The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 06, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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    "'' ll '"I ' : '
Police Prdtect BerllriFood Seekers
Statesman, Salem. Qrew Thartw Aaguat t, 1CS3 1) 3
Radio . and TVf Schedules
400 Apricnltur4
4SS Pets j
mWf !
'17 '
i400 Agriculture
423 Pets
i -
Channel i27
Thursday:: :
rioi-Wlipfi Cookirs?
20:00 Freedom Rings r
11:00 The Big . Payoff
ll:JO-Welcoane Travelers
' 12:00 On Your Account
12:10 Ladies' Choice;
l:&0-Capsule Theatre
1 :i5 Arthur Godirey
1;40-Strike It Rich i
. 2:00 Matinee Theatre .
. aS-r-Search for Tomorrow
3; JO Love or Lue
3:45Toy Maker !
4:00 Howdy Doodj
' 4:10 Kid Magic .
5.00 Range Rider 1
. 5:50 Newspaper of the Air
. 5:45 Time for Beany
.'. 6:00 Candy Theatre .
6; JO Hatin and Fishing
, Newt i .j 1: ..
&3 News Caravan j ;
7:00 Groucho Marx j
7:80 Dragnet I i
&00-rThe Unexpected
! 8:50 Ford Theatre j ;..
8:00 Martin Kane I
' 9:80 Ethel Baxryinore .
10:00 Hollywood Wrestling
11:00 Nite Owl Theatre s
; 12:00 (Approx.) Sign Off
What's Cooklni? 9-S) r- Cookf
show with Barbara Angell.
to freeze cream ; puffs and
eeza. " i! 'i
Matinee Theatre, &0O My
tery;Plane' with Johsf Trent, Mai
3ori Reynolds and Milburn
Stoqe. I :, I
Tfy Maker, 3:45 The old Ge
mani Toymaker brings his tale
of toys to delight the? young of
heart on, this live i children's
'show. i! -j ' '!
, Northwest News Digest, 5:30-
' Features Norm Wallace,1 new
caster with Bill Stout as sports
Pacific Standard limej
SOF-TV-PHP C net 371 FX; Megacycles KOM 111.1; KXX ttj
I Edi tor's eota: Tks Stmteamaa pa saes la good faith tit programs
tnj times as provided by th ral statioas, kat because era mss ths
Mfnsu arc changed wltboat natUlestlon, this newspaper cannot
responslkl f r th asearaey hcrcta.) ; -
Din Wet - i i IDve West
Or. Farm Hit. 1 (Or. ranc Hr.
Hemingway Ij
KOCO Klock!
J IBresk. 3an
! I r- k
Brk. Nook
KOIN Klock
Mom. Newsi i mmekeeper News
Western MelodtaWestern Melod-sFsrm Nw.
Brfc. Nook ii i IBrk. Nook I Brk. Nook"
rjp.D. Orecoa KOIN Klock ' ((COIN Klock
Maetood Nwa Ross News
Country Edit,
yirat Edition
I John L Wllla INews
1M. Acroaskr Bob Garrad
Coca BrWft
rrsinfly Altar
KOCO Klock;
. KGW (
TimninilT i! llim Dandy
ConiumrNm )Vall news
Ttom Old Songs ( Old Sons
Break. Club l! Bteak. qua
KILM . News . j
KOCO Music I If
KGAB Backlenc mil,
KOIN Koadof Liie il
KGW ' News' ; !)
.,,u News I i: Tell Test ? Co-Cola Calng Music "
1 nro RaVs Records Ray's Reeords I Ray's Records Ray's Records
I fgaS RickFeU.! I Back Fence M. (Back Fence M. I Back Fence M.
5Sm MkblK (Perry Mason NorahDrak iBrlghterDay
r im p.Aiiih I Rernold mow I strike men ismxe lucn
MX Chet Huntley i IMorn. Mel.
... M tidies Tsir! Ladies Fair JQueenforDsy (Queen for ry -corn
Rav's Records Ray's Reeords fRay's Records Ray's Records
KaS "ckFeceMJ Back Fence M. BackFencM. Back Fence M.
KGW -Bob Hope I Pays to Marry I Phrase Pays I Second Chance
KEX Whlsperin S&si I Girl Marries Keep's Komeg (Keep's Korner
KSLM Top Trades j
KOCO News : ii
K3AB "Spider-" !
OIN Duncn Mcleod
;GW Noon News ! Is
EEX Psul Harvey !i
tVews 3
JMajor LsgM
Come liea it
Road of Life :
(Noon Edition
KSLM J. Kirkwood: !! Kirkwood
KOCO Msjor Lesgtt j Major League
KOAB -Spider- ii ij -Sp.der"
HOIN Hilltop House u Godfrey
KGW Bckstag Willi! 'Stella Dallas
KXX Kay West h i KayWest
;i I Music I
Major League
Record Room ' Record Boom
Godfrey ,h i jGodfreyii I Godfrey ICurtMassey
Plain Bill ! i'- (Frt. Pg. FarreH ILorenso Jones' IDr.'s Wife
Turn to rriendTurn to Friend ISmr.Bandwgn Smr. Bnndwgn
KSLM Music 1 I i! Music I (News IMusle
KOCO Magic Melody (Magic Melody (Magic Melody (Magic Melody
KGAB J Dandy Show U Dandy Show I j. Dandy Show IJ. Dandy Show
AOIN . Wizard of Cktds iRutnAsBton
Travellers i i! I Travellers
Know Ur Newi I Afternoon
KSLM Fulton Lewat I Hemtnrwav - Curt Masse I im Hayes
KOCO Musie U Want Musie U Want IMusic U Want IMusic U Want
KGAB Kids' Corner ii t Music Mart Music Mart MusiaMart
KOIN , KirkhamNews I Rosemary j , Kirkham News KirkhamNews
KGW Life Beautiful star Tim IMusic Box Art Baker 4:59
This Is Oregon: Squirrel Cag
Sft.Preston h
Tune lime h
Traffic Jamfc.
Murrow i
Bill Stern j
Happy Timet
iSgLPressoa ,
iGuestSGar ;
(Traffic Jsmb.
i.News - -f
(News Hour ,
I Virgil Pinkley
Gab. Heatef
Candlelirht I
Supper Club
N.W. N
Supper Club
American Wy
American Way
1 Relax Masic
IHoro CmtHMI
Relax SI u sic;
KSLM Cisco Kid I ! ICiacoKJd IMusic IMusic
KOCO Roaary if (Stars Sing (Bandstand j Bandstand
KGAB Music I j! (Musie 8 : (Sign Off I t ,
KOIN Meet Mimd ! (Meet MtUi - Lowl Thorn. Fsm.! Skeleton
KGW Ploh Edwards I Ralph Edwards 'First Nighter First Nighter
KCX Stars f Spac iStars of Space (Heritage Heritage
Crime Fsatr
Dugout Dope
J. Mercer f
- Crime Fthtrs
IBasebalf .
J. Meroer '
I Man's family
Work Mrwi
Symphonetias 1 ISymphohette
KSLM ilea Hardy !i irslfcm Uwa
KOCO Baseball '4- I Baseball
KOIN Dane Oreh j Dance Orch. ;
KGW Dad Kws? j DtdKntwi i
KEX Cor. Gr. 0ri Coc Gg. Or.
Behind Story )i
Baseball $ it
Civ str Final
'oorter ;
Final EdiOea
INewsr " ,"
Night New
U and World
fSoorta Pinai
D- -c y- j
Crime riles!
Night Song
. News - if
Dane Tim
(XTuslc 1 n
Night Song s ,
udusie 3 -.
Lwsn McCaU
JDanc Tim
m (OW
KOAC 550 kc. 10:OS News At Weather:
10:15 Especially for Women: 10:45
Story Time; 11:00 Concert Hall; 1J0
News r Weather: uajS: p.m. Noon
Farm Hour; .-OS 'Ride-i 'em Cow
boy; 1:1S Bill Scott. Forest Range:
130 Your Navy 1 Show; : -1
Radio Bookshelf: 2 Living and
Learning; . 1:13 Hawaiian Holiday:
Z-ja Memory Book of Music: 3.-S0
. Oregon Reporter; 3:1S Musie or Mas
- ters; 4M Bsllad Hunter: 4:13 On
reporter and commentator. Cross
country news and weather round
up- by Wallace local ana live,
Newspaper ef the Air, 5:40
Features Bill Clayton with local
news and news photographs
local and live. . -.
) Iluntinf and FUhing News, 6:30
-.-Local, , live program leaturxng
Rudy Lacbenmeier.
I Dragnet, 7:30 A case 6( double
manslaughter : develops from a
hit-and-run accident Friday ana
Smith investigate the death of
two t elderly women; r and -the
probe leads, to a teen-ager. '
The Unexpected, frOO-r-'TMerry
Go-Round" is the story of an
obscure Parisian painter in love
with-a shallow, greedy girL Thk
love leads, to robbery and murder
( Ford Theatre, 8:30 "Sunk is
the story of a South Seas trader
determined to save his nephev
whose drinking habits are ruin-;
nrff his health and marriage. Star.
Charles Bickford and Kevin Me-j
Carthy with Lisa Howard. 4
Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 9:30
"Dear Miss Lovelace star
Anita Louise with Tom Browr
The editor of a broken heart
column gets mixed up with gang
sters and counterfeiters when sh
visits in person the author of
pleading letter. : ;
Wrestling from Hollywood
10:00 Danny Savich vs. Fret
Blassie. In the Main Event, Baro.
Leone meets "The Champ. Pax
endak. :
Nite Owl Theatre, 11:00 "Sign
of the Wolf with Michael Whale
and Grace BradL
9:30 What's Cooking
11:00 The Big Payoff
11:30 Welcome Travelers
12:00 On Your Account
12:30 Ladies Choice
1:00 Double or Nothing
1:30 Strike It Rich
2:00 Matinee Theater,
3:15 Search for Tomorrow
3:30 Love of Life
3:45 Toy Maker :
4:00 Terry The Pirates
Oil 17S. ow Sis,
March Tim
World News
IBrk. Nook
(Dave West
Dave Wert
Ore. Farm Hr. I Or, rarm Hr.
Break. Gsis?
(Brk. Nook
Wews ,
(Brk. Nook
H. Babbitt
Knox Manning
Hrren of Rest (Raven ef Rest :
KOCO Klock World News
lm DandT Ulm Uandr
IHelen Trent (Gal Sunday, :
I Music Box I Music Box ;
IBrcaK. Club Break.: Club
Commentary I Pastors Call I Bargn. Counter
Music i ' Piano Patterns Dinah Shore
Backlence mat IBackfenc mat IBackfenc mat.
Ma Perkins ; Dr. Malone Guiding light
Meredith Wlsn I Was Commie (I Was Commie
Stars ot tToday I Oble. or Nothin I Dbl. or Nothin
; Tru Story ITru Story
13ay SO's
Major League
House Psrty
1 Pepper Young
ISam Hayes
I Music
Major League
House Party
Happiness .
The Todds
I Lucky a Ranch I Lucky u Ranch
Major Leagu I Major leagu ;
"Spider" ISpider", .
Godfrey Godfrey
Widder Brown Woman In Hse.
KayWes KayWcst
I Music ' 1 . I Better Shopper
i Magic Melody I Magic Melody
Record Room Accord Room
isiory s b ijb ixuneruy yours
' I Dare Garrway
Ed. Forth Girls
if or uw um
Squirrel cage i moor Tim
(Wonderful City Wonderful City
Music fSongtoRemembr
Supper Club (Supper Club
World Today tGoss. News
T. UMcCaU (Peterson
Cht Huntley' lB.Grrd
(Silver Serenade I -m Bayes
INews 88 Keys
ISupper Club iSupper dub
Elec. Plsyhs. j FJec. Playhs
I Eddie Cantor I Eddie Cantor
' ood Listening 3ood Listening
Music '
j Baseball
(Geo. Fisher
Rov Rosers
Dance Ore h.
IRovHoeers ;
(Mike Malloy
Music : Musle
(Baseball . IBaseboTl
' On Stage (On Stage -
iIWasCiMnmie II Wastummte
IMaUcall musie Mail call music
vv Ve
Night Song '
I Record Show
Bob A Ray
.'Dane Tim :
Crime Files ;
Night Song
j Record Show
I Bob St Ray -Dance
I Musle
(Night Song :
Musie '
I City Council :
I Dane Tun
(Night Sons
Music 1
tClty Council
The Upbeat-, 4S5 News 1 Commen
tary: 9:00 Children's'' Theater; t0
Jerry of the Circus; 1.-45 Programs
from UNESCO: S:00 Th News and
Weather: S15 Library of Congress;
C 30 . Headline of Chemistry; :45 '
waits es of th World: l0 Report
From Washington; T :1S Evening Farm
Hour: 1:00 Great Plays - Drama tie
Adaptations: S30 Concert Encores:
:44 The News and Weather; S.-oa
Music that Endures; 9 '55 News and
Wathert ISM Sign Off,
; . i t " 1 . . j- i. .
5:00Cisco Ed
5:30 Northwest Digest '
- 3:404-Newspaper of the Air
5:45 Time for Beany
6:004-Sports Reel
60-t-It Happened In Sports
6:45News Caravan
7:004-Gene Autry - , '
7:30-UYou Asked For It " ;
8:004Doorway To Danger
8:30-pThe Goldbergs
9:00 Chance of a Lifetime
: 9:30 Bob Consldine
9:45 Vest Pocket Theater ' '
10:004-Live Portland Wrestling.
11:00 Madison Square Garden
11:15 Mite Owl Theater
12:00 (Approx.) Sign Off.
What's Coskimx? 9:30 Cooking
show with Barbara AngelL How to
freeze chicken a la king and
Matinee Theater, 2:00 "Port of
Missing Gin" with Judith Allen.
Harry Carey and Betty Comp
son. riy . - - .. ' ;
Toymaker, 3:45 the old Ger
man Toymaker brings you tales of
toys to delight the young of heart
on this ; live children's show . . .
Cisco !S Kid, 5:00 Cisco Inter
venes to prevent a killing of the
owner of the general store. A
hired gunman is killed Instead.
Northwest News Digest, 5:30
Features . Norman 'Wallace as
newscaster with Bill Stout as
sports reporter and commentator.
Cross-country news and' weather
round-up by Wallace. Local and
live. !,
Newspaper Of the Air, 5:30
Features Bill Clayton with local
news and photographs. Local and
live. j
It Happened in Sports, 6:3.0
Dramatic story of an outstanding
occasion or personality in sports.
Bud Palmer is host; Lou Little,
Columbia U. Football coach, is
guest f
You Asked for It, 7:30 The in
ventor of "Panfrish a new
world lansuase appears in dem
onstration of the phonetic langu-j
age. Also featured will be: Steve
Clensos, studio make-up artist
showing technique and a head-on
collision by two daredevil drivers.
Doorway te Danger, 8:00 Ag
ent Carter almost loses his life
when he calls oh old friends while
his plane is grounded in Ger
many. A neo-Nazi ring is exposed.
The Goldbergs, 8:30 Molly be
comes a Jady of leisure when
her wealthy cousin goes to Eu
rope for a month and leaves his
servants with the Goldbergs.
Wrestling, 10:00 Local, live,
remote i telecast originating from
Portland's Armory. . ;
Nite I Owl Theater, 11:15
"Doomed to Die," with Boris Kar
loff. Marjorie Reynolds and Grant
More TV Sets
Than Bathtubs
cago area now has more tele
vision sets in use than home tele
phones or bathtubs.
W. C Johnson, vice president
sales of Admiral Corporation dis
closed the latest TV census show
ed 1,360,000 receivers in use in
the Chicago viewing area.
There are 1.320.000 telephones
in homes here, according to Illi
nois Bell Telephone Company.
The Census Bureau lists 1,260,000
bathtubs presumably in use in
the area. . '
Johnson said that in many
cities which have had television
for at least five years the, num
ber of sets is now greater than
the total of telephones. As ex
amples he cited Los Angeles,
Philadephia, St Louis, Cleveland
and Boston.
. More than 6 million TV sets
were sold last year compared
with 175,000 in 1047, the first full
year of commercial telecasting,
the Admiral . executive pointed
out He said the first set made
by his company, cost 870 per cent
more than a current model, "
Arctic Circle
Favorite Spot
For Vacations
people are visiting Lapland and
the ' Arctic Circle this year that
the Swedish State Railways have
scheduled two extra Sunlit Nights
Land Cruises in addition to the
three earlier planned.
The cruises, which cost $304
(or the equivalent in Swedish
currency), take a maximum of 48
passengers on an eight-day dux
ury train 4rip. through the main
beauty spots of Central and
Northern Sweden, Lapland and to
Narvik! in Northern Norway. '
Passengers on the first cruise
in mid-June were astonished to
find Lapland sweltering in a heat
wave, with temperatures in the
eighties ' several hundred ' miles
within the Arctic Circle.
r.loforola Radios
- '.: ;i. . Portables
e For
Aatomobiles '
Complete line
ef Television
Factory Anthorixed
Sales and Service
USA State St Ph. 3-7577
.5 f
I ;
BERLIN West Berlin police and riot squad tracks sUnd guard eatside a food dlatrttetion sUtion In
the Nenkoellea district ef the American sector after East Berlin Communists stared an h.
staUea. In the background an
ers to prevent the dlstrlbaUon.
Ucu York Sioch Qaoialions
Admiral Corporation 17 V
Allied Chemical I 68 H
Allis Chalmers 47 H
American Airlines ' 134
American Power & Light
American TeL k TeL 155
Anaconda Copper 33
Betblehe mSteel ' S3
Boeing Airplane Company 41
Borg Warner 73 V
Burroughs Adding Machine 14
California; Packing 34
Canadian Pacific 26 K
Caterpillar Tractor j S3
Ceianese Corporation -i. 25 H
Chrysler Corporation 73
Cities Service S3 V
Consolidated Edison 39
Consolidated Vultee IS
Crown ZeDerbach 29
Curtiss Wright 7
Douglas; Aircraft ; 66
du Pont de Nemours 98
Eastman Kodak 43
Emerson Radio 12
General; Electric 73
General Foods 55
General Motors 60
Georgia; Pacific Plywood : 13
Goodyear Tire 50
Homestake Mining Company 37
International Harvester 28
Johns M&nville 63
Kaiser Aluminum 27
Kennecdtt Copper 64
Libby, McNeill - ;
Salem Market
(As of lata yesterday)
Premium .
No. 1
No. S ; ,, ,
KGGS CBaytnt) 1
( Wholesale prices rang from S
to 7 cents over buying price)
Largs AA , . , ... ,,
Large A
Medium AA
Medium A
Colored Hens .
Leghorn Hens .
Colored Fryers
Old Roosters
Roasters l
Stock Market
Fairly Stable
NEW YORK CPThe stock mar
ket Wednesday went through :its
second day of adjustment after
four successive advances,' and it
gave a good account of itself.
On balance the market was a
shade higher at the close but the
enure list displayed considerable
irregularity. ;
The Associated Press average of
60 stocks held unchanged at $109.00.
It was down 20 cents Tuesday. "The
industrial component of the aver
age was down 40 cents with a large
portion of that amount .represented
by stocks selling ex-dividend. The
railroad component gained 40 cents
after being down 30 cents, at noon.
The utilities were up 10 cents. "
There were 482 gainers and 334
losers in the list of 1,073 issues on
the tape. During the day 22 new
highs and 10 new lows were re
corded. , I
Volume came to 1.080,000 shares.
That compares with a million
shares traded Tuesday when the
market was falling.
salable 300, market uneven; fed
steers steady, other classes low.
weak to 50 tower with bolls 50-1.00
off; two loads choice 1,005-1,092 lb
Canadian medium fed steers 25.00
with short load 1,270 lbs 24.00; few
utility and commercial grass steers
14.00-13.00: utility and commercial
grades 11.00-17.00; canner and cut
ter cows mostly 7.00-3.50, few 9.00;
few utility cows 10.00-11.00; load
young commercial cows 13.00; cut
ter and utility bulls 11.00-15.00; few
commercial, bulls 16.00. j
Calves salable Sti market slow.
about steady;' good-choice vealers
13.00-21.00; few prime 21.50-22.00;
utility and commercial 12.00-1S.00.
Hogs salable 300,: holdovers 250;
fe early sales around 50 lower but
market Later virtually at standstill
with most bids 1.00 or mare lower";
few choice one and two butchers
190-210 lbs 28.00; most; bids on
choke 130-215 lb weights below
25.50; few choice 170 lbs 25.00; part
load choice 284 lbs sows 21.23 ;
heavier weights mostly unsold; .
- Sheep salable 500, market slow;
few sales steady; 'choice prime
spring Iambs 20.00 - 20.50; good
choice lot 13,00-19-0; few good
feeders 15.00; good yearlings 14.00;
few utility and good slaughter ewes
2.00-4.0- '
Portland Livestock
' - . ... r -
orderly line of applicants wait for -
wow m ttv uiua
(AP WJrephoto via radio from
Lockheed Aircraft . 22
Loew's Incorporated 12
Long Bell A
Montgomery Ward - 80 V
Nash Kelvinator 20
New York Central 24 to
Northern Pacific ' 68
Pacific American Fish 10
Pacific Gas 4 Electric 38
Pacific Tel. ft TeL 114
Packard Motor Car . 4 Vs
Penney (J. C.) Co. To 4
Pennsylvania Railroad 21
Pepsi cola Co. , 14
PhllCO Radio 22
Radio Corporation 25
Rayonier Incorp. 26
Kayonier Incorp,; Pfd 31
Republic Steel 49
Reynolds Metals 50 h
Richfield Oil 56 Vt
aaieway stores Inc. 33
scott Paper Company 63 Vt
Sears Roebuck ft Co. 58 v4
Socony-Vacuum Oil - 35 6
Southern Pacific 45 Vs
Standard Oil California 53
Standard Oil N. j. 73
Studebaker Corporation 31
bunshine Mining &
Swift ft Company 39
rransamenca Corporation 27
Twenuetn Century Fox 17
Union Oil Company 42
union Pacific 107
united Airlines 26
united Aircraft 38
united Corporation s
united States Plywood 23 H
united States Steel 38
warner Pictures 11 Vt
western Union Tel 46 i
westinghouse Air Brake 25 H
Westinghouse Electric 44
Woolworth Company ' ; 44
Portland Produce
PORTLAND Uh Butterfat
Tentative, subject to immediate
change Premium quality, maxi
mum to .35 to one per cent acidity,
delivered in Portland. 68-71 c lb:
first quality 66-69c; second qualify
63-66C. valley routes and country
points 2 cents less.
Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk
cubes to wholesalers Grade AA,
93 score, 66c B; 92 score, 65c; B,
90 score, 63c; C, 89 score. 60c.
CheeseSelling price to Portland
wholesalers Oregon singles, 42
45c lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf 48 -50 VtC
Eggs To wholesalers Candled
eggs containing no loss, cases in
cluded, f.o.b. Portland A large,
67H-68H; A medium 65-66tt;
A small 47 Vi-48 Vi; B grade, large,
Eggs To retailers Grade AA.
large, 74c; A large, 69-70c; AA
medium, 69c; A medium, 67-68c:
A smalL nominally 51-52c. Cartons
3 cents additional.
Live chickens No. 1 quality.
f.o.b. plants Fryers, 2-3 lbs,
31c, 3-4 lbs, 31c; roasters, 4 lbs,
up. 31c: heavy hens, all weights.
2041c; light hens, all weights, 19c;
old roosters 15-I8c
Rabbits Average to growers-
Live white, 4-5 lbs, 20-23c. 5-6 lbs,
13-22C; old does, 10-12c, few higher.
Fresh dressed fryers to retailers,
Wholesale dressed meats:
Beef Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs,
41.00-44.00; good. 37.00-42.00; com
mercial, 30.00-37.00; utility, 26.00
32.00; commercial cows 23.00-27.00;
utility, 22.0-26.00; canners-cutters,
Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind
quarters, 53.00-57.00; rounds, 50.00;
57.00; I full, loins, trimmed, 70.00-
78.00; triangles, 28.00-33.00; fore
quarters, 30.00-35.00; chucks, 35.00
38.00; ribs. 49.00-53.00.
Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12 lbs.
58.00-62.00; shoulders, 16 lbs, 38.00
43.00; spareribs, 52.00-55.00; i fresh
hamsj 10-14 lbs. 63.00-66.00.
Veal and calves Good-choice, all
weights, 33.00-40.00; commercial,
Lambs Choice-prime, 41.00-44.00;
good 39.00-44.00. '
Wool Grease basis, Willamette
Valley medium, 50-52c lb; Eastern
Oregon fine and half blood, S5-62c;
Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42c;
12-month wooL'45-50c
Country-dressed meats, f. o. b.
Beef Cows, utility 24-26c lb;
canners-cutters. 19-21c; shells down
to 15c . I
Veal Top quality, lightweight.
30-32c; rough heavies. 24-28c;
HogsLean blockers, 36-38c lb;
sows, light, 32-33C ! -
Lambs Best. 38-40c va. v
Mutton Best. 12-1 4c lb; cull-
utility, t-ioc i
Fresh Produce: . f .
Onions Calif. White Globe, 3-5-
SJSOi 50 lb sacks of Wash. Yellows,
med. LS0-L75; Ige., L25-1.40. '
Potatoes - Local Triumpha, lugs.
1.50-1.75; Boardman Long Whites.
No. 1A. 2.00-2.23; No. 2, 50-lb sack
80-85; CaliL Long Whites. No. 1.
-50-2.75: special marks 3-S.r v
Hav-U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa
29.00-30.00, delivered car and truck
lota, f .ojl Portland and Seattle, i
- P " - "
distribution of the American food
cmiui mj ijmmnwiit gym na t Hi.
Berlin to The Statesman.) ,
Wheat Gains
Cent or More
CHICAGO IR A late rally lifter!
trade Wednesday and left it with
gains of a cent or mora. Other ce
reals recouped with wheat J
Brokers attributed the rally al
most entirely to short covering
upon the part of local traders.
News the Agriculture Department
had relaxed its requirements for
price support loans on wheat dam
aged by rust came after the market
Wheat closed 1 to 1 higher,
corn H lower to higher, oats un
changed to H higher, rya 1H to 2
cents higher, soybeans to 1 cent
higher and lard 13 to 50 cents a
hundred pounds higher.
Portland Grain i
- m am
PORTLAND HI Wheat (bid)
to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk,
delivered coast: Soft White 21;
Soft White (excluding Rex) 2-1;
White Club 2.21.
Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 21;
10 per cent 2.21; 11 per cent 23;
12 per cent 2.23.
Hard White Baart: Ordinary
2.23; 10 per cent 2.23; 11 per cent
2.23; 1? per cent 2-3.
Today's car receipts: wheat 7;
barley 1; corn 1; oats l; mill feed
Kenneth Cross, at a local hospital.
""-, vn ag ox xour years.
Survived by mother. Kay Cross, and
jjr iMrents, aar. ana Mrs. George
Williams, an of Salem. Services wiU
om ncia s-naay, Aug. 7. at a o
jjn. in
th HoweU-ds
HoweU-Edwsrds Chanel with
private interment
mortal Park.
at Belcrest Me-
James M. yianrdgan. fate resident
of Portland. In this city Aug. S. An
nouncement ef services will b mad
later by th W, T. Rlgdoa Co.
,.Earn.,f, M" Glvens. 1st resident of
1810 WsUer St.. at a local hospital
Aug. 3. Survived by wife. Mrs. Pearl
pivens. Salem; daughter. Mrs. Wilms
Stephens. Springfield. Or.; son. Earl
Given. Salem: brother, Levi Giv
en Pea Rid re. Ark t Grand
daughters, and three grandsons. Serv
lees win b held Thurpdsy, Au. .
In the Clough-Banick ChapeL th
Rev. Brooks Moor officiating, with
interment at City View Cemetery.
Mrs. Addle Man nine, lata eeritn
ot 1080 Xrlxon St. Survived by a
daughter-in-law. Mrs. Violet E. Staf
ford, and brother. George Rite hey.
Gervais ; and three itiwhiMr.n
Wsrd Mann Ins. Gervala. Prarla wm(
and Merle Ramp, Brooks, Or. Serv
ices win be held Fridsv. Aus. 7. at
10 P a. In the W. T. Rlrtinn rtun.1
with Interment at Pioneer Cemetery
In Brooks.
Mrs. Cecilia Olmsted, at th -.1
dence. 1153 ColonUl Ave, Survived
by husband. Reuben Olmsted, and
son. Louis Olmsted, both, of Salem:
brothers Earl Petit, Oregon City,
and Otto Petit, Port Angeles. Wash.:
grandchildren. Mrs. Mary Word en
and Leonard Olmsted, both of Sa
lem: Mrs. Marruerite Merah. Mo.
Mlnnville: Lawrence Olmsted. Camp
o, vim, a a on great
grandchild. Services will be held
Friday. Aug. 7. at 10 o m. in t
Clough-Barrick chapel. Interment
wui be at th Pioneer (IOOD Ceme
tery. PAULS
William P. Pauls, late reairfent n
170 8. 14th St, in this city July 31.
Survived by sisters. Miss Gladys M.
rams . saiem. Mrs. Grace Steurer.
Escondido, Calif., brothers. Otto
Pauls. Prlncvil. Charlea Pauls. Cul
ver. Shipment has been mad by th
Clough-Barrick Co. to Redmond for
services at Powell Butte Communi
ty Christian Church Thursday, Aug.
. at S pjn. i )
SPTLV-R T . '.
Gertrude Soilver. lata a
Medford. in this city Aug. S. Ship-'
ment will be made to Medford for
services end Interment by the W. T.
Rigdon Co.
Th above vehicles are offered 4
and "where Is." Prospective bidders
and inspect the abov eauiomcnt at
Shops, 2600 8 tat St, Salem, Oregon from S A.M. P.T. August S
until 10 AM., P3.T- August 13. daily except Saturday and Sunday.
., . ... .
A certified check or
bank draft
bid will be reauired. Bids w4U net
provided by the Forestry DepC
1 only 194S Ford Tudor
1 only 1S47 Ford Tudor
I only 194T Chev. coup
only 1M7 Fora Coup
1 only 1947 Chev. Coup
only 147 CM, coup
1 only 14 Ford V, T. Pickup
t only 14S Ford T. Pickup ,
1 only 194S Ford T. Pickup
1 only IMS Ford ,i T. Pickup
1 only 1M7 Dodce IT 4x4
1 only 14 Chev. IT Pickup
1 only 1347 Ford Va T. Pickup
1 only 1S47 Ford ,, T. Pickup
1 only 1S47 Ford is T. Pickup ;
1 only 1947 Chev. ,i T. Pickup
1 only !947 Chev. a T. Pickup j
1 only 1947 Chev. Is T. Pickup 1 s ",
1 only 1947 Chev. s t. Pickup- ; !
1 only 1947 Ford la T. Pickup
1 only 1947 Chev. T. Pickup
1 only 1947 Chev. J T. Pickup
1 only 194S Chev. T. Pickup
1 only 19:iS CMC S T. Stak Truck
1 only 183 Ford ll T4 Truck
Parralreet Breeders
- j ;-! ; -j . . I i ' : '
Buy now for Christmas trade. Thes birds rare brtd. not aviary bred.
Trained lor cage breeding. Proven cocks and hensis months and olden
Normals Rare Yellow fact blues.
I -
Clnamoa Yellow AustrsMsn grey.
' i i
Creen-Blu Opalines. While flighted
No Bargslns. .... !"'
All or part, Complete avtiry Includes bird, cages, wire 'flights.;
When answering ad leave! your phone No. Shown
Aug. a. a. to. or writs aox os.
Stocks and Bonds
Cssnpllsd by Tb Associated Press
Ask. S
20 10 110 j 10
rails indusi. Iitil. ! f gn,
Net chsng uncti unclt Sch A .1
Wednesday t S Mi M l I TtJ
Previous day . M S B5.S M S 79 J
Ulut..a. . AM al sVl tk I
TTCCft 9 aaa9 ' WiMm w.V f - 9W.W
Month ago Hi SS.S 3J ;
Year ago
'ToCK AVtA!c
1 so
lndutt rails
Net chans
OA A. 4
A .1 unch
13.3 109.0
S3- 10s 0
I2.S ; 104 J
Wednesday 141.1
83 1
Previous day 141.S
Week ago lJ8fl
Month agd 139.S
Year ago 1UJ
M S : 101
S3- ; 10SJ
i Howard E . Olsen. and other, on th
flMt Am t Juiu: 1SS3. fil d a netla
tion with th city recorder Initiating
A tract of land situated in section
12. Township V South, Asng. S
West of th Willamette Meridian,
in Marlon County, Oregon; and ;
bounded on th West by t e X ast- i
erly right ot way 11ns f the
Pacific Highway (U.S. 90X; on
th Kast by th Westerly line of
Block 1 ef Northgst Addition. ;
as shown by th Amended Plat :
thereof: on th North by th west- j'
erly protection ef th North Bne
of said Block 1 as shown by said :
Amended Plat; and on the South 1
by th direct Westerly prelection
of th South line ef said Block 1. i
Northgate, as shown by said
Amended Plat; f
for th reason that such street la
not used by the public and It was
not Intended to aedlcaU th asm
for public use. th dedication having
been mad by mlstak. and that it
would b beneficial to vacate said
street, ana iner is no neea or neces
sity of retaining th same for public
use. s
Th Common Council of th city
of Salem has fixed th I4tii dsy ef
September, 1853. at the hour ef I'M
o'clock p.m-. as the time, and the
council chambers la th city hall
In Salem, Oregon, as th place for
hearing said proceedings and any
and all objections and remonstrances
to the proposed vacation. Objections
to such vacation. If any there be,
should be made la writing and filed
withjth city recorder el said city
prior to the time of th 1 hearing.'
COUNCIL,. July 17. 1953. L ' - 1
ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder
Notice) Is hereby given there being
funds en hand applicable to th pay-
ment thereof.
the City
Marlon County, Oregon has elected
to call for redemption en; Septem
ber 15. 1853. th following ' enumer
ated "City ef Sslem Improvement
Bonds Issue of 1850-B. Xim. 11. to
87 inclusive. . '
Holders ef these bonds win pre
sent them for payment at the ofice
ef tb City Treasurer, ss interest
will cease after September 13, 1933.
City Treasurer Au.S.13-0
300 Personal
312 Lost and Found
LOST: Boston Bull Terrier. Black
.U whH. aM Ph S.T91S.
DROPP-D from billfold down town
Salem, on twenty and two ten
dollar bills, folded together. Re
wsrd for return. Phone Green 23,
. . . A s a. -Ia e sisal
as iv. J-a. iJJJt v a w w .
OSTTBlsck Cocker Spaniel. S mot
vicinity esu e ncnooi. mow -v
2-71 M
LOST: Blue parakett. Vicinity of
Vista or Prlngle Rd. Phon 3-2730
LOST: Black calfskin purse.' Vicinity
. ef Court, between tta ana sin. nm-
wsrd. Phone 2-159. ,
LfiST: Bulova wrist watch In
near Senator HoUl Saturday night.
Ph. Stayton 4334. Reward.
314 Troaaportoliori
. sengers to corvau is oaiiy. r-none
' S-U28. . !..,'
318 Personal
vat investigation. 13 Pacific BMg.
Phon 4-2248. . U i -
Fcctltch & Burn?
Strips will stop it Instantly. No
drugs, money back guarsntee. K. r.
Freaiuna Mfg. co. m .- boo
kane St.. Portland 2. Oregon. $1 00
URS. MALONE pleaaebring Ray
mond home. Chung poy Lee.
MRS. JKAN. "Psychic reader teHs
your past, present, future, can
pel's 1 overcome all obstacles that
keep you from success, health and
nappiness. up top atoiei, sasu b.
Commercial My. Wt Apt. 1.
L 20SS N. CommerdaL PboB 2-4M1S
or 3-4337. P. O. BOS 724.
400 Ajrri culture
402 Uwestock
TWO costs, freshen sny dsy. Also
several hois tern Ac Guernsey oprui-
rer neuers. n-ien.
FOR SALE: 2 year old re1s
Ramney buck. Reasonable. Ed IJra-
srer. Rt. 4. Box 850. Phon 3-3804.
YEARLING Guernsey heifer from
food milk stock. S83. 135S Hoi gate
U Keizer District, on block ett
Candlewood Dr.
SALE s 1 ?
or sale to th highest bidder "as Is"
are requested to obtain bid form
the Oregon Stat Board of Forestry
la the amount ef lo of total
be , cock sidered unless on th form
Motor No. S9A-11S4K1S
Motor No. 799A-149707S
Motor No. EAA-330341
Motor N. 799A-l2ia
Motor No. EAA-S92.157 .
Motor No. EAA-4777JS ' !
Motor No. S9Y-S-M5
Motor No. S90C-1OO142O
Motor No. S99Y.1&4&0
Motor No. 99C-1374S23
Motor No. T137-1304
Motor No. ADCA-84S9X2
Motor No. VC-14777S7 ,
Motor No. 199C-145893S
Meter No. 79Y-145s07
Motor No. EBA-1787M
Motor No. EBA-178723 . ,
Motor No. SBA-315AS1
Motor No. AECA-37619t ,
Motor NO. T99C-19T7034
Motor No. EBA-487729
Motor No. EBA-4r7Cl '
Motor No. FBA.3A334
Motor No 12SS2UO j
Motor Ma S9T.73M
Aug. S..S. T. ,
Type 1.
Wr sppoinxmenv only
I I'-; .lii "
co nut-esmsn.
402 Liveitocl
FOR SALE, good ;f amily cow.
Hampden I nv. !
PURE bred Jersey., Heavy producer.
I s r -ir--
Phony S-131B.1t I ' .
Bonded vi-tobr buyer." . C
McCndHh. 1P7 S. 75th. Ph. 3-S147.
BON-ED lve,to7kBuyer. a;"" F.
Somratr, 1364 Harmony Dr. ; Ph.
r 4-2617. . j I
iiONJ-i'IJv4-.-k Uyer. tiu6m
.Edsrds. Rt 1 Box Ph. 4-1113.
EKtNaJuO su4 bwdeTvestock
buyer. E. L Snethen, 163 Kenwood
Av. Phone S 1341 .
WANTED, fresl and springer dairy
rows. A. F. Snmr, ilea Harmony
Dr. Phon 4-17
LbCXm ETHereord,Slc; locVer
pork 43c Nothing down, montha
to pay. CustorsJ kling. Trailer loan-
v edfre. Sal-m Meat Co. 1333 S.
23th. Ph. 3-4S&, ( ..
i6i Poultry end Robbite
if I. ' FRTERs, I J lbs. and over.
jrulss south, I. mil wast ef Pert
Annex R. ZMUj Rt. n i.
Also small and large feeders and
. waterers. Metal nests. Electric
brooder. AXtei I psti. 1680 S. Sum
mer. j i
W33 are batchiag New Hampsaires.
Golden Broads, and Arbor acre
Whit Rocks Jevery week.. Special
prices to year-round fryer growers.
Fox Hstcheryi 3M Stat SL Phon
. 4 . .
CUSTOM JWnl. fowl of any Lino:
Ph. 4-3-4. NfweU's Poultry Plant.
Kin days a Week. Rt. a, Beat 109.
Sslem. i i
SA1TS wanted." any sis and Quan
tity. Also purebred brsedlnf stock
lor sal. Pb, S710L , p.
403 Pets
WANT D horns!
tot small brown St
do. Owners lesv-
wnii zemsicj cot.
Inf town. PhJS-f70.
AIR DALE fotj aala , Royally bred.
iuiiy ootorea. inre j month
Jlwppie- Mrs. Jck Eyerly, ph."
-f6tBH toh4 has'
eight sons for ' ,.,
' "
sale! Ph 1 :
Um.rin.r nunnl.. . r
C mnlan atdk-kr. k U.i.. v . -
choice. $es.06d; Wonderful hunters. '
30l rreTirei AV.
HALE PekinesiTyear old. lot "saiel
. ea a. summer, t r
. -olden Cotkesr, months, fsmal
ama1 .
. "v. Williams Ave.
UolLywood aJa!OTL liil
CHAMJPTCNTjrsJ boxer puppies.. Evi
ery pup a potential champion.
Moore'a Tropical fish, equipment.
Goldfish, pa rake. 3 miles from
Lancaster enjMaeleay Road. Phone
- fr?7,"-"0" ?" Wednesdsys.
CANARIES, pAtskeeta. ceevaninvi.
33 aellvu Sb Ph. 4-UK7.
Is end Plants
412 Fruit and Farm Prod"
20-!W fs. 9oi-oj for f 8. Phon S-0I45.
Peaches. Tree rip. Slsppy Soon
followed by Sed Elberta and J. H.
Hal. Moses . Adam. 1370 Wallace
RJ. Phonet S4-5U.
yoOfCK ireJ-rispberrles. 15a" lb.
Phone 4-oeog t i - 'j
POTATO-STTOrg-niciily " grown on
our farm. Bed pr Whit. Pickling
cukes soori. Van ripened torn s toes,
-ast week n ! Apricots. Phillips
Bros. Farm Marie t. S590 Portland
Rd. Ph. 3-4SU. 1
BOVSNS-R tl-Piclt. id IbT
Geo. Chrn tedferson. RU 1. Box
130B. Brooks. jm Jsck Bsrtlet farm.
TTPICK pie cherries. Sc. 1 mile west
Keizer schoo Follow signs. Hoff-
mmUttltiiCi pie cherries deliv
' ered, lc ?b. . yt. Hsnns. 3-1077. .
FOR SAl : Good oats and vetch Kay.
- Must sell. Mjk offer. L. B. Van
. Dyke. Phonatj 4-4331. Across ' from
Mcciesy ator
GOOD quality
ew spuds. S3 per 155T
Phone J l
tl-PlCK boysettberrles. 16c. 6. Kistel,
Rt. 4 Box 64.
BLUB IK & for sale. James
Bright. 1010 South Pacific Highwsy,
, wnoawnij fgone 3-H8ZZ.
"TREE rip! W. 1 ! THton apricots
from th' Dalles. I PuriUn Cider
Works. 7lT Edgewster. Phon
2-7614. ,. j - , 1
66n aUalia J hay.' ! 25 tons. Vera
McGowan.) Mi. I L Independence,
130 TON of v.
il It osU hay. $17.50
per -on. Inquire at termrns
l gsrsc
In . Jefiersortt for location- Xcl
Thomas, Jefffrson. Ore.
rTfON'alta-a'aEdlyi" grass hay.' 20
a ton in th field. Werlln Hop
Ranch, Independence, phone 38F4.
425 Auction Sales
Sucitell's -
i .' byuctionl '
nnjitsrlAY. auc. sth i ' '
2919 SilvertoriRd. Phone 24O0S
10 A. M.-tMe.. Veg.. Furniture
1 120 P. M.-Fsrm Machinery
For convenieno this farm mschinery
hss been PlateO at Sudtell s' Auc-
. tion Sales ydJ to b sold to Wf heit
bidder. 1S III, T. fletbed Chev.
truck (larg4 condilion). 114
Ferguson plow Oliver O's ft. roller,
McCormlck Sift, dlsc I ft. Ferru
son Mower. Jbhn Deer field .culu-
' vator. 11 tootji Ferguson field caltl
vator. 2 bottom McCormlck i plow,
I'.'s KBPFj IHo S Wieman pump.
. New Caterptlsr power take-off.
, Studebaksrt4 dr. sedan. ( good
condiUonli SI1' I
1 P.M.-i-Livestock
Chickens I Rabbits, calves - veal.
: 12 light feeder pigs. S cows. 23 heif
er It bulls, fitters, gosts : sheep.
Lane Stiatcirs Auction
gajes Yd.
os. T. s. m nd or.a.c-s-.arr
. ' DS&C&AN...1--11 '
fznszsz SATrjuorAxns
Cpstaln.,' Ill Keri- Lfbcrty
Office f stardsy ty. IS s as.
te 1 a, t 1 pna. CnsaJ lUon,
k 4 pressor) a d arte tests ar
free ef c ssrs. Practiced sin
117. Writs ter.attracu vs gtfv K
ebllgattsss. Hi .!.!.
Liik-i. 1