S Soc:l) Staieraeu Salun, Ore".. FrC August 14. 1 333 Site's . i Asie PORTLAND, Aug. i 13 VP) U Weekly . fishing report hy the Oregon State Game Commission: - Northwest Northern Willain " ette Valley streams are poor ex cept the Upper Clackamas which continues to be fair to Bo&L Sandy River is clearing. Fishing - is fair in the lit Hood area with fly fishing improving. Fishing - continues fair to good on McKen tie Hirer and its tributaries. The Willamette River and its. tribu taries have been fair.; South San tiam is fair to good, dear Lake remains slowc. Dorena Reservoir is producing a few fat aniT heavy bodied Rainbow, Cottage Groye BeservoiriFern Ridge Reservoir, and Triangle Lake are good for warm-water species. Lakes in the McKenzie Pass area are fair to , good. In the Tillamook area aig- - ling for sea-run cutthroat is fair. While Quantity G RAMMER CY PARK and HYDE PARS Brands in 100 Virgin Wool Fine Fabrics. til $ I X ' I JBk UNIT LIJuUJ 4 -4.AND With Each Suit Purchased We Will Give ... ; One Pair of 100 Wool Slacks FREE! Budget Terms Welcomed On Approved Credit OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY KAY YOOLEII HILL STORE 260 S. 12th Street (The Written m (Mi A 0.KS TRIPiE i ; : f GUARANTEE 1 Nationwide Road! Hazard Guarantee for '12 1 months. 2. 3. Nationwide Lifetime Guar antee against; Workman ship! and material defects. ! l-'v Customer Satisfaction or your money Premium 670 epNKirN ocv.uiu : ii.fi - ' . - V I'll- I I , v '.nn . . 1 1 ; I'M iling Prospetts A few Chinook are being "caught in the Nehalem Bay. Fishing in the lower Columbia River and in - the ocean off the mouth is slow. Warm-water fishing remains fair, : Tillamook area upstream trout angling is poor to fair. Tide water is fair for sea-run cut throat. Offshore salmon angling is spotty, but some silvers have been taken in Nestucca Bay. Fish ing is good in streams in Linooln County. Fair catches of sea-run cutthroat have been made in tide water. A few salmon have been caught on troll on the. Alsea and Siletz rivers. A few salmon have been caught off the jetties at Newport. Southwest - Winchester Bay salmon fishing is only fair. Weath er conditions have been keeping small craft in most of the time. Spiny-ray fishing in Siltcoos and Tahkenitch lakes is fair, to good. Tenmile Lake catfish fishing is Tide Table . Tide for Tift. Oregon August, 1953 (compiled by the UA Coast and Geodetic Survey. Portland. Oregon . HIGH WAIt-KO IAJW Aug Time Ht. 14 3:45 ua. 5.0 3 :li p.m. 5.S 15 3:33 ajn. 4.3 3:47 p.m. iS IS 4:32 .m. 4.1 4:24 p.m. S.9 17 5:47 a.m. 3.S 5:09 p.m. (.0 IS 7:19 a.m. 3.S 6:04 p.m S.l It 8:51 a.m. 3.S 7:10 p.m. 6.1 20 9:55 jn. 4.1 8 .13 pan. 6.5 21 10:39 a jti 4.5 9:1 p.m. 8 8 22 11:17 a.m. 4.9 10:13 pjn. 7.0 23 11:52 son. 5 4 11:06 p.m. 7.1 24 12:25 p.m. 5.S 11:56 pan. 7.1 Time Ht 8:53 a.m. 9:51 pan. 9:23 a.m. 10:44 pan. 9:59 aan. 11:46 pan. 10:33 aan. 1 -1.4 1.8 1.3 2.3 1.1 2.S 12:56 a.m. 11:26 a.m. 2.-03 a.m. 12:42 pan. 3:06 aan. 2:05 pan. 0.9 3.0 0.5 3.2 0.1 3.2 3:57 a.m. -0.4 3:15 p.m. 2.9 4:43 aan. -0.7 4:17 pan. 2.5 5:24 aan. -0. 5:11 pan. 2.0 S:4 a.m. -1.0 43:03 pan. 1.4 Lasts! Q) to Street the Trains Run On) SMQ NEW TIKES Mounting Free 670x15 ftfr)) m no U Vy Plus Tax and Sound Tire 60ax16 OK'S 110 Plus Tax and Sound Tire RECAPS 670 x 15 . $5.75 Exchange Sound Casing I L i S S x 15-0ne for Regular Price Tine pa 1 A A Tk nrAc run ivu i OK's 230 24-Month Guarantee 1123 S. li&.Slmt listed 4G5, We(3!eiii3 improving. Perch fishing is good. Sea-run cutthroat fishing is slow in Umpqua. Smith, and Siuslaw rivers. Trout fishing has been generally slow. Lower Rogue sal mon angling is improving and should be fair over the week end, A few summer steelhead axe be ing caught. Some sea-run cut throat are being taken in tide water. Trout -fishing is slow in upper and middle Rogue with best catches in the evening. Wat er is clear in most areas but is muddy between Gold Hill and Savage Rapids. A few steelhead are still being hooked in the By bee Bridge area. Trout fishing is fair in streams of the Upper Umpqua area. A few sea-run cut throat are being caught in the lower North Umpqua and upper main Umpqua but success is us ually poor. Summer steelhead angling is slow throughout the area. " Spotlight on Konno ... ilAen's AAU Swim Meet flflarks By DALE BURGESS INDIANAPOLIS (JV Mike Peppe, veteran coach of swimming champions at Ohio State University, predicted Thursday that several Valley Splash Meet Slated Here Saturday A host of young i swimmers from Salem and adjacent points are expected to participate Satur day in the second annual Mid Willamette Valley Tournament at Leslie PooL All boys and girls who have not yet reached their 19th birthdays are eligible to compete. Preliminaries will start at 2 p. m. on Saturday and finals will follow immediately afterward. Jtibbons win be awarded to first, second and third place winners in each event and special awards will go to high point entries in the 12, 14, 16 and 18 year divi sions. The splash tournament is un der the sponsorship of the Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Salem city schools and play grounds and the YMCA. Purpose, of the tourney is to provide incentive for developing young swimmers throughout the mid-valley area. ; . Set; FLATS FIXED Exchange HCNC ITT- l Mtstrf 3 - Central Todd Lake has been producing good catches of 'rain bow. Three Creek Lake fishing is good. Road is open in to the lake. Sparks Lake has been pro viding good catches. East and Paulina lakes are only fair. Davis Lake produced nice catcher last week - end and is expected to continue good. Suttle Lake is fair to good. Blue Lake has been good with many limit catches being made.: Odell Lake has been good for rainbow and fair for makinaw. Gold Lake continues to be good. Ochoco Reservoir has been good. Upper Deschutes River has been good. Waldo and Big Lava lakes are starting to pick up. Irish and Taylor lakes have been pro ducing good catches. Snow Creek on the upper Deschutes is good. Wickiup Reservoir is only fair. The high lakes are providing good t catches. Predicted new American records will be set in the National AAU outdoor cham pionships Thursday through Sun day at Broad Ripple pool. Peppe figures the record probably is safe in the 1.500-meter free style, only event in the first session Fri day afternoon. It's 18:09. set in 1949 by Horonshin Furuhasht of the Tokyo Swim Club. The distance event was swum at one mile last year and won by Ford .Konno of Ohio State and Honolulu. Konno will be the favor ite Thursday but may not be in condition for a record attempt. An attack of mumps kept "him out of the AAU indoor meet last spring after he set a 1,500-meter Olympic record of 18:30. The field Thursday will include the men who chased Konno in last year's AAU outdoor meet John Marshall Australian who attended. Yale was 13 seconds back. Wayne Moore, another Yale man, was six seconds behind Marshall. Peppe flew in only Tuesday from a tour of Japan with Konno;. Yoshi uyakawa, Olympic backstroke rec ord holder, and Jerry Harrison, national 10-meter diving champion. Oyakawa. another Honolulu pro duct, demonstrated readiness for the, AAU meet by tying Adolph Keifer's 15-year-old Japanese na tional records in the 50 and 100 meter back stroke. Look and Learn By A. C GORDON 1 1. What is the popular name for citrous oxide? 2. What notorious buccaneer became, lieutenant governor of a British colony? 3. At approximately what speed in miles per hour does the blood of the average healthy per son pass through his veins? 4. Which U..S. state was once known as Franklin? 5. What is a "soiree"? ANSWERS 1. Laughing gas. 2. Sir Henry f organ; of Ja maica in 1674. 3. Seven miles an hour. 'A. Tennessee. ' 5 An. evening party. Pronounce swab-ray, with accent on second syllable. . Close-onl On Perfect Til Ilosily for 2 Door Sedans Fiber - Seat Plastic Seat Govers full Sets Plastic n Full Sets Piter Coast io Coast Coaled Fiber ' 'is-' - . . - Coasl io Coast Toll Quille Coasl lo Coasl Cusiom Tailored Seal COI LOCALLY OVH ED 233 N. Commercial Hearing Set -On Ex-Grbunty GOP Leadbr : 1 PORTLAND Wl ,a bearing hai been set for Saturday morn im on a request by Mrs. Ednamae Caveny that William C. Robison, former Multnomah County Repub lican chairman, be arrested.' Mrs. Caveny of West Slope, near here, claimed that Robison de frauded her and asked , that' be be hela la contempt ef court. .Robison and his former real estate partner, Bernard Asheim, were ordered a month ago by Cir cuit Judge R. Frank Peters to pay of a 112,000 mortgage i on Mrs. Caveny' a home and deliver to her a deed for . the property; at West Slope near Portland. I She had told the court she had paid them $27,500 for the home but never got a deed end found out recently that there was a $12, OOf mortgage on the property. Mrs. Caveny said she never re ceived the deed and said she, be lieves that Robison is going' to leave the jurisdiction of the court. Robison, who resigned a month ago as Republican chairman, . did not apply for a . renewal of his real estate dealers' license. He said he planned to move to Long- view, wash., where he acquired an appliance business. Portland Produce PORTLAND Ifl Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acid ity, delivered in Portland, 68-71c lb.; first quality 66-9c; second quality 63-66c Valley routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade A A, 93 score, 66c lb.; 92 score, 65c; B, 90 score, 63c; C, 89 score, 60c. Cheese Selling price to Port land wholesalers Oregon sin gles, 42-45c lb.; Oregon 5-Ib. loaf 48 -50 e. Eggs To wholesalers Can dled eggs containing no loss, cases included, f.o.b. Portland A large, 67 -68 c; A medium 65-66c; A small Wlc; B grade, large, 60-61c. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 74c; A large, ;69-70c; AA medium, 69c; A medium, 67-68c; A small, nominally 51-52C Car tons 3 cents additional Live chickens No. 1 quality, f.o.h. plants Fryers,; 2-3 lbs., 31c, 3-4 lbs., 31c; roasters, 4 lbs., up, 31c; heavy hens, all weights, 20-21 c; light hens, all weights, 19c; old roosters, 15-1 8c Rabbits Average to growers- Live white, 4-5 lbs., 20-23c, 5-6 lbs., 18-22C, old does, 10-12, few higher. . Fresh dressed fryers to retailers; 57-59c; cut up 61 -65c. ' ' Wholesale dressed meats: Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 52.00-56.00; : rounds. 48.00-56.00; full loins, trimmed. 68.00-78.00; triangles, 27.00-32.00; Lfore-quarters, 30.00-35.00; chucks, 35.0040.00; ribs, 48.00-53.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12 lb, 64.00-S7.00; shoulders. IS lbs, 39.00 43.00; spareribs, 52.00-55.00; fresh hams. 10-14 lbs, S3.00-64.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 34.00-40.50; commer cial, 28.00-36.00. j Lambs Choice-prime, 41.00 44.00; jood 39.00-44.00. v .Wool Grease basis, Willi mette Valley medium 50-52c Jb.; Eastern Oregon find and half blood, 55-62c; Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42c; 12-month wool, 45-50c i t , ' . Country-dressed meats, f.-o. . Portland: . . ! ." - Beef Cows, 23-25c lb; canners- Govers Covers STORES, a Elastic $ Ihvf Yorlr Slocli Qnolaiions : By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Admiral 'Corporation , 27 Allied Chemical I- ' 70 Allis .Chalmeri -:-48 Ameican Airlines " 13 American Power it Light ' S k American TeU ft TeL , 155 American Tobacco" - 76 Anaconda Copper 32 Atchison Railroad 94 Bethlehem Steel 51 Boeing Airplane Co. 40 Borg Warner 72 Burroughs Adding Machine 14 California Packing 25 Canadian Pacific 26 Caterpillar Tractor 51 Celanese Corporation 25 Chrysler Corporation 69 Cities Service 83 Consolidated Edison 40 Consolidated Vultee 18 Crown Zellerbach 30 Curtiss Wright , 7 Douglas Aircraft 66 du Pont de Nemours 103 Eastman Kodak 43 V Emerson Radio 12 General Electric 75 General Foods 55 General Motors 59 Georgia Pac Plywood 12 Goodyear Tire . 51 Homestake Mining Co. 36 International Harvester 27 International Paper 53 Johns Manville 62 Kaiser Aluminum 28 Kennecott Copper 63 Libby, McNeiU 9 Lockheed Aircraft 22 Loew's Incorporated . 12 Long Bell A 26 Montgomery Ward 59 Nash Kelvinator " 19 New York Central - 24 Northern Pacific 67 Pacific American Fish 10 Pacific Gas & Electric 38 Stock Buyirfjg Support Falls; Prices Mixed NEW YORK tf) Buying support faded away Thursday in the stock market, 1 e a v i n g ' a thoroughly mixed list of prices. Changes in prices were largely a point either way at the most with gainers holding a slight edge Ln balance. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks held unchanged at the close at $109.50 (At noon it. was up 20 cents). The industrial compo nent of the average was unchanged, while the railroads were down 10 cents, acd the utilities were 10 cents higher. The list contained 1.066 individu al issues, 12 more than Wednes day of which 434 advanced and 366 declined. Ne w highs came to 29 and new lows for the year to 13. Volume was 1,040,000 shares as compared with 990,000 shares traded Wednesday. cutters, 17-18c; shells down to 13c. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 29-SOc; rough heavies, 22-28c. Hogs Lean blockers; 37-38c lb; sows, light, 32-34C. Mutton Best, tf-14c lb; cull utility, t-ioc. Lambs Best. 37-38C. ' Fresh Produce: Onions Calif. White Globe, 3.25-3.50; 50 lb. sacks of Wash. Yellows, med 1.30-1.75; lge., L25-1.40.1 Potatoes Local Triumphs, lugs, L50-1.75; Boardman Long Whites. No. 1A, 2.50-2.75; No. 2, 50-lb. sack, 80-85c; Calif. Long Whites, No. 1, 2.85-3.00; special marks 3.25. , Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa. 29.00-30.00, delivered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and Seattle. jOQOqoObog $395 .'feS! 14 GO R3. Si 095 r0 VerS S39.S5 Covers M335 $(S95 $S95 NATIONALLY OR0ANIZCO - Photae 3-7359 Pacific Tel. ttTel. 114 Packard Motor Car 4 Penney (J. C)f Co. 71 Pennsylvania R. R. 21 Pepsi Cola Co. 14 Philco Radio t 32 Radio Corporation 25 Rayonier Incorp , t 28 Rayonier Incorp Pfd 32 Republic Steel f 50 Reynolds Metals 51 Richfield Oil . ( 53 Safeway. Stores Inc. 38 Scott, Paper Co. 62 Sears Roebuck ; & Co. 59 Socony-Vacuum' Oil 35 Southern Pacific 44 Standard 00 Calif . ' 54 Standard Oil N-J. 74 Studebaker Cor. 29 Sunshine Mining 8 Swift 4 Company 38 Transamerica Corp. 27 Twentieth Century Fox 17 Union Oil Company 43 Union Pacific 107 United Airlines ! 26 United Aircraf J ' 28 United Corporation 5 United States Plywood 24 United States Steel 38 Warner Pictures " 14 Western Union Tel. 48 Westinghouse Air Brake 25 Westinghouse Electric 46 Woolworth Company 45 Wheat! Closes With ilosses CHICAGO W i Wheat closed only fractional losses on the board of trade Thursday' after a wild sell-j ing wave had dumped prices into new low ground since 1947. Wheat closed ;- lower, corn lower to 1 cent higher, oats ' lower to higher, rye2-2' higher, soybeans unchanged to IV lower, and. lard 12 to 30 cents a ts a' hundred pounds higher. Portland Livestock PORTLAND Cf) (USD A) Cattle salable 100; market. slow, about steady but few light grass-steers and heifers again weak to lower on a cleanup market and some stocker steers unsold; fed cattle lacking; few utility cows 10.00 10.50; canner and cutter cows 7.50- 26.25-26.75; few lets choice 1 butch- steers 12.00-16.50; odd utility bulls 13.00 to 14.50. Calves salable 25; market about steady; few choice light vealers 20.0Oi good calves and vealers 20.00; good calves and vealers 17.00-18.00; some lower grades and heavy calves unsold. Sheep salable 150; market steady to 25 higher; choice 180-235 lbs ers 27.00; 270 and 155 lbs 25.25; choice 421 lb sows 21.50. Sheep salable 600; market slow; few sales about steady; good and choice spring lambs 18.50; choice and prime grades scarce, quotable to 19.00 or above; large lot pre dominantly feeder lambs unsold; few good feeders 15.00: cull to good ewes nominally 1.50-4.00. Salem Market Quotations ( As of lt yesterday) BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 . ..; BUTTE Wholesale .10 7 4 .71-.73 Retail EGGS (Buylnc) (Wholesale price range from to 7 rent over buying price) Large AA JIS Large A M Medium AA - , f Medium A .59 Pullet J9 POUL.TBT Colored Hena , . 22 Leghorn Hena . .19 Colored fryers , Jl Old Roosters . JS Roasters ' JXi NOTICE Or SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, at guardian of the estate of Dorta Maxine Morris, an incompetent person, by virtu of an order ixaued out of the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for the County uf Marion, on the 3th day of Aug ust. 1953 will proceed to sell at private sale, for cash, at 412 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem, Oregon, front and after the Sth day of September, 1953. at the hour of 10 -TO o'clock A.M. of aald date, to the highest bidder. 11 right, title and interest of the estate of said incompetent person in the following described real property: All of Block 16 of Amended Plat ' of Brooklyn Addition, to Salem. Marion County, Oregon. (See Volume 2. page SI, Record of Town Plata for said County and State). Said sal shall be made subject to the confirmation of the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon' for the County of ' Marion. Probata Department, in the matter of the estate of said in competent person. Dated this Sth day of August. 1953. HENRY LEE MORRIS 'Guardian of the Estate of Doris Maxine Morris. an incompetent person. WILLIAMS & SKOPIL Attorney for the Guardian 412 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon Au. 7. 14. 21. 28. S.- 4. - Do FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? FAST ETH. an improved powder to be sprinkled on upper or lower plates, holds false teeth more firmly in place. Do not slide, slip or rock. No gummy, gooey, pasty taut or feel ing. FASTEXTH is alkaline Inon ctd. Doea not sour. Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FAS TEETH at any drug store. P0IS0I7 OAK! Why ncperLment? Other remedies may possibly cur you but the additional suf fering Is not only unneces sary hut also very pcdafuL For quick re-let try 1 HOOD'S Poison Oak totfon SCHAEFEEl'S DOUG STORE Opea Dally, 7:3 AJH.-S PJH. Sunday. AJrL-4 P3L. 135 N. Commercial . . jiplern Ohitunrica DAHUI Hyacinth; Grin Bandy, In this city 'Abg. 10, Ik her seventh year. Lata neudent of &tt N. Winter St. Sur vived by father Sgt. ! William B Bandy. McChord Field. Wash., grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clement C. Wiemals, Salem; uncle Sgt. Clem rot c. Wiemals Jr. "in Korea, John Ai WiemaK Salem and i Pvt. Janea Wiemals. JJSMC Announcement of cea lajter by W. X Rigdon Co. CATSS f lAlta Rowan Cates. late resident of 10 Rooaeirert St., at a local nursing home. Augf. 12 at the age of 73. Sur vived by daughter, Mn. Clara Dorn hecker Reedsport; son. Ray C. Cates. Salem: sutrr; Mrs. Minnie Frame. Sa lern; brothers. Walter i Rowan, Sil verton, and Oliver Rowan. Portland: a bo four 'rtaadchildren and two great grandchildren. Member of First Bap tist rhutcf . Salem. Service will b held Fridy.i-Aug. 14 at 1JO p.m. fibm Hovell-Edwards Chapel with the Rev. hnrnton Jantmi officiat ing Internment in Belcrest Memorial Park. MKNVriS i Clvde Ai Mennix. late! resident of 1343 Waller St at a Salem hospital au. .Ui r i rii trj ijuguin , I'll a. Maxine DjrLapp, Salem; son Paul' Mtnmi. X)allas: sisters, Mrs. Ola Bumham. Calif.: Mrs. l Cleo King rrian. Calf.;i also four grandchil dren Services Saturday.: Aug. 13 at 100 p.m. in Clough-Barrick ChapeL Stocks and Bonds i ! i . ii i Compiled by the Associated Press Ang. 11 BOND AI ERAGtS ! 20 Id 10 util. 10 fgn. Unch 79.S 79.S 794 78.7 77J rails lndust Net Chan a LUnch A. Unch Thursday L BI S MX 93.9 939 93.S 93.7 98.1 Hrev. Da 92.t M.I Vfeek Ag 4. 92.S 95 D ! ma fi n Month A eo 1.9 95J YSear Agoj 8.2 STOCK AVER ACES 30 IX i IS util A.l 54 3 54 J 53.4 S2.S &3 SO stks Unch 109 .5 109.8 109.4 107.4 irm. lndust. raits Net Change Tbiursdav I .. Hrev. Dai Week Ag4 Month Ag4 Unch D.I. 141.7 M.J M. 87. K 84 141.7 141.5 J 138.1 Yiear AgoS Portland Grain j PORTLKnD un Coarse grains, 15 day shipments, bulk, coast de livery: Gatd. No. 2. ;3a lb white MOO. . j i : I Wheat jCbidT to arrive market, basis NoJ Ijbulk, delivered coast: Soft White 220; Soft White (exclud ipg Rex) 2.20: White Club 2.20. ; Hard ited .Winter: Ordinary 2.20; W per cejit 12 per ceint 2.20; It per cent 2.20; 2o. .r- Thursday's, car rwwnli: wheat IP; flour l;fmill feed JA ? i 300 Personal 312 Lost arid Found tOST: From Eaut Stile1 St.. Blu I Parskeei. Reward. Phone 4-9354. 314 Transportation'! tEAVINfi slunday for Texas. Would J like riders; 1952 car. Wally Krause, I 2O90 IN. jioyi or eal 3-S232. 316 Personal il Dear Mabell 1 -til ;: I Jiav a Very important message tor you. See tomorrow's paper. ! Love, jonn I WILL NOT be res'oonsible for an v ; bills other! than mv awn rnada hv MRS JEAN. PsychTiTreader tells t ; your past, present,'! future. Can ( helo overcome all bataclea that : keep you from success, health and happiness, j Tip Top Motel. 3580 S. f Commercial My. 99E.1 Apt. T, ALCoiioLujs Anonymous group Ne . 1. 2088 N. Comrnerdat. Phono 2-9419 f or 2-4537. P. O- Box 724. i ! i Although! clumsy la appearance in armadilln can run! with aston jshing speed when frightened. SOT AND TAKE fn A-CYL MAINLINE BUSINESS COUPE F.OwB. CHICAGO Complete With Standard Equipment end . Drive Away Service ALL OTHER MODELS PROPORTIONATELY i LOW PRICED I Se Us Today f Per Complete Details ! Pot?! Co. , 375 CENTER ! ' , SALEM ! : Q Sine 1915 i BUY A I 1 " H '5 FACT0BV mm :i - ' " - -( " ; : e .. : s -4-' i