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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1953)
t i (:' 1 . ' , - V I t " - '. ' , v J . sr. w.2 . . Oh Me, Melba never ate such food as this, though the "Peach Strawberry Melba" got it's name from the famous prima donna. Scoops of frosty ice cream on big golden peach halves and surrounded by sliced strawberries that should make anyone's heart sing. Anyone Would Sing About Joys of Peach-Berry Melba Peach Strawberry Melba" is an ideal summertime dessert. On ly three ingredients are needed canned cling peach halves, sweetened fresh strawberriesand ice cream and they combing to give pleasing, colorful and satis fying refreshment PEACH STRAWBERRY MELBA ? canned cling peach halves pint vanilla ice cream 1 cup sliced sweetened straw . . berries . Arrange 2 drained, chilled peach halves in each of 4 individ ual, serving dishes. Place gener ous scoop of ice cream between peaches. Top with spoonful of strawberries. BACKYARD OR PICNIC FUN "Meal-on-a-stick" is an easy out side supper, and an added way for your guests to have fun. Cut squares of beef or lamb (any tender cut will do); drain canned whole white potatoes and mush zoom buttons; and cut large to matoes into wedges. Make a mix ture of salad oil and lime juice, using twice as much oil as lime juice. Let the meat and vegeta bles stand in the oil mixture sev eral hours. Put alternately on the skewers and have the guests broil their own over hot coals. As the food is broiling, dribble occasion ally with the oil mixture. Tn.vMi DON'T FORGET BABY . . . Wtw ym tk tk Woty bopping, 4m't Uv kia vis id tk str. Schaefer's Rheumatic Remedy For the Relief Of RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, . I nrs it S AMU WWW!. Relieving stiffness and swell ing . in tss joints or muscles when ef rheumatic or gouty origin. SCHAEFER'S Drug Store 135 N. Commercial Open Daily 7:30 AJtf. to 8 PJkL Sundays 9 AM. to 4 PJtt. Baked Dish Uses Crackers, Lima Beans, Rice When you serve this delicious rice and lima bean dish to the "girls," don't be surprised when you are asked for the recipe. Your family, too. LIMA BEAN BAKE 4 tablespoons butter or margarine 4 tablespoons flour 2 cups milk t, teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 2 cups grated American cheese Dash of Tabasco sauce 3 cups cooked rice 2 cups cooked green lima beans Vx cup cracker crumbs Butter or margarine - ? To make 3 liberal cups of fluf fy rice, put 1 cup of uncooked rice, 2 cups of cold water and 1 teaspoon of salt into a 2- quart saucepan and bring to a vigorous boiL Turn the heat as low as pos sible. Cover the saucepan with a lid. Do not remove lid nor stir rice while it is cooking. Leave saucepan, over this low heat for 14 minutes. After the rice has cooked, remove saucepan from heat. - In a saucepan over a low heat melt the butter or margarine. Stir in the flour and blend welL Al low to cook slowly several min utes, but do not brown. Slowly add, the milk, stirring constantly until the mixture is smooth and has thickened. Add the salt, pep per, cheese and Tabasco sauce. Stir until the cheese melts. Add the rice and lima beans. Mix to gether. Pour into a well greased 2 -quart oven dish. Sprinkle the crumbs over the top. Dot with butter or margarine. Place in a preheated 350 F. oven and bake for 40 minutes or until the top is browned. This recipe makes 8 servings. COLORFUL PEAR SALAD Drain the syrup from a can of pears and add enough water to make two cups of liquid. Heat to boiling and add lemon flavored gelatine. Stir until dissolved and chill until slightly thickened. Ar range pears, cut side up, in a square pan. Fill the centers with a mixture of mayonnaise, chopped nuts, ripe olives and" pimiento. Pour gelatine over the pears and chill until firm. Cut in squares and serve on salad greens. JAM NOTES When you want to improve one of your favorite conserves or preserves by adding cruched pine apple or tidbits, let your taste guide you. Usual proportions are 1 cup pineapple . (not drained) to 6 to 8 cups prepared peaches, pears, etc Simmer the raw fruit with the pineapple a "few min utes; then add sugar and boil rap idly until thick as desired. HEARTY EATING Outdoor cooking is on the agen da for summer months. To go along with the charcoal grilled meats, serve a hearty casserole of baked large dry lima. Their buttery-mild 'flavor is a perfect base for your favorite barbecue seasonings or, if you prefer, bake them with just a little brown su gar, onion. and salt pork. An Explanation To Our Customers: Due to the" increased cost of our operation, in materials, equipment and labor, over which we hare no control, it has beest necessary for us to Increase our rates In order to continue to aire you efficient service. ' Due to these circumstances our basic J rates wQl be Increased 7 from $1.00 to $1.15 por month, for weekly residence service, and the twice a month; service , will be discontinued. These rates apply only within the corporate city Umts of Salem. cisdswm b effecttT Aug 1 1SS3. ' Canada to Test Underwater TVCa mera OTTAWA VP) Canada's only underwater television camera will be used to study the structure of dangerous Ripple Rock in the Seymour narrows near Campbell River, B.C. Capt H. R. Smyth, in charge of radio and electrical engineer Ins trials for the National Re search Council, will supervise its use during the west coast experi ment . Ripple Rock has been . a hazard to navigation tot years, but previous attempts to remove it were unsuccessful due to its peculiar underwater structure and the strong tides surrounding it. The camera is enclosed in a watertight steel cylinder weigh ing about 300 pounds. Images picked up by the sensitive camera tube are transmitted to television screens aboard the surface ves sel, by means of a coaxial cable. All the camera's operations are guideefby remote control. It has two viewing units one for underwater observation, and an auxiliary unit fitted with a special movie camera which makes permanent records with out interfering with ordinary observation. Statesman, Salem. Ore-. FrL, July ai. isaa oec. ' " 1 1 " 1 1 IJIIM f, w .1 f f: f Vf S - : Ml W o4 ? Better get your last of the.year fresh cherry pie baked pretty quick or the little tart fruits will all be gone. ; Here the cherry pie is a deep-dish affair yrith a nicely browned top crust Chocolate Flavor For Rich Pudding Chocolate is the nation's most favorite flavor, and as there's always 'dessert to think about when planning the daily menus, this chocolate pudding to make maSy a housewife popular: I BROWNIE PUDDING- " Vi cup silted flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Vx teaspoon salt V cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon cocoa . , Vi cup milk - " ' 1 tablespoon shortening, melted ' teaspoon vanilla V cup chopped nut meats. . Vt cup brown sugar, firmly packed ! 2 tablespoons cocoa" -4 cup boiling water Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, , salt, granulated sugar, and cocoa, and sift again. Add milk, shortening, and vanilla; mix only until smooth. Add nuts. Turn into .greased casserole. Mix together brown sugar and cocoa; sprinkle over batter. Then pour boiling water oyer , top. (This makes a chocolate sauce in bottom of pan after pudding is baked.) Bake in moderate oven (350 F.) 30 to 40 minutes. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Franks Among Top Summer Time Meals Franks are an all-year-round favorite, but when the summer months come along, they hit new peaks of popularity. Though franks are a natural for picnics, i uic uviuciuuct tt iki aviate the many versatile ways they add flavor and nutrition to summer meals at home. Salads, sandwiches and casserole and other combi nation dishes will feature the meaty goodness of easy-to-prepare franks. Since franks are made accord ing to recipe, the flavor and qual ity will, vary considerably from one brand to another. For this reason it's wise buymanship to look for a quality brand name and to read the list of ingredients on the label. Quality franks are made of selected cuts of beef and pork with seasonings added. Refrigerate Franks require refrigeration both at the market and at home to preserve the flavor and quality of the meat You may leave the franks in the branded wrapper or wrap loosely in waxed paper in the refrigerator. Use the franks within 3 or 4 days to enjoy them while fresh. " Here are some suggestions for using franks for summer meals. Tossed vegetable salad or potato salad becomes a hearty main dish for luncheon or supper. BARBECUED FRANKS AND BEANS 1 pound franks, cut in balf crosswise cup thinly sliced onion 2 tablespoons butter or margarine tablespoons flour 8-ounce can tomato sauce cup bouillon cups cooked (1 No. 2 ran) red kidney beans tablespoon vinegar tablespoon brown sugar teaspoons Worcestershire sauce teaspoon chili powder teaspoon salt' Pan fry onions in butter in a saucepan. Add flour. Combine. Add tomato sauce and bouillon. Bring to a boiL Add beans, vine gar, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce and seasonings. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add franks and con tinue simmering for 7 minutes. Serves 4 to 6. ' FRANK-BEAN SKILLET Vx pound franks, cut in Vi-inch pieces i cup finely chopped onion 2 tablespoons fat Bfscuit: V cup shortening 2 cups sifted flour 1 tablespoon double acting baking powder ' 1 10 -ounce can cream of celery soup, undiluted 2 cups (No. 2 can) green beans , V teaspoon savory 1 teaspoon salt i cup milk Pan fry onion in fat in a heavy skillet Add franks, soup, beans and savory. Mix thoroughly and , heat to boiling. Cut shortening , into flour which has been sifted : with baking powder and salt until the mixture is the consistency of cornmeaLAdd milk and stir until . blended. Drop dough by spoonsful ' on top of frank bean .mixture. Bake in a hot oven (450) for, 25 minutes. Serves 4. 3 1 Vi 2 1 1 2 1 1 TEA-TIME SANDWICH ' For a pretty open-face sand wich, spread this filling on small rounds of whole wheat bread. Combine two parts each of chopped, cooked chicken and wal nuts, chopped, with one part drained crushed pineapple, moist ened with salad dressing. These are attractive -when decorated with pineapple' tidbits. - iff i r il - ' ) I tr.t ),..,,. .. cfjj, II 1 ISA I) 1240 IT. CAPITOL ST. SALEI1, OREGON (1 Cir v-:"-1 POTATOES 1 UHr--?J 10 LBS. "c II TOMATOES 2 is.29b 1 LEIIOIIS 3yc V7ATERIIEL0IIS u . ? II t&fl&L Golden Bcmtcnn Fresh I 0PE1I 8:30 ajn.-9 p.m. WEEK DAYS i 10 a. m.-9 p. m. SUNDAYS mi - -.. -- - - 3 ) Pfnw r Z - TT. J U )) 2 JACK'S HKT. v ; Slewing Hens i j) 3 Uw. ond Oym; I . H W r, 1.29 r. jj MAX & JACK'S WT. fSV dewing Hens I II e.. ..-I.Z9 I I I fiTTPD I . BEET LIVER' u.3i)e I I I, MEATY I ISPARERIBS I ) ( , :J) Ground Beef 35c p 1 1 ,u l-oo .. . J ; cm Van Camps Chunk Stylo W 23c tin (Tins) (cy) A Chili Con Garne 16-ox.tin23 Try this easy Party Pizza A Luncheon Heal Oscar Mayer 12-ox. tin fins SEE PIZZA , RECIPE IN fSPERRY FLOUR ADVERTISE ! MENT ON 1 OPPOSITE - PAGE Dill Pickles Steinields N9. 2Vt tins tin 25 Deviled Ham 2 Tin. Underwood 2V40Z. 1 A Baby Food SPERRY s FLOUR 49 A DUNDEE TOMATOES Cans for c LAKE! VALLEY Cheese Food 2 a..89 Cheese Qnalrers Donald Duck Oleomargarine Wilsons Certified A H & D Sliced No. 2 tin 29c 4 tins Coclriail Peannls Planters 8-ox. tin SCniLLING PICKLING SPICE PKC 17c Ad Effective 'B 1 I 31 ' r-'l rA I we U1VG Green FrL & SaL JULY 1 & AUG. 1 Sanitary Service Co., Inc. nps! i r. i V r