".- x ?, f " . r'V:. f v-'r;; -j' f-l " . ' " ' -Tlw Staltimcm, Solent Oregon,' Tt tsioy, August 18. 1&3 - . . ' -t" : , ; ) ', i ''h i- . :r' :' ' : ' - '' ' I " -. : - - : ...'".('". - - -? -'! 1 ',: v " .'. -: ;' - r- -!' .' '.: 1 - it ! . - - . :' .!,.i',5-;;'r--u.t-..11:,. ,.: ' 'I ; ; '."v ,.;'!' :- . ;:. - ; . . -. ;. -v. - - m ; .. Wj . : . : -..: a. i-. ;rtU..;i-- ,-.. I : : - i '!..;.--."." ,-v.: v . r--, j if..---' . . -. '. " ! .v- . - . - .-(-. ' ? t : ! . i . -: . j. i " v ' : .. ns o n ' : if . LOlaj 011115 MM 13 n " -" 1 . 4 I' . I . : ! i I I n n "p-'v Cffi) Here i a gasoline so superior that it brings you every feature you need for better performance wherever you drive! New "Wide Range" Chevron Supreme has the stepped-up quality to smooth your motoring on hills, on highways, in downtown traffic in any climate zone in the West. It was tested in the laboratory, proved on the road now it's ready for you . . . not just a One or two feature gasoline, but a scientific balance of all nine top qualities you need for all-around performance. Want ping-free power? easier starting? faster warm-up? Get 'em all and more in a tankful of new "Wide Range" Chevron Supreme today! All 9 top qualities for wide range performance Higher Anti-Knock Smooth Acceleration Quick Starting Economy Mileage Area Blending Vapor-Lock Prevention Fast Warm-up Full Power Corrosion and Rust Protection Wo take belter care bf your car In u ' : l . T J I me mx I... mx IF. I I ' i - i i ; ' ! : i ' 6 t