II SO CI ETY CLUBS MUSIC Around Town . . . By JERYME ENGLISH I week was Mrs. Waiter D. I Thomas . . . she , went south a nuptial party Thursday night was Miss Barbara Crawford, who will be married to Louis Bruner j on Saturday . . . Mrs. Richard Gahls dorf, who will be one of Bar bara's attendants, was hostess for the party at her home on Willow Street ... A dessert supper was served and a miscellaneous show er feted the future Mrs. Bruner ... Honoring the bride-to-be were her mother, Mrs. Robert Crawford, Mrs. John H. Johnson, Mrs. Roger M. Schnell, Mrs. Wil liam Hughes, Mrs. Donald Wells, Mrs. Bill Marti nand Mrs. Gahls dorf ... Fete bridal party . . . Mr. and Mrs. Chester O. Goodman enter tained at dinner Wednesday night at their North 19th Street home for the pleasure of Miss Priscilla Anne Moore and her fiance, Harry William Russell . . . the affair preceded the wedding re hearsal and bidden were mem bers of the two families and the bridal party ... A welcome hoire . . . party for Teddi Schlesinger, who has been ' in the East the past month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Schlesinger . . . the party was given by Larrie Lou Osterman at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Osterman, with Margie Rheam, daughter of the Alvin Rhcams, assisting infor mally ... During .the evening Teddi told the guests about her trip to New fyrk ind Massachu setts, where she visited with her grandparents and friends of the family . . . A late sapper was served by the hostesses .-. . Hon oring Teddie were Mary Clare Mooney, Pat Sexton, Edith An- lrus Diane Emigh, Ann Fallin, Elsie Burke, Diane Miller, Vicki Ward, Judy Porter, Geri Mess- mer, Betty Burnside, Margie Rheam and Larrie Lou Osterman. An revoir parties . . . for Mrs. Ernest C. Knapp prior to her de parture next week for Yokohama to join Colonel Knapp . . . Mrs. Knapp and their two daughters, Carol and Mary, will leave from Seattle the end of July for Japan, where the Army colonel is chief of MAPS at headquarters, AFFE, Yokohama . . . Colonel Knapp has been in Korea the past year ! and recently was transferred to ; Japan . . .On Wednesday Mrs. Harry Miller entertained at luncheon for the pleasure of the traveler and gji Thursday after noon her sister-in-law; Mrs. Claud Jorgenson, was hostess for a bridge party at the Jorgenson summer home on the Macleay Road . . . Saturday the Knapps will go to Gear hart to visit her brother and sister-in-law, the Roy Persons . . . and on Monday the Charles Unruhs will take Mrs. Knapp and the girls to Fort Law ton, Seattle . . . Enroute they will stop in Tacoma to visit long time friends of the Knapps, the Martin Hoffmans . . . "Also here to say f rewell to her sister is Mrs. Esther Grant and daughter, Barbara, of Toledo . . . they are guests at the country home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Person . . . Visitors . . . feted at informal parties . . . Mr. and Mrs. Elon Von Escben, who are here from Mnhasset, Lon Island, N. Y., as guests of his brother and sister- in-' :w, the Ellis Von Eschens, j w e honor guests at an infor- mal dinner party for which Mr. and Mrs. Henry ' A. Simmons j weve hosts at their Candalaria j lli?hts home Wednesday ni?ht ... A few friends were bidden ; t -ireet the visitors . ". . This wc 'iend the Von Eschens and t; house guests will be at ML lTiod as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shearer at their mountain home near Rhododendron . . . tfce first of next week the Von Eschens will take their guests to Wecoma to vacation at their beach home . . . Expected ... in the capital this weekend for an extended visit i are Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Wil son of Honolulu, who arrived in ! the States Wednesday on the Lurline . . . they will visit a few days in San Francisco before coming north . . . While in Salem they will visit their niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Henry -t A. Meyer ... j j Guests ... in Salem the past h month from Long Island, N. Y., j have been Mr. and Mrs. Lindon j j Pierce, who visited at the coun- j ; try home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ( $ A. Henderson ... the Pierces left for the East on Monday ... Returning ... to the capital j i Thursday from Newport Beach, p Calif., where they attended" the j third National Boy Scout Jam- g boree were Mr. and Mrs. William ; ;:i L. Phillips . . . they made- the ! f trip by plane ... most impres- , H sive event of the Jamboree ac- f cording to Mrs. Phillips was the i candlelight ceremony, where each s of the 50,000 Scouts held a can 1 die . . . Judge and Mrs. W. W. McKinney were also in Southern p California to attend the Jam- boree ... ; a n mnf k ( rr f f n n rl Mrs. J. D. Berwic, son, Doug Ber wick, and Miss BorJnie Hagen . . . v Mr. Berwick left f or California the end of June and visited f or a i fortnight with his two brothers nd their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berwick at Walnut Creek and. with Mr. and Mrs. David Berwick at Monterey ... Mrs. Berwick, Doug and Bonnie joined him on July 13 at Monterey . . . The four then visited in CanneL Pacific Grove, Santa Cruz, Yo semite, San Francisco, Reno and Crater Lake . fortnight ago by car with her d a u g h t e r-in-law, Mrs. Dean Thomas, and her children, Chris tine and Walter . . . In Long Beach Mrs. Dean Thomas met her navy lieutenant husband, who has returned from duty in Ha waii . . . The family will remain it Long Beach while Lt. Thomas is stationed there . . . From New York . . . comes news of the birth of a son, John Elliott, to Mr. and Mrs, William Poorman (Joan Elliott) on Thursday in Syracuse , . . The lad tipped the scales at eight pounds, three ounces . . . The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Poorman and Mr. and Mrs. John J. Elliott of Portland . . . Mrs. Elliott is currently in Syracuse ' to welcoAie her new grandson and will remain until September . . . the great-grandmothers are Mrs. Frank A. El liott of Newberg, formerly of Sa lem, and Mrs. Margaret 'Merri field of Portland ... and the baby's great aunt is Mrs. George Square Dancers Meet Friday FOUR CORNERS) Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gould re vacationing at Glen Eden this week. The ! Circle 4 dance club will meet Friday evening in the Com munity hall at 8.30 o clock. Guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Chai ters and he will be the guest caller. Instruction will 'be given in a pew dance The Masquer ade." House guests this week in the Julius I Hagenson home were his brothek-'s family Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hagenson, Sherry, Di anne and John, of San Carlo, Calif. -Their fatrir, John Hagen son, resides with the Julius Hag- l ensons. Cloverdale Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Ffiflet of Twin Falls, Idaho are here at the home of his sister and family, the A. E. Kunke's while) on vacation. Some time will be spent with other sisters and his brothers, Oscar Fliflet of Salem before their return to Idaho.1 Sewell of Salem, formerly of Roseburg ... A little girl . . . Susan Louise, was, torn to Mr .and Mrs. Dale A. Bates (Louise Campbell) on July 2 in Grants Pass . . . The baby's' grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bates ... Miss Garner Married to Mr. Houser Exchanging their vows at an 8:30 o'clock ceremony Thursday night . were Miss Barbara Jo Garner and John Houser, whose marriage took place at the First Congregational Church.- The bride is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen South wick and the groom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. John B. Houser of Le banon. The groom's father officiated at the nuptials before a setting of pink and white gladioluses and white tapers. Soloists were Miss Janice Olson and Curtis Zimmerman. Jean Hobson Rich was the organist. Lighting the candles on the altar and those marking the alternate pews were Miss Sandra Hazelbaker and Miss Esther Kimball, who wore pink ballerina frocks of net over taf feta with lace trim. Tulle and Lace Gown Mr. Southwick escorted his granddaughter to the altar and gave her in marriage. Her bridal gown was of white nylon tulle over satin with a Chantilly lace bodice and a lace panel extend ing down the back of the gown into the court 'train. Her finger tip illusion veil was caught to a bonnet style cap and she car ried a bouquet of white roses centered with a lavender orchid. Four attendants preceded the bride to the altar. Miss Janice Goertzen was the honor maid and wore a pink nylon net gown l over taffeta with pleated flounce around the bottom of the skirt with lace trim. The bridesmaids. Miss Lavina Loewen, Miss Marian Ratzlaff - and Miss Marteen Mc Cary of Albany, wore aqua nylon net frocks over taffeta with pleated flounces and lace trim. They all carried colonial nose gays of Elf roses and feathered carnations, tied with ribbon to match their gowns. They wore pink and white carnation halos is their hair. Janet Govier was 63rd Family Gathering NORTH HOWELL Members of the Ringo family were hosts Sunday to the annual reunion of the Stevens descendants at Cham poeg Park with 120 relatives gathered for the 63rd consecutive meeting. Coming the farthest were rela tives from Spokane and San Diego. Milton Esson was the eldest member present and Joyce Ann Clevinger of The Dalles was the youngest. After the dinner informal talks were given by Mrs. Sam H. Brown, Mrs. Millie Bateson, L. A. Esson and Mrs. Thomas Bump. The 1954 family picnic will be held at the Gervais home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown with the Esson family as hosts. the flower girl and wore a pink taffeta frock. . .. Attend the Groom Marvin G laser of Lebanon served as best man for Mr. Houser. Seating , the guest were John Atkinson, 'Norman BarteL John Garner and Roy Campbell. Mrs. Southwick chose a gown of shrimp pink with corsage of white roses for her granddaugh ter's wedding. The groom's mother wore an aqua crepe gown with corsage of pink roses. . The newlyweds. greeted their guests at a reception at the Salem Woman's Club. Mrs. Roy . Camp bell and Mrs. . John Simmons poured and Mrs. Nannie Cannoy cut the cake. Assisting were Mrs. Oscar Schweitz, Misses Helen Melby, Joann Hilderbrand, Zada Hasler, Jeanette DahL Wynona Askey, Mrs. Rollyn Turner, Mrs. Robert Worral, Mrs. Ervin Sim mons and Miss Doris Wilson. A pink and white color scheme was used in the decor for the bride's table with a pink cloth. For going away the new Mrs. Houser wore a white suit with navy blue accessories and a pink topper. After a honeymoon at the Oregon beaches the couple will be at home in Monmouth. Mrs. Eugene Booth and Mrs. Daniel McLellan are vacationing this week at the former's summer home at Florence. Their husbands will join them for the week end. Siaieimcm. Salem, Ore. Friday, July 21 1953 (Sec 2) 9 Delegates Named To- Convention The American War Mothers chapter held a no-host luncheon at the home of Mrs. Howard Hun saker on Tuesday. The committee included Mrs. Bessie Grayson, Mrs. Edith Morley and Mrs. Anna Alley.! A business meeting followed the luncheon. Delegates and al ternates to the American War Mothers state convention at Al bany September 11 and 12 were elected. They include, Mrs. Kate Elgin,! Mrs. Howard Hunsaker, Mrs. Jessie Lytle, Mrs. Sally Goss, Mrs. Olive Hilmoe and Mrs. Al freda Cogswell. Alternates are, Mrs. Edith Morley, Mrs. Anna AlleyJ Mrs. Walter Herburger. "Mrs. George Pro, Mrs. Alma Hat field and Mrs. Pearl Simkins. Mrs. E. E. Bergman was elected delegate to the national conven tion to be held at Springfield, 111., in early October. Mrs. Glenn W. Prather, president of the chapter the past two years, will also at tend the convention. Mrs. Mabel A. Lockwood, the national presi dent, resides in Salem. The Little' Garden Club of Salem Heights met for a cov ered dish picnic dinner Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lewis -Judson on Judson Street at 1 o'clock. BPW Members Picnic Nineteen - members of Um Salem Business and Profession Women's Clubs attended tbj joint picnic of the Salem ant Dallas clubs Monday night at thi Dallas City Park. Plans wen; made, for a covered dish dinna. and workshop to be held Tuet: day, July 28 at 6:30 p.m. at thi Mayflower Hall with all Salen and Dallas BPW members in vited to attend. Schaefer's Rheumatic Remedy For the Relief Of RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, and GOUT. 1 Relieving stiffness and swell ing In the joints or muscles when of rheumatic or gouty origin. SCHAEFER'S Drag Store - 135 N. Commercial Open Daily 7:30 AJH. to S PJW. Sundays 9 AJH. to 4 PJVI. (jS i COWOK I AbLb INTIMATE APPAREL K JtilletiL Jaathe i j ' "That " f I Look 4 1 - I x JT I V -i"--''-""""" " W ' Vjdtb way trim, lovely figure No heavy bones, nothing to pinch, poke or bind. S'nft and cool and weigh next to nothing. Yet they keep you trim and sleek that's Formfit's can t-be-copied design and they wash in a wink. If Grandma is a slimster, she can wear Skippies too they're for "juniors" of all ages. A .summer treat.,, the luxury of A Fresh Life Bra Every Day! To safeguard your daintiness the hot summer days, you naturally suds your bras after every wearing. 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A 4.95 ipSi ' .W lfK Iff V I H .U' JeJS. -jfy ClfSkinn. frSsJ 4 .' m .-U&JJ fWKh. 1 " """"1 J r v -r ms, ; i i Sportswear Dept. Brings You ORIGINAL SAILCLOTH AND TENNIS CLUB DENIMS By 4 - Sailcloth Little Boy SHORTS 3.95 htr X 1 ; 1 J $t a.. FOR REAL SUMMERTIME COMFORT Whether at work at play this summer be sure your dressed right in styled right, comfort right, WHITE STAG clothes from MILLER'S. It's Miiler s Sportswear Department for the Big selection I 1 S Little Boy Shorts, 3.75 Applique Top 4.50 SaHcloth Whistle Britches Yes Sirt Clam PiggenT 4.50 Flared Sweep Skirt 5.95 Flying borne . . . from Long I $ a- jjcacn, cam, tne iirst oi uie 'sa