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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1953)
1 . ! 2) EtaUcncm. Solera; Ore.. Wed-, August 19, 1353 ;! Saleni . Obituaries" I hyacinth Grins Baady.l la this eity Aug. 10, in her sevenths year. Lata resident of 539 N. Winter St. Sur 1 by father' Sgt JWUUam B. Bandy. McCaord Field. Wash, PJ; brents. Mr and Mr. Cleta Wiemals. Salem; ancles jSgt- "Cln it cTWieataU Jr. In tora, John A Wiemals. Salem -andi Pvt. Jsaes Wlemata. USMC. Announcnjmt of services later by W. T. Bigdon fa. 'jardslejr, W4m"? Ulamook. at Weiser, Idaho. Aug. J17. Survived by lMrw J omBrd -lay. Bremerton. I .Benojj Beardsiey. Ita-aler. Cliiford B.nUlPortlaad. " Mrs. H. O. Prouty,, Lon peach, Mrt. eW. Towley. New Meado Idaho. Mrs. Frank Huffman. Prtrtland. Jdrs, Sward Vaader Jasgt, Tillamook: sis ters. Mrs. Hettie Merrickf Woodburn. Mrs. August Broderson, iWeiser and Mr. Catherine Bean. PdrtUnd; afao nine frandchUdren aod ten great rrandchildren. Services will be held Friday. August 21 at 130 .?. In the W. -T. Rigdon Chapel with the Rev. Dudley Strain! offldatiaj. Interment In Belcreat Memorial Park. " BROWN I ' I , . Gerald L. Brown, Iatej resident -; of 49 S. Capitol St.. at a- Portland hospital Aug. li. sAanoancementj of ervices later . by Clufh-Barrfck funeral Company. j CORKY . . 1 ,. ' , Ethel Corey, atf the family reslr deuce. 2065 Warner Ave Aug. lTfat the ace of 62. Announcement of serv ices later by Howell-Edwards Co.j CRAM SB I i I ! . William Ernest Cramer j la Portland Aug. 1 at the age of 40. Survived fby Mother. Mrs. Lena Craftier, Salem: brother, Paul A. Cramer. Newbefg; sisters. Mrs. Ruth StoUer. Dayton. Mrs. Grace Z. Dodd. Portland: Serv ices Wednesday. Aafcljat 3 PJtMia W. T. Rigdon Chapel with concluding services at Belcrest Meinorial Park. CROTHERS j I Bertha N. Crothers. at the ri dence 634 N. Capitol Sfc Auf. lljat the age of 74. Survived by husband, Guy M. Crothers. Salem: one sfen. R. m. Crothers, PorUand. Announee ment of services later bye Howeil-Ed-wards .Co. j ; f GUEFFStOY j A , .1 . Adolph A. Cueffroy, late resident of 909 D St, at : a local hospital Aug. IT. Survived " by Widow. Mrs. Enna M. Goeffroy. Saifem: daugh ter. Miss Claudine Guetfroy. Santa Barbara. Cahf.. and Mrs. Sidney fL. Llambias, Salem; sisters! Mrs. ffed Cahlsdorf, Salem. Mrs. Aagusta King. Berkeley. Calif.: brothers; Charles pi. Cueffroy. Portland. George p. Guef xroy. Madison. SJD-. and. Edward S. Cueffroy. Charles City, Iowa. Serv ices will be held Wednesday. Aug. 19 st 2 pjn. with the Rev. Brooks H. Moore officiating. Private inter ment at Mt. Crest Abbey Mauso. leum. Please omit flowers. f JOHNSON , J j Albin C. Johnson., in this city Auf. 18 at the age of 38. Survived byj a sister. Mrs. E. B. Cronk. Monmouth. Announcement of services later by Howell-Edwards Co. j LUCAS .1 . j. Lue Allen Lucas. late resident lot 1240 S. 12th St.. at Veterans Hos pital. Portland, Aug;. 18. Survived by widow, Mrs. Lorna Lucas. Salem; daughter. Mrs. Vivian Hardman. Poft Scott, Kans4 brothers. Eagl Lucas. Gl rard. Kans, and Leo Luaa, Detroit. Mteh.: granddaughter. Deanna Kay Hardman. Portland. Services will Ibe held Friday. Aug. 21 at 2spjn. at ie Virgil T. Golden . Chapel with the Rev. John DeBoer officisUng. Inter ment in Belcrest Memorial Park. -In lieu of flowers contributions to Amer ican Cancer Society ar requested. NAVRATIL I - 4 Vincent NsvratiV: laU resident ; of . S210 D St, in a local nursing home Aug. 14 at the age of 83. Survived by two daugters, Mrs. Agaes Wojde chowski and Mrs. Mary Chapman, both of Salem; brother, Frank Nv ratilr srrandaughter. Mrs. Mary Schweinfurth, and greafcgrand-dauh-ter, Janet Louise Schweinfurth, both of Salem. Graveside services Sunday. Aug. 23. at 3 p.m. at Fairview Cem etery. Gates, under direction of Howell-Edwards Co. . I SCOTT . 1 Edna A. Scott, in this sity Aug. 33. Late resident of 1833 S.W. ttth St Portland. Survived by mother. Mrs. Ida Scott. GlendaleJ sister, Mrs. Mil dred Sether. Glendale. Services Thursday. Aug. 20 at 1 -JO p.m. in iff. T. Rigdon Chapel with concludSif services at Independence Cemetery. 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found THE party who took the watch from the Mobile Service Station. Capitol u.,kt It returned no OUM- IIU "" tiona asked. Large reward. 2-9H9. LOST: White purse, important ba prt. Keep money. Phone Dallas 3721. LOST mo. old female Golden Cocker pup in vicinity of N. Church and Belmont. Ph. 3-8529. 314 Transportation LADY desires ride to HHlcrest and return daily. Box 813 eo States man. -; LEAVING Aug. 21st for Oklahoma. Via Salt Lake, Denver and vicinity. Share expenses. Call Corvailis 3-3S1S at f a.m. or 7 pjn. man. 316 Personal I WILL NOT be responsible for any , Dius oiner man my own u !.". myser MRS J JEAN. Psychic reader ten. vniif naat prgjf nt- ruiure. tan - hel overcome all obstacles iat keep you from success, health and happiness. Tip Top Motel. 359 S. . . Commercial My. 9SE. Apt. T. XlXOHOUCS Anonymous group JN 1. 2088 N. Commercial Phone 2-9419 or 3-4537. P. O Boa 124. ' 1 s 2!o Nw Church St j I Classified AdverttalBf Per word. 1 time -1e Per word. J times 0 Per word, 7 times U Per word. 1 month ., . f Oe Minimum ten words. 1 Extra charge tor -Blind" ads Readers in city briefs: i?o Per word Minimum ten words. No Refunds. ; h i The " Deadline for Classified. Ads eontalrunn targe dplay tTP i?. Noon the day before publication. -One Column ads set ia this sUe VP enly accepted up to 8:45 PAi- j - Tbmtesmaa i reserves the nghj to reject Questionable advertising It further reaerves the rtbV toce all advertising nader the jPeoper The Statesman assumes no Cn- dat respoasiiaiiiy cor nw w.v where thin naper is at uttwili; re print tnai pan oi "fl" c." in tch the tvpojtraohlcai mistake A "PHnd Adoa ad containing a a Statesmen boa umber-for anjad-SresT-- ia (or the protecttoa of? the . answereo by letter. The Statesman ts not at liberty to divulee tnforma- WW tioa as to the laemny m u Potato; Market turnStarts Shipment Rush " A 25tnt upturn in the potato market a week ago started such a rush of potato shipments out of the Ontario district that 20 additional shipping point inspec tors have been sent into that area, according to W. L Close, state supervisor for the shipping point inspection service. The early crop now moving in chiefly whites and reds. Close said. Early russets have not yet started in volume. f Close said V. E. Nygren, dis trict supervisor in that area, in formed the Department of Agri culture Monday that 160 carloads of spuds were shipped out last Friday. That is an all-time high for any commodity in a single day in Oregon: , The inspection service has dis patched men from Medford, Hood River, Klamath Falls, Redmond and other points to help in the potato deal in Malheur County. It has also sent men from the Hood River and Salem districts to assist in the fresh prune deal at Milton - Freewater and the frozen corn deal at Ontario. Prune shipments now moving from the Umatilla County center are the early crop. Shipments of the main crop from that section will get under ; way about August 24, or at the same time Bartlett pear harvests open up at Hood River and Medford. Store Picketed After Collapse Of Negotiation A breakdown of three and a half months of negotiating was blamed Tuesday for picketing of Hogg Brothers Appliance and Furniture Store, 260 State. St, by members of the Salem Retail Furniture Dealers Association. The man, members of the Teamsters Local 324, drivers and warehousemen, went out on strike Monday morning and were still picketing Tuesday. "The issue basically involves a request by the men for a 40-hour work week," explained M. E. (Andy) Anderson, business rep resentative for the union. The men currently work a 48-hour work week. During negotiations a member of the U. S. Concilia tion Service was invited in to assist, Anderson said. "The fur niture industry , in the Portland area is already; working a 40-hour week and over 80 per cent of Salem's employed now work a 40-hour week," Anderson pointed out. Anderson said union nego tiations had suggested the store could remain open six days of the week, but the men could be rotated to work only five days. , Members of the Furniture Deal ers Association, about 18 in num ber, also work at the H. L. Stiff Company and Hamilton Furni ture Company. No indication that these businesses will be picketed was given Tuesday. In a telephone interview Tues day with Carl Hogg of Hogg Brothers, he advised that nego tiations are being handled by his attorney, Roy Harland. Harland advised he had "no comment," and suggested a check with Her bert Stiff, president of the Deal ers Association. Stiff advised the Association had "no comment." 400 Ajrriculture 402 Livestock FOR SALE, four sheen and lambs, 2 year old ewes. Romney. 1280 Oak- hill Ave. or eau z-ezei. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. S. C. ; McCandHsh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147 BONDED Livestock Buyer. A. r' Sommer. 1265 Harmony Dr. Ph 4-2617. i feONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Edwards. Bt. 3. Boat 899. Ph. 4-1113. ViCENSED and bonded livestock buyer. E. L Snethea. 165 Kenwood Ave. Phone 2-1345. LOCKER BEEF. Hereford. 24c; locker pork 45c Nothing down. 6 months to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loan ed free. Salem Meat Co. 1325 S. 25 th. Ph. 3-45. 404 Poultry and Rabbits WE are batching New Hampshire. Goldec Broads, and Arbor acres White Rocks every week. Special price to year round fryer growers. Fox Hatchery. 3830 State St. Phone -4969 .. CUSTOM killing. Fowl of any kind Ph. 4-3420. NewelTs Poultry Plant Kill S days a week. Bt S. Boa 109 Salem. : Phono t-2441 Snbscriptioa Rates By earrle- in cities: Dally ana Sunday Daily onlv i . S 1.45 per mo 123 per mo Sunday only .10 week By ssail. Sunday only: . (la advance) . $ .50 per mo Anywhere in U. S. 2.73 six mo 3 00 year By saall. Dally aa Sunday: (In advance! Ib six counties . . S 1.00 per mo. ( Benton. Clacka mas. Una. ; Mar- 1-2S sis mo ion. Polk. Yam- t hill), 10S0 vear -Elsewhere ia i Oregon .. . I JO per mo In U S outside Oregon . . i 145 per no Member Audit Bnreaa of Circulations Boreaa of Advertising. ANPA Oregon Newspaper Pablishers Association Advertising ' RepresenUtives: Ward-Griffith Co, New Tors,." Chicago San Iraactsca, Detroit Ud 400 Ajrri culture 4C3 Pots BLACK cocker spaniel puppies. 222S GOOD Springer SpanieL . Fine and Y.mrm mnina HlintMt lift Var. VfTt rood retriever. 4245 HayesvilJe Dr. Phone 4-4003. CTVE away Setter and part Water mm SO Tnron Avft. TOY terrier puppy. 14. 3415 Williami PTXREBRED Collie pupa.3ii5 woe. BLACKCoUie puppies. 3890 State St, WANTED female fox terrier puppy. Non registered. Phone i-tol moLLYTWOOD AQUARIUM. lf8 Mc. . Coy, 2 btock east of N. Capitol. lMl blocks north of Madison. Ph. 2-0897, tiaMPiOJJ hrad boxer puppies. Ev ery pup a potential champion. Moors Tropical fish, equipment. Goldfish, "Parakeets. 2 miles from Lancaster on Macleay Road, Phono COCKAT1ELS. parakeets, call evei nlngs. Powers, 735 Bellevue St, Ph. 4-1597. . 1 -g773. c:iosea on hpimii?i. 410 Sovods and Plants FUCHSIAS, TUBEROUS BEGONIAS, GERANIUMS. MXRRIXS GREEN HOUSE. BROOKS. . 1 412 Fruit and Farm Prodnco GRAVXNSTINE apples. $1.00 bushel. U-pick. Bring containers. 2-4818, 1172 Park. :j ; CANNING PEACHES f Improved early Crawford's now, oth er varieties in season. VMill seU your produce on consignment.. Terminal CUCUMBERS for sale. Ph. 2-3318. BRUSSEL SPROUT PLANTS 4 Plant now for winter crop. 25c per dozen. $1 per hundred. Phillips Bros Farm Mkt. 5590 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-4512. . - n Pickling Cukes $ Fresh daily from our farm. Field run 6c lb. Organically grown pota toes, red or white. Peaches now on. Phillips Bros. Farm Market; j39Q rortianq ita. j-none a-aia. GOOD alfalfa hay.. 25 tons. Vera McGowan. Rt. U Independence, Ore. GRAVENSTEIN apples. U-pick. flM bushel. 2573 Lee. Phone 2-5243. , THIS WEEK BARGAIN 30 lbs. choice mature potatoes and 3 lbs. tomatoes for SI. 1st left turn off Center E. of Kruger Store. Birchwood Garden. Phone 2-5726, NEW White Rose potatoes, l'ic per ID. 919 vncnuwi na ,4 muf ot. o Keizerscnooi MOST varieties of peaches in season. Worm free Gravensteins. 1V miles on Wallace Rd. L. E. Wendt, grow er. GOLDEN " JUBILEE and Rochester peaches. Tree ripe. Slappy Soon foUowed by Red Elberta and J. H. Hale. Moses P. Adam. 1370 Wallace RX Phone 2-2216, S TON alfalfa and rye grass hay. $20 a ton in the field. Werline Hop Ranch. Independence. Phone 38F4. 42S Auction Solos SUDTELL'S AUCTION Furniture, Wed, Aug. 19th, 1 p. m, 915 Silverton Rd., Phone 3-6098. 2 complete 5 rooms of furniture to be said to highest bidder. 1S5S Cold spot refrig.. Hotpoint elec. range, 7 pe. Duncan phyfe din. rm. set, maple dresser, 2 maple dressers twin beds complete. 2 platform rockers, 3 chest-o -drawers, youth bed complete, 6 yr. baby bed com plete. floor and table lamps, end tables, coll springs, S good inner sprin and cotton mattresses, wash era -Bard saw (24 -in. throut). Sev eral rugs and carpeting, new dav enos and chairs. 2 hidc-a-beds. 2pc. se-tionaL 2 davenos and chair and many misc. articles. Come, a good sale to buy or sell. Lane SudtelFs Auction Sales Yd. 455 Hsohold Goods For Solo G.E. DELUXE washer with pump and portable tubs. SM). 3-9783 after 5:30, BEIGE cotton broadlborn rug and pad 14',i x 9, just been cleaned, $60. Box spring and Luxuria pad Hollywood bed. $50. 196 S. 23rd St. 3-4845, - J FULL size roH-a-way bed with inner spring mattress. $40. Call 3-4046. ,J FURNITURE, 5 R. house, good, and priced to sell. 2140 S. Church NEW 21" G. E. console. TTV. retails $50. Best offer takes. Can be seen at 941 Bieber St. Phone 4-3468. Set won in contest. LARGE NORGE electric range. Ex cellent condition. $75. 3215 Port land Rd. j DAVENPORT and chair, new condi tion, mahorany bedroom set, largo round oak table. 1700 N. 20th. Phone 3-9342. 456 Wanted. Hsohold Goods WANTED USED FURNITURE ! TOP PRICE Vallev Furti. Co. 2-7472 CAaH TODAY Good used furniture or win sell oa consignment Ph 3-6098 SudtelTs Auction. P T li 460 Musical Instramcnts TWO full size violins: Complete with bow and case. , Josef Guarnerius and Cremonenfis. B flat wood clari net with case. Buffet Crampon make Boehm system 17-0 good as new. Phone 2-0656. ONLY Story and Clark Pianos have mahogany sounding boards. Will . not split, warp or crack stays in tune 75M better. The Music Cen ter. 470 N. Capitol, rnonc z-sam HS.V and used pianos. For a better buy. Wiltsey Musie House. tS6f State. : i 454 Building Materials" GOOD USED BRICKS I Phone 2-7481 Wanta Bet That you can save dollars la plumb log values? It's oJc because this sure thing is -no gamble. Check our savings in: : toilets, I wash-basins. i: bath-tuba, i water heaters. - - kitchen sinks, woe and fittings. colored bathroom sets. Cap Ital Bargain House 145 Center St. Salem ; LUMBER SALE GOOD 'shiplap S3S per M. Straight No. X $35, No. 2 and better $63. 2 in. lumber $15 per M. aad un. Phone 2-204X 450 Merchandise 453 SuSdln? Materials WINDOWS Largest stock ia Salem. " Kew weath er - stripped windows .completely assembled. $14.20 un Large modern sashes and crystal picture windows, $8 up. Pick your choice at bargain prices. .II.' PLUMBING New toilets with seat- $25.50 20- a 18- washbasins complete 17 JO Bathtubs with fittings . , , . , 69.50 Double laundry trays complete 20.73 Shower cabinets complete 43.00 Double kitchen sinks, electric - -' water heaters. pipe-lCHEAP solid Orangeburg pipe 500-gaL steel septic tanks -gal etaji BARGAIN ' Colored bath sets. OTHER BARGAINS Metal garage doors with hdwe 43.00 New 4x8 plasterboard ,- 1.40 4x waterproof wall board 1.73 Interior 6c exterior plywood CHEAP Nails,, carload supply . ,., 9.73 Overhead garage door, hdwe 13.93 Loose insulation, per bag . , 1.00 RoU blanket insulation -BARGAIN ir. -J.o Birch" nhrvflad . . afle 4" "Jap Birch" plywood 4 mahogany plywood 61C 42c ISA 5.00 No. l cedar shingles No. 2 No. 3 cedar shingles cedar shingles 4X0 Three-tab comp roofing $6.95 up anell doors, hardwood doors, au types glass doors LOWEST PRICES New fir door jambs ; 2.50 Painted cedar shakes 10.75 Unpainted cedar shakes 6.00 New asbestos siding - 9.50 Camp1 Adair windows 5.00 Exterior white paint 2.95 Shake molding, per ft. JO Cedar fence . posts Cheap cl G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 I mile N. of Keier Remodel, Repair, Now Save iyour cash for a rainy' day. No down payment, 36 months to pay. Epping Lumber Co. . 740 Silverton Rd. Phone 4-6123 - Open all day Saturdays 462 Sports EquipmenT CHOICE two 30.06 porters. Excellent $80 ! up Binocular condor. 8 x 30. Light weight, new. T. M. White. Amixy, r none jjji. BOAT for sale 14' cedar plank. New paint and caulking. $75. 2274 Trade St. i Ph. 3-4745. 5 HORSE Evinrude outboard. $50. 2792 IS. CommercUl or call 2-2364. BRAND new 1953 outboard motor. Martin 4 H.P. Good discount. Ph. 2-64119 after 5 JO. NEW & used boats at reduced prices! Phone 3-8904. 3-3722. Ho-Hi Boat Co-i 1885 Birchwood Dr. KAMP Kit tear drop, excellent con- dition. A buy. 1940 Lana Ave. ARCHERY tackle, hunting oowi, ar rowk, free instruction. Call 3-5444. 464 Bicycles GIRL'S bicycle in excellent condi tio. Phone 2-0658. 468 For RenL lvliscallanoous U .DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets turn. 1201 State. Ph. 2-9062. TOOL RENTAL. U-FIX-IT. Corner of North Commercial and Columbia 4-526 L RENf or buy. All types electrical or t nd tools, garden tractors, spray- era.; Howser Bros 11BJ a. izin. rOR RENT or lease, ige. warehouse space cement floors, brick bldg. down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff rurJL 3-9185. 470 For Sola, MLscallanaous CORONADO Radio-Phono Combina tion. Just out of the repair shop. Works like new Only $49.96. USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. Liberty St. Phone 46371 Terms of course. S CU. FT. Gibson refrigerator. Old model but runs good. $12. Baby buggy and pad $6. Phone 3-3361. 1 ROLL 6-ft. chicken fence, brooder feeders, fountain, all $15. Also 5-ft. padded valance boards, $2.50 each. See at 858 Bieber Ave. GARAGE House. 16 x 20 to be moved. Cheap. 2119 Fisher Rd. Ph. 2-8730. SACRIFICE for quick sale. Kelvina- tor" refrigerator and bathmette. Both A-l condition. Phone 2-1851. SEWING MACHINE, round-bobin. Singer, portable, very reasonable. Phone 4-5864 eves. 2635 Garden Rd. SALE of furniture, clothing and rum mage. Thursday and Friday, 3855 State Street. . RUMMAGE, aU week. FriweU. toaster, 290 Rosemont, West Salem. LADIES coats size 13 to 14. 1 brown and blue tweed. 1 tan with beaver trim. 1 brown suede jacket. Phone 2-8844. BIG weaner pigs. 3. L. Stanford, Rt. 2 Box 59D. Turner, Ore. ', mi. E. on gravel rd. from Pen Annex. LUDWIG used piano, guaranteed con dition, mahogany case. Sale price $130. Easy terms. STONE PIANO CO. 128" State St. Phone 2-5281 BRAND new Hamilton Beach mixer. Yours for only $29.95. Save $10.00. USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. Liberty St. Phone 46371 Terms of course. WHIZZER motor bike $50, 7x7 um brella tent $10, 2 Army cots $5, small oil stove $10, 12 bass accor dion $35, 120 bass accordion $100. Iim V lth 9nia MISC women's clothes, dresses, coats, suits, hats, formats. Size 15- 16-:8. Phone 3-3855 FOUR POSTER bedroom suite. 1 pieces, bed. dresser, wardrobe, wal nut finish, box springs, good con dition, very pretty, must have $100. ynone -jp3. FOR SALE, -black top soil. Phone 4-1838. WASHING machines in good work ; ing order only $4.95. USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. Liberty St. Phone 46371 Terms of course. Sewing Machine Buyers New Singer electric cabinet sewing machine. As low as $12.50 down liberal trade on your present ma chine. For a free colored catalogue write or call. Singer Sewing Cen ter, 130 N. ComT. Salem. Ore. 3-35IZ. THOR SPINNER automatic washers, like new. 2 only $79.50 ea. Yeater A.-Kliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311 . Vacuum Cleaner Thoroughly reconditioned, compact, cleaner. Originally $129.93, now ' $42.50. $5 down. $5 a month. Sears Roebuck and Co. Pn. 3-9191 U-FIX-IT garage. Repair your own car Parts, tools, tech. informa tion. Phone or drop in for details. Ph. 45261. 2095 N. commercial. CLOTHESLINE posts. Iron legs for tables, furniture, railings. 1145 N. Liberty ELEC, clothes dryer only $59.85. 2 only. Yeatei Appliance Cow TT5 Chemekta St PORTABLE ironing board. $5.95. USED MERCHANDISE MAST 279 S. Liberty St. - Phone 46371 Terms of course. REDUCED; S3 PER DAY UNTO. SOLD I Oak kitchen table & 4 chairs, slight ly used Starting price Aug. 14, $60. Aug. 19th $40 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Front and Court ' Phone 3-9111 We give S St H Green Stamps Top Soil River silt.' fin dirt, prompt delivery. Ph ne 2-174S. Diamonds 51 Jewelry at cost plus 106 Call or write W.'C Mitchell. 1175 KUlyard. Eugene. Ore. 5537 OEEPFREEZE home freezers, Yeat cr A pliant. 373 Chemeketa. Ph. - m 1 - ItANLSY Soma products. La MiaSi 19$C Madison. Pa., 450 Merchandise 470 For Solo. Mlaeolloa-oons PLASn-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yea ter Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa. Pb- 4-45U. - Used Elec. Walnut . cabinet sewing machine, round bobbin, sews forward and reverse, with button hole attach. Only $7930 guaranteed. Si-Tier Sew ing Center. 130 N. Com! REFRIGERATORS that work "goodT Only $19.95. Terms of course. USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. Liberty St. ' Phone 46371 USED electric ranges $12.95 and up. Yeater Appliance, 275 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. ; DICTAGRAPH fire alarm system. r Units for 7 rooms. Will sacrifice Crushed Rock OS roads St driveway Cement. Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand Bulldozing drainage and ditching. ,' yd. shovel Mt drag llaeu Phone -034. Walling Sand & Glravel , i Co. ''- ' I ' GOOD used refrigerators $49-50 and up. Used washers $9.95 and up. Yeater Appliance 375 Chemeketa. flume S-431L CH ARRIS foundation girdles, bra. For appointment phone 2-6435 or $-5072. Mary E. Bales. ; $30 ALLOWED for your old water neater regardleas of condition or make, on a new Westing house automatic electric water heater. ' with a ten year guarantee:. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. pnone 3-431 L ELECTRIC clothes dryer 6 months old. Cant tell it from new. Come in and steal this one for only $49.95 Terms of course. USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. Liberty St. Phone 46371 Terms of course. Used Elec. Combination treadle sewing condi tion. Full price $24.95. Singer Sew ing Center. 130 N. Com!. NEEDED, old sewing machines. Up 'jo $50 or more for vour old sewing machine on a new free Westing house sewing machine with a 20 yr warranty. Yeater Appliance Co- 375 Chemeketa St. LARGE assortment of chests of draw ers USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. Liberty St. Phone 46371 Terms of course. 472 Wanted, Miscailazteous WANTED: Portable typewriter with tabulator. Phone eves. 2-8439. WANTED S ft stud mill logs or multiples of 8 ft. plus trim. 6 to IS in. diameter. Phone Turner 1125. WANTED 12 gauge double barrel or Browning automatic shotgun. Phone 3-Q5Z3 after a pjn, LOGS WANTED Top price on today's market for long or short second growfh fir logs. For prices phone 3-9593 days, 4-1784 eves. West Salem Lmbr. Co. 1160 Wallace Rd. TIMBER to log by reliable logger or will buy on stumpage basis per m. rtuoen r wagner. ro. ju, GARAGE near 700 block on N. Cot tni. '-7903, 474 Miscellanaaas Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE EM MOST CASES Bring or mall your Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State At Com. PH. 3-3311 HOSPITAL beds for safe or rent. Stiff, Furniture Co. Ph. S-S1M. 478 Fusl ANDERSON'S hand picked slabwood. i cord 814. Phone 2-7751 or 4-4253. Highway Fuel "Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ph 3-6444 Capitol Lbr. Fuel Co. ORDER your summer wood Ply wood cores, old griwth fir. oak, planer ends. Summer rates on sawdust. 198 S. Com! St Phone 3-7721. nnnrn Snw I Swdust; blower and P. 0 SASH St DOOR PIANER ENDS. WEST SALEM FUEL CO 1525 Edgewatcr Phone 24031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Montty to Loan SEE US FOR FARM. CITY or ACRE AGE LOANS. BEST OF TERMS. WE BUY Real estate mortgages & contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. 167 S High St. . Ph. 2-4121 CUT CUT CUT Cut your present payments as much as' 50. Let us show how it may be done. $50 - $2,300 AMOUNTS PAYMENTS $164.32 t 9 00 258.72 14.00 535.92 29.00 850.0$ 46.0S PACIFIC Industrial Loans lis S. Liberty Phone 4-2203. AliTO LOAN WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 182 S Church St Ph. 2-1451 Parking Aplenty Lie. Misa-six COLONIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY $87 Court Street Phone 4-2283 Buy SeU Loan Real Estate Mortgages Contracts P HIV ATE money to loan. Ph 2-0794. ConsoUdate All Bill? Twenty-five years ago General , fi nance Corps was organized by Sa lem bustnesa and professional men to give you a loaa service. We 1 have lent millions. - TRY OUR SERVICE Yiu can prepay anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer time to repay. Ph. first for a one trip loan. Loans $ZU to $300.00 oa signature, furniture aad equipment. Loans to $500.0 ea cars, trucks, and trailer houses. Free, customer parking at "Marlon Car, Park": across from office 136 S. Commercial St. i Lie No S13S aad - M33S - ',(tV . . 'Mil' SIS Ixrnst-wztxs FURNITURE and apphane contracts for sal. Very good return on your sooney. 12 mo. maximum. Box SOS, tm SUtesman. ' Call 2-2441 '.; ; for j Pdlk P met 600 Employment 602 Halp Wardad FRY COOK. Nohlgren's. j KITCHEN help. Speedway, 1170 Cen ter ax. 1NO pnone caiis. RTTCHElThelprSan Shop. 3400 Port- lanq q. ro pnone cans. Hop PicJdng Machine and field crew help, also experienced head dryer, man and dry house crew. 4 trucks with drivers and 1 wheel tractor with driver. About IS days work. W. W. Graham & Son's yards. north of Salem near Clear Lake. Call week days, t to 1 pan. BEAUTICIANS wanted. Men or wom en for new modern beauty salon. Located in ' Eastwood Shopping Center. Write Del ma Eastwood, co Eastwood Shopping Center. Tilla mook, ore. pnone 1239 Tillamook. WANTED: Men or women to work oa our hop picking machine, start ing August 17th. Day and night work. Located S miles N. of Salem en River Rd. Call 4-1322 or 4-1323. Mission BottSra Harvcrters; WE ARE now taking applications for Paper Routes at Carrier Divi sion. Statesman ; Building. Boys nvtst be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ents. If you have already, applied kindly do so again. THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Halp Wanted. MalsT SALESMAN for circulation work. Must be capable, neat and have roper teferences- Car is essential, trictly salary and call Mr. Clark. 2-2441 for appointment. NEW CAR dealer wants used car salesman with experience. Salasy and commission. Permanent work. Write Box 609 co Statesman. NEW CAR salesman. Permanent po sition. Best deal In Valley. Refer ences required. Write Box 610, The Statesman. WANTED immediately 3 contract car loaders. Capable of loading 50.000 to 75,000 board ft. per day, mixed cars. Must be experienced. 2 tally men capable mixed car tallying. VaUetx Lbr. Co.. Valsetz. 606 Halp Wentod. Femola RESEARCH firm needs interviewers ocally. Must be 21-45. have phone. References, Writs Box 012. co. Statesman. ; , . WAITRESSES WANTED Experienced 21-38, $7 a shift, room and board. Elderberry Inn 23 miles east of Seaside on Sunset Highway. Call Elsie 3. collect. Ask for Lloyd Morgan, EXPERIENCED stenographer. Switch board experience desirable. Salary $200 monthly to start. Cs$l 2-4161 for interview. HOUSEKEEPER, out of town. $15 a week. 5 days. Call 2-8532, 9-5. MIDDLE age widow wants to share -xpenses with lady having home r apt, rnonc a-4-ee, krrjHEN help, age 30-45. Night work. Sundays off. Apply in per son, 2 to 4 pan. White's Drive-In. 1138 S. Comfl. PART time and full time baby sitter in my home. Phone 4-5183 before 1. EXPERIENCED sales girl wanted! Apply Martman jaros.. jvw state, DEPENDABLE middle aged lady for cnild care in my home. Ph. 4-1221. WOMAN in vicinity of S. 12th and Fairview to do light house work and care of 9-year-old girl. 3 hours per day during school year. Phone 3-4934. . WANTED baby sitter, permanent. day week. Phone 3-8635. 603 Plckors Wcmtod WANTED Hop pickers, early and late hops. Bus leaving from Employ ment office on Ferry St. at 6-5. Starting Aug. 24th. Paul Staedeii. Rt 3, Box 143. Silverton. Phone Silverton 3-4850, 8 PICKEKRS for thornless blackber ries. Extra bonus for full sesson. Start Thursday morning. Rt. 2. Box 174. Phone 4-2024. : BEAN pickers. DeSart and Alt. Will start picking Thursday. Aug. 20th. Be ready for trucxs at s sjn. WANTED, bean pickers with own transportations Fir Grove Farm, Rt 2 Box 258. 4-4063. 6 miles north on River Rd BEAN picking starts Thursday, Aug. 30th. Albert Scharer. Phone 4-4017. WANTED, bean" pickers. 2 miles northeast of Keizer on Lake La bish Watch for signs. Good pick ing. No children under 12. Ralph Hoesing, raone a-sasg, HOP PICKERS register now. for early and late hops. Will start picking Aug. 24th. Ernest Stadell. Phone Silverton 3-4784. ; BEAN pickers, starting Mon.' 17th. 1 mile N .of Cascade high school. Pri vate road to right. New yard and location. U. E. Hansen. Rt. 1, Box li9, Turner. BEAN PICKERS Register now for picking in new yard of trellised beans. Starting about Aug. 20th. Watch this space for exact starting date. Good camp, wood, lights and cabins or tent houses. Daily bus service from Sa lem. Bus route to be published in this paper. Write D. P. MacCarthy St. Son. Rt. 3, Box 833, Salem, Ore gon, or drive out 9 miles on south river road or 2 miles east pf Inde pendence. This is one of the Valley's better yards and camp. D. P. MacCarthy St Son, Rt. 3. Box 833. Salem, Ore gon Phone Independence 19F3. 610 Sales Parsons Wazttod NO COMPETITION Sounds fantastic doesnt it? But our tales personnel will tell you that our product is the nearest thing to tnat Utopia they ever saw. Plans for new Salem office. Fair exhibit. Increased Salem and National ad vertising will make $200.00 per week a definite possibility. Man selected must be over 30 years. Vbove average sales record, finan callly responsible, A-l character references and have car. Write or hne Niagara Portland Co.. 123 . W. Broadway. Phone BE-1064. SALESMAN Wanted to repsesent the world's old est and largest builder of farm welders. Sell direct from factory to farm Earn $150, or more each week. Protected territory. Rapid wdvancement. Cat essential. No in vestment. Welding experience not necessary. Contact Frank Azleln. Phone 2-7723 or write P. O. Box 304, Salem. Oregon. 612 Work Wanted, Male CUSTOM hay baling. O. Strand; Ph. V4S12 Silverton. ' DOZING and grading with light crawling. '3-6918. Tractor Work; Plowing, discing, blade work. Phone Z-3P41 CUSTOM hay bailing. New pick-up wire bailer. Phone 3-4SS0, LAWN MOWER sharpening. Also sharpen scissors, clipper - heads, saws. etc. Oscar Vasfaret, 391 Gerth. pnone a-is so. j FALLING, bucking, clearing, etc Ph. 3-5032. ; ; Mason Work. Patch Plastering Stucco and repair. Basements water ' proofed by plastering. Barbeque outside fireplaces. Planterys. patios. 2-6545. ' ZXSPSSfYEB. work wanted, aew or remodel. Phone 44518. C AM prepared to put In several more new lawns. Call 1-.373 days, 2-2 UO evenings, j, . f 614 Work Wcmtod. female BOOKKI PER, FC or Assistant, ap end id background. incL cost ac counting and statu Ural tabulations. Son it. steno. Phone 2-448 L 600 Employment 615 Situations Wantad PART time work. Phone 4-1738, OPPOTUNrrYwahted." route sales - work. Permanent, reliable, married? sge 24. move if necessary, present employed sales. L R. Miller. Ph. Albany 763, ; INFANT or child car in my home. Phone 2-3508. WILL DO ironing ia my home. Pick UD and deliver urvir Phone -vn. . WILL care for patient in my home. Bed or ambilatory. Phone 3-7498. BULLDOZING, yard grading, dirt loading. Ph. .-0718. 2460 Northgate Ave. CARP EN TER work wantad. New -r remodeL Phone 4-5308. CE E NT work done. Free estimates. Phone 2-7163. CONCRETE work all kinds. Concrete walls, patios, sidewalks, basements. John Feldschau Ac Son. Phone 9-8628, 4-5329. Call after p. m. CHILD CARE, my home. Hour, day. week, call 3-4412 New lawns, complete free estimates. Can after 8. 4-2941. NEW HljMX construction, remodel iag. Free estimates, local refer ences. Miles and Knutson, 4-6340 after 5 in Eves. rRF-tSMAl?!NG, experienced. Mrs. Jtdius Pincus, 1700 North 20th. Ph. J-9342. ' CEMENT WORK Sidewalks, steps, patios, basements. Prompt service. Guarantee. Phone 4-'H29. FOR -ractical nurses 8c domestics. csll Mrs. Hopkins Registry, a-aovz. PAINTING, .paper hanging, day or contract, small lobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. - PAINTING 25 years experience in Salem. Free estimates. Phone 3-7552. BULLDOZING and land clearing. 2595 Hollywood Dr Phone 4-1838. ' HAVING AUTO RADIATOR TROUBLES t V ley Motor Co. experts win solve your problems and save you money. Free estimates, speedy service. Center and Liberty. PAINTING, "exterior and interior. McClain and Golden, Phone 3-3322 or 3-3869 TILLING WITH rotary-hoe. Gardens, lawns. Phone 3-8529, 2355 Ever green. . , " MICKENHAM'S NURSERY STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT ED. MRS A.M. to Pd. PH. 2-7896 ' ' HOME building, remodeling. Free esr timates Ben Graves. Ph. 3-6393. LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work, service center, raone 4-aa 1 3 CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea- sonable. 4240 Madeay Rd. Phone 45961 DAYTIME .child care, by day or week in my borne. Ph. 4-5055. 1223 N. 5th. NURSERY SCHOOL. Fine's Ultra modern. 855 Miesion. Ph, 2-7638 LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt UveUng, grading. Phone 2-3Z20. Painting For quality work reasonable prices csll 2-8625. : : Licensed Day Nursery Especially for infants and two-year- olds. Phone 2-8022. TO MANAGE small apt. house or motel. Phone 2-8448 or 3-8119. Ask for Mrs. Dahl. r FISH smoking and fish canning. Sa lem Custom Curing Plant. 3-7005. 618 Education EAST Salem Kindergarten starts Sept 22. Register now. 1 block south of Ebner's Park and Market. Ph. 2-7674 or 2-1057. HIGH school for diploma at home. Free booklet. Write American School. 653 N. Interstate. Portland. 620 Day and Contract Land Clearing 15 yrs. Exp. Catt for estimate on hour work or try contract for the com pieie job, . v mwrwii. rnone 8-6337 Salem Sand & GravelCo. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer & Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot , Phon day 3-9408 Evenings 3-7412. 2-4417 Salem. Oregon 700 Rentals 702 Slpinq Rooms. Board FURNISHED room, kitchen facilities. close m, as t erry at. ELDERLY ladies for board and room. Phone 4-3769. 1540 Bellevue. NEWLY redecorated light house keeping room. $30. Lady. 685 N Church. 705 Apartments for Rant 1 BEDROOM nicely furn. individual unit in court. Has fireplace, walk ing distance to capital bldg. Adults only, no pets, aw manuu. ruum 3-9889. iROOM furnished apt. Privat. athj i utilities, close in. 246 Msrlon Madison Court Apts. Newly decorated unfurnished apart ment. $so. Also nicety luriuane apartment. Hollywood district. 160$ Madison 3ROOM and bath partly furnished. $25 per mo. Ph. 4-6253, fROOMSIfurnished. $40. Utilities fur nished. 725 S. 13th VERY clean, furnished 2 room apt. Private bath. 1855 N. winter, fn. 2-3747, NEWLY decorated 2 bedroom duplex. Stove and water furnished. Garage. 3860 Center NEWLY decorated, close in, quiet lo cation. Employed lady. 666 S. Sum mer. ' THE ELAINE has available: Furnished living room, kitchen, dinette, bedroom and bath. $55. Free laundry facil ities, central heat. 879 N. Liberty. BASEMENT apt. furn. Private bath, all utilities paid. Block to Capitol Bid gs. $30. 1209 Court. Ph. 3-6254. DUPLEX. 1 bedroom apt basement, automatic heat, garage, electric -ange and refrigerator. Some fur niture, 2 adults. Available Aug. TM1. yV. V. " m VERY nice unfurnished 2 bedroom zvtn. 850. giu z-zi- or -wn apt. at szz w. astn. range, reirig erntor, washing machine and water rumisnea. v;au a-sww SALEM'S finest large 1 bedroom, fireplace, unfurnished. Select areas. phone 2-1117. 2 ROOM upstairs apt. Range, refrig., laundry, utilities paid. $ L50. Ph. 2-9084. zzei Hazei Ave. 3ROOM furnished: private bath, en trance. 1 or 2 adults. 359 N. Liberty. Ph. 8-7124 appointment. VERY clean, nicely furnished, 3-room . apt. All utilities furnished for $55. in West Salem, alao furnished 1 bedroom house. West Salem. $35. 1211 Edgewster. Phone 2-5109. eves 3-9939. 2-aOOM. furnished, bath, private en trance, oil heat, bus. Phone 2-6546. ATTRACTIVE J-roora. All u till tie. Close in. Reasonable. 974 N. Church. Inquire in rear. 670. ITRNISHEX) L room it kitchen. Pri vate bath, utilities. 450 8. CapltoL ' Ph. 3-5359. ! ' . t or 2 bedroom apt. Also small apt. 1411 Court. i ATTRACTIVE clean, furnished apt., close in. private entrance, and bath, electric stove, ref rigera tot and washing facilities, nice beds. 245 Union. Phone, 4-1468. FEED ROOMS furnished. -Hollywood strict. Adults. Phone 3-8300 eves. THREE rooms, furnished. $32. isa NComml FURNLSHED 2 rm court apt. New decorated, close' tn oa N. Com 'I Ph 2-848 or 3-6044 REDECORATED, furnished, modern apta. $40. Estep. 107$ N. CapitaL 700 Rentals 70S Apartments For RrJ 3-ROCtM furnished apt. Nice St ctesn. , close in. 4 blocks Sx.xf Ladd At us - bank. Available now. 21 Bellevue SL Call after 1:30. ! rnKassaflnr i Ante Nirt ftil. . cftji r c NfCEj ApTi 163 CourPhTT:564a I LARGE rooms furnished, newly STTT J . aras. very nice. tu. i Capitol Plaza FURNISHED and unfura.1 apartmenti 1165' Chemeketa. Phone 3-8630 CTfr .,N' clean, furnished " apU rJt L-BtMUes. $27. 765 Marlon. V onlyl Phone3-7146T BbwHTOWNTsTflobK a rooms, bauC uy tranJcg6sa Center. -tANjfurn'shed apt. Phone ,4-3578. OOAt furnisheflat. Near "ST. Jr. Sc. Grade Schools. On Dui-Garage. Adults, referen Si,yh 2-551 before 10 aan.' AyAlfrMiSiTS"for rent. Devereaux P3ma- 1488 State St. Phone SiCEp-room apt.' with private bath! close in. lights and water furnished. j JOB NOONCH ESTER ' J Re1 Estate -.!.-. 59S N. CjotUge. Phone 4-3661 day - i.,',,n,3"ro.m Pl S- ComT Sc 143 Union St. COURT apL. extra clean and nice. 3 nMriii mwA Ku ,r , , . . Posaeasion Aug. 31st. j Inquire 1348 12th. 707 Houses For Rent FOR iuENT or sale, small well built Extra lot. bus by door. Phone as sf eii irr a. 497 af i HrtItSBTrinTra 2 BR.home In Englewood dlst. Ideal ior coupie or COUDie.wim ana child. - FRANK LOCKMAN, lealtor -Q3T riairgrounds 3 JI I 1 . w ? : s Ph. 4-6353 CLEAl. neat. 1 bdrm. home with up. siains storage. 50. Adults. See Joe JU Bourte, ' 1140 N. CapltaL iBEQROOM house. FuU basement. $63.1627 N. Winter " " VERYTnlce-1 bedroom home. All aew- ly redecorated. Electric range and refrtxera tor. . Curtains, drapes i and ruga furnished. See .to I appreciate. Reasonable. 4770 Fillmore in Keizer. 835 CXTTERQN. 2 bedroom, oil heaC , S83 month. CaU 4-4424 or 2-0772 " evesl. i - ; :- ' j ha ACRE' with large 2 bedroom house. living room, kitchen and bathroom. Unfinished upstairs, large garage. 1 mjile est of Swegle School, In quire at 1555 Hoffman Rd. Pries $45 month. j I rOR (RENT. 2 bedroom i house. $50 per (month. Inquire 1 Lancaster. atier a pm i BEPRO0M unfurnished, waU to wal carpeting, electric heat.; $45. -Phone 4-2744. .- , q . NEWLY decorated uniurniahed, extra large 1 bedroom home.- Ph. 2-8754. MODRHN ;3-room , duplex, electria heat! and rsnge. 1 3-6228 or 3-4781. jm$SHlSTirmiiTi0T 1 "or 2. Must see, appreciate. Store, bus. 3-6083. rEEQROOM flat uhf urnis bed. Adults. 660 Ferry. Available Sept. i 1st. Photic 3-6273. J I FbEDROOM house. Electric stove, oil Stove and electricity furnished. $40, No children. Calf 2990. NEW jduplek unfurnished,' 1 bedroom, electric beat, hardwood floors. At tacltea garage. Phone Z-8479. ALMOST new 2 bedroom house. Eloc- trie range, hardwood floors, auto matic heat, insulated. 12230 Maple Avei f ! : BONNIE bCE cottage Se trailer court, 3215 Portland ; Rd, Phone 4-5373. Rates by day, week or month. Ttaller house for ssle. j ' ;' i ROOM house, partly! furnished. Walking i distance from Capitol Shoppings Center. 103$ N. 16th St, 708 farrps. Tracts For Rent DT V0TJ want a place in the country, and j have record of paying your rentr you; can buy from me. It doesn't cst anything to find out. i Phons J-ffOS. u. t. , .. j . 710 wanted to Rent. Houses t OS 4 BEDROOM home. reHsbla tenants. .Phone 2283. BY SEPT. 1st. 2 bedroom furnUhed to $io. Rliable couple with 2 chli dreri. permanent. Phene 4-5712 or -25$4. 714 Business RentcdT mn IT. A St1, hmlnou fcullrtin.! 4000 sq. "it. 2im Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3-71 FOrIrENT OR LEASE! Office spaca suitable for doctor or denaat. ljocate in fast growing community. Contact- Musgrav Re- a i tors, izm. cjb ge water. - i FblISg. iriHo"Uywood. Approx. 500 sq Jft. $50 a bo. Call Rawlins neaity atiZ-4wn or 4-1101. FOR LEASE, 160-200 ft. frontage oa West Salem. bra 8403. u j office or store space torrent, call at ritts Marxet. 216 IN. Commercial Phone 3-4424. oTFtafiTSaSCETor tentrExcellent location t downtown, u Reasonable. Cslljeve. -6286. ..!!:; , j Real Estate EC 1 business Oportunltles IFALLS cifTY 10 j spts., 9 ifurn., Ige. grocery store and iall eduiDtnent. 85 lockers. Stor bldgi is leased at 914a per mo. au apul, when occupied bring in $660 per kno. This is an unusually good deal and! the owner will take a trad andlcash. Will trade for most anyWheref If you have the cash, it will make you a real deal. Don't pass) this ii p as it Is a real invest ment. Present owner leaving on account of health. 1 9 E.1 LeCLERC. Realtor J 1696 r4 Capitol Ph. 3-3253 5M ALL cafe, good going business". 3965 Silverton Rd.. Salem. I fOOpELD major oil company ervics sitatloa for pease, phone 4-44-W j ' ' y I GROCfcRY, prosperous rural com- m unity, pwm retiring, lease or buy jbuildhngs. Phone 3-3848. j Best buy Iri Oregon. Inquire Nod-A way! MOtL t "A r foTR SAL i by owner 4 mile S. of Hubsard Ion Highway 99. Service station Scl garage with living quar ters.) Larca grounds and welL A rood buy it terms to suit. Write W. Wagner, f..O. 4297 Portland 08 call h lpl 3 802 cusiaess Properrf OUT dF STATE owner offers Myrtle Creek, Oregon, i income property. Jteasp-aoty priced, war complete die ta as call Mrs. G. T. Patterson. ' Salem. 4-2384 before Fri. nisht. llrSINl5SluildTng 2000 sq, it ofwHI viae. za outie t , 80S Houses For Sole" 1 ! 1 . '! 111 IDEAL house for coupie. shopping; district, fireplace, basement. Wld rent) wits lease. Reference. Phone 349141 1 -- -1. -I. i CoVEltY new home choice location. apacfius luvtng and eming room, raised fireplace, birch kitchen, cov erd patioi large lot, paved street. 2 blocks Keizer school. ! Open every day tend Jevenlng s., 10?0 Jsmes St. Y1 OwNfKT-room' house, approx imately 2 acres. Ideal for develop mena T. C Rock. 2219 Chemeketa, Phort 3-9674. ' i BVOWNER. lovely 3-bedroom home, dead-end, paved street, living room and dining room wiui wau to wau carpet, kitchen with eating apace, utility room, fenced ia back yard. t.75f. 1183 Diets Ave. phone 4-5057. ESTABLISHED 3 year old home tor rural family living Landscsped, I acralof ground, more available. 4 bedreomS. 2 j baths Full-dry base ment, 2 flreolaetrw. expert interior decotatinkt Sp-rttj rnomi. small barnj Built by builder for his own home. Paone s-ius. Fdsewacet St.. Fitti Phdne 3- GROUND FLOOR MOTEL ttaer using a aana . an. , j