J ' - 1 4 -V t , - ft 8 (Sdc 3) StaUsradn, Snin, brow Thuri August 13. 155$ - s J -f- - 3 - . , U ! ! .: J - I . ? 1 ' , . i, , " ! . , ., V i ' ' FED PR .. ita u. iff At 4, .NE -' . r. r A' 4 ' M - Mil I . .-- ii' -f if 'ii -inn ''J PICTURES v. r.; i..nin tii w !f sir' N(ICE) GOING fOR 'HOMEMADE CAR - John Barlass. CniTtwity of , CLEANING UP FOR C H A R I T Y-Worki-r brinr. Minnesota Rodent, drives homemade sports ear to victory at Lake rhalen let nee. SL Paul, Minn. The ' wiri; fm rJVMmmm -.pecUl-.with a U32 Ford frame. WIT Ford emin. and U36 Nash front end. cost' $700 to b.Ud. YeiJn -1 i "too4 Juck" and money recovered Is donated to charities. ... - j - 5 i - ' : ' 1 SHIPSHAPE EXPERIMEN T-- VentsrI. twin-hailed experimental vessel 'that may . revolutionise slU bojjdini. Is moored at Fisher Island, Fla, for tests by designer, Gar Wood. ? -LI.....J-1-. "m.. miM!.wjpvy V-f"?- ' 1 fi'Wjj'.n jum... 'V 4 ! I IN A.WORLD OF HIS 0 W N - This yountster. after borrowing- from a "Bookmobile" at Sabana Uana. P. loses no time in starting to rcd.s he prods his horse for retnrn Jovney ' to his hill bomo inaccessibU.to tho.travcUttt 'library. M . f-l y t.i.rvtimm i Jii.u..jii.i.ii.,i)m. ,4 j....rj ... . .m, m H-nil Ml .i. . j. 11..." ".M "H")" n-i 'imm fi ii),inn.i if 11 nil-11 -mi 'iy . i'nf.u ji"ii ....... 'i Si i 1 :f t I J , ' ' I i f . 's. 1 . .-t SMSflBBJSpB f IV.. ; - HOW TO KEEP FIT AT 8 5 -I eoold keep th! up alt day.-mays Elfred Kemnore. $5. as ho cothrouth'-sklnnlnc the cat routine on parallel; bars at playground near his Los Anreles home He started doing tbi about Ave years ago berause Jit loosens me up and beeps me fit. A North Carolina farmer until he was SO. Kenntore went to California! age of-CS. . E G Y PT' SlI S T R O N G ' M A N Ce. Mohamed Nsgnib. Egypt' Presnter and military boas, trie ontj dumbbell of portly ex-King Farouk daring visit to Cairo's Koubbeb Palace. ' I ""P" u iiii.il mi it .J'"", i.WJiiiSMiwwyiiu.'piu . . ' -S - . i v ' - i . 'v s 4 ; ' ' ' ' '''J'"--'s ' 1 . V r If -CrlOl r . . . - 1 1 -1 -t i - - ' ? ' - . 1 p Y " ft, TS"- x Tut J . J -r LIFE SAVING PRACTICE F O R B E R L I N CO P S - Bootless, but fully clothed, West Berlin policemen Jump Into a swimming pool during a life saving "rescue" practice session designed to cut down the high annual death toll by drowning at city bathing spots. AN UNUSUAL 'KITTY' Eight. ear-old Sylvia "ie Stone, of San Bernardino. Cal.. wants to please the photog .her at Las Vegas. Nev but she's a bit uneasy about posing with the "kitten." a 25-pound lynx found in a nearby desert. ' 'i t Tr' r IV i I i , 'i J 21 I ii mi m mi iit nil, n in ii Mil r ii ii i mm nmijiii, m UK ' li '- n - J tu . 4 -,r'"", . " ' " - " i -'i ir mi ii ii. i rrirr i in J till' HEADING FOR BRANDING I R O N SpecUtors wLtch wild holses stampede inside corral during annual roundup for branding of 'yearlings at Duelmen, Germahy,; reservation. ' ' 1 - - . in. " nr-1 .... j iitti j "i ii i ii j 1 1' ii. i Slii. i wwML...u.y ,t-.i..ii. nwui n i I .jn.nmum ml . Ja .in m , w , n m m ,j 1 1 n mil T-rrn iM !.. r - . , " J. .. I III I ' ': MA":-. v Ti .:-J ' . 'sV ...1:. ! i - , . - , f :J . . ; VV - " . jfs ' l.' j r . , , , , - ; i-V- r I V f , )-.. I -.a, i . - ? - I j I if i It ' I . I - - ti Lm .I ' ii i -;-s . . -., 1 mi, n i mi, i II..IIHI - i,m will li.lfi ir nil "n mi ,. nf- II " Vl i 1 ; TAKES FORD POST i f H. Kowan Gaither. Jr Is the - mmvt mMUMt r the Ford Fouu & iii in TOUGH E N INC UPC HINESE NATIONAL 1ST TROO P 1 white- capped future Chinese Nationalist Army t officers - art In unison' as. they toss lags' tnto sir durins ; physical exercises at Chinese Nationalist Military Academy on Island of Formosa, , daUon. Gaithef. 43. a San Fran- AWAITING USE Prtvkte awimmlna- pool of former Eryptian Klnr rarouk on grounds of 4. Cisco attorney, succeeds Paul . - Boflnuii who resigned. Ahdm Patoco Cairo nastsod Palace under now government. Is open , to tourists. m m m mm . rf ii v SKIS V M IV II K K. jais dcscd nat, isvorue si Puerto It kin. resorts, keeps the , sun swan hnd permits hreetes : to hold sway. A fishnet tie serves as anfjhor for the bsL l - ! 1