' : V: i m 1 1 j ; 1 i j i - i j Radio and W Schedules KPTV ! , Channel 27 - ; WEDNESDAY j 8:30 Whafi Cooking? . 11:00 The Big Payoff t 11:30 Welcome Travelers j 12.-00 On Your Account 12:30 Ladies Choice , . 1:00 Double or Nothing: . ISO-Strike It Rich t 2:00 Matinee Theatre . 3:15 Search for1 Tomorrow 3:30 Love of Life ; 8:45 Toy Maker -4:00 Howdy Doody 5:00 Strike It ! Rich B:30--Northwest Digest , 5:40 Newspaper of the Ar. 5:45 Tune for Beany 6:00 Fights . 6:45 News Caravan . 7:00 Liberaee i s 8:001 Married Joan j 8:30 Candid Camera ! 9:00 Theatre Hour 10:00 Orient Express i 10:30 Half-Hour Theatrr 11:00 Crusade in the Pacific 11:30 Nite Owl Theatre 12:00 (Approx.) Sign Off , HIGHLIGHTS WEDNESDAY ' f What's Cooking? 9:3ft Coot Ing show with Barbara Angell, how to freeze spaghetti j sauce and garlic bread. I; : i , j WEDNESDAY'S DAT Pacific Standard Time f KPTV-VB Chaaacl Tit FMS Mtgieytlt KOCf 1U; K8LM 139S. KOCO 14X.I KGAB KjPDf m. KOW S2S, XXX UH CZdltef at: Whm StaUrauut pobUshcs la goo, ttith th yrsgrams And times m pfTlded by tb radi atmllma, but IxcaiiM tttas tbm tcspvnslbU Sot th svecwacy CMtretn. HOUK oa:co J 10:15 6 KStM Nw "i Tlmikcper Ifws March Tint . KOCO Wntn Udodlw IWesta Mclodias llana News (World Naws KGAB Brlc. Nook 1 Brk. Kook fBrlcNook Brk. Nook KOI.N RJJ5. Oregon KOEf Klock IKOIN Kloclt itCOIK Klock KOW DavaWcst i lDvWit Dv Weit tDv West nrmaoiir trarmqour 7 KtLM Hmlarway : Break. Cane IBraak Can KOCO KOCO Klock KOCO Klock JKOCO Klock KOAS BricNook ; tBrk.STook (BricNook koin . KalN Klock IMcLecfl News IGosa Naws KGW Country Editor-UT. U W11U (Naws . wshbm. News IM. , Aaronsky UJoo carrea 8 KSLM Cecil Mrown ; (Tamtty Altar Bibla Inst B1W Inst. KOCO News ' IKOCO Klock KOCO Klock World News KGAK Jim Dandy Jim Dandy I Jim Dandy ' IJim Dandy KIN Consumr Newt fVaUef News I Helen Trent (Gal Sunday KGW Tha Old Sonss Tb CQd Son(s I Music Box Music Box IIX - . Break. Club 1-BreaK, Club iBreax. Club - I Break, Club 9 KSLM Dr. Sword :. ; (News? snen wmlr i if Muriit KGAB Backfenee Mat. S3acMence KOIN Koad of Life .Ma Pen-kins bow N.m : - M. ,Willon UX S a.m. XdlUoa 13 tars of Todays iDble. or nothing! Dble. or nothing RSI.M Glenn Hardy ITenoTest I KOCO Ray's Records J Rays Records KGAK Matinee n - (Matinre 0KOIN 2d Mrs. Bitrtosi fPerry Mason KGW House Party r (Houses Party KKX CHunUey (Musie - KSLM Ladles Fair s I KOCO Ray's Records " KGAK MatDie. I i I KOIN Grand Slam I K'SW Bob Hope i " BsT W V urwi.u nuuiici. ota I Girl Marries s 1 KSLM Top Trades KOCO News ! IN Wi Hi I Major Lei eague KGAB SDider : SDideJ 2 KOIN Macleod News ICome p Get It KGW - Noon News Read! Life KKX P. Harvey 1 1 (Noon lEdltion KSLM Jack Klrkwood ) Jack Kirkwoo Ikoco Major eagu iiajor , league Major League 1 Major League KGAB Spider . ISpidei Spider Spider KOIN Hintoo Heuse lArth'r GodfreT Arth'r Godirev Arth'r CnAtr- KGW KXX Backstage, WUe'Stena Dallas Kay West! I Kay. Westj 2 KSLM Music ! ! - IDtckBaymes sow major agu isaajor ieagu Magic Melody Magic Melody KGAB Record Room I Record Room Record Room (Record Room KOIN Arth'r Godfrey (Art Godfrey (Art Godfrey ICurtMassey KGW itut Plain Bill I Prt. Pgt FarreQ Lorenzo Jones I Doctor's Wife KEX Tenn. Ernie ITenn-Irnic. 1 3 KSLM Musie ! I Musie (Newt- I Musie KOCO Magic Melody Magic 'Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody KGAB J: Dandy Show IJ. Dandy Show 'J. DandT Show 'J. Dandy Show KOIN Wizard Odds Ruth Aahton .Ralph Storey Tuneflly yours KGW. Travelers ITravelers Dr. Paul ID. Garroway KKX Know News Afteraoon Kd.-ror the Girls I Tor the Girls 4 KSLM Pmltoa Lewis Hemingway Curt Masev MSip. --es KOCO Music U Want , IMuauc IT Want ! Music U Want (Music U Want KGAB Kids' Ooraer i Music Jrfart j Music Mart IMusieMart KOIN Kh-knam Ncwsf Rosemary v Kirkham (Kirkham KOW Life Beaut I Go to Town Music Box I Musie Box KEX This Is Oregon. Squirrel Cage I Squirrel Cage I Happy Tim 5 KSLM B Bar B Songs I B Bar Songs I Wnderful City Wonderful Citj nuvu iimtiinn1 isuriuw KGAB Traffic Jam 1 Traffic Jam KOIN Ed R Murrow iNews 1 Ktw tsiii xern i : mwttwur KXX Uncle Bob i I ( Uncle Bob 6 KSLM Gab. Heatter KOCO Candlelight KGAB Supper Club KOIN Dr. Christian IN.W i News ; ICandlelKht . . 1 Supper Club I Dr. Cbrtetlan (Relax. Music 4 Home Edition KGW Relax, Music,; KIX Weatherman i 7 KSLM True. Faisal . True. False (Stars Sing (Musie j (FBI ( I IPlmperiiet ' I Lone Ranger KOCO Rosary KGAK Musie -KOIN FBI KGW Pimpernel I KEX Lone Ranger j 8 KSLM Music I I (Musie j , iHarmonaires Musie KOCO Dugout Dope Baseball ' ' 1 Baseball (Baseball KOIN Mercer Show (Mercer Show . I Johnny on Spot! Dance Oreh. KGW - 1 Man's Family New-o World GUdersleev I Gilaersieev KKX A. Stevenson IA. Stevenson (Mr. President I Mr. President 9 KSLM Glen Hardy ! If wltt Lewis Dear Margy-- I Dear Marty KOCO Baseball j (Baseball - - (Baseball - Baseball KOIN Playboys ! I j Playhouse Rogers of Gas. (Rogers of Gas. KGW- Oroucho Mars IGroudml Mara- I Name Tun : (Name Tune KKX Herbert Steioeri Herbert; Steinerl Crossfire (Crossflr 1 KSLM Behind Story INewsreel KOCO Baseball j (Nite News KOIN star Final! ( You & World 0KGW Rchfld RepWr Hooris Final -IIX . ti n I Dance Tim c KSLM Under Arrest KOCO Nite Sons : KOIN Music i , KGW News' - . I -t ' KKX Dance Time, i KOAC 18 K am. The News had Weather: 10:15 Especially for Wm rn: lt:S Story Time; 1 11 .-09 Concert hmO: 12 .00 News Ac Weather: it :1S Noon Farm Hour; 1 SO - Rid Tbti Cowboy: 1 .IS This Is i Puerto Rico; 10 Proudly We Ha it J:00 Living ind - Learning; -. J:l J Ha w a i t a n Solid ay ; 1.30 Memory Book of Music: 3:09 Oregon Reported .1S Music of Masters; 4J0O Serenade) x Matinee Theatre, 2:00 "SOS Tidal Wave." Toy Maker, 3:45 Live chil dren's show starring the oia Ger man Toymaker who brings . his tales of toys to delight the young of heart.". . . ' : '' ." Northwest News Digest, 3:30 Features Norm i Wallace, news caster, with Bill Stout as sports reporter and commentator. Cross country news and weather round- uo by Wallace, local ana live. Newspaper of the Air, 3:40 Features Bill Clayton with local news and news photographs, local and live. . , : .. Fights, 6:00 Art Aragon of Los Angeles, California, vs. Henry Davis of Honolulu, T. H. 10-round lightweight match xrom the Cow Palace in San Francisco. Liberaee. 7:00 Selections in clude: "Dark Eyes," "Tales from the Vienna Woods "It's All In the Game" "La Cucaracha," Chopin Medley"; and "Spaghetti Rag." - 1 I Married Joan, 8:00 Joan tries to reform a juvenile delin- . A 1 1 queni ana aimosi wmas up De hind bars herself. : Candid Camera, 8:30 - Mar garet Truman, provides the com mentary. Program will highlight attitudes of the electorate before an election and later show reac tions of same - people after the election. " , Theatre Hoar, 9:00 - ''Adven ture of the Kind Mr. Smith," is a drama about a trio of swindlers who try to victimize a love-struck young man. The cast features BROADCASTS KIX J 045 rrm Hour 1 arm iiour : INcws IKOCO Klock (BricNook IBabblt Shew t Knox Manning IBobHazea Pastor's Call IBarsain Count I Piano Patterns I Ev Knirht Mat. IBackfence Mat. Backf ence Mat, lur.Maiona luuiainf LJgni I Secret Story I Secret Story Coca Cola (Ray's Records Matine Norab Drake Strike It Rick, rrue Story Musie ' Ray's Records Matinee Brighter Say (.strike it Rica (True Story Lad3Tair I Queen for Day Queen for Day ) Ray t Records ) Ray's Records Ray's Records (Matinee I Matinee I Matinee tMuaic Sparkles I W'ndy Warren Aunt Jenny J Pays t Marry ! Phrase Pays I Second Chance j 1 News Keep I Keep's Korner Cay STs Muic (Major League (Major League Spider Spider I House Party House Party I Pepper Vounf I Happiness (Sam Hayes ITheTodds - ILucky u Ranch I Lucky u Ranch ; iWidder Brown IWonun in nse. IKsy West . iKay West (Musie Better Shoppert I Bandwagon Band w a son I music I UJS. Slory Supper Club ISupperClub I World Today I Jose Mews . it. umcusu l Peterson IChet Huntley I Bob Carred 1 Call Board . (News Supper Club (Summer Eve. : i My Son. Jeep iListenlnsj tSatn Haves (8SKeys I Supper Club I Summer Eve. My Son. Jeep lUstenine Dr. KUdare i Dr. Klldare I Bandstand J Bandstand I Music ! (Sign Off I Lowell Thomas Family skeleton I White House - I Whit House (Korea Story: I Korea Story IN J Under Arrest Nit Sons; (Record Show (Bob St Ray I Dane Tim Nite Song Record Show (Bob tt Ray 1 Dane Tiro - I Melodies I Melodies v I Melodies I Nit iStug 1 (Nit Song . J Nite Song Musio Music (Music Lawseei McCaQ (City Council (City Council I Dance Tim . Dane Tim I Dane Tim in Blue: 4:15 On the Upbeat: 4:45 News Commentary: iM Children's Theater; 5:30 Chicago Round Table: News-Weather; :U London For um: 8:43 Greal Writers of France; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; S:00 Shake oear at Work: S -JO Let's' Go T Town: S:4S The News Sr Weather: :0 Music that Endures; :55 News and Weather; 19 M Sign off. Marcell Hilliare, Frederic Torero, Rene Paul and Scott Forbes. Orient Express, 10:00 por trait of a Lady has Paris locale. Starring! are Colett llarrhanrrf Peter Walker and Roger 'TrevtUe. a v.-, j j T - ! A happily married couple pud- denly finds their life disrupted by malicious gossip regarding a paintinz. The wife insists h never posed for such a paintinz. Nite Owl Theatre. 11:30 Oiia rf th- Viv. Jrtkl Charles Bickford, Irene Rich and June carison, - ? THURSDAY ; . : I - 9:30 What's Cookinx? 10:00 Freedom Rings ' ii:oo The Big Payoff 110 Welcome Travelers ' 12:00 On Your Account 1 12:30 Ladies' Choice . 1:00 Capsule Theatre 1:15 Arthur Godfrey l:30J-Strike It Rich i 2:00 Matinee Theatre 3:15 -Search for Tomorrow 3:30 Love of Life ! 3:454Toy Maker 1 4:00 Howdy. Doody ; . 40 Kid Magic, i 5:00 Range Rider 5:30 Newspaper of the Air 5:45 i-Time for Beany 6:00 Candy Theatre ; 6:30 Hunting and Fishing New .... 6:45 rNews Caravan 7:00 Groucbo Marx 7:30 Dragnet 8:00 The Unexpected 8:30-fFord Theatre 9:00 Martin Kane 9:30 Ethel Barrymore 10:00 Hollywood Wrestling ll:00-Nite Owl Theatre. 12:00 (Approx.) Sign Off HIGHLIGHTS i THURSDAY 1. ; What's Cookdax? 9:30 Cook- i.r .hmv with Barhara AnfelL tfJL rJlT IZ-Lh . fT.. . , Maunee J " tery Plane" with John Trent. Mar- jorie Reynolds and MUhurn Tot Maker. S:5 The la ver - man ToymaEer orap m of toys to delight the young of nean. on mu u how. Northwest News- Digest, 5:30 nvatures Norm Wallace, news- caster with Bill Stout as sporu reporter and commentator. Cross- country news ana weauiei u- nn hv Wallace iocai ana uve. , Newspaper oi w aji, -Features Bill Clsyton with local news and news photographs - IaiI and Hv .d Flshinf News. 6:30 T .,,i Local, live program featuring Kud&Lacbenmeier. . SmL 7:30-A case of double manslaughter aeveiops xrom a hit-and-run accident Friday ano Smitn mvesugaxe ine acavn oi two elderly women; ana the nrnk ImHs tn a ten-aer. i " . : : - .. . The Unexpected, 8:00 "Merry- x tu atnrv of an Go-ROUlld .U' .'.W." ObSCUre Parisian painter in lOVt With a Shallow, greedy girL Thil love leads to robbery and murder, Ford Theatre, 8:30 Sunk is the story of a South Seas trader aeierimnea to save uu ucjiuc Iim tiin1rntf hahtta are niin. 1 H t.;. V-.lth ant inirriir. Staw I I . . . . 7 " 1 unaries AtcBwiutu uu v- i Parthv with T.lis Howard. Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 9:30 "Dear MISS LOVeiace star, Anita T-nuiso with Tom Brown 1 MU"ers. ana tnree granasons. serv AniU UMUSe WHO . 1 ices will be held Thursdav. Jmr. a Xne euitur ui a m ucu "- . column gets mixed up Wltn gang- sters andj counterfeiters when sht I visits in person tne autnor oi pleading letter. Wrestling f r m HoUywd, 10:00 J Danny Savich vs. Fret Blassie. In the Mam Event, Baro: Leone meets "The Champ" Pat endak. ; Nite Owl Theatre, ll:t -"Sign of the Wolf" with Michael Whale and Grace BradL I- . J CHICAGO Both first-half and second-quarter sales of Motorola Inc. reached an all-time peak in I 1953, according to Paul V. Cal vin. president. First-half . sales were 31093268 compared with $69,793,051 In 1952, a rise of 57 percent Second-quarter, sales wrc S44JB73 101 4A n . were 9fiJ,lVl, 44 percent greater than the $30,939,958 lor I 1952L I ! i ' :'' I Vanlnnto .ft. I Earning after taxes for the first half were $4,640,679. eaual to $2.40 a common share, com- j parcu wiia ana T1.02 1 a Share a year agOu I Grains End Lower On Board of Trade CHICAGO UB All erains sousht oux lower! price levels on the board trade Tuesday. Lard moved higher against the trend in Other Bits. I I nneat iimsneu ih-z lower, i corn -lVj lower, oats unchanged tn u immr rn iu.iss Iavm beans 1 to 2V lower and lard 17 to 1 1 T7 fnta a himfr&4 mhii4i V i 4. m I 1 SERVICE TchYbbsi Scnn.a Co, Ph. 45512 1411 ft. 12th Business Mi union, uvvners Hold Vote on ,ann sue SAN FRANCISCO ! W AFL I cannery workers and cannery com- 1 - - - A - . I pa?" wre -IT. 1 S -J and Tuesday night on, ratification of aa aereement to end a week- long strike which imperiled Cali- fornin's major fruit and vegetable I crops. i I I i I Results were not expected to be 1 announced until after .midnight. .Tentative agreement i on a new contract was reached early Tues day, contingent; on 'approval by both aides. - ' - j n ' A union official said the agree ment included wage raises .of I to 10 cents an hour, i retroactive to March 1. making the! scale $1.32 to S2.0S an hour; - new health and welfare plan and other fringe benefits.'. . I I . " Voting was set up Tuesday after noon and : evening at Yuba City, Gridley and OroviHeJ ia the heart of California's "peach jbowL" Members of ; California Pro cessors r Growers, j in&, sched uled a membership meeting to dis cuss ratification, r, j In - anticipation of a settlement peach pickers worked Tuesday in the orchards of Yuba and Sutter counties. The fruit was held at loading stations, however. le Rites h! Commit Taf t In Cemetery CINCINNATI The body of serj. Robert A. Taft was committd to the earth Tuesday in a simple ceremony. s There was no pomn. no drama tics. - - i; 1 tt: . v i .L ' . . uvuj was me jiirsi to oe buried in the new plot of the Indian I Hill Church cemetary where no crass is srowinz and only a few shade trees droop their leaves over e j j A the j. paid down. iMth - - kj n .,. 1itf. -i,k t. t dian H111415 miles-away from the proper My a mey calm j goodoye to the senator, As in the case in fc Washington and later in downtown Cincinnati. the bronze casket was not ooenecL Ml Salem Obituaries CROSS . Knneth Cross, at a local hospital. f a tn age of tour years. Survived by mother. Kay Cross, and P Parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C- tV. oy iioweu-Edwards Co. Eari Leonard Fry, In a Corvallls hospital jury si st the sg of so. ,m- Survive by i two aaueniers. uiaavs Mill Doris Valdez. both o Salem; a son. "cnam i ry, quiver uty, Lani.; pandchndren. Billv Hill. . Salem. Linda Christine and Warren ttuane Valdex. aU of Salem; .brother. Harry mh: pord. 'srvic wm hi held Wednesday. Aug. S at 1 JO p.m. -T,on.Ch,0i JBtr" GTVINI lat resident of 1810 waller St.. at a local hospital yug. a. ourviveo oy wife, Mrs. Pearl Givens. Salem: daughter. Mrs. Wihna crXZgZ rZ? ens rea Rioge. Aric: two grand- in in wtougn-aarncK una pel. witn interment at City View Cemetery, majwino Mrs. Addle Manning, lata resident of 1080 Erixon St. Survived by a daughter-in-law. Mrs. Violet T. Staf ford, and brother. George Ritchey, iervais: ana mre step-chlldren Ward Manning. Gervaia. Pearl Wood and Merle Ramp. Brooks. Ore. Serv ices will be announced later by the W. T. Rigdoa Co. olmsteo Mrs. Cecilia Olmsted, st the real. deuce. 1153 Colonial Ave. Survived by husband. ' Reuben Olmstad. and Lows Olmsted, both. of Salemf brothers Earl PetiL Ore eon dtv. and Otto Petit. Port Angeles. Wash.: grandchildren. Mrs. Mary Word en and Leonard Olmsted, both of Sa lem; Mrs. Marguerite Marsh, lie MinnvUle; Lawrence Olmsted. Cams Pendleton. Calif- and on , great grandchild. Services win be held Friday. Aug. 7. at I JO pjm. In the n-oarrica- cnapcl. t interment e at the Pioneer (IOOFI Cetne. tery. . ; . . , ' i pacls rrsltmriTi Z&&&d m! saiem. Mrs. Grace steurer. Econa,ao cailt, brothers. Otto Pauls. Pruievllle. Charles Paula. Cul- er. Shipment has been mad bv the Clough - Barrtck Co. to Redmond for mwm nun vommuni- ty Christian Church Thursday. Aug. . p-- 5 kobertson , . Baby girl Robertson at a local hospital Aug. l. infant daughter .of m jara. auea nooerrson. sa lem. Also survived by sister. Miss Lois Rooertsoa. Saletn; and grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robert, son. Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lard Savage. M osier, Oregon. Private services were MM it th Cloush- wmci rnapei. " The above vehicles' are offered for. ..J uuWA.. ..i... kJJ. and Inspect the above eouipmeat at Shops. S800 SUt SUi Salem. Oregon - a kw hid win b required. Bids win not Wfroeq w tm ivinu; jjwm. .i. taaa v.fVu. , , ia rmi T ' - 1 only mi iikt, lovp 1 only 1947 Pord Coup i ' fit 1 only 194T Cite. Coup i - L only 1947 Chev. Coup i 1 only 1944 Ford '. T. Pickuo ! T ervis Simp 1 only 1944 Ford T. Pickup ' 1 only 1944 Ford s T. Pickup -1 only 1944 Ford ,i T. Pickup 1 only 1947 Dodg IT 4x4 - 1 only 1944 Chev. IT Pickup t only 1947 Ford V T. Pickup ' 1 only 1947 Ford T. Pickup ! t only 1947 Ford 4 T. Pickup , 1 only 1947 Chev. T. Pickup 1 only 1947 Chev. T. Pickup 1 only 1947 Chev. K T. Pickup 1 only 1947 Chev. s T. Pickup 1 omy 1947 Ford fc l. Pickup I 1 only 1947 Chev. 's T. Pickup 1 only 1947 Chev. s T. Pickup . S only 194S Chev. i T. Pickup -1 only 1334-GMC ST. SUke Track t only 1939 Ford He T. Truck : . i ' i m' i ' I v. ' ' 1 ' ' ' j ITgu Vah Sic:fi Qc:!aII:zi" By The Associated fress Admiral corporation i 24 Allied Chemical J ss H AUisj Chaimers ; ' 49 American Airlines - . ni American Power k light American TeL k Tel. i 1S$ American Tobacco 7 Anaconda Coppe. S3 H Atchison Railroad ' 95 Bethlehem Steel ' f S3 Boeing Airplane Co. 1 i Borgj Warner r . i 73 Burrftughs Adding Machine 14 California Packing Canadian Pacific . 2S Caterpillar Tractor 53 V Celanese Corporation .,2(i Chsytler Corporation 73 V Citief Service " S3 V4 Consolidated Edison ; 39 Consolidated Vultee It Y Crown Zellerbach 1 29 H Curtiss Wright ' 7 Douglas Aircraft ' 65 V duPont de Nemours j 07 Eastman Kodak j 42 V Emerson Radio 12 S General Electric ' ! 73 General Foods 56 h Genera! Motors , ' 60 Georgia Pae Plywood' 13 Goodyear Tire i 50 Y Homestake Mining Co. ' 37 to International Harvester ; 28 International Paper r I 52 Johns; Manville : 62 Kaiser Aluminum 27 Kennecott Copper . 65 Libby; McNeiU 9 Lockheed Aircraft 22 Loew'ls Incorporated ' 12 Long Bell A , 27 Montgomery Ward. 59 Nash Kelvinattor 17 New York Central 24 Northern Pacific 68 Pacific American Fish 10 Pacific Gas k Electric - 38 Pacific TeL k TeL 114 1 : : Testimony on Filbert Control Board Heard PORTLAND UP) Testimony on membership in the Oregon and Washington Filbert Control Board was presented Tuesday at a Pro ductioi and Marketing Administra tion hearing here. Samj Peterson, -Northwest man ager for Rosenberg Bros.. San Francisco nut packer s who represents independent handlers- opposed what be called "dual membership on the board. He said a grower representative should not be a handler nor a handler R. E. Dougdale, another repre sentative of independent handlers, agreed, as did John E. Trunk general manager of the Northwest Nut Growers Co-operative. Trunk said "under the provisions of the; present order it would be possible . for five of the control board! six members to be hand- lers." John Huber, nesses. Wilkens. a grower from Ore.; cross-questioned wit- John Curry. U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture hearing officer from Washington, D. C, presided. ht Losses Stock's 4-Day Rise ' NEW YORK Iff A moderate reactiori Tuesday in the stock mar ket climaxed a four -day rise. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks lost 20 cents at $109.00. That dijbp was small when meas ured against the $2.80. the average gained In the previous four days. The industrial component of the average! declined 20 cents and the railroads were off 40 cents while the utilities sained 20 cents. .There! was an almost even divi sion between gains and losses 383 up and 384 down out of the 1,044 individual Issues on the tape. Dur ing the day 15 new highs and 6. new lews for; the year were recorded. Volume backed down to a million shares as compared with 1,160,000 shares traded Monday. ; II ii Ag. 4 STOCK AVERAGES 3 15 tndusL rails 13 8 titiL stks. Net Change . DS D.e AS AJ Tuesoav m.s . s.s Prev. Day 141.7 S7J S3S S3 0 52 J SSI 53J ' ' 'i 109.0 10SJ ioe.4 iota Week Aso ir MO Month A 139.T SS.S Year Ago .144.1 S4a 109.2 BOND AVEBAGES 20 10 10 is rails Indust. titiL fgn. Net Chaac ..A.l Unch D.l Vnch Tuesday 93 S 99.8 93 S 79 J Prev. Dy w.s -. t s Week Ago 92 J 95 J 93 9 7SS Month Aso 91 J 9S.4 93 1 7S S Year Ago 1 S 0 MS 944 TI J The worm-like peripatus, a rel ic of the! age of dinosaurs, is pro tected by law on Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. sal tolthe hishest bidder-"as is" mm. the Oregon State Board of rorestry from I Ail.. PiX. August S ih.rnu.ni ma m. h considered unless n the. form rjrSCBJtHTlON ' Motor No B9A-UM839 Motor No 799A-149707S Motor N04 EAA-330361 Motor Noi 799A-192961S Motor No. EAAS9Zt37 Motor N04 IAA-47T72a Mogor N04 B9Y-S2385S Motor Nat S99C-10014 Motor Noi 499Y-10443.10 Motor Noj 99C-ir4S23 Motor Noi T1T7-L304 Motor No ADCA-A4692S Motor No 799C-14777t7 Motor Noj 799C-14593S Motor Noi 799Y-145S807 Motor Noi Motor NJ Motor Noi EBA-178734 XBA-17S72J EBA-31W5I AECA-37199 799C-19T7034 -! Motor Noi Motor Noi Motor Nor.BA-4rrr2 Motor No- EBA-4471 Motor NoJ FBA-2n3S4 lwf OtOP lQu' Motor No. rs sue End Stocks and Bonds C spiled 'y The Associated Press 99T-7364 Aug. a. s, V 4 21 V 14 S2M 25 j 31 an 5a V, '24 SS 33 34 74 V 31 t 39 27 17 41 17 Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation ' United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel 26 37 4. ' 23 33 '14 4 25' 45 43, Westinghouse Air Brake westingbouse Electric Woolworth Company, Portland livestock PORTLAND trWUSDA) Cattle salable 250; holdover 200; i market slow, few sales fed steers; steady; other classes weak to SO lower but many unsold at noon: 3 loads zood- choice. 1100 lb fed Canadian steers 24.25-24.73; few, commereial-aood light steers 20.00; scattered lots cutter-utility steers-heifers 10.00 15.00; canner-cutter cows 7.50-9.50; shells down to 6.00; few utility cows 1.50-11.00; cutter-utility bulls 11.50- 16-00. . ' - I - J 1 Calves salable 65; market slow. H steady to weak r good-choice veal . j era and light calves 18.00-21.00: few UUlity commeraal grade! 12.00 15.00. --. . : Hogs salable 250; holdover 200; market 50-1.00 tower but, many bogs unsold at noon; few sales Choice 180-235 B 26.25-26.50, few lots 26.75; choice 340-550 lb sows 20.00-22.50.,' , .. ! i Sheep salable 500; holdover 650; market mostly steady; good-choice spring lambs 18.00-19.50. choice prime lots 20.00-20.50; good; feeders mostly 15.00. few lots good-choice 15.50; utility-good slaughter ewes 2.50-4.00. ' , v Portland Produce; I PORTLAND un Butterfat tentative, subject to: immediate change Premium quality , maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 68-71c lb; first quality 66-69c; 'second j quality 63-66C. Valley routes and Country points 2 cents less. j Butter Wholesale, fob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AAr ss score, doc id; n score, 65c; B, 90 score, 63c: C, C9 score, 60c. I Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 42 45c lb; Oregon 5-ib loaf 48 Vi-50 c, Eggs To wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, f ob. Portland A! large. 67-6S Me: A medium 65 Me; A small 50-5 Ic; B grade. large. 60 M4t He ! Eggs To retailers-rCrade AA, large, 74c: A large, 69-70c: AA medium. 69c: A medium. 67-68c: A small, nominally 51-52c. Cartons 3 cents additional. Live chickens No. 1 quality. f.o.b. - plants Fryers, lbs. 31 c, 3-4 lbs, 31c; roasters, 4 tt lbs, up. 31c;' heavy bens, all weights. 20-21c; light bens, all weights, 19c; old roosters 15-18c. KaDDits Average to growers- Live white, 4-5 lbs, 20-23C. 5-6 lbs, 18-22c; old does, 10-12c. few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers. Wholesale dressed meats: I Beef Steers, choice. 500-700 lbs, 41.00-44.00: good. 37.00-42.00; com mercial. 30.00-37.00; utility.! 28.00 32.00; commercial cows 23.00-27.00; utility 22.0-26.00i canners-cutters, 20.00-24.00.- Beef cuts (choice steers )--Hind quarters, 53.00-57.00; rounds, 50.00; 57.00; full loins, trimmed, 70:00- 79.60; triangles. 28.00-33.00; f or e- quarters, 30.00-35.00; chucks. 35.00- 38.00; ribs, w4a.00-53.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12 lbs. 58.002.00; shoulders. 16 IbsJ 38.00- 43.00; spareribs, 520-55.00;! fresh hams. 10-14 lbs. 6340-66.00. j . Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 33.00-40.00; commercial, 28.00-36.00. ! Lambs Choice-prime, 41.00-44.00; good 39.0044.00. j Wool Grease basis, Willamette Valley medium, 50-5 2c to; Eastern Oregon fine and half blood. 55-62c; Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42c; 12-month wool. 45-50c. ! i Country-dressed meats, f. o. b. Pnr-f ! a yA - ... . -, , I, .- Beef Cows, 24-28C lb; canners- cutters, 22-23c; shells down to 17c. j Veal Top' quality, lightweight. 31 -32c; rough heavies, 23-28c. 1 Hogs Lean blockers. 38-39c lbs- sows, light. 32-33c. ; . Lambs Best. 40-42c lb Mutton Best. 12-14c lb; cull- utility. 8-lOc. , Fresh Produce: i Onions Calif. White GloKei 3t5- 150; 50 lb sacks of Wash. Yellows, med.. 1.50-1.75; lge., IZylAO. Potatoes Local Tnurnpha.i iUgS 1.50-1.73: Boardman Long Whites. No. 1A. 2.00-2-55; No. 2. 50-lb sack 80-85; Calif. Long Whites. No. 1; 150-175: special marks 3.25. 1 Bay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa 29.00-30.00, -delivered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and Seattle. A i tmi ui mxtti ukitj t eivna flarah) a 1. 1-. uxk WfaarCsN TUB DC AT. C LI fIC Oees t m $ MeaaOr ds 'Hear. . IhaM 0 e.aw WiS.nir a- rriar. tlwsajt krMMS ... la ear 4)-f yaa. 93 MOTHir SASSBT SO.rVS 1S ParHS tS.Oee. e--ssa---aBBaBa--B-f Packard Motor Car ' Penney (J. C) Co. Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio r Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals. , ; Richfield'Oil ' f Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck k Co. Socony-Vaomm Oil " Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil' N. J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining " Swift It Compaiy Transamerica Corp. ClsUgMV Cslia Orav; Wad. Kurui ltZ3-4Uc 2) I Salem Llarlrot QuotaUoiaii, (As of 1st yesterday) butt xnr AY Premium No. 1 No. a BUTT ESI Wholesale Retail - .19 jn JH .T1-.7J .74 SCO S Baytaf . , : ' , l tWnolrsal prices range from 4 to 7 cent over buying price) Large AA ' j ' r . 44 Large A , js4 Medium AA Medium A Pullet .1 9 POULT. T . Colored Hens Leghorn Hens Colored Fryers Old Roosters . ta , .19 . Jl .- Jl Roasters Portland Grain PORTLAND to X Coarse grains: Barley No. 1. iS B B. W. UM. Wheat (bid) to :! arrive market. basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast; Soft White J; Soft White (exclud ing Bex) ; WhiU pub J.20. Hard Red Winter:; Ordinary J-tO; 10 per cent 120; U per cent 121; I 12 per cent 2.22.; ji " f ' Tuesday's car receipts; wheat 70; barley 1; flour 4; (scorn 1; oats 2; mill feed 4. .1 i - Sa.OOO.CMO.0ft r CTTY OP SALEM. OREGON, f PUBLIC SCHOOLS I BOND SALE School District Ko. ltn w.rlm counts'. - orcsun. tiers bv - invito sealed DroDoamla fnr 1 h nMK. ... S1.000 0000 principal amount of Its Bonos, nereinarier described. ' Each proposal must be enclosed In a se curely sealed envelope. marked ' Proposal for S2.000.ooo.im School Dis trict No. 34CJ. Marten Cauntv. Or-. sua, oonai, ana saaressed to Con neu wara. Ln strict Cleric. 400 North High Street, Salem. Oregon. ii srai must oe : receive a at before TW edockci o. m pB-iri Standard Time on Tuesday, August 23, 1953, and bids sorreived! will be opened by the Boardf of Educstlon at meeang- at tn abovo-designated The bonds win ba in 4nMnn. tions f 11.000.00 each, dated Septem wr Am iiM. numnerea mtunput v. from 1 to .2,000, inclusive, and wUl mature serially in numerical order as xouows: t : S100.000O0 on September 1. 1954 100,000.00 en September 1, 1939 100.000.00 on September 1, 19S4 100,000.00 on SeptM-mber 1, 1957 100.000.09 on SepUember 1, 195S I 100 000.00 on September 1, 1959 200,000.09 on September 1, 1MM t 100.000.09 on September ), 1941 100.000.00 on Sepbimber 1, 11MS 100.000.00 on September 1, IMS ' 100,000.00 on September 1, 1WS4 100.000.00 on Septsmber 1. IMS 100.OOO.0 on September 1, lf 100.000.00 on Sepusmber 1, 1947 100,000.00 on September 1, 19S V loo.ooo.oo on September 1, 1969 , 100,000)0 on September 4, 1970 . : 100.000 00 on September 1. 1971 100,000.00 on September 1, 1973 100.000 00 cn September 1, 1973 Interest on the bonds will be hit able semi-annually on March 1st snd scpiemDcr 1st in each year, evi denced by coupons attached to the bonds. Both principal and Interest shall be payable at the office of the County Treasurer of . Marion County, vreson. .-'"!!" ' The principal amount of said bonds it subject to prior redemption at the optioa ot the School LHstrict, on Sep tember 1. 1999. or ay Interest dsv. ment date thereafter upon notice of redemption given by publication at lean toe at lean tairty days prior m tn oaie oc roaemption, in a news paper published and circulated la the County of Marion and Stat of Ore on. at a price equal to the prin cipal amount thereof together with unpaid Interest accred thereon at trie oat of redemption. Each proposal musk specify In a multiple of of Iiiof the rat of interest not exceeding 4 per an num which the bonds , are to bear, and must also stste the amount bid for the bonds.,' .. (j Each proposal mutt! be accompan- Scitool District No. 24CJ. MiHoh I county. Oregon. In Use sum of S40. 000.00 to secure the disrtict against any loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to comply -with the terms of his proposal. No interest will be paid upon the deposit of the suc cessful bidder. The srieckof the suc cessful bidder win becredited on the purchase price oft the bonds, or regained by the district as liquidsted damages tn cas the bidder falls to accept delivery of and pay for the bon Is. Checks of unsuccessful bid ders .will be immediately returned upon.- the award ot the bonds. Eaen bidder is reuested to In clude in ills bid a sUtemVnt of the total interest cost and effective In terest rate, based upo aggrecste in terest cost, that the District will pay. provided his bid Is accented and none the bonds are called prior to the I final maturity date thereof. int tignt to reject sny or an pro posals is reserved. Unlexs aU bids are rejected, the bonds will be award ed to the bidder complying with the terms ot in notice or sal, and sub mitting the bid which, after com putation on the bal that none of the bonds will be called for redemp tion prior - to the final maturity dates thereof. - provide i the lowest cost to tb school district. The aPDrovinB leral ooinioa of the firm of winfree, McCuUoch. Shuler St Savre. will be furnished the suc cessful bidder. The fee for the lcial opinion and the rost of printing the bonds will be paid by th District. A financial statement of the Dis trict' and anv further desired in formation may be secured from th undersigned st School Adminlstrs tion Office. 460 North! High Street, Salem. Oregon. Th bonds will be o live red com- plot,, without undue delay, at the expense of th school district, st such city In Oregon as the success ful, bidder shsll name Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 29th day of July, 1953. jf eArtrvr f a ra a. m f District Clerk. 1 I Aug.S.13.19. 1 . . . . 1 FINAL NOTICE CAROLINE J. JOHNSON, admin istratrix ot th estate f HARRY A. JOHNSON, deceased, baa filed .her final account as such In the Circuit Court of Marion County, Oregon, and said Court hs fixed Flidsy, the 2Sth day of August. 193. t 9:13 oclork a. m.. . in the CouiS Room of said Court, as the time and place for bearing objections thereto. CAROLINE J.'r JOHNSON Administratrix of the Estate of HARRY A. JOHNSON. deceased 'r WILLIAMS at EXOFlIi Attorneys 'or Admimttratrtx its Piori eer Trust Building , Salem. Oregon ' i Jly. 29. Au. S. 12. If. 2S If Why Suffer Any Lngtf Waesi ethers fan, ase :r Calnes raauedtes. Aasartag saeceaa far I See years la Chlaa4 N saatter wtta what ail-seats ye are af- fUeted disorders. sisjBsttU. heart. tears. Sver. kidney a., ess. coast. aatioa, a leers, aiaaadea, rktaias. Ussa. can and bfcadesi fever, ski. lesaale eaaaplaiats. Charlie , Chan ' - CHTHESE BIB.B CO. 2S4 N. Caeal rbons 2-1319 SALEM. ORE. Offie Rears: list Tve sad Sat. On l -c for ' irf Paucr 300 Personal 312 Lostsernd Found lost: EBie t parakett. Vlcinitv of Vtnta Kr fTthf .Bd. PhneJ-2T-f. A LADY'&t wriat watchToat Saturday, corner Llbertv and Chmkt. -, Reward. yr J-7oi w"3 ,rjay iikt hone 4-1371 estenston 34 8 e entrtrt., Salut pu puiae. VUkiiir of Court between 5th and 4th. Re ward Psone -159a. LOST: Biiiova wri.t watch la 3 near Senator Hotel Saturday ftigh. Ph. SUyton 4534. Reward. Trans port crtion WANTED. 1 SHARK RIDERS or pas. -sengera to Corvalua datlv. Phnn. ( 3L raanc SECURrTYlDETECTIVB Agency. Prii vate InveatleaUon. 139 PacKic Bldg. Phnne 4-24. , ' - NASAL congeation, ! ainua. aUima Jsvf ever4 rit aamplsu QUICK Rt ULT from nasal congeation aaao - elated with common head colds and J. aggravated by svmptoms ot iinuj, asthma and havfev-r. No cost.- no obligation nothing o return. Writ for your IrR EE SAMPLE TODAY 5S1-ihT NATIONAL JAB TORIES. BOX I JO. STOCK- Feti Itch & Burn?- 1-1 PllII StHpt will stop it I Instantly. No drugs, money back guarantee. It. Tt rredhind Mf-. Co. 17IS S.E. pts kane St.. 4nrtland 9. Orevon st rmi .' trno !T. IV-,I ' r,-j-.TV3 ' -uwx, nuujkjita. pieaae bring Hay- ""u nooifLiiunr roy tee. MRS Ja. rsyi hic reader tells your past, "present, future. Can future, hel-s ovein-om all .obstacles that keep you from uccss, health and happlnessi Tip Topt Motel, 3510 S, Commercial JMy.aX;A pt 1. ' ALCOHOLlcS Anonymous group No L 20SS N. 'omrneix-ial. Phone 3-9419 3-4337.1'. O. Bov T24. : ,400 Alrricultiire Uwaalock ill I ' roil SALTf a year eld mistered: Hamney bjick. Reesonsblej Ed Drs. L ? ? jj Box 8V f 2-3M " TOR SALES good family cow7ii5 Hampden tatne. " f&h SALtJ fiuernsey cow, giving about 1 g3. mUlt per day, .70. Csi -m evenings. If. F, Christiansen, L S, Box 4M. sg1esy Put. 7. flRtJNCl Buernaev Jeif.r "iron i good milk stock. Sag. 13SS Holgate; St.. Keizef District, i on block oil f Csndlewo'l pr, j 1 fORZ bredlierteyi Hasvy producer f Phon. 3-t?l. -"M ! SoNDErTTivEstOCK buyer. M. c! I Mi-CtndWai. 1127 .yHh. Ph. S-SUTi EtJNDaUJ glveatock Buyer. '" A.7"f. Swnmtr, Ami Usrmoay Dr. ph. " 4-2S17. 1 t :; . I - ftONDEX) Livestock buyerJ Claooi Edwsrds. jtt. ,;3. Box 9S9. Ph. 4-1113. VCENSED 1 and bonded livestock. buyer. K.3L Snethea, ICS Kenwood Av. Phnn 1-134S. WANTED, iresh snd springer dairy tows. as. aommerj Dr. Phonal 4.3M17 Hi 1263 Harmony tCia3t'Iij;g:Mref.,d. lie; locVe? I twirkr atSLm XItas -4 at S-vaas, -war-. tvtuiil vww (ta W VTlOn 1 11 SS " pay. Custom killing. Trailer loan ed free. Salem Meat Co, 132S S. -ain. fa. a-43a. ,;! j l04 Poultry and KoibbUs SO LEGHORN laying hens. SI each, Also smaa snd large fcede-s and waterers, I Metal neita. Electrt brooder. Aflr p.m. 3b S. Sum mer. 1 ' ! : IVB are ' hatching New' Hampshire. Goldaa Broad, and Arbor acres Whit Xoeks every week. Special prices to jsear round fryer growers. Fox Hatchery, 3S30 State SU Phon - Custom kriw Fowl -oi "any kind. a Ph. 4-0428; Newall's Poultry Plnt. I Kill days week. SO. S. Box 109. " Salem. i ' i . EaBBITS wsnUd"." any sue and quaff- yuiy.Aiao purenred , breeding stock xor sai. ra. t-iivt itk Pe-ts r BBEAUTLFUl, Wiemsrsner puppies. kmmpion faiocx. Must SCU. V mir choice. S45.000. Wonderful hunters. S01S Everereen Ave ViALI I Pekinese, year 4li. for sale, 45 8. Surrgner. ' TlNY RatTerrir puppy, male." ( v.nrinr, m monmi, icmsjs, Inonlre S4I9 William Ave FOR SALT: $ male Boners. 10 weeks old. Ph. 4-3057. ! 1 ' BiLrVwooS-AQUARtt)-!1. ia&a u: Coy, 1 block ast of N Canitol. I', kk-V nnrtH nf M.i1Im rh KGLSTXREO tri-cclor ecfiie77eili. Phono vi 144. i CHAMPION broa boxer puppies. v. ery pup a potential chsmplon. Moore's Tropical fish.; equipment. Goldfish. Parakeets. 3 miles from Lancaster an Macleay Road. Phone 4-377.1. Closed m We4nea1ava CANARTlSTpaTiketsTraUeveru , pwtn. 7W Beiievue St Ph. 4-1587. 410 S dm and Plants FUCHSIAS. TUBER OTTS BEGONIAS. CERANIUM?;. MERRlfS GREEN- HOUSE, BROOKS. jj I 412 Fruit and F arm uce ' '. ii tX-PICK )l! I Bovsen and Nectar berries. 10c Tb. (bring container!). 1 ' . rn ilea east Of Kelzer School (watrh for signal fringed Sst. Ed Sproed. UIClTeerVieT. ScliirwC Kelzcr school. Follow signs, Hoff- man t !p i pie cherries delie" ered, 15cjhj J. W, Hs iw s, 3 1 07 7. FOR SALE: Good 'oats and vetrhTuTy, Muat sell. M4ke offer, U B. Vsn . Dyke. Phone 4-4331. Across from McClesy Store. .;i ; CfrquaTi ty" new' spuds ii per IGO. - Phone 2-2342. ' , - CPICRfboyieriberries, lc.' O. ZisUl, Rt 4 Box 54. Pnon 2-024S. LANBIRiia- U-PC"'Rt7 1. Box No. 31. Phone 4-1 364. Begin Ttiesaav. rrsnir ttennett BLUEBERRIES j t for le., James 1! Bright. 1019 South Pachlc Highway; I wonoDurn. jrnone nmzz; ; fRX fipNo. 1 - Til inn' aprlrots . from tn Xnes. Puntan Cider -,! Works. 7S1 Edgewster, Phone 2-7414 GOOD alfalfa hay. 25 : Ions.' Vern McGowan. ;BU' U , Independence, 'Ore. I 5 'i:r ! 150 TON oTvttch At oats hay. $17 50 per on. Inquire at terminal garste In - Jefferann for Joestion. Del - Thomas. Jefemon. O'- lOarfaliaTand'rye grass hay. S20 ton in the field. Werlln Hop Ranch. Indeyen-n. Siisr. pie charrlee. V-f ick. Fhon 2-21:4. Ot. f . V. Lass ND Ot. O. Cbsa, Bt j DES.C:lAN ...LAM OXimSS fNATUadrATCs' CpstaJr. 241 Kerta Llbertv; Offte sit Sattirdsy only. 19 I to t t 1 p nt. Ceotalial 1 1. bleed prsssvr and aria tests sre free af charge. Practiced ataee sit Wrtt fee altrsetiv gift. Je e9gasisw s t . . j!r v aaVaaajaajBaawaa-B J , A Y i i I ;1 ! :! .. . MMaMMMMH,nw .... . . MtabM-1H-- --. X ' i .