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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1953)
Stotcsscxxu Satan, Oriw FrL. Atjrasl 14. ; 13S3Co 23 Y 6 I I I I Ml r 1 V V Y V v I. nil v , - .- lite yfMVH t., - Tt v.- I - iilC:iliK asn. ' a, ' i " 1 ." . f: ' f """""" ' ? v --"l 4" " iV"- : ... VV- r - I j ! Green onions put the finishing touch on this outdoor special, grilled cheese and frank bun semdwiches. favorite relishes are there for the selecting. Some will like the mustard-horseradish-whipped cream one over at the tight, while the catsup or sweet relish will be preferrod by other diners. t j j - ?!' - - . r-v v ' Fruit and vegetables combine to make summer salads. Here the ever-popular green onion goes with rich bananas and a tossed vegetable salad. Little Gr0en Topped Vegetable Stars M . i By MAX1NE BUREN " I' ' Statesman Woman' Editor What does an onion do in summer? - ! Well, it no" longer finds jits chief use as a soup vegetable or ; sauce for steaika, it takes on a more youthful role, for in its! ' ' mmmmmmnmrn tender green state it appears in crisp saiaas ' YK I and rich -barbecue sauces. When big and whit 1 11 m, 1 and tender may even appeah in thick and sue cuiem suces in onion sanawicnes. In summer the onion is definitely better raw. And in this season it is therefore both loved and despised. ' We have long known that the combina tion of onions and oranges makes wonderful salad, but haye we heard about onions and bananas? Pictured on this naee is an examnle Maxine Boxen; of this combination. You arrance a bowlful of fresh crisp' salad greens, and place spikes of fully ripe bananas around the outer edge of howl. You Aen put in place green onions, radishes and carrot curls and wedges of tomato. Here you have fine! proof that vegetables and fruits do go together, something that Grandmas would have said just simply wasn't being done, j - j Oh yes, rub bowl with Onion and garlic! Green onions are unsurpassed as an ingredient of tossed vegetable salad, too. The kind you know that takes raw cauli flower, cucumbers, tomatoes, coarsely cut up green onions, in cluding tops and several kinds of greens, all tossed together with French dressing in a large bowl. i But green onions give a lift to sandwiches too. Of course there's the tomato and onion sandwich, the plain onion and let tuce one and the endless variety of fillings that include chop ped onions. " i We pictured another Grilled Cheese with toasted buns and green onions. I I GULLED CHEESE WITH FRANKS 8 slices processed American 8 hot dog buns or pimiento cheese Green onibns 4 franks ' ...,.. , Arrange ttie cheese on. $he opened buns, broil until cheese, melts about 3 inches from source of heat. In the meantime, heat franks thoroughly in water split and when cheese is melted, cut a frank and a green' onion in each bun, close up and serve very hot ; " I Relishes should be served alongside, picalilli, mustard and horseradish, catsup or a -barbecue sauce should be good. 1 Curried Ham Gives New Taste Treat ' 1 ? That flavor of ! curry, usually associated with shrimp or chick en, gives a lift to ham, too. Here is a recipe using it as the flavor and boiled ham ' slices as the meat -' : ! ' CURRIED HAM ROLLS 8 slices boiled ham (not too thin) cup dry rice medium onion, grated cup finely chopped parsley tablespoon ; butter or margarine, I melted teaspoon salt teaspoon curry powder 4 nard-cooked eggs Curry Sauce (see below). Cook rice in two cups boiling water until dry : and fluffy. Mix rice, grated onion, parsley, melt ed butter or margarine, salt and curry powder ! together. Place about M cup of this mixture! in center of each slice of ham. Roll up ham slices and place seam side down in -a 9-inch square pan, or a 7x1 1-inch utility dish. Cut the hard-cooked eggs in half lengthwise and i place cut side 1 1 down on each ham roll. Pour curry sauce over ham rolls. Place in refrigerator. Bake in 400 oven for 30 minutes. Curry: sauce: Melt Vi cup but ter or margarine in saucepan. Add teaspoon curry powder. xh teaspoon salt and 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour (or 2 table spoons cornstarcn). isiena well. Add 2 cups milk slowly, stirring all the time. Cook on medium heat until thick. ( If .you do not use curry powder, add Vt cup grated cheese just before rtmov ing sauce from heat) Study Shows More Mothers Now Work to increase Family Income The pressures and changes of modern life have been increas ing the number of mothers who are working outside the home to add to the family income, notes the Utah Experiment Station. Each decade of this century, the station says, has found more women working, in line with the trend toward urbanization and industrial ism of the population as a whole. In 1900 women workers made up only 18 per cent of the total working force of the U.S. Since 1900 the entire labor force has somewhat more than doubled but the number of women in it have tripled. In 1952 more than 31 per cent of the total workers were women. Many of women's traditional home jobs have been taken over by industry or by other institu tions schools, hospitals and play grounds, for example. Modern ap pliances in the home have made other housework easier. With heavier pressures placed on the family to maintain increasing standards of living, it often takes more than one breadwinner. The mother finds herself drawn into inviting work, as well as pushed into it from pressing family needs. A study of wage-earning mo thers in 103 families in one coun ty in Utah, made by the station, confirms the urban trend which nationwide surveys- have shown to be affecting many other areas. The principal reasons for work ing given by these mothers were: 1 To supplement or increase the family income the reason given most often. More than three-fourths of the working mo thers fut their earnings in the family till to be spent jointly with their husbands' earnings. 2. To provide outside interests and contacts was the reason giv en by one out of four working mothers. Those in smaller, house holds gave this reason more often than those having large families. ; 3. To use skills and abilities previously acquired was the rea son given by about 10 per cent of the mothers. 4. Miscellaneous reasons, for working included a shortage of teachers, children's educ a t i o n, poor health' of husband' or need for-help in a family business en Cheese Flavor In Surprise Food You get flavor in these cheese burgers in the cracker crumbs mixed with the meat CHEESEBURGERS 1 pound chopped beef Vi teaspoon salt 24 cheese crackers, rolled fine k - (about 1 eup crumbs) . 2 tablespoons catchup Blend all ingredients together well. Divide mixture into 8 equal parts: form into patties. Broil until well browned on both sides. Serve on toasted bun. Makes 8 cheeseburgers. ' CHEW, CHEW How can you plan for variety in picnic refreshments, without letting your advance prepara tions get out of hand? Here s one idea copied from the quarter masters, neia rations: Tne easi est "after-mear sweet" is chew ing gum. Slip a few packs in the picnic basket The - chewing will help the family relax and mother will have more time to relax in. 'VMS. ; U Choice of 36 every pice 70a need! Famous for flavor since 1SSL $A MOM THI FAMOUi jc5& VXX. M.C.P. KITCHEN LABORATORY FIRST ADE FOR YOUNGSTERS THIRSTY GROWN-UPS TOOl pa w eng. WHOLESOME IXMOKADE ... rod kt a HSr . . . for pmim a kM . . . with M.CT. LEMON JUICE. One anull can- makes aearlr- 2 narts of refreshing 'healthful lemonade limply by adding water tad sugar 'ISo toss, no lemon to squeeze. You can t gtrt young . stcn. or Toarseif. a better bererace ... for M CP. LEMON TU1CE is , tmil-trengh California lemon rich im Vitamin C contain, sm art i tidal preaerratirea (sulphur dioxide or benzoate of soda). Conveniently canned, it's ahrays ready for instant use for lemonade, and whenever lemon juice is needed in cooking, baking; Jam and jell- making; etc. You save time and money with M.CP. UMOM JUICE always on hand ... the year 'round! (There's MCP. FROZEN? LEMON JUICE, toe. If yor grocer doesn't stock if, ask him to get if foryo.) ONCE UPON AN "EXPERT" A TIME YOU HAD TO BE ...BUT NOT NOWI M AKIMCH O.NDERFUL JAMS used to be a job only for the ezperietd. Now. erea an "amateur with so experience at alt, can anak perfect jams every lime . . , with dependable, easr-eo-use M CP. JAM AND JELL PECTIN. And. what's more. M.CR provides expert and) amateur wita tested tea pes tor making eitnrr regular woknd jaa&s, r Jhc auaauag aor MCE ens ait jams that are xtr bm in Savor and color I M.CP. LTeoke4 Jama have the fiawst flavor (aatd ewloe) poaaibie, because the usual cooking and boiling are eliminated, and this "flavor guards" ALL the fresh fruit flavor. Also, you use lean fruit and sugar, yet get more jam, for nothing is cooked away. M.CP. vaeookew jams ar especially recommended if you wish to make a small batch at a time, for theie jams moat be kept the refrigerator, stare trier are uncocked. Fe Savr mmd rolor, tbmar-h, they're airnnJy 1p"! (The MC P. Meeoked jam recipes arc so new they're not in the regular folder in the M.CP. PECTIN package ... but you can get them free by writing the M.CP. Kitchen Laboratory, Anaheim, California.) M.CP. Cooked Jans may be made up ia. large amounts at one time and tornd ena year pantry ahervea . . . and you can't make a ri'ver-flavored cook ad jam than that made with colorless, edorlfss, tasteless M.CP. JAM AND JELLY PECTIN. However, the verx tame cooking that permits shelf storage does cause some lots x fresh frnit wneookad jama. Eota tM nliiatiet haila Ikw iSerenee! . . . Tem Cats Bo Swro of thas - dependable MXJ. ltCTI aaawrea Mai ronmtla etary tiann . . wlseUter yww naake eeM or mm tJssssv vmek, an4 an eyr K 1 inn y.iti 1 1 i, flavor, conpared with the eamrsot ita ve gnnrd e YOU NEVER SAW SUCH BEAUTIFUL JELLY.. .AND SO EASY TO MAKE! MORE JELLY. TOO when yon use the union MCP. juict-prcastag method mat gives you twice aa mm-la jatico (Sad. that, double the jelly) man ever before from (he same amount of fruit! And. this juice k to fully darined mat. naing MCP JAM AND JELLY PECTIN, vou re aaira of at dearaac. loveJieat tellies vou ever aaw. For mia remarkable fujor-preanag method (and me special M.CF Jeity Making Set to ase it with), send IliX) (cash or stamps) and 3 M.CP. PECTIN package fronts to the M.CP. Kitchen laboratory. Anaheim. Calif. You'll more than get pair taoaey bad: m extra Jolly when yeas make your frstbaadhl : Gingersnaps In Frozen Pie Mix Gingersnaps give a spicy flavor to this crust that takes a banana filling'. They retain 'their texture when the pie is frozen. SPICED FROZEN BANANA PIE 22 gingersnaps, finely rolled - (about lVs cups crumbs) V cup softened butter or . margarine Va cup sugar Thoroughly blend together gin gersnaps crumbs, butter or mar garine, and sugar. Pour mixture into 9-inch pie plate. Press firmly into an even layer against bottom and sides of plate. Chill. 4-oz. package vanilla frozen dessert mix 1V4 cups milk 1 cup mashed banana (about 2 large bananas) Prepare frozen dessert accord ing to directions on package. When whipping frozen mixture blend in banana. Scoop .firm Can Labels Worth Careful Redding URBANA, 111., (INS) Labels on canned foods not only list the ingredients, but the order of their predominance. , This reminder was issued by Glenna Lamkin, a good specialist at the University of Illinois Col lege of Agriculture. For instance, a can labeled "chicken and noodles" contains more chicken than noodles. A can labeled ' "noodles and chicken" contains more noodles than chicken. WATCH IT When varnishing, remember that varnish flows easier and dries faster if applied at warm temperatures. Keep ihe varnish can in a pan of hot water while working. frozen dessert into chilled crumb crust tand serve at once or store in freezer or freezer compartment of refrigerator. Makes 0-inch pie. Freezing milk that has not beef homogenized natural emulsion so that when thawed it will; not consistency it will separate into f sky particles and fat globules. 3 II' Liver Proves A Popular Meat i .......... we urge you not to torgei to put beef liver on- your menus at least once a week. It's more than plentiful, it supplies such valu able nutrients. Know how to prepare beef liver so it will give you Its best? Know how to buy and store it? Here are tips. Browning has a way of im proving the flavor of beef liver, so cook it in serving-size slices rather than in one large piece. More surfaces to get, delectably rich this way. Beef liver, properly wrapped, may be kept ; in the freezer at zero temperature for six to seven months. Liver's a delicate meat and it needs proper-handling and Freezing Milk Qfoestib Answered by USDA Experts ' "Can fluid milk be frozen at ho tie successfully?!' This nuestion from home-freezer owners comes frequently t$ the UL S. Department of Agriculture. Many would like the bonveniehce of paving a supply of "drinking milk" on hand to save! a trip t6 the store when com pany arrives or when the supply lcit by the .milkman runs short over a weekend, for example. I 1 j I It Dairy specialists of the Department say that homogenized milk may be frozen conveniently in the ptarafinedicontaiiiers in which it sells. In freezing, the milk may bulge the sides ofi the containers slightly but there is enough headsnnce so ta it won't break the seaL in a good jreezer tne mux snpuia ireeze soim witmn a lew hours and then, if held at zero F. shbuld keep its good flavor up to about a month. Don't try to freeze milk in bottles because expansion during freezing will push up the capland in addition there is danget of breakage. ' I it breaks down its have the same rcirlgeratij qiauty. Fresh preserve its eef liver should be wrapped loosely, kept In the cold est part of the refrigerator, and used witlfin! twenty-four hours alter you fcuy ILIA pound of fresh ol frozen eef liver will give you fdur servings. ", (; . j uon i Dje oiq-iasnioned when yiu cook llier! It doesn't need trj be scalded or soaked before itlgoes inti the skillet, as recipes often used to direct And, don't cok the life but! of it Liver tastes st when it's cooked just until itjs about jto' lose its pink color. Overcook lit and you'll dry out tqis delicate meat, j ; r I want gc?cl luseCLO -t ..... ',c.i A rrzz raw for Oorox 1 tiomt i '. ao--- , end w0h articles o JofW39' u , .xdu isht fresK- Ard gritty .i ... new'" X XwaWaJI And CLOROX makts bathroom surfaces hyglnically cloanl A Cloroaxlooa) botbrooai not . onry looks daoner. It is daonar. For basicSea rosaovInQ stolfw a raj oeodorizlng, loraa provide typo of aon-ooUonowa cfia btfactiea recoatmeno'ed by bwodroda of public hooMi oV ortsneors. So lobet dVcrkw for the atony was of Oorea ... Africa's fovorilel XMafMaa 4.tVsaft.a '1' tie fa -I- K .OatwCatae rafaaaia,.