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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1953)
8 (Sc. 1) Clirfacnu SalmOr.Tliuri August 13, Worth Korea j Shuffles Red Party Chiefs j TOKYO OP The Pyongyang radio announced Tuesday sight a drastic ahakeup of the Nona Korean Com ' munist Party and the "suicide" ol a former vice premier close on the heels of a purge of the Red re gime. . . i A broadcast .heard by Radio Press said the . party's "Central Government Committee, had been dissolved and power concentrated In a live-man "Central Government Committee of the Korean Labor (Communist) Party." j Marshal Kim H Sung, boss ' Communist North Korea, heads the committee.. Another member ; is Gen Nam H, the North Korean who headed the Communist armi stice negotiating team. He became foreign minister in the recent gov ernment shakeup. . Pyongyang said Pak Cfaohg Ai. only woman member of the Cen tral Government Committee, an nounced at the Central Commit tee meeting the "suicide of de posed Vice Minister Ha Ka L His same- was given by bouta "Korean sources as Hu Ka Week, suppos edly a Russian-trained Korean" who was one of Marshal Kim s arch h Tals. . - t . . Pak said that "the crimes of Hu Ka I. who committed t suicide in " rebellion against the party; the gov ernment and the people, must be exposed and prosecuted. 'r ' - 150 Idled by Portland Tieup PORTLAND m Eighty machin ists and 70 other workmen were Idled here : Tuesday l by a strike against the Freightliner Corp. and the Factory Motor Car Co., sub divisions of Consolidated Freight ways. J I I " The AFL Machinists Union called (he strike to support demands for a 12-cent hourly wage increase. The Portland Central Labor Coun cil authorized the! walkout The struck firm assembles freight trucks and trailers.; j Paper Credits Demos Witk Ike's Success WASHINGTON iA The "Dem ocratic Digest" said Tuesday Deto ocratic cooperation with President; Eisenhower so far has; made "lull the difference between success and failure for his administration, j "A leading article in the Septetn ber issue of the Democratic na tional committee's official publica ; tion second since adoption off a pocket-size m a g a z i a e format . aums up- the actions of the first, cession of the 83rd Congress under the title, "How Demecrats Saved Dee Prom His Own Party." i It says the President' "real en emies are within his own party, and his efforts to placate the im placable. Republicans have placed him in some unfortunate situa tions." It .goes on to say: "He apparently does not feel that he can afford to acknowledge the timely assistance he receives ,from Democrats, even though that H operation makes all the difference between success and failure for his administration. "At times he seems to feel that! Be must appear to be giving the; opposition a scorching, in a man ser that the Old Guard will ap-j prove." f. Man Jailed as Check Passer PORTLAND tt A man wanted for passing bad checks in Salem, Portland and Eugene has been arrested In Eureka. CaMi Detec tive Chief William D. Browne said here Tuesday. Browne, who identified him ias! Roy Arthur Nelson, 35, said Port land police also want to question him about burglaries! here three months ago. I ; Browne said Nelson, when ar Tested, is reported to have had a car he rented in Eugene last May. Browne : added that a warrant charging him 'with larceny was filed iaEugene after; he left that city. ! ! M :: 3 Salem Women Admitted to U.O. Nursing Course ( Ttore Salem women. Norma Rae Hamilton, Joan Marie Miller and Margaret Miller, have been admitted to the University of Ore gon Medical. School department of nursing, the school's admis sions, committee said Wednesday. - Visa Hamilton anif Miss Joan Marie Miller studied pre-nursing at the University of Oregon, and Miss Margaret Miller attended Orvnn State College. i They will enter nurse's train ing in September In the class of 183S. KNOCK ON WOOD ; DENVER (INS) Next year's annual Western Folklore festival at -Denver. University will, be the 14th and last year's was the 12th, but the director, Acting DU Chancellor Levette Davidson, has scrupulously' avoided all refer ence to this year's being the 13th. Acknowledging the fact that most -of the delegates are respected r scholars, Davidson, knocked on wood and shrugged; "You know Regular. 25c . . 1 - jPacIwiga- of . 300, s Y: Limit 2 Pltgs. 1 SnowwlH, $off end qottliy absorbent, Hoipitdt ti Knne, ' aMi4 ca Frf"wj-f js We Irs Cnmai ia ." handy cfispensar-type box. For-dozsni of house- ' bolo! usetV i ' . "' Prices Good thru Sat. Reg. 25 mm ; . j ij 7 2for 13c r i , Regular 56.95 JUlKiliSJU . Choice of Red, Green r Yellow Enamel Baked on Finish. li'2fC2)L7 $4.99 21" Metal Cocktail Table $2.99 f Toiletry 200 Eirfiard IJKdfidt Mill: euixe Home Permanent Wave lotion, Shampoo, Creme Rinse, Applicators, Binders and Extra Rodsl Toiletry Build Up Resistance 98 Certified WStaDOi A lr Lessens Susceptibilirf to Infections and. Common Colds. Capsules Toiletry Rapid Ternover Assures Tea f Fresh Tobacco i 19 Ogsrettes 1 .MV"' I 1 Carton of 10 Fkgs. !d -Gold, Phillip Morris ,1 - f .m-Lu OriK flivf nthr tan- Jard $iz brand at this 0rifty carton price. J1J3 8 L.UCKV itriKB ana oiner W Kf Size Brad $1JB3 Another Shipment, Af reet from fhe Factory Fresh, Mild. Hi Quality .10 Value CORAL KEY CIGARS t) ea. f 50 13 i Vrf slight irr.autar, of fomon bnnd. Do itef impoir imoti9 quality t plMwra. Try 1 from kot. If mot comltly ufiifi4 rafwni box 47 for full cask , Tobicca SectioM ': 35e Planters Cocktail : f- Regular 29c All futa illix T,nd" M ''VQ Tft 2 for White-Dinner Minis, J VJ Striped Circle Mints ij ) I. 1 45c Candy WzT a p . ":' ."InBaBi s. '"vt&tvm& - jjuum " - i i Reg. ,57.95, Electric I loir Clippers Cat tkm fomly's hair ... and save! . Professional type clippers with . orv-eff switch. Xord ottbehed. UL opproved.' Streomlined and , durable. TNtse depNvkib! clippers orv a dose, protesstorial Wim. They trim the family budget,' 5.79 $1.98 Sure Soak Plastic I -.'... i ii 20 Foot Length n iDCDOHLAiKBirS nWnisMi Variety 1 For Indoor or Outdoor Uso Attractive Yarietyi of Colors "flegi $2o95.MIrcl6s:i Folding Metal ! TV .Snachf Trays $179 .Set of $ 4 TC3ICS Tray beautifully finisKeci in e baked enarfiel flora! ipatrern. Variaty of oackgrourta color. Finish ii weathef, alcoho! itain- resistant. . ,' Can be foWed lor compactness anieasy. storage. Weal for TV partie. buffets, card playing ... orany occasion when foils can get together. ' I- j i l ' ' " I - I ' f- .' :. , '' Krry SettUmd ' - !..' !! ' " i; 4 1 -1 i . ' OP? 0 'Q25 Tussy sx. Toilet Soap ?' sn Q0 Wpodburpr fr Shampoo c Eaton Liquid Cologne tle Woven Type. Large and . 1 Roomy. Reg. $2.98 Picnic , Variety TOOTH PASTE Chlorophyll or White 5 e Ctol ynos 49 fflulfii Vitamins s2 osSi"; Sunglasses j I. i ' - :r I fl95 Aviation Sunglasses air Foam Shampoo Tlr- For (O Super ))9w Potency 1 PCs j $1100 Toiletry Reg. $1.25 Worthall 1 Vacuum oUle Pint Size O ) O )Q ... ' i Variety -j c For Prize-Winning Snap Shots My-Te-Fine Photo Finishing Free) Developing -S a v 15 a Roll . ! . : - KIKG size! FRIIfTS r 4- v i-v I 120 i Eeth 620 127 iU IIS Yor films are at! processed with full treatment in e mod ern plant, tinder the direc- 1 tion of skiUed technicians. 1x7 Glossy lakireinent 5x7 Portrait Ealorgemta Vtt $1.00 ifljr A' $1-00 y to. Otor I eV Eo. t for I Eo. Ofor I -. , I pktH Setting $U5 Value Perfect Quality Ultra Sheer Nylons o)c Full Fashion Dark Seams Summer Shades. Sizes 8 to 11. LImitS Pairs 1 y j If Perfect 79f Percale Mb 180 Threads to the Inch. Bleached Pure White. Urge size 42Mx36V Limit Four Apparel Regular !2.9I Gallon Size Stoneware Lined J)U0 t,V.M J MJCjj- irv(a; Asnrksi Ezpms dCrY for rOUX COMVfNtfMCf I- - Why Suffer Vifh Hay Favor? New Rellf for iiimmer rnFrls anrJ Kav i v fever. 1 Stops sniffling, watermg eyes, (Oy C .stuffed up, nose.. j 40'l JJ J) " Toiletry 5kimu A I I m ha Regular: 85 Moist, Tender, Topped with Caramel king.' 2-Layer m Square. Serves 10 to 12. ' Bakery i m n Open Fri. Till 9 n : n A 1 iafr avrt as j . . s& . j 148 N. LIBERTY We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. Keep Cool! Beat ihd Heat! 37 To Firi I ' t Hi 4 6 -or. TN Tin r li 1 . f r r i r r rim jrs . 5) VG" U 'limit Five ; Toiletry how soma people art.