DOGS DETECT TONES j ' " j SINGAPORE CV-Tbe British Army has discovered that trained dogs , can detect non-metallic mines- where - machines cannot. Does for use as mine-dec tors, he added, get the same trailing as the dogs used in hunting truffle, a kind of mushroom, in France. H IdmiH.lte I rOMCS-Srt . I s STARTS TODAY! 1 1 rctc5e ASCEATAS n i -. . i !! y3 taSWM : r , brioviT i Hi r nn i Adults Matinee, 74!: Evening l.OO Children 20 : : . . i ,i : n . jtERENEvSRWA$.A MAN ctice f 3 -fel AUAMgJfcDO 'JEAN ARTHUR VAN HEFUN GEORGE STEVEN S WWaCSSiiSSS - t Mtuiimwt wTECHNICOIjOR ! . I ALSO YO HO WONDER VALLEY LATEST NEWS AND COLOR CARTOON MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW! r TOMORROW NIGHT 162'i N. Commercial Too walking op : ever paint store. GDODcm , Nthirlng fho CHINESE and Lunch 0 Prepared Orders t4 innors Tk ... . - NEW ENLARGED Facilities Available For Banquets and ::PaJ,feV1J 2055 FalrgroaBds Rd. ' L 4 Youngster Takes ; Sixth World Tour i - . ' . 1 . - :' . SYDNEY VP) Eight-year-old Jean palmer,-of Melbourne, left Sydney in July on her sixth round-the-world tour. Her father, George F. Palmer, is director of a "-Melbourne travel agency. Jean has spent only about 18 months at home in the past five years; In those years she has trav eled about 200.000 miles -by ship. With her parents she has been to the West Indies, the United Stat es, Britain, Europe, Egypt, Bong Kong and Japan, and has just completed a holiday in Tahiti. Her father said Jean takes cor respondence lesson from a Mel bourne school while she is away. She recently passed an examina tion in all but one subject geog raphy. ' . : ) r - ) Mfu viirTi '-J iU 1 iOIl' - --'i ... -ALSO- Ray Milland-Arlene Dahl "Jamaica Ban" in technicolor 'Starts Today ConL 1:45 - Co-Feature -"CRY OF THE HINTED" 1 Polly Bergen, Barry Sullivan t Are you a tourist people who Is now reading this talk? If so, you of coarse do not know me bat people who live in this city eat at my place and they say I am best Chinese cook in the United States which is pretty good for small town boy. I hope you will come to my place lor dinner 'open 5 p. m. to 3 o'clock next morning) or if you are maybe going to show to relax you come to my place after show for late evening meal or snack just as you feel like. You will find Chi nese food is very very good and our place is very clean. We have A-l card from -inspection. Also we serve American food, maybe yen will like pork chops or nice steak tender like everything. You come yea will see we have whatever you want YEE SING (that's my mjm sure) Pletur sot of m this ia my wuna - mnk. (gam Finosf in i i o AMERICAN FOOD Lato Snacks Out, Phono. 2-6596 DINING ROOM t : Opn DooIt! 11 KUL to 2 AJM. . SoL TO 3 AL At the nllrwod SUp Light! New Facts Stimulate Belief In Fabled Atlaiitis By IXRICH GRUDINSKI BUESUM, Germany W Trac es of an ancient wall . . . .a gold bracelet in a lobster fisherman's catch.. . . a preacher with a hobby of underwater archeology . cobblestone dredged from the floor of, the North Sea. , u Do they, after centuries of spec ulation, pinpoint the fabled island of Atlantis, which legend says van ished in a day and night of ancient earthquake and flood? The mimst er thinks they do. Other experts dis agree It was Plato who first wrote about the huge, rich island, and for 2.000 years the mind of man has been stirred by the Greek philosoph er's dramatic story. Was he writing only of an im aginary kingdom? Or was he re cording fact? Are there actually, Phone 4-4215 GATES OPEN 7:0(1 SHOW AT DUSK STARTS TONTTE! That 'Quiet Man' is a rugged man in this, his most wonderful role:, i John Wayne Donna Reed Charles Cob urn in Trouble Along The Way' Ralph Meeker Elaine Stewart "Code Two" . Bring the Family! Free... Kiddies Playground! PMVE-M TI1EATKI rSMI 27SK UBJU CA1BU1L KtCNWAT fti Gates Open 7:00 SHOW AT DUSK Starts Tonitti (Sun.) There Was Only One "GOOD SAM" Gary Cooper Ann Sheridan plus 1 CONFESS" Montgomery Clift Ann Baxter DALLAS MOTOR VU DRIVE-IN THEATER GATES OPEN 7:00 SHOW AT DUSK Phone 3841 STARTS TONIGHT 'Because of Yon' Also The Blazing Foresl' technicolor It's Coming - It's The t L " Z". i I 1 Junior Chamber of Commerce Presents iarnyard Fun Circus And Kids' Day Monday, Aug. 31, 8 P. M. FEATURING THE GREATEST LITTLE SHOW ON EARTH (in miniature S J A vQv For further information 1430 en Your Dial Clowns FREE PRIZES Clowns STEAK Air-Conditionod somewhere beneath one of the sev en seas, the remains of a once mighty civilization, now buried under 12,000 years of mud and silt? Dr. Juergen . Spanuth, ' German Lutheran pastor and amateur ar cheologist, is convinced the ghost continent does exist. He thinks he has found it under the North Sea, near the island of Helgoland, about 30 miles off the German North Sea coast Cobblestone Evidence The cobblestone was brought up a few days ago by a deep sea diver attached to a well-equipped expe dition led and financed by the 45- year-old pastor.! This is his third attempt to find Atlantis in the North Sea. Into the effort, he has put all his savings plus royalties earned by his book, "Unsolved Atlantis.- Amonf those who take Plato's story seriously. Dr. Spanuth is un usual in that he a concentrating on the North Sea. Most other beuev ers are convinced that if the lost continent is to be found at all it is under the Atlantic, which was named after Atlantis. Plato called it an island larger than Asia Minor and situated just beyond the "Pillars ef Hercules, or Gibraltar. But Dr. Spanuth in sists Plato shouldn't be taken' too literally as to location. He is sure the; red-rocked island of Helgoland wai once the highest mountain of a beautiful land. With a geologist, underwater photo ex pert and four divers who learned their trade in the German Navy, he is concentrating on a shallow spot six miles from Helgoland. Flat. Strange Wail It was here, 30 feet under the surface, that divers of Dr. Span uth's second expedition last year reportedly found a strange wail encircling an oval area 3,000 feet long and 1,000 feet across. Inside the wall, the divers re ported, were large, irregular piles of sand. Dr. Spanuth believes these ! . 1 . 1 '- mue uie ruins oi a jiuge paiace and temples of the kings of Atlan tis and probably golden evi dence of their immense wealth. While the pastor's interest is more archeological than financial, he points out that Plato said the halls of Atlantis were: "encrusted with gold and silver." He also recalls that a Helgolander, fishing in the area for lobsters,! once brought up a heavy gold bracelet in his net Dr. Spanuth has other arguments as well. He quotes Plato as saying that after the disaster of Atlantis only shoals and the "red rocks of the king's island remained to mark the spot." Helgoland is full of red rocks. He notes, too. that Helgoland is still called "Atlu"j by people in the area and says he has a map dat ing back to the old Germanic Goths which refers to "Atlantis" in the North Sea. PboU Retells Story In his famed dialogues. Plato said he got the story of Atlantis from Solon,, the great Greek lawgiver, who said he got it from some Egyp tian, priesU in th NUo Valley. The priests placed tne demise of Atlan tis about 9.000 years before, or about 10.000 B.C. : The kingdom disappeared, it was said, in a Gotterdamerung of earthquake, volcanoes and flood shortly after the Atlantides lost a war against several Mediterran ean nations. It is a scientific fact that islands have been known to disappear. Little Sarah. Ann Island in the mid Pacific, for example. In the 30s American scientists went looking for it in the hope of using it as a grandstand to watch an eclipse. The island had vanished. Kraka- tda literally blew itself to bits in Free - Ifs Big! waters! field SALEM Featuring World Championship Donkey Ball World Championship Donkey Polo World Championship Pio Eating Contest Musical Barrels Beauty Contest? ? ? stay tuned to KGAE Yi Pound Serving : Baked Potato or I French Fries Tossed Green Salad Hot Boll S1.65 Br Ccarior . 3 SS Kingdo a volcanic eruption in the Pacific in 188. - I - . Possible Island Survivor Li tit Easter Island, about 2,000 miles west of South America, not long ; ago yielded stone : images which led scientists to wonder if this 40-square-mile patch of land is the lone survivor of a large island group of continent and an extinct civilication. But most of the speculation about Atlantis has been concentrated on the Atlantic. . ! i . In 187S-1576, the United States. England and Germany conducted Joint sounding operations of the Atlantic bottom: to gather data for laying oceanic cables. This ex pedition found a huge mountain chain running north-south along the Atlantic bottom and following the general trend of the Spanish and African coasts. Known as the mid-Atlantic rise, it extends with two snort breaks from Iceland to the latitude of Cape Horn and is situated about the middle of the ocean. The Azores rise up from this subterranean ridge. Many of those who believe that Atlantis actually existed be lieve this is the last visible high ground of the lost continent. ' Some reputable scientists, accord ing to the National Geographic Society, believe that several islands near the Azores may have disap peared, perhaps catastrophically, as recently as the period of man. Others dismiss the whole notion as pure fiction. Lava Found Shortly before the turn of the century, a cable-laying ship 500 miles north of the Azores reported finding particles of volcanic lava at a depth of two miles. Under a microscope, it was said, the lava showed such a vitreous struc ture as to make one believe it had solidified, a long time ago, in the open atmosphere. Believers of the Atlantis story are also lond of pointing out that, though a wide ocean separated them, the ancient Mayan civiliza tion of Central America bore simi larities to the ancient Egyptian civ ilization of the Nile in relicion. pyramid building, mural decora tion and even in some picture writ ing. There are also those who believe that the basques of Northern Spain may be direct lineal descendants of the Atlantides. Radallv. th Basques seem to differ in many respecis rrom uie Latins who sur- rT y 3555 S. COIiriERCIAL - 5 c q Bring ihe We Specialize j in Banquets and Privale tit w Dealer Trades Shaving Mugs For House WILKINSBURG, Pa. (P)-Louls Miller, an auto dealer, is a man who will trade a house to perpe tuate his hobby of collecting old shaving mugs. Miller recently ended months of negotiating with an old German barber, near Man or, Pa. The barber got a house and Miller five mugs. The auto dealer said at first the barber wouldn't have any thing to do with him because he thought he was an antique dealer and be didn't like antique deal ers. Then, Miller learned from the barber's son that the elderly man wanted to build a small house and didn't have much money. So, he told the barber's son to come and get the vacant house on a lot near his garage. The house was trucked to Manor and Miller had the pick of the barber's collec tion. round them. Their present location on the Atlantic might have been a- logical place to receive refu gees from the Atlantis disaster "just beyond the gates of Her cules." Assuming, of course, that there were refugees, a disaster and a place called Atlantis to begin with. ENROLL IN Learn to Dance Tap, Ballet, Toe, Acrobatics, Baton Twirling, Fox-Trot, Waltz, Swing, Rumba, Samba, Tango, Mambo. Regular Coarse Price . 25 Hours $35 Special August Prices . . 25 Hoars' $20 Even if you don't intend to start lessons until September you may enroll now and save. , (Start Now and Be Prepared for Our Fall TV Shows) WATCH FOR OPENING OF OUR NEW SPACIOUS FERRY STREET STUDIO om- Vlflar 2)ance Studios 677 S. Commercial - Studios Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. n n Now it can The Evenl leen IVaiSing For! Family! Patties O0 GC3 GG o n m Statesman. Salem, Or Sunday Aua, 9, IS33 CSoc 2311 Dentist Yanks 1,607 SYDNEY (AP) A traveling dentist has just returned to Syd ney alter a 2,000 mile tou in which he extracted 1,607 teeth and filled 233 in 21 days. f STARTS I WEDNESDAY!! ! At Regular Prices Plus 16c For Viewers FIRST FULL- LENGTH WESTERN &sYQU!!G-JemHAGEH hBrttrpi lurrMirfii pJ?U.O i i i Debbie Reynolds The Affairs of Dobie GUlls AUGUST AND oo Phono 4-4962 and Got Started Today FT""1 nun be told. CejZ!nnl3 DRIVE SOUTH Oil S9E 11 Salem E!as IMih iisa Parfiy! , Serving ill j j ' : Finesl inl 1'; Chinese Dishes and MiericanlDinnDW ri n n. i , t Tec on Long Tour Hd traveled with a mobile den tal clinic of the Far West Chil dren's Health Scheme, and usu ally set up his clinic at the local school. Idbljfor ihe Family (Cda under 10 44c) Gallons i - of Coiioo r pea cmd Lemonade v T Tons ci Food Duffel i i i J 3D Foods on Buffet Bar 3 1 1! B4ko4 Ham Veal Pot He V Ico of Dessert - i! I r . oico of Drink . . urzrvrj radons! on I i Alrndiiionod j . DowBiown on Slato 12 Neon tot P. Mi 1 T 1 i-- i -1 -! r m D