km. Radio KPTV I Channel 27 TUESDAY , ! !i . 0:30 What's Cooking? 10:00 Freedom Rings ll:00The Big Payoff 11:30 Welcome Travelefi 12:00 On Your Accounts 12:30 Ladies Choice 1:15 Arthur Godfrey 1:30 Freezer Fancies 1:45 Hollywood Reel 2:00 Matinee Theatre 3:15 Search for Tomorrow 3:30 Love of Life j I 3:45 Toy Maker; ! f 4:00 Howdy Doody j " 4:30 Stranger Than Fiictien 5:00-lNames the Same j 5:30 Northwest Digest' J 5;40 Newspaper of the Ai 5:45 Time far Beany j 6:00 Two for the Money 6:45, News Caravan i - 7:00 Mirror Theatre j f 7:30 Break the Bank 1 8:00 Nothing But the Bet 8:30 This Is Your Life 0:00 AdolDhe Menjou I ft 10:00 Pentagon Confidential 10:30 Half-Hour Theatre ll:004-Frosty Frolics ll:30-Nite Owl Theatre ! 12:00 (Appro.) Sign Off! HIGHLIGHTS j TUESDAY I What's Cooking? S:30 Rook ing show with Barbara Angfll ; 12 Slalesxaan, ! TUESDAYf S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time KSLM IS. KOCO MS. KG4E 13. KOIN 970. KGW 828. KEX 1198 KPTV-UHF Channel 27: "rMf Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KEX 92.3 (Editor's note: The !titnu publishes 1b good faith th programs and timet as prttUd by th radio stations, but because fUmes the programs are changed withook notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for tine axcuraey herein.) r ol HOUR 0B:t :1S K.SLM Now Summary Muslf. TlrnakprlNews KOCO West Melod. IWesiMelod. tFarra News. KGAB Brk. Nook IBrk. Nook IBrk. Nook ion RJJ. Oregon (Koin Klock Kom Klock KG W Dave West foaveavest Dive West KEX OreJTarmHr. IOreJrm Hr. IQrcJarm Hr. 6 KSLM HtmtnrwiT Breai. Gang KOCO KOCO Klock KOCO KJoek KGAB Brk. Nook Brk. Slock KOIN Kom Kloc Maeleod Kews KGW Country Editor I Johnny Wills KEX News l IV Aieron.ikv 7 KSLM Cecil Brown ramify Altar Best Haven Rest Ha ren KOCO News KOCO Klock KOCO Klock Jews KGAB - Jim Dandy Jim and Jim Dandy Jim Dandy KOIN 'onsum. News IVeUessNews (Helen Trent IGai Sunday KGW rhe Old Songsirpe g)ld Songsl Music Box Music Bojc KEX Break. I Club Break. Club Breakfast Clubl Breakfast Club 8 KSLM News ! ICap. STorament I Pastor's Call flrnrn -Rv'a Records I Ra v'sfRecords IRay's Records KGA1 Bacxfence Mat. Backfence U koin Road of Life Ma pwium -k KGW News ! IM. Wilson KEX Hews iStarsiToday KSLM 31en Hardy ITelleJTes vnfA nT'iRirdi I Rav's Records 1 KGAB Backfence MattBaekfence OKOIN Mrs. Burton. merrs Mason KGW Brad Reynolds I Brad ; Reynolds r it r-iv,t Huntlrr I Monan Mel. 7 KSLM Ladles Fair i KOCO Ray's Record KGAB Backfence Mat KOIN Grand isiam 1 inw Bob Hone Pays to Marry Girl Marries KEX ' Whispering StsJ 1KSLM Chron. of Ah KOCO News ; KGAB Spider i 2 KOIN Macleod News KGW Noon News KEX Paul Harvey INewa Maj ox League Spider Com Get It I Road of Life NoonNews 1 KSLM J. Kirkwood Mj Klrkwood KOCO Major League (Major League KGAB Spider i I Spider KOIN Hill Top Hse (Art-Godfrey KGW Backatace wife IStetia DaUaa KEX Kay West Kay West 2 KSLM News KOCO Major League KGAB Record Room KOIN Art Godfrev KGW Just Plain Bill IMusic Major League I Record Room Art Godfrey KEX Turn to Friend iTurn to Friend ISmr. Bandwgn.lSmr. Bandwgn. 3 IMusic KOCO Magie Melody I Marie Melody KGAB J. Dandy Show t J, Dandy Show I J. Daddy Show KOIN Wizard, Odds JKUUi Asnton KGW WeL Travelers. I Wei. Travelers I Dr. Paul pave Garroway KEX Know Ur News tAltnoon Editor 4 KSLM Fulton ; Lewis- Hemxntrway KOCO Music U Want IMusic U Want KGAB Kids' Corner IMusue Mart KOIN Kirkhaon News IRosemary KGW Life Beautiful (Reserved for U This Is Oregontsuuirrel Cage 5 KSLM B. Bar B. IB. Bar B. (Wondrful City KOCO Tune Time (Herea to Vets IMusic KGAB Traffic Jambee (Traflic Jam bee JSupper Club KOIN Ed R. Murrow Nws (World Today KGW Bill Stern I News Hour 1 La win McCaB Happy Time Pinkie y 6 KSLM Gabriel Heater I N KOCO Candlelight Candlelight KGAB Supper Club (Supper Club KOIN People Funny (People Funny KGW Relax Music Relax Music KEX Weatherman Home Ed. 7 KSLM Music KOCO Rosary KGAB, Music KOIN Leila Parsons KGW Walt O'Keefe KEX Starr of Space Organ Concert Ramblers Stars Sing Music IMusic (Sign Off Timeless Tales JLowll Thomas Walt O'Keefe (Confession Starr of Space I Discovery 8 KSLM HighAdvnture (High Advnture (Music KOCO Bandstand Bandstand (Dugout Dope KOIN Sum Mus Hall Sum Mus Hall (Geo. Fisher KGW 1 Mini Family World News Eddie Fisher KEX Symphonette ISymphonette ISmr. Bndwagn 9 KSLM Glenn Hardy Fulton Lewis KOCO Senator's . I Senator's KOIN Johnny Dollar Johnny Dollar KGW Martin iLewui Martln&Lewta KEX Town Meet Town Meet 1KSLM Coke Time KOCO Baseball KOIN s Star Final OKGW Rich. News KEX News (News Reel t.fight News V & World Sports Final Dance Time m KSLM Hammer Guy I KOCO Night Song Melodies iNight Song KOIN TwniCountrr I Music II j KGW News Nightcap IT. L. McCaR Dance Time .Dance Time KOAC 550 k-c. 18:00 a.m. The Kews and Weather; 10:15 Especially Jor Women: 10:45 Story Ttme: 11K 4orning Musicale: 1130 Music You Want; 12 .t The News andi Weather; 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: Ride "Em Cowboy: 1:15 Story Behind Song; 1 SO Aging Successfully: 1MO Living nd Learning: 3:15 Hawaiian Holiday; t M Memory Book of Music: 3:0O The Oregon Reporter:! 9:15 Music of the Masters; 4:00 UNESCO World Review: Motorola Radios Portable 1 Table i j I j Models ' ! j For J Ante mobiles Complete line of Television Factory Anthorized ! InsUllaUoB i Sales aad Service MITCHELL RADIO & TVs 18SI SUte St.! I Ph. 3-1577 1 Oreoon, Tuesday August 1 1 IS 53 and TV Schedules how to use leftover ham bone in lentil soup peach bejtty. Freezer Fancies, 1:30 Local, live show with Betty Davis giving tips on freezing. Matinee Theatre, 2:00 "Mys tery liner" with Noah Berry and Astrid Alwyn. "':' Toy Maker, 3:45 The old Ger man Toy Maker brings you tales of toys to delight the young of heart on this live children's show. Northwest News Digest, 5:30 Features Norman Wallace, news caster, with Bill Stout as sports reporter and commentator. Cross country news and weather round up by Wallace local and live. Newspaper of the Air, 5:40 Features Bill Clayton with loca news and news photographs local and live. It Happened in Sports, 6:30 Dramatic story of an outstanding occasion or personality in sports Bud Palmer is host. Mirror Theatre, 7:00 "A Repu tation" co-stars Jackie Cooper and Peggy Ann Garner in a story of a boy whose intense desire to get attention is belittled by his girl friend. The boy threatens to com mit suicide on July 4 as a symbol of his rejection of a sorry civili zation. Nothing But the Best, 8:00 Cornelius Otis Skinner, Steve Al len. June Hutton and Elaine Dunn euests of emcee Eddie Albert This Is Your Life, 8:30 Billie Clevenger, NBC's chief telephone t:30 00-45 March Tim (News IBrk. Nook Koin Klock I Dave West tOre. Farm Hr. Break. Gang I KOCO Klock Brk. Nook IGoss News News iBob Garred Rbt. Hurleigh I KOCO Klock Brk. Nook H. Babbitt I Knox Manning Bob Bazen I Bargain IRay's Records Mat. i Backfence Mat. Backfence Mat. lur. jviaione I Freedom USA Guiding Light Freedom USA iDTjle 'r N'thin'lDTle r N'thinf I Coca Cola Cash (Music Ray's Records I Ray's Records Backfence Mat Backfence Mat. Norah Drake Brighter Day Strike It Rich Strike It Rich Mat. I True. Story I True Story Ladle Fair I Queen for Day I Queen for Day Ray's Records I Ray's Records I Ray's Record Bkckenc MatlBackfence Mat. Backfence Mat. ISprkJing Music (Wendy Warrea I Aunt Jenny ifnrascfays isecona (jnanc Barney Keep Barney Keep IGay 90s (Major League I Snider IMusic t Major League (Spider (House Party I House Party IHeDDau- Youns 'HabDiness I Sam Hayes The Todds I Lucky U Ranch Lucky U Ranch I Major League Major League Spider Spider Art Godfrey Art Godfrey rwidder Brown Woman in Hse. I Kay West Kay West IMusic (Better Shopper Magic Melody Magic Melody Record Room I Record Room 1 Art Godfrey ICurtMassey I ft, fx. r'arreu I Lorenzo j ones l ur.i wife I News IMusic Magic Melody I J. Daddy Show I J. Dandv Show (Story's is kyardl Tunefully For The Girls (For the Girls Curt Massey Music U Want IMusic U Want IMusic Mart (Art Kirkham I Art Baker 4 .55 IHappy Time Music Mart Art Kirkham Music Box Squirrel Cage Wonderful City (Songs Rem. Supper Club iGoss News I Elmer Peterson Bob Garred Huntley Silver Srnade Sam Hayes News 88 Keys I Supper Club (Supper Club ' Murray Show f L. ; Murray Shw Cousin Willie 1 Cousin Willie Good Listen Good Listen Ramblers IMusic isign Off Family Skeleton Confession Literary Greats IMusic Senator s Dance Orch. Rsmary Clooney Smr. Bandwgn. Search-Endless (Search-Endless (Senator's Senator's Mr. Mrs. North I Mr. Mrs. North Freedom USA Freedom USA Town Meet Monitor Views Nc Hammer Guy (Night Song (Record Show Bob & Ray Dance Time (Night Song I Record Show Bob & Ray Dance Time Melodies (Night Song IMusic City Council Dance Time Melodies Nia-ht Song IMusic City Council Dance Time 4:15 On the Upbeat: 4:45 Poetic Pat. terns: 5:00 Children's Theater; 530 Jerry of the Circus: 5:45, Driver's Training: 6.-00 News & Weahter; 8:15 Those Who Gave Most: 630 Tom Roberts. Organist: 6:45 Public Health; 7.-00 Oregon Milk News of the Air; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; 8.-00 Music of Czechoslovakia; 830 Concert En cores: 8:45 News and the Weather: S.-00 Music That Endures; :55 News and Weather: 10:09 Sign Off. filARR RADIO & TELEVISION Sales - Servks) - Installation TV Ph. 2-1S11 214.S. CemX Salem's First TelerlsioB Stun operator in ' Hollywood, will be featured by Ralph pdwardi. Favorite Story,1 9.00 "Vice Versa" stars Adolphe ' Menjou, Jeff Silver, and Fay Baker. Menjou stars as a tycoon who. in reprisal for neglecting his eleven- year-old son, Dick, is changed into the boy while the youngster - be comes the industrialist Pentagon USA, 10:00 Addison Richards and Eddie Bums star. Based on criminal investigation lues of the United States Army, A crank letter threatening the life of a general sets the stage for a track-down. Nite Owl Theatre, 11:30 "Mr. Wong In Chinatown." WEDrVESDAY 9:30 What's Cooking. 11:00 The Big Payoff. 11:30 Welconje Travelers. 12:00 On Your Account 12:30 Ladies Choice. 1:00 Double or Nothing. 1:30 Strike It Rich. 2:00 Matinee Theater. 3:15 Search for Tomorrow. 3:30 Love of life. 3:45 Toymaker. 4:00 Howdy Doody. 5 00 Strike It Rich. 5:30 Northwest Digest 5:40 Newspaper of the Air. 5:45 Time for Beany. 6:00 Fights. 6:45 News Cravan. 7:00 Liberace. 7:30 Scott Music HalL 8:00 I Married Joan. 8:30 This Is Your Life. 9:00 Theater. 10:00 Orient Express. 10:30 Half-Hour Theater. 11.00 Crusade in the Pacific. 11:30 Nite Owl Theater. 12:00 (Approx.) Sign Off. Salem Market Quotations (As of late yesterday! BUTTER FAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 .78 .87 .84 BUTTER Wholesale Retail .71-.73 .78 EGGS (Buying) (Wholesale prices range from 8 to 7 cents over buvlnir nrieel Large AA ' .88 Large A M Medium AA . .( l Medium A - .59 Pullet so POULTRY Colored Hens 21 Leghorn Hens . Colored Fryers Old Roosters Roasters . .19 -31 .15 41 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Red Cocker, male. years old. named Penny. Reward. Phone z-otMi or J-ia 1. LOST: Green parakeet from vicinity of 20th and State. Call 2-4828 or 2-9225. Reward. TELE w DS Professionally Trained and WOMN Pay Up to $200 Weekly I TV Jobs, pay averages $90 to $200 weekly. Age required, 17-55. Over 100 positions available. Send the coupon be low today, find out how YOU, TOO, can have a BIG PAY TELEVISION JOB, steady work assured future in America's No. 1 billion dollar industry. YOU CANNOT LEARN BY READING ONLY. YOU MUST LEARN BY DOING. WE TRAIN YOU We train you with actual television equipment. Lifetime placement service. Keep your present job while preparing for television. If you are between the ages of 17-55 and have a sincere desire to qualify for a better income and a secure future, you owe it to yourself and family to write today for further information without cost or obligation. Training program will not interfere with present job. Thousands of these positions await qualified personnel. PRODUCTION Announcers Publicity Men Time Salesmen Directors Producers Commercial Writers Business Managers Research Directors TECHNICAL Receiver Maintenance Station Operators Camera Operators Lighting Experts Photographers Audio Operators Kinescope Recorders Job Opportunity Send Today for TELEVISION TRAINING SERVICE Bex 5S7, Statesman Gentlemen: YES, I am sincerely interested in a career, or my own business in Television, today's No. 1 Billion dollar industry. Please forward me full information on your training and business; plan. I am interested in: O TV ARTS and PRODUCTION TV SERVICING and MAINTENANCE j Name 1...:.. . . . , ,. . ; . Age 1 .... Address i i Phone Present Working Hours j 300 Persona 316 Personal NOT responsible for debts other than 1 my own. Darren Frey. MRS JEAN. Psychic reader "tell Sour past, present, future. Can el overcome all obstacles that keep you from success, health and happiness. Tip Top MoteL 3580 S. Commercial My. 99 E. Ant. 7. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group Ne L 2088 N. Commercial. Phone 2-9419 or 3-4531. P. O Box 724. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock GOOD Jersey milk cow. fresh months, giving 4-5 gal. per day, Phone Aumsville 1028. Salem 2-7002, 3 SUFFOLK yearling rams subject to registration. 175 apiece or trade. independence 20r31. Kt l Box 151, 7 miles S. Independence JERSEY cow with calf, gentle, White's Ranch, '1 mile east from Turner FOR SALE: Shetland pony. Call Mon mouth, 47t or 1 114. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C McCandMsh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147 BONDED Livestock Buyer. A. F, Sommer, 1265 Harmony Dr. Ph 4-2817. BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Edwards. Rt. 3. Boat 899. Ph. 4-1113 LICENSED and bonded livestock buyer. E. L Snethen. 165 Kenwood Ave. Phone 3-1345. LOCKER BEEF. Hereford. 24c: locker pork 45c Nothing down. 8 months to pay. Custom tailing. Trailer loan ed free. Salem Meat Co. 1325 S. 25th. Ph. 3-4858. 404 Poultry and Rabbits N.H. FRYERS. 3 lbs. and over. mllss south. 4 mile west of Pen Annex R. Zistile Rt. 4 Box 61 WE are hatching New Hampshire. Golden Broads, and Arbor acres White Rocks every week. Special ? rices to year round fryer growers, ox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Phone 3-4969. CUSTOM killing. Fowl of any kind. Ph. 4-3428. NewelTs Poultry fiant. KiU 8 days a week. Rt. 5. Box 109, Salem. 412 Fruit axid Farm Produce) BOYSENBERRIES U-Pick. 10c lb. Geo. Christofferson. Rt. 1. Box 150B. Brooks, on Jack Bartlet farm. GOOD alfalfa hay. 25 tons. Vera McGowan. Rt. 1. Independence, Ore. MEHAMA GARDEN STAND Open Friday, August 14. Pickling cukes now. Fnone Lyons 2M FOR SALE: Bailed Alia Fescue straw, heavily fertilized. Foliage green. Excellent quality. ' $10 per ton in field. Salem phone 4-Z357 White Rose New Potatoes FIELD RUN S2.50 PER 100 LB. 573 CHEMAWA RD. Phone 2-0457 U-PICK boysen berries, plenty of nice berries Sc. Ray Woelke. Rt 1. Box 107. Brooks, ' mile N. of North Howell school. EXCELLENT oats & vetch hay. Nev- er rained on. Wire baled, 322 per ton. 3 miles N.W. of Keizer school. Call 3-9203 or 4-1046 or 3-3264. GOLDEN JUBILEE and Rochester peaches. Tree ripe. Slappy Soon foUowed by Red Elberta and J. H. Hale. Moses P. Adam. 1370 Wallace RJ. Phone 2-2216. POTATOES. Organically grown on our farm. Red or White. Pickling cukes soon. Vine ripened tomatoes. Last week on Apricots. Phillips Bros. Farm Market. 5590 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-4512. MONTMORENCY pie cherries deliv g red. I5c lb. J. W. Hanna 3-1077. 8 TON alfalfa and rye grass hay. 820 a ton in the field, werlime Hop Ranch. Independence. Phone 38F4. FINE pie cherries. U-Plck. Phone 2-2124. DM ARTS Musicians Actors Dancers Artists Models Writers Set - Designers of a Lifetime! Free Details 450 Merchandise I 455 Uphold Goods For Sols r Used Appliances . j No Downj Payment on Approved Credit GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGE Three burners and deep well ' cooker, oven thermometer. All white porcelain. .Only $39 SS USED HOTPOINT ELECTRIC ' RANGE Three burners and deep well cooker, very good ' condition. Clean. Only .. $49.95 USED A B APARTMENT ' HOUSE RANGE a burners. Very clean and good condi tion. ONLY .-4 $49-95 USED A B ELECTRIC R-NGE 4 burners, coil type 'Storage drawers, light. ONLY ..$59.95 TMKHAM j Appliance GENERAL 260 N. LIBERTY. SALEM 5 PIECE breakfast set. Chrome and red plastic. Call 3-4MM. O'KEEFE and Merritt gas range. Also serve! gas rein gera tor, rn. 4-SZ33, LARGE SIZE davenport and chair, New- condition. Frigidaire refrig era tor. Other household furnish nrs. 1700 N. 20th. Phone 3-9342. DAVENPORT and chair set in good conaiaon, 14U Marion. 400 Agriculture 408 Pets TO GIVE away. 2 Shepherd puppies. Knone z-um. WANTED female for terrier puppy Non registered. Phone 1-7331. GIVE to good home. healthy male Kittens, pnone 2-4404. COLLIE Shepherd pups. Wonderful witn children and lor watch dogs. s '.so male. Evenings and week ends. S. C. Turner, Rt. 1. Box 85 Scottmills. Ore. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 1958 Mc. Coy. l block eaat of N. Capitol. niocirs nortn or Madison, pn. z-897. UiiAALfiON brea boxer puppies. Ev ery pup a potential champion. Moore's Tropical fish, equipment. Goldfish. Parakeets. : 2 miles from Lancaster on Macleay Road. Phone 4-3773. ciosea on Wednesdays. COCKATIeLS. parakeets, call eve mngs. rowers. 733 Bellevue St. P. 410 Seeds and Plants" FUCHSIAS. TUBEROUS BEGONIAS, MtHKILS GREEN HOUSE. BROOKS. 414 Form Equipmamt V MODEL Avery tractor with culti vator, tandem disc. See at 3560 S, Commercial. Call 4-4919 or days Aumsvine 864. Area clue Rt. 5, oox ity. saiem. 425 Auction Sales AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONTTE. 4840 CENTER. ST SALEM 450 Merchandise 456 Wanted, Hsehold Goods mi WANTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valley Fnrn. Co. 2-7472 CASH TODAY Good used furniture or will sell on consi rumen t. Ph. 3-8098 Sudtell's Auction. 458 Building McneriolT Garage On your lot to your specifications. 36 mo. to pay. Free estimates. Borkman Lbr. and Hdw. Co. Phore 3-3701. 2460 Sta te. LUMBER 3 hundred thousand feet, good lum ber, . complete. niU stock delivered prices. 2 and better 2 inch No. 3 food grade $S0.))0 No. 4 $25.00 CEDAR SHINGLES. BEST GRADE Delivered prices No. 1 . $ 9.25 no. 2. 83 No. 3. $4 No. 4, $3.50 Ted Muller. CaU evenings. Phone Salem. 2-1196. Wanta Bet rhat you can save dollars in plumb ing values? It's o.k. 'because this sure thing is no gamble. Check our savings in : toilets. wash-basins, bath-tubs. water heaters, kitchen sinks. pipe and fittings. colored bathroom sets. Capital Bargain House 145 Center St., Salem Lumber sale GOOD shiplap $35 per M. Straight No, 3 $55. No. 2 and better US. 2 in. lumber $13 per M. and up. Phone 2-2042 m Remodel, Repair, Now Save your cash for rainy day. No down payment. 38 months te pay. Eppin; Lumber Co. 1748 Sifverton Rd. Phone 4-8123 Opea all day Saturdays 4S0 Musical Instruments PIANO, good condition. $133. Phone AumiviLle 1031, Salem 2-7002. OTvLY Story and Clark Pianos have mahogany sounding boards. Win not split, warp or crack stays in tune 75i better. The Music Cen ter. 470 N. CapitoL Phone f-5371. NEW and used piano. For a better bay. WUtser Muste ' House, I860 SUte. , . - .. .;; ; . 4S2 Sports Equipment BOAT end trailer for malm. 12 ft. Seml-V bottom. Jasper Uarger. 218 Elllndale. pallas. - ARCHERY tackle, hunting bows, ar rows, free Instruction. Call 3-5444. 14 FT. boat for sale. Used one year. Bxt of construction. Light weight trailer. 3318 Johnson & 333 Johnson. Phone 4-3713 or call after 9 p m. r. M. Tedrow. 3290 Portland Rd. 450 Merchandise 455 HssJiold Goods For Sol GENERAL ELECTRIC RE FRIG. Cu. rt. Very good condition. Sealed unit. Only $89.93 APT. SIZE LEONARD RET RIG. Cu. rt. Only 4 $49.95 USED FRIGIDAIRE REFRICL Cu! Ft. Good running condi tion). Very cjean. ONLY $69.93 USED KELVTNATOR HOME FREEZER Excellent condi tion, late model , j.. $149.95 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC RANGE 3 burners and deep well cooker. Clean. Only ...... $49 93 GILBERT Company ELECTRIC PHONE vJ-0311 YOU ASK FOR IT Bendix Economat Washer. like new. 87 JO Westi iif house Elec. Range 1 27.50 i Radio-phono combination, out floor demonstrator. Regular $299.95. now . 173.50 16" Hand mower ". 6.95 18" Reel power mower. Reg. $114.95, used, now $49.93 Ask for: BUI the Trader FIRESTONE Center at Liberty Ph. 2-2491 SPRING mattresa and1 inner spring. Biruneye maple vanity dresser and bed. 2 solid oak tables with draw ers. 29x49 and 28-46 Walnut dining room table. 5 chairs and buffet. Other misc. articles. Apt, 2. 715 S. 12th St. 18 CU. FT. Upright Home Freezer, cabinet slightly damaged In ship ment Big discount. See at Good rtouseKeeptn inc. 467 Court St. 464 Bicycles GIRL'S junior bike. Call 3-7059 after four. TWO BOYS' lycycle. good condition 990 S. 12th. Phone 4-1473. 466 Trade, Miscellaneous A-l CEDAR shingles, $ 50 square. Ex change for wood. 9361 Jefferson St. 468 For Rent Miscellaneous rj DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets turn. 1201 State. Ph. 3-9062. TOOL RENTAL. U-FIX-IT." Corner of North Commercial and -Columbia. 4-526L RENT or buy. All types electrical or nana tools, garden tractors, spray ers. Howser Bros- 1185 S. 12th. FOR RENT or lease. Ige. warehouse space cement floors, brick bidg. down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furo. 2-9183. 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous- WINDOWS Largest stock la Salem. New weath er - stripped windows .completely assembled. $14.20 up. Large modern sashes and crystal picture windows. $8 up. Pick your choice at bargain prices. PLUMBING New toilets with seat j. $25.50 20" x 18" washbasins complete 17.50 Bathtubs with fittings 69.50 Double laundry trays complete 20.73 Shower cabinets -complete - 43.00 Double kitchen sinks, electric water heaters, pipe .....CHEAP ' solid Orangeburg pipe 38c 500-gaL steel septic- tanks 67.50 OTHER BARGAINS Metal garage doors with hdwe 45.00 New 4x8 plasterboard 1.40 4x8 waterproof wall board . 1.75 Interior & exterior plywood CHEAP Nails, carload supply ; 9.75 Overhead garage door, hdwe 13.95 Loose insulation, per bag 1.00 Roll blanket insulation BARGAIN "Jap Birch" plywood 26c i" "Jan Birch" plywood j 51c a" mahogany plywood 42c No. 1 cedar shingles . 9.23 No. 2 cedar shingles ..... . 3 00 No. 3 cedar shingles , 4.00 Three-tab comp roofing $643 up Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types glass doors LOWEST PRICES New fir door jambs 2.50 Painted cedar shakes .... 10.75 Unpalnted cedar shakes 6.00 New asbestos siding 9 JO C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 I mile N. of Keizer HURRY HURRY HURRYI ONLY IS LEFT TO CHOOSE FROM POPULAR BRANDS SEWING MACHINES TAKE TH AWAY AT ONLY $7.50 They positively must go this week. Sale ends Sat Aug. 15. N SNOOK'S BARGAIN CENTER 1255 Broadway SINGLE metal bed with spring, mat tress, nearly new. $13. Double ma ple bed with spring, mattress, $35. Blue velour daveno, good condi tion, $43. New camp cot. $4. 3 Ubie radios, new Silvertone, used Arvm. $10 each. Junior tricycle, good $5. . New scooter. $3.30. G. E. Sessions electric kitchen clocks, $2.50 -each. 330 E. Hoyt St. Phone 2-9892, For Un-paid Bal. Singer light weight portable ing machice. New machine guar antee. $6.l8. Singer Sewing Cen- ter. 130 N. Coml. i REDUCED $3 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD -inch heavy duty elee. drllL Starting price Aug. 3. $103 August 11 $70.00 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Front and Court Phone 3-9111 We give S 8c H Green Stamps U-FIX-IT garage. Repair your owa car. Parts, tools, tech. informa tion. Phone or drop In for details. Ph. 45281. 2093 N. Commercial. THOR SPINNER automatic washers, like new. 3 only $790 ea, Yeater A.-wliance Co. 379 Chemeketa. Ph. 8-4311. -. DROP leaf desks, walnut, mahogany or blond. $37 JO. Trader Louie. 1(70 Lena Ave. BRADLEY garden tractor, complete with plow cultivator, mower and harrow. $195. Trader Louie. 1870 Ave. USED bricks. 3 apiece. 2-8655. CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for ta'uea, rural rure, railing. U43 N. Liberty ; Used Eleci Combination treadle sewing ma chine. A-l condition. Onlv S24 S3 Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Coml St. . ELEC ' clothe dryer only $39 Ji. 3 only. Yeatei j Appliance Caw 373 Chemekta St LATHE culUng knives.' Electric mo- tor. Reasonable. 1650 Grant. Phone 3-4333. 450 Merclian'dlse 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous Top Soil River silt (HI dirt prompt delivery. ph jne 2-1749. v PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance ce 379 CbemekeU. Ph. rass and weeds are a fire hazard. U you are guUty better get busy. Rent a Down sickl nr mowgr at Snook's. 1253 Brmrtwiv. DEEPFREEZXt borne freezers. Yiiu er Apuance. 15 Cbemeketa. Ph. S-431L r Diamonds & Jewelry at cost plus I0t. Can or write W. C Mitchell. 1173 Hlllyard. Eugene. Ore, i-6337 - USED electric ranges $12.95 and up. Yeater Appliance. 375 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. DICTAGRAPH "fire alarm system. UniU for 1 rooms. Will sacrifice for $173. Phone 4-2848. Crashed Rock FOR roads & driveway Cement. Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand Bulldozing drains re and ditching. yd. shovel ' it drag line. Phone r-9249. t Walling Sand & Gravel Co GOOD used refrigerators $49.50 and up. usea wasnert SBJ.l and up. Yeater Appliance S7J Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. Singer Treadler Sewing machine. Fully guaranteed. 814.95. Singer; Sewing Center. 130 N. Com! St. f CH ARRIS foundation girdles. BriT For appointment phone 2-643S or j-jyii. iwary lu. Bales. $30 ALLOWED for your old water neater regarcues oi condiUon or maae. on a new Westinghouse automatic electric water heater, with ten year guarantee. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. NEEDED, old sewing machines. Up t-" ui your oiu sewmg machine on a new free Westing house sewing machine with a 20 yr warranty. Yeater Appliance MOVING Must sell Brndm .uu washer and dryer. Both new, not uc. icruiiT ior quick sale. oaa union i after 11 a.m STANDARD pool table, good shape". .'itijcic, jl nox bo oervais. ure. Phone 2391. FOR SALE 1 diamond wedding rine rm -ju. never was used. Will sacrifice for $150. See at John1. watrh shop. 717 Center. iawley home products. , Lee Mlndt. Mjoimn. rn. 3-4036. ESTATE SAO! All household fumishinss from th estate of Clora E. Johnson to go on sale starting Wednesday at 9 a.m.. davenport, chairs, tables. G. E. range. 9x12 Karistan rug. beautiful uiuque ounei, cut glass, silver ware, clocks, lovely linens and bed. ding. 10t ft ext. Duncan Phyfe din. table, fireplace set. tea-wagon, birds-eye maple bedroom set, brass Ducaet, Nesco cooker, G. E. Mix. Master, nundreds of other items. Every piece in top condition and must sell. Wed. and Thurs. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 152? Chemeketajst. , FISH aquarium with heater and 'hghtT f j ivitit-arter o p.m. SACRIFICE lite new adding ma cnine, poriaoie typewriter, 5 man ruouer ooat. Kaaio-pnono combi- naiion. 2UW Maaison. 47'2Wcmted. Miscellaneous WANTED ft. stud mill logs or multiples of I ft. plus trim. 6 to IS in. diameter rnont Turner 1123. Logs Wanted Top truck, scale prices paid for 2nd growth fir. Check our new prices. rnone 3a3 days. 41784 eves. West oaiem umor. tjo. Wallace Rd WANTED 12 gauge double barfe or Browning automatic shotgun. rimng aner 8 p.m GARAGE near 700 block tage. 2-7903. on N. Cot- 474 Miscellaneous LET US smoke your fish, many satis fied customers. -Salem Custom Cur-' tng 37005. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or mail your Plates for Repair) DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST I Adolph Bldg. State 8c Com. Ph. S-331 i HOSPITAL beds for Stiff Furniture Co. sale or rent. Ph. 3-9188. j 476 Fuel ASH CRAFT'S fuel, cores, log-ends! lab. Phone 3-3380. 844 Mill St. ' ANDERSON'S hand picked slabwoodT A cord 814. Phone 2-7751 or 4-4253, Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood, green or dry. Stove-Dieael ells. Ph. 3-6444. Capitol Lbr. Fuel Co. i ORDER your summer wood saw. Ply. wood cores, old grlwth fir. oak, planer ends. Summer rates on sawdust 198 S. Com'! St. Phone a-1 zi. ORDER "ROW! Sowdust; blower and P. O. SUMMER PRICES END AUG. 15TH Mulch S. D. and Fertilizer f WEST SALEM FUEL CO. 1523 Edgewater Phone 24031 HANlTPlCXED 18" green edging- slab. Also 18" dry slab. Summer Prices oa fresh cut sawdust order today. S H GREEN STAMPS I Oregon Fuel Co. I 3087 Broadway Phone 35333 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan SEE US FOR FARM. CITY or ACRE AGE LOANS. BEST OF TERMS. WE BUY i Real estate mortgages St contracts, t STATE r FINANCE CO. A m s. Him st ph. 3-4U1 , Z6 No. ChnrrJi 8L Classlfled AdyerUslnf Fer word. 1 time Par word. X times Per ward. 7 times " Per word. I month Mhdmnm tea words. Extra chart; for ' Blind" sds -60c 2Se Seaders in edty briefs: Per. word 1 , Is Minimum ten words. Ne Kef and. The deadlise tor classified and reader advertising: is 3:45 pjn. dally. The Statesman reserves th ngnt te reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising .under the proper classification. The Statesman assume no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear tn advertisements pub lished in Its column and In cases where this paper is at fsult win re print that part of an advertisement us wlilca th t typographical mistake A "EHnd" Ad en ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress la for the protection of the advertiser aad must therefore be answered by. letter. Th Statesman Is not at liberty 1 !tvu!M informa tion as to th identity of as ad 500 Bus. '& Tinanee 810 Monerf to Loon cut CUT CUT Cut voef present payments as fnucn at wr. Lt us shew how it may be done. $50 AMOUNTS PAYMENTS $1632 $ 9 Oft 14.00 29 00 46.00 25$ 73 ustrial Lo ans : Phone 4-SSl f ..... , f Consilid ate All Bills Twenty-flv4 years agoi General Fi nance coi pa was organized by Sa lem busM ess and professional in to give lyou a loan service. We have lenj; millions. '1 - I" TR 1 ' our srjtvir ' Ysu can iepay anytime to reduce costs. N endorsers or help trnm friends fsnger time to repay. Ph. first for la on trin Inan ! Loans 82J.0J9 to- $300.00 on signature. furniturei and equipment. i Loans to $00.00 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. i: Free cuiUaner parkin at "Marlon Car Ps ic": across j, from office. 136 Si Commercial St. Lie. fNo. S13S and M338 'Mtyi)?v(l wnjJfi UTO LOANS iMETTE CREIlrT M 183 S. Church St in Ph. 2-2131 araraing Aplenty COl IAL INVESTMENT"--" COMPANY t 887 Court Street i i Phone 4-22U luv Sell-k-TJoan i. Real FstJle Mortgage Contracts PHIVATB inoney to loan. Ph.2)74! 'ATE na Loals 512 Wanted NEED $1. private i loan. Exret. lent pi riv for aecutitv. V. reliable urchaser Al Isaak. StaU to Pho 515 Investments 35 M. CAPACITY; sawmUL deiael power had rig. balance of mill eiecinc, sair At electric set works. piamng rniu jaclUIles available at - - - - " . i ' - lull oanner aor investment Of $10,000. write dsx aav. xne i SUtesman. 600 Employment 602 Heli Wanted!!! ! Office; Jobs! M-Sales trainee exc. fut . $.100 M-Invoice irlk. tvDiit. bnbr. alne: n?s H-Ofc. credit manaer-out .$32S F-Exec Seiry. Personnel ..a $273 F-Secr. acf.g, Bkgd. iUl- $250 F-Steno Iks. exo. i JL 122S F-Steno to $. 5 Yi ' i f,,? F-Steno gn. ofc oa , -j $250 F-Steno, If, shthand. jh -., , t. $200 F-Bkkpiwght typing i F-Insuranc underwriter - Open F-Dr's ofc half time ; ;, ..Cpn F-Dr's ofcJrecept. dlctaph $200 r-Secr. gef ofc. typut,, 23-35 SIM F-Typlst. bfeglnner ii 1.8170 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGCY. i rn. 4-3321 j 494 SUte j ,ofc I c'ogeq at. 3n Aug WAIH11UJ Men or women to ' work on our p picking machine, start ing Au ugjii 1 B st 17th. Day and night work. ated 8 miles N, of Salem on Rive Rd. CaU 4-1322 or 4-1323. Mission ottotn Hsrverters. WE ARE now taking ianplications tor rapf Routes at: carrier uivi : sion. Satesman Building. Boys miist be13 years or over and have the written consent ! of their par ents. If lyou 'have already applied" kindly f so again. hi i THlj OREGON STATESMAN FRY COOK-Ac waitress wanted. Ap ply at Spot Lite Cafev No phone oalls. please! it I I i 610 Sals Persons Wanted WANTED 1 SALESMEN ! ' Capital Youngstlwn Kitchen Store. 181 N. High hai openings for two sales men to I sell nationaJly advertised Youngstiwn kitchens; and accesso ries. Salfs experience! necessary. A training Iprogram working directly with saltsmanager is offered. Bet ter thai! average Income on an equitable commission ; basis, if you are interested in a permanent po ll tinn with growing ' business, call , Merle D Lapp at 4-331 for an appointnfent. ' j I j Mechinically Inclined MEN Preferreiil THIS IS JOIN iOUR OPPORTUNrrV. TO LARGE CORPORATION AND P iOVIDE YOURSELF AND FA MIL' WITH "A BETTER IN- i COME TURE. IND MORE SECURE FU- If you ar lnterested In giving your famUy se advantages and ran pass an Interview and. test you will oe accepted under our dealers com- - mission jknd bonus starting $349.90 to $789.89 per month.! Rapid pro ! motion lor men wiUi outstanding' ability afd Initiative.: i ISEE LUDLOW SjlNATOR HOTEL f-UES.. AUG; I 11 3 p. m. slsarp, 1:30 P. m. shsrp. In terviewKMheld at above hours only. Kindly bje on time, j1 1 , . TWO agftirssive outalde salesmen to : to sell te most wanted product in ; the couitry today. High commit' : sion, lealis furnished. Apply Tues., Aug. llj-7. only. M. K. N. Furni ture. 149 Edgewater; i i i Sunday 1.48 per me. 121 per mo. JO week By snail, laaday emryi (in aoaneel i. Anywhere in U. S. SO per mo. 3 78 stx mo. 3.00 year Bysoa.rilyaalB4yi , - (In advance) la six cfuatiea 1X per mo. mas. Linn, Mar- P iS Ion. folk. Yam- li , sis mo. hill), a , ii ibm m Csewhetd la i j , Oregon IJtO per mo. In U. S outside Oregoi n,t 1.43 perm. Member ; Audit ttoreaa of Circulations Bureau of AdTerlUinr, AST A Oferen Nowapaper , rnblishers AssocUUen Advertising- Representative: TVrd-GrifflUi Ce- ritW Tork. Chicsre 1 Saa 1 Franeisc. Detroit 1 83$ 92 I 85408 I Ind JtJtLllerty j ' 'I; J ;; Phone 2-2441'' ... SbcripUo Rate '' ' . 4e 1 By earrlel la cities:' I! M ' i lOel Daily aid ml UUIJ DOIT 11 I : Jturwla innt ji 9 : imihii 1