; CHEMEXETANS PICNIC - Annual picnic ; of Salem CSenie- ketans will be. 'held Sunday jtt Yachats State Park with a n$-host dinner at 1 pjn. Registration for ' the picnic doses : at noon Satur- day at 243 N. Comroercial St, from where cars will leave! Sun day at 8 a.m. f ; ; J I Homecraft House Opening; lAug., 7. 2007 Fairgrounds Rd. Join now, display and seu your aruclesi vis-i it and, sign for door prises. J. Paint with glamorising Treasure t Tones. See our outstanding iwall-. paper selection. Chuck Clark! Co., ,255 N. Liberty. j' j MAN CUT IN FALL "- ' Lee Gile722, of 3020 Evergreen Ave.; was cut about the arm in a fall from a. motorcycle. iThe man was treated by Salem Tirst; Aid at the downttown fire a sta tion. . j- :,!- Air-Steamship tickets anywhere KogeL 3-7694. 153 N. High St KNITTESS NEEDED ? r Eight women willing to knit sweaters for war veterans in mifr- itary hospitals are needed by the Marion County Chapter of Red Cross. ' Volunteers for the work are asked to call the Red Cross office. ' ' ;j Lawn spraying. PhiEp W. BeilkeJ 2-1208 or 4-3112. OREGON PHOTOS IN LIFE f Several photo studies .of nun ual Oregon coast features, inf full color, appear in this week's issue if Life magazine. They " are the work of photographer .Eliot lis cton. i j j ' 'f j Closing out greeting cards! all! descriptions. SI box now y60 9jrrra ! I ! , i 8 RHODES - Td Mr. and Mrs. Rilev Rhodes. Independence: a daughter, Wednesday, Aug. 5. at Salem General HospitaL i ACKERSON TO Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackersonj 3810 Moaroe Ave., a son,- Wednesday, Aug. 5 at Salem Memorial Hospital. BRYANT To Mr. and Mrs. Al-I f red Bryant, Mill City, a sonj Wednesday, Au 5, at Salemf Me-f mortal HospitaL j j J I ' I i !.'! s TINJALL To Mr. and Mrs, Robert Tindall, 1124 Wilbur St, m son; Wednesday, Aug.' 5, at Sa lem Memorial HospitaL Furs stored and cleaned at Mil ler's are cold, dry, safely . Many are claiming relief from arthritis, sinus, asthma at the Enterprise Uranium mine at Bowl der, Montana. Information, Frank Haskell, 761 S. W. Vista Ave- Portland. t 1-- CHEST MEETING TODAY i Division leaders and commit tee members oi the I Community Chest Campaign group will meet today at 11 a.m. in Chest Head quarters. y:v." -. j! j .' " Wash day can be just a "breeze." Drop your bundle off with us and well do the r rest ' Launderette, 1255 Ferry St . Eileen Clark now associated with Jade Room for Beauty, 1872 State St Phone 3-3836 BIG MOTH FOUND Rupert Magee, 579 Willow St, found on his lawn Wednesday a handsome tan miller moth with four circular yellow markings. Its wingspread measured six, inches. Toto power- mowers 'at excep tionally low prices. Middlegrove Nursery, 4920 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-4632. ...... i Gilbert Father Dies f Friends in Salem this week received word from Miss Eliza beth Gilbert, formerly dean of girls at Salem High School, that her father, Dr. N. C Gilbert, died in Chicago on Saturday. Miss Gilbert resides now at 5740 Ken wood Ave., Chicago 37, I1L She resigned from her Salem position in the spring, to attend Columbia University this school year, i ." 1 i I Before completion of the port of Takoradi, African Gold Coast cargo had to be carried in surf boats to and from ships anchored two miles off shore. r 92Pereentof Sblidpls Rated As 'Standardl y Ninety-two per cent of 383 ele mentary schools - evaluated - by state i education department su pervisors during the past school year were rated as standard or conditionally standard, a report of Donald A. Emerson, assistant su perintendent in charge of super vision and instruction in the state school system, disclosed Wednes day;'" : .; j " ! Under ' the 1947 basic school support fund law the state educa tion department has the respon sibility of determining the eligi bility of schools to receive finan cial benefits from the basic school support fund, A school rated as non-standard is not eligible to re ceive school support funds. v ' Emerson explained that in ac tual practice it was found that a large percentage of schools rated have not yet attained stand ard status but have adopted and have in Operation a plan of im provements that will, when com pleted, give the school a full standard rating. These schools are "designated as conditionally standard. "The rate, of increase in popu lation has been so great, in some districts," Emerson averred, "that their financial condition will not permit them to keep apace with current needs. How ever, a majority of such districts have a program of improvements that is permitting them to ad vance at a reasonable rate toward the goal of complete standardiza tion and are rated conditionally standard or standard with advice." Public Ceeords Phone Hearing NearsEnd Hearing on the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Company's request for an annual $3,966,000 rate increase in Oregon neared an end Wednesday. Jack R. McCullough, attorney for Public Utilities Commissioner Charles H. HeltzeL and Alexan der! Brown, Portland city attor ney1, completed their cross-examination of company witnesses. McCullough will present his own case Thursday, calling PUC rate experts to the stand. MUNICIPAL COURT 1 Woodrow Johnson, 1090 N. 18th St, charged with assault and bat tery, pleads Innocent snd trial set for Aug. 7, posted $50 baiL Charles Vera Bean,' 3263 Ar gyle Dr.. carrying a i concealed weapon, fined $35; charged with driving while intoxicated, pleads innocent and trial set for Aug. 7, posted $250 baiL ; I PROBATE COURT j Edward Thomson guardianship estate: Order appoints John K. Holt as guardian. J I - Clora E. Johnson estate: Order approves personal property sale. Jessie Aaltje Harritt estate: William J. Linfoot appointed exe cutor." 's w ;. -j-;, , Thomas George Coooer estate: Order closes estate. f " 1 ! CIRCUIT COURT Edith Arlene West vs. Chester West: i Suit ' for divorce alleges cruel 1 and inhuman treatment Asks for custody of a minor plus $35 per month support Married Jan. 9, 1953, at Roseborg. - Grace .Signe Burnham vs. George E. Burnham:! Suit for di vorce alleges cruel and inhuman treatment Married Jan. '27, 1951, at Woodburn. , i i State vs. Raymond Ehlke: De fendant acquitted of charge of assault with attempt to commit rape. j : DISTRICT COURT L j George Hall, Salem,; charged withi forgery, bound over to Mar ion County grand jury;: bail set at $L500. . ' j ! Edmund Kizer, Portland, charged with assault with a dan gerous weapon, continued to Aug. 12 for arraignment i Edward Vernon Jeffries, 457 S. Commercial St, charged with lar ceny of an automobile,: continued to Aug. 11 for preliminary exam ination; held in lieu of $200 baiLi I'M Arthur R. Kelleyi I Hoquiam, Was., charged with! larceny by bailee, continued to Aug. 11 for preliminary examination. Jury Frees Ehlke Of Assault Charge "A Marion County Circuit Court jury weanesaay acquitted Kay- mond E. Ehlke, 26-year-old Sa lem man on a charge of assault with, intent to commit rape. .nuce was arrested on com plaint signed by a Salem woman. tiouclts Due at Mayors Meet Salem's Ma y o r Alfred W. Loucks will attend the second Japan American Pacific Coast Mayors Conference at Seattle, Wash. .Aug. 19 " to 21,. he an nounced Wednesday. s : ' The conference brings together mayors and presidents of cham bers of commerce on America's west coast and of Japan. General theme of the confer ence will be the place of munici pal government in a democratic society, Loucks said. ' Loucks will speak at the Thurs-da- morning (Aug. 20) session on "the formulation df municipal programs and policies." Thornton Labels School Board's Action as Illegal Recently action of a Gilliam county school board in awarding contracts for remodeling and re pairing school buildings without advertising for bids was a viola tion of law, Attorney General Robert Y. Thornton held Wednes day. Thornton said the improve ments aggregated $27,750 and some checks covering repairs and remodeling operations had been ssued to contractors. "Contracts for public work in violation Of a statue requiring ad vertisement for bids are illegal and void," Thornton ruled. The opinion was sought by : District Attorney William A. Bennett of Gilliam County. Hearing on Surcharges To Resume The electric surcharge hearing will j resumed Aug. 25,; Public Utilities Commissioner Charles H. Heltzel said Wednesday. ' The complaint was fUel attack ing the 20 per cent surcharge of Portlanl General Electric, Pacific Power and Light and Mountain States power companies. The sur charge was in effect from last December through May. j . The action was brought by State Rep. Monroe S weetland, Milwaukie, Democratic National Committeeman, and the! Linn County Farmers Union.j They completed their case several weeks ago. When the hearing is resbmed, the three power com panies will present their side. ' Ctrfttmoa, Calfiia, Or. Ttarx Insist Bj 1SS3 Ctc 1) 5 Potato Grade Omit lifted Standard and utility potatos grades now may be used the year round. State Agriculture Director F. L. Peterson ordered Tuesday. Up to now, use jof these grades has been permitted only in July, August and September. 1 Growers, appealing at hearings it Redmond, Klatuth Falls and Ontario, asked for use of the grades at any time of the year to enable them to meet compete tion from other states. ! f cause of 'mounting costs of mak ing the inspections. FREE HEAT FOR '53 U RADIANT ! GBASSIIEAT 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. rhone 4-4263 rn ax Studiers Meet Monday Next meeting of the . interim tax study committee, operating under .a joint resolution of the 1953 legislative session, is slated for Monday in the State Office Building in Portland. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. State Sen. Howard Belton, committee . chairman said. First meeting of the committee was in Salem nearly a month ago, when organization of the group was completed. The committee will devote a large part of its .time to consideration of property taxes. At the same time, Peterson an nounced he was increasing the potato inspection fees from 2 to 2Vt cents a hundred pounds. He said the increase lis needed be- Chafed Slun 1 Smart In( mitery. amajiiifly relieved : whc Kiedicfttcd Retwol rtt m I Uii applied t chafed ski, j Labricatca. nedicatca, h-lp to hoal. , Safb faster ttu wuM miU limil So 4!55outhHifhM.!ISts. Salem. Orr j -I !: -"IS-: 111.--Fall Crocus wafer. Jumbo bulbs!..vl... 50c Gold Band Lilies iLi$1.2i5 In one gallon containers . ; 4-5678 ea. i. fa MjtsMm? colors' (7 0 : v f vy?&R0f00S Mitts . V - ;A 'Here they, are' .. J those-wonderful, wonder-" lL jn i V ! N ' S fuL all wool CARDIGANS that you School htJIll l lTtrrJll X' V, ' I ' Gals will be wearing this fan ... and Note SMj'.R W"f aJ :-XV!x gorgeous colors . and Nete again .. . Wryfcfli .til ' (ttS Ttixes SS, 3, and 4e i. .. Here are the shades I if 'M I. White, Black, Navy, Red, Green, Grey, Beige, 1 If I V A ' Aqua, and Maize ... Think of it ... AU Wool lf'ly n - 'I i T f. jr-y Exactly as Cardigans ... 9 Beautifal Colors . . . sixes ffLUMI fi IP? 'I , -- , ' i; . ' : . i They're colorful . they're smart ... they're chic . . . This is ine sain uuiu going wne uc lightweight, cleverly pleated, wide 2 inch waist band, tipper side ciesure. moose rrom ureen Plaid, Red Plaid. Brown Plaid, and Blue Plaid. All sizes 22 to 3". mm mw mw ami r w I rrJHm Sire --4- -wii . I SsJrtT- Size 1. Color I Name --- h : i I Address - V OTHER SKIRTS New FaO - arrivals in Gabardine!, f Orion, Sharkskin, and other favorites- Q f ' too . . priced from ., . .'.. ' , , . L m w City t Fnelosed please find: 8 A , S I Mitnm llTBET t rK i I I t;necji iir-: 7 I I csft .Scl; far Each I Sttte".-I-i------- I I jj 136 N. Commercial Salem. Oro. Our buyer has lust returned from, the Los Ancjeles edit show where she bought loads and loads of new ideas in home decoration. We need room . . . lots of room to present this new merchandlso to our fall and Christ. ' mas buyers. Listed here are only a few of the. hundreds of Items being reduced throughout the store Look for the red tagsl Buy now and save on wedding gifts ! .. , , shower gifts . . . Birthday gifts and Christmas presents I . i 5 mwiininwi oaay-FrLllSat! T TV LAMPS Reg. 6.9S to 7.95 Reduced To s-50 a 6-50 mftwe-seo-oaefcoiUK-fte t A . . I Tor; This EvenlrrW Vnil Be Open Friday HigWj 'Til 9! Net Refunds Or; Exchanges' ' ''.! i No Gift Wrapping On Sale Merchandise ? ? Ceramic Elephant , Ceramic Elephant Clothes Sprinkler i ' Ring Holder Special Purchase I Special Purchase Reg. 69c Value Rog. 1.19 Value y. $ 1 t-i 4S)f ' :. : - . I -Bells ii"' Tt.ti : Vase; ;eeeeejeeo4 pojseea xtym ewowooows Amrm ' III l :!' India Brass 1 ' - Reg. Ml f 0 NOW ! C Reg.-1.98 I JQ Reg. 1.83 1 00 FRAMED 'i Hardwood and ceramic . .88 I f Snack trays .. -Reg. 3.9S NOW Cm Wall PlaqUeS I Hardwood and cercanic O.88 ii , , -,- m.aw-i WOWW -Pf ww mmw ow f Hand Painted Fruit And Rooster . Designs Reg. 2-50 1-89 Cheese . server Tin Cups Reg. 12c NOW 'Enamel Cups - Reg. 25c NOW Colored Enamel Jor 2i5 I -fort iff t. f x b ; Colored Enamel Reg. 2-50 NOW 1 .79 1-: m r.: i 1 m- M r ! Reg. tJ5!. ENGLISH I !i I ,!;. - Plaques id Pcdnled , g.oc 3.00 Bone China ' Cnps & Saucers Royal Stafford Royal Albert Our Better Quality! At Deduced Prices stteWissiMei"":'if:'"i'r'ii" Decorated PLATES Mcory Patterns DEDUCED i t TO CLEAR! ' H.' Salad Bowl sets L 1 .59 Reg. 2.25 NOW JL Ceramic Pixies. Values to 98c Pftt J While they last 4. i -eMfeV, 1 Novelty Salt and Pepper Shakers--- , I I Big Assortment i L 2 3PR1CE 5 .00 Big Individual Mlo Molds Ransoms Oyster Bowls Slice-Aide. Holds Vegetable C Gkt WW .Reg. 25c Beg. 8c NOW 6 for "1 ! for slicing . Automatic ! Pancake Turner Blue Enamel IMsh Pan Reg. 98c NOW Reg. 98c NOW 39 59 A ! I !..e1. 4m . 1 Aicaniess oieei Colander DlnWare - One reduced prices. Reg. 99c NOW .Reg. 4.75 IOW O i table ef odds and ends at greatly 11 Wii'wii'iM'i'itfin'niiiir'tir'ift-if-(f f'ig:' .wwriM HARDWOOD CUP RACKS i Holds 3 Cups and J ' Saucers ; ; r ; r . i . ! ' Reg. 5-95 3P .1-. ; ::'- All Sales Final ijey.P! l jee( icei' BAVARIAN - J j ; Cups j Ce Saucers- !b,A''3-8p; i ilT . t i , m 1 t 'JL ' T POTTERY Casseroles 33 to 8.50 Reduced to eeee9eeeo!eMpw' t.; 3S2 State Street y. ' I i 5;' COPPER 1 i Chafing Dish 3 1 lUjf. 29J5 7 One Only 1 t