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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1953)
-1 . . ; -10 Thm. Statesman, Sacau r Salem Market Quotations 1 1 '" " ' (As of late yesterday) BUTTERFAY Premium . No. 1 No. 1 . BUTTER t1- N 4 r1" 10 14 Wholesale Retail , .70 (Wholesale prices rants from1 8 to 7 cents ever buying: price) . Large AA ',, ," ) .,.,' 1 -7 : Large A , , i .. 143 Medium AA . , . , j Ml Medium A ., - i Mf Pullet i I I poultry Colored Hens Leghorn Hens Colored Fryers Old Roosters Boasters 1-22 4-31 -S3 41 Portland Produce PORTLAND w jfiutterfatj Tantative, subject jto limmediate change Premium quality, maxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, j 68-71C 3b; first quality 66-9c; second quality 63-66c. Valley routes iad country points 2 cents less. I i . 'Butter Wholesale L 4p-- cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 66c lb; 92 score, 65c; -B, 90 score, 63c; C, 89 core. 60c Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 42 4- 45c fc; Oregon 5-lb loaf 48 Vz-50 c. Eggs To wholesaJert-i-CandSed eggs containing no loss cases In cluded, f.o.b. Portlandi-A large. a u-a c: A medium 69 -66 $c; A small 50-51c; Bii grade, large. so-c. H ; 1. 1 j Eggs To retailers Grade AA, laree. 74c: A large! 69-70c: AA medium. 69c: A mediuini 67-6c; A (small, nominally 5l-52fc. Cartons 3 cents additional, h ; - s Live chickens No.! i i quality, f.o;b. plants Fryers,! 2- -3 Iks, 3lc, 3-4 lbs, 31c; roasters. 4 Ds, up 3lc: heavy nens, an weigms, 2f21c; light hens, all weights, lSe; old roosters 15-18c. f !: j I Rabbits Average to growers- Live white, 4-5 lbs, 20-23c, 5-6 ids. 18-22c: old does, 10-12c, few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to; retailers, Wholesale dressed meats: 3 ' Beef Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 41.p0-44.00; good, 37X0-42.00; com mercial, 31.00-37.00; MBtilty, 27.90- 33. DO: commercial cws 24J00-3O.e0; utility, 24.0-28.00; canners-cutters. 23.00-2S.OO, i i i Beef cuts (choice; steers) ICnd quarters, 52.00-56.00; rounds, 48J0 56J00; full loins, trimmed, 68 J0 78J00; triangles, 27.00-32-00: fore quarters, 30.00-35.00: chucks, 35J0 40,00; ribs, 48.00-53.0. 1 f; S 5ork cuts Loins, Choice, 8-12 Jb, 65 00-70.00; shoulders, 1 lbs, 42.00 45.00; spareribs, 54.00-56.50; fresh hams. 10-14 lbs, 65JOO-68.00, s Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 34.00-400: ; commercial, 2800-36.00. . '! (! ' i i Lambs Choice-prime, 41.00-44.90; good 39.00-44.00. i ii ; ! i 1 Wool Grease basil, Willamette ViHey medium, S0-52C lb; Eastern Osegon fine and hall blood. 55-6c; Willamette Valley lamb wool,,1 42c ; 12-month wool, 45-50c. t ! j jCountry-dressed meats, f.o.b Portland: 1 M ' ! I ' Beef Cows, 24-28e lb; canners- cutters, 22-23c; shells down to 17t. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 31-Q2c; rough heavies, 23-28C. I Hogs--Lean blockers, 38-39C b; lows, light, 32-33C. i; ! 1 Lambs Best, 40-42c lb. Y j Mutton Best, 1244c lb; ctll Otaity, 8-lOc ; j! ! K If fresh Produce": hi 5 Onions Calif. White Globe, 35 1.50; 50 lb sacks of Wash Yellows, med., L50-L75; Ige., I.2S-.40. . potatoes Local Triumphs, lugs, 1.50-1.75; Boardman Long Whites, NoL mta, 2.50-2.75; No. 2, 50-lb sack 80-B5c; Calif. Long Whites, No 1 2.85-3.00; special marks J25.i $ Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa 29.00-30.00, delivered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and Seattle.! J , , , . : iT i f , ij Portland Livestock j I ; n ' -i SPORTLAND W-iUSda) Cattle salable 2500; market rather slow; steers and heifers mostlj steady to w4ak;cows steady to 50 lower than late last week with some beef cows 1.00 under week ago; load choice 95$ lb fed steers 23.00; several loads good and low: choice led steers 22.00-24.50; few loads low and good short fed steers 20.00- 21150: . commercial grass steers mostly 16.00-19.00: Btility down to 1250 or below; few loads good fed heifers 20.00-22.00; utility- commer cial heifers 11.50-18.00; canaer- cutter cows mostly 8.00-9.50; utility cows 10.50-12.00; few utility -com mercial grades 12.50; atility-cem-mercial heavy bulls 16.00-17J5; light cutters down to llj.00. Calves salable 300; market about steady; good-choice vaalers and light calves 18.0O-2L00; individual prime : veakrs 22.00; i ntility-cenv mercial grades 12.00-17.00; calls down to 9.00 or below. llogs salable 850; market around 1 JO below Friday or 2.25 under lat Monday; choice illSO-235 i lb butchers 27.00-27.50: choice 250-300 lb 25.00-26.00; few choice 160-I7H lb 25i50-26.00; choice 340550 lb Sws 20J00-23.00. : f . . : Sheep salable 2200? market fairly active, slaughter lambs weak Vf lower; choice-prime ! spring lamb: 20j0O 21.00; good - Choice grade 18.00-19.50; good feeders 15J00; few good-choice tots 15 few good shorn yearlings HJ50; cull-good slaughter ewes 2.00-4.00. Or. T. I. Lass ND Dr O Cku. ttO - - DR&. CHAN .:. ULAS1 : j CHESXSK NATXEOPATOS Cpstalrs. 241 North Liberty Office epea Saturday eaiy, is ajn. ts I jsu, IU1 bjb, Censmltatlo. blood pressors and arise tests are tree ( r.charge. rmeticed stnee hit Writ re attractive sirt. me """SmtSBSV-. - ' : J. i jOr- TuMday August 4. 1S53 . By The Assedated Press Admiral Corporation 27 H Allied Chemical ' 68 Allis Chalmers ' " , ' ' 94 V American Airlines ; 13 4 American Power Jt Light American TeL 4 TeL 155 American Tobacco -77 Anaconda Copper t 33 H Atchison Railroad 95 Bethlehem Steel i S3 Boeing Airplane Co 39 Borg Warner . 73 Burroughs Adding Machine 14 California Packing . - 25 Canadian Pacific . 28 Caterpillar Tractor : 52 Celanese Corporation 24 Mt Chrysler Corporation ' . 73 Cities Service 83 Consolidated Edison 38 Consolidated Vultee . 18 Crown Zellerbach - 29 Curtiss Wright 7 Douglas Aircraft 65 duPont de Nemours ' 98 ' Eastman Kodak 42 Emerson Radio i 12 General Electric ; 73 General Foods 56 General Motors .: 60 Georgia Pac Plywood 13 Goodyear Tire '! 50 Homestake Mining Co. 38 International Harvester 28 International Paper, 52 Johns Manville 61 Kaiser Aluminum 1 27 Kennecott Copper - 63 Lobby, McNeill t Lockheed Aircraft ? 22 Loew's Incorporated 12 Y Long Bell A 27 Montgomery1 Ward I 59 Nash Kelvinator 20 New York Central ; 24 Northern Pacific A 68 Pacific American Fish 9 Pacific Gas Electric 38 Pacific TeL at TeL f 114 Packard Motor Car 4 Penney (J. C.) Co. 70 Pennsylvania R. R 21 Pepsi Cola Co. ' 14 Pbilco Radio 32 Radio Corporation 25 Rayonier Incorp 26 Rayonier Incorp Pfd 31 Republic Steel : 49 Reynolds Metals 50 Richfield Oil 58 Safeway Stores Inc., 37 Scott Paper Co. 62 Sears Roebuck fc Co. 59 Socony-Vacuum Oil t 33 Southern Pacific 44 c Standard Oil Calif f ,54 Standard Oil N. J. 75 Studebaker Corp. 31 Sunshine Mining i s Swift & Company ; 39 Transamerica Corp. 27 Twentieth Century Fox 17 Union Oil Company 41 Union Pacific 107 United Airlines ! 28 Stock Market Makes Fourth Straight Gain . NEW YORK W The stock mar ket rolled up its fourth straight advance Monday. It now is well up from the low point of the year reached two months ago in the nervous decline brought on- by early Korean truce proposals. - The Associated Press average of 60 stocks gained 40 Cents at $109.20. The industrial component was up 50 cents, railroads up 10 cents, and utilities up 20 cents. There were 1.078 individual issues on the tape of which 552 advanced and 262 de clined with 32 new highs and 8 new lows for the year registered. Volume came to 1460,000 shares as against 1,320,000 shares traded Friday. Oats Make Sole Gain on Grain Market CHICAGO U1) All cereals except oats slumped on the board of trade Monday. Oats wound up with fair sized gains, although slightly under the day's best I . Wheat started 'firm, helped by more reports of rust damage and small export business. But the bread grain lost these gains within the first hour, never recouping. Wheat closed 44 lower, corn 1 to 2 cents lower, oats -l higher, rye 1 to 2 cents lower, soybeans l-2 lower and lard 20 to SO cents a hundred pounds lower. Portland Grain PORTLAND (J) I Coarse grains unquoted. I Wheat (bid), to arrive market. basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 2J22; soft white (exclud ing Rex) 2.22; white club 2.22. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.22; 10 per cent 2.22; 11 per cent 2.23; 12 per cent 2.24. . Hard white Baartr Ordinary 2.24; 10 per cent 2.24; 11 per cent 2.24; 12 per cent 2J4. , Monday's car receipts: Wheat 88; flour 4; corn 7; milkfeed 6Y . Stocks and Bonds Compiled y The Associated Press Aeg. 3 BOND AVEEAGII i " 20 . 10 ' 1 10 rails Indus!. utiL fs-n. Net change unch unch unch A J Monday ... . B2.S S9J Se.8 T1-2 Previous day W.S ' MJ ' 93 S T. Week ago 923 5.3 S3 . 7S.7 Month, ago 13 S3 J ' ' S3.1 78.7 Year ago ' 5.8 88 5 WI.S . U 1953 high 93.7 -OB.S. M.t TB I 1953 low SO .- Mi . 92.4 -1 i J 1952 hieh 98.4 99 J 99.4 TT 152 low ft2J 974 97.4 - 744 STOCK AVXRAGIS t so is r'- is : o fndust tails utiL stks. Net change A A A .1 A Jt A .4 Monday hij rij sa.e 109 Previous day 14 U 873 82.8 108 J Week ago 1373 833 62.4 1084 Month ago 139. 83 3 324 108.4 Year ago 144.1 84 8 53 1 109.1 1933 high 131.8 934 A34 11S.S 1953 low 133J 89.7 504 1044 1952 high 94.8, M.8 115.7 1332 low U14 8.I 30.7 374 United Aircraft .37 United Corporation , - 4 United States Plywood i 23 United States Steel r ': 39 Warner Pictures - r 48 fc Western Union Tel ; 1 46 Westinghouse Air Brake 25 Westinghouse Electric 'S : 45 Woolworth Company ; 44 300 Personal 312 Lost md Found A ILADyS wrist watch lost Saturday, corner of Liberty and Chemeketa. Reward. Phone 4-3371 extension SB sr S-7808 even in rs. COST Black calfskin purse. Vicinity jot Court, between 5th, and 6 to. Bm- , ward. Phone 1-1595. LOST: - Bulova wrist watch in "or near Senator Hotel Saturday night. Ph. Stayton 4534. Reward. LOST: Sabie Collie dog. Phone 3-3704. 316 Personcd NASAt. congestion, sinus, asthma, hayfever. Pree sample. QUICK RaV UP from - nasal congestion asso ciated with common head colds and . aggravated by symptoms of sinus. asthma and hayfever. No cost, no obligation, nothing to return. Write for your FREE SAMPLE TODAY while ther last. NATIONAL LAB ORATORIES, BOX 283, STOCK TON. CALIT. FeeUtch & Burn? Strips ' win stop it instantly. No - drugs, money back guarantee. R. P, Predhindi Mfg. Co. 1725 8.E. Spo fcane S. Portland 2. Oregon. 11.00. WILL COUPLE who Inquired at mall hoese on Park Ave. Thursday afternoon please call again. MRS. MALONE please bring Ray- mona non. cnung Foy Lee. MRS JEAN. Psychic reader tells . your past. - present, future. Can . helo overcome aU obstacles that keep you' from success, health and happiness Tip Top Motel. 3380 S. Commercial My. S9E. Apt. 7. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group N L 2088 N. Commercial. Phone 3-04IS or 3-4337, P. O Box 724, 400 Agrictiltiire 402 Uwostock FOR SALE, good family cow. 840 Hampden: Lane. FOR SALE. Guernsey cow. giving about 3 gal. mUk per day. $70. Call evenings. H. F. Christiansen, Rt. 3. Box 464. Maeleay Dist. YEARLING Guernsey heifer from good milk stock. 385. 1358 Holgate St.. Keizer District, one block off Cartdlewood Dr. - , PURE bred Jersey. Heavy producer. Phone 3-1318. . FOR SALE; large roan bred heifefT extra nice. Two t month old white face steer and heifer. One red yearling buU. One or all priced right. 5039 E. State. Ph. 3-3837 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C McCandMsh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. BONDED Livestock Buyer. A. F. Sommer, 1283 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-2617. BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Edwards. Rt. 3. Box 899. Ph. 4-1113. LICENSED and bonded livestock buyer. E. L Snethea. 183 Kenwood Ave. Phone 2-1343. -WANTED, fresh and springer dairy cows. A. F. Sommer, 1263 Harmony Dr. Phone 4-2817. LOCKER BEEF. Hereford. 24c; locker pork 45c. Nothing down. 8 months to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loan ed free. Salem Meat Co. 1323 S. 25th. Ph. 3-4858, 404 Poultry and Rabbits 20 LEGHORN laying hens. $143 each. Also small and large feeders and waterers. Metal nests. Electric brooder. After 8 p.m. 3S90 S. Sum- mer. WB are hatching New' Hampshlres, Golden Broads, and Arbor acres White Bocks every week, special prices to year rouna fryer growers. Fox Hatchery 3830 State St. Phone 3-4969. CUSTOM killing. Fowl of any kind. Ph. 4-3428. N swell's Poultry Plant. Kin 8 days a week. Rt 3. Bex 109. Salem RABBITS wanted, any size and quan- tlty. Also purebred breeauuT stock for sale. Ph. 3-7107. 408 Pets KITTENS to give away. 840 N. Win ter. Phone 3-5805. TINY Rat Terrier puppy, male. 1 Golden Cocker $ months, female. Inauire 3415 Williams Ave. FOR SALE: 3 male Boxers, 10 weeks old. Ph. 4-1057. ' AJCC Registered Labrador Retriever pups 4 and 7 months old. Best of bribing. Wonderful .hunters snd pete. P. H. Thede. Rt. 1. Box 851, Sslem. BEAUT IT tTL Weimaraner puppies. Your choice $100. 3013 Evergreen Ave. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 1958 Mc Coy. 1 block east of N. Capitol. Hi blocks north of Madison. Ph 2-8897 REGISTERED tri-color collie, female. Phone VI 194. 3 MON. old male Collie pup, $15. 3050 E. State. Ph. 3-5837. CHAMPION bred boxer puppies. Ev ery pup a potential champion. Moore's Tropical fish, equipment. ' Goldfish, Parakeets. 3 miles from Lancaster on Maeleay Road. Phone 4-3773. Closed on Wednesdays. ; SIAMESE kittens, with papers. House broken. -Phone 2-8488. CANARIES, parakeets, call evenings. Powers. 733 Bellevue St.. Ph. 4-1537. 410 Seeds and Plants FUCHSIAS. TUBEROUS BEGONIAS, GERANIUMS. MERRHS GREEN HOUSE. BROOKS. 412 Fruit and Farm Prodncje GOOD quality new spuds, $3 per 100. Prione 2-2342. RED raspberries. U-plck. 13c 7 miles. 2-8172. ' ' u-pick : Boysen and nectar berries.- 10c lb. (bring containers). mue easx ox Keizer School (watch ' for signs) (closed Sat.) Ed Sproed. U-PICK boysenberries. 10c. O. ZisteX Rt. SBox 56. Phone 2-0248. OAT and vetch hay. 70c bale. Grass and clover. 55c bale. w. w. naner. 2870 Hollywood Dr. 3-1832. LOGANBERRIES. U-Pick. Rt. 3, Box No. 37. Phone 4-4568. Begin Tuesdav. Frank Bennett. BLUEBERRIES for sale. James L. Bright, 1019 South Pacific Highway. Woodburn. Phone 2-0822. TREE ripe No. 1 Tilton apricots from tne Denes, puritan ctoer Works, i 71 Xdgewater. Phone 3-7614. s G-OOD alfalfa hay. 25 tons. Vern Mcuewan. ski. j. anaepenaence. Ore. 130 TONef vetch '& oaU hayTl740 l per on. inquire at terminal garage in i Jefferson for location. Del Thomas. Jefferson. Ore. TON alfalfa and rye grass hay. $20 a ton in the field. Werline Hop Ranch. Indeoendence. Phone 38?" 4. FINE pie 'cherries. U-Pick. Phone 2-2124. CANNlNi APRICOTS. Direct from r Yakima, choice cost, through sea ; son. Crop is short so dont wait. , Boysens logans and youngs now in seasost. Transparent apples. I Peaches aoosv W will have every : thing as it comes on direct from f farm to you. Phillips Bros. Farm ; Market. 3590 Portland Rd. Phone S 3-4513. , i a- . 42S Auction Sale AUCTION OF FURNITURE ' AT SCOTTY'S TONTTE, 4840 CENTEtt ST. SALEM 450 Blerchandise 453 Hsehold Goods Fc Sale PORTABLSJ sewing . machine. Well known make. Used! 1 onir a sew tims. Phone -e400.1 COLDSPOT refrigerator, and some "furniture for sale. 1128 Nebraska. bSLUXK Kenxnore gas range -with I oversized even. Table-top broil r, ; and - automatic ovem timer. Like new, raone 4-eros. A-l BLU enamel wood range with coils and tank. All metal, white i enameled ice box. Make offer. Ph. t-855S or can H53 Marion bAVEXPOKT and chair set in good gondltiort. 148 Marten. 3PICE bedroom suite, desk, chair, occasional chair. S sets innerspring V mattresses and box springs, framed f ' mirror, small rocker, kidney divan. Rear house 4180 Durbin, 4 Corners. U CU FT. Upright Home Freezer, -s cabinet ' slightly damaged) in ship- ment. Big discount. See tat Good Housekeeping Inc. 447 Court St. 458 Wanted, Hshold Goods f WANTED r USED HJRN1TDRE TOP PRICE Vallev Furn. Co. 2-7472 CASH TOUAV Good .used jfurnrture w wiu i ecu on consignment, rn 3-S09S Sud teH's Auction. ( 458 Buildinc Materials On ydur Sot to youf j specifications. 36 mo. to pay. Free estimates. Bork man Lbr. and . Hdw. Cq. Phone 3-3701. 2460 State. I LUMBER SALE GOOD shiplap $35 per M. Straight No. 3 $53. No. -2 and better $63. 2 ini lumber $13 : per M. and up. Phone 2-2042. Kemodelepair, SNow Save your cash for a i rainy day. No daw payment. 38 montns, to pay Epping Lumber iCo. 3740 SUverton Rd. Phone 4-8123 Open aU day Saturdays SALE Nails. carload supply . Camp Adair used windows Painted shakes with under-) course Unpainted cedar shakes New 4x8 plaster board Manogany piywooa i Mahocanr olrwood Colored bath sets, complete LBargain New toUet with set i $25.50 New wash basin comlete Kitchen sink, water heater. .$1740 Chesp New 4" soil pipe 70c 38c 4" Solid orange-burg pipe New bath tubs, complete 500 GaL steel sentic tanks $69.30 $6740 Metal carage doors, complete $45.00 Waterproof wall boards, 4x8 $ 1.75 New Grade-A screen aoora 843 New fir! door Jambs i $ 240 Cheap Weatherstripped windows J $1440 Picture windows, sash Bargain Loose Insulation, per bag No. 1 cedar shingles $ 100 $ S43 $ 3.00 $ 843 No. 3 : cedar shingles Comp. I roofing, first grade .C. G. LONG A SONS Ph. 4-3031 One mile N. of Keizer 460 Musical histrmnents UPRIGHT piano, excellent condition. 630 Tryon. ; I' GULBRANSEN player piano, good condition. $250. 2-6185. ' f USED upright piano. Best offer 'takes. 250 W. Browning Ave. PQ. z-oa7i. bNLYiStory and Clark PUnos have mahogany sounding boards. WiU not split, warp or crack stays in tune; 734 better. The Music Cen- ter. 470 N. Capitol. Phone 2-5371 MEW and used pianos. For a better buy.! WUtsey Music House. I860 ! State, j i I 462 Sports Ecruipment DEER gun 32-20. 18 ga. double bbl. ; shot Ignn. 1 single bhi. 13 gs.. plenty ' ammunition. 1605 Nj Capitol. 14 FT.j0 RUNABOUt-'Pnotie 4-1107 atter 3:30 on week j days or ku Box 7JO NEW SL C. Smrth ideal grade. 12 gauge ' dbl. barrel shot gun. cosx $137404 Sell for $71. 19331 Reo 25 Inch itrim deluxe mbtor lawn mow. er. tike new. Cost $213.50. Sell for 8125. Can 4-5943. 2-3695 evej ' GENERAL boat repair. Ho-Hi Boat Shotx 1883 Birchwood. 3-8904. 3-3722, j 464 ElcTcleel MAN'S bicycle in perfect condition. Call 3-3970. BICYCLE, 24 inch Schwinn. Phone 2-3900. 483 For RomL Mlscollanoous V DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT ' Blankets furn. 1201 State. Ph. 2-9083 TOOL RENTAL. U-FIX-IT, Corner of ; North Commercial ,and ; Columbia i 4-5283. ' ' .. ; ' ' RENT or buy. All types electrical er Ler-dl tools, garden tractors, spray- frac - H83 'era. Howser Bros, 1183 S. 11th. t OR ftUil or lease, Ige warehouse I spae cement floors, brick bldg. ' down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff : Furai 3-9183. 1 j 470 For Salt, TMlscoHarntons 1952 HUDSON RADIO. Used less then i S months. Cost 87943. Will sell for i half t price. Guaranteed 1 perfect. ,-l.ik new' condition.. - Call - Mr. f HuUette 2-2441 daysi or 3-0311 eves. liSED Remington portable- typewrit- f er. eiuxe moaei, nxe ! new. sou. 'Phone 2-0271. 250 W. Browrtng Ave. MASTER Craft Furnace O Burner. Complete. Transit level. Fft. Z-O815. REDUCED I - $3i PER DAT UNTTL SOLD Ifa-mch heavy duty elec. drilL I SUrting price Aug. 3. $109 t " t Aug. 4-fS100 , Keith Brown Lbr; Yard Front end Court I Phone 3-9111 Ve 'rive S St a Glreen stamie FOR SALE: Locker cartooa 1 cent each 300 for $4.00, else wax paper $140) a roll, no : dealers. United - r- 1 . At K (Wm,. Wm U-PIX-IT garage. Repair your own car niwi - ; 'wv. - tioniPhone or drop in for details. Ph. 83281. 2093 N., Commercial. CaD 2-2441 for t ? Pnllizg Power r IWiTilTr;! GARAGE $ 8.75 $ SOO $10.73 4 $ 6.00 $ 1.40 I 42c F!ilerclianfllse 470 For 1 Sale, 1.3sceDcmeoiis Used. Machine Clearance ,l' I ' .. Sale -v1" Treadles, portables, and else, cabinet models all machines A-l coed, and guaranteed. I Prices from tkM, Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Comt TALI- grass and weeds are a fire hazard. IX you are guilty better : get busy. Rent a power sickle or mower at Snook's. 1233 Broadway.' BEAUTY COUNSELOR, cosmetic Ph. 35401 . . - UPRIGHT Piano and bench. 495 casST You haul, asa N. Summer. Phone 3-43. i ' rjFRXXZX i borne freezers. Yeat- er Aphance- 37S Chemeketa, Pa. .3-4311 THIS WEEK ONlY ' Sewing Machines YOUR CHOICE $12.95 Singer, Ruby. White, Domestic. Free, new Home. Laxe snore. Burdick, Standard. Bon. Vertical Feed, Volo, i Wheeler & Wilson Western. SNOOK'S BARGAIN - CENTER : 1233 Broadway 1 CHARRIS foundation girdles, bra. For appointment Ph. 8-5818. Mary E Bales. - i 1931 LEANORD refrigerator. $100, At 461 S. 13th. For Unpaid Baidnce Singer light weigh portable sewing machine. Sorry, no phon. orders. Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Comi. KEITH BROW Closeouts Regular Sale lxS-RL 34 Common Shiplap 833.00M $23j00M Carrier Load Lots 4x5-7' to 10' Rough Csr Stakes 3-0x6-8x1-18 843 Screen Door 450 20O0M ea. 40 740 ' 114.00 13440 87.30 ' 5043 62.50 4848 40.00 30.00 t 3640 2743 21.40 1643 12.13 9.11 34.93 2821 ' 1x4-48 CiB tr. MG Flooring 1x4-48 CAB tr. VG Flooring 1 S ha per 1 Drill Press , 1 Toilet 3 Double compartment Sin lea 1 Roll (20 Rod) Field Fence 3 RoU 480 Rod Rolls) Barbed Wire 2 General Electric Fans SOME BATHROOM FIXTURES St AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES LEFT 50 OFF 10 Lite French Doors 2-0 x 8-8 13.43 2- 4 x 8-8 14.38 14 x U 14.48 3- 8x8-8 14.38 9.67 1044 10.41 10.49 HAND te POWER TOOLS 8c , PLUMBING TOOLS 0 23 OFF 1 -40 Ft. 90 . Extension Ladder 1 - 18 Ft. 90 Extension Ladder 3-18 Ft. 83 Extension Ladder 1 - 20 . 100 Extension Ladder 40.00 30.00 18.00 1340 1340 10.13 21.00 13.79 2340 1940 22.40 16 80 2 - IS Ft. Stepladders 29 1 - 14 Ft. Stepladders 25 ALL SALES ON DISCOUNTABLE MERCHANDISE PINAL iNO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS Keith Brown Lbr. Iferd Front 3c Court Street Phone? 3-91U We Give S&H Green Stamps t GREENHOUSE NEARLY NEW Commercial Greenhouse 18x32. Just the size for a small nurs ery garden. Priced to sell. Ph. 4-5644 or 4-3851. HOLLYWOOD bed. like new. Ph. 4-4733. '1 Sewing Machine BuVers New Singer electric cabinet sewing machines. Walnut ana mapie cab inets as low as $12.50 down and $344 pr month. Write for free col ored catalogue, singer sewing ten $30 ALLOWED tot your old I water neater regardless or conaiuon or make on a new westinghouse automatic electric water beater, with a ten year guarantee. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. SQUARE TUB Maytag. Industrial with balloon rolls. Phone z-1442. NEEDED, old sewing machines. Up - $50 or more for your old sewing machine on e new tree westsng house 'sewing machine with a 20 yr warranty. Yeater Appliance Co- 373 Chemeketa St. THOR SPINNER automatic washers. like new. 3 only $79.30 ea. Yeater A.-nliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. : Top Soil i River sat fin dirt prompt delivery Piunt S-1749. PLAST1-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance -a 113 erne seas, rn. 4-4311 . 1 - ; Vacuum Cleaner Nearly new Kinmore Tank Cleaner. 319.50. Sears and Roebuck Co. Phone 3-9191. ELEC. clothes dryer only I only. Yeatei; Appliance Co. Chemekta St H 375 CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for tables, rurnirure. railings. 1149 m STANLEY home p rod u eta. Lee Mindt --w Madison.! Ph. 3-4058. h USED electric ! ranges $13.95 & up. Yeater Appliance, 373 Chemeketa. Phone 3-431 ll j Diamonds & Jewelry ' at cost plus 10C CsII or write W. C. Mitcneii.- 1175 Hiuyard. cugene. Ore. 1-8337 1 Crushed Rock j FOR roadi A driveway Cement. Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand Bulldozing drainage and ditching. 4 yL shovel; it drag line. Phone S34SV j -i Walling Sand & Gravel . i 'Co. " --'ij GOOD used refrigerators $4940 and up. Used washers 8943 and up. Yeater Appliance 375 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. . 1 472 WantexCMis8uTarieous GARAGE near 700 block on N. Cot- tage. 2-7901 ' i ; " Nl'I E crawlers wanted. 81.00 per bun- dred, Any amount Ph. 3-9303. Logs Wanted Top truck.! scale prices paid tor 2nd growth fir. Check our new i prices. Phone 39593 days. 41784 eves. West Salem Lmbr. Co. 1100 Wallace Rd. 476 Fuel . : Capitol Lbr. Fuel CoJ ORDER your summer wood satekJty- ;wood cores, eld griwth fir;! oak. ' plonner ends. Summer rates on sawdust, 198 S. Ceml St Phone 3-7721. M ORDER NOW! Sewdust; blower and P. O. 1 SUMMER PRICES END AUG. ! 13TH Mulch S. D. and Fertilizer 1 WEST SALEM FUEL CO j ; 1525 Edgewater Phone 24031 1 . ASHCRAFTS fuel, cores. log-endX lab. Phone 3-3388. 844 Mill St HAND, PICKED 16" "green edging or -flab. Also 18 dry slab. Summer . Price on fresh cut sawdust, order - -- today. 1 1 i 1 ' " S A H GREEN STAMPS -i Oregon Fuel Co. . 1 1. ' 3T87 Broadway Phone 35533 A4idaSON'S hand 'picked slaowooa i cord $14. Phone 2-H51 or 4-4233. Hishwav Fuel Co. Clean aewdusV weed, green ee sin Stove-Diesel oils. Pa. 3-8444. 1 450 Merchandise 474 MlsceJlcmoous LET US smoke your fish, many satis fied, customers. Salem Custom Cur Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST ... , CASES - -i Bring er mall your Plates for Repetr. D8. iiAHKX 5UIUUI OCtTUT Adoiph Bldg State 8 Com. Ph. 3-3311 HOSPITAL beds for .sale or rent. sua rurnlture Co.. Ph. 3-8188. 500 Bus. Finance 510 Monsry to Loan CUT CUT CUT Cut your present payments as much as 30. Let us show how it may be done $30 - $2400 1 AMOUNTS ..PAYMENTS $186.33 $ 9.00 258.72 14.08 $3342 ' 29.00 840.0$ 48.00 PACIFIC Industrial Loans 11 S. Liberty Phone 4-2203 - onsouaate Ail mil? Twenty-five years ago General' Fi nance Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men to give you a loan service. We ' have : lent millions. TRY OUR SERVICE You can repsy anytime to ; reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer time to repay.- Ph. first for a one trip loan. Loans $23X0 to $300.00 on signature, furniture and equlprnt. v Loans to $500.00 on cats, trucks, and trailer houses. ' Free customer parking at ."Marion Car h Park"; across front office. 136 S. Commercial St. tie. No. S138 and M338 5 H REAL ESTATE LOANS Up to 20 yrs. Amortization Quick Service. Minimum Charges. Calvin V. Kent Mortgage Loans 458 No. Church : Phone 4-2293 SEE US FOR FARM. CITY or ACRE AGE LOANS. BEST OF TERMS. WE BUY Real estate mortgages 3c contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. 187 S High St. , Ph. 3-4121 AUTO LOANS , WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183. S. Church St Ph. 2-2497 Parking Aplenty , . ' Lie. M159-S134 COLONIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY 687 Court Street Phone 4-2283 Buy Sell Loan ! Real Estate Mortgages Contracts PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-0794. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted BEST JOBS F-Gen ofc. apt figures ..$200 P-Gen. Ofc' light shthnd. 3 da - $209 F-Ins. underwriter exp Open F-Recpt Dr's ofc. part time $125 F-Stock control clerk , $176 P -Sales spvsr. exp, rdy-wear $200 F-P3.-X. open 30-40 $159 F-Acct 3 da 4225 F-Bkkping mach. oper. 23-33 .$200 F-SecreUry $223 F-Medical Steno .4200 F-Steno'i. severs! 3 da. 3200 M-Gen. ofc. Single mail -out .8323 4300 M-Sales trainee. 3 yrs college The Best way to tne Best Jobs COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGCY. 494 State (Ore. Bldg.) Phi 4-3331 Ofc. doted Sat, in Aug. WE ARE now taxing applications for Paper Routes at Carrier Divi sion. Statesman Building. Boys mtst be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ents. If you have already applied kindly do so again. THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 HJp WcmttKL Mcis)' LAST month our 800 Western Fuller Brush Dealers averaged $421.43 earnings. We have one opening. Ph. 3-8337. " r TWO MEN Z Promise setady work, plus definite advancement On the job training. I apply at once. 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Roorn zoi, sis Hood St WANTED, young men and boys for light delivery work. Must ; Know city well and have " automobile, good pay. Apply Mr. Barr, 9-5 Wed. and Thurs. rear alley 349 Court St EXPERIENCED auto and tractor me- chansc Also acetylene and electric welding. Ph. 4-6284. 606 Help Wcmtsxl, Femalo EXPERIENCED waitress. Clincs' Food Shop, 444. N. Church.- WANTED, reliable lady for; child care in my home while mother works eves, Wsges. Phone 2-5389. LADIES, earn extra cash by address- ing advertising postals at home. Write. Vail Co, Box 1042. Muncte. Indiana FULL time experienced waitress. In quire information qesx. a. n. nress. WANTED, girls and women for tele phone sales work, no experience required. 90 cents per hour, 2 shifts, 9 to 4 and 4 to 9. Apply Mrs. Barr. 349 Court St rear alley after 12 noon Tues. .9 a jt. to 5 pjn. Wed. PLEA .ANT, Protestant babysitter 'for 1 sessional companion lor semi invalid. Write co Box 569 States man. BOOKKEEPER, must be experienced ExreBent working conditions. Per manent position. References re quires. Contact Statesman, Box 97L 610 Solos Persons Wanted MP s' Salesman - i . Wanted to represent the' worlds old est' and largest builder of i rarm Wilders. Sell direct from factory to farm. Earn $130 or more! each week. Protected territory. Rapid advancement Car essentia L No in vestment Welding experience' not necessary. : Contact Frank Arleia after 6 p.m. Phone 3-7723 or write Box 304 Salem. 1 KEW car salesman. Permanent' post- Uon. Best deal in the valley. Ref erence required. Contact Statesman Bo $70. r . . : ' ' 612 Work Wanted. Male CUSTOM baling, new wire tie.1 Pick- up baler. Phone 3-4850. j CARPENTER- work wanted. newer remodeL Phone 44518. 1 CUSTOM hay baling. O. Strand. p 3-4513! suverton ' ; . Tractor Work i Plowing, discing, blade work, hay and rass mowing. Phone 3-3041. CUSTOM MOWING, hay or grass. Ford enuip 1-7731. ul potent 1893 Birchwood Dr. or 3- AM prepared to put in several more: new lawns. Call 3-.373 days. 3-2190 evenings. 600 Employment CCS Picks V7mtd BEAN PICKING starts Wednesdsy, Aug. 3. Frank Tohey. 1330 Harmony Dr. IV, mile northeast of Keizer. Phone 4-2V72. I BEAN PICKERS wanted for' platoon. 14 nd older. Trans poratlon furn ished. Call Sirs. Ktslnnlvt AtUft . IDEAL bean picking, ts rniTtast oZ Jieizer ea uiemewa nigh way. B- iu Juiy aist. will run tms route in Salem, Joseph Herber, phone BEAN pickers register now. Frank Toney 1399 Harmony Dr. 1'4 mL north east of Keizer. Phone 42973. . watcn paper for startingdate. BEAN pickers regaster now. Picking aooux Aug. 1st. watch this column for specific date. Clarence Herr. Rt. 2 Box Ut.i Silverton. Phone Salem 3-1207. SUverton 3-4815. U nile East and Nprth Central How ell School BEAN, PICKTRS I wanted." Register now. sun a DO I Aug. s. W. K. CoUett Out N. River Rd. Follow signs. IcL 4-121J. 614 Worlc Wcmtwd, gmal8) CARZ FOR 2 children my home live in or out. 3-711T after 10 ajn. BABY rare in my home,! by hour. vmj, t wrk, as- wnue you vacs- PROFESSIONAL lupholstering in my home, reasonable, pj done ick up and delivery. Call 2-4290, , 615 SirootionsiVVantad TYPING. 4-8077 sifter 80. REFRIGERATION-- SERVlCl ME- uhanic with years of experience on all commercial and domestic refrigeration - and the repair of other major appliances desires per manent work i or around Salem. 'Phone 9-2S7. I WANTED, work as janitor or watch- man. steaay, worker. Write to Bill Whitnev. Rt. 1. Hor Sis. CARPENTER work. Remodeling "ol u unas. v.aoinets ouiit right m your own home. Free estimates. wan ieon carter. 4-4993. Niw HOME construction, remodel- ing. gree estimates, local refer ences. Miles and Knutson. after 3 In Evesj " uu-uuukLu nooKKeeper and -au tomotive parts iman. E. V. Wilson. 316 Lane. Silvetton. Ph. 3-3324. SPRAY "PAINTING Phone 4-3595 nA 9.SS01 CUSTOM- combining. pTiTiTfor HOUSEWORK by the hour, wiU give sfood refrn Phn.. WaTst n -. y "... papr nanging, aay or contract, smau fobs welcome. Phone a-iosis. Experienced by sitting by the hour or .day. I o Sundays. Phone 3-3772. PAINTING 23 years, experience in Salem. Free estimates. Fhone 3-7552. CARPENTER work wanted, new and rw moaeung. Hcierenees. . Phone -i. PAINTING, pepering. repair service. Exterior, interior. Day or contract 3-3386. i CONCRETE worai all kinds.' Concrete walla, patios, sidewalks, basements. John Feldscheu St Son. Phone 2-6629, 4-5329. Call after 8 p. rn. CEnLENT work done. Free eaUmatesl Phone 3-7161 . - ' having Auto radiator ' troubles? V ley Motor Cou experts win solve your "problems end save you money. Free estimates, speedy service Center snd Liberty. PAINHNG, exterior and interior. McOain and Giolden. Phone 3-3323 or --3BB9. TILLING WITH soUry-hoe. Gardens, lawns. Phone ,3-8329. 2333 Ever- green. PAINTING 25 years in Salem.Free numiM, rnons a-753Z. BULLDOZING and Tmn3 clearin. L 2595 HoUywood-Dr. Phone 4-1838. MICKENH AM 'S NURSERY' STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT. ED. HRS AvM. to 6 P41. PH. 2-7898 s WILL BUILD arc large er small iSt at a real savin gj F ou e home either 8c arrange finance CEMENT WORK, all kinds. Prompt service, guaranteed. Phone 4-9129. HOME building, jemodeling. Free es- timstes Ben Graves. Ph. 3-8393. DRESSMAKING. experienced. Mrs. J-ilius Ptncua. 1700 North 30th- Ph. it-9342. 1 CARPENfER WQRk. Any kind. Rea sonable. 4240 Maeleay Rd. Phone , 43961. I DAYTIME childl care, by day ' or week. Ph. 4-3085. 1223 N. 8th. CLEANING, rugs, windows, wood work. baths, kitchens, also paint- lng.Sedgwick. ; 3-3386. - NURSERY SCHOOL. Fine's Ula modern. 833 Mission. Ph. 2-7658 LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling grading. Phone 2-3220. Paintin?: For quality work reasonable prices cau Z-B62S. .( 618 Uucatioxs ' HIGH school fol diploma . .iome. Free booklet Write American School. 633 N. Interstate.' Portland. 620 Day arxd ContcacT I Land Clearing IS yrs. Exp. CaU lor estimate on hour work or by contract for the com nletc lob U C Mitchell. Phone 3-3337 ' Salem Sandl & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching . Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental - Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-9408 Evenings 3-7412. 2-4417 Salem, Oregon 700 Rentals 702 Sleeplnfj Rooms. Board BOARD and room with ' care for el derly ladles. . Phone 4-3789. . 1340 Bejlevue St. 1 CLEAN quiet room. Good location!. Some Kitchen... privileges. Phone PLEASANT sleeping room, close in. Private entrance. $49 N. Cottage, Stotesman Classifieds Briiig Results! z9 Ne. Chrnh BL '. Classified Advertlslxur Per word. 1 time , 4 Per wetd, S tlsnce le Per word. 7 times , ., ; , lie Pdr word. I toentb ., , ; , 0 ntlnJtaara ten words. ;. Extra charge for : rBLlnd- sds j',,.,' 1 , 1 1U stead ers in city; briefs: Per word 7e Minimum tea words, r, Refnrida. jj. 'The deadline lor classified and reader edvertlsing is 8:44 pm. daily. The tUtesman reserves the ngnt te reject euestionable advertising. It further reserves the right to Place all! adverttsiax under the proper clasnltratioa i : fbe 8taesman 1 assumes 00 finan cial responsibility for errors which majy apoeat la advertisement pub lished n itr columns and la cases where 'his Da per ts at fault will re print that part of an advertisement ia twMcb the tv-aeraonicel mistake A "BUnr Ad -en ad containing a Statesmen box number for an ad dress ts f or the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be aneweteo by letter. The Statesman is not at bbertv so divulge Informe tioe. ae to the identity of aa adver- uaing a -Bund" 1 700 Rental '02 Sltwplaq TLoossi Eocrrd BOARD andi room In nice home for yrradescHjJ children. $40 month. UXToouTiad board elderly retired lady, private home. Write ee I Statesman ijaox 377.u 1 ATTl'-ACflvji room. Private home, gentleman j 93 N. Sommer. Ph. J:3368. , l.f , j , - , ' f06 ApartanU F or fismt APTS. laleua's Mo Distinguished Add reus for attract 9, convenient, modern living, itt's alem'a finest., Batchelor unit al 8353 another at Si7 rcninl ly located. Television available. In- p-uom invitea. 565 W. Winter. TTRACTlVj: f 2 room furnishedT cloee in. laaulre 870 in rear at ssa N. Chttrch . ; . i ' it ai t'TT . ,riUt " m... ' c quiet r'nory s-nca. 715 Union. .iw!iutiinto api uujitles, rhll all electric with private bath.' 1 block from state ChemelketaS f - ' Oil Idas, and.! shoooins center, use Y mc iinfurnished 3 bedroom apt at 822N, 14th. range.i refrig erator J wasting machine and water v furnished. tsU 3-6566. ! i tLYlfura. i B7R. unitiln nt Good location, $53. B. M. Mason. 2-81141.' S ' I6omy urnished a dL Private 8 bath. Adula. Phone 3-6434. ' TERY CLEAN.! one-baroorrt furn. basement 9PL. Knotty pine pit, tuto. washpr.i beautiful park diat. Employed ttouple pref. $440. Ph. 3-319C. It I 3 RCK5M- apt! Newly decorated. Fur nishedl and! unfurnished. Hidebed. Stove I and a refrigerator. Laundry facility) arjgl 1 garbage furnished. Laiy Orelrprrd. Reasonable. 380 S. j inn., rn. j-aiia. APARTMENT jot rent in Keizer, h Downstairs Garage. Ph. ; 4-30 or V 3-1253. Icleallpt.1 SMALL cleaej'spt.' Private bath, alL electric, lw so. cottaare.' "FURNISHllD i 3 ' room moderu apt. dult onivi Ph. 3-7146 or 3-6444. ONE ROOMS kitchenette for ladyT J UUllfunthed. Near Capitol. THE 11NE 1 iJ Has avallablei Furnished living room. Kitcnen. oinette, pearoom ana oa in. 353. Free laundry faculties, central heat. 789 Nl Liberty. JTiOOWfuTied-ipt Private baiK; entran 7.1K i7RM Ulad. Ph. Z4S03J. TMMAf? tfLATlXY clean. Kicely fur- Inlshed. Quiet, 1 'bedroom apt Large laundry.. Garage. West Salem, j 3-S34T. 1 iOOMSTfi; niahed. Water, aarase. garbage Included. $40. 1103 N. Lib erty. -Phone Mr.; Young 4-4401 Ext r 3 or 3-i aTRATTr; -847 nicei f urnished aot' I Holly- It wood dist a Very reasonable rent suitable foi l or 3 people. . Phone nzu. Bargala 2 room, quiet location, em- j ployed ladya close in. 888 S. Summer a ii- u. ' 1 .1.1. TUHNlbH-U ownlown apt UtiliUes. paid Jiu lnision. rnont v-ajo. Large, clean. (j modern. I and ,2 bed !room partlj furnished apta. Avail able now. 11053 Edgewater, West Saem.i' jl ; -t ' HrVATfc 3 room 'furnished court apt' l Clean. i$43. 3560 Portland Rd, BaSEMEN'TsI rooms furnished. Utili l tiei, rflvatfj hath: 425 S. 20th. NICE J t oomHiptf PrTva te bath. Front I St back stairs. Refrigerator. Utili ties, paid. Upstairs. $50. 1 1580 Cen- CLOSE IN.' lrnished. Clean. 3 rms.' Utilities paid-$45. Ph. 2-5083, ij-iRbOMMUNFURNlSHED TapTST Rooms andtl bath, attractive auto, oil het. gafbage service and water furnished. 310 00 and 843.00: a mo. i Call 30256. R j , i t OlM. with kath. light' heat " and water furnished, close in. 833. 340 niori.i SE in lo-yily furnished or unfur nished spt J See at 336 Oak. 3WNTOWNJ first floor. 3 loom. bath, prlvaie entrance. 658 , Cen- I sms spt 1 nicely furnished j electrl 1 v j nd refrigerator. NEWLY decoiated. 3 rooms and bath.- all electrlc.jjautomatic ; washer. 3290 Fslrgrminda Rd. Phone 3-BSU. KN-bllED m rn. court apt; Newly decorated, ilose In en N. 1 Corn'L Ph 2-B646 r 3-6644. : URNlSHXDi APT. 3 blocks from i city center J Immediate availability, caU at Woedry Furniture, 1 474 S. II Commerclay ; J. VERY alee 1 bedroom unfurnished' s-liUOit furnakhed spt. Mice St clean. I close In. 4Ublocks So. of Lsdd St Bush banld Available now. 319 JillevueSflCall after 8:30. APTS. Furnieyied. Tncludes utilities, Jj 20 and upj 827 N. Liberty. Apt CLOSE IN. itllities" furnished." $39. II 945 wttn private bath 780 N. f Church X"ROOM! furnJhed. adults, no drink- l ers. call efler 12 noon.' 37341. j i! partol! Plaza f URNISHED d unfurn. apartment 4 1163 Cheme Mpta. Phone 3-Wi.TO. r f j! Ambassador Apts. Nicely furnlsnid, apta. 830 tf. Summer. 707 Houses) For Ren! NEW, lbedreim unfurn., hardwood n floors, electric heat. Immediate pos " session, close In. Phone 3-4313. fR7DMETFURN. 1 O vner will-4eef e, 875 per month. Cliff f Bowoer. Resjltor. Phone 4-3.i8. ALMOST newd small nice 3 bedroom rtomc. j Inside utility, insuisted. at tached garage. Beautiful view, $5240 monthl Inquire 900 Cascade Dr. Ph. 2-4H4. . ! SmROOMi moder n house, unfurnished. close m. Inqtlre 670 in rear of 674 'M kriurph I cabins, f ur- 1 nishedl 87 slid $8 a week. Inquire '3415 Wlllian-a Ave. Phone-3-7712. EiALL hoiisjlor rent on Summer tSt CaU 1 femkn Phone t-tUl 1 nbscriptloa Bates By earrte la rrKlesi , I 1 Dally and Sinday 8 I 4 per me. Daily jonly 1 -v 1 ... 143 per me. Sunday onlm i - , JO week By'esailJ endy'esuyt 1 j I 'fin sdvan I .80 per me. Anywhere id U. S. 2.79 six me. ' lQ . j ' : ear By snail jOally a Seneayt I (in advance t) . I In six jcounttrs $ 149 per me. 1 Benton. Clacks- 1 mas. Ion. Unrsj Mar- S 21 el PolkJ Yam- , fx tne. hill 1 1 1040 rear - Elsewhere Oregon .7 .i 140 per me. b (I S outside 1 i Oregon I I 1 45 per mo. y . I ' ' ItZember ' A adit! BarrJia ef Circulations Bureau ef Adyertlalrig. AXT Orecos) Newspaper j ! PUblUhera Aasoelatloa kdrrrasingi KcpresentaUTesi-' mra-Grunih Co-, New fjork, Chleaxe 8aa rwcisce, Oetroli i LEE 4 t oren weicoy e. ous. f5. ph. i-e'.mn. JROOM "furnished cottage, electrid range. $33. futilities pldj Fir Crest I! Trailed Court, 38!K Nj River Rd. RNISliED i apt re, tarinory lacuities, garage. S 13th ft. Adults. ' j rFURN3 apt. Prefer couple or .1 s 1. i