TTep ; E)anMi' 2.11 2p Jt?s Getting to Be a Habit With Them mi Merchants Cop Playoff iame , The Salem Merchants toi the first nmc of their playoff Iwith Salem Used Cars last night in; City League Softball, 7-5, and arelnow but one win away from 4 jltate tournament berth. The samef two teams playjigain, tonight at tight o'clock at ThiUips Field, in fneir 2-of-3 series. ij J- . ' i j J Paced by Glena BlaVoh fand Bob Knight at bat, the Merchants scorea inree uraes in; kuv inning off Frank Michtls. Payne and Vandervortii hit f or i extra bases in the second, godd fprf two more runs. Vandervort homered in the fifth. Payne drove ini the final run. ; ji j j . i j J ' Sherk and Haugen hit fori the first Used Cars run, Michelsf hit a two-run homer: in the sixth off Bob Knight, and Moore! homired in the seventh wtta one on; In Industrial League! playl the Berg's Markets downed Firstl Na tional Bank 11-3, Commercial Beat Covers and Post Office Clerks bat tled to a 1-X tie in a game halted by darkness ,after six inningsland Kay Woolens tripped Keizer Mer chants 5-4. - , - ; , i f Young of the Post Office lom- ered to tie up the game ini tne sixth inning. ji I j 1 j tfenderson was the leading hitter for First National ! lank with three hits,' while Pailus, Matille. McConvilleL Snitkei. Matt and Hill got telling blows for Berg's. i I -1 i I , In - tonight's Industrial games First, Christian t Church j plays Postal - Clerks at; seven o'clock, Phillips Field. Randle jOil Woleamott Service inj a plays hon- league game, 6:30 at 01inger. BOX SCORE: Used Can ..O01 002 1i S 4 Merchant 4320 Oil 4-i 1 3 Michels and Keuacher; KnifMland weaver. If j ji 1st Nat. Bank i,...i...lOf 10-f Bere'g Mkt. ,..u. 620 4S-4l$ 9 3 Clark and Bunnel; Mill and Matille. Com! Seat PO Clerks .. Hass and Kruser. :.;: .. ooo 106 t 3 e 00OO0l4-f 2 1 Kephart; Lebold land II 'il This, that, etc? Over Auto '? . . . il I 7 j, j i it r ! a - - t : - s . - If PI I I k V . . -V.r tr s - s f I : Mystery of the! week jusf concluded: Who unplugged the holes in the Senators' bats? Fortftheir dismal week abroad, one in which everyone on the club other than Ls (Magic Wand) Witherspoon : went into a battingMaiJspihJthe boys bombarded the enemy -frith a resounding .164 hitting percen tage. Which is just barely enough! to knock a sick dog off a curb. . . : All those spectacular batting aver age figures owned byj Jimfmy Deyo, Connie Perez; BoSsman Lu-: by, Jerry Ballard, t al through the season now look as il they ; were caught in a bread slicerf. . . , .Batting slumps: catch iith . everyone now and then. S pap-: pens that this anej snared otir vil- lage dandies all together aba all' at once. . It was long coming! but ; finally got here. Let's nowf hope it doesnt stick around Jong The base hit famine actually start- . ed two weeks ago. Sine; ta Deyo has dropped 24 points, al- i : lard 39, Perez 25, Luby 25SSaba tini 15, Masterson 12. Tanselfi 7, i Nelson 2. Only Wltherspoon, with gic wand he uses far a bat, has shown an increase . . . First degree murder, that's what, and something aU the rest of the league has been waiting to sees happen lor over two months ... Speaking of slumps, if the Boston Red Sox don't do any better with Ted Wil liams back in the lineup than they've done since he s rejoined the team, they're headed for the fcellar. ed since the Splinters return; is lose eight .straight games . . . Right idea: In passing by a saqdlat baseball game the other afternoon, same being played by scads 4f seven and eight-year-olds, we asked who was playing who. Wer$ the Salem Senators," bubbled one of the little tikes as ne made j with4 a practice swing, "and they're the Tri-City Slobs. When asked who was winning the same kid firmly informed, "We are,:27 to jlfi- j-r';i Give 'Em Longer RaJA and I They'll Be Tfiere ' -.- rii I! Iv-j-. If the Valley Sportster operating Hollywood Bowl aato rae ing areat already aware tol it, reason for the big crowd of Sat .urday night (second largest of the season) was merely because of the longer-lapped main event. In other words, give the pa . trans longer races and I theyTl be there to watch. They : know " ; . that sooner or later daring, the extended runs someone's mount . will either blow up, torn! a flip-flop or ram another. Which is what the great majority of ante racing enthusiasts want to see. ItH cost the eustomersi S3 to sit in the, Sick Stadium bleachers Friday , night for the Matthfs-Cockell fight. But Promoter Harry ! I (Centiiiued on next page) -aVv 5 . Coath Vince Genoa (upper photo) was the center .attraction during the victory surge of the Salem American Legion Junior Baseball team after Sunday's win at Waters Field which clinched the sec ond straight state title for the Capital Posters. Vinte got a ride just like it a year ago, too. Below, (1-r) Catcher Curt Jantxe, Sec-ond-sacker Twink Pederson and Pitcher Gary Paterson pose with same of the hardware won by the Salems during the tournament. These three lads were voted outstanding catcher, iafielder and pitcher for the meet (Morr ell Crary photos.) Ailing Arm May ; Out of Action Rest of Year I PHILADELPHIA WP) Little Bobby Shantz. the sensation of baseball last year and the American League' most valuable player of 1952, may be through for the season. t Shantz left Sunday's first game against Cleveland with a recur In Ed Smith's Familv, The Last Laugh V Best ENID. Okla. (JP) Mrs. Ed Smith had the last. laugh on her husband. . . ' : She let her. driver's license ex pire May 1 and remembered it a ctouple of weeks later. Her hus band reprimanded her ; saying: "There's no excuse for that" ' Then you guessed it ' Smith checked his own driver's license and discovered it had expired a year before. , :N 'v P A" - V JI y u " TED WILLIAMS His return a Jinx? a gain of 19 points with his ma All the Bosox have accomplish 11 - twwwM' Keep Shantz rence of the arm injury that side- lined him for seven weeks recent ly.'His arm stiffened in the fourth inning. This has been a rough season for the smallest pitcher in baseball. He's - won five and lost eight as compared with a 19kr3 mark at this same time in 1952 and a seasonal log of 24-7. He's been plagued with arm trouble since injuring a muscle in his shoulder in Boston earlier in the campaign. ' The southpaw came back about 10 days ago and .won two games, beating St. Louis and Chicago. He rested a week before starting in the rain and cold against Cleveland Sunday. Manager Jimmy Dykes of the Philadelphia Athletics removed his ace after four innings with Cleveland leading 2-0. ' Dykes gloomily surveyed the sit uation as his A's took a day off Monday: ; "I don't know when I'll use him again, but I do know it. won't be until I'm quite sure his arm and shoulder are all right Right .now, they aren't all right, no mistake about it" Dykes indicated he was. going to keep Shantz on the bench possibly even the rest of the year to make sure ' the little hurler will - be of future use to the A's. 'Williams Hard At Workouts BOSTON m Red Sox "slugger Ted Williams weighed in at, 202 pounds Monday eight.' pounds lighter than when he doffed the Marine greens for baseball flan nels a week ago. - The lanky ex-jet pilot's, reply to the question of when be u be ready to help boost the Red Sor out of their slump was; I don't know." T After Monday's . workout at Fen way Park, Williams legs were ach ing, his 'arms sore- and patches of little red busters swelled on his fingers. ' ;. Williams looked at his palms and said: "That's how -they toughen. He still hasn't cut loose at top speed running, but he said in a few days I'll try? going at full speed for 30 or 40 ' yards. The best guess now is that Wil liams wont even be put to a pinch hitting role this week as the Red Sox losers of eight straight meet St Louis and .Cleveland, v STRANAUAN WINNER i CHICAGO OB Frank Stranahan, the Toledo, Ohio, bridegroom. Mon day captured his sixth straight ail American Amateur title with a 72 bole .total of even; par 2SS. The National Geographic So ciety says ML Rainier, Washing ton, has 40 square miles of gla ciers, .. , Dahle Faces aks Tonight Tanselli, Essegian, : Perex, Pallard Clout ' - By AL LIGHTNER Statesman Sports Editor Whatever it was that plagued the town Senators during their recent jaunt to Yakima and Wen a tehee, where- they managed a team batting effort of J64 in win ning but two of seven games, didnt follow them back to Waters Field last night for the annual "picnic night-j j I The Senator unbuckled no less than four well -smacked home runs and added six other assort ed base hits in romping to an easy 12-2 victory over the beard- I ed House of Davids. , Remember How ' ''' ' i. Now all H. Ltiby's leaders have to do is "remember how it was done, for tonight they open an eight-game home stand, playing the rough and rugged Yakima Bears the first three, and Wenat- chee the last five. Getting even with those two outfits for the em harassment of last week will be the big target for the Solons. Lefty Dave Dahle, who blanked the Yaks the last time he faced 'em, will toe the firing line for the Senators tonight His oppon ent is apt to be Mexican Danny Rios, one of the Yaks' top guns. Gene Tanselli as first man up for the Senators, Connie Perez and Chuck Essegian in a four-run fifth inning,1 and finally Jerry Ballard in a five-run eight inning clouted the round-trippers against the Davids. . , AU came off Chuck Chapetta, burly righthander who went the route for the barnstormers. Runs Walked in The Davids, who dont boast much of a batting attack, scared their lone pair off Jim Petersen in the fourth, Jim walking in both after two other free tickets and an infield hit - -1 The Tigard youngster mowed down 10 Davids via strikeouts and for other than the fourth. pitched seven innings of impres sive baseball. Big Ballard, who used to be a pitcher, hurled the last two heats, giving up two nits ana tanning two. : - j 1. 1 . A with his long homer, Luby with two singles one of which hit high up on the. left field fence Perez with a double to go with his four-master and Jim Deyo. Les Withers poon and Ballard banged out the Salem hits. NIckerson a Wow The Davids produced their fa mous repper uame ' in the sixth inning, a wow of a now-you-see- lt-now-you-don t exhibition with a baseball, with Manager George Anderson, Bo bo Nickerson. and Jack Garrett taking part; But the guy who stole the entire show was Nickerson, who went through bis clownish antics afield, in the stands and in both Umps' Ollie Williams and Dale Bates' hair al most inrougnoui tne game, ivicx erson and his wide variety of stuff are real rib-ticklers. . Mrs. Don Masterson was judged winner of the cake-baking contest between the players' wives, an other feature of the j "Picnic Night festivities ... A light drizzle, which f eU almost through out the game, held the crowd down to less than 1,200 ... Homer Parade: David (2) (11) Salem BHOA BHOA Hlmch S 0 2 3 Tanslli. 2 10 1 MasaJ 4 0 2 S Luby J 4 2 2 2 Keller J 4 2 4 1 Perzm S 2 1 1 Gattsx S 2 3 0 DeyonO 3 10 0 Sndn.m 4 0 10 Wipn.rl 4 12 0 Mtchll.l 3 1 10 0 BalrdLlp 4 17 0 Wsnktjr 2 110 EsscgnJ 4 2 10 BrkmpJ 3 2 11 Mutiny 4 14 1 Chpeta o 301 Petrsn.p 302 1 Sbtnlm 10 0 1 NeUonj- 1 0 p 0 Total 33 IJ4 11 - Total 3310278 Divldl 000 200 OOO 2 S S Salem 200 040 05- 11 10 1 Pitcher Ip Ab H R Cr ' So Bb ChapctU 13 19 11 7 3 S Petersen 7 - 27. " 2 2 j 18 5 Ballard 2 S 3 4 2 0 WP Chapetta. Winner Petersen. E Masse, atti. Helmicb. Sabatlni. Mitchell. Birkenkamp. HR Tanselli. Perez. Essejian. Ballard. 2BH Catta. Essegian. Perez, Keller. RBI Tan selll. Wltoerspooa 2, Chapetta. Masse, Perez 2. Sasegiaa 2. Ballard. 1 Luby. SH Blrkenkamp. J5P Perez to Lubr to Withe rspoon. U William and Bate. T 2:00. A 1,178. TANKS WIN SOUTH ORANGE. N. J. OB L Vic Seixas and Tony Trabert. Ameri ca's one-two punch for the Davis Cup Monday led the way into the second round of the Eastern Grass Courts Tennis Championshipsthe nation's top preview for the Nation als, .j: . 1 Kosen Top. llireat f or f Triple Crouri NEW. YORK i Cleveland's Al Rosen has projected himself smack into the thick of the Ameri can League batting scramble and stands a good chanc of winning the triple crown.; . : i The slugging third ' baseman boosted bis average eight . points to J18 last week to pull within seven points of the leader. Mickey Vernor of Washington. Averages include Sunday! games. . j Not since 1947 when Boston's Ted Williams - topped 1 the American League in batting,; home runs and runs batted in has any player cap tured the triple crown, Rosen cur rently leads the league in home runs with .17 and kbi s witn si ana is fourth in hitting, i - I -Vernon's average didn't change. 8-rlTh Statesman, Salem. Title Belt Match At Stake . . . In Mat ilAameri fonigtit Irish Jack OlUley and Johnny Demchuk, a pair of right rugged individuals who should make for the Armory to see which one gets next week's shot at Frank Sto jack's Coast Junior Heavy mat title belt The tatooed Aussie and WESTERN INTERNATIONAL WLPct. WLPct. Salem 21 13 4118 Lewis tn IS 17 .485 Spokane 24 15.815 Wenach 13 18.453 Vancuvr 20 18 .526 Tri-City IS 20 .444 Edmntn 17 IS .515 Calgary 14 20.412 Yakima 1817.514 Victoria 15 22.405 Monday result: At Calcary-LewU- toa (DostDonedt. At Edmonton-SDo- ( kane (postponed). At Vancouver 1, Victoria 0. (Only game scheduled.) COAST LEAGUE WLPct. WLPct. Holly wd 83 51 .617 Portland 63 67 .485 Seattle 78 57.571 SnDiefo 60 7 1 .458 LosAnf 68 65.511, Oakland 57 74.435 SanFran 64 68 .463 Sacmnto S7 74 .435 Monday results: At Seattle 2. Los Ansclei 3: at Hollywood 6. Sacra mento 3; at San Diefo 4, Oakland 3. (Only games played.) AMERICAN LEAGUE WLPct. WLPct. K York 67 34 .663 Wshngtn 49 55 .471 Chicago 63 40.612 Philadel 43 59.422 Clevelnd 60 42 .588 Detroit 38 64 .372 Boston 97 48 .543 St Louis 33 70 J33 Monday results: At New York 11. St Louis 3. At Washington 0. Chicago 1. (Only games scheduled.) NATIONAL LEAGUE WLPct. WLPct. Brookla 67 35.657 N York 52 46 .531 Milwkee 59 44 .573 CincnaU 49 55 .471 Philadel S5 44.556 Chicago 36 62 .367 St. Louis 55 45 MO Pits burg 33 73 JOS Monday results: At Milwaukee 0. Brooklyn 1. At St. Louis 8. Philadel phia X At Cincinnati S. Pittsburgh 0. (Only games scheduled.) Coast Tourney Leaders Named ASTORIA W. H. Cravatt. Portland, was medalist among men- over 50, and there was a three-way tie for medalist in the men from 40 to 50 years old in Monday's qualifying rounds of the Oregon Coast golf tournament. Cravatt carded 36-41 77 on the Astoria golf course. Tied in the 40 to 50 division wre George Cameron, Portland, 36- 38-74; Bill Palmberg. Astoria, 37- 3774; and Curt Mosely, Port land. 39-35 71. Jn Sunday's qualifying round Roy Atkins. Portland, won the medal for men under 40 and Mrs, Tom Georges Jr., and Mrs. Naomi Kidd. both Portland, paced the women qualifiers. 1 Elimination; matches for women. men under 40 and seniors are to begin Tuesday. .. Ramsdell Now Portland Bevo PORTLAND (in ' The Portland Beavers of n the Pacific Coast League Monday signed pitcher Willard Ramsdell, recently re leased by Los Angeles. To make ' room for him under the 21-player limit, the Beavers dropped Roy Welmaker, a left handed relief hurler. RamsdelL a right bander, came to Los Angeles last summer after three seasons in the National League. His record this season is five wins and six losses. The 35-yeaff-old knuckleball spe cialist will join the 'Portland club at . San Francisco Tuesday. National League Philadelphia 000 000 003 3 S I St. Louis . 430 oio oo- a 12 o Konstanty. Kipper (1) Hansen (I), Drews (71 and Lopata; MizeU. Brazlc (f) and Rice. Pittsburgh SOO 000 000 S X Cincinnati 200 201 0O I 7 0 LaPalme. Hetki (5. Hall 47) and AtweU; Nuxhall and Seminick. Brooklyn 000 000 1 t Milwaukee ' 000 000 0 (7 lnninar. . called because of rain.) Meyer and Campanclla; Burdctte and CrandalL ; (Only games) scheduled.) but he displaced slumping George Kell of the Red Sox as the leader by going t-for-24. Kell went 2-for-10 ' and dropped five points to .323. -Orestes (Minnie) Minoso of the Chicago White Sox ranks third at 322, followed by Rosen. Billy Good man of Boston completes the top five with J308L ; . Al (Red) Shoendienst of the St Louis .Cardinals has regained the lead from the Giants Monte Irvin in the National League batting race. Schoendienst's average Is .341 and Irvia is hitting -.335. i An eye injury failed te dim Scho endienst's. bating and he returned to action with six hits in 11 trips to increase his (' average .six points. Irvin. meanwhile, went KHor-32 and lost tvo points. Ort. Tuesday August C 1S53 a wow of a match, clash tonight at the hard hitting Cincinnati, O., gladiator have won their respec tive waytvto tonight s mix, having come through a lengthy elimina tion processing set up by Match maker Elton Owen. O'Riley last week eliminated Johnny Henning in a riotous mix here,, and Demchuk, a topnotcher if ever there has been one in the mat game, got by The Masked Marvel, something that isn't being done very regularly by anyone these days. Owen looks for a bruising fi nale tonight as the two go for the lucrative whirl with Stojack next I . weeK. The hooded Marvel, mean as ever, appears in tonight's semifi nal with Greg Jacque, the im pressive Spaniard who looked so good last week in holding George Drake to a draw. This should be quite a match also. The 8:30 o'clock commencer will have Henning, very popular here, against the Judo expert Mr. Sakata, a mat nasty who also uses the dread sleeper hold along with his Judo stufL Either Tony Ross or Harry El liott will, referee. It will be Ross if he , has sufficiently recovered from a bad gash he suffered last week while arbiting. He got in the way of one of Demchuk's elbows, which conked him in the moth and. required a nine-stitch sortie at a local hospital. ' Caps Defeat Victoria 1-0 The Vancouver Caps downed Victoria 1-0 in the only Western International League baseball ac tion last night. The scheduled Edmonton-Spokane and Calgary Lewiston games, booked for the Canadian cities, were not played, being postponed. Yakima opens at Salem and Wenatchee at Tri-City tonight Bob Roberts, who has won seven, lost one since going to the Caps from Calgary, hurled the Van victory, besting Bill Bottler. Each pitcher gave six hits. Vancouver scored in the fourth when Nick Castas singled, stole second, went to. third on a wild throw by Milt Martin and scored on Chuck Davis' infield hit Victoria - 000 000 0000 2 Vancouver 000 100 00 1 S 1 Bottler and Martin; Roberts and Duretto. Senator Swat: (Up to ab Deyo 321 Witherspoon 281" Luby 242 Perez , 361 Tanselli 403 -date:) h 2b 3b hr rbi pet 112 12 0 I 63 .349 S3 J8 77 11 IDS 17 120 23 il J31 40 .318 73 .302 SI M 22 .293 Ballard 164 4S S J4 7 41 S 4 4 10 4 Nelson 189 23 .284 17 .243 Masterson Sabatinl Enegian Pitching: Roenspie . Nicrofas Hemphill . Collins . Borst . .169 -.270 58 27 .237 4 .169 G Ip W L So Bb Ef -19 122i 22 164Vi JO 181 Vj .23 13H'a 12 35 58 42 77 89 S3 17 14 70 83 77 70 83 SI 61 43 33 33 28 30 12 18 21 .25 Mi Dahle -12 83, - M's Petersen . - Total double slays. 88. Won at heme. 34: on road, 27. Lost at home, 18; on road. 20. ' American League St. Louis 000 000 0.T6 3 11 1 211 418 20 11 18 New York . Cain. Stuart 4. Blyzka (7) and Mosa; Ford and Berra. Silvers (. Chicago 000 000 001 1 6 a i and Washington u OOO OOO OOO Pierce and Wilson: Rchmltx Fitzgerald. J (Only game scheduled.) ' Carl Furillo of the Brooklyn Dod gers gained six points by going 10-for-25 te remain third with a .330 average. Ted Kluszewski of the Redlegs and Frankie Baumholtz of the Cubs are tied for fourth at JS2S each. --. i Milwaukee's Eddie Mathews con tinues to set the pace in home suns in the National' League with 33 and Roy Campanella of the Dodgers maintains his runs batted; in su premacy with 96. " . " ' ! Lefty Ed Lopat of the Yanks Is back on top of the American League pitching leaders with a 10-2, .833 won-lost percentage. Another veter an southpaw. Warren Spahn of the Braves, is the foremost National League hurler with a 14-4, .771 mark, ! , ' i In Maiher .-V f IRISH JACK O'RILEY Meets Demchuk la biggie. YankNetters ictory Wightman Cup , By WILL GRIMSLEY RYE, N; Y. un i America's dominant women tennis players with Maureen Little Mo) Connolly ana Dons Hart providing the one two punch, swept to f their 17th straight Wightman Cup victory over oreat Britain Monday with out loss of a set. ! The final score was 7-0, the sixth shutout since the last war and the 25th triumph for Uncle Sam' nieces against four defeats in the woefully one-sided International series dating back to j 1923. Aitnougn Misses Connolly and Hart were the individual stand outs, figuring in six of the seven points it remained for Shirley Fry of Akron, Ohio, to score the clinch ing decision with a 6-2, 8-4 revenge win over Mrs. Jean Quertier Rin kel. Britain's best woman player This came in the first singles match of the day, after a 3-0 lead piled up by Americans Saturday, anc made the final three, matches a mere formality. Miss Connolly, the If. S. Wimble don and Australian g titleholder, from San Diego, Calif, i played like a girl in a hurry to keep a date as she breezed, past' lefthanded Helen. Fletcher 8-1, C-I. It took just 22 minutes.. it Miss Hart, - slender stylist from Coral Gables, Fla., second ranked nationally, matched the perform ance of the American champion by humbling Angela'; Mortimer, aiso 6-1. o-i. . u It was the second singles vie tory for both. They also shared in the doubles nointst The day's rout was com Dieted when the doubles team of Miss Fry and Miss Hart, ij Wimbledon and U. S. champions, disposed of Mrs. Rinkel and Miss Fletcher, e-z, o-i. j Hollies Hike Lead to Six The Hollywood Stirs downed Sacramento 8-3 last night at Hoi lywood to extend their Coast Lea gue ead to six full games over 2eauie. The Rainier;; bowed 3-2 to Los Angeles at Seattle.. In an other game the San DSego Padres edged Oakland 4-3. Biiddy Peter son driving in the winning run with two out in the ninth with a single. fi Cal McLish held Seattle to four hits for Los Angeles, besting vera Kindsfather. Bill Thomason of San Diego held Oakland to four hits also. Portland and San Francisco were idle Monday. : 1 -i Los Angeles 000 110-010 3 8 0 Seattle . 000 02$ 000 2 4 1 McLish and Peden; t Kindsfather Lovrigh (t) and Ortelg Sacramento , , 000 OOfl 012 3 8 2 Hollywood 202 OO 02 6 3 Johnson, Kimball (8) and Ritchey; Mcuonaia ana Bragan. 'I Oakland 000 OOS 100 3 4 San Diego 000 30O 001 4 10 0 Atkins and Neal; Ma this. Teomaton and pacsMayGet Massive Loan - - ii SACRAMENTO uB- City Mana ger Bartley W. Cavinaugb con firmed Monday that "in all proba bility the Sacramento polons of the Pacific Coast Baseball; League will get a 1250,000. loan from the city employees retirement fund. It would mean the fund would take a first mortgage upon Edmonds Field, the home of the. Solons. The loan would enable the Solons to pay off a $105,000 first mortgage held by the California-Western States Life Insurance j Co., a 170.- 000 obligation to the Bank of Amer ica and smaller but pressing debts. There would also be $30,000 or $40,000 left to buy ball players. 'Of the loan prospect; Cavanaugh said: "It is certainly letter-for us to invest in a prime' first mort gage in Sacramento than it is to buy bonds on, say, the Union Ter minal in Chicago. Our money will be right here where we can watch It" 1., : - - Scat Covers? See Pacific Auto Supply 1SS N. Commercial fh. 4-3lC bweep V : w ht Yanliees Clout Cards jToppIe Phils, Qiisox "Blank Nat NEW YCflK m The Brooklyn odirers Diilled S K tmme out in front of th Milwaukee Braves in the Nationft League pennant race Monday nttht with a rain short ened 1-0 vfctory over thej Braves at MUwauk)ee. . r I After beig delayed 42 minutes ia the bottoirj of the seventh inning, the game finally was called In the last of th eighth. The Dodgers were leadiig 2-0 after Duke Snid er -homered in the Brooklyn half of the eighth but the score revert- rl to the fcst full inning, j The Brofiklyn run came In the sevenin wraen pitcher Iiusi Meyer singled with two on and two out. It was his the year s first run batted in ot id the shutout was his ight over the Braves, ice Philadelphia also Second st Third pi dropped a i T" a to the The Card ull notch back by bow- L Louis Cardinals 8-3. broke loose far svn runs in thi first two innings and Wilmer MJiell chyked the Phils anui me mam wnen tney scored ail 0f their ris. Connie! Ryan hit a pinch hit wo run homer i in the Sinth; I ; ; t -il , j Joe Nuxall of Cincinnati threw a five jiit shutout at the last place Pittsburgh fPirates, winning S-0, It was the edlegs fourth straight victory, J Billy Pic ington Ser tiis Chlcagi edi across ce set down the Wash itors on two hits and White Sox mates push i run without hit in o Win 1-0.! I the ninth j Johnny S:hmiU gave up six hiU for the Sentors without being scor ed ; upon but in the ninth, he hit Tom Wright with a pitch, i Wright went into second on s sacrifice Sard enough; to upset Shortstop ferry Snyder and con tinued to third as Snyder; lay on the ground! A long, fly I by Sherm liar brcighthim home. In the oily day action the New ork Yaniees smothered I the St. uis Brons 11-3. The Yankee 18- tut attack! against three pitchess Included i &t triples and three dou bles. !ar Pact ST. LOllS lit Manacer Eddie Stankv of She St. Louis Cardinal. In solid win his boss even though his club ha faltered in the pennant , trace, Monc&y was given a contract extension tinning through 19M. - Stanky to have a bigger voice in a pong-range Cardinal re building program and k, free hand to experirrftnt with young players for , the refiainder of this 1 season. The contiacL lonsest ever srant- ed a Cardinal manager, was re- ported to 11 for thei same salary Stanky ha been receiving, about $40,000 an "y. i j It's on of the biggest! honors I have ev received in baseball,' Stanky ,sai August Busch JrJ. Cardinal president. ade it plain he doesn't blame his year-old manager for a decline 1 Cardinal fortunes dur- ing the p t two months.! saying 'We inten to build sround him." Only ha a game: out of first 29, the Iledbirds have ball since then! dipped place Ma played into secori division, and Mon day were ii fourth place 11 games behind league-leading: Brooklyn. En authorizing Stanky! to experi ment withfyoung players ifor . the balance of this season, Busch said he is a ware this may involve some risks in clfse;ball games. but we think it means more for our future baseball." j The club wner announced he has psked SUnly to bring to St. Louis at the endlof ' the season all man- fgers in th far-flung Cardinal mi or league system. ; jil ! ' : r i. tuno:ii.,.OTD2S K3tKVVOttltnC Get evt f the dogheuie ffeat yewrself sihI tlte family t sfeefnctable' vfd car from eur lot . . . When yeu buy, hen yen have iteming te growl ibevH 1950 ilssk Sedan, Riots, Heater, Over drive, bedj brand new rings. Si M l Ij $1095 5 - ' '' ' ' a pM o.i sao " i ?irt7T TtA4 Stai J h . I: ! - .1 i i )