o mm mm Pros Liked; 90,000 to See Classic By JERflY LISKA f f CHICAGO Ofl The Detroit Lioni. prond champion ol the National Football League, and the! collet grid's best new graduates tangle In the 20th Ali-Stari game at Arf lighted Soldier Fiel4 before 90.008 Friday night.; I i ' I The prowling Lions may not be sating 'em alive i this - colorfsl contes which will b4 televised iDi mont) and broadcast (Mutual) be a . j i - Stojack Risks j Toga Tuesday I The juiciest menu of the sum mer mat season comes off Tuei day night at the Armory as Frank Stojack, the wrestling councilman from Tacoma, risks his Pacifg: Coast Junior crown against Aus sie Jack O'Reilly. ! I O'Reilly qualified to meet the champ after beating the Masked Marvel two straight falls last Tuesday to climax an elimination tourney. . i f O'Reilly, one of' the greatest matmen to come from Australia, is given a good chance of lifting Stojack's title. The Aussie is can ny and tough and bis pet, weapojjt is a step over toe hold, but hell also adept with the j twisting ham merlock. Stojack's arsenal b headed by bis airptane spin, rat ed as the greatest in the game, f Tuesday's semi-final also hat high promise, with Jack Kisef .slated to tangle with John Hcrt r7trng the ex-navy frogman. Kisef took care of Mr. Sakata in the last local card and Henning was the victor over Greg Jarque, the Spaniard. i Matchmaker will i announce the remainder of the Tuesday card later. " i Brooks, Yanksi Again Victors j . i i (Continued from preceding pageX At St. Louis the Browns edged the Detroit Tigers 1-0 in 11 innings when Vera Stephens singled home Vic Wertz from second base. Two other times Stephens hit into double plays with Wertz on base. Ned Carver, once a 20-game winner in his days with the Browns. gavfc his old club only seven hits hfr suffering his ninth lops. Marlin Stt art. who took over from Lou Kre& low in the 11th, picked up the vic tory. i I Outfielder Frank Thomas hit twd home runs as Pittsburgh nipped Philadelphia 4-3. Hal Rice drove ia the other two Pirate runs with lon fly balls. Southpaw Paul LaPalme went all the way for the victory even though Ms mates committed four errors. At .Chicago the Cubs also made four misplays, three of them it succession in the third innitfg. as they were routed by the Cincinnati Redlegs 10-2. The third inning cot lapse led to five uearned run. Ted Kluszewski got lour of the U Cincinnati hits and scored four rus ginning at 8:30 p.m.' EST. ' Although 14 point underdogs, Bobby Dodd's collegians appear as ajile and talented as the 1950 All Stars how notched the last triumph for the campus heroes in this series which bait produced 11 victories for the pros, six for the collegians and two ties. : That 17-7 conquest three years ago over the Philadelphia Eagles came as the pros didn't know what do do about Charlie Justice of North Carolina and Eddie le Baron of College, of the Pacific and a brawny bevy of all-star linemen who wouldn't be pushed around. Dodd's coaching staff has ad mitted the collegiate crew on hand is better than the one. coached last year by the Georgia Tech mentor, that went down fighting in a 10-7 lo&- to the Los Angeles Rams. Fair weather is predicted Friday night. Aerial Duel Due That heightens the chances for an al -out aerial battle between Bobby Layne of the Lions and the All-Star quarterback trio of Mary-J land's Jack Scarbath. Illinois Tom my C'Connell, and Purdue's Dale Samuels. The 52-player All-Star squad has representatives from 34 schools, headed by Maryland with five, Georgia Tech with four and Mich igan State College, top-ranked in the AP's 1952 poll, UCLA and Pur due with three each. Dodd, famed as a defensive stra tegist, may have the horses to run down the Lions. The All-Star . de fensive platoon includes some of Lthe best to come along the college pixe ir. tne art oi diagnosing and smashing jlays, or breaking up enemy passes. Needless to say, the Lions fall into the rock-ribbed category, too. It would do well for the likes of All-Star backs Gib Dawson of Tex as Bui Reynolds of Pittsburgh, and Andy Kozar of Tennessee, and Johnny Olszewski of California to avoid winding up beneath the Lion forward wall. The Detroit pros have such cor pulent fellows as 235-pound Les Bingaman, perhaps the biggest middle guard in football anywhere. 262-pound Leon Hart and 220-pound Jim Martin, at ends; and a tackle crew including Augie Cifellip 240, Lou Creekmur, 245, and Johnny Prchlik and Thurman McGraw. 235 each. These boys just don't take up space. They move, too. TKcyll Do It Every Time m By Jimmy Hatloj TO RStD.4XZL,CX.'ayP 1 DTOMT I SEE YCU VWTU WHFF AAA&A2M&? HEY VWUTlS TMSP conr- ENTT4L TOM THE HEAD OFFICE-WW.' wwxr. CTXAVUOM ABOUT TU4T AT ITASAM- WE EVER BOUGHT TO READ WAS VATJ PROPHTTV CF CJFFBERT MCQQtEtT RUBBER SUMP UES GOT COMES NOl XCO-GCESTMRU THE CAZS ROOMS IF 0JU2R PEOPLES WERS- HEfHSSES "nvDrtTr.KDMS- ST4MD6 EVE?y jusrsowt CAKi RUMMAGE.! eccnfsccsK-. lit WORKN6 6RL-AU64ZME! BOOBTRAP Icon, mt irva I MERES ONEGFTMESE SCAVENGER HUNTERS H EVER OFFCE-mi JL.T. T4UJy AHOATTPOF TUE UATUO HAT TO ART TKER, Hartford ,coni. i ro""am a. mw tmn BOWL MEETING SET LOS ANGELES VP Commit tees from the Big Ten and Pa cific Coast Conferences have sched uled a meeting Sept. 9 in San Francisco to complete arrange ments for a three-year renewal of the. Rose Bowl contract. The existing contract expires next Jan. 1. League had purchased First Base man Jim Wert from Vancouver, also of the WIL. 1 Wert made his first appearance in the Stampeders" uniform earlier this week. Seixas, Trabert Gain Net Finals NEWPORT, . R-.I. 6 Wimble! don champion Vic i Seixas came from behind in a gruelling battle to defeat Australia's! Mervyn Rose 3-6. 6-2. 13-15, 6-3. 6-2 Thursdaf and gain the semi-final round of the Newport Invitation Tennis Tour nament. I In the other quarter-final, TonJ Trabert of Cincinnati, the United States No. 2 hope, outstroked a4 improving Straight Clark of Pasa dena, Calif., 6-0, 6-3. 6-8, 4-6. 6-3 WERT GOES CALGARY, Alta. t Calgary of the Western International BRONCS SIGN POWELL LEWISTON Ul Pitcher Larry Powell, who was with Lewiston of the Western International League in 1952, has been signed with the Broncs for the remainder of the season. DEFENDING CHAMP OUT LONDON. Ont. tf Three Amer icans Pat Lesser of Seattle, Grace Lenczyk of Newington, Conn., and Barbara Romack of Sacramento, Calif. and 19-year old i Marlene Stewart of Fonthill. Ont., shot their way into the semi-final round of the Canadian Women's Open Golf Championship Thursday. Miss Stewart eked out a 2 and 1 decision over defending champion Edean Anderson of Helena, Mont. 47 u vee sports rs810ppa 13 Huge Archery Meet Billed Northwest Tourney Here Thhj Weekend The biggest archery, event ever to hit the Salem area is sched uled this weekesd as a field of approximately 300 bow enthusi asts from all over the Northwest and British Columbia engage in the Northwest Sectional Tourna ment The tourney will be held Saturday and Sunday at the Sa lem Jabberwalkie Club's range, located one mile south of Pringle ScbooL A number of archers from Sa lem and mid-valley points win participate. The Jabberwalkie Club has made great improvements in its range in the past few months in preparation for the big event A recent addition is a 28-target field course and 28 arget bunting course. : Registrations for the meet close at 1 p. m. Saturday and shooting will start at that time. There will be competition in sev eral classes for men, women and juniors. The tourney is open to the gen eral public. (Statesman. Scrltmu Or FrL. Attoutt It 1953 (Sec I) 7 I SUN DECK VICTOR SEATTLE ( Sun Deck fin ished a length ahead to win the featured six furlong horse race at Longacres Track Thursday, Tommy finished second but was disqualified for fouling Nephew Bill and was placed third behind Nephew Bill. The National Geographic Soci ety says nearly 20,000 Englishmen settled in and around Massachu setts Bay Colony from 1630 to 1642. fMvixfiiuai I inii. n rut s ft) mm m I ar mi L o i I i Potts Winner InOWGAPlay Salem Golf Club women engag ed in their weekly tournament Wednesday with Mrs. Tom Hill Jr., taking top honors in Class A. Winner in Class B was Mrs. Rob ert Ebersole and; Mrs. Frank Ward was victor in C class. Lau rels in Class D went to Mrs. Gil bert Groff. The prestige of the local gals links fraternity got an added boost this week as Mrs. Ken Pot ts'came in first with a low net of 76 in the Class A end of the monthly OWGA tourney at Port land. The Salem women will hold a combination business meeting and luncheon at Salem Golf Club next Wednesday. 15 MONTHS TRIPLE GUARANTEED ALLSTATE Today's Pitchers NATIONAL LEAGUE PlttsburgH t Brooklyn (night -rce (5-4) v Meyer (12-3), Philadelphia at Nei York fr.ight) Ridiik (7-5) vs Gni noni (LI). Milwaukee at Chicago I Furkont (11-5 vs Hacker 0-19). 5t Louis at Cincinnati might) Mizelj 10-) va NuxjhaU (5-8). AMERICAN LEAGUE New Yorll t Philadelphia (night) McDonald (7) vi Byrd ,(10-13). Chicago af Detroit (night) Pierce (13-7) vi Hoeft (7-10. Cleveland at St.. Loi (night) Eeller (6- vs PiUette (4-) Washington at Boston ir night) Stobb 17-S) v Flower ilJu. If a boy in El Salvador wants to serenade his girl friend in tra ditional Spanish fashion he must first pay $2 for a permit Schaefer's Improved Cough Syrup h stops that bronchial irrita tion cough. A sip proves H. Relief today sure. SchaefeKs Drug Store 135 N. Commercial Open Daily 7:30 A.M.- P.M. Sunday 9 A.M.-4 P.M. Come One! ami all! mm wnmm Saturday, August 15th of the RENT-AATRAILER Trailer Lot r i ; I LOCAL - ONE WAY - OR ACROSS THE NATION RENTALS 1 90S. Fairgrounds Rd. Ph.2-9437 To acquaint you wtthi this Nation - Wide Service - We offer al Camping Trailer FREE FOR 0HI WEEK;. . o some Lucky Person! Just fill out your Nam and Address and bring this Ad to tho Trailer Lot by 6:30 p.m., Saturday, August 1 5th. Nam . Address Award will be made 6:30 Saturday evening. f v ', ' f " u , 1 w Vai I tadin " I TRA0E-N " ' rDIN U o-aw C . s-00lf I TXADB.IH " e r ' t J TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE "IE V 1 2 3 '1 4 6.00x16 2.00 5.00 9.00 14.00 44.80 6.70x15 2.00 5.00 9.00 4.00 53.00 7.10x13 2.00 5.00 9.00 14.00 61.00 7.60x15 2.00 ' 5.00 1 9.00 14.00 67.00 Plus Tax and Your Old Recappable Tire ALLSTATE 18-MONTH TRIPLE GUARANTEED TIRES 2 for 2 5 for S80 6.00 x 16, Plus Tax and Old Tires ALLSTATE 18-MONTH TRIPLE GUARANTEED LOW PRESSURE TIRES 2 for MP0 1 for (SB00 6.70 x 1 5, Plus Tax and Old Recappabte Tires STORE HOURS: Mon. & Fri. 9:30 to 9 P.M. Other Oaya 9.30 to 5:30 . . - i A j: ft n Hey Fellas! uyevanona ! iu nn, sr Has Everylhing You Need For Speed Sk Casiomizing IT'S WORTH LOOKING FOR i .i MORE POWER EXTRA MILEAGE LESS BACK PRESSURE DEEP-TONE PURP-R-X Sore j More . Al Pacific ; Auto i i s f i J to 1 High Comprtitlon. HEADS Fenton & Sharp $595 Pair ,rk'. Ilanifolds For Forda By Fenton and up $26i95 Chrome Valve and Side Plale Cover Kii For Most Cherrolets $20.95 Chromed ( Carbs 14J5 Exc. Also Available Chromed. Fuel Pump Chromed Pump Stand Chromed Wire Looms i Chrome Generator Covers $3.95 Chrome Air Cleaners $2.95 Va and Full Race' CAMS More Power l?ftA j and Speed i bv- 2750 II.. iL . ! !! . Chev.jDaal Intake . Ilanifolds f -ill Made; By Fenton LOWERING 3 i r it I . BLOCK KITS o-w 1! 111 111 li Inch fQSW W Sixes & i And; up ; l j, i ii - WIRS WHEEL DISCS li The Latest Thing ' t 4495 i - andl6 Inch Was $59 95 j NOW I 15 Siti of Four! Chev. ! Header Sets 3 I II Complett Less Mufflers ' J I J ' 1)1, Direct Factory BuyingSaves Yba IIOIIEY! 550 II. CAPITOL . Ph. 3-9191 Pacilic Auto jl 188 N. Commercial Open Tpolght TU I P. M. 4 la-gajjpBj-iBajBI,.!!, geafclBBBBlBa