I II v ' l I ii - ,! i ! I i i fi - ' i i e" C Ccci H C:!r2. Es-ca, Orsw VTetL AuTrt 5. XS33 HUES lpfil! Cr' i court street store Cczri siiccl i : f i 1 . 1 I : . M 4 ; - . I -f. : I 1 ' . slsre- !..-f-- ii . . i. ; . i I t . :i v. I. Ildmlral Bctatjcralor "-J " :i i. J I , 59-Lb. Freezer, E:g. 419.55 Roll-out shelves, tvE length door. h 4 AAC3 19.95 j Trade-in Automatic Defrost . i Admiral Double Door Beg 529.E5 I2.3Cn.FL . Dual temp, control. TM)s. . . -. ii r . r r '! 29.95 15 freezer. 5-Year t Warranty. 4 ftC3 Trade 'W ! 1 il J' Bendix Refrigerator lI.6Cn.Fi. Automatic defrost. Bonos door. 50-Ibs. freezer. Trade-In i Beg. 439.95 oo t - 314.95 , ' - ONE pNtY , . Qnick-Freeze J Freezer . ' S&Hbs, Capadrr Bankets end Dividers Insulation Fiberglass 16Cu.Fl. . now! Beg. 489.95 379.95 Dendix Large Oven, Automatic dock. Fast Heat OMts. (Trade ange Beg. 219.95 i 5000 1S9.95 Lecfa-b If Host Range 7 heat push-button switch ea, (ally automatic Moao- tobe surface units,! infra red broiler. i-Reg. 'mm 1 . . Trade . I 200.00 Apexllroner 72-lbs. freezer capacity 1 No defrostins - Trade-in W CO t 3G9.5 Fait width freezer. 1 ! Twin crispers .i aTrade 249.95 -ONE ONLY: - Leclro - IIos! Freezer ' 700-lbs. Capacity ' - f STar Warranty Twin CoantoT Balancod Lids 20Cn. Fl. . . Beg. 579.95 , lIo 479,95 Dendix- Range Push Button Controls j i ' Automatic Clock. Large Storage Drawers. Deluxe ; Bf odeL , " ! One Only . . Iteg. 379.95 r locoo r I Trade J Admiral Range ' Combination Clock ani Timor Largo Fast BroUor . Applianco Outlet ; , llegnlar . . .V 199.95 I mi00 Trade-in I t 149.95 Fold-a-War Modol Knoo and Finger flip Controls -----f ring loll : - ' Deluxe Ilodel Beg. 289.95 M0 Admiral TV 21 screen table model Plastic case j.. i -V S3 ReaV ot&W 169.95 ! Apex Dishwasher J--'- -'ONE ONLY - '.Folly automatic pre-beat tank. . . Vio. Ray Lanp Qcg. 333.95 f tTbv7? 199;95 ' - ONE ONLY!- ' - Easy Dryer Selecto-matic control, rust-proof cylin der, drcle-aire drying , j Regular . ... j ofi. F now 169.95 Admiral TV 0 . Radio-record player," 12" speaker. Mahogany musn. . . . Begnlar . Trade-in . 539.95 LOO 414.95 DOUBLE STilEIFS V7EDIJESDAY t Lv-auua ljjkszj lazj rr riM " One "group of clir liggage, i famous name, odd pieces, some matching pieces. all at Vi;' price! Vinyl coated raterproc4 fibre in assorted! colors. "Brass hard ware, bongyi in i tough plastic. Vanities,1 weekenders, pullmans, vrardrobes, and cosmetic casesJ Vi pricel- i : I Luggage Downstairs DOUBLE STAID? Shower Inrlain Sol set t r a Water repellent tdfefa shower cur tain and mate Ring window curtains -4arge color choice 1 t : ' , ' - : Curtains Third Floor Y7EDIIESDA7 Qearance Bedspreads S3 , i. ... .... . . . .. One group oJ odds and ends of che nille. sr!in, faille and. chintz, good color choice! Twin end full! . ; V Draperies -U Third Floor DOUBLE STAID? . iU Beg. 29.35 ?y .: Dc2p Fai Fiyers .Stainless, steel famous Golden fry , er guarantoedl Limited cruantiry electric! T7EDIIESDAY , . Reg. 3135 Metal Ironing Boards ' A Doable Stamp! Value! Well reinfor ced boards, .yet lightweight and easy to more. - I - - i i- Htlniral Baal-Tenp , ; - I0.9Cn.Fi. . ,nc3 :3.E9:. Mniral Defrigeralor - f9 CnL Ft. i Beg.2S3.S5 . SO00 . 1" j i I DOUBLE STAMPS , Uallpaper Pasle . .Limit. 0lr l- Inperial "Papers Free decal borders witi each sale. ": f-. (- ;: DOUBLE STAMPS r Beg. lSSi ' Eleciric Toasler 12.99 M Automatic pop-up DOUBLE STAMPS " i Reg. 1045 f Chinaware Set S6.88) 4i J2-P. Service $ j DOUBLE STAMPS . Reg. ZAt Wall Can Openers Can-O-Mat DOUBLE STAMPS Reg. 7.95 . Cannisier Sei 5.99 ! 7-Pc Aluminum DOUBLE STAMPS Rea. 245 7 Pc Drink Set Pitcher and Tumblers DOUBLE STAMPS Reg. $8.00 Pyres Ovenware Sel 5.49 j Chrome Frames DOUBLE STAMPS Reg. 1345 Eleciric Iron 7.88 Fully Automatic ; DOUBLE STAMP2 Reg. 45 1 Garden Hose 3.9 9j. Green PlasuV 'DOUBLE STAMPS Reg. 745 Garbags Cans 5.99 i 32-gaL galvanized DOUBLE STAMPS Cnrlain Net yds, for SI Br. green chart. DOUBLE STAMPS Quilled Faille 2.66 DOUBLE STAMPS 5 , Organdy Sash Cnriains " r " -1 i - rd3 45 - . 54" w.. . Colors! DOUBLE STAMPS Baycn (Panels : ;-i.06e2LL' 42 x;ti4iggshen: JiOUBLE STAMPS .Rayonl Crissl Cress 12.C9 i,'.. mi 'mat c CQDE1T STREET STORE j Dcnble Sianps On All Cash Purchases Tcday I I . r, . . . I 4 ROBERTS BROS. AUGUST DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY Aognsi Fnrniinre Sale ' SPECIAL PUBCHASE o) 0f( 11 u Reg. 59.50 ea. ea. O )(U u ($75 seO i -. . t . . . A tremendous value! Save $43 on a sett 312 interlocked coils in each piece, thick insulation, .ventilators, inner roll, rose grey, stripe tick, full or twin. ! .,-.. I Furniture Second Floor l 8S Co) ROBERTS BROS. AUGUST DOUBLE STAMPS WEDIIESDAY Angnsi Fnrnilnre Sale, Beg. 219.95 1 t Save $80 special purchase 1 Modern mohair frieze, make Into bed for two. 5-yr L . if I ! 1--11 1 J, I I consirucaon guaraniee roe, oeige, way, rea, jrey or saei j ; . Furnirare Second Floor t ROBERTS BROS. AUGUST DOUBLE STAMPS 7EDIIESDAY Acgosl Fnrnilnre Sale, Ilylon Covers rr n ' i. -'if . . . it - I A rumiturevalue youHJove! Nylon cover in a selection of colors! Foam rub- j ber till ad at $59.88 see these today and save! Furniture Second Floor ; ! 4- ROBERTS BROS. A0GUST DOUBLE STAMPS WEDIIESDAY Angus! Fnrnilnre Sale. Beg. 319.S5 o 3m i " ij Modem seafoaia finlshl Mr. and Mrs. Dresser with large plate mirror, bookcase .95 on this ' seL Furniture Second Floor mm i ; l I 'I DOUBLE STAMPS , Ilcnk's Clelh 900 yd. : Natnlu DOUBLE STAMPS ; Qoecricii . : ' j " Ilayon Uarqchelio acanroce DOUBLE STAMPS Reg. 945 ilahorany Dropleai Table 59.95 DOUBLE STAMPS ; Reg. 1945 i ; Lounge Chair 59.95 Red liete ' ' I DOUBLE STAMPS , Reg.p25r 14&0 - " ' Ylctias ' ; '. . " DOUBLE STAMPS j 1 jSpijiall- : , ' iTy iJarips: . 3&5 -, : DOUBLE STAMPS i r ioor y.anpi 11195 Brail Flex DOUBLEiSTAMPS Close' Hit, f 49e i Qose iut. ! 49e Lino Wall i 2i0 fi. OUBLif STAMPS Ctiome Dinelli Tab 39.95 Dro Leaf frOUBLC STAMPS Douhlc! Bresscr And Mirror 59 Maple DOUBL!: STAMPS 1fbpUtered , Ilestlbcards 17J95 ca. : Twin lflastie Cover DOUBLfe STAMPS j Rek.i245 " Iagarlne Backs 10.95 DOUBLE STAMPS . ifelc IIardi;ccd Crib 2J.95 Drip Sides ' DOUBLE STAMPS Ilalircss and Twin Elite -j- Complete DOUBLE STAMPS if IT t f"irl 5a95 yd. j .. f. ijlsnvinster , i, DOUBLE STAMPS JSlST ONE j Llfmftd Oak i Housewares Downstairs Houseware Downstairs 1 I j ; 'J:.J f