The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 08, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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    ! :1
4S8 BcUdlng Mcrtertals '
GOOD shiplsp $35 per M. StraJgbC
No. 3 $55. No. 3 and better $fiit
3 in. lumber $1$ per M. and up"
Phone 2-204X j ;f ;: ; j; js
480 Musical Instrument
PRACTICALLY new clarinet Phone
WISH to store Baby Grand or SpM
HAMMOND Chord Organ. Equity
1300. for a new experience la ma-:
sic aee thia beautiful Instrument
at 2360 " Broadway or call 2-0 70-
aiter 90.
UPRIGHT piano, excellent condition.;
630 Tryon. '
GULBRANSEN player piano, ; food
condition. $250. 2-6163. ;
ONLY Story and Clark Pianos have
mahogany sounding boards. Will
not plit. warp or crack stays in
tune 1S" better. The Muaic Cen
ter. 470 N. Capitol. Phone 3-5371.
Msw and uaed pianos. For a better
buy. WUtsey
Music House, 1360
482 Sports Equipment '
ARCHERY tackle, hunting bows. ar
rows, free instruction. Csfl 35444. l
I HP. outboard motor. $35. 1440 N.;
FOR SALE 30' inboard motor boa V
3300. Fine for Detroit lake or Wil
lamette. See at Rt 3. Box 363. A. W.
Butsman or call 3-7953 for infor-
mation. ' " i
X)EER gun 32-20. 16 ga. double bbL;
shot gun. 1 single bbL 12 ga.. plenty!
ammunition. 1605 N. CapitoL I
BOAT 8c TRAILER for sale. Call:
- after 5 crvos. 920 Park Ave. ;
CHEAFIES, lots of used boats and
trailers from 339.50 up I Salem;
Boat House 3-3303. I )
14 FT. boat for sale. Used one yearj
Best of construction. Light weight:
trailer. 3310 Johnson St 533 Johnson.;
Phone 4-3713 or call after 3 p.m.;
F. M. Ted row. 3290 Portland Rd.r
Pacific Standard Time
ktOecyeles: K3LM b$t, KCCO 1133. KOIN 373, KGW 323. KEX 1133. KOAB 136
FMr Megacycles
(Kilter's note: Fha Statesman publishes In geod faith the programs
and times as provided by the radio stations, bat because eftlmes the
programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot be
responsible for the accuracy herein.)
KOIN 6 :O0-7 ."00 Church of the Air. 1
7K8LM Music (Music
mom Tabemsele Tabernacle
33 Sun. Music I Sun. Muse
Concert Haa I concert xsau
KSLM First Baptist (First Baptist
KOCO Geo. Wright I New ;
KCAB Waffle Club rWaffle Clnb
KOIN Latin America ILatln America
WOW Sun. Music I Sun. Music
Sun 3s Showers) Sue 3c Showersl Light St Life Light 3b LUo
BXILM Biblo Oaas (Bible daaa IProphcy Vole IPhrophey Vole
KOCO Bible (Organ Loft J Ave Maria Ave Maria
KSA1 Roberts. Organ (Roberts. Organ I Waffle Club I Waffle Club
KOIM Sun. "Afternoon! Jewish Faith Uni. Explorer News
3IOW Radio Pulpit (Radio Pulpit G. Shelley G. Shelley
gjX Uncle Bob ITopo'Morn. Mes.ot Israel Mas. of Israel
KBLM Hardy Newa Sunday School I Lutheran Hr.
Am PrMtivtariaa I Presbyterian Christophers
mtz.rn.rn Waffle Club
"atom Sun. Attn ISun. Aft'n
gaW G.Shelley G. Shelley
Hegroi Choir Wegro unoar
KSLM ank 3s
(Music i
I KOCO first Baptist
aTtaave Calvary Bant. iCalvarv Bapl ICalvarv Bapt (Calvary Bapt.
moo Musie Festival lMusic Festival Music Festival (Music festival
KW Art ofLiving .Mews .Eternal Light (Eternal Light
Parade of HttS IParade of Hits (parade cf H1U garade of Hits
KSLM Urn (r-i-ntnfharn I Bandstand ' Bandstand
KOCO News (Major Leagues 1 Major Leagues I Major League
s,.n Ksranadav Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade
.ru urrMMMra IWarldNcwi
O pxow Rainbow sundae DRain bow
www t XTir
KSLM Coy Lombardo
KOCO Major Leagues
EGA! Sun. Serenade
-3COW Rainbow sundae
G 908?
Revival Hour
KSLM Shadow I Shadow TTue Detective ITrue Detectivo
KOCO Major League Major League tMajor League (Major League
KOAB Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun Serenade
KOIN Muaic for U JMusicforU (Symphony Symphony
KW Bob Cons! din RsiabowundaeRainbowsundaeRainbow sundae
srx-w prophecv Voacei Proohecv Voicei Pan Am UnionlPan. Am. Union
fef I6
KSLM Nick Carter rmck Carter
Sunday atusse isunaay music punoij muue uunui muuc
KOAB Record Room , Record Room
eOt Symphony . isympneny
KOW Rainbow sundae Rainbow sundae Rainbow sundae! Rainbow sundae
Billy Graham IBillv Grartam
KSLM News Music
KOCO Don Stewart Don Stewart
KOAB Record Room Record Room
KOIN Jr. M-ss (Jr. Miss
Rainbow sundae stain now sunaaejKainaow sunaae
Church in Hm. (Church in
KSLM Newa fU Never Know IMusie- Bible Hour
KOCO St. Francis (U Never Know Nat Guard (Bandstand
KOAB Record Room (Record Room (Record Room (Sign Off
KOIN Dec Bride (Dec. Bride I Escape Escape
KOW Rainbow sundaetRainbow sundae (Rainbow sundae Rainbow sundae
KBX Music Hall 1 Music Ha31 I Music Hall I Music Hall
KSLM Fam. Theater Farru Theater Concert Music I Concert Music
KOCO Bandstand I Dugout Dope (Senators I Senators
KGAB Record Room 1 Record Room Record Room Record Room
KOIN Gene Au try (Gene Autry Bdwy. Parade Bdwy. Parade
KOW Relax Musie " Relax Musie I Tony Martin (Tony Martin
KEX Taylor Grant Wlmmie Flddlerl Liberty (Liberty
KSLM Symphony
KOCO Senators
KGAB Record Room
KOIN 21st Precinct
KOW Arrabruster
KEX Paul Harvev
tlSLM wiestlone : ISO Questions Moon Garden 3 3t Sense
KOCO Senators : (Senators i Senators Senators
3XOIN BelJoc Orchi. iBelloc Ofch. I Guy Lombardo Guy Lombardo
KOW NBC Symphony I NBC Svmphonyl Symphony Hr. Symphony Hr.
KMX. Mon. Headlines Drew Pearson Research Adv. I Doris Day
S.ILM News
KOCO Senators ; ISenators
KOIN Tommy DorseyiTommy Dorseyi Little Margie Little Margie
KOW Symphony Hr.! Symphony Hr.l Meet Press IMeet Press
KBX - Coc. Gr. Oprh. ICoc. Gr. (Orch. ISpencer Show (Cooke
m KSLM Peace ; !
I KOCO Senators '
KOIN 3 Star Final
OKOW Reporter
KKX Final Edition
Peace I
7 KSLM Silent I Silent :
KOCO .tlee ; ji '-nt
lOtN Musie ; lMusic I
1KOW Newa NlfhteaplCity Council
KBX Concert Hr. ; Concert Hr.
2S3 Ne. CkmrcB Si.!
Clnaslfled AdTextlsing
Per word. 1 time ; ,
Per wtrd. S times , ,; ,
Per werdV 7 times Lj
Per word. 1 montfe. ' : ;-""'
Bfinimnm tea word. :
Extrs eharre for v
wBIindn sds ii ! 1 '
Xeeders ta elty briefs:!
Per word
ftrinrmaii tea Wort. .
Km fefaads. p '
The - deadline tor classified and!
reader sdvertissng is 3:43 nun. daily J
The "Uctesman reserves the ngnir
to reject questionable advertising. IU1
further reserve the fight to place-
all advertising ; under i the' proper 4
claasancatloa r I -,
The Statesman imrniri ne flnan-
edal responsibiity for errors which
may appear ta adverUsemeata pub-
usnoa Jt its columns and in
where this oaper ia at fault win re-J
print mat part of aa advertisement
In which the typographical mistake
. Occurs ;'!;:. ; ! i t
; A "Band" Ad an sd containing a
Siateamen box number fori an ad
dreae is for the protection of the
advertiser and must therefore be
sussweree by letter The Statesman
ta not at liberty to divulee Informa
tion aa to eave identity ot aa ad'
tiser using "Blind- ad.,: h
484 Elcrcl
NEW Columbia 543. Phone 3-8130.
GIRLS bicycle for sale. $14. 350 Le
for Dr. in West Salem. : , s
488 For Rent, Miscellaneous
Blankets furn. 1201 State. Phi 3-9063.
North Commercial and Columbia
4-326L .. .
RENT or buy. All types electrical or
hand tools, garden tractors, spray
ers. Howser Bros.. 1183 S. 12th.
FOR RLNT or lease, Ige. warehouse
space cement floors brick bldg.
down town. Inquire K. L. Stiff
Fura. 3-9185. ,
470 For Sale, Miscellaneous
EASY washer, 333. Good working
cond. 1143 Lansford Ave. Salem.
MOVING Must sell Bendix auto.
washer . and dryer. Both new. not
in use. Sacrifice for quick sale.
555 union st. after 11 a.m
NEW swivel top stools for TV or
vanity stools. Reg. $13.50 value,
now only $7.93. Glenn Wpodry's.
Snook Sez
Well by doggies an speakln' of dog
gies I got a dog harness, leash an'
ooupla combs. Also rite doggie
bow and arrow outfit hardly used
an' only $7 JO. Got sewing machines
all over the place like fleas on a
dog too. Git yer choice fer $13.93
this week only. How's about a 3"x
3" printin' press with rolls, ink,
type and a lotta other gadgets that
goes with 'em, all for $17.50. We
didn't name this place the Bargain
Center J 1st to be ma kin' purty
sounds. A3, apt. elect, range $39.95
and that I'm only askin' 637.50 fer.
That's the kinds buy we have here
folks a thousand items an all under-priced.
Cum and see.
1255 Broadway Phone 4-1736
FRUIT jars and jelly glasses. 470
N. Summer. Phone 4-3543.
KOTJf 161:1, KKX 32-3
jlnv. to Lrng.
I Sun. Music
I Concert Hall
llnv. to Lrng.
fun. Music
I Concert Hall
Back to God 1 Back to Cod
Cent. Lutheran I Cent. Lutheran
Christian Hour (Christian Hour
Schoenbraun 1st. Francis Hr.
Sun. Music sun. Music
(Lutheran Hr
I Songs Rem.
(Waffle Club IWaffleClub
I Music Festival (Music Festival
Two on aisle Two on aisle
rai l vesuers tai . vsprs
-First Methodist I First Methodist
IKirst Baptist (First Baptist
' Sun. Afternoon I Sun. Afternoon
indse!Rainbow sundae I Rainbow sundae
IParadcofHits I ChrUt. Actios I Christ. Action
Guy LombardotKoatelanetx I Kostelanetx
Major Leagues (Major League Major League
Sun. Serenade iSun. serenacM
Sun Afternoon Shirley Thomaa Shirley Thomas
Hour ' Revival Hour .r-vival Hour
ixne raicon rrne raicon
I Record Room Record Room
iucn.uinona iiuca. uumona
i Herald or iTutnjueraja ox itum
iMennonlte Hr.
I Don Stewart
I Record Room
Mennonit Hr.
Don Stewart
Record Room
Rainbow sundae
Hm. I Look to Skies (Sunday Edit.
I Symphony (Drew Pearson I Music
I Senators f (Senators I Senators
Record Room Sign Off '
list Precinct I Whistler Whistler
lArmbrustjer NBC Symph. I NBC Symph.
Chapel by Road 'Traffic Records! Traffic Records
Mayor Speaks I News
(Senators Senators
Healing IHeaHng
ISenators I (Reverie I Reverie
(Memories 1 Waxworks Waxworks
IStory Teller ICatholic Hour ICathoUc Hour
1 Faith Our-Time "Sacred Heart (Concert Hour
I Silent
(Musie .
I City Council
Concert Hr.
I Silent
(City Council
Concert Hr-
Ptaoae 2-2441
Sobscriptlon Rates
By carrier in cities:
Daily and Sunday.. $ 1.43 per mo
Dally only , , 13 per mo
Sunday only ; M week
By suit, Sunday onry
(In advance) 8 30 per mo.
Anywnere ta u. s. - 3.79 six mo.
3.00 year
By mall. Dairy and Smndayt
(In advance)
la six counties . $ 1.00 per me
(Benton, aaeka
raaa. , Linn. , Mar- $3 six mo
tort. Polk. Yam
hill). 103$ vcar
Qsewher ta
Oregon 1JS per me
In U S outside
- Oregon 1. 1.43 pr mo
Bf ember :
Aadit Baresa ef Clreulatiotte
Baresa ef Advertising. ANPA
Oreren Newspapr
' Publishers Association
Advertlsiar'BeirreseaUtrres: 1
' Wsrd-Grimtb Ce, !
New-Terk. Chlesge
Saa iTsaelsee, Detroit
450 Merchandise ' ?
470 For Sale. IvSjseellaneoqB
30 IT. DRY fruit and vegetable rack.-
rt. Sundry rack. Behn s Food
M srket 4 Corners, Salem. "
STANDARD pool table, good shape,
complete, $373. Box 33 Gervels. Ore.
Phone Z39i
13 CU. FT.'Zenith freezer. Like new
3393. Phone 3-5053 evenings and
COLD - SPOT refrigerator. Child's
wardrobe, and bed and spring.
118 Nebraska. Phone 2-451.
range, 51 model, like new. Only
$188 JO. Glenn Woodry's. 1603 N.
WILL greatly sacrifice a $130 set
of wearever aiminum, $75 lady s
Bulova wrist watch, and $250' bri
dal set of diamond rings. Inspec
tion welcome. Call 3-0584.
ELEC. range, new burner, good work
lng cond. Reasonable price. Call
6339 Momrtouui. ore.
3 DaVENOS. 1 Hollywood bed. like
new. Chest drawers, , solid oak.
Large size Maytag washer. Ph. days
Aumsville S4 eves. 4-4919. Rt. 3,
Box 1SS.
HEAVY duty metal 1 wheel luggage
trailer New tire. Ph. 2-9863.
CHROME chairs, used. $4.73. Glenn
. Woodry's. 1603 N. Summer.
Everything But the
Kitchen Sink
BIG GAME rifles as low as
$ 13
Trader Louie. 1870 Lena Ave.
BEAUTIFUL new occ. chairs. Mo
hair cover. Reg. $34.85 chair now
$18.88. Glena) Woodry's, 1603 No.
IRON Fireman Oil Burner complete
with thermostate controls guaran
teed IU0. Trader Louie. 1870 Lena
i-inch heavy duty elec. drill.
Starting price Aug. 3. $105
August 8 $80.00
Keith Brown Lbr. Yard
Front and Court Phone 3-9111
We give S 3c H Green Stamps
U-F1X-IT garage. Repair your own
car. Parts, tools, tech. informa
tion. Pnone or drop in for details.
Ph. 45261. 2093 N. Commercial.
NEW bedrm. suite, walnut finish,
complete. 10 pc. suite, large vanity
with plate glass mirror, chest, nite
stand, bed and bench. Also box
spring and inner spring mattress,
heavy wool. Fill comforter, 3 van
ity lamps. Over 3300 value at only
321930. Glenn Woodry's. 1605 N.
CHESTS of Drawers $13.95
Trader Louie. 1870 Lena Ave.
THCR SPINNER automatic washers,
like new. 3 only $79.30 ea. Yeater
Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Ph.
GOOD used
. Woodry's.
washer $19.30. Glenn
Top Soil
River silt, fill dirt, prompt delivery.
Phjne 2-174$.
PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing
for your floors or linoleum. Yeater
Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa. Ph.
ELEC. clothes dryer only 35935. 3
only. Yeatei Appliance Co, 373
Chemekta St
VERY nice wal. dinette act 349.50.
Glenn Woodry s, 1605 N. summer.
few left at $ S.M
Trader Louie.- 1870 Lena Ave.
CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for
tables, furniture, railings. 1143 N.
STANLEY home products. Lee Mindt.
1680 Madison. Ph. 3-4056.
BABY JUMPER swing $4.
Woodrvs. 1605 N. Summer.
OIL, TANK. 250 Gal., lis.
Trader Louie. 1870 Lena Ave.
Used Machine Clearance
Treadles, portables, slid elec. cabinet
models ail macrunes A-l cond. and
guaranteed. Prices from $14.95.
Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Com!
TALL- grass and weeds are a fire
hazard. If you are guilty better
get busy. Rent a power sickle or
mower st Snook's. 4253 Broadway.
DEEPFREEZE borne freezers. Yeat-
er Apllance. 373 Chemeketa. Ph.
Diamonds & Jewelry
at cost plus 1004. Call or write W. C
Mitchell. 1175 HUlyard. Eugene.
Ore. 5-6557
ronditioned $ L25
Trader Louie. 1870 Lana Ave.
TAYLOR tot stroller, $5. Glenn Wood
ry s, 1605 N, Summer.
Crushed Rock
FOR roads 3c driveway Cement.
Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand.
Bulldozing drainage and ditching.
vd. shovel 3s drag tine. Phone
Sand Si
COLEMAN Floor Furnace, complete
with all controls, SOJMO BTU, guar
anteed. $ 80
Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave.
GOOD used refrigerators $43.50 and
up. Used washers J9J5 and up.
Yeater Appliance 379 Chemeketa.
Phone 3-4311.
EASY SPIN DRY washer. Good con
dltion. 3-7918 or eve. 4-3470.
OUTBOARD motor Elgin. 7a H-PT
30 hrs. 360. Winchester 30 gsuge
model 13 with poly-choke. Like
new. $70. Call 4-1389 after 7 p m.
VANITY table and match and chair.
hardwood. I12.M. Glenn Woodry's.
Singer, Ruby. White, Domestic. Free.
New Home. Lake Shore. Burdiek.
Standard. Bon. Vertical Feed, Volo.
Wheeler Wilson Western.
125S Broadway
UPEqulpment. New Condition ssso
I raaer Louis, ibo uni Ave.
CH ARRIS foundation girdles, bra.
For appointment phone 2-3433 or
3-507211 Mary E. Bales.
USED electric ranges $12.85 3c up.
Tester Appliance. n utemtssu.
Pnone 3-4311.
STORE FIXTURES Super cold veg.
display case. Birkenwaid meat case
and compressor, 10 ft Meat block.
grinder slicer. scsies. casir register,
islands, pop cooler, and misc. Mod
ern store bldg. for rent Fairmont
Market. 1590 S. Coml.
at Trader Louie's, 1870 Lana Ave.
DETERGENT, 300 lb. SHURITE .$ 50
Trader Louie. 1870 Lana Ave.
USED baby crib and matt. full. Panel
adjustable spring 31330. Glenn
Woodry's. I6Q3 N. Summer,
Sewing Machine Buyers
New Singer electric cabinet sewing
machines. Walnut and maple cab
inets as low as $12.50 down and
$5.34 pr month. Write for free col
ored catalogue, singer sewing cen
ter. 130 N Coml -
$30 ALLOWED for your old water
heater regardless of condition or
make on new Westingbouse
' automatic e'sctrie water heater,
with ia ten year guarantee. Yeater
Appliance Co. 373 Chemeketa.
Phone 3-431L
NEEDED, old sewing machine. Up
ro $50 er more for your old sewing
machine on a new free Westmg
bouse sewing machine with a 33
- yr warranty. Yeater j. Appliance
Co. 375 Chemeketa St. K
OFFICE, CHAIR swivel 312J0. Glenn
Woodry's. 1603 N. summerr
50 MercfiSiVe - '
472 Wanted. Mlscellaseous
WANTED to buy. cheap, used boat
trailer. Phone 3-3684. I
$ ft. stud mlB logs or multiples of
ft. plus trim. 6 to 13 in. diameter.
Phone Turner 1125.
W ANTES 13 gauge double barrel
or Browning automatic . shotgun.
Phone 3-0523 after 3 p.m.
GARAGE near 700 block on N. Cot
tage. 2-7903.
Logs Wanted
Ton truck, scale erleaa Bald far 2nd
growth fir. Check our new prices.
Phone 39593 days. 41784 eves. West
Salem Lmbr. Co. 1160 Wallace Rd
LET US smoke your fish, many satis
fied customers. Salem Custom Cur-
tag 37005. -
Dental Plate Repair
Bring or mail your Plates for Repair.
Adolph Bldg State 3c Com. Ph. 3-3311
HOSPITAL beds for sals or rent.
Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. 3-3188.
478 Fuel
ASH CRAFT'S fuel, cores, log-ends.
slab. Phone 3-3380. 844 Mill St.
ANDEKSON'S hand picked slabwood.
3 cord 314. Phone 3-7751 or 4-4253.
Highway Fuel Co.
Clean sawdust wood, green or dry
Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-6444.
Capitol Lbr. Fuel Co.
ORDER your summer wood saw. Ply
wood cores, old griwth fir. oak.
planer ends. Summer rates on
sawdust 193 S. Com'l St Phone
3-772 L
Sawdust: blower and P. O.
Mulch S. D. and Fertilizer
1525 Edgewater Phone 24031
HANDPICKZD 16" green edging or
slab. Also 16 dry slab. Summer
Prices on fresh cut sswdust order
' Oregon Fuel Co.
3087 Broadway Phone 35533
500 Bus. & Finance
510 Money to Loan
Cut your present payments as ;
much as 30.
Let us show how it may be done.
$50 - $2,500
$16633 $9.00
258.72 14.00
535.92 39.00
350.03 46.00
Industrial Loans
lis S. Liberty
Phone 4-2303
i 'u .-It i .
mm) mum
Consolidate AU Bills
Twenty-five years ago General Fi
nance Corps was orgsnlzed by Sa
lem business and professionai men
to give you a loan service. We
have lent millions.
You can repay anytime to reduce
costs. No endorser er help from
friends, longer time to repair. Fh.
first for a on trip loan.
Loans $23jD0 to 3300.00 on atgnabsre,
furniture and equipment
Loans to 3300.00 on cars, tracks, and
trailer houses.
Free customer parking at "Til art on
Car Park"; across from office.
136 S. Commercial St.
Lie No. S133 and 31333
Resl estate mortgages 3c contracts.
187 S High St Ph. 3-4131
183 S. Church St Ph. 3-3437
Parking Aplenty
Lie. M159-S134
687 Court Street Phone 4-2333
Buy Sell Loan
Real Estate Mortgages Contracts
PHIVATE money to loan. Ph. 3-0794.
512 Loans Wanted
NEED $15,000. private loan. Excel
lent property for security. Very
reliable purchaser. Al Isaak, Real
tor Phone 4-3311.
515 Investments"
25 M. CAPACITY sawmill, deisel
power hesd rig, balance of mill
electric, air 3c electric set works,
planing mill facilities available at
ort. ?ully clear will accept full
oartner or investment of $10,000.
Write Box 594. The Statesman.
600 Employment
B02 Help Wanted
FRV COOK waitress wanted. Ap
ply at Spot Lite Cafe. No phone
.-ails, please !
WE ARE now taking applications
for Paper Routes at Carrier Divi
sion. Statesman Building. Boys
m!st oe 13 years or over ana nave
the written consent ef their par
ents, if you have already applied
Kinoiy so so again.
S04 Help Wanted. Male
Experienced Chevrolet Power-Glide
Mechanio. Excellent opportunity for
right men in one of Oregon's Oldest
Chevrolet dealerships in a fast
growing city. Apply by letter to
P. O. box 1301. Roseburg. Oregon or
in person st HANSEN MOTOR
COMPANY. Roseburr. Oregon.
EXPERIENCED male grocery derE.
Phone 3-6403. '
MAINTENANCE and all around han-
dy man. Steady work. Must have
good habit Inquire in person. Howell-Edwards
Funeral Home. 543 N.
ECS Help Wanted, female
ACCOUNTANT, experienced In gen
- era! ledger, payroll; for local ac
countant's office. Reply own hand
writing! Statesman Box 593.
EXPERIENCED Waitress. Nohlgren's
WOMAN to share home with middle
aged woman. 343 Le telle St Sat,
Sun, ot after 3 p.m
STENOGRAPHER Permanent par&
time, about 9 to 2. five days week
ly, preferably over 3. experienced.
accurate. Supreme Court Library.
SECRETARY for traffic manager!
Must be proficient at shorthand,
typing 3c calculator, permanent po
sition, good wages. Arjply at per
MMtnel bffiee. 1 Blue Lawe Packers.
Ins. 373 Patterson Ave,
IrSOO Employment
80S Help Wanted, Female
WANTED, ; someone to care for my
children in my home days. Call
' 2-1024. ' - -.
XXPLRiE&CED lingerie sales lady
wanted at Sally's.
HOUSE MOTHER not over S3 years
of age Must have own transporta
tion. Hillcrest School. 3450 Strong
Rd. Phone 2-3022. ; .
HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged. Father
3c children, no laundry or cleaning.
Write Box 333 Statesman. -
608 Pickers Wanted
WILL START picking beans Aug. 13.
' Fred McCall. Rt. 3. Box 133. Ph.
! , 7 . : .
! STEADY WORK Cucumber platoon
for 19 acre field being organized.
$ days a week until Sept 18. Must
be 16 or over. Adults preferred.
2-2348 between 3-3 p-nu Friday or
8-10 a.m. on Sat
icking starts 17th. Watch for
definite date. Albert Scharer,
vLr. T,. .i:,,
tre!1ff5d Starting about
i Zk 'sdinV d i.""
wood, ngnta and cabins or tent
houses. Daily bus service from Ss
lem. Writ D. P. MacCarthy c Son
Rt J3, Box 833. Salem, Oregon, or
drive out 9 miles on south river
road or 3 miles east of Indepen
dence. This is one of the Valley's better
yards and camp. D. P. MacCarthy
3c Son. Rt. 3. Box 333. Salem. Ore
gnn. Phone Independence 19F3.
IDEAL bean picking, Vs mi. East of
Keizer on Chemawa highway. Be
gan July 31st Will run bus route
in Salem. Joseph Herber, phono
BEAN pickers register now. Picking
about Aug. 1st Watch thia column
for specific date. Clarence Herr.
Rt. 3 Box 188. Silverton. Phone
Salem 3-1207. Silverton 3-4315. 4
-nile East snd North Centrsl How
ell School
610 Sales Persons Wanted
Yiungstown Kitchen Store. Ill N.
nign nas openings for two sales
men to sell nationally advertised
Youngstown kitchens and accessor
ies. Sales experience necessary. A
training program working directly
witn saiesmanager la offered. Bet
ler xnsn average income on an
equitable commission basis. If you
are interested in a permanent po
sition with growing business, can
Merle De Lapp at 4-5431 for an
Wanted to represent the worlds old
est snd largest builder of Farm
Wilder. Sell direct from factory to
zarm. .tarn siso r more esch
week. Protected territory. Rapid
advancement Car essential. No in
vestment Welding experience not
necessary, contact Frank Azletn
after 6 p.m. Phone 3-7723 or write
box 304 Salem.
612 Work "Wasted, Male
WANT to haul lumber: own truck,
short logs. Phone Dallas 3523. 1610
Cherrv.-eCall after 12 n m
WANTatD Married man to work and
manage fruit 3c nut farm, must
nave experience with Tractor and
nrm Machinery.- House, water &
ejecincity furnished. Reply Box 385,
co Statesman.
. ,.- . . .
Mn.Tiii. jwwtr Dea work, new lawns
panted. Ph. 34563 or 41518.
Mason Work. Patch. PLastarinv
Stucco and repair. Basements water
proofed by plastering. Barbeqaes
outside fireplaces. Plantery's, patios
CARPENTER work wanted, new or
remodel. Phone 44516.
CUSTOM hay baling. O. Strand. Ph.
3-4512 Silverton
Tractor Work
Plowing, discing, blade work, hay and
ktsss mowing. Phone 3-3041.
X AM prepared to put in several
more new lawns. Call 3-T373 days.
3-3190 evenings.
feu Work Wanted, female
PROFESSIONAL upholstering done
in my home, reasonable. Pick up
and delivery. Call 3-4290.
615 Situations Wanted
HOUSE keeping and child care by
, week or month. Write co States,
Box 990.
LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller
work. Service Center. Phone 4-3573
Sidewalks, steps, patios, basements.
Prompt service. Guarantee. Phone
4-M79 . .
FOR practical nurses 3c domestics.
cau Mrs, k Horsing Registry. 3-5072.
NEW HOME construction, remodel
ing. Free estimates, local refer
ences. Miles and Knutson. 4-3340
atter 9 in, Eves
Phone 4-3305 and 3-3591 .
CUSTOM combining. Ph. 2-7378 or
PAINTING, paper hanging, day or
contract small Jobs welcome. Phone
25 years experience in Salem. Free
estimates. Phone 3-7552.
PAINTING, papering, repair service
Exterior, Interior. Day or contract.
CONCRETE work all kinds. Concrete
walls, patios, sidewalks, basements.
John Feldschau Sc Son. Phone
2-8628. 4-5329. Can after 5 p. m.
CEisXNT work done. Free estimates.
Phone 2-7163.
Vilty Motor Co. experts will solve
your problems and save you money.
rree estimates, speedy service.
Center and Liberty. -
PAINTING! exterior and interior
McClain and Golden. Phone 3-3322
or 3-386S.
TILLING WITH rotary-hoe. Gardens,
lawns. Phone 3-8529,
2355 Ever-
and land clearinx.
sa Mouywooo ur ynone 4-1B3.
ED. HRS 8 AJsL to $ pjd. PH.
t WILL BUILD you a hopie either
, large er small 3c arrange finance
at a real saving. Phone eves. 4-5233.
HOME building, remodeling. Free es-
timttet. Ben G raves. Ph. 3-8393.
bRESSMAKING. experienced. ' Mrs.
Julius Plncus. 1700, North 30th. Ph.
' s-9342.
onable. 4240 Macleay Rd. Phone
45961. ,
DAYTIME child care. by. day or
week in my home. Ph. 4-3055. 1235
n 5th. ; -
CLEANING, rugs, windows, wood
work, baths, kitchens, also paint
ing. Sedgwick. 3-3388.
modern. 853 Mission. Ph. 2-7658
LIGHT esawler dozer,
dirt leveling.
grading. Phone 3-3220.
For quality work reasonable prices
can a-aeza.
Sift Education
HT3H school far diploma at home.
Free booklet. Write American
School. 833 N. Interstate. Portland.
S20 Day and Contract
Land Clearing
IS yrs. Exp. CaU for estimate ea hour
wars; or By oon tract for the com
plete job. L. C. Mitchell Phone
Salem Sand & Gravel Co.
t t Contract Work -
L '; Roads Clearing Ditching
. Sewer St. Basement
Equipment Rental
' Ditching by the foot
Phenv day 3-408
Evtmnrf 3-7413. 3-4413
Salem, Oregon ,
700 Rentals
702 Sleeping Rooms, Board
Atf RACTIVX room. GenUeman."prC
vate home. 333 N. Summer. Phone
TWO rooms for rent 71S S. 30tiv
Newly painted.
CLEAN quiet room. Good location.
Some Kitchen privileges. Phone
PLEASANT sleeping room, close in.
Private entrance. 343 N. Cottage.
706 Apojtments for Bent
3 4-ROOM apta, unfurnished. $39..
furnished $49. 4-6133 daya, 4-3632
eves. 3740 Silverton Rd.
1 ROOM apt for rent Close in, $6
r ween. s Division.
WNTOWN. first floor. 1 room.
Mia, private entrance, cen-
NlC APT. 1165 Court. Ph. 4-3343.
3 LARGE rooms furnished, newly
decorated. Garage. Very nice. $60.
841 N. Liberty. Phone 2-5443 or
FINEST VIEW, large 3 room unfur-
nished. Fireplace. Available 1st of
Sept, Phone 2-1117.
attractWe-T3nfurn 1SHED APTS
3 rooms and bath, (auto oil heat
' and water furnished)-$40
nd 345 a month CaU 33256.
rUSNISHSD,. clean, coxy 3
Business rirL 1370 Chemeketa.
3 ROOM, private bath and entrance,
Electric range and refrigerator
oniy. .Knotty pine interior, wall to
wall carpet, ideal for working cou
ple or single man. 3-0713.
Has available: Furnished living room.
kitchen, dinette, bedroom and bath.
. 353. Free laundry facilities, central
heat. 879 N. Liberty.
NICE 2-room apt. Hollywood Dist
1065 Madison.
COZY 3-room furnished SDt Private
entrance & bath. Electric range 3c.
. incrirar. unpioyea couple
COURT APTS. $1030 a week St up.
Phone 3-8723.
UNFURNISHED very nice three
rooms and bath. Electric stove and
refrigerator. Laundry, facilities.
Adults. 380 S.17Ui. Phone 3-3715.
NICE" fuxni shed 3 room apt. Close
in. Private entrance St bath. T. V.
antenna available. Also nice fur
nlshed 1 room, $23 . Ph. 3-8788.
FBEDROOMS furrusnedTTlollywood
district. Adults. Phono 3-8300 eves.
FURNISHED apt Close to-state offi
ces. Ph. 4-5578.
CLEAN two room apartment for
rent, iza Gcrtn.
THREE rooms, furnished. 332. 198
N. Comm't i 1
THREE ROOM furnished spt Utilities
furnlsbed. 990 Union. : Ph. 21094.
CLOSE IN, nice modern, furnished"!
room apt Phone 38490.
NICE 3 room furnished apt Call
494 8. Winter . ;
2 ROOM furnished apt, utilities, chil
dren welcome, bus. $23. Ph. 3-3988.
VERY nice unfurnished 3 bedroom
apt at 323 N. 14th. range, refrig
erator, washing machine and water
furnished. Call .3-8566.
ROOMY 2 B R. furnished spt Privste
bath. Adults. Phone 3o434.
FURNISHED 3 room modern apt
Adults only. Ph. 3-7148 or 3-3444.
ONE ROOM kitchenette for lady.
Utilities furnished. Near CapitoL
Ph. 2-7439
Bargain I 3 room, quiet location, em-
ployed lady, close in. 638 S. Summer.
PRIVATE 3 room furnished court apt
Clean. $43. 3560 Portland Rd.
CLOSE IN. Furnished v Clean. 3 rmsT
Utilities paid. $45. Ph. 3-S083.
3 RM. with bath, light heat and
water furnished, close In, $33.
CLOSE in lovely furnished or unfur
nished spt. See at 338 Oak.
FURNISHED 3 rhv court apt Newly
- decorated, close In on N. Coml.
Ph. 3-8643 or 3-3644.
FURNISHED APT. 3 blocks from
city center. Immediate availability,
call at Woodry Furniture. 474 S.
j-ROOM furnished apt Nice 3s clean,
close in. 4 blocks So. of Ladd 3c
Bush hank. Available now. 310
BeUevue St Call after 8 JO.
CLOSE IN". TJUlitiea furnished. 330.
$43 wltn private batb. TVS N.
3 ROOM, furnished, adults, no drink
ers, call after 13 noon. 37341.
Capitol Plaza
FTTRNISHED and unfum. apartments
1169 Chemeketa. Phone 3-8630.
Ambassador Apts.
Nicely furnished apts. 350 N. Summer.
707 Houses For Rent
3 BEDROOM modern, hardwood
floors, fireplace, garage. On Capi
tal Street. Inoulre 1290 Fir.
COZY 8 room modern house. Close
to shopping center. 3-4307,
2 BEDROOM modern house on bus.
385 S. lima Ave.
ONE bedroom modern house unfur-
nished. Phone 3-8163.
UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom house.
Close, to University and Hospital.
$35. 773 Bellevue St. Inquire across
tho street or phone 3-82QB.
3 Bdrm. suburban, partly furn. $50
per mo.
1595 N. Cottage Ph. 43661 days or eve
NICE CLEAN 3 room furnished
house. Phone 3-7018.
UNFURN. duplex. $43.50. 3-838.
$63 MONTH, furnished. 3 bedroom
house, double garage. Inquire Puri
tan Food Mkt Edgewater St
5 ROOM house, oil heat fireplace,
basement 1227 N. 4th.
1 BEDROOM house, available 1st of
Sept Inquire' 1689 N. 18th morn-
i ngs.
OUR 3-bedroom home, furnished in
cluding piano. 2 car garage, bath
3c shower. Basement gss heat nice
yard. A real home for responsi
ble people. Ph. 3-6232.
ALMOST new 2 bedroom house. Elec
tric range, hardwood floors, auto
matic beat insulated. 2230 Maple
Ave. r
iBEDRO0M house almost new. Au
tomatic ' heat fenced yard, good
neighborhood. Call 2-1141.
BONNIE DEE cottage c trailer court.
3215 Portland Rd. Phone 4-5373.
Rates by day. week or month.
Trailer house for sale
VERY clean, nicely furn. 3 room apt.
All utilities furn. $55. In West
Salem. s
LARGE 4 BR home. Sawdust heat,
$63. Inquire 1211 Edgewater. 3-8109.
Eves. 3-9939.
SMALL house $25 a month. Inquire
4450 Sunnyytew.
SlJDEH HOUSE. Suitable for two
families. 990 N. 12th. Phone 4-1352.
FIVE room, esst of town, by school.
$30 a month. Apply by letter.
Statesman Box 583.
FURNISHED apt Bus. private bath.
entrance. Also clean unxumisnea
house. Phone 3-7787.
FOUR year old. 3 bdrm. bouse and
garage. UOfurniined $69. nice ana
clean, children welcome, no pets I
Half mile east of four corners and
Lincoln School. Keys at 4375 State.
Ph. 3-5SS2.
NEW. 1 bedroom unfurn.. hardwood
floors, electric heat, immediate poa
session, close In. Phone 3-4313.
ROOM modern house, unfurnished,
close in, Inquire 670 In rear of $74
N. ciurcn.
3 AND -3 ROOM cabins. Partly fur-
nished. $7 and $3 week, inquire
3413 Williams Ave. Phone 3-7712.
ROOM bouse, partly furnished.
Walking distance from Capitol
Shopping Center, Employed couple.
1035 N 18th St.
i BEDROOM cottage furnished or
attached garage.
Phone 3-S84L
7C3 Farms. Tracts for Bent
Df YOU want a place in the country,
and have record of paying your
rent you can buy from me. It
doesnt cost anything to find out
Phone 3-4106.
703 Wanted to Bent
FAMILY of 4 would like 3 bedroom
home with garage St yard. Call
2-3302. j
WANT two or three bdrm. home near
grade school with automatic, heat
1803. ; ;
ROOM in basement or attic for one
year for Storage of furniture. 353
Union. ; apt 3. Ruby Robertson.
Statesman, Salem, Oreaon,
700 Rental
710 Wanted to Rent Houses -
PERMANENTLY employed lady de
sires 3 room partly furnished apt
about Aug. 34. Reasonable rent
Prefer in private bom. South Sa
lem. Phone 2-9973.
FURNISHED "3 bedroom houe.By
rellabl couple. Preferably east; Ph.
3-4685 "
2 OR 3 Bedroom unfurnished house
near high school. By Sept 1st Ph.
WANTED to lease on option to buy
thro bedroom bouse. Best of ref
erences, pnone 2-&420 after 9.
MY WIFE. son. and I need a nice 3
bedroom unfurnished house with
basement or extra space equivalent.
If you have such, and wish to have
tenants who keep home clean and
in good condition then Phone
4-3313. Ask for Keith Moses. Will
sign lesse, if desired!
i BEDROOM house with option to
buy with large lot or small acre-
age. Phone 4-2526 after 4. -
3 OR 3 BEDROOM house, reliable
family. Phone 3-8589.
714 Business Rentals"
MODERN offices for rent In down
town Salem in the Sally's building
st the corner of Liberty 3c Court
. Pt. Phone 3-3TI 1.
1 BLDG. in ; Hollywood. Approx. 500
sq. ft $30 a mo. Call Rawlins
Realty at t-4084 or 4-1761.
FOR RENT or lease. Hall suitable for
church lodge, or what have you?
Immediate possession. Rent $75 per
month. Al Isaak, Realtor, Phone
FOR LEASE, 180-200 ft. frontage on
Fdgewater St, West
Salem. ira
ruts. Phone 3-3403. ;
GROUND FLOOR office or store
space for rent CaU at Fltta Market
T.16 N. Commercial Phone 3-4424.
OFFICE SPACE for rent. Excellent
location downtown. Reasonable.
Call eve.- 3-3286.
716 Resort Rentals
COMFORTABLE cottage with a grand
ocean view. Nelscot Phone 3-9471
eves.. Salem.
800 Real Estate
801 Business Opartunlfles
29 M. capacity, deisel power hesd
rig. balance of mill electric air 3c
electric set works, planing mill fa
cilities available at cost For fur
ther Information write box 59, The
ASSOCIATED Super Service Station
. for lease in Monmouth. Oregon.
Buy at low Inventory, good busi
ness. See Lee Miller. Rickrcalt Ore.
or phone Dallas 4-1 62.
Are for sale. 8 furnished units snd
owner's 9 room cottage near the
beach. Best location. Business is
good. Trade or cash. Rockaway,
SMALL CAFE. Might trade for other
property in Salem. Box 586, co
WHOLESaIJE Distributor. We are
opening offices and showrooms In
areas In the northwest 33500 Invest
ment required. This business offers
a sound future with exectpional in
come for the man who can qualify,
Box 584. co Statesman.
EXCELLENT opportunity. Remodeled
Major Oil Co. service station for
lease. Call 44458.
RTCHf lELtPofL CORP. offers mod
em service station for lease Mill
City, Ore. Inventory 1 only. Some
financial assistance to qualified
party. Phone Mr. Holden. Salem
3-9533 days or 3-0761 evenings.
Best buy in Oregon. Inquire Nod-A
Wsy Motel.
For Sale -By Owner
14-spaco trailer court Including 3
partially furnished apartment
Choice location In expanding busi
ness sone. Call 3-9213 for appoint
ment 806 Houses For Sale"
Started House
Unfin. 8room house snd 4',i acres.
This could be made into a nice
place. Is back in the woods and on
a hill side. Wonderful view. Owner
is leaving town. Must sell, $4,500.
$700 down.
10 Acres
HOUSE 11 years old. 3 bdr. 65 ft. welt
Barn, chick house snd sheds. Some
bottom lend. $15,500.
20 Acres
3-room house. Double gsrage. 13 acres
filberts and 6 acres walnuts. Fam
ily orchard. South. $15,000.
22 Acres .
Lake Labish; 3 bdr older house, out
buildings. Might take house in
town for down payment. $15,000.
. West Salem
2-bdr. house, small comer lot. Near
school and shopping center. $7,900.'
Close to L.D.S. CHURCH. 3 bdr.
house, nice and clean corner lot.
This place is a good buy. Drive by
and look at the outside snd then
come to see us about looking at the
inside. 1610 North Church. $12,500.
Apt. House
1 apts. all rented. Income $332 a
month. All nicely furnished. Will
take house up to $9,000 as down
payment. Price $22,000. Call Art.
- Apt. House
apts. Steam heat. Large living quar
ters for the owner. Not so fsr out.
$24,000. Call Carpenter or Critten
den. .
Shoe Store
In north part of town. Living quar
ters in the back of store. Also shoe
repair depsrtmenL $4,500 plus In
ventory. Cell Carpenter.
Grocery Store
In northeast - part of town, living
quarters tn the back for owner.
Lot 50x75. $18300. plus Inventory.
2 large bdr. Basement, sswdust furn.
unfin. upstairs. Close to stores and
bus. Owners retired this summer
snd wsnt to go south for the win
ter. $10,500. Call Mrs. Crittenden.
Small House, Big View
Close to' the West Salem Academy. 1
bdr house on top of the hill. Owner
needs larger house. So will sacri
flee for $5,250.
Englewood Dfst.
Neat and clean 2-bdr. house, art.
garage. Wall-to-wall carpet, reneed
m back yard. Good buy at $8,950.
3-bdr. Ranch type bouse, hwd fl.. 2
fireplaces. Basement, double gsrage.
Furnace new. $13,300.
Ranch Type
New 3-bdr house, single gsrsge, hwd
fl- oil- furn. UWUty. Owner will
take lot ss part down payment
410 of An Acre
3-bdr house. Ranch type. Wall furn.
Wall-to-wall carpet Washer and
dryer go about 3 miles out of town.
Large lot 8x2S0 ft.' Inside of city.
3-br. cottage type house. Shop and
chick bouse. Room for another
'house. $8,250.
Art Madsen,
1338 STATE
re. IB
h. 3-5580. 2-8813
3-8443. 3-7383
Saturday, Axri
To Placo 'Ad
Call 2-2441
liOO Real Estate
IJS&Ulk & I
e Specialize In Trade
f '2 ' I!
E NEED LISTINGS: Homes. Farms.
Acreages. Businesses, Motor Courts
and Taverns What Have You? .
pnderfnl For Family.
es. in ia is deal. bedrooms in
Falrmount Diatrict. Only 4 years
old. Large, iseparte utility room.
Owner has left state. Insulated. Of
fered for sale at 3 price you cant
afford to peas up.; This 1 sn ideal
for a C. I. Full prce only $6850.
I 2! j !!: ;
i You Can Trade .
(lor this one if you have a t bedroom
noma in Leslie District that has a
basement. This on baa 3 bedrooms
and it Is located close In ea Liberty
Street Baaeraent. fireplace., furnace.
Bus by don. Shown by appoint,
merit only, rull price $11,150,
But la a good deal. (Has 3 bedrooms.
Mooem. with bath. Just , across
street from school i acre lot. Very
?ood .soil. A fine (place an raise a
smlly. Full price;' only $7300.
p 1 -
Rare Value
r . . ... 1
ijiwutuiT ciean. just like 1 new.
pearooms. Highland and St. Via)
cent s District. Large garage. Paved
drive and atreet. In the best of re.
pair. Immediate I possess ton. Full
price only $8300. I , 11 1 1
HichWiy Frontage
338 feet of it Right on ME. Close to '
motels. 348 ft deep on one, side. ,'
Out ef CitV aIMr aawa ull I. A
I Cafd Bargain
Ajll equipment Fixtures. Monthly '
(rente! only $80; Parking space. A
oargam xor oniy $2830. some terms. ' ,
Apartment I
ii units m st. Vincent's District. .
garages. Each; unit completely fur ,
pished -Income $340 per month. Ex-
tremely reasonable rent Please esll'i;
for sppointment to see this special t
w lerms. in i
, ! I j T, Jj j '
Home Plus Income
Walking distance from Stele House. .,
I Severs! sleeping rooms plus a mod
;ere apartment plus living quarters'.- l
In good condition 75x153 lot. Full" -!
price only $7300. 1 , jj . ,
1?- a ' i i !
! I 10 Pips Acres
I I SlObODnwrt
i . k - . . d . j' L
" moaem oiaer type 4 bedroom
j house. Close in. East. Some furnl
iture. Barn, chicken house. A good
economy property for Urge f smlly. "
j Full price only o. .
I 36 Acres Plus
High wsy frontageJ 3 acres of verv H
fine walnutaM Very modern and
clean. Older type 1 room bouse. Lois
of shrubs. Excellent soil, city water.
This is an excellent subdivuoor '
PrpPffty Plw business ii frontage. ..
. $24,500 Full Price, or owner will sell v
hquse and 4 iicres, foe $13,000. ..
Large Ifarm.Trade yr
Tor city property. Modern very dean '
and well repaired home.. 8 rooms. '
33 acres under cultivauoft; 31 acres '
.pasture. Several i acres berriaa.
wells Plus dtir water. Im Mmt . ,
farm machinery. With crop $16,000. .
without crop $13,500. .
t- lit il1; I
For Business Opbortunites sad Horn.!-
rau n. LRAWf UHU, (Eve. 4-S02AI
or? DAN ISA4K. ( 4-33331, or
uiummjit ! ve. 3.7879) or "
MR. KIGGINSI iKve. 4-6404 .
For Farms Onljf call for MR. LEAV-.
ENa (Eve. 3-47351, jii
If no answer aU 4-3243. il l
i licensed Also tm
Mortgage Loans
30 YEAH MATURrry j
3039 Portland .
t' Rosd j
Office Phones '
4-3311 or 3-7820 '
Eve. 3-4731; 4-3533
4-5434. 4-5070. 2-787 I
If no answvr Phone 4-3243
$1,500 DOWN;
Fktll price $9.50)9. Fireplace. 1 forced
air neai, niriwqoa uoori. 1 sauui
'2tr St. East font ;Hoyt outh on-
Pringle Rd. 4385 Bat tlecreek Rd.
(Pr jngle) Owger. I lil ; .
Only 32.450 dn. itc 338 a ree. at 4
which incl. taxes. Ins.. etc.
Dandy 3 BR pistned home In ex
cellent locauqn on pvo 1 sv. aee
tody only .950i total Jl 1 T J
1723 'State 4 i Ph. 4-460J ; .
JTBeDROOM htma! neirtij schools.
Double gsrsgi, basementJ heautl
fulrview. Finsi disuict $14,000. pn. .
2-8513 eves, i ! !! ! . .
Hon SAXe or dad for large trailer .
ho t , equity tin 3 bedroom house
in ssiem. rnpn ssi wooaourn.
720 E.. Lincolri Woodburn.
lfR&OM H6USaV3baths, ' furnace.
ifurrilture.-3850P. phone e-aaau.
fOR oALX' by wner. Very nice J .
; bedroom hom4. Wall to wall car- .
pet Good location. Price ; $6,800. a
Phone 2-1140. j ti ji! ! -I
By owner, very trice new 3 bedroom.
near waaninsHrn acnwi, u vtana
llng Ave. Alsd 4 bedroom ranch
'style, nearly new. 230 Laming Ave. -
WtSfSALTM. y owner. 2 bedroom ".
home with. 1400sq. ft 1 baae
jment, well constructed, has dining
rom. Large 3vlng room. Lots of..
;buUt-ins. Hsrtlwood floors. Two ,t
, blocks to bus land dose to achoql 1
i647vPeldmont J ! V k .
fiSYTpROM-ovInerT nearly new
bedroom home, paved street, one
block to bus.; near school. Urge
fenced back yrd Walk in closet-
East on State to 1 25ih. Isouth to
Adsms. 3370 Aisms. 865o3i Terms. ,i
"clean, p bedroom itiome on -
4 acrei Hignway 1 rronxagv. near
IVila srade acSooL Shrubs in pro
fusion. Shade ind fruit trees,' view! -
t and fruit trees,' view! -(
Sacrifice im $7,600.
I 3 year me To? Z .
ItviBg. Landscaped. J "i
Owner will
Phone 2-O0O4
,rurAl ftiniff 1
acre of grounl. more available. 4t
bedrooms. 2' t fatns, run ery oa
jmest 3 fireplaces, expert Interior
decorating Spacious rooms, smsu
barn. Built DySDUiioer xor;
his own
home.. Phone . f-1319.
4 .
Well uilt 3 bedfoOm home. 30 x 133
lot f attractive lot
ouiek sale. 120 P
location, rrtceo xor -
Depoo. Phi $438.
a, or trade. Souta
WNEJt sale,
near Barker fcnooi. Lerge oou
ble I lot fenced j Fruit tt nwt trees.
3 bedroom. oldr house, 104 E. WU-
sons Corner F. f 26901.
OtTrRXODmTuburban. J-bed
room borne, nofta east. Near grade
school. Large 14 1, Insulated, folding
door, verti-bliadi. fireplace, auto. 1
dishwasher, twice as many built-
Ina. covered patio, attached gsrsge.
garden, lawn aad shrubs. Bur from
owner and
, in,
Phone 3-O0O4. ,
'1 '