from Cleveland 4-2. Lefty Billy hoeft broke his personal four game losing streak although he fallowed 11 hits. The Cleveland runs came on homers by Wally West lake and Early Wynn. It was the first time the Tigers had beaten Vynn in thref years, j A home run1 by Frank Thomas In the eighth inning helped the Pittsburgh Pirates pin the 11th de feat) of the season on Curt Simmons b-3 The lefthander has won 10. : At St. Louis it was "Red Schoen dienst" night and the Cardinals second baseman celebrated with a single, double and triple but it wasn't enough for his clubs, which lost to Chicaga 5-3. Clyde McCul bugh homered for the Cubs with one on iff the second and , Steve Bilko homered with the bases emp ty for St Louis in the sixth. WAR UNION WINNER j SEATTLE i War Union, an outsider, won the featured horse race at Longacres track Wednes day, coming in two and a half lengths ahead of Lucky Touch. Toploch was third. I Opium, henbane, peppermint And castor oil were all used as medicine in ancient Egypt or S mall PIERCE FREIGHT LINES. INC. PHONE 3-4403 SALEM customs - m W -( - . - i . - : - . i m Sports officials. McGriff's latest achievement was the winning of the 500-mile stock car classic at Oakland, Cal., in Ms Oldsmobile "88. and hell be at the wheel of the same mount for Saturday night's local program. In a recent 200-lap stock car race at Portland, McGriff was at first believed to have finished second. But a close check of the laps by official scorers disclosed that the youthful pilot actually unisned first His presence will make for tougn competition Saturday, as Bin Araick, Pat Diviney . and Royce Hagerty, who finished 1-2- 3 in the last stock car meet here. will again be present Both Amick and Diviney drive Oldsmobiles also, while Hagerty handles a very capable Ford "6. Saturday's card will be climaxed by a 75-lap main event The last card also carried a 75-lao mainer. the longest auto race of the Sa lem season to date. And it was loaded with spinouts, blowouts and crackups one of the most spectacular and thrilling stock programs ever presented at the big bowl. Don Dehaan, who was credited with having won the recent Port land 200-lapper, will also be here Saturday in his 1948 Plymouth. Look and Learn By A. C GORDON 1. Who was Prime Minister of England when Edward VII abdi cated? 2. What is the average cost per year today to send a boy or girl to college? 3. What is meant by "feather ing ' an oar? 4. Which city has been called the most northern southern city and the most southern northern city in the United States? 5. What percentage of Ameri can men wear eyeglasses? ANSWERS 1. Stanley Baldwin (1867-1947). 2. About 51,310 a year, includ ing books, tuition, room, meals, and personal expenses: 3. Turning the blade horizon tally as it leaves the water, there by decreasing wind resistance. 4. Cincinnati, Ohio. 5. About 57.7 per cent T; CO LETTER C MAR10H MOTORS You are the one to make the decision wt force rlo sal. Look around our used car lot dedde on the car you wast and well assist with, easy terms. 1350 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN. Hydro, trans-, bod. loam cushions, orig. finish like now. Radio, boater. Very clean $1195 iAr"-jr , By Jimmy Hatlo HS VLAIOELi! tide Table Tides for Tuft, Oregon August, 1033 (compiled by th UJS. Coast and Codetie Survey, Portland, Oregon). HIGH WATERS LOW WATERS Aug so 11 Tlm t:SS a.m. 15 p.m. 10:39 a.m. 9:18 p.m. 11:17 a.m. 10:13 p m. 11:53 a.m. 11. -OS p m. 13:23 p.m. 11:5 p m. 11:59 p.m. 13:50 a.m. 1:34 p.m. 1:43 a.m. 3:10 p.m. 3:39 a.m. 3:50 p.m. 3:40 a.m. 3:33 pjn. Ht. 4.1 .S AS 6.S 4.9 7.0 54 7.1 5.8 7.1 3 6.8 6 6 6 4 6.9 5.8 7.0 S3 Time Ht. 3:OS a.nw 0.1 3:05 p.m. 3.3 3:57 a.m. -0.4 3:15 p.m. 3.9 4:43 .m. -0.7 4:17 p.m. 3.3 5:34 a.m. -0.9 5:11 p.m. 3.0 6:04 .m. -1.0 6:03 p.m. 1.4 6:43 a.m. -0.8 6:54 p.m. 0.9 7:20 a.m. -0.4" 7:45 p.m. 0.4 7:58 a.m. 0.1 8:39 p.m. 0.1 8:37 a.m. 0.8 9:36 pjn. -0.1 9:19 a.m. 1.S 10:36 pjrfc -0.1 S3 34 37 38 You'll Find All Yonr Camping and Fishing Needs Ai Cascade Here. Stop in and Look Around Today Oeed H Big, Warm Sleeping Sag? See the new Genuine Woods Eider Down bags. The bag A dm- Byrd took to the Antarctic. From $69,50 to $126.50. Guaranteed the world's finest i deeping bags. i - leeping uags SCOUT BAG Kapok filled, zippof fl closuro. water repel lent cover. Recr. 12.50 CALIPER BAG 3 pounds wool filling, 2 bogi zip toge ther to make double, 2 air mattress pockets, storm flap inside, canopy head cover, water repellent carer. Reg. 22.50 I ALEUTIAN Full 5 pounds pure kapok filling;, nylon outer cover, storm flap orer zipper, 2 bags sip together to make double. 2 odr mattress pockets, all deluxe through-out $Jg)50 ! i nsBssnsBrassBsstssKasBn Reg. 34.50 AIR IIATTRESS Full size. struction. Reg. 7.95. plastic con. i s3.95 Coaplete Stock, lof PcrtaBIe Ice-Boxes, Jcgs, Dottles, etc See the new Sno-Gel ret usable Ice. Pack boards baas, cacksacksu etc ! Softball Meet Opens MILL CITY (Special) T h e anrfiial State Softball Tourna ment,! the "event toward which the softball clan aims all season long, unfolds on Allen Field this weekend for a five-day run. It's the second year that Mill City has hosted the big double elimi nation; tourney and tourney offi cials are going all out to, try for capacity crowds at every session. Allen Field has a seating capacity Dead Fighter's Wife Consoles Man Who Threw Lethal Punch MIAMI BEACH, Fla. t Please don't feel badly. Nobody blames you. He loved to fight." That's what the wife of Robert L. Lee, who died Tuesday night Action Starts In Net Event Action began Wednesday in the South Salem Tennis Singles Tour nament at Leslie courts with a field of 37 boys seeking honors. Bill Jacobsen was top seeded en trant. No. 2 was Ted Ffolejkand Pave Merchant had the third seeding. Ii first-round play Wednesday Gary Peters beat Dick Howald -3, Mark Wulf won over Wayne Baker 6-0; Bob Brown downed Mike Mort 6-1 and then beat Don Brown 6-1; John Shinn won from Pat Kolb 6-1; Mike Kolb beat John Shinn 6-0; Charles Moyer won oVer Dick Fiske 6-0; Gary Calaba stopped Charles Moyer 6-0 and Dave Merchant won twice, beating Bill Schott 7-5 and Wayne Bryan 6-1. More first-rounders are set for today. : n n nn We Have a Complete Sicck of Salmon Pings, Salmon Troll ing Bods, Lores, The 95 Full S pounds gether, 2 air extra warm Hsg. 390. spimmiG OUTFIT 1. Famous Olympic Deluxe Reel, with bail pick-op. Z. Fibre glass spinning rod, 2 piece. 3. 100 yards. DuPont limp spinning line, yonr choice f size. BAG 4. 3 spinning lures This complete outfit only nEIIEIIBER! . , As Little S4 COO I sj Down deliTers year sew 1953 ETinrnde Meter. II i II . II I I n II I In f I I s I I I III of around 1500 and the field's fa cilities are in tip top shape for the meet The tourney field, will include eight teams. The six clubs al ready sure of berths are Salem Merchants, Tillamook, Send, Her miston, Corvallis and the host Mill City Kelly Lumbermen. The Salem and Tillamook en tries collide at 4:30 Saturday af ternoon in the opening contest Four first-round games are slated after receiving a blow to the heart in a preliminary fight, said Wednesday when she met the man who delivered the fatal punch. The fighter, 18-year-old Kenny Yates of Concord, N. C, buried his face in his hands. "I want to give you the money from, my next five fights," the tall, husky youth said in a barely audi ble voice. "I wish I was big-time, so it'd be more." "It wasn't your faull." replied Mrs. Lee, who was composed but red-eyed from weeping. "Bob wanted to fight and he was trying to make enough money to take Us on a vacation in Sep tember. He was doing it for me and the kids." An autopsy Wednesday showed that the death of Lee, a Marine staff sergeant, was caused by a blow to the heart. Dr. Ben Shep pard. Dade County physician, said the punch set off a chain of ner vous reaction which caused a "cardiac arrest" or heart stop page. For All Typoa of Accessories and Parts See Pacific Aulo Supply 1SS N. CoraX Ph. 4-3014 GET READY FOB. ALL THE ffsvrvi Elc, for Blnebacks. - We Carry the Complete Line of Coleman Products Finest Camping Equipment Made See Them Today UIU Hill wool filling, nylon corer. 2 mattress pockets, and comfortable. Fly Rod Reg. 9.95 . Auto. Fly Reg. 8.95 . Value 1S.90 Special Special Tapered Fly Line Slightly Irregular Regular $7.95 $19.50 $2.95 TWOJIAH TEIIT With floor wed In, tipper front, size: 7x6x4 ft. high. Wtterproef. bagproof, yet weighs only 9 pounds com plete. v 1 Cl5 ."1 at MCitySaktrddy on Saturday, two in the afternoon and two at Bight Four games also are on tip for Sunday. : The Corvallis Elks won the crown last year, but the Corvallis entry for the '53 meet doesn't carry the sanje label The strong jRubenstein'a of Eu gene are currently in a playoff with North Bend for a meet slot and the other position goes to either Grants! Pass or Lakeview. The tourney's Sunday nieht ay' WomenjGolfers Finish 'Ipurney t Ecclectic Tournament action was concluded y women mem bers of Salem SGolf Club Wed nesday, with Mrs. Glen Wilbur taking the low gross honors in Class A and Mrf. Fred Anunsen carding ; low net Mrs. Rex Aaolph and Mrs. John R. Wood ere the winners in the Class B ffing and in Class u Honors went to Mrs. Hal Davis and Mrs. Walt I Cline, Ji Tops in Class D wei Mrs. Gilbert Woodson Ben- Groff and Mrs. nett Winners of ues in regular Wednesday plaj were Mesdames Don Huff, Reyi Ids Allen, Bun Homer Goulet. ny Mason and! Jr. Title FiMit Due LONDON Utl 1 Terry Allen's manager said Wednesday the Brit ish flyweight bexing champion, will meet Xshi Ishirai of Japan, for the world flyweight champion ship in Tokyo 0ft 18. FREE HEAl FOR '53 SEE RAPIANT GLASSHEAT i 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Phono 4-6263 COinUC mw 0) ll See pur line of hardyare, marine painl, rc- i i " i . ) I mote controls and equipment. Ilolors; boats available on easy bank terms. iienis-nenSs UIIBREL ii)Ti-i,iijilrL-if iiyiii f'"ffltiiiii"i'ri'fiiuiii'HT'i i 98 that size, .waterproof. can't pull lng, window awn bags zip to- in bbek, all the f featires. Reg. 47.50, 1 Same Tent i REAR RO Or I TEIIT Super deluxe 10x1 2 'a ieet size. Zipper, mosJruIto and bug-projf loor, awning, window in back, finest Jwoierprooi duck material, roomy Q f ' " ' f... """1 and comfortable. HM?i OU $4.95 Heel $195 -V I ) $9.90 Reg; 89.50. All llses of play tenti, tarps. etc low Iprices. Am IIATTRESS Deluxe quality mattress. Full valve. 1 1 Rf I 31C00 rubb r air ' size. Metal program will be called "Shrine Nightf with: all proceeds from that bight's .gate going to the Shrin Hospital fund. The Salem Shrine Club band and drill team will perform between games of the doublcheader and Potentate Lejn Ftulleg and his Divan will al so! be present for the occasion. $eaion fickets for the affair rh PficedJ at $4.00 and single session ducats are one dollar for adults! four bits for kids. GjadMck Delayed DOVER, England Un 1 Florence Chadwick'sjbid to swim the Eng lish Channfl both ways non-stop received another 24-hour setback Wednesday ecause of fickle winds and cantankerous tides. ) .Royal Naal advisers and swim ming coaches advised Miss Chad wick, if Sail Diego, Calif i to put off-beif attempt until Thursday. Had he started Wednesday night as plarjned,!she could have counted on excfellen weather for 12 hours and then would have been buffeted by crqss-bucking tides and a IS mile aft hour wind. Bifocal glasntg were invented by;Beajamn Franklin, i JITio PoqD . 3 f - - j Before Yon Leave Slop in! a! Our Store, 1405 II. Chnrch You're Sure to See Something You've Forgotten boats, marin and equipment it - TEIIT mlal stake loops out, m to proof door. Q i : . in 9x11 siie 27.50 CbmpleTe tents J wlxll tents, pup in stbcM. All at low. See the New Coleman Folding CAIIP STABLE Only Open Till 9 p. ri. Every Week-Day netd oigui 1405 N. Church JJ32t TtA-L.