1 . .;r;i:.'r - ; ' V' - tr . 3 ' 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 ! ; Radio cind TV Schedules i KPTV ri Channel 27 FRIDAY ' ; j I . 9-30-lwhat' Cooking? ll.GO-J-The Bi Payoff 11:30-1-Welcome Traveler! 12:00M-On Your Account ' , 12.304U. N.I Session , 1:00 Double or Nothing l:30-Strike It Rich -! 2:00 Matinee Theater 3.15-Search for Tomorrolr 3:30-Love of Lifej 3:4S-fToymaker j a.uu k;sco va 5:30A11 Star Football 8:00 Doorway to Danger 80-iThe Goldbergs 9:00 Chance of a Lifetimf 9:30 Bob Considine 9:45 Vest Pocket ; Theater 10:00 Portland Wrestling 1 1 :00 Pulse of the City ll:15-4Nite Owl Theater Enjoy H the Major Sporting Ivonta right in your own living room. Woll toko almost anything in trad on a New TRADER LOUIE 187 Lana Ave. Opea Monday FRIDAY'S I BROADCASTS KSLM 1?90. KOCO 14M. KGAE 143S. KOtN 970. KGW 920. KKX US ! Pacific Standard Time KJTV-UHF Channel 27: FM:j Megacycles KOIN If 1.1; KEX 92.3 (Editor's note: The- Statesman publishes In good faith the programs and timet as provided by tbaf radio stations, bat because of times the programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for tha accuracy herein.) HOUR 99i3 ! tt:lS 6 KSLM KOCO KG AC KOI KGW KEX 7 KSLM KOCO KGAB KOIN KGW KKX Hemingway : KOCO Klock Brk. Noak KOIN Klock Country Ed. First Edition News ' mme keeper . (News West. Melodies I West. Melodies I Farm News Brk Nook IBrk. Hook IBrk. Nook Rf. Oregon IKOINSKlock IKOIN KJock Dave West I Dave West I Dave West Ore Farm Hr. I Ore Farm Hr. I Ore Farm Hr. BreakL Gang iBreak Gang KOCO Klock I KOCO Klock IBrk. Nook I Brk. Nook (Macleod, News On News U. Lee Wills I News lAcronsky 8 RSL.M KOCO KG B KOIN KGW KEX Cecili Brown News! Jim Dandy Cors Newa Old Songs Break. Club Family Altar I KOCO Klock (Jim Dandy IValleiNews I Old Songs 'Break. Club 9 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX KSLM; Glenn Hardy ITello Test 1 KOCO Rays Records iRays Records - KGAB ; Backfenre ;- Backfenre KOIN ! 2d Mrs. Burton PerrylMason fl KGW !H. Hoti!e Prty. H. Hoese Prty. Dr $ word (Cap Comment t or.Call 'Bargain Counter Ray's; Record (Ray'sRecords IRay's Records I Ray's Records Backleore Mat Back fence Mat IBackfence Mat (Backfenre Mat Road of Life !MaPrklns 'Dr. Malone Guiding Light News JMer'dlth Wilsonl Mdrn. Rmncs. iMdrn. Rmnes. 9 .m- Edition iStars Of Today Dbl. or Nothing! DbL or Nothing ww mr w ifY,-t Hnntl. Mora.: Melodies! True Story I True Storv 1 f 2 KSLM Ladies Fair KOCO Rays Records KGAE Backfence KOIN Grand Slam KGW Bob Hope J Ladies Fan (Rays Records Backfence (Music Sparkles Wendy Warren I Pay to Marry KKX I Whispering Sts.iGirl Marries KSLM Top Trades I I lewi j KOCO News! IMaJorjLeague KGAE -Spider" : V-Spldr" olN Macleod News ICosoe Get I KRW Noon News ! IRoad of Life KEX Paul Harvey ! I Noon Edition KSLM i 'K'lkwnod i.! s'li Kirkwnod Lucky n Ranch Lucky u Ranch KOCO Major League IMajor League I Major League Major League KGAB ."Spider" : . "Spidir" "Spider" "Sr.ider" KOIN miltoohae. i A. Godfrey I A. Godfrey A. Godfrey KRW I Backstage Wife Stella; Daiiaa bidder Brown I woman in Hsa KEX !Kay West iKay West I Kay West .Kay West 1 2 KSLM News KOCO i Major League KGAE 1 .'ec.rtl Kmim : KOIN : A. Godfrey nr.W Plain 8iH KEX Term--Ernie I Music! I Music I Ma jo League Magic Melody I Record Room , j Record Room I Art Godfrey (Art Godfrey le"r. Pai FarreD (Lorenzo Jones ITenn'see Emie Smr. Bandwgn KSIJW Music IMusic! KOCO Marie Melody iMarie: Melody KGAB Jim Dandv Uim 0andv KOIN Wizard of Odds 1 Ruth Ash ton . ; w ( i rnveders i'raveiers 3 KKX : know! your news P. . M. dttioniror OlrU Tor Girls ..KI.M Knllon I pwts .Hemiaafvav KOCO Music U Want Music U Want KGAE Kid's Corner iNiuriciMart KOIN Art Klrkhs'" Rosemary KOW I.ife Beautiful iFor'rd March KEX IThis is Oregon -wiuirrel Cage ikSLM B Bar B Songs IB Bar: B SongslWonder City KOCO Tune Time For iM Marcn KGAE Traffit Jamb. Traffic Jamb. KOIN E R. i Morrow I News; Knw Bill Stern News Hour KKX Happy Time I VirgiljPinkley KSLM iC.ab IHeaUr iN.W Nawa 'Call Board KOCO Candlelight I ' andleheht New- ' KGAB Supper Club ISuppeir Club ISupper Club KOIN ' Mr. Chameleon Mr. Chameleon ISoln. Spullite KW Relax. Music I Relax) Music l Judy Canova KEX Weatherman IHomel Edition Good Lisfnin' 1.M ', Jimmy Fidler "fO Rosarjr KGAE i Music KOIN Lost Persons KfiW : Sports Tope KEX Rhythm Ed Dodd Stars Htng (Music I Lost persons I Sports Tops iRhytrim : , MLM John Steele John Stele Sn' "ires I Dinner Conert KOCO Dugout Dope I Baseball Baseball Baseball KOIN Johnny MerceriJohnny MercerlThis I Believe I Dance Orch. KGW " in-l Ne Ed dv Fisher IRoae. Clooney KEX Symphonetta ISymphonette I Platter brains iPlatterbraina - KSLM artii N .If. ,i ' WJ Baseball Music in Air I Best Plays I What .Song i'ro Baseball KOIN Music in Air KGW Best Plays KEX What Song 1KS1JM Coke Time KOCO Baseball KOIN 3 SuM "Ml OKGW ichlrl RntT KKX Final Edition e-feel I Baseball U it World Snort jPsse 1 Da nee Time tM fieial Detec. KOCO Night Song KOIN City Club t Musid i M UKir I Night Song (Night Song (City Club IMusic 'lwson Mri'all City Council ! Da nee Time I lance Time m Kr.N News KEX Da nee Time KOAC 530 ke PaCifie Standard Time. I .00 a.m. The News and Weather; 10:15 Especially ifor Women: 18:43 Story Time: 11 m Concert Hall; 33.00 Tha News & 'Weather; 12:13 p.m. Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride fEm Cowboy; 1 -13 Let's Go to Town: il 30 Artistry in Classics: 2.-00 Living Se Learning; 2:13 Hawaiian Holiday; 3S30 kle-norv1 Book of Music: 3:00 Ore gon Reporter. 3:15 Music al ; the feit 'ItlLiwas- rC ) life V 12:00 Sign-off (Approx.), ; . HIGHLIGHTS f What's Cooking?. 9:30 Cook ing show with Barbara Angell vegetable plate cheese shredded wheat marble cup cakes.. ' United Nations General Assem bly, 12:30 Selection of repres entatives to the political confer ence which will consider future Korean settlement Matinee Theater, 2:00 "She's In the Army" with Marie Wilson, Veda Ann Borg, Lyle Talbot and Lucille Gleason. Toymaker, 3:45, The old Ger man Toymaker brings his tales of toys; to delight the young of heart . on - this live children's show. All-Star Football Game, 5:30. - Doorway to Danger, 8:00 Agent Coug Carter is almost caught in the murderous rivalry of two bootleggers. The Goldbergs, 8:30 Jake's uncle Banish visits the Gold- TV and Friday Eves. Ph. 3-8558 0:3t fO:4S March of Time s (World News IBrk. Nook .KOIN (Clock I Dave West I Ore Farm Hr. News I KOCO Klock I Brk. Nook Kabhtt Show I Knox Manning Bob Hazen I Bob Carted Bible Inst. IKiWe Inst I KOCO Klock I World News Jim Dandy Jim Dandv I Helen Trent Gal Sunday I Music Box vlusic Box (break.. Club Break. CIu (Coca Cola CaW Music Rays Records iRays Records Backfenre Backfence Norah Drake Brighter Day Strike it Ricn Utrl' It Rich I Queen (or Day Queen for Day ( Rays ..ecords IRays Records Backfence Backfence Aunt Jenny Pnrase Pays Second Chance Keep's Korner 'Keep s Korner I .ay SO'. IMuic (Major League Major League "Spider" 'Spider" ! House Pa rty House Pa rty fPeppei Voung ' HaprHness ISam Hayes The Todds Better shoppers Magic Melody I Record Room Curt Massey I Doctor's Wife Smr. Bandwgn INews I Paula Stone Maiic Melody Magic Melody Uim Dandv IJim Dandy IStory's Bk'yrd I Tunefully 'Dr. Hu) ID Carroway Curt Massev I Sam Haras IMusic U Wantli Music U Want; Music Mart (Music Mart I Art Kirkham Art Kirkha m I Music Box A rt Baker 4 55 Souirrel Cage Haooy Time Wonder City Music I fish Caster Supper Club (Supper Club world Todav I . coss Lawsoo McCall IK. Peterson ii untie v News IBobCarred JNew 89 Keya ISupper Club I Meditation Judv Canova I Good Listening Cisco Kid 'Bandstand ISignOff IL. Thomas IHit Parade I Oliver's Orch. Cist-o Kid I Bandstand I Fam Skeleton Hit parade lOliver's Orch. Music IMusic I Baseball I Baseball ' I Bdwy'i my beat. Bdwy's my best I Best Plays I Best Plays lAragon Ballrm. I Aragon Ballrra. INews 'Night News Record Show I Bob & Ray I Dance Time Off. Detective Night Song Record Show Bob & Ray Dance Time iMusie Night Song Music ICity Council IDanra Time Masters. :00 Sports Forecast: 4:15 On the Upbeat; 4:43 News Commen tary; 5:00 The Children's Theater: 3:3d Jerry of th Circus: S:43 UN Story; 9:00 Nfws Jc Weather: 8:13 Voices of Europe: 9:4 Hera's to Veterans: Frontier -Fighters : 1 7:13 Evening Farm Hour: S:O0 Cooper Forvm: 9.00 Music that Endures; 9:53 News and Weather; 10:00. Sign off. I - SZL fei m wa A. SALwm j rrrrn, W" 'Ii r i m 1 bergs.' 'Almost everyone falls in love with, uncle Banish . ..'ex cept uncle David. Eventually both men decide to leave. ; 1 Wrestling in Portland, lfj.CO Local, " live remote telecast or iginating from the Portland Arm ory. I j ! Nile Owl Theater; 11:15 "Be hind the Mask," with Kane Rich mond and Barbara Reed. 400 Agriculture 402 theastoc LARGS Guernsey Heifer. Gentle. ! Fresh six weeks. Jersey 3 yrs. old. ! Gentle with calf or without. Whites Ranch. 1 mile East from Turner. FRESH registered milking short horn with bull calf and one is month old bull. Ph. 3-4739. j REGISTERED Jersey cow to fresh en about Sept. 1 Phone 3-224. 3 SUFFOLK yearling rams subject to registration. $73 apiece or trade. Independence 20F31. Rt. 1 Box 151. 7 miles S. Independence. SONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. C C McCandllsh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-9147. BONDED Livestock Buyer. A. F. Sommer. 12&5 Harmony Or.i Ph 4-2617. BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Edwards. Rt 3. Box 899. Ph. 4-1113 "JCENSED and bonded livestock buyer. E. L Snetben. 165 Kanwood Ave. Phone 2-1348. r LOCKER BEEF Hereford. 24c; locker pork 45c. Nothing down. months to pay. Custom killing Trailer loan ed free. Salem Meat Co. 1325 S. 25th. Ph. S-iSoX! 404 Poultry cmd Rabbits :. WHITE Cornish Came Chicks, ac claimed the true fryer of tomorrow, now available commercial fryer growers. Processors pay premium prices for this brood double-breasted fryer. Quantities limited and if unavailable, try tha next best, our first generation. Arbor Acres White Rocks. Year-around hatches every Thursday. Also New Hamp shires LEE'S HATCHERY 831" Center Street Phone 2-2061 WE are hatching New Hampshires, Colder Broads, and Arbor acres White Rocks every week. Special prices to year round fryer growers. Fox Hatchery. 3830 State St. Phone -499 . CUSTOM killing. Fowl of any kind v Ph. 4-3426. Newell's Poultry Plant Kill s days a week. Rt. a. Boa 109 Salem. 408 Pats AKC Registered Chihuahua pups. 2-7282. BEAGLE Pups." C. L Nicot Rt. 3. Box 142 A. Near Pratum on Meyer Rd. i FOX terrier puppies. Black & White! 3415 Williams Ave. TOY collie pups. 3415 Williams Ave. HOME wanted for 2 male black cock er spaniels while I am in service. Will pay reasonable food allowance. Reply to P. O. Box 543. Salem. PUPPIES to give away. 49. S. Cottage Hollywood aquarium, ibss mc Coy. 1 bMck east of N. CapttoL 1', Mocks north of Madison. Ph 2-CT97 CHAMPION bred boxer puppies. Ev ery pup a potential champion. Moore's Tropical fish, equipment Goldfiah. Parakeets. 3 miles from Lancaster on Macleay Road. Phone 4-3773. Cloyed on Wednesdays. COCKATTELS. parakeets, call eve nlngs. Powers. 735 Bellevue St Ph. 4-1597. 410 Soods cmd Plants' FUCHSIAS, TUBEROUS BEGONIAS. GERANIUMS. MERRIL'S GREEN HOUSE, BROOKS. i 412 Fruit and Farm Produco BOYSENBERRIES. U,pick. 8c. North on Wheatland Ferry Rd. near Clear Las School. Cecil Boyd. Rt 2. Box 296. CORN for canning tc freezing. Rob ert Loueks. Out Wallace Rd. 2 miles North, turn right on River Bend Rd.. follow sign. ; MKHAMA GARDENS open Friday. Aug. 14. Featuring HOME-GROWN carrots, wax beans, new red spuds, broccoli, beets. Pickling cukes slso ready. Free dill with orders. mile W. Mehama on old highway. PEACHES Folks those delicious tree ' ripened improved Cravford and . Golden Jubilee peaches are now ready at, the Jess Mathis Orchard and Fruit Stand 8 miles N. of Salem on 99E Highway. Pickling Cukes Fresh daily from our farm! Field run 6c lb. Organically grown pota toes, red or white. Peaches now on. Phillips Bros. Farm Market j590 Portland Rd . Phone 2-4312. GOOD alfalfa hay. 25 tana. Vera McGowjb, Rt L . Independence, Ore. FOR. SALE: Balled Alta Fescue straw, heavily fertilized. Foliage green. Excellent quality. : $10 per ton ii field. l', miles South Pringle School aBttle Creek Rd. Frank Mc Kennon, Salem phone 4-2357. COTLbEN JUBILEE and Rochester peaches. Tree .ripe. Slappy Soon followed by Red Elberta and J. H. Hale. Moses P. Adam. 1379 Wallace RJ. Phone 3-2218. SERVICE M co. 9 A.M..?. P.M. Daily 141t & i2Ui SL n. 4-5512 MARR RADIO & TELEVISION Sls - Service - Instailetion TV Ph. Mill 2U9 S. ComX Salem's First Telerlslon Store Motorola Radios 1 Portables Tabic t Models ; For- I ' AatomobUcs o Complete line of Telerisioa i Factory Aotborixed ezs i,.ii..i. .ui.,n, Soles and Service ; MITCHUl RADIO I TV lMt State St, Ph. 3-75TT mi tap 400 Ajrri culture 412 Fruit cmd Farm Produco TON alfalfa and rVe grass hay. 220 -a Ion in the field. Werlin Hop Ranch. Indapea4eaea. Ptaaoa. 3ar4. 414 Farm Equipment LA IT medal InL T. Crajler wide rati fa. Looks Se ran Ilka new. Full price $2,295. Bird Auto Sc Equip Co. hi Wallace Rd- West Salem. Phone 3-0669. FOR SAIE Tohn Daera Tractor Model M. Like new. $1,154. Phone 253 Independence. . rOH SALE T-20 lO-tnch tracks, food shape. Pboaa 4-4339 eves. , 425 Auction Sole TO be sold at SudteU'a Public Auc tion on Aug. 26ta. 19SJ. 0 heating registers to satisfy accrued storage charges - 450 Merchandise 451 Machlnfy cmd TooLk 1S45 HTSTER 1 ton lift truck, being reconditioned in our shop. Full price SI .295. BIRD AUTO EQUIP. CO. 871 Wallace Rd. W. Salem TITAN chain saw 53 model, used one month. 36-inch bar Sc chain. Soma spare parts. S250. See at Sa lem Diesel Service. 3775 Silverton Rd. Open Sunday. 45THsohold Goods For Solo LEAVING STATE. Must sell. LAH electric range, good condition. Ph. 3-4416. BIRCli dining ' Charles Ave. set, modern. 150 HOLLYWOOD bed. Chun 1565 Kooseveit St.. pn. 3-7B80. S ROOMS of house furniture, leaving town immediately. 2095 Carleton Wav. LARGE NORGf etectrf c range. Ex- cellent condition $75. 3215 Port- land Rd. A. B. C. Washer, good 'working con dition. S23. CaU 3-36S7 or sea at 435 S. 22nd. eves. LARGE SIZE davenport and chair. New condition. FriKldaire refrig erator, mnei Other household furnish. ngs. 1700 N. 20th. Phone 3-9342. NORGE washing machine in good connmon. JO. 1043 fx. nth. Phone 2-3440 after 11 a.m.v 19 CU FT. Upright Home Freezer, cabinet slightly damaged in ship ment. Big discount Sec at Good rlousekeeping Inc. 467 Court St 456 Wonted. Rsohold Goods czflaiBCDaa. WANTED ; USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Vallev Filrn. Co. 2-7472 CASH TODAY Good used furniture or will sell on consignment Ph 3-0fl8 SudteH's Auction. ?ii; 458 Building MotKialT DOUGLAS fir cants wanted. Salem deHvery. Phone Mr. Lee. 3-S111 for detailed Information and prices. Wanta Bet That you can save dollars In plumb ing values? It's o k. because this sure thing is n gsmble. Check our savings in: toilets. wash-basins, bath-tubs. water heaters, kitchen sinks. pipe and fittings. colored bathroom seta. Capital Bargain House . 145 Center St.. Salem WINDOWS Largest stock in Salem. New weath er stripped windows .completely assembled. (14.30 up. Large modern sashes and crystal picture windows. SS up. Pick- your chKSice at bargain prices. PLUMBING New toilata with seat $23.50 20x l8" washbasins complete 17.50 Bathtubs with fittings SB SO Double laundry trays complete 30 73 Shower cabinets complete 44.00 Double kitchen sinks, electric water heaters, pipe ...CHEAP 4" solid Orangeburg pipe J 38c 500-gal. steel septic tanks 87.50 BARGAIN Colored bath sets OTHER BARGAINS Metal garage doors with hdwe 4500 New 4x( plasterboard 1.40 4x1 waterproof. wall hoard . 1.75 Interior Sc exterior plywood CHEAP Nails, carload supply 9.73 Overhead garage door, hdwe . ' 13.93 Loose insulation, per bag 1.00 Roll blanket Insulation . .BARGAIN '," "Jap Birch" plywood ... 26c i "Jap Birch" plywood Sle '" mahogany plywood 42c No. 1 cedar shingles , ,, 9.25 No. 2 cedar shingles S00 J No. 3 cedar shingles , 4.00 .nree-iaD comp rooting ., seja up Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types glass doors LOWEST PRICES New fir door jambs . 2.50 Painted cedar shakes ' , 10.75 Unpainted cedar shakes , 8.00 New asbestos siding 9.50 Camp Adair windows 5 00 Exterior white paint 2.36 Shake molding, per ft. .10 C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 I mile N. of Keirer Keith Brown Closeouts DOORS Rcf. Sale 2-Ox,-9xl,-10 Lite French 113.43 19.97 2-4xS-8xl-10 Lite French 14J9 10.34 2-6xS-8xl?,-I0 Lite French 14.40 10.41 -86-8x1. -1 Lite Fniecb 1V58 10.49 2-0xS-8xl.-3 Panel S.51 S 95 2- 4x6-9x1 ,s 3 Panel 9.90 9.93 3- 6x9-9x1 3 Panel 9.91 S 2-9x9-3xH. 3 Panel 9.03 6.95 2-ftx6-9xl-9 Lite Sash Dr. 16.49 ll.M 2- axxl. 9 Lite Sash Dr. 14 SA Hits 3- OxS-Sxl. 9 Lite Saab Dr. 17.79 1334 SCREEN DOORS 3-0x9-8x11. 3 Panel ; 9TT 7.50 3-x8-8xHt Combination Screen It Storm Door-. 18.72 3-0x-xl't Combination Screen Sc Storm Door 1907 UTTLTRra 4x5-r to 10 Rough Car Stakes JO ea. lxa-RL No. 9 Common Shiplap , - 33J50M 25.00M Carrier Load Lets 35.00M 20.00M EIJCCTRIC TANS V Cbico Portable Air Cooler 44.50 General Electric 345 2S.S1 C-e.teral Electric 14.99 11-1 All Sales on Dt-countabla aaerenan- disc Final No Refunds or Exchanges tKfitli Brown Lbr. lard Front Se Court Street Phona 3-9111 - We Give SA H JG reen Stamps . LUMBER S hundred thousand feet, good lum ber, complete mill stock delivered prx-e. and better 2 Inch , , ... 97 00 No. 3 good grade, : .930.00 No 4 ... 925.00 CEDAR SHINGLES. BEST GRADE Delivered price No. 1 4 9t3 No 2.93 ' NO.XM No. 4. $2-50 . Ted MuDer. CaU evenings. Pboaa alem. 2-1190. t: n 450 Merchandise ?j 455 Iuecld Goods'Fer Sola 455 Huool4 Goals For Solo , No Down Payment GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGE j? Three burners and deep well cooker, even thermometer, r I All white porcelain. Only. $39.93 -i -- ' USED HOTPOINT IXfcCTRIC ' RANGE Three burners -and deep wan cooker, very good condition. Clean. Only ,,449.95 USED A B APARTMENT HOUSE RANGE J burners. ! i Very clean and good condi tion. ONLY .Jl 349.95 USED A B ELECTRIC RANGE ! 4 burners, coil tvpe ; storage ' drawers, light. ONLY U. . 959.99 TINICHAM Appliance GENERAL 260 N. LIBERTY. SALEM 4S8 Bufldincj Matmticd LUMBER SALE GOOD shiplap S3 peM. Straight No. 3 355. No. 3 and, better 165. 2 in. lumber 115 per M. and up. Phone 2-2042 . Remodel, Repaid Now Save your cash for a rainy day. No .down payment. 39 months to pay Epping Lumber Cd. 74f Silverton Rd. Phone 4-6123 Open all day Saturdays 480 Musical hutruxnents ! MAHOGANY WurliUer Spinet piano. Like new. Will' sacrifice. f none 3-7627. UPRIGHT piano, small, good condi tion. 4-1463. 5NLY Story andClark Pianos have mahogany sounding boards. Will not olit. Wairp or crack stays in tuna 73',i better. The Music Cen ter. 470 N. Capitol. Phone 2-5371 . NEW and used pianos. For a better buy. WilUey Music House. 1960 State. ' 462 Sport Eqtilpmut LARGE Johnson outboard motor or sell or trade for what? L. O. Gnt- ton, Rt. 1. Box 399. Salem., rOR SALE, good salt water rod and reel. Phone 4-2847. IT Runa'bout with 22 horse outboard, trailer, remote control it water sklis. All -in top condition. Bargain wtth ' terms. 315N. 21st 1 HIGG1NS Camping TraileiFrUsed 2 seasons, like new. $350. Bird Ay to U Eqoip. Co. Phone 3-6668. 14' REINELL boat with cabin & trail er 51 Will Ave. Ph. 4-2943. SCOTTA'fWATEH. t, h.p. outboard motor. 2630 S. Summer. iCAMpTEit" tear drop, excellent con dition, a Duy. 194Q Lana Ave. NEW c used boats at reduced prices. Phone 3-8904. 3-3722. BOAT and trailer for sale. 12 ft. Semi-V bottom. Jasper Harger, 218 Ellindale. Dallas. ARCHERY tackle, hunting bows, ar rows, free Instruction. 3-5444. 14 FT. boat for sale. Used ona year. B:st of construction. Light weight trailer. 5310 Johnson Sc 533 Johnson. Phone 4-5719 or call after 9 p.m. F. M. Tadrow. 3290 Portland Rd. 4S4 Blcyd GIRL'S bicycle, like new. balloon tires. Book basket. $25., Call 2-386S. NS3 For RinL MlcIla-aaou U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR -RENT" Blankets furn. 1201 State. Ph. 2-9083. TOOL RENTAL. U-FIX-IT: Corner of North Commercial apd Columbia -aiii. -LENT or buy. Ail types eJectrtcaJ or nana toois, garaen tractors. apray- ers. Howser Bros, 1189 S. 12th. . OR fiJbNT or lease, Iga. warehouse pace cement floors, brick bkdg. down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur 3-tija. 470 For Sol. Msclanous USED GUNS AS LOW AS $10 32 caliber HAR 32 caliber S&W 39 caliber Colt 38 Special SiW - Valley Furniture 2-7472 W5TNGHOUSTTiec. range. 1951 Model, like new. Sold for 9309, now $150. Valley i Furniture Co. j-7471 COOLRATOR Refrigerator. Like new, 19S3 model. S cu. ft.. Sold for $248. now $125. Valley Furniture. S-7472. GALVANIZED UnkTia x 9 feet and 1 tXf Seep. Make ideal wading pool or sand box for children. Write ,- Box- 800 SRatesman. giving phone number for appointment to see. MOHAIR Davenport 'Sc' daveno ? piece dininsr room set. Louis Hen. f nies. Turner. GIRL'S shoe roller skates. Size 6 good condition. 2830 S. Summer. TRADER LQUIE open Eriday eves. SEWING MACHINE Nearly new' Singer Featberwetght portable,- Very reasonable. 93 down Ar 95 a month Seats Roebock St Co. S.1O N. Capitol, y EUTANE range combination gas 4c trash burner with 23 gallon tank. both for $60. 692 S. CapitoL Phone LaTE model Deluxe Frigldarie range. Excellent condition. Reasonble. 3-1 904 U-FIX-IT garage. Repair your own car Parts, tools, tech. informa tion. Phone or drop in for details. Pb 41261. 2095 N. Commercial. CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for tables, furniture, railings. 1143 N Liberty ELXC clothes dryer only 95095 2 only Yeatei Appliance ' Cow 379 Chemekta St Vacuum Cleaners Nearly new Kenmoro -tank type cleaner $22.50, 95. dn. and 95 a ma. SEARS AND ROEBUCK 550 N. Capital REDUCED 95 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 Oak kitchen table Sc 4 chairs, slight ly used. Starting price Aug. 14. S60. Keith Brqwn Lbr. Yard Front and Court Phone 3-9111 We give S & H Green i Stamps AMITY show caae. Lite wood. 30" ton. IS wide. 40 high. Shelf in bottom with sliding doors. 919. 1045 N. ltn. Ph. 2-3440 after 11 a.m. Top Soil River silt fill dirt, prompt delivery Pt.ne 3-1749 - - BABY carriage in good condition. Phne 3-7429. HURRY . HURRY HURRYI ONLY 19 LEFT TO CHOOSE FROM . POPULAR BRANDS SEWING MACHINES TAKE TM AWAY AT ONLY : $7.50 ea. They txwdttvely must go this week. Sale end S-t, .Aug 19. SNOOICS BARGAIN CENTER 1255 PmeeJwav wi asbers. like new.; 2 onlv T3a ea. Yeater A "iliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Pit. 0-431L . 450 Merchandise a. ces 'on .Approved Credit GENERAL ELECTRIC RE FRIG. 4T Cu. rt. Very good condition. Sealed unit Only MJI APT. SIZE LEONARD XEFRIG. 4 Cu. Ft. Only 49 M USED FRIGIDAIRE REFRIG 6 Cu. Ft. Good running condi tion. Very clean. .ONLY 989 Si USED KELVINATOR HOME FREEZER Excellent condi tion. UU model 9149.93 WESTTNGHOUSE ELECTRIC . RANGE 3 burners and deep ' well -ooker. Clean. Only 949.99 GILBERT Company ELECTRIC PHONE 2-0312 470 For Sal. Miacollanoous 15 GAL. Propane tank and 2SA0 cap Propane brooders, 5100. L O. Gritton, Rt. 1, Box 399. Sa lenr DEEPFREEZE home rreexers. Yeat er Aplianoa. 275 ChamakeU. Ph. . 3-4311. Diamonds & Jewelry at coat plus 10U Call or write w. C Mitchea 1175 Hilly ard., Eugene Ore. i-97 PLAST1-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co 379 Chemeketa. Pb -4.1ll USED electric ranges 912.95 and up. Yeater Appliance. 373 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. DICTAGRAPH fire alarm system. Units for 7 rooms. Will, sacrifice tor ir a. Phone 4-2S48. Crushed Rock FOR roads it driveway Cement Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand Bolldoiing drainage and ditching yd. shore! it drag Una. Phone .'-249. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. FOR SALE. 10-ft Willamette meat case. 12 compartment ice cream -se Ar miscellaneous. 3023 S. W. Corbett. Phona BR 9248, Portland, Oregon. SAWDUST for horticultural use for orchards, berry patches, lawns, etc. Also for sheep pens, bedding down corral pens. $1 per yard delivered. Also compost for mushroom houses. Inqu-re Silverton Mushroom Farms. Rt 2. Silverton. 3-8661. MAYTAG washer, buffet mantle clock, coffee server, large mirror, other household articles. 2023 Mar ket. GOOD used refrigerators S4950 and up. Used washers 89.93 and up. Yater Appliance 379 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. CH ARRIS" foundation girdles, For appointment phona 2-9433 or 35072. Mary E.Bales. S30 ALLOWED for your old water neater regardless of condition or make on a new Westinghouse automatic electric water heater, with a ten year guarantee Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. Sewing Machines Singer console eler. thoroughly re conditioned. B6S.90. S3 down and S3 a mo. White Rotary Portable Thoroughly reconditioned. 939.50, $5 an., sa s mo. SEARS AND ROEBUCK. 350 N. Cap fcOY'S red" poplin wind and rain proof school Jacket. Size 14. Boy's navy wool iiarmei suit, sire 10, Both ',. price. Phona 3-7738. J30 army cots, good condition. Vsl- ley Furniture Co. 2-7472. NEEDED, old sewing machines. Up - $30 or anora for your old sewing machine on a new free Westing house sewing machine with a 20 yr warranty. Yeater Appliance Co.. 373 Chemeketa St. STANDARD pool table, good ahape. complete. 9279. Box 98 Gervals, Ore. Phone 2391. FOR SAXE 1 d lam on weddina rine set. Paid S.150. Never was used. Will sacrifice for 8150. Sea at John's watch shop. 1717 Center. fTAlfLY home products Lea Mindt t9C Madjson. Ph. 3-4058. 472 WcmtaxL VBLmcmUxxnOMB TIMBER to log by reliable logger or will buy on stumpagt basis per m. Huaen . Wagner. Ph. 4 I373. WANTED t ft atud mill logs or multiples of 9 ft. plus trim. 9 to 19 tn. diameter. Phone Turner 112.1. WANTE5-12 gauge double barrel or Browning automatic shotgun. Phone 2-0523 after 5 p.m. GARACfi near 700 block on N. Cot- tc 4-7-03. 474 M-KeI-xuyc-s "" LET US smoke your fish, many satis fied customers. Salam Custom Cur tng 37005. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or mall your Plataa for Repair. DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg State Se Com. Ph. 3-3311 HOSPITAL beds for sale or rent Stiff Furniture Co Ph. 3-9199 425 Auction SoUs 4840 Center St. After 4 years tn Auctiow business ture that the people in and out of tha eity has long desired. Terms, cask, and great savings to buyer; At torney Jason Lea to give the opening address at 13 noon auction. Mayer Al Loueks to address the-evening suction. ' S ' ! ! 1 : i 1 ill " A white face caif to be given away free on day livestock suction. New swing rocker on Ovenlnf iuctlod-Snd . dozen ether nice merchandise prizes dsy evening. '' 3 I i i Free balloona for kiddies. Don't misa this event, everybody welcome. This trill be one of our larit auctions. LOOK! OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL FURNITURE j! At suction to high bidder. pc blond bedroom set (new). 2933 full size Adjniral EJec. range. 1983 ft, Leon ard Elec. refrtferator. 19S3 Easy Elec. washer. ,1833 new daveno at chetr. pc blond dining set. t-lxie wool rugs and pads. 1953 Portable New Home sewing machine. 9 pc. new chrome set (red). yr. new baby bed. New floor and table lamps, corner tables, lamp tables, and coffee; tables, eprtngs and matta. 90 new linoleums, new satan comlorters. new tiUHty tables. Thompsoak upright piano, at new awing rockers St occas - etiaira. Elec. steel guitar. Over 9300 worth of new toois and drop cards. Oh. us coma over, there is lots and lots o fl terns not mentoined. For young and. old and loads of fun. Coo. Youjj troubles turned Into Joy stscotty,. 1 1 - ;., ' :; :f Jr:; ' ! - ;:: ; at 2 p m. Chickens, raobtts. hens fryers, calves, veals, bulla, cows, feeder hags and weaners. One eovialgnmarit trt 10 head cattle. Due to 111 health,, ewe. farmer consigna head. 3 good J fresh sows sod-a food Guernsey mill ia urn 01 hss oia at rn There wiU be other cattla corning in. le by drawing 1 . Saturday your sale day at Scotty free Make Cot Ernest E.Scolt 0 1 'Coi:iiiyR;Vlaugit i-f ! SuztotinazL Saltxu Ortu. FrU 450 Merchandise 478 Ftiol ANDEKSOrTS hand picked alabwood. 4 cord tl. Phona 2-7751 or 4-4253. Hishwav Fnel Co. Clean sawduft wood, green or dry. Capitol Lbr. Fuel Co. ORDER your summer wood Ply wood cores. oM grlwth fir. oak, planer ends. Summer rates on sawdust 199 S. Com! St Phone , 3-7721. eOltSeR MOW I Sawdust: blower and P. O SASH ar DOOR PIANER ENDS. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. 1424 Edgewater Phona 24031 500 Bus. & Finance S10 Monoy to Loam SEE US FOR FARM CTTY or ACRE- AOI LOANS BEST OF TERMS. WE BUY steal estate mortgages a contra eta. STATE i FINANCE CO. 197 S High St Ph S-4UI CUT CUT CUT : Cut your present naymanta aa much aa sorv Let us show how tt may be dona. S50 - 11.500 AMOUNTS 9144.33 238.72 8i3.8 toO.04 PAYMENTS 9 9 AO 14.00 29 00'. 4.0n PACIFIC Industrial Loans lis S Liberty Phone 4-l!03 Consolidate All Bill' Twenty-five years ago General Fi nance Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men to give you a loan service. We have lent millions. TRY OUR SERVICE You can reply anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer time to repay. Pb. first for a one trip loan. Loans 92300 to 9300.00 en signature, furniture and equipment Leans to 9500.00 en cars, trucks, and trailer houses. Free customer parking at "Marlon Car Park": across from office. 136 S. Commercial St. f Lie. No S13S and M339 mm mwmmm AUTO LOAN WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 193 S Church St Ph. 2-1417 Parking Aplenty Lie. M15S-S1S4 COLONIAL tNVSTMENT T COMPANY 697 Court Street . Phona 4-2293 Buy Sell Loan Real FjrUte Mortgages Contracts PlUVAT-E money to loan. pn. 2-6794. 515 InTMtments" 23 M. CAPACITY sawmill, del sal power head rig; balance of mill electric, air Ac electric aet works, planing mill facilities available at 'oct. ?ully clear will accept full partner or Investment of IIOJXJO. v Writ- aifiS. T .-. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted A NATIONAL Corporation : is inter ested in the services of ambitious men or women willing, to act as jobbers of well known products. Tha work will be of a service na ture and no selling will be required. Part time only to start but excel lent Opportunity to develop profit able full time business with our as sistance. You are not required to buy r lease equipment of arty kind but. 9L280 is required for merchan- ' Jiaa inventory, aame being refund able on any unsold portion after trial period. Permanency of resi dence, good references Ac a Car are necessary. Tell us sbout yourself. Give phona number. All replies will be kept confidential. Box 002 co Statesman. WANTED: Men or women to work. ; on our hop picking machine, start ing August 17th. Day and night work. Located S miles N. of Salem on River Rd. Call 4-1323 or 4-1323. Mission Bottom Harverters. WE ARE now taking applications for Paper Routes st Carrier Divi sion. Statesman Building Boys m't be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ents If yets have already applied kindly do so- again. . THE OREGON STATESMAN 608 Help Wanted. Female MAID to assist with general house hold duties and care of children. Must live in. Comfortable home, modern equipment, private room. Generous time off. Good wagea and social security coverage for per manent employee. Apply Oregon State Employment Service, 710 Fer , . a a.in tXPERIINCED waitresa wanted. In- quire Information desk, F. H. Kress, 430 N. Capitol. 425 Auction Solos rjjf.1l I , SCOTTY'S j AUCTION HOU3E GRAND OPENING i Sat. Aug. 15, 10 A. IL & 7 Scotty opnts to the public a new and 7 .. . Feeders end stock ers. And don't forget the wfcite. face to be given, away ''.- j ' ' 4 ! , - - - , s, . - . i s ' Xucust 14, J853 (Sc 600 Employment " EC3 Ka.lt Wantd. FmaIo EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. WUitea Lunch." 1 139 S. Com X Apply ? In person. ; ; WAITRESS wanted, evening ahlfC Apply in mornings. Top Hat Res. jRlGTfefERia KURSM Cener.l i Duty m small General HospitaL -SUrttng at $243 with semi-annual ly increases plus ona meal per day and Hospital Insurance. Apply to Mrs. Gladys Renshaw Silverton Hospital Silverton, Oregon, giving experience and reference, in fir letter, ar In person lO.OO am. to 9:00 n m. rf.vi h fi ANTED elderly lady to do light nouscwork in axchsnge for board and room and small salary. Phona 3-4.443 I CHUJO'S attendant for nut s e r y scnool, :not over 3a years of at a. Write Box 999. ro Statesman, giv In ace: and ouallflcatlon. jpABY sltter'and help with houswork 5 wtitia mother works, live in. Phona 1 3-7707 till 13 P. m. after 12. 3-7442. iOS Plckors Wmtd rBEAN pickers, startinf Mon. 17th. 1 mite rt i iatcaae nign scnool. pri vate road to right New yard and If location. U, E. Hansea, Rt. 1. Box 1 1 sa nr.. i .Vj 1W. 1 Mtircr. ; !l . - - - j? BEAN PICKERS. Register now for picking In new yard e nt: treillsed beans. 9 la rung about I Acrg. h. Watch this space for i exact starting date. Goad camp, . I wood, lights and cabins or tent 1 houses. Daily bus service from Sa il lem. Bus route i to be published In ' If this paper. Write D P. MacCarthy Ac on. hi. a, nog sj-i. salenl, Ore I gen. or drive out 9 miles on -outh i tlver road or 2 miles east of lnde. f pendence. ' i I . 'This is one of the Valley's' better iyarda and ramp. D. P, MacCarthy St Son. Rt, 3. Box 933, Salem. Ore gon Phona Independence lit. G10 Solos Panrsona Wantt If Dealer -Sa SfE are looking fair a 1 ' 1 er hsaiesman. looking fair a man with, above average sales record and character references whol will Qualify f act aa dealer in Salem area for twta of Amerca s fastest growing cotrfrna. I The opening of: Salem office. State ETalr Exhibits alus NaUonal Adv. tea noalgn will rnake earning pos. . sibilitlea - of 31)000.00 i per month. :Give phone and address to Niagara fPortland Co., 123 S. W. Broadway, sPortlard. Oregon. - ', W ANTD"S"aLSMN CaRtal I Youngs town Kitchen Store, 191- N. fHigh has operants for two sales I men to self nationalty advertised Youngstown kitchens and aeceuo jrles. Sales experience necessary. A 5 training program 'working dtreetly fwith saleamanager is offered. Bet. Iter than average Income on; an .equitable commission basis. If 'you fare interested in a "permanent -30-isition . With growing business, .rail I Merle Da Lapp at .-9431 fon'an iappotntment. t 612 Work Wanted. Male '' i Tractor Wbrk j 1 Plowing, discing, blade work, ' hn. a.iru.; . ' cfjSTOM ' hay bailing. Newpicftup ?wlre bailer. Phone 3-4S50. , LA Wr7MOWTsrurperon." Also asnarpen scissors, cupper Head, tsawa, ate. Oscar Vasfaret, 391 Garth. rPhone 3-isaa. I n FALLING, bucking, clearing, ate. ox Ph. 3-5032 VpUNO man, college graduate, fsm ii.ly. 3 yrs. experience, reports of Iflce mgr. desires permanent con inection aa representative, branch loffice mgr.. senior clerk. Salary I or guaranteed commission. Eject 1 ;lent references.j Phone 3-7479. : -AWN", flower bed work, new lawna i planted, Ph. 4 513 or 4 1919. I Maaon Work. Patch lastering , Sftucco and repair. Baaementa water. iprooreai ay plastering. Barbequea . ,ofdelrcpces. Platary's-palloa. SiRpENTER work wsniad. 'mtwSf jremodet. Phona 44319. , CtlSfd'M nay baling. O.' StrandL ET' - ,3-4513 Silverton j ft AM prepared to pull in several fmoiwnew lawns. Call $-7373 days. 12-219 evening sj- . j 1 , . .; . 6 W Work Wcmtocl. female BDOKKEEPER, meet, desires perms ieitposltlon. Experience general Sedser. payroll, typing, etc. Phone -9521 'II :; CARPENTER, new. remodel or re ptr. Contract ar time. Can 25029. 615 Situations Wcmtod ' i BULLDOZING, Vard : grading, dirt loading. Ph, 2-0716. 2400 Northgate jAve. i -i . CjOtPeNTEU. work wants-. New 'or remodel. Phone 4-630. ct.ATnNrrJT.U. windows, wood work. baths, kitchens, : also pslnt jn g: Sed rewlck j 3-3391, 1 CjJlID CARE, my home, Englewnocf OistricLj Hour. I dsy, 1 week. Call t-4412.J j t CARPENfER work and painting. jh? t-2osft. M - r lSOCi-rCXI-PER. fypUt. cashier, pavt roll, varied offcie experience, cap able of meeting .public, mature, re jponsihle person. Phone 4-9441. CX-ifE-MT work done, free eatiraaiea. Phone -763. t ' -j; CONCRETE work all kinds.' oreete walls, patios, sidewalks, baaerontx. Jitin Feldscheu Sc Son. Phone -OT20. 4-5329. Call after 9 p, rrr riCEN SED practical nurse, fhpne 3236. vyfll take 24-hr, duty. '. New lawns, complete free estimates. Call after 9. 4-2941. y ; NEW HOME comstruction. remodel ng. Free estimates, i local refer ences. Miles and . Knutaon, 4-9340 lifter 3 tn Fvesi fSffESSMAKIXG.! experienced.' 'Mrs. ii'.ltua Plncua. 1700 NorUi 20tLPhi f-4X . f I ;! i 4- i 1 425 Auc-oa SaU x ,o- r.' ! Salem R Mi tieed furniture store. Art added 'fea f . .. j 1 I