i 4 1 ' : i i 5 i t i i i . 10 (Sec 2) Statesman. Saln. Orw FiU August 14, 1953 I SOCIETY CLUBS Ml) SIC Around II By JESYME ENGLISH PARTY TIME . .j . n Thursday . . first to one of the mort delightful and unusual partial : of the season . . Guests bidden to "The Soda Shop? it the home of Mrs. Robert Corey on, North 23rd Street . . . Her sister, Mrs. D. W. Richardson, co-hostess, for the old fashioned ice cream soda and sundae party ... A perfect day for such a patty i gues& all arriving in pretty summer cottons, many of them strapless and sunback style!. . . Sitting on the terrace sipping sodas or eat ing luscious sundaes . , . i On the : doorway . . . A large paper , ice cream cane With the word "Hi" . . , Over the ict cream bar yellow and white crepe paper . . . . Assisting were k group of friends of the hostesses, who donned party aprons to make sodas and sundaes!. . .Clever soda " fountain signs completing the d cor . . . Colorful garden furni ture arranged on the terrace and about the garden . , .. guests also going through the gate to view the beautiful flowers In the Ar thur Bates : garden . . . , 1 HONOR GUEST .1 . . at a lovely summer tea on ThursdayVas Mrs. Hugh Moore of Muncie, Indiana; who is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. Lewi .... the latter entertaining for f her longtime friend at the Lewis home atop Fairmount Hill . . The hostess and honor guest re ceiving informally, in the living room . . . both pinning pretty red rosebud corsages to their af ternoon gowns . 4 4 Mrs. Lewis choosing a becoming sea blue silk shantung . . and Mrs Moore's dress of slate blue . . I Greeting . . . guests at the door . . . Mrs. Robert Sprague wearing a smart sheath gown of beige linen with all aver en broidery ... on leaving she donf ned a matching stole ... Is the hallway a beautiful bouquet of deep red .dahlias from the Lewis garden .'. . Salmon pink glad ioluses in the living room . . i Pink and violet the colors chosen for the tea table centerpiece of stock and carnations ... pink candles In silver candelabra! flanking a similar bouquet on the buffet ... Assisting ... Mrs. Arthur Atb? Crton so cocHooking in her green and white print gown with green sash .. . Mrs. Donald C. Rob erts! wearing good-looking paper taffeta in a' dark, dainty- print . . .- Mrs. Roberts telling us that they had just had word that a second son was born to their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miles (Georgia Roberts) In Hayward, Calif, on Wednesday . . v their other i son is named Sans; .. . ' , J : .. : Travelers talking . U Mrs. B. O. Schaeking and Miss Helene Schaftx using the j adorable fan they-; were carrying to keep cool . . . -'Mrs. Schucking, who. is fly ing to New York the end of August, telling Mrs. Chester Co she will be on hand to wish her bon voyage, when she sails for Europe on September 2 . . . . Mrs. Charles Mills coming in with her house guests, Mrs. Elmer Johnson of Chicago and Mrs. Charles ' Dunlop of . Canton, Ohio! .... the visitors coming from; one heat wave to another . . but enjoying eating out on the terrace of the Mills' home among the trees . ; . j . 1 San tans noted j and most becoming to Mrs. j Raymond Bui sick, who wore white, Mrs. James H. Nicholson Jr. in 1 pink, and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry Jri in a black and white print . I . Mrs. James T. Brand and Mrs. Harry Dormaa chatting over the tea cups . . . 1 Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis ;Jr. ove from Corvallis to pour during the tea hours . . . On Sunday the entire family will be over to celej brate her husband's birthday . j, accompanying the couple for the birthday dinner fat the senior Lewis home will be their (laugh ters, Linda and i Barbara . . INVITATIONS .!. . are in the mail , to' a reception for whic) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen Hal will be hostesses : at the ' Golden Pheasant on Tuesday night Augl ust 18 in compliment to their son and his bride; LL and Mrs. Paul Allen Hale Jr. . . The newly weds, -who were recently married in; San Diego, where the navy CLUB CALENDAR SATURDAY - i' . i West Salem Grnr Home EcoJ nomic Club twithi Mrs.; i Carltod Brown. 85 7 Arthur Way. 1 p.m. des ert luncheon, i. . . j - ; . LEON'S GREAT NOW! eOl 6 IT'S I - V : - n t I OPEN FRIDAY TT I I own . officer is stationed, are expected to arrive in Sale pi Sunday . . . Mrs. Hale is the former .Lorraine Dionne . . . A large group of friends have been invited: to call at 8:30 o'clock . , j . VACATIONISTS ... and visitors highlight the mid-summer - news . f. . . Mri.and Mrs. SE, T. Bar nett and sons. Torn Jim and Terry, have arrived from x their home in Stockton, Calif, to visit at the home ofitMrs. Barnett's parents. Dir. and Mrs. JL. O, Clem ent for several weeks-. , . while here' they, will also j visit with Mrs Bamett's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George La Borde . . J the LaBordes are re turning this week end ;from Yose mite, where they have been va cationing ' with the j Chemeke tans . . . : j . ; ! A guest U at the heme of Dr. and Mrs. 'Frank V. Prime is Mrs. Ray Kolp of Los Angeles . . last week the Primes and their guest vacationed at their summer home at Devils Lake J . . several informal parties have been ar ranged in compliment to the vis itor j . ; .-: Visiting . . . here 1 from Oak land, Calif., is Miss Clover Miller, who is the guest of Mr and Mrs. R. C. Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Harris Lietz ... on Saturday Miss Miller; Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Lietz are driving to Silverton to be the luncheon guests of Mrs. Frank Hubbs ... Vacationing . . . at their sum mer home at Seal Rock the "past week have been Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D.i Ohling . . ': They hadl as their guests, Mr. Ohling s cou sin. Miss Amelia Zuhlsdorf of Al-' bany, Mrs. Chester A. Downs and , her mother, Mrs. M. B. Parouna gian of Portland, for a few days . . . on the weekend they were joined by their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wells, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones Jr. ., . . Returning . . . Wednesday from a several days' fishing trip at East Lake ' were Mr., and Mrs. Rollin Haag and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gahlsdorf . . . while the Haags were; away their children, Chris, Cathy and Eric, remained with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. ( Berwick ... t . Guests . i. . of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shinn the first of the week were his mother, Mrs. W. J. Kerr, and her sisters, Mrs. Luther McGinnis and Mrs. Ralph Rey nolds of Portland . . . they drove over to Corvallis to visit Mrs. Reynolds son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and, Mrs. Bert. Hayes ... A week . . in Ashland at the Shakespearean Festival for Mrs. Frank IL Spears and Miss Mabel P. Robertson, who returned Thursday . . . on the return trip they drove up the coast and stop ped at Seal. Rock for a several days visit with Miss Elizabeth Lord and Miss Edith Sehryver . . . t-1 From Eugene . . . comes news of the birth! of 'a second daugh ter, Linda Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis ? (Janice Myers) on August 11 . .1 their older daugh ter, Christine,! " currently visit ing in Salem' with her grandpar ents, Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. My ers .. . Other grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lewis of Mer rill and the great-grandmothers are Mrs. E. A. McElvain of Sa lem and Mrs. Effie Tolle of Klamath Falk ... Mrs. Arthur Fisher and Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling are entertaining members of the patrons commit tee for the Salem Memorial Hos pital Auxiliary "High Fever Fol lies" this morning at a coffee at the Fisher home at 10 o'clock. You can have unbroken sloop too, if your kidneys and bladder are in good order. u- Diuretic Tonic 1.20 Bottle SCHAEFER'S DRUG; STORE Open Dally, 7:30 A.BL-8P.M. Sunday, I A. M. - 4 P. M. US N. Commercial CLEAN-UP IN PROGRESS ;234 H. U3ERTY NIGHT' TIL 9 Miss Carlsen Is Bride of Salem Man. 'V i ' . - -j- '- i The Westminster Presbyterian Church in Portland was the scene of the marriage of Miss Marjorie Carsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and Robert A. Sederstrom, son of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar F. Sederstrom 1 of Salem, on Sunday, August 9. The Rev. John E. Ransom offi ciated at the 4 o'clock nuptials. Mrs. Neil MulvihDl of Seattle was the soloist Lighting the tap ers were Miss Janet, Van Matxe and Miss Darleh'e Skinner., ' - For her wedding the bride chose a white Chantilly lace gown over candlelight yellow taffeta with a scalloped hemline bordering the valtx length, skirt. Her short tul le veil was caught to a halo of net embroidered with seed pearls. She carried a white prayer book marked with pale yellow roses and lace -from her grand mother's wedding gown. , . - Mrs. George W. Ross Jr. wast her sisters honor matron and bridesmaids were Mrs. Kenneth Martinson, also a sister, Mrs. Ar ne Jensen of Albany, sister of the groom, and Mrs. Clifford Carlsen Jr., sister-in-law of the bride. They all wore yellow taffeta frocks, with ballerina tulle over skirts and carried sprays of Talis man roses. In their hair were cor onets of the roses. Marlene Tom menrik was the flower girL Dr. Arne Jensen of Albany stood with Mr. Sederstrom as best man. Ushers were Clifford Carl sen Jr.,. George W. Ross Jr., of Coos Bay, William O'Hearn of Al bany and Tom Dickey of Eugene. Mrs.' Carlsen wore a brown lace gown over champagne taffeta for her daughter's wedding. Her flow ers were green orchids. Mrs., Sed erstrom chose a grey lace gown with mauve accessories and a cor sage of lavender cymbidium or chids for her son's marriage. A reception followed at the church parlors. After a wedding trip to Harrison Hot Springs, B. C, the newlyweds will be at home in Portland at 630 Monroe St For traveling the new Mrs. Seders trom changed to a white linen suit with matching hat. New Neighbors Are Welcomed Mrs. Arthur Lewis and Mrs. J. Wesley Sullivan were hostesses for a neighborhood coffee on Wednesday at the former's home in welcome to three new neigh bors, Mrs. John Mullica, Mrs. Con rad Norman and Mrs. Allan Watts. Bidden were neighbors of Wayne and Manbrin Drives. Greeting guests at the door were Mrs. Scott Samsel and Mrs. William Breedlove. Pouring cof fee were Mrs. James Glass and Mrs. Silas Gaiser. Assisting were Mrs. Milan Basinger and Mrs. L. E. Myers. COME IN TO YEATERS Factory representative demonstrate theso sensational you. Come, in, let us show you how wonderful these new labor saving devices are. u a r COPAe m StiibeSm MOD& 10 ntlXMASTER i Has the exclusive larger BOWL-FIT beaters for EVEN mixing, greater AER ATION, and lighter, higher, finer-textured cakes. TOAsren AD yp do la drop ia the bread. 5rW uJtrt it If No m r rr at. -eo popping or baa " ,i . "i'rf eioin. APFIIAIICE 375Chetneketa ; Mr. and Mrs. E. Darvid Knutson (Mary Charlotte Holm quist) whose wedding was an event of August 9 at the Faith Lutheran Church in Keizer. The bride is the daugh ter of the Rev. and Mrs. George L Holmquist and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Emil Knutson of Gruver, Texas. (KenneU-EJlis Studio). Strode Reunion In The Strode family reunion was 'held Sunday, at the Lewis and Clark SUte 'Park in Washington. Two brothers and two sisters and their families were present Un able to attend the gathering were a sister, Mrs. Ton Schobel of Aberdeen, and a brother, Doyle i Strode of Oakland, Calif. The i occasion also, celebrated the j birthday of Mrs. Walter Church. ! Attending the reunion were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Church, Les lie, and Eldon, and Mr. ad Mrs. Robert Church and sons, Roger ; and Steven of Byron, Wash-, Mrs. Iris Murphy of Seattle! Mr. and jMrs. Earl Strode, Eleanor Elza, Glenda and Ivan of Salem, Mr. j and Mrs. Gordon W. Strode, Jean- i ette and Barbara of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Strode, Don na and Jimmie of LaGrande, Mr. land Mrs. William Backer, Bill Jr., of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- will bo in our store all day to now Sunbeam products for VUg im for STEAM hc as rom do for cerreac No ii- imc, spOiiaa, raaniag dry. SwKcb froM STEAM to DRY iascaady. COFFECMASTEK .It's tomatic yo caac mi. All yoe do is poc ia jter and coffee. Set M tot- id Shots off wheo coffee a doae. Resets to keep ooffee COf.lPAHV ' x Washinton ward Bartlett and Andy of Bre merton, Charles Strode and Mrs. Edna Caternang of Seattle, Mrs. Myra Strode of Union, and Ben Winter, of Salem. The Strode reunion is an annual affair and is laid the second Sunday each August. J ATT KAY'S 7DQSteDI?G SfL7e Values to 14.95 Close-out Spedcd 1 Reg. 39c to 49c S)0 4 4!S5 to 12.95 !ummer saemeHeanM - ew 1m 2 IRREGULAR FAMOUS MAKE porisuear Values to 7.95 5l-97 DISTINCTIVE AFPAna FOS WOl!ZU Kaser Clan has First-Reunion The Kaser clan met at the Maude Williamson Park Sunday on. the Salem-Dayton Highway for the first reunion .of descend ants of Fred and bertha Kaser, early settlers in the Silverton area. '- Veneta McMorris will be the president for the ensuing year and it was decided to meet at the same place in 1954. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Dock Baker and family of La- Grande; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bai ler of Redmond; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailer and family of Sheri dan; Mrs. Mary Bailer, Rose Lodge; Mr. and Mrs. John Kaser, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kaser and daughter. Shirley Kaser and son. Jr. and Mrs. Orval Kaser and family, Tillamook; Mrs. Bertha Jackson, Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs. Bessie Kaser. Mrs. Lydia Klop- fenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lin coln and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Bucholz and daughter of Portland; Mrs. Josephine Gamble and family, Jefferson; Mrs. Alice Kaser, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Scott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bay Kaser and family, Mrs. Ven eta McMorris and family of Si lem; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jack son Jr. and family, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kaser, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kaser and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCullough and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kaser and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Kaser and family, Ervin Kaser, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kaser and family, Harvey Kaser and fam ilyAlvis B runner and Sam Bai ler, all of Silverton. Modern Etiquette By ROBERaA LEE Q. Is it permissible to have an all-white wedding, : allowing the bride's attendants also to wear white? A. While this is not customary, it is quite all right if the bride( wishes. Q. When a player makes a mis take in a bridge game, is it per-, missible for another player to call his attention to it? A. No. Criticism by one player of another, in any game, is not good sportsmanship and reveals a lack of good-breeding. Q. When a girl is with her es cort at a table in a nightclub, and wishes to leave to go to the pow der room, what should she say? A. "Will you excuse me? Ill be right back." Values One ExquisiSe Bras Value for 1.00 Keg. liais for 1.50 -Sl!i!HS 51.49 One 2.95 to 4.95 - Date is Set r For Nuptials Wedding bells will ring on Sun day,' September L for Miss Pa tricia A. Moll and - Robert E. Wiper, whose engagement was an nounced in the spring. The bride elect is the daughter of Mrs. J. C. Boyle of Hood Canal, Wash., and B. L. MoU of Vallejo. CaliL- The groom-to-be is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl . Wiper of Salem. The ceremony: will take place at the First Congregational Church at 5 O'clock with Dr. Brooks Moore officiating. A re ception will follow in the church parlors. . The "couple will make their home in Lebanon, where Mr. Wiper has accepted a teaching po sition. Representative to Be in Salem Ruth Rose Richardson, new field representative and English instructor for St Helen's HalL Portland, will be in Salem on Monday, August 24, to confer with girls interested in becoming residence students at the 85-year-old Episcopal school. Parents who would like to meet Miss Richardson may do so through Father George Swift, St Paul's Episcopal church. DETROIT A birthday party at the Corvallis home of her grandmother, Mrs. E. T. Reed, honored Miss Mary Lou Moore on her 10th birthday Saturday. Pres ent were Mary Lou's great-grandmother, Mrs. H. D. Hardwell; cousins Phyllis and Kathy Reed of Corvallis, Edward Aid we II ef Sonora, Texas; four of her broth ers and sisters, Patrick and Bob by, and Peggy and Susan; and her mother, Mrs. S. T. Moore. The Better Bedding Store RE 0PEH "Can 512 State to 3.95 Group to 2.50 1.93 to 2.95 Group Famous Male 2 for 1.0 OPEN'TOIIIGIIT TILL 9:C0 430 Slale Si. M I i ( at MT. ANGEL The ML Angel G rden C lab held a outdoor m eting Wednesday night at the cr mtry home of Mr. and Mrs. V Iney White. The business meet in ; and social gathering were he d in the garden. : jj ; rwenty club members! and ten guests were; present During the ev -ning the guests toured the ga-den. The club -decided to at te id the Gresham fair and to tour th lily gardens nearby. Enough ca t will be provided to arrange fo all members not having trans pc -tation. . i ilrs. Clarf nee Halversen of Sil- ve -ton gave an interesting and in ormative talk on chrysanthe m ms. . j ' i - ' Mn in he evening the hosts sc ved a dessert supper. Quests Included Mrs. John CI ristensenfof Portland, a daugb te of Mr. find Mrs. White, Mr. ' ar i Mrs. Clarence Halvorsen, Sil ve Ion, Mis Doris Meador, Ore gc t City, Mrs. Mary Albright and K eta, Mrs.plga Rogan, Miss Glo ri; Landsenfand Mrs. Ernest Bro si. and daughter. ' ij! . 1 J' VI! - 71iite Shrine Picnic Members iof j Willamette Shrine N . 2, Whitl Shrine of Jerusalem, th ir families and "friends will h Id their annual picnic on Sun ds afternoon, Aug. 16, In Bush's Pi sture, Highj Street, at 1 p.m. Tl e committee has arranged en te tainment and games and will al o furnish; coffee and ice cream. DON'T 1 1 hrow your watch away. We x them When others can't t The Jetccl Bqx 441 SUte St, Salem,! Ore. Garden lub White jHorriQ CLOSING Mon. Aug 24 rVacatioh j..' " L- Thurs., Sept; 10 wd help you Now? it I St., Salem, Ore. Ph. 3-4412 Values to 10.95 : ; 1" ' One Group- r Rial Grade penlm i n-- leaular -45' -- 8i I bne Gre I .! Mi ' Vhlues to.95 I I'M": . i . lit specia j IV 4UJ PeletfWBras Mm Ilecjular j0 IIo khisrjes IIo t&kzis I IIO.: C.O.D. art r :i . ,PMiiinni.iii.iip'i.m l io TIM.IHIH j-r-Ti-i---i-lMf i I i ' i a - ; t; : i . it . ! . :- I' ': '','': '. II .! "iafc1 M"J,"bM- ' "' "I. Tl 1 -i ifn mi -ii ii ti .. ii. 1 1 n.... -- - I ...