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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1953)
Will See Daddy for First Time - - I -i . - ' j - ..; ' U- X, ' - Ur ' 'II ,-yy .-- - .:f & - .r r'- er t - i T unm tf i . 5 -vx ' 1X)NG BEAQI, Calif. Little Robin Coffee, Shears, 10 months old, joyfully hugs ber mothers Mrs. Jeanne Coffee, 21, of Lone Beach, Califs as they receive Ike news their father and husband, Set. Robert J. Coffee wai among the first batch oi PQWs released by the Communists at Panmnnjom. Little Robin has never seen her ' daddy. Mrs. Coffee says her husband" has been a prisoner since i November, 1950. (AP luephoto to The Statesman.) , Sentenced to Life at Age 71; Still Serving Time at 93 MOUNDSVTLLE, W. Va. VPhA life term for murder has turned out to be a long time for a man who entered prison at 71. ,'' i Sun Sturgeon was sentenced ia November, 193a T we n t y-two years later, the gold-toother, be spectacled Negro is still going strong. He is the oldest prisoner in the West Virginia penitentiary here. - v Sturgeon Is philosophical about bis long confinement for a crime he still insists be did not commit , "As long as a man ain't dead, he's in pretty good shape," he says. ' ' - The odd name Sun Sturgeon, is the one on prison records, but he says his real name is Henry Ki il ea id. : : i ' ' Phoenix In 1858 ia : what , was then Arizona Territory. He was a cowpuncher In Arizona, soldier in the Spanish-American War, a North Carolina tobacco worker and coal miner. The - Crime for which be was convicted killing a white man in a fight at Charles ton, was his only run-in with the witness to the fight One of his accusers bow dead, was a woman who actually was in the Charles ton jail ft the time of the fight Sun says. - - r A jury convicted him of first degree murder, but recommeded mercy. That made a life sen tence mandatory. ' Sun has been married twice and The prisoner was born near Sun claims he was simply draws a Spanish-American war Statesman, Salem, OreJ Fridaf, August X353i(Sec C-3 Resp bility onsi PORTLAND m A suit attack, lug the legality of Oregon's new relatives responsibility act was filed In circuit court here j Thurs day. I The law makes children who are financially able contribute to the pension which goes to a daugh ter in North Carolina. Bill Attacked iupport ipf parents receiving publia Issistanca. . .-; 1 ill I The, suit was brought by Ben Blaisdell. Portland, t and Fred M. BlaisdelL Bend, agabist the State Public Welfare Commission. Ad ministrator Loa Howard Mason, Multnomah rounty commissioners, the county clerk and sheriff. 80 More Americans Freed In Korean POW Exchange; Many States Represented MUNSAN m The Uniled Na-! Cpl. Donald B. Disney, Ashland. fions Command official master list of American prisoners of war freed Friday in the Korean armistice POW exchange: j i 1. Cpl. Robert D. Couctt,; Ottawa, Iowa. j I Pvt. Fred Brown, Hbnibeak, Term. ( ' j j PFC. John A. Keen, Naples, Fla. PFC. Leslie E. Scale, olsdta ville, Ind. I PFC. Marshall R. Massey, West Monroe. La. Cpl. Horace E. Field, Hoising ton. Kan. i f , Cpl. James R. Tracy, Escondi do. Calif. II Cpl. Harry C. Copeland, Miincie, Ind. ! 1 Cpl. Raymond E. MilU, West Palm Beach. Fla. Love joy. Pilot IndV SSpan- Dale, Pine Pvt Ronald D Hill, Calif. Cpl. Clifford A. Simmons anapolis. Ind. ' I PFC. Harold M. Dunn. Bskfcins- ille. N. Y. PFC. Thomas R. MurrayBalti more. Md. j ! PFC. Billy L. Rittenberry, Mount Pleasant, Tenn. j 1 Pvt. Edward R. Achee, Detroit, Mich. Is Cpl. Bennie D. Smith, MSerhphis, Tenn. I I Pvt. Clarence J. Raascb Jr.. Cudahy, Wis. Cpl. Howard J. Beadleson, ish Fork. Utah. j Pvt. Joseph G. Paquette, Conn. ! Cpl. Edward Rupple, Johnstown, Colo. Cpl. Paul C. Smithy, MeHans, Tex Pfc. Richard J. Krarnmesj Grove Pa Pfc. Floyd L. Stone, Calvin, N. D i Pfc. Ronald D. Underly, iKala mazoo, Mich. j j Pfc. Harold E. Belden, Pomona. Calif. j j . Pvt. Venson L. Rowe, Columbi ana. Ala. Cpl. Philip 'R. Anderson" Jr., Cornish. Me. j Pfc. Jose R. Ronquillo, Qleridale, Ariz. j J Pfc. James C. Bales, Prestonville, Ky. ! f Pfc. J. D. Martin, Scorgginsl Tex. Pfc. Salomon Padilla, Old MesiUa N. M. ! j Cpl. Jose H. San Nicolas, Sago, Guam. ' Pfc. Olois Prokop, Carteret! N. J. Cpl. Glenn E. Stotts, Gary, Ind. Pfc. Edward Clevenger, R4 1935- 1S55. Med Co.. 35th Rgt 25thf Div. father, Edward E. Clevenger, Rt. 1, Dayton. Ore. Pfc. William J. Skipper, yants Ferry, S. C. Cpl. James H. Dick. Sandstone, W. Va. PFC. Richard Grenier, Holland, Maine Cpl. Joe E-Hamonia Wads worth. Ohio. PFC. William C. Hansen, Island, N. Y. CpL Donald V. Sherrick. CJty. Iowa. - t CpL Harold T. Brown. New! aty j CpL John A. DayisJ St. Gather tnes. Ontario. ' Zacbeus A. Smith Jr., HM 3 Corona, CaliL ' i Pfc. Donald J. Deumas. dington. N.Y. ; Cpl. Donald L. Falconeiri dleboro. Mass. - Pfc. Louis B. Garrett Clarksville, Va. , Pfc. Harry J. Campbell, Lais Veg as. N.M. . . r r-..f Pvt Steve Glowacki, Brooklyn, N.Y. yv t rT . CpL John Ai Wells, San Aatonio, Tex. . - : I Pfc. Leonard Chiarelli, Brtjoi N.Y , hl': --:!.,- 1 j - , Pfc. Walter O. Moore. Statisboro, Ga. ; ; ' . j ' - -I i Pfc. Mervin J. Tuom, RA39S3601I, Co. Ki 19th Rgt. 24th Div.: father, Ky. PFC. Clance Clark. Value, Miss. PFC. Cornelius Canda, Caspiana, La. PFC. J. W. Bowens, St. Louis. Mo. Pvt Nathaniel Booth, Bassfield, Miss. PFC. Theopilua Parris, Hunts ville, Ala.- CpL James H. Collins, Philadel phia, Pa. Cpl. David J. Butler, Bordelon- ville. La. Pvt. Philip J. Anderson, Birm ingham. Ala. Pfc. Harrison West, Gary, Ind. Pfc. Charles B. Bryant Jr., Cin cinnati, Ohio. Pvt. Benjamin D. Tolerson, Oak land. Calif. - Cpl.-Ulysses G. Baugh, .Little Rock, Ark. ; Pfc. Donald C. Stewart Cincin nati. Ohio. I ' ' j CpL James N. Diggs, Annapolis,! Md. Cpl. James Davis, Bradshaw, Md. s ; Pfc. Oliver Yoifng Jr., New Or-1 leans. La. t Cpl. Rodney O. Thomas, Ports- i mouth, Va. i nc. Kooert w. Boya, iawton, Qkla. Pfc. Willie D. Tuckerham, Quit man, La. Pfc. William H. Davis, Hearse. Tex.- Pfc. Hartley B. Bell, Palestine. Tex. Pfc. Donald L. Tinsley. Lexing ton. Va. Cpl. Henry Carwell, Lafayette, i Ala. , Cpl. William H. Cox. Gary. Ind. ! Cpl. Manson M. Johnson, Brook lyn. N.Y. Gali- Long Sioux York USN, Si KiUed, 35 Hurt as Bus, Car Collide HYDRO. Okla. A Greyhound bus and an automobile, rushing the same way down an incline toward a narrow bridge, locked together at dawn near here Thursday and plunged off U. S. Highway 66 into a creek, killing six persons. Thirty-five other injured were taken screaming and moaning from the wreckage. The automobile was pulling a house trailer: The driver was Man uel E. Wilkey, 21. of Springfield. in., who was taking his wife, 3-year-old daughter and their pos sessions home after being dis charged from the Army. Mrs. Wilkey and the child were killed. The husband was seriously injured? Their auto was demolished and their trailer made a shambles. Fifteen of the injured, many in serious condition, lived in Oklaho ma. The ' others came from nine states and Canada. Proved reserves of natural gas in the United States were 199.7 trillion cubic feet jn 1952. oklyn. Matt Tuom. Rt 2. Clatskanie Pvt Franklin E. Barrett, us City. Kan. i CpL J Vernon M. Hennin Cloud,' Minn. ' 1 " Ore Kan . St POISON OAK! Why experiment? Other remedies may possibly cure you, but the additional suf fering is not only unneces- I safy, but also very pcrlnfaL z or quscm: renei, try . ; HOOD'S Poison Oak Lofloa SCHAEFER'S DRUGSTORE Opes Daily, 7:39 AJlt-8 FM. Snnday. 9 A.M. -4 PJkf. : 135 N. Commercial o (LOWEST IP Du U u vv v - - Kj-Jk'frr y A- Reg. Get All These Extrd i Ftatvres At Low Sole Prices! More NoivSkid Safety. Greater Blowout Protection. Lower Cost Per Mile. Lifetime Guarantee. Jl ' - ill lns iilf his - 'r ' - t SIZE 6.00-14 i EXCHANGE JW yovr e4d tire S- ' LI. PUIS TAX For Long, Safe Mileage at Lower Cost (SHAMED MS REG. i j tXCMAMOl ; ' ruts TAX Safe, Guaranteed kptfki m Gtemttei Trt lt$ crca Ysr Ova Tim $ ! I mm C2 O Center & Liberty Phone 2-2491 We Give Penny Saver Stamps - .--.!.? ( - "" :- -.. mm d)(o) 2095 Fairgrounds Rd. - -1420 Sfato Street - - Phone! 3-7455. Phone 3-9582 We Give SXH Green Stamps 1 1; -1 '