t 300: Personal 312 Lost and found FOUND: Labrador puppy Ownf may 1 nav by Identifying, nou ; . 3-5140. LOST: Brown tooled leather billfold" (. at dinger's Thursdsy. Norma Ed I ' - w,r d- Phono 2-6061. j , EbstTTTrom East State St.. Blu Parakeet, reward. Phone 3-865. &14 Traaaportation" LEAVING Sunday for Texas, Would like riders. 1952 ear. Wally Krause, - - - 3080 K. 19th or cal -3. t 318 Personal 1 WILL NOT be responsible for any bills other than mjt own made- by yri,- Harold L. Maynaro. ; 4iS iXAN. Psychic reader fell . your f past, present, future. Can v' Ki- overcome all obstacles that - "fceep you from success, health frnd . happiness. Tip Top Motel. 3580 S. - Commercial My. 99 E. Apt. 7. i -ALCOHOLICS Anonymous croup H , 20M N. Commercial Phone 3-1419 - -or 3-4537. P. O Box 724. 1 t ; I i "00 i Agricnltufe 4102 LWstock MTLK gost. Togenberg! billy. Also Guernsey calf. Rt. 5. i Box lSitf V mile north and Is Mile wet of Aumsville. r j SHETLAND pony, bridle and saddle. Royal Scott. 3-0209. jRt. -4. Box 225. ; 3 PURE bred Black Pole' Angus bulls. O. T. Bowen. 5450 North River Rd, Phone 3-1336. i I 'PURE bred weaner pigs All five. 313 a-piec. or $15 your choice. Robert W. Graves. 3 miles east of Gervais. FRESH registered milking short horn with bull calf and one It month old hull. Ph. 3-473. j REGISTERED Jersey cow to fresh en about Sept. 1. Phone 2-2341. 3 SUFFOLK yearling rams subject to registration. $73 apiece or trade. Independence 20F31. Rt 1 Box i31, 7 miles S. Independence. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E C. McCandllsh. 1JTI S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147 BONDED Livestock Buyer. A, T. sommtr, 1265 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-2617. ; BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Edwards. Rt. 3. Box 899. Ph. 4-1113. LICENSED and bonded livestock buyer. E. L Snethen. 165 Kenwood Ave. Phone 2-1345. t CoCKGRBF. Hereford. 24c: locker pork 45c. Nothing down, 6 months to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loan ed free. Salem Meat Co. 1325 S. 25th. Ph. 3-4858. 404 Poultry and Rabbits : WHITE Cdrnish Game Chicks. Re claimed the true fryer of tomorrow, n 3w available commercial fryer growers. Processors pay premium prices ior this broad double-breasted frver. Quantities limited and if unavailable, try the next best. our first generation. Arbor Acres White Rocks. Year-around hatches . every Thursday. Also New Harap shires. LEE'S HATCHERY! I31Q Center Street Phone 2-2861 WE are hatching New Hampshires, Goldee Broads, and Arbor acres Whit Rocks every week. Special prices to year round fryer growers. Fox Hatchery. 3830 State St. Phone S-4S60 CUSTOM Ph. 4-342 Kill day Salem. Fowl of any kind. , well's Poultry Plant, week. Rt. a. Box 109. '408 Pets PARAKEETS SAL KITTEN'S to give away. $060 Claxter Rd. Phone 4-1396 SAY! These are nice Siamese kft ten. with deep blue eyes. Phone 2-636. j WANTED f email fox terrier pupfjj . Non registered. Phone 2-7X31 i MALE thoroughbred Golden Cocker Spaniel pup- $15. Ben P. Frteseh, Miller Ave., Dallas. Phone 2865. i GTVE away kittens. 3023 Lancaster. Call evenings. ARC Registered Chihuahua pups. 27282. " a 1 - f ' , I v l .easMtyk ,t'C Greens m wll icy I Ur ! I nafTM Blue. - 1 AVIAWL V irtreu HU VJ Supplies .... jl j r 'tOX Terrier puppies. Black St Whiie. 3415 WllHsms Ave. i TOY collie pups. 3415 Williams Avk. HOME wanted for 3 male black cock r spaniels while I am in service. Will pay reasonable food allowance. Reply to P. O. Box 543. Salem. ? PUPPIES to give away. 496 S. Cottaie , Hollywood aquarium, isss Me: Coy. 1 block cast of N. Capitol.- 1' Mocks north of Madiwm. Ph 2-MW7 CHAMPION bred boxer puppies. Ey ery pup a potential champion. Moore's Tropical fish, equipment. Goldfish. Parakeets. 2 miles from Lancaster on Macleay Road Phone 4-.TTJ3. Closed on Wednesdays. f COCKAT1ELS. parakeets, call v nings. Powers, 735 Bellevue St. Ph. 4-1597 I 410 Seeds and Plants FUCHSIAS. TUBEROUS BEGONIAS. GERANIUMS. MERRIL'S GREEH r HOUSE. BROOKS. i If No. dmreh St. : Classified AdrertLtlBf . J . ler word. 1 time . ,;, e rer word. S times ; i lor word. 7 time Per word. 1 month , . Minimum tea words. : ' Extra charge for 1 - -Blind- ads ', , Readers In city briefs: PT wot - KlinimtuB tea wrflu i K Kef audi. Th Deadline for Classified Ads containing large display types is 11 90 Noon th day befor publicstion. On Column ads set in this six type only accepted up to 8:45 PM. The "tttesman reserves th rlgt to reject questions bl advertising, it further reserves th right to place 11 advertising under th proper classification , i Th Statesman assumes no flna. tal reenonsibility for etrois whleth may apoear in advertisements pub luthed n its columns and ta case where 'his oaper is at fault wta rt- firtat that part of an advertisemrit a which th tvpoersDhtcal mistake A Pnnd Ad an ad containing a ..Statesman box number for an 4 . -rsa -ia for the protection of tKe advertiser and must therefor $e answer) by letter The Statesman .is. not at liberty to divulsr Inform t tios. -a io th Identity of an adv i ttser mmtng Bimd" md.- j tS ' '4..!. ... . j X " 412 Fruit and Farm Produce MOST varieties of peaches in season. Worm frea Gravenstein. 1U miles on Wallace Rd. L. E. Wendt grow- er. T V-PICi. boysen berries, 8c lb. G. P. Lowery. 1 nL E. At 1 mi. N. of tiroons. PEACHES You pick. Sunday. Mon dayv Bring containers. 8c lb. 1983 Fisher Road. ; 1 '" BOYSENBERRIES. U-pick. 8c North on Wheatland Ferry Rd. near Cleat Lak SchooL Cecil Boyd. Rt. 3. ' Box 396. -. ' ' - i CORN for canning it freezing. Bob- ert Loucks. Out Wallace Rd. 3 miles North, turn right on River ', Bend Rd., follow sign. ' MEHAMA GARDENS open Friday, Aug. 14. Featuring HOME-GROWN carrots, wax boons, new red spuds; broccoli, beets. Pickling cukes also ready. Free dill with orders. . mile W. Mehama on old highway. , PEACHES Folks those delicious tree ripened ' improved Crawford and Golden Jubilee peaches are now ready at the Jess Ma this Orchard and Fruit Stand 6 miles N. of Salem on ME Highway. Pickling Cukes Fresh daily from our farm. Field run 6c lb. Organically grown pota toes, red or white. Peaches now on. Phillips Bros. Farm Market. j390 Portland Rd. Phone 2 -4512. GOOD alfalfa hay. 25 tons. Vern McGowan. Rt 1. Independence, Ore. - FOR SALE; Bailed Alta Fescue straw, heavily fertilised. Foliage green. Excellent quality. $10 per ton in field, 1 miles South Pringlo School. aBttle Creek Rd. Frank He Kennon. Salem phone 4-2357. GOLDEN JUBILEE and Rochester peaches. Tree ripe. Slappv Soon followed by Red Elberta and J. H. Hale. Moses P. Adam. 1370 Wallace RJ. Phone 2-2316. TON alfalfa and rye grass hay. $20 a ton in the field. Wer line Hop Ranch, Independence. Phone 38F4. ITT r arm Equipment FOR SALE John Deere Tractor Model M. Like new. $1,150. Phone 253 Independence. TOR SALE T-20 16-inch tracks, good shape. Phone 4-4339 eves.1 425 Auction Solas TO be sold at Sudtell'a Public Auc tion on Aug. 26th. 1953. 4 heating registers to satisfy accrued storage charges 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools BOND saw. chop grinder and drill pre?5. Box 607. co Statesman. TITAN chain saw '53 model, used one month.; 36-inch bar At chain. Some spare parts. $250. See at Sa lem Diesel Service. 3775 SUverton Rd. Open Sunday. iold Goods For Sale COMPLETE furnishings for a house. Owner leavingtown. Phone 3-4709. SLdNDE dinette set. chest "of draw ers, 2 pin-up lamps, radio. Very reasonable. Phone 3-0066. MOVING Mahogany bedroom set. chrome kitchen set. Thor washing machine. Call 3-5052. ' DAVENPORT and chair, new condi tion, mahogany bedroom set. large round oak table. 1700 N. 20th. Phone 3-9S42. Q:AVINGSTATE. Must sell. L&H electric range, good -condition. Ph. 3-4410. BIRCH (dining set, modern. ISO Charles Ave. HOLLYWOOD bed. Cheap. 1565 Roosevelt St.. ph. 3-7690. $ ROOMS of house furniture, leaving town immediately. 2095 Carleton Way. LARGE' NORGF. electric range. Zx eelient condition. $75. 321$ Port- land Rd A. B. C. Washer, good working con dition. $25. Call 3-3697 or se at 435 S- 22nd. eves. to CV. FT. Upright Home Freecer. cabinet slightly damaged m ship ment Big discount. Se at Good Housekeeping- Inc. 467 Court St, 458 Wanted. Hsehold Goods WAOTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valley Furnl Co. 2-7472 CASH TOD AT Good used fumitur or wiU sell on consignment Ph. 3-6098 SudteH's Auction. r 458 Buildinq Mcrteriair Wanta Bet That you can save dollars in pi Ins values? It's o.k. berausr sure thing is no gamble. Checa savings in: toilets. wash-basins, bath-tubs. water heaters. kitchen sinks. pipe and fittings. colored bathroom sets. Capital Bargain House 145 Center St.. Salem LUMBER SALE GOOD shiplap $35 per M- Straight No. 3 $55. No. 3 and better $65. 3 in. lumber $13 per M. and up. Phon 2-2043, Phon 1-2441 Sabseriptloa Kates By carrie la cities: Daily and Sunday $ 1.43 per mo Daily only : 1J5 per mo Sunday only J9 week By saalt 9anday Dry (in advance! $ 30 per mo. Anywhere in U. S. 2.73 six mo $.00 year By sa all. Dairy aa Snay: iin advance i la six counties $ 1.00 per mo. 1 Beaton. Clarka- maa. Linn, Mar 8.29 tlx me. Ion. Polk.: Yam. hill). tojso var Osewhcro la Oregon . . I JO per ma la U S outdd - Oregon i i , 1.45 per snOv BCcijBbtr i. 1 Audit Boreaa of Circulations Bareaa of Advertising. ANPA I Oregsi Newspaper rnbllxhert AssocUtioa : Advertising KepmenUUres: I- Ward-Grlfntl, Co, New Tsrk, Chlesge Saa Fnclaeo. Detroit '4S0 Merclianclise 458 Building Mcterta-s 1 WINDOWS Largest stock la Salem. New weath-ior- stripped windows .completely assembled. $14.20 up. Largo modem sashes and crystal picture windows. $8 up. Pick your choice at bargain prices. " I PLUMBING i New toilets with seat k $25.50 20- x 18- washbasins complete 17.50 Bathtubs with fittings SSJO Double laundry trays complete 30.75 Shower cabinet complete 43.00 Double kitcheni sinks, electric water heaters, pip CHEAP 4" solid Orangeburg pipe SOO-gaL steel septic tanks 38c 7.S0 . , BARGAIN Colored bath sets , OTHER BARGAINS , MetaJ garage doors with hdwe 45 00 New 4x1 plasterboard .,,. , 1.40 4x$ waterproof wallboard J. 1.73 Interior Se exterior plywood CHEAP Nails, carload supply , ,, S.71 Overhead garage door, hdwe 13.9S Loose Insulation, per bag 1.00 Roll blankei inaulaUon BARGAIN V "Jap Birch" plywood 26e "Jap Birch' plywood 91c i" mahogany plywood. ' 42c No. l cedar shingles ; 0.29 No. 2 cedar shingles $.00 No. 3 cedar shingles ' 4.00 Three-tab comp roofing - ,: $6 J5 Up Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types glass doors LOWEST PRICES New fir door Jamba 2 50i Painted cedar shakes - 10.7$ Unpainted cedar shakes , O.00 New asbestos siding . , 9 50 Camp Adair windows SAO Exterior white paint 2.95 Shake molding, pec ft. JO C. G. LOlSG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 I mile N. of Keizer Keith Brown Closeouts DOORS Reg. Sal 2-Ox6-8xli-10 Lit French $13.43 $9.67 2-4x6-8xls-10 Lite French 14-36 10.34 2-x6-8xl'.a-10 Lit French, 14.46 10.41 2-8x6-8xl-10 Lite Frncch 14.58 10.49 2-0x6-8xl.-3 Panel . ., , . ' $.81 6.95 f-4x6-8xl. 3 Panel . , . 8.80 6.95 -x6-8xl 3 Panel . 8.91 6.95 2-8x6-8x1. 3 Panel , 9.03 6.95 S-fix6-8xl-9 Lite Sash Dr. 16.48 11.86 2- 8x6-8xl' 9 Lite Sash Dr. 16.60 11.95 3- Ox6-8xl 9 Lite Sash Dr. 17.78 13.34 SCREEN DOORS -Ox6-8xl, 3 Panel 9J7 7.50 2- 8x6-8xl3 Combination Screen 6c Storm Door 18.73 3- 0x3-8xl Combination Screen & Storm Door.., 19.97 LUMBER 4xS-r to 10' Rough Car Stakes .50 ea. lxB-RL No. 4 Common : 1XECTRIC FANS Chico PorUble Air Cooler 44.50 General Electric - 34J5 26.61 General Electric 14 95 11.21 All Sales on Discountable Merchan dise Final No Refunds or Exchanges Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Fron Se Court Street Phon 3-91 H We Give S&H Green Stamps LUMBER $ hundred thousand feet, good lum ber, complete mill stock delivered Pttces. 2 and better 2 Inch $67.00 No. 3 good grade 950.00 No. 4 $25.00 CEDAR SHINGLES. BEST GRADE Delivered prices No. 1 $ 9J3 No. 1, $3 No. 3, $4 No. 4. $2.50 Ted Muller. Call evenings. Phone Salem. 2-1196. SPECIAL 3 x 4 S ft. at $8 00 per carrier load of approximately 1.400 ft 2 x 3 t ft. at 3'c each. BURKLAND LBR. CO. Turner Phone 1125 DOUGLAS fir cants wanted, Salem delivery. Phone Mr. Lee. 3-9 Ul for detailed Information and prices. JRemodel, Repair, Now Save yur cash for rainy day. N down payment 3$ months to pay. Eppin-Lumber Co. 1740 Silverton Rd. Phon 4-4123 Open all day Saturdays 480 Musical Instruments FOR RENT piano and electric organ $20 month. You insure, must bav references. Phone 2-0391. MAHOGANY Wurntzer Spinet piano. Like new. Will sacrifice. Phon 3-7627. ONLY Story and Clark Pianos have mahogany sounding boards. Will not split, warp or crack stays in tun 75'. better. The Music Cen- ter. 470 N. Capttol. fhone z-5371. NEW and used pianos. For better buy. WUtsey Must House. 1860 Stat. 4S2 Sports Equipment NEW Sc used boats at reduced prices. Phone 3-8904. 3-3722. Ho-Hi Boat Co.. 1885 Birchwood Dr. LARGE Johnson outboard motor to sell or trade for what? L. O. Grit ton, Rt. 1. Box 399. Salem. 12' Runabout with 22 horse outboard, trailer, remote control St water skiis. All in top condition. Bargain with terms. 515 N. Ilst 14 REIN ELL boat with cabin & trail er. 5130 Will Ave. Ph. 4-294S. SCOTTATWATER. 7',i h p. outboard motor. 2630 S. Summer. KAMP Kit tear drop, excellent con dition. A buy. 1940 Lana Ave. NEW Se used boats at reduced prices. Phone 3-8904. 3-3722. SbAT and trailer for sale. 12 ft. Semi-V bottom. Jasper Harger, 218 Ellindale, Dallas. ARCHERY tackle, hunting bows, ar rows, free Instruction, Call 3-5444. 14 FT. boat for sale. Used on year. Best of construction. Light weight trailer. $310 Johnson 6c $33 Johnson. Phon 4-6713 or call after 5 p.m. F. M. Tcdrow. 32M Portland Rd. 4S4 Bicycles" BICYCLE. English racer. Excellent condition, $60. Phon 3-3922. 4S6 Trade. Miscellaneous COMPLETE household furnishings, including new Westinghouse re. frigerator and later model stove in exchange for top condition trailer. At least 24 Ft Sleeps 4. Phon 2-6135. 468 For BenL MlacollcmoouT U DSTVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets furn. 1201 State Ph. 5-9061 TOOL RENTAL. 0-FI-IT. Comer of North Commercial and Columbia. 4-82 L BENT or buy. All types electric-- or Land tools, garden- tractors, spray ers. Bowser Bros, 1183 S. t2th- OK KENT or lea xe. ig. warenous . space cement floors, brick bldg. down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff run. 3-9185. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous" WOW Rebuilt G.E Vac. with all attaeh . meats $38.93. 3" x 9" printing press complete with type and ink $17.50. Bow and arrow outfit $7.50. Maheg . any bookcase with glass door $13.75. Child's doll house and furn.. 7$ pes-. $4-93. Maple davenport $10. $ pc. hdwd. dining set with London leaf $3. 95. Portable 4$ JtPM record player like new $ia!M. Hallcraf t r table radio with TM. perfect $39.99. Elk $12.30. Drill pre SS $ I.XJ. $7 30 elect drfli kit, $1L0. Paiat spray to rent ' A thousand items ail underpriced at SNOOK'S BARGAIN CENTER 1255 Broadway Phon 4-1730 BRAND NEW square ' tub. Maytag washer; -Phon 3-3340. OlRGE wooden filinx cabinet and small drafting. bl. Call 3-5052 USED GUNS A5LSw AS $1 32 caliber H ArR- -S-'eaUber SW , j : ' at .caliber Con . i : , 3 Special SAW .: v,lty Fumttur 2-747t GIRLS shoe roller skates. Six $. In j good condition. 2630 S. Summer. 450 MercKan3ise 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous HURRY HURRY' HURRY! ONLY il LETT "TO CHOOSE FROM . POPULAR BRANDS SEWING MACHINES TAKE TM A WAY. AT ONLY $7.50 They positively must go this week.' Sale ends Sat.. Aug. IS. ! SNOOK'S BARGAIN CENTER ;' 1255 Broadway " THOR SPINNER automatic washers, like new. 2 only 119.50 ea. y eater A jlianc Co. 37$ Chemeksta. Ph. J-4311 . U-FIX-IT garage. Repair your own car Parts, tools, tech. informa tion. Phon or drop in for details. Ph. 4ei. 205 N. commercial. CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for UMea. furniture, railings. 1145 N. Liberty ELC clothes dryer only $59.95. 3 only. Yeatei Appliance Co 379 L Chemekta St , ; Vacuum Cleaners Nearly new Kenmor tank type ' cleaner $22J0, 95. dn. and 85 a mo. SEARS AND ROEBUCK 550 N. Capital REDUCED 3 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD I Oak kitchen table Se 4 chairs, slight . ly used. Starting price Aug. 14, $60. Aug. 19 $59 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Front end Court Phon $-9111 We give S tc H Green Stsmps Top Soil River silt fin dirt prompt delivery. p'.i .ne 5-1749. . GALVANIZED tank 12 x 5 feet and 1 ft. deep. Mak ideal wading pool or sand box for children. Write Box 600 Statesman, giving phone number for appointment to see . MOHAIR Davenport St daveno c7 piece dining room set. Louis Hen nies. Turner. FOR SALE or trade, set of dual Strom carbs and edelbreck mani fold for Chev. Used 1 mo. Cost new $93. What wUl you trade? Phone 4-5715. SEWING MACHINE Nearly new Singer Featherweight portable. Very reasonable. $5 down & $5 a month. Sears Roebuck St Co, 5a0 N. Capitol LATE model Deluxe Frigid arie rani. Excellent condition. Reasonable. 3-!4. Equipment With Experience Gallon Motor Grader, hand controls $ MO Cat R4 Gas Dozer Tractor 1,250 A. C. Model M Tractor Loader 1.250 Cat. No. 11. Gas Motor. Grader 1.250 P6tH . yd. Crane, old but operating- 1,300 Ford Tractor Loader, excellent 1.5O0 Cat D2 Tractor Loader 2,500 Cat. RDf Dozer Tractor 2.500 Buckeye 400 Ditcher, excellent 7.500 Keep this ad handy also many other values. Write for pictures and hones: descriptions. BURAN EQUIPMENT COMPANY . Allls-Chalmers Dealer Oakland 3. California 777 100th Avenue , Trinidad 3-5335 Jim Jensen PAINT pot, trailer frame, twin com pressor, and tank. Box 606, co Statesman REMINGTON portable typewriter, like new; Maytag washer, mangle lroner. good condition. 2-9830. CHILD'S outdoor gym set Large sire. Phone 2-6903 UNlVERSfrY electric range. 4 burn r with automatic timer, good con dition. $27.50. Valley Furniture. 219 N CpmT. TrEA&LE swing machine, model 13 IB-gauge gun. Phone 3-0315. YEAR, old Walnut dining, room set Good" condition, $135. Also double bed, coil springs Sc Beutyrst mat tr ess., Good condition. Ph. 4-4520. ADDRESSOGRAPH 98; NEW Model 700 B Original cost $214. price $130. Wynkoop Blalr Printing Service, 490 Ferry, Pone3-5669. ' ELECTRIC water pump and tank with 40 ft. of 1'V pipt. 210 East Ewald. Salem, Oregon. National pressure cooker with racks and pans. Holds 7 qt Jars, excellent cond ition, Phone2-6390. GOOD USED BRICKS PHONE 2-7481 150 GAL. Propane tank and 2 500 cap Propane brooders, $100. L. O. Gritton.Rt. l. Box 399, Salem. DEEPFREEZE home freezers, Yeat er ApUanc. 37$ Chcmeketa. Ph. 3-4311. Diamonds & Jewelry. at cost plus 1 r, Call or write W. C Mitchell. 1175 Hilly ard. Eugene. Ore. ;-K5S7 PLAXTI-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co 37$ Chcmeketa. Ph -43ll , USED electric ranges $13.95 and up. Yeater Appliance, 375 Chcmeketa. Phone 3-4311. ' DICTAGRAPH fire alarm system. Units for 7 rooms. Will sacrifice for $175. Phone 4-2848. Crushed Rock FOR reads Sc driveway Cement Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand Bulldozing drainage and ditching. i vd. shovel St drsg tin. Phon ,'-92a. Walling Sand Sl Co. FOR SALE. 10-ft Willamette meat case, 12 compartment ice cream - se St miscellaneous. 3023 S. W. Corbett Phon BR $246, Portland. SAWDUST for horticultural us for orchards, berry patches, lawns, etc. Also for sheep pens, bedding down corral pens. $1 per yard delivered. Also compost for mushroom houses. Inquire Silverton Mushroom Farms. Rt 2. Silverton. 3-6661. MAYTACf washer, buffet mantle clock, coffee server, large mirror, other household articles. 2023 Mar Vet. . GOOD used refrigerators $48 -a0 and up. Used washers 5993 and up. Yeater Appliance 37$ Chcmeketa. Phone 3-4311 - CH ARRIS foundation girdles, bra. For appointment phon 2-6433 or 3-5072. Mary E. Bales. $30 ALLOWED for your old watei l-eater regardle of condition or make on- a new Westinghouse automatic electric water heater, wth a ten year guarantee Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chcmeketa. Phone 3-4311 - Sewing Machines Singer console elec. thoroughly re ocvdiUoned. $69J0. $3 down and $3 a mo. White Rotary Portable Thoroughly reconditioned. $39.50, $5 on, S3 a mo. SEARS AND ROEBUCK. 550 N. Cai USED army cots, good condition, V. ley Furniture Co. 2-7472. NEEDED old sewing machines. Up $50 or more for your old sewing machin on a new free Wting houso sewing machin with a 29 yr - warraqty. Yeater Apoliane Co- 375 Chcmeketa St FOR SALE 1 diamond wedding ring set Paid $330. Never was used. Will sacrifice for $150. See at John's watch shop. 1717 Center. tTANLEY home products. Le Mindt tfC Mad-wan. Ph. 472 Wanted. MLscellaneous WANTED ! 8 ft stud mill logs or multiple- of S ft. plus trim. $ to IS in., diameter. Phone Turner 112S. WaNTWU gauge double barrel r Browning automatic snotgun. Phon 2-41523 after $ P-m. 450 MerdiancLise 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous ; ; ; , V TIMBER to log by reliable logger or will buv on stump e basis per m.f ' Ruben E, Wagner. Ph. 4-4373. GARAGE near 700 block on N. Cot tg. -70X ' -r : ji ' , 474 MisceQan Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES i Bring or mail your Plate .for Repair OR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg State 6t Com Ph. 8-3311 HOSPITAL beds for sal or redt Stiff Furnitur Co. Ph. S-tllM. 476 Fuel SERVICE MAN rOR AUTO-MATIC HEATING EQUIPMENT PERMANENT JOB EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. Day 3-8553 ' Night 4-1428 AN DthSON'S hand picked slabwooo . A cord 814. Phone 2-7751 or . 4-4253. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood, green or dry. Stove-Dleael oils. Ph, 3-6444 Capitol Lbr. Fuel Co. ORDER your summer wood 'Ply wood cores, old griwth fir. oak. planer ends. Summer rite on . sawdust 198 S. Com'l St Phone 3-7721. ORDER NOW I " " Sawdust: blower and P. O SASH St DOOR PIANER ENDS. WEST SALEM FUEL CO 152a Edgewater Phone 24031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan SEE US FOR FARM. CITY or ACRE AGE LOANS BEST OF TERMS. WE BUY Real estate mortgages St contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. 187 S High St Ph 1-4121 CUT CUT CUT. Cut your present payments a much as 501. Let us show how it may b don. $50 $2,500 AMOUNTS $14.33 258.73 $35.92 $50.0$ PAYMENTS 9.00 14.00 i 29 00 ; 46.00 PACIFIC Industrial Loans S. Liberty - Phone 4-2103 111 Consolidate All Bills Twenty-five years ago General Fi- nance Corps was organized by Sa- tern business and professional men to giv you a loan service, W hav lent millions. TRY OUR SERVICE Yiu can repsy anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer tim to repay. Ph. first for a on trip loan. Loans $23.00 to $300.00 on signature. furnitur and equipment. Loans to $500.00 on cars, truck, and trailer houses. Free customer psrklng ; at "Marion Car Park"; across from office. 136 S. Commercial St. Lie. No S138 and M338 ACfTd LOAN WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church St. 7 Ph. 3-2437 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 COLONIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY 687 Court Street Phon 4-2283 Buy Sell Loan Real Estate Mortgages Contracts PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-0794. 515 Investments FURNITURE and appliance contracts for sale. Very good return on your money. 12 mo. maximum. Box 605, co Statesman. 25 M. CAPACITY sawmill., deisel power head rig, balance of mill electric, air Se electric set works, planing mill facilities available at oft. Tully clear will accept full oartner or investment of $10,000. Write Box 594. The Statesman, 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted WANTED: Man and wife to take over smsll cafe. Spillway Cafe, Idanha. Phone Detroit 812. Gravel ' A NATIONAL Corporation is inter ' stefi in the urvirix nf imMtinm men or women willing to act as jobbers of well known products. The work will be of a service na ture and no selling will be required. Part time only to start but excel lent opportunity tp develop profit able full time business with our as sistance. You are not required to buy or leas equipment of any kind but $1,280 is required for merchan dise inventory, same being refund able on any unsold portion after trial period. Permanency of resi dence, good references St a car are necessary. Tell us about yourself. Give phone number. All replies will be kept confidential. Box 602 co 3'atesman. WANTED: Men or women to work on our hop picking machine, start ing August 17th. Day and night . work. Located 8 miles N. of Salem on River Rd. Call 4-1323 or 4-1323. Mission Bottom Harverters. WE ARE now taking applications for Paper Routes. st Carrier Divi sion. Statesman Building Boys m-iet be 13 years or over and hav the written consent of their par ents : If you have already applied kindly do so again THE. OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted. Male WANT man to fall and buck about 25000 ft. older logs. Richardson. Ph. 719 Fall City WANTED immediately 3 contract car loaders. Capable of loading 50.000 to 75.000 board ft. per day. mixed ears. Must be experienced, 2 tally men capable mixed car tallying. Valsets Lbr. Co Valsetz. 606 Help Wcmtd."Fema4t WANTED 10 WOMEN I have openings now. hourly wsges must be over 14. Working hours ard 9 to 1. and 1 to 3 and 5 to 9. If you can work any of these hours yoa can make up to $30 per week. Apply 919 Hood St. Room 205. be tween th hours of 11 and J. Mon- day, Aug. 17th. WANTED baby sitter, permanent, $ jiTwwk. Phone 3-8633. ; WANTED S women over - IB yrs. of . age. must be neat appealing and hav pleasant personality. This is a good fob with good hours and good pay. If you are Interested rslt st room 202 at $1$ Hood St Between 9 and 11 -any week day. 600 Employment 608 Help Wanted. Female EXPERIENCED waitress. Clin Food Shop 44 N. Church. WANTED girl for stock control clerk and general office work. 18-30. Sa lem Auto Parts. 356 N. Liberty., Experienced waitress wantTd". : White Lunch. 1138 S. Coml Apply inprsrn REGISTERED NURSE General Duty in small General Hospital. Starting at $245 with semi-annually increases plus one meal per day and Hospital Insurance. Apply to Mrs Gladys Renshaw SUverton Hospital SUverton,. Oregon, giving experience and references In first letter, or In person 10:00 a.m. to 3.-00 p.m. week days. 608 Pickers Wanted BEAN pickers, starting Mon. 17th. 1 mile N .of Cascade high school. Pri vate road to right. New yard and io.-atlon. U. E Hansen. Rt. 1, Box 119. Turner. ; BEAN PICKERS Register now for picking In new yard of trelllsed beans. Starting about Aug. 20th. Watch: thia space for exact starting date. Good camp, wood, lights and cabins or tent houses. Daily bus service from Sa lem. Bus route to be published in this paper.- Writ P. P. MacCarthy 6c Son. Rt 3. Box 833. Salem, Ore gon, or drive out 9 miles on south river road or 3 miles cast of Inde pendence. Thia ia one of the Valley's better yards and camp. D. P. MacCarthy Sc on. Rt 3. Box 833. Salem. Ore gon. Phone Independence 19F3. 610 Sales Persons Wanted ; j Life's Opportunity THIS is one of those opportunities with an old company that you dream about. This is your chance to get in on the ground floor. Pro motions are fast fer those fhst can qualify, as we are expanding and opening new territories. Don't be a dreamer and miss this. Regard less of what you are now selling or if you would like to get into the selling field, investigate. You must he neat in appearance, ambitious, and own an automobile. No collect ing or route running. Appointments made for you. Your earnings should run $150 per week to start plus an additional bonus check every month after you have been with us a short time. Ph. 4-5223 for appt. or ca II at 51 5 Hood St.. Rm. 202. WANTED SALESMEN Capital Youngstown Kitchen Store. 181 N. High has opening for two sales men to sell nationally advertised Youngstown kitchens and accesso ries. Sales experience necessary. A training program working directly with salesmanager is offered. Bet ten, than average income on an equitable commission basis. If you are interested in permanent po sition with growing business, call Merle De Lapp at 4-5431 for an appointment. 612 Work Wanted. Male DOZING and grading with light crawling. 3-69l8.j AIRFING lawns 'with pard mechan ical earth warm, also new lawns constructed, references, guaranteed results. Phone 3-9925. Tractor Work Plowing, discing, blade work. Phone a-3Q4i CUSTOM hay bailing. New pick-up wire bailer. Phone 3-4850. EAWN MOWER sharpening. Also sharpen scissors, clipper heads, saws. etc. Oscar Vasfaret, 391 Gerth. Phone 2-1656. FALLING, bucking, clearing, etc. Box Ph. 3-5033 YOUNG man. college graduate, tam .ly. 3 yrs. experience, reports of fice mgr.. desires: permanent con nection as representative, branch office mgr.. senior clerk. Salary or guaranteed commission. Excel lent references. Phone 3-7475. LAWN, flower bed work, new lawns planted. Ph. 34563 or 41918. Mason WorkTpatch Plastering Stucco and repair. Basements water proofed by plastering. Bar Deques outside fireplaces. Plantery's. patios. 2- 6545 CARPENTER work wanted, new or remodel. Phone 44518. CUSTOM hay baling. O. Strand. Ph. 3-45i I Silverton I AM prepared to put in several mhre new lawns. Call $-7373 days. 2-2190 evenings. 614 Work Wanted. Female BOOKKEEPER. FC or Assistant, sp'endid background, incl. cost ac counting and statistical tabulations. Some It. steno. Phone 2-4481. BOOKKEEPER, ace, desires perms leit position. Experience general ledger, payroll, typing, etc. Phone 2-2321 ; CARPENTER, new.! remodel or re"- pair. Contract or time. Call 25025. 615 Situations Wanted BULLDOZING, yard grading, dirt loading. Ph. 2-0716. 2460 Northgate Ave. CARPENTER work wanted. New or remodel. Phone 4-5308. CLEANING RUGS. Windows, wood work, baths, kitchens, also psint ing. Sedgewlck. 3-3386. CHILD CARE, my home. Englewoodf District Hour, day, week. Call 2-4412. CARPENTER work arid painting. Ph? -2958 CE-atENT work done. Fr estimates. Phone 3-7163. CONCRETE-work all kinds. Concrete walls, patio, sidewalks, basements. J-hn Feldschsu St Son. Phone 2-8628. 4-5329. Call after 9 p. m. LICENSED practical nurse. Phone 2-3296. Will take 24-hr. duty. New -lawns, complete free estimates. Call after 5. 4-2941. NEW HOME construction, remodel ing. Free estimates, local refer ences. Miles and Knutson. 4-6340 after 5 in Sves. DRESSMAKING, experienced. Mrs. j-.lius Pincus. 1709 North 20th. Ph. -9342. CEMENT WORK Sidewalks. ' iHpj. Prompt service Dtios. basements. Guarantee. Phone 4-179. FOR Tactical nurses 6c domestics. call Mrs. Hopkins Registry. 3-5072 SPRAY PAlENTINt? Phone 4-3505 and 3-8591. PAINTING paper hanging, day or contract small jobs welcome. Phon 2-7692. PAINTING 25 year experience In Salem. Free estimates. Phone 3-7552. PAINTING, papering, repair service. Exterior, interior. Day or contract 3-3T86 ; HAVING AUTOi RADIATOR TROUBLEST Vtley Motor Co. experts will solve f'tit problems end save you money, re estimates, speedy service. Center nd Liberty. PAINTING, exterior and interior. McClam and Golden. Pnon 3-3322 or 3-3869 TILLING WITH rotarv-hoe. Gardens, lawns. Phon 3-4529, 2335 Ever grgen. j BULLDOZToS'G and1 land clearing. 2595 wHollywood DT Phon 4-1838. " "mickenhIms NOR&CRY STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT ED. KRS A.M. to P-M. PH. 2-7$94 - ;. I WILL BUILD you a homo either large or small Sc arrange finance at a real saving. Prione eves. 4-5233. kOME building, remodeling Free s timstes Ben Graves Ph. -393. iANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phon 4-3373 CARPENTER WORKTAny kind. Rea sons bis. 4240 Macieay Rd, Plum 459S1. IY-TIMiir child car, by day or week la tny bom. Ph. 4-5053. 132S N. Sth. NURSERY SCHOOL. ' Fine's Ultra modern t 855 Mi ton. Ph. 9-7SS8 LlGHT crawler dozer, dirt btveEng. grading. Phon 23220. Paintin- For quality work reasonable prices ; call 2-8623. J . Statesman Salem, Oregon, 600 Employment 618 Education MRS. FRANKLIN WARD. TEACHER OF PIANO. SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON KEY-BOARD HARMONY. 1-ONE-HALF HOUR LESSONS OR 1-ONE HOUR LESSON PER WEEK. 183 WEST NOB HILL STREET. PHONE 2-6745. ' . OURhom or mine. Piano lessons 8 years and over. Ph. 4-4669. RlSH acnool for diploma at home. Free booklet i Write American School. 653 N. Interstate. Portland. and Contract Land Clearing 15 yrs. EP- Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for th com plete job L. C Mitchell. Phono 3-5.337 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Fcfuipment Rental Ditching by th foot Phorw day '3-9408 Evenings '3-7412. 2-4417 Salem. Oregon 700 Rental.. DOWNTOWN parking by the month. Mir ion Feed 6c Seed Co. 228 Ferry St Ph. 3-6858. 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board" NICE room for man, 375 N. Cottage St. Phone 3-8928. FURNISHED bedroom. Kitchen privi leges. Between 2 canneries. Bus by door. Ph. 2-6827. CLEAN" quiet room. good location, some kitchen privileges. Phone 2-144S SINGLE- sleeping room. Rot plat available. 474 N. Liberty. Phone 4-5780 , PLEASANT sleeping room, close in. Private entrance. $49 N. Cottage. 703 Apartments For Rent" S OR 4 ROOM furnished flat. Near High. Jr. Sc Grade Schools. On bus line. Garage. Adults, referen ces. Phone 3-7541 before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. . i APARTMENTS for rent Devefeaux apartments. 1488 State St. Phone 2-2534 . 3ROOM furnished, ground floor, sileftr-ij? iov, r. f H , Private en trance, bath. 177$ N. Front PhC 4-1677. 1 NICE 3-room apt. with private bath, - close In. lights and water furnished. Joe Noonchester. 1593 N. Cottage. Phone 4-3661 day or evenings. TWO clean 3-room apt 1960 S. Coml. 743 Union St VERY clean, nicely furnished, 3-room spt. All utilities furnished for $55. in West Salem, slso furnished 1 bedroom house. West Salem, $39. 1211 Edgewater. Phone 3-5109, eves 3-9939. 2-ROOM, furnished, bath, private en trance, otl heat. bus. Phone 2-6546. COURT apt. extra cleanand nice. 3 room and bath. T.V. available. Possession Aug. 31st. Inquire 134$ S. 12th. ATTRACTIVE 2-room. All utilities. Close in. Ressonsble. 674 N. Church. Inquire in rear, 670. FURNISHED 1. room Sc kitchen. Pri- vate bath, utilities. 450 S. Capitol. Ph. 3-5359. $20 Sc UP. Util. furn. Inq. $2f N. Liberty. Apt. 7 CLEAN APT. Furnished or unfur nished. Refined couple. No drink ers, no pets. Sheldon Apt. 1360 N. Liberty. FURNISHED apt. for lady. 5 blocks from town. South. Ph. 3-834 NEAR Shopping Center, small fur nished apt Utilities, lady, 765 Marion. L TWO room furnished apartment. "Very close in. Piion3548; 1 or 2 bedroom apt Also small apt. JllCourt. COOL basement apt, unfurnished' In private home. One bedroom, wired ?or electric stove. Prefer employee. Isdy Very reasonable. Call eve nings.' 2-5064. i ATTTlTcTIVIE clean, furnished apts., close in, private entrance, and bath, electric stove, refrigera toi and washing facilities, nice beds. 243 Union. Phone 4-1468. EXTRA nice, large, clean, modern, 3 rm., on ground floor, partly furn. 1055 Edgewater. W. Salem. UIET location. Newly decorated. 2- room apt., close in. 666 S. Summer. AVAILABLE Sept 1st. 3-room. partly furnished, duplex, 460 N. Winter. 3-ROOM. furnished, newly decors tedT utilities psld. 1533. State FURNISHED apt, 3 rooms and bath. Laundry room, off-street parking. Adults. 1345 N. CapitoL Phone 2-9006 UNFURNISHED very nics three rooms and bath. Electric stove and refrigerator. Laundry facilities. Adults 380 S. 17th. Phone 3-3713. 315EDROOMS furn lshed. Hollywood" district. Adults. Phone 3-8300 eves. THREE rooms, furnished. $32. 1968 N Cornm'l. 3 RMwith bath, light heat" and" water furnished, clos tn, $35. 340 Union. FURNISHED 3 rm. court apt Newly decorated, clos In on N. Corn'L - Ph 2-8648 or 3-6644. 3-ROOM furnished apt. Nice Sc clean, clos in. 4 blocks So. of Ladd 6c Bush bank. Available now. 310 Bellevue St. Call after 8:30. CEOSin N 'tftiliiti furniihed7""$3Ti1 $4$ with private bath. 790 N. Church. Ambassador Apts. Ntrejv furnished apts 650 tf Summer REDECORATED.-furnished, modern spts. $40. Eaten, 1075 N. 'Capital. NICE APT. 1165 Court. Ph. 4-564T 3 LAR5E rooms furnished, newly decorated Garage. Very nice, $60. 841 N. Liberty. Phon 3-9446 or 3-3000. Capitol Plaza FURNISHED and unfurn. apartments 1165 Chcmeketa. Phon 3-30. 707 Houses For Rent 2 BEDROOM, modern, unfurnished. I large lot and garden space. Phone j 3-4.09. 1 BEDROOM house, Electric stove and oil heater furnace. ' Close tn shopping center and bus. $50 a mo. 400 Waldo Ave. Phone 4-3291. LARGE 3-room house with utility room, oil circulator. Convenient - hopping. Phone 3-4953. FOR RENT or sale, small well built home. Extra tot, bus ha door. ,Phone3-8497 sfter 3. w 2 BEDROOM modern house. On bus. ass S. Elm Ave 3-ROOM. 2 bedrooms. Clean, well furnished. 2 blocks from Hoover .school. So objection to. children. $40 3183 Mood v Ave. Phone 3-9463. UNFURNISHED. 4 bedroom! $65.' 3280 a.-.l-.Ml OA UWam 9-9ROli 2 BEDROOM house. Close ip. Phon 2-0793. l LESQE-McKinley district Small cocy horn furnished. Adults. $60. Phone 3-9395. FURNISH ED l-bdrrorn h use. 483$ Ridge Dr. Phone 2-Q215. 3-ROOM furnished house 7a" 1 electrie 350. Adults only. C. E. - Andresen, 4!MA Lanca4er Or. Phon 14-1247. MODERN 2 bedroom home furnished. M miles cast of Salem. Phon A urns Vtlle 73. MODERN 2-room duplex.! electrie heat and range. 2-6-26 r 2-4781 LARGE $-room house. 433 Union. $43. Phone 3-4536. & BEDROOM cotUg available at -Neakowin Aug. 18th to 23rU Sc Aug. 30th to Sept. 13th. Locsted on bluff overlooking beach. t23 Elm, M' bny. Or. . ' fEDROOM modem. Venetian blinds, water furnished. Phon 3-SOS eves. ffROOMTl25 month. 21SS S. Cot tage. Stove furnished. ldO-)i-RN2 bedroom, on 1 acre. Gar- den r fruit. $63. Phon 4-5373 ftjRNTSHEXX grand for 1 or 2. Must e. appreciate. Store, bu.3-SQB3. SB-5R00M flat unf urniihed. Adults. AO Ferry; Available Sept 1st Phone 3-627S. t ' . - 1 BEDRCOM "house. ITIectrle stove, oil stove and electricity furnished. $40. No children. Call 2-6990. SJai - rdar Auoust IS. 700 UenlzU 787 Houses For Rent SMALL uf furnished 1-bedroom home. Jc yara ana iatio. exc, location, vithln walking distance of stat .wu-e. neini ana stov furn. Phon -0A48. i CLEAN fjirniahed cabin suitable for roupie. iaii utinues paid. $23 per fnnnth k.MA Uaili o . .... ' 1 '- .... '.. , IHMt. . -OO.I. NEW duplex unfurnished. ila3 let trie lhi. turrianvwl ai- cnea car ae Prior) 2-fM7fl I Tout? T7:' t-J." , --2 A MOST hew 1 Mrwim v.A.l.,'rnlk- ric r a nice hiriiwuul eir. natte heat ln,nt,t.4 xa 1, kv -r-- -: rNNlE"tE coltUg St trallsT court 1121$ Portland Rd. Phon 4-5373. B pates &y day, week or month. Irrailee iniita 4nr S ft ALL njouse $23 a month.' Inquire 450 Sufinyview. CfBINS. p and, 3 room. Partly iur- ii-ciru. wt an e wees inquire Jt415 Williams :Av. Phone 3-7712 rROO"M house, partly furni.hedT fWalklnc dlaunc from Capltnl Khopptnjr CenUr. 1033 N. ICth St 7&8 Forma. Tracts For Rent -1 I YOU Want a Disc In th country. pad bay record of paying your rent you ran buy from me It He.m coat amything to find out none - ills. 1 j 0 Wanted to Rent Houses REDROpM unfurnished hous. Not ver.irm 4bib; ' i SEPTi 1st 2 bedroom furnished o $60.. Reliable coup with 2 chil dren, permanent Phone 4-1711 or 1-2584. 3 I 1 4 Business; Rentals FjR RENT Barber shop, good loca ion. r"n ez-773l. orr1:nt 07 Office spSc suits bl for doctor or ftentist Located - in fast growing ommunty. Contact Musgrav Re ltors. ltll Ed gewater. x 32 GROUND floor. Office 333 N. Hlghl St On 8 yr. lease. $129 ter mo. plus tienants Improvements. t-all 2 565. tALL apt house to leas to coupl t good income for right party, in. ipu'r 37BO Monro a ve. St ACE inj new j bldg. at 144 S. 13th. snon 3yzz2. 1 rllLDCnn Hollywood. Approx. 500 kq it. j30 . mo. can jtawnna kealtv si 2-4664 or 4-17S1. ri)R RENt"or iasrHlfsuiU4 for nurch 3odge, or what hav- you? mmedi- possession. Rent $75 per hnonth. jAl .saak. Healtor, rnonii :it. a ' i R Li-Afct. 140-300 ft frontage on $e7t1 Kdgswaiyr St. West 8alm Ira htts. P4one 3-8403. ROUND I FLOOR of flea or stor pac fof rent CaO at Fltts Market 116 N. Commercial Phon 3-4424 Z&flCr SPACE for" rnt. ExcsUent ocation 3 downtown. Reasonable taU vl 2--28S. . ;y)0 Heal Estate Stj 1 Bua-noss OrSortunitlos i- WKNT on person to manag cafe or bar in 14rt resort hotel. Club to im ouiiijsoan: at iaa tanoe, ne I'ada. $2 BOO required. Safe Invest- fnent Salary,! share profits, living usrters. Writ 604ro Statesman. APATltMENTT-OXlSE , Iking dist. to state house, collage nd downtown. $17,500. Good re- w urn on investment Fays Seal, Br. 'hone 4-tf.VM. , r. .. .1 .. OCERlrTstor! wlh living quarters. xtures.J Excellent opportunity for ouple. Jy appointment only., Writ Rox 601 ro Statesman. 1 inMrf .1 .juith as sn nmr M. lne ran. ract Saving iavcry day. Call 42381 Incpme Property ole of Salem's better trailer cnuirts. r. C. M.SA. approved and llcvnsea. k aafa investment for futur in- lome. Crmtact owner. 1005 S. 1t. SAWMILL 25 M. canlicltyj deisel power" head ig. balasr of mill electrie air St iectrlc set works, planing miu ra il ities available at cost. For fur- Oier information writ box $$. Th ilatesmaii I fffcKff - mfrrr Imlx up amusement tide, located ( tn uregon nia-a ilrgrouad st $400. Inquire! Jeas carfonej 1341 S. E. HazcL Empire S23. PortlandJ 2. Ores on. . OTEL B t buy 1$ Oregon. Inqulr Nod-A- tv'sv Motel. fqn SALE by owner 1 mil : S. of Hubbard ion Mlsh way 99. Servir itition As garage with living iquar- eri. La eg grounds and well. A rood buv! 4c terms to suit Writ W. fvagner, P. O. 4297 Portland or call fa 1359. I i I . ' 8Q2 Bustaess Prorry R SALe to rloa estat. romblna lon business and residential .prop, rty at llefferson, Oregon. Very esirablef location. Next door to oost office. Business space about ) by 30 it. Residence has $ rooms Ana bathl 2 bedrooms. Handy man fould develop into desirabl in. tome property. Drive by and ln- Ipect prnpeny men cwinci i. ty . lowed, 9$ Nj Capital St Salem, tregon. Phonal 3-3472. 1 3 EQS Houses For Sale T LeVELY new horn choice location. pacious living and dining room, aised fl rp lace, birch kitchen, cov- erd patioi large lot paved street. 2 blocks Kfizar school. Open every Bay and irvenlngs, 1070 James St. OWNER. 7 -room hous. approx- mately 23 acrei. Ideal for develop. h-ient. T.TP- Hock, 221s inemekeia. hone 3-74. 1 r3EDROOi.l home furnulvad TV or infurnlshyd. - Base-sawdust heat, los to ihopplng dist. corner lot. one 3. 10J1 Elm St. West side fllEDROO-tfTous. lot 00x150. $6.801 ncljding furniture. Will tak trail--r house 33450 Wlnnla. LOVELY ihodfoom, fireplace, . hard- trood floors, mak offer, 431 Maa- rtn Dr. 256. ' , OWN-Jl"r"Near St. Vincents St tollywoo4, 2 bedroom. Large 11 v ng room; with fireplace, separata lining rdom. modern kKchen 8a breakfast 5 noox. jots 01 nuut-ins. Barement attached double garage, rovered nstlo. Phone 2-6188. FAIR at OUKT Hill. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. Carpeted living room, ain- a rooms and den. Dishwasher. hi-ar Bakf-r School and new High Reboot 4i9hWO, 260 W. Superior . fit AT St cs-sn. i bedroom horn on . aciel Highway fronUge. near xla grad school. Shrubs in pro usion. ShJ-d and fruit trees, view I Owner will sscrlfic for $7,600.; Phone 2-0004 i ! flTA BllSli EtJ 2 year old horn for ural family living. Landscape-, l icre of gfound. more available. 4 edroomsi 2',t baths. Full dry base ment 2 f3 replaces, expert latenoe lecorsttng' Spacious rooms, small int. BuiBl. by builder for his own om. PMhe 2-1314 CltRA-MOD'ERN. suburban. 0-be. toom home, norm aasu rear grao cnooL Latg lot Insulated, folding toor. vero-biinds, tirepiac. auto, fish washer, twice as many built, ins. covered patio, attached garage, garden, lawn and shrubs. Buy front Iwner aid save I Price $12,900. Phone 2-OOQ4,- !!. iijKUU.it nous, tot -iuxuu. iuii trice $450O Call venlngs $7$ Cadar. NOW 3 bdrxn; excluaiv dutrlct, birch fiicnen. iquauty buui, cxccucns hous, aJto upstairs. tiodern Kitchen, i Bendix washer, ua on coiner. Phone 1-7650. FrlR SAI7Elor trad for Hate model itrkup, mr quity in mw 2-bed oom home fq Eugene. Phone 4-570S 20ix 24. J-rftom houe. All insulated. dot finished. t b moved, pricf u