fx-. War Ends a Little Too Late for Soldier With Missing Legs . s By WILLIAM C. BARNARD SEOUL (A The freshly wound ed young soldier in the Army hos pital was astonished when I told him the shooting was over. , Many hours before, the armistice had been signed. But he, lying miserably In a corner of the silent ward, had not ' heard. There was no radio in the ward and no one had thought to ' tell him. You mean they signed it?" he asked. " . -' And then his eyes shifted to the sheet Covering I two stumps. "If I could have just made it a few hours more, I'd be. walking when I meet my wife again. I don't know what she's going . to think about this." He ran his strong fingers through a shock of brown hair. 'All those delays," ..he mused. '"They could have, signed just as easy a month ago two months ago. I'm glad the war has ended for a lot of tn y buddies. AH of us was praying for it. But for me it ended a little too late. Just a little, but too late." ' Agony touched the hazel eyes of this 20-year-old private. ", "How do you think she'll take it?" I wasn't too unlucky. Two guys with me got killed and others were hurt. We haven't beenmarried very long just since February. I got sent, over here in May When the Army tells her about me being wounded, will they say just exact ly what's happened to me? , "I sure hope they won't. I want to be the one to explain things. Maybe I can break it easier. I'll write her just as soon as I .feel up to it. r " a There wasn't any chance of saving either one of them. They had to take both of them off.. They explained all about it to me be fore they; operated yesterday. "I got wounded Saturday mid night and they operate on me Sun day and now the war ends on Mon day. "Too bad I couldn't have lasted until Monday." ' ; f. r ROMANCE AGELESS - NIAGARA FALLS, Ont V The "honeymoon certificate" is sued by the -Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce is popular with newlyweds of all ages. Among . recent applicants were two couples, each weU oyer the 80-year mark. Slavs Pan Gold On Power Project BELGRADE (P There's gold in Yugoslav hills that pr.vf m cash to meet, the country's eco- T . i v. n : ai uuimc nee us. jseposus - jm uu mountainous regions of central Yugoslavia have been 'discovered during development of huge hy droelectric projects. , j While far from rich, they serve a double purpose. As a by-product for the power project which prob ably will realize far more profit in the long run, the gold provides ready cash for machinery. To get the ore out, Yugoslavia has im ported American gQhkxtracting machinery. ' H ByK Boy, Attacked angaroo BRISBANE (Jf) A 5-foot pet kangaroo jumped a 6-foot fence at " Laidley, near I Brisbane, and savagely attacked 10 year - old Rodney Welk. The kangaroo tore the child's t ithes to pieces, but before it had seriously injured him Mrs. Welk, attracted by the noise chased it joff. .Rodney was taken to hospital with scaf.ies from his legs to the top of his head. His parents said they had reared the kan garoo and its female mate, and this was the first time anything like this had happened. The We Iks are now giving both the kangaroos to the Botanic Gardens, Brisbane. Old Civilization Sought in Ruins 1 TUCSON, Ariz. W-A new chap ter in the slowly unfolding story of an ancient civilization in the White Mountains of Northern Ari zona will be studied this I sum mer. " " Archaeological student from eight schools - will probe the Point-of -Pines ruins for informa tion on. life that flourished there from 500 to 1,000 AJ0. The an cient city is believed to have been abandoned in the early 1400's. Students will come from Uni versities of Arizona. Chicago, Mi chigan, Oklahoma and New Mex- ico, and Bryn Mawr, Hunter Col lege, and Asia Institute. Stat. Salem. Orsw WecL. July 29. 1953 -(Sec 2) 3a frencli Begin to Paint Eiffel h j PARIS (INS)-Tbe .world fa mous r Eiffel Tower is undergo ing a paint job. The 63-year-old tqwer, which has been repainted approximately every seven years, SJl require 35 ' tons of special st-resistant paint ' and 27,000 mjah-bours of work, jThe tower is being painted in three shades of Cognac brown, in! a .way symbolic of one of France's greatest gifts to the pat atje of mankind. There has never been, a buffalo ir North America, except in zoos, and the mailed U. S. buffalo Is actually a bison. Hobin Raised On Dog Food VANCOUVER, Wash, tn Mrs. Paul Kiev is beginning to wish it was a homing pigeon instead of a robin that she adopted while on a trip to North Dakota a few: weeks ago.' .,.;. i - - ! It was a baby when she found it She fed it worms and poured water down its throat to keep it alive. Then when she returned by car from North Dakota she brought the bird with her. Mrs. Kiev said she has changed its diet to dog food but still it is ' a lot of trouble. t She plana to donate it to a childrens' zoo, she said. I 1 PAY LESS DREAM" DOLL I LUXURIANT SARAN W1C YOU CAN i WftH, WAYI AflD STYLE LATEX ARMS AND LEGS GORGEOUS PLAID f OUTFIT-IACE RUFHi TRIM J -r REDHEADS ic MjONDLS J EVERY LITTLE A I Prices Ef f ecr ivt ) JULY 29 THRU 1 Y AUGUST 2ND ) ) WED. - THUR. 1 l FRI. SAT. AMD SUN 1 Ilnchoai rJ" Bit-'' Tt 9 - I LUXURIANT SARAN WIG YOU CAN I fV WAiri HUSH, WAYI AND STYLE 11 tn I L-r37 VCTV OUTFrr UCE RUFHi JT M JCD TRIM J Al EROWNETTBS UWeMV REDHEADS V Vr fT ' ii.r iA A ONE FOR SS n SAVE- 0 r PAY IXS C own j Rig. Og 11 C"rtT4k ) tr: I TS rero"5 1 ! uw v.Bastk m m m i c I Sm rf ELECTRrw I i I JL W - d WW. Z' ' j T 1 ft,IIMWlf( ressiil SPIfkt.I rilli i "M tf ova I I - "f f Ell Ilfl i I "t Vhy)) y ut. I OR USE I J Four." - CeU Ui HANDY fi U REG. P i w m - w j x.. Shop in Cool Comfort -at Pay Less 15 Cooler Sine Our New Air Conditioning Has Been Installed )BIG BLACK PANTHER green glassy eyes v , 4S4 STATE ST. - SALEM 75c LEATHER BASEBALLS (SANDLOT LEAGUE) M.00 LEATHER S07T BALLS - (OFFICIAL i i 79 Md teat Ai DECORATED PLASTIC TOO! BIG CO GALLON 36" x 50' WITH SPECIAL SYPHON DRAIN AND REPAIR KIT 0 f Y It mm VALUE (q) it' AY LESS Vgfl Era 400,000 GCATZFUL tlt9 For Uoa, Women and CkiLfr.n Burst six ana sia SSJTii SStST , fort. Excellent mm m af trnr. """ " tkm support. Wear it with assnr. To rk Vatac tn It anefr ftt mw freedom ef actios' 7 M H'l! liEfiiB v.- : lr.m ii mr -it-ni i RICHARD HUDNUT HOME j REFILL GIVES YOU A WAVE THAT DEFIES THE I ELEMENTS A WAVE YOU CAN SET AND! FORGET 1.50 m r : w L.I " 1 t MMnMHMMMMMMIMIUMIMWWt A H WWi'M I I Hill 1 1 imvraMalMUMtlfnr S nit smm P"' O SOS t. ! m mm4 (Ma i .macs. .OSMhlLOLt, SUES U J " ",--,-', 1 S3- k - i X wit- f 1 W r"' y CHIMES Vfflf I II I V PRICE SALE TUSSY SUMMER COLO! RtOULAR 2.00 SIZE NOW ONLY f Yes. yen mu eeel st these fire fsbBleas fr rranccs! .verr en . . lirht, loyelj . . . erjry now a exeiUAt; in a different way. Aad at tUs price. T cu afford a ward- robe" or ref rtshlnr. eol f&ei that will last y oa f er many months. Choice f framaees. '07 3?e COTTON SOX MEN AND 0' sSc Less A jr A Tinklino Tuno 93c CHLOROPHYLL TABLETS 69 jy. '-- J f?0 WROUGHT KtON COFFEE 1 WARMER RES. 1.00 SOe BUBBLE DATH25 m. 7 fcfa MAID PLASTIC TRAVEL DAGS Folds ond Snops for H osy Carryinf 55 Inch VALUI f; DOYS JEANS Ux. Softforlxed Zipper Fronf liret Pockets Double Knees. R09. 1.98 Voloo I 2-49 $ ! TOY EUCntIC METAL STOVE Opening Oron, REG. CHILDREN'S SEWING KIT Cutout Doll Clothes Thimble Scissors Thread ond - Sowing Mochlno Dials . CHILDREN'S. ii- UECORATED CHINAVV Sews VALUE mm m W TEA SETS A il rriocos II O Cuos di Saucers - II 116 PlatesSugar -Creamer II U Taopot II A 1.29 fR(oH 'A 7 f : V 7 2.95 v. i.?. In Zipper Corryina Kit RCG.1.50 JUNIOR MISS roiici I KII LL , '., ; : oiue TRUNK WITH CUTOUT DOLL CLOTHES 1.S0 VALUI TOYVILLE NURSE AND DOCTOR 2; 43" Six. S.95 Volar m PAY IBS i CO) . illllilllllllilllllllllllllllllillllllllll lis