y w r 1 1: .- Craven Clan Holds Reunion MONMOUTH Descendant tnd relatives ., of Mr. ; and Mrs. Joseph Craven (PriscilU Myers) enjoyed a reunion Sunday t Hel snick State park The Craven family members have been longtime residents of the Willamette valley. Mrs. Jo seph Craven's mother and grand parent crossed the plains in 1846. oeing members of the first group to come via the "Southern Cut off route -through.. Klamath County. Her father was William Myers, who came to Oregon with Jus brother, Henry, from Hanover, Germany, prior to 1830. The Myers brothers were the first two fore gin born persona to receive " naturalization papers in, Polk County. Joseph Craven7 cam to Oregon from Missouri in 1883 as captain of a wagon "train. He and Mrs. Craven made their home one mile from Monmouth on a 640 acre land claim purchased as a squat ter's Tight in 1847. Mrs. Craven's grandmother, Mrs. Thomas Crow ley, bought the land in exchange for a yoke of oxen and a wagon. That occurred before the Oregon Ubnation land law was passed, so its original entry in the Polk County court records was the Myers donation land claim. Present for the gathering of 33, were: Mr. and Mrs. Riley Craven, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jf Crsven and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Criven and two ions, Monmouth; Mrs. W. EL Craven, Mrs. Lora Butler, Elmer Wade, and Mrs. Melvin Stuwe and son of Inde pendence; Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Craven, Mr. and Mrs.. Grant Bushnell and three daughters, Portland; Mrs. Robert Hecker and three daughters, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beach, Eugene; Mrs. Virginia Wallace and Sydney June; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meyer and son Richard; and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Craven, all of Salem. Officers named were Riley Craven, president; Mrs. Dean Craven, vice-president; Mrs. Lora Butler, secretary; and Mrs. Alva Craven, historian. Mrs- Smedley Entertains Salem friends, of Mrs. H. E. Smedley met her guests, Mrs. Lloyd cCompton of Boise. Idaho, and Mrs. Smedley'a sister. Miss Vada Whitten of Phillipsbarg. ' Kans., at an informal coffee Tuesday morning. . Mrs. Ira Goddard. sister of the hostess, and Miss -Sandra Comp ton. assisted Mrs. Smedley. Miss; Whitten will be visiting in Salem for two more weeks, but 3Ir. and Mrs. Compton with their daughter left for their home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Smedley also will be leaving; Salem in September for -a year's residence at South Gate, Calif. , where Mrs. Smedley will teach English at the South Gate High School, exchanging positions with Dr. Don Mallernee who .will teach at Parrish Junior High School in her stead. The Smedleys and Mallernees have ex changed houses as well as jobs. Mr. Smedley is transferring to the Huntington Park office of his insurance company for the year, and their daughter. Miss Norvada Smedley, will be a graduate stu dent at the University of South ern California. Miss Holden to Wed Mr. Huskey i The engagement of Miss Pa tricia Holden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Holden, to James E. Huskey, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Huskey of The Dalles, has been announced by the bride elect's parents. No date for the wedding has been set. Miss Holden has been a stu dent at Oregon State College, where Mr. Huskey is studying pharmacy and is a member of Kappa Delta Rho. Strom Reunion Held The annual Strom reunion was held July 26 at the H. C Strom Ranch. Grand Rondc, Oregon. . Families attending were: Cliff Strom Jr. and family of Eugene, Anna Emra and family of Spring field, Peggy Wilbanks and fam ily, Bill Strom and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Strom, all of Scotts Mills. Agnes Garrison and family, Celia Langley of Salem, Knute Strom and family, H. C. Strom, and family, all of Grand Ronde, Ivy Joe Van Epps and family of Valzets. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Lea Catterson. V Back From Trip Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Smith and son Bob have returned from a three weeks trip east They picked up a car in Detroit and motored to Washington. D. C. where they visited several days. Their trip then took them to In- dima, Missouri, Nebraska and home through California.: In Whittier. Calif., they visited their daughters Mrs. Louis Cross-and Mrs. Wallace Hancock and their families. Mrs. Hancock and daughters Jacquie and Tracey re turned to Salem with the Smiths and will remain for a visit. Unwanted Hair Pcnnaniiilly Removed From the Face ERICH of MEW YORK 231 N. Liberty Dial 11921 4 V It f t Mr. and Mrs. Alan McMullen eruttinqr the cake at the reception which followed their July 15 marriage at the First Congregational Church. The brioV the former Darlene Gray, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gray and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernal D. McMullen. The reception was held at "Havenworth", the Glenn Creek Drive home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Worth. Hayrido Set For Co-Rec Club The VWCA Co-Rec Club will go hay-riding Friday to Holman State Park where out-of-door square and social dancing will follow a weiner roast The group will assemble at the VWCA at 6:30 p. m. Elwin Pederson, Ed Wulff, Miss Edna Allenbach, Miss Coral Fddu)I '1 Colors """"slsvb d A SAtE EWS SAT. NeW, Smart Scroll Design ' DR0ADL00M VlJ Colors: Grey, Beige Rose or Green : 'A it i 1- Jaynes and Miss Elaine Schmidt are in charge of the evening's fun. Al Trom is president of this group made up of young single adults. Anyone interested in joining the co-ed recreation club may call the YJVCA office for further information. New Guinea's Greater Bird of Paradise, noted for its magnifi cent, multi-colored plumes, is a cousin to the common crow. 'TThiree. 0rtt 1 en " $9 Going West Eastern Dolicacy, Lobster. Fish - For Western Tastes; Creamed Good -.' .... By JIAXINE BUREN , Statesman Woman's Editor Not so many years ago we far westerners were seldom able ' to buy east-coat produced delicacies such, as lobster, but now " this bright-hued shellfish is usually to be found at the fishman'a or can be purchased in cans. Let's just look at what lobster can do to our menu. CREAMED LOBSTER - '1 cup medium,, white sauce 1 teaspoon grated onion 1 cup cooked or canned y f 1 tablespoon lemon juice ' ' ; v lobster meat, rut into ; Pain Tabasco or eaennt pieces .. f pepper , Heat the sauce to a boiL . Add remaining ingredients and cook, while stirring, till hot; Serve on biscuits, toast, patty shells, rice rings, ttc. Yield: lour servings. The lobster can b acallopdi b;' putting the creamed mix . ture into a baking dish and covering with buttered crumbs, then baking until browned on top. " , Lobster Thermadore, best known of all dishes using this shellfish, is made like tblj by Fannie Merritt Firmer, Boiton cookery expert: , LOBSTER THERMADORE IVi poundf lobster V pound mushrooms , 3 tablespoon! butter i Paprika 1 tablespoon, flour , 2 tablespoons grated Parm pint heavy cream san cheese : - Boil lobster, if not already cooked. Split and remove meat - Cut in pieces. Melt 2 tablespoons of the butter, add lobster and cook 5 minutes. Sprinkle with flour and add cream. In another pan heat mushrooms in remainder of butter and saute about 5 minutes. Add to creamed lobster. Season to taste. Put into lob ster shell and set in a baking dish. Sprinkle with cheese and bake at 450 degrees vatil brown. May brown under roller. Serves 2. Then if you like to go into the Frenchy dishes, and there's no better ingredient for fancy dishes than lobster, try this from Dione Lucas: MAYONNAISE DHOMABD 2 cups rice 3 shredded tomatoes 2 tablespoons chopped parsley Spicy French dressing Cold boiled lobster 2 egg yolks Boil rice, drain and wash add peeled cut tomatoes and parsley. Mix with French dressing and arrange in a long shape n a serving dish, covering top -with pieces of lobster. Pour over it the following: Mayonnaise: Put in a bowl egg yolks, pepper, mustard and vinegar or lemon juice.' Then carefully beat in the oil. When thoroughly mixed add cream and tomato pulp. Spread over the lobster and serve. Serves 4. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Willcox en tertained with a picnic dinner at their home, 3815 McCain Ave., ; Sunday, in honor of the birthdays of Mr. Willcox. Mrs. Lulu Brotber- ton and her sister Mrs. George includes orY PV ,tid tran-T 1 U l-ftf tHU "'..nWVfG and . linn Ik i " .'.an. r . . ' I Open Friday till 9 P.M. 99 Coarse pepper Dry mustard tbsps. lemon or vinegar cups oil tablespoons cream Little tomato pulp in cold watei, put in a bowl and McBride of Portland. Besides the honored guests, attending the pic nic were Mrs. Daphne Schainck with Susan and Henry, of Cor vallis; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wymsn of Sandy; Mr. McBride, the hosts and their children, Judy and Lee. .wins 2 lVfe 2 Shower Fetes Bentz FOUR CORNERS Miss Evelyn Benz, daughter i of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benz, bride-elect of Hugh Harper Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Harper Sr. of Canby, was honored at an afternoon bridal shower with Miss 1 Verlaine Walker and her mother, Mrs. Ernest Walker, as co-hostesses at the Walker home. it The wedding will be on August 1 at 8 p. m. In the First Congrega tional Church, Salem. - The gifts were presented under the arbor on the lawn with the decor in white wedding bells and met peas." Bidden for the plea sure of Miss Benz were her mother. Mrs. Henry Benz; her sister, Mrs. Harvey Gray; her Sister-in-law, Mrs. Earl en$ his mother. Mrs. Hugh Harper Sr.; his sister-in-law, Mrs. Bob Harper; Mrs. Ion Beats, Corvsllis; Mrs. Ross Morrow, Hubbard; Mrs. James Riggs, Idanba; Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. Homer1 Bales, Mrs. Dean Wal port, Mrs. Oliver Rick- man, Mrs. Leroy J. Stewart, Mrs. Carl Allport and. the Misses Ruth Willard, Carol Garrison of Salem and Bevel? Larch of Corvsllis. Projects for the forthcoming year will be discussed at a meet ing of the Salem Soroptimists lervice committee and other in terested members at noon at the Goldea Pheasant today.' A board meeting will be held the evening of August 4 at Heider'a, and the next regular meeting is scheduled at noon at the Golden j Pheasant on August 5. -.--j! 8 Exposure Rim Developed & Printed Jumbo or Regular Size Just 40c Artz Photographs . 325 Couri St. FREE HEAT FOR '53 SEE RADIANT GLASSHEAT 1&40 Fairgrounds: Rd. Phone 4-6263 lyn SIEST CREDIT TERMS CAoary Save en Room Sized Rues Tailored to Fit Your Floors ,. Statesman. Salem, Ore. Thurm, July 30, 1853 Sc 1) 9 Stbvons-Euclcor Wadding Told The marriage ' of Miss Doris Anne Stevens, daughter of Mr. and! Mrs. Emil Stevens of Rick realV to Marvin Dewane Eucker, son of Mr. and Mcs. Ott Eucker of Salem, hat been announced bj the parents of the bride. Mr. tnd Mrs. Eucker were mar ried July 11 in the First Metho dist Church in Stevenson, Wash., andi are now making their home in Salem. FRESH OCEAN CAUGHT SIMM i Transportation by qui own rffrlatratod trucks. Fills Fish & Pouliry Ilarkcl 21S N. Commercial Ph. 3424 K sweet soft drinks ii it i . j . " ""Ik W Smr o ml TON" LOOP-Plf 7 For Just rc ' t s, Cushion end Tailoring IJ1CLUDEDI Gerraii Members ef the Ed ward tStauber family of Chicago have been visiting at the home of his 'sister, Mrs. Frank IIolou bek, and family near Gervais.' a ; DOPTT Throw your watch away. We fix them when others cant The Jewel Box 445 State St, Salem, Ore. for canning or freexin? LB. have you thirsty.. --- Freth, clean ta$t$ $ you drink Squirt Fresh, clean Uutm after you drink Squirt, Never on after thlnti SQUIRT BOTTLING COMPANY ' 1095 N. IJberty Street Phene: Salem S-611 IN.TOVN ! k. 9r. grey r - 11 11 I, f 0IILY 3 II0E1E DAYS For titu crtct farbgs Dcn'l rs tHs solI Many new, bcrutiful patterns to cheos Ironu oil oreotlx reduced during this money-sarlng tTtnl! Bring Yonr Ilcan Ileascreaenls - . - j i - I , :i 5 i - i i "