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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1953)
I i i n 10 CSec. ltatggariaxu Sclotn. Or Friday, July 2L IS S3 IgQO Heal Estate I 800 Heal Estate 1 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate n00 Heal Estate H50 Automotive 700 Rentals 800 Heal Estate 80S ! Houms For! Sol tlS RfOTt PtOpttf 8S2 Used Cars For Sale r. : 710 Wanted to Rent, Houses $ BEDROOM houM to tent. Reason able Close to school. Call 2-835S ifter 6, BUSINESS executive , wjnl rent home, promise good! care. Phone J-3654 io a.m. to t i.m, Ask lor Mil Bimsi. j 712 Want to Rent Apts. MO e fltO 4nsi1 tain and? lunch counter In protes aional business are. Assured good customer traffic. Reasonable ar rangements. Please give experience. BOX 681, B talesman. JCVaTEXbLIS Aug. i at. The Elaine. burnished living room, kitchen, di nette and Datn. Free launary fa cilities and central heat $8. 179 N. liberty St. 74 Business RentciS" BOOM for shoe repair shop at 144 S. 13th. Ph. 9-5222. ; OFFICE SPACE for rent Excellent location downtown.' ; Reasonable. .Call ere. 38-6286. FOR IJEAKE or rent. Four room of' flee space in excellent location ' "West-side business section, around level, admirably arranged for phy sician, dentist, or similar , type of activity. Ph. 3-0363 or 2-3441 ext. 48 for further Information and to sr ra tif for shnwine. 5ffTcK SPACETTnquire 109 S. High! Phone 3-4114 OR LEASE, 160-300 it. frontage On Fdgewater St. west Baiern. ira ritts. Phone 3-8403. f OR LEASE, business building, park- mg area, very desirable district. Suitable for most any type of busi ness. Rent on'.y $125 a month. Al Iwak. Ph. 4-3311. GROUND FLOOR ofiire or store space for rent. Can at ritts Market. 118 N. Commercial Phone 3-4424. 2 J3IJXJS. in Hollywood. Could be used as one. Door between. Ap prox. 1000 aq. ft t9t a mo. ea. side. Call Rawlins Realty at 2-4864 or 4-1761. 716 Resort Rentals NEL8COTT cottage, lovely ocean view. Some time in Aug. and Sept open for reservation. References re quired. Phone 3-9471 eves. J500 Real Estate 801 Busine Oporftmltiee COMMUNITY STORK. Neighborhood mkt, wall located, meat, grocer ies, variety Items ec package bear license. .The mkt. is housed In a fine bldg. 6c there are living quar ters attached. The rent for house k store is lust $110, with a 9 jr. lease.. This bus. can be bought for cost Inventory e fixtures, and would be excellent for a retired couple or a family operation. Ill health of present owners compels them to sell. Better look into this opportunity. NURSING HOME Well established nursing home; IS fiatient capacity. Outstanding loca ion with excellent equipment. This bus. is priced to sell and owner will take some trade. With proper ooe ration this place will pay for itself in about 3 years. WE HAVE. TAVERNS. MOTELS. RESTAURANTS AND MANY OTH ER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE. SOME WITH EXCEED INGLY LIBERAL DOWN PAY MENTS. FRANK LOCKMAN HEALTOR 2037 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 4-6.153 "Bus. Opp. Specialist" GROCER YsTt5fiir" " In Prosperous farm community, es tablished 25 yean. Property in cludes store building, home and caMn. Gasoline, beer and wine li cense. Grossed 872.000 LAST YEAR. Balls tron, Oregon. Phone 3262 Sheri dan. MOTEL ONE of Salem's nicest 13 units and living quarters. Inquire 3363 Port land Rd. . FOR SALE, lease or trade, welding, blacksmith Ing t ornamental iron works. With good retail sales line and good lease. Phone 3-9600 for ,appt. . . For Sale By Owner 14 -space trailer court, including partially furnished apartment. Choice location in expanding busi ness son. Call 29213 for appoint- . ment, ,. FOU SALE by owner 1 mile S. of Hubbard on Highway 99. Service station tt garage with living quar ters. Large grounds and well. A good buy & terms to suit Write W. Wagner. P.O. 4297 Portland or call Ca 1339. ... - --- rORTLEAStC, good Major Oil Co. Ser vice Station in Salem. Phone 4-4458. WELL established septic tank serv ice. Consider houie equity. 658 Cn ter . Wtf oleSAlIS Our survey shows that several areas in the Northwest need a progres sive wholesale distributor in the hardware, sporting ; foods, house wares, toys, electrical lines. If you would like to start in business for , yourself on a small Investment and atill have the power of a large dis tributor, we offer thl opportunity ta a good man. Your investment of ' 3500 to $5000 is irt merchandise. 'You decide how much and what .kind We carry your dealer ac- 1 eourit. This ousines offers a - found future with excentional In- come. Write to CIRCUIT DISTRIB V "UTING CORP., 1941 N. Lombard ;.;.st. Portland 17, Oregon. 806 Houms For Sal EWLY decorated two bedroom, 4 country home. Lots of shade trees "-on 1 acre level ground. About 10 min. North Salem. Phonc2-2199. faIr16Unthili: .Owne sells at sacrifice, coty 2 bed room cottage on valuable 50 lot finest neighborhood, fruit electric heat Insulated, newly painted, kitchen. 1 blk. city bus. $8790. terms. $690 down I 1738 Gairmount Ave. t BEDROOM older house. Interior completely redecorated. Dish wash er and disposal. Close to stores, grade. Junior, and high schools. Large attractive back yard. Phone 4-5649 before noon or after. $.. BY OWNER Attractive 3-bedrootn ranclt style. Nice corner lot Ward--" robe closets, utility room, auto. washer, Frisidaire dryer, attached I-2-car garage. Property like new. priced for .quick sale, ziro MUl St NfcW. 2 bedroom, suburban. north-east hardwood floors, mas tered, insulated, garden space. This la really nifty i Make a reason- aoie orter.' rrtone z-wxh. fiV OWNER. 3-bedroom home, large. living room with fireplace, dining' room, basement Large lot with ' fruit and walnut trees. Walking dis- tance to State Build in ft. Moving east and must sell tmme&ately. 1130 . E, St. Phone -4-48. ACRlrlCt equity -$3i0T uml".Kei . 2-bedroom home. Ideal for chil- dren. payments $35 month. 4840 Relman Rd. CjllbeforeJtjPjUrn.---LA TtB ClLT Large 2-bedroom. home. basement. 389 S 22ndStTPh. 3-258. KEW 2 bedroom home at 1744 8 St Owner at 720 W. 17th. EEiiERbl5T.' Modern roomy room home, attached garage. Hi a. SS7SO. Phone 4-1 70S. LOCATED7 33i N. 24th. 2 bedroom on ;bue line. Reasonable price 2-9999, ,; t CHOICE CORNERS 1075 N. CAPITOL $6 x 130's. Furnished modern apts. $20,000. terms. Corner McCoy and ColoniaL 1 tots. $5,000. Eatep. Trade for Trailer Good 4-tdrm home 1 W. Salem priced atJtfaOO. Allow tip to 83900 en large trailer. If Your Family la growing we have" a : very homey spacious 3-bdrra. and dea home with double plumbing. Sun room, full basement, 1 acre ef treea and flowers, close In. Can be bought. worth the money. EZ to Buy One of the nicest 2-bdrm homes Id W. Salem. Just like new. Already financed. See this. ' - Ice Cream Business Other interests force Owners to sell .this very profitable Ice Cream and light lunch set-up. Top location. No competition. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave , Realtors 1311 Edgewater. 3-5109; Eves 8-9039 NELSON Englewood District Nice 2-bdrm home, hwd floors, large kit, large gar, pvd street bus at door, close to school, lot 90 x SO. Price $7500. Call Mrs. WoOtten. Capitola District Sacrifice Sale at $8,850 3 bdrms. one extra large with 1300 sq ft floor area. Excellent floor plan, convenient kit, uttl room, good location, lot 78 x 131. Owner moving from city. Call Mrs. Woot ten. Are You Buying Another For the Landlord? You know the money you pay the isnaiora wis mm ouy anotner noma the one that should be yours. Take a look at this excellent 1 bdrm home located close in to town. Full price is $6250. Get that marvelous feeling of being an own er. Call AL Watts. 3-7263. Home on Creek Room for the children to play for me aog to run trout in me creek. You will find all these in this at tractive 2-bdrm home, lot 84 x 188 with bearing fruit trees. Only $8300. Wonderful Industrial or Business Site 23 acres with 800 ft rail frontage: 800 it highway frontage. Excellent drainage, lust outside the city lim its, yet within Salem rail witching limits Just a few blocks from new highway by-pass. Call Mr. Schmidt. Nelson & Nelson Specializing Realtor 702 N. High St Phone 2-3669 806 House For Sol SOUTH SALEM Beautifully built new view home. 3 large BR attractive Dn, spacious party room, double garage & un limited storage space. The finest ef materials have been used thru out. The lot is large A roomy. See this excellent buy before you pur chase something else. A Very attractive little hide-sway aown Dy the sad sea waves wnere you can go and relax during the hot summer days. This extra fine offer is priced at lust $7500. and it is well worth the money. FRANK LOCKMAN REALTOR 903? Fairgrounds. Rd. Ph, 4-6.153 SUBURBAN, SOUTH 3-BEDAOOM HOMI, LARGE LIVING ROOM. DUONO ROOM. DOUBLE SINK, dishwasher, one bedroom down, two up. fireplace, double ga rage, two baths .insulated, hot wat er heat, outside fireplace, surround ed by good homes, trees, one and a quarter acres. $18,000.00. J: B. YOUNO. REALTOR 433 N. High St. PhJ-6880 NOTICE! TO HOME BUYERS Just finished beautiful 3-bdrm. home. Liv. rm.. din. rm., kit, finished in birch. Tiled bath with colored fix tures. Large party room, J -car ga rage, utility rm., furnace rm., show er and toilet in daylight basement. Patio and sun deck. Excellent school district. See at Waldo and S. High. ! $1400 DOWN ! A well built older type 3 B.R. home on lge. lot with fruit & nut trees. located south near Leslie and New ! 'High School $8500. TAKE CAR AS PART ; 2 B.R. house, east, near grade school. lawn, flowers fc shrubs. $6500. Will take late model car ss part pay ment. 2 LOTS 18S x 183 with concrete garage house, spring on place $1900. BURTPICHA 37$ N. High St. Off. 2-4047 Eves. : Allan Fletcher 2-2708 REDUCED $4,000 3-BEDROOM Suburban Ranch style home. Basement City water. Might ta'te small home in trade. Price 21,000. Will finance. Phone 2-4180. BY OWNER." late built 2 bedroom home, attached garage, garden space, $7900, some terms. State Vet loan. 1040 Locust St Phone . 4-1419 . . . LOCATE EASt-CW' to school It store, J bedrooms, grand kitchen, large utility, and you should see the attached garage. $6790, $790 da. SAO month. E. A. McGLAUTLIN, Realtor 1035 Broadway 2-8611. Eve. 3-66 H BY . OWNER. 1 bedroomnome, bus by door, near school, church, and business district. 1061 6th St., West Salem. DALLAS home. 2 bedrooms, 2 large lots. Pavtd streets, free ef debt. Would like to trade even for Salem home ; of same value. Write Box 560. eo. Statesman. . 2 BEDROOM in Engleweo4 district. Large din., kit, end Inaide utility rm. Kdwd. floors, firtplace. attach ed plastered garage. A real value price $$J50. FHA cr- OI terms. Zeebs Real Estate, 1853 N.jCapitol. UbV&i TO fet MoVlS'orfinlaHed . 20 x 24. $600. Phone 3-4827. . r $rt)Qwsr 3 B it! DOWN. 1 UP NICE clean plastered bidet home, , lge. 1st en paved st Good close ta location. Right by school and playground. This i your chance. Act now! Only $6500. SUMMER. HEALTOR 172S Sute St Ph. days, eve 2-4602 : BY BUILDER NEW 3 bedroom, attached garage, automatic oil furnace. Hardwood floors. On pavement and close to ' school. FJi-A. terms. Phose 4-2621. CHOICE - CLOSE IN NEW. wen-built 2 bedroom homel Hdwd floors. Living room with lge, Thermo pa ned window. Spacious Kitrhen .with dining area plumb Ing in Utility room for Automatia Washer. .Attached Oarage. - Only $10,000 iaoo down. See tia el once. ED D. POTTER ) , 111 S. High St Ph.. 3-3630 or f 637j 140ff SQ, FT. Of LOVELY HOME 3 NICE bedrm; with loads oi closet splice. Large living tm with aa tin surpassed view. Separate Dr. Kit. with nook and beautiful Knotty Pine Party rm. with fir place. Double attach, gar. Lot 168x112. Shown by appt only. Priced. 129,300. TEN MINUTES TO TOWN LOVELY a bedrm heme nestled In a setting of stately firs. Dbl. PibSj Large kit and nook separate df. Large liv. fm. Double gar. All this en i j acres xor amy $i.uuu.w HERE'S A BUY 17900.00 SEVEN YR. old 2 bedrm home. Ex cellent eend, inside and out Lot 30x130. Terms to the right party. ED BYRKIT AND CO rnone 3-aioi Frances Knapp eve. 2-8288 Ed Bykrlt Eve. 2-87S8 Low Down Payment r LATE built 2 bedroom home, with automatic forced air oil heat to all rooms, very nice kitchen end In side utility room, large garage plenty of garden space. Price re duced to $8800. quick possession, i Retired Couple WILL really like this neat clean large one Dea room home witn a fire place, beautifully shaded back yard, garden area, large garage and worx snop, locate a in tne East En glewood area, right on a bus line and near a store. $6990 with very reasonable terms. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR ! ,J140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-821 FAIRMOUNT HILL YOUR opportunity to locate in this home loving neighborhood. The home is pleasant. 3 bedrooms, liv ing room, dining and kitchen com bination. 2 rooms upstairs. Base ment is cool in summer, warm irt winter, dry all the year round. Economical wood furnace. 52x154 lot Price $8,500. STAYTON MODEST, clean 6-room home located on 100x100 lot irt Station where a car isn't a necessity. Well-kept lawn with trees and shrubs. Price $8,800. Terms. Zwaschka Realtor j 1743 GRANT ST. PHONE 3-403$ BY r. H. A owner. 4-bedToom Cape Cod in Englewood District Large living room "with fireplace, large dining room, dishwasher, l'. baths; full basement, oil furnace, large back yard with fireplace, double . garage. Phone $-8469. New MbUESN"HoME Near ' COMPLETION EXCEPTIONALLY WELL - BUILT HOME NEAR COMPLETION THAT IS REALLY A OOOD BUY. LIV ING ROOM. BREAKFAST NOOK. BATH, UTILITY ROOM AND GA RAGE. THIS FINE HOME HAS A FLOOR FURNACE AND CITY WATER. CLOSE TO CITY BUS AND TO GRADE SCHOOL. THIS HOME IS PRICED AT $9,900.00. CALL ABRAM8, BOURLAND tc SKINNER TODAY I Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING Real Etate Insurance Mortgage Loan 3-M19 3-9917 , Eves: 3-7366 r 2 BEDROOM home with acre, near schools. $6890. 4378 Durbin Ave:. Pnone 4-3869. ; City Farm Approx. one acre 3 BR home, fire place, basement sawdust furnace, barn St chicken house. Plenty of fruit trees, on bus line. Priced at only $13,300 or would consider trade of smaller house in town. Because of sicknes must be shown by apt pointment. j Cozy Home 3 BR. fireplace St basmt. Oil turn see. Close to school and shopping cen ter. $8,750. Call. Mr. Crittenden. ART MADSEN - . lieaity i 1328 State Ph. 35580.. 38813 ULTRA-MODERN, suburban. 3-bed-room home, north east. Near grade school. Large lot Insulated, folding door, verti-blinds, fireplace, auto, dishwasher, twice aa many built ins. covered patio, attached garage, garden, lawn and ihtubs, Buy from owner and savel Price 113,900. Phone 2-0004. 803 Lots For Sal THS PERFECT HOMESITE. Large fir and oak tree. I acre and witn a stream across the property, Fronts on paved highway No. 222. f.lnoo. 1 miles, fi. A. MeGlauflln Realtor. 1039 Broadway 3-9611 Eve LARGE LOT (79x190) In fir grove, iust outside city, north. Phone 3-4825. TWO large lota near new School. , paved road. Keizer District In quire eoo Evan Ave. cHoidU LOT On gently-sloping hillside in Morn ingsdie district one mile south of Salem- 70 by 130; near new grade school; $1850. Call 3-394$. 810 Farms. Acreage For Sale FOR SALE by owner. Farm with a future 29.35 acres. Well drained Wil lamette soil. 10 miles north. 6 acres Xentland clover, 3 acre prunes. 2 acres peaches, ready to harvest Also your peaches and walnuts. 4 acres your cherries harvested this year. 1 bedroom modern home, ga rage, out buildings. $14,000. Terms. Call 3-3827 or 3-1000 eves. FOR SALE or trade 4daere farm for smaller acreage. Box 339 Statesman. THE BEST IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY 200 Choice acres, mostly Wil. soil. 10 in irrigating well. 30 h. p. elec. motor, now feeding 50 head of Stock, balance of place diversi fied, two completely mdn. dwel lings, fully equipped $82400. You ean't ge wrong on thl place. For more Info. eve. call Dean Schack man 2-994. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate. Duplex and 8 Acres i 4 Miles from state bldg. 2 bdrm. apts. only 2 yr. eld. 8 acres mostly In commercial cherries and berries. Water for Irrigation. $8000 for all, or will ell in part ART MADSEN Realty 1328 State Ph. 35380. 28812 FOR SALE: TO CLOSE JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS Farm approx. 387 acre abt. 40 acre cleared 9 room house, outbuilding elec trtcity - water - ea highway 22. 3 miles west oi Dallas. $12,000 min imum bid. jf cash. Contact Law rence Paul Scherbt Attorney, 9514 Washington Blvd, Culver City. ' California. . 812 Exchange Real Estate TRADE equity, new modern 2 bed room home. Has lobby or 3rd bed room. 100x100 lot On Delia Rd. I "mile of West Salem. Take '90 model car. give good deaL 2-0131 after 4 p m SALEM HOME close to schools, sell or trade for Eugene property. Phone 2-5423. ; v ' i - l CANDALARlA-VleW home in secluded setting. Well arranged three bdrms., daylight basmt. home Entrance hall, spacious liv. rm. and din. rm.. TV room With fireplace, oil heat,, dble. garage. Owner leaving Salem has reduced price to $19,900, CALL H. K. LAYMON. BEAUnrUL BRICK ROME Finest location In Cast Erigleweod, one y4 eld, expandablet garage, 2 bdrms., lge. liv. rm ftreplaee, hot water radiant heat Reduced to $16,900. CALL ROY 8. FEB HIS, CO-OP. BROWUt NOTICE !l This 19 what you have been waiting for. First time en market are these two beautiful acreage homes in wooded grove. Words ean't express either-. Price $13,900 and. $14,900. CALL O. Jt. GRABEN MORST.,JB- NXW WASHINGTON SCHOOL DtSTRICT Thii .3-bdffn. home Is four years old. Large corner lot. nicely landscaped. Good garden area and In a very nice neighborhood. JUist one block from schools. Pried $11,000. Term. CALL H. K. LAYMON. SUBURBAN LIVING AT ITS BEST Here is a beautiful 3-bdrm. home. I down and 1 tip. Hv. tm., din. rm., fireplace, hdwd. firs., lge, kitchen, radiant glass heat, close to schools and bus. Fine location, 1309 q. ft on first floor. Clean home, lge. lot $10,900. CALL ROY 8. FERRIS, CO-OP. BROKER. RESTAURANT BUSINESS ON PACIFIC HWYV-Exelusive Dinner end Breakfasts. Doing better than $100 per day. average thru year. Full details given by calling O. H. CRABENHORST. JR. MR. INVESTOR Here 1 a beautiful bldg. especially suited for retirement or a a "security'' investment. Corner lot in excellent business area. 2-story bldg., well leased, approx. 98 x 100 lot. income $S3 per month. Price $79,900. FOR DETAILS CALL C. L GRABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ii Phene 1-3471 Evening and Sunday eall H. K. Lijrmon 2-5193 Hoy 8. RQ.Y TODD O ttrfn n Two houses on one lot. let the rent from extra house eovef the pavmenU. Outside of town. Price of $380 includes extra large lot. Call Mr. El liriger, salesman. HALF ACRE OF GROUND All the pleasures of country, living can be enjoyed in this 2-bedroom home. 19x29 living room. Breakfast nook. Attached garage. Only 8V yr. old. Price $8700. Call Mr. Simp so i, salesman. CHICKEN FARM 2,000 capacity, 3 chicken houses. Barn. Modern 3-bedrnom home. Hard wood firs. Good well, can irrigate. 4 acres of very good soil. Close in on pavement. $13,000. Call Mr. Ruch. salesman. 30-ACRE FARM Buyer gets of crop. Close in country living. 2 wells. Modern 4-bedroom home. Very large barn. Chicken house. Owner will trsde for 1 or 2 bdrm. house. Price $13300. Call Mr. Todd. ROY TODD, REALTOR 2319 STATE STREET OFFICE PHONE: 2-8991 Evening. Sunday and Holidays Phone: EUinger 4-5328; Simpson 3-8239; Ruch 3-7919: Todd 2-1731 FOR 1 OR 2 PEOPLE Small horne on small lot. close in, north. 3 rooms and bath, partly fur nished. This is a good deal for someone at $3400.00. Terms. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! This lovely corner location in Richmond School Dit. 3-Bft. plastered 'h'jme: furnace: fenced yard. About 10 years old. Ak to see thl one. $7,950.00. Terms. VACANT AND READY! Completely redecorated inside and out. Nice yard. Garage, a BR. Separate dining room. Easy to own. $1,900 down and $61.00 monthly payments. We have th key I BE A RANCHER 19 'i Acres. 7 mi. from downtown. Modern house, small barn: other out buildings. Good soil. Some permanent pasture. Walnut grove. Apple orchard. Harvest this year crop. Total price $10,500. Good terms can be arranged. havjj some help on payments With this close-in home with 2 rentals. Rental have sep arata entrance. 2 BR living quarter. Basement, sawdust heat $-ear garage. Full price $10,900. Terms. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR 191 8. HIGH A. E. Beckett 3-4891 Alia L. Wells 2-3738 City Farm Three-bedroom home, fireplace, barn and chick house on l'l acre. $8,450.00. Two additional houses and three acres for $14,990.00 or 7 and the above houses for $17,900.00. This is good property located on Fisher Road. Call Ttbbetts, New 3Bedroom on 1 Acre Floor space galore (1400 plus tq. ft.) in this S-bedroom home on I acre. Exceptionally fine term to fight party. Call Chet for appt. to e. Chance of a Life Time Would you like to make $9,000.00 per year? If so here's your ehanee. A real sporting goods store located tn an exceptionally nne vaiiey iown. owner retiring, you buy no blue ay here. Just stock and fixtures at wholesale price. Books open to qualified buyer. Priced at approx. $13, 000.00. Call Chet for appt. to tee. A Farm With a Future This fine farm has 1500 feet highway 9E frontage. 3 good wells, $-stanehlon barn, with cement floor. $,000 iq. ft, brooding space, walk-in ffeeier. Thi 88 acre ha an exceptionally nice 3-bedroom home. For more information call Dale Rayburn. 3Bedroom Ultra Modern Here is a home vou should see. It different, has ail the comfort nt fine living: fireplace, ddubl plumbing, beautiful back yard with plenty of hade, patio, outside 'fireplace, lot 75x120. See thl home before you buy. Full price $9,750. Owner will trade for $ or 10 acres south. For appointment to see call Dale Rayburn. 4Bedroom 3 Years Old Beautiful 4-bedroom home on Evergreen with forced air oil furnace. Lot 00x140. Owner will consider late model car in trade. Full price only $11,900, Call Jim for appointment to see. Heart of .. Two block to Hollywood shopping center, one block to St. Vincent. Tout blocks to Highland school. Very attractive three-bedroom home, full basement, nice fireplace, double garage, very attractive front and back lot with lot Of flowers. Shrubs and lawn. Automatic lawn sprinkler nyttem, real nice patio. Insulated and weathef etripped. Thl fine home for only $12,900.00. Call Jim for appt. to see. RAWLINS (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT. REALTOR) Office 3-4884 or 4-1781 Evening Phones: , .... Jim 2-8378 Chet Dale Rayburn 3-3044 2060 K.. Capitol Tibbetta 2-748 808 Houses F At Sale CANDALARIA Af a price YOU can afford. New, well constructed- 3-Sedfm. home on corner lot Very convenient kitchen, nice sli room. Mahogany wood work a lot of bullVtne wardrobe closet. 2 fireplace. View of city St ml, from pic. window, ruti-bernl with party room. Well priced at $t$,900. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS . 334) N, High St . Ph. Eves: 2-eleo $6450 OWN this cute home and save, clean and neat S bedrooms end bath, au to, oil heat, plumbed for aute wash er, room all good aute. only three yeara old. On large lot with full six garage north, widow forced to sell at sacrifice. Call 43353 eve. 20423 Bowe at wooa. zh n. tygn. FOR SALE by owners, new borne, t bedroom, knotty pine den, mahog any living room, birch kitchen, roughed in for washer- and auto maue dryer and double garage with ' ever bead etorage. Located 2 blocks west Keixer School. 47M FlUsbeth St Peddle end King, Builders, 1-7 fry fry a- n NEAT e clean, 2 bedroom heme en acre! Highway frontage, near Eola grade, school. Shrubs in pro fusion. Shede and fruit trees, view I .Owner will sacrifice for $7,600. Phone 2-0004 ii ,;.!! !! K ii Ferris 2-8010 J. E Law s-8113 Real Estate rrrrv PH. 2-862$ Andy Halvorsen 2-7163 Choice Hollywood . . , . REALTY 80S Mouses Tot Sale BY OWNEft-vNeaf Leslie and Me. Kinley Schools. $499 East Nob Hill. 3 bedrooms on one floor. Two com plete bath. Living and dining rooms. Basement with party room. Two fireplaces, automatic dish washer. Douhle.garage. JPiL, JU BY OWNER, small bdrm, .home. Joe clean. $3950. will take tar , Of lot tn tr4cJr-h.2-fcn7. BY OWNER 2-bedroom house. On 3f. 24tn St Hardwood floor. Large utility. Nice end clean. $9790. Call 2-8598. $350 Down $8$ Per month ea this S bed. rm. home with large UV. rm. and kit OiL Meat, attached garage, lge. lot ta city limits. Price $8400. U XL KLUMPP, REALTOR 3053 Portland Rd! - " Ph. 27843. ! BY BUILDER NEW 3 bdrm. East Englewood. Best of everything, good loan. Phone 2-TO7L WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES - 1 Englewood Cheapie 3-BEDHOOM bouse With utility room. Car port 3 blkg. te Engle wood School. Venetian blinds. Owner will take ear for hi equity. Full price omy St.732.oo. A Whale of a Buy I BEDROOM, (patleasly clean heute In 8i Vincent and HJihland Dis triet Large ; garage. I mm. poss. Carpel like lawn. Choicest shrubs, la the very best of condition both interief . end exterior. Full price nly $4400, Term arranged. CantJaleria. $6500 Down ON THIS gorgeous S-bedroom home with a lovely, daylight basement l'a .bathrooms. Beautiful setting. Spectacular, unobstructed view. Velvety lawrt. Warmth giving fire- filace. Let ua Show you this taste ul. exclusive, Ultramodern home. Full price $25,500. Owner may exchange for income property. .Charming Home Plus IMMACULATE, luxurious beauty. Restful, exclusive den. Trim built Unusual fireplace. Shady, weed less yard. Fragrant flower, smart wall-to-wall carpets. Radiant heat. Handsome Yeungstown kitchen. Automatic washer and dryer. Price $26,000. Liberal term arranged. Attention Ladies YOU'LL have enough store room for your shoe in this home, it wont make any difference how many veu have I Besides, this Is a luxur ious home. New fashioned, spa cious rooms. Rare fireplace. Large living room for TV. New district Insulated. , Extra large garage. iou.i love 11. r un price su.ssu. Business Building INCOME, ipprx. $700 per month. Almost new bldg. Corner lot Loca tion 1 Increasing in value daily. Owner may accept a smaller prop erty as part payment. This prop erty has many possibilities. Full price $83,000. 3 Houses on One Lot ONE older type, a bedroom home. 2 very modern rentals in Engle wood District. Garage. Corner lot Paved St., both sides. This la a real buy. Live in one. rent the others. Very liberal term. Full price $12,650. Recreation Park ONE of the most popular in the ares. I his has been a money maker for years. Real nice living quarters. Swimming. Ball ground. Picnic area, Refreshment stand. This is an ideal if you don't care to work he year around. Apprx. 11 acres. Pull nrice $23,000. Owner may consider other property a pert payment. Strawberries 7 ACRES In Marshall Strawberries. Close in. One small bldg. A real uuy lor f Z3U. 2$ Acres WITH 420 feet highway frontage on 99E. Best of soil. Modern, 2-bedroom house. Only $1,500 down will handle. Chicken house. Owner will sell house with 120 feet frontage for 35,000, or all goes for $7,300. 20 Acres 2-BEDROOM house. Barn. Chicken house. Garage. Machine hed. Waikia cooler, Willamette and amity aoil. Fruit treee.Berrie. A good buy for $8450. For Butinel Opportunities and Homes call for DAN I3AAK (4-3533) or MR. ORIMMETT (Eve. 2-7879). or MR. KIGGEN8 (Eve. 4-54951 or MR. CRAWFORD (Eve. 4-9020). For ; farms only, call for MR. LEAVENS . ( Eve. 9-473$), If no answer, eall 4-2148. Mortgage Loans 10 Year Maturity Construction Loans ' AL ISAAK & CO REALTORS 3035 Portland Road Offiee Phones 4-3311 or 3-7820 Eve. 3-4735. 4-3533 4-5494. 4-3020. 2-779 no answer Phone 4-2248 1- bdr. ho m e, Rdw. flf.", firep., basm't with oil fur raee. 3-bdr. in Hollywood Dist 2- bdr, 9 yrs. old, lge. lot North. 2-bdr.. walking distance to St. Vincents. 2-bdr.. lr.. dr.. utility, att. Sflrage. hdw. firs., flrep. -bdrm., firep., Mambrin $ 7.290. $ 7.950. $ 7J50. $ 8.950. $1200. $13,750. $18,900. Gardens, lge. lot 4-bdr., Hdw. fir, throughout, dble. plumbing, dble. firep.. full base't. 40 acres, good 3-bdfm. home, all in cultivation, includes the crop and hay in barn. ZEEB'S REAL ESTATE 185.1 N. Cspttel Ph. 3-3031 Eve. 2-0501 3-5843, 2-4992. 2-8882. We-need listings) ir Call u for our free appraisal. . lHt $$ ( $ttl atmtitaea ttm UST $ftitttitsMim BUT $NmMtsMitsta $ Sill . it II ( M4M U 9 SULLIVAN LUCKY DAY for you If you call about this Highland District home; 2 hrs:, full basement with money-saving sawdust furnace, bus by door and clse to school. Owner will trade for Stayton property. Only $1,500. $39,004 Eight apartments and three first floor business Outlets in con crete building located in Biiverton. A real opportunity for a sound in vestment here. ENGLEWOOD TRADE 15 Roosevelt Would like Smaller 2 bdrm. home, rhi has full basement with estra xtrm. Auto, oil furnace. Lighting for back yard with patio t fire place. Lovely home. $12,000. - NOTHING TO CLEAN UP. Move right in. If you are looking for a country home that la spotlessly clean, on two acres of practically weedless ground, that ha income from a rental of an entra hue. in " addition to the farm crop we have the place for you only 2 mt from City center. $11,800. Terms to be ar ranged. m A CATTLE RANCH llo aere un der cultivation. 100 wore hvheen tilled in the nest. 23 A. in per manent grass. J year around creeks, fiah 4k dear at the door Of thi comfortable 1 rrn. home. Large barn. Appro. 100 M. ft, of fir and a good stand ef oak and alder. Thi ta an exceptional bargain at $29,000. iust $1800 will handle. Owner Will trade for small acre age with modern houae. live, Fh.i 4-2341. - ROBERT Bt SULLTVAW REALTOR 336S Portland Rd. Ph.t 4-4533 Br. Office. 341 N. High Ph.i 4-9422 Eve. Plu 3-9794, 3-4889. 2-1842 To Place Ad CaU 2-2441 if BEACH CABIN SITES Bch eabtn sites near lake a ocean. l Streets, lights, water. Big double f tot S900. Terms as low a $100 down o further payment for. 1 year. umber at $-10 per thousand to ulld with 3,000 feet at $90.00 will uild a Ifi-rlO mMa, Mane nhr mprtHred and Unimproved proper- les tor sale. Headquarters for eoast nisinees ocooriunities. Write for ; free brochure, Box 171, Delake, i Ore. Phone 2723. Rebia Reed, Brok er. (IS Wanted, ileal Estate) WANTED: 9-bed room home on small acreage in trade for a 40 acre farm paving: I homes and other build -, Ings. Complete with tractor and ' equipment Several head ef cattle. : ;heep and pics. Less than $ mile 1 from downtown. Really a bargain $12,700 REIMANN ' REAL ESTATE ; Loans and Insurance Idl S, High St Phone 1-8203 850 Automotive 852 Used Cari for Sal NASH . ECONOMY LOT '49 Nash Sdn $295 down '47 Nash Sdn 195 down '46 Nash Sdn 135 down '42 Pont. Sdn 95 down '51 Chev. Pickup $1095 '49 Chev. Sdn. De livery 895 WilLRuns" - from .... 35 lo $100 MARION MOTORS ECONOMY LOT 345 Union Phone 3-3040 '51 NASH SDN. The hed car with hydra. trans., weather eye heat er, twotone upholstery. Guaranteed in every way. SPECIAL AT $1695 MARION MOTORS Center at coml. ph. 39288 ; Many More to choose From FARMERS AttentionI 1949 FORD Wz TON ; Long Wheel Base 2'speed With Racks i Excellent Condition FULL PRICE $1295 SAM'S MOTOR CO. i Liberty & Chemeketa i Across from 1st Natl. Sank . PHONE 3-7817 'if FORD club coupe. RrTTMs 1 Wheel tfaller. Good condition. Ph. 3-5329. Hf. 2-0227. mi PLYMo'UfH"cttANBRbOK CdN- . VERTIBLE, 91879. SEE AT 130 E. MYERS. PHONE 3-3822. 19lOTUB5BAK!tri Champion, f995, j 2300 Maple St. 8i4 Truck$u Troilern For Sale 1941 CHEV. truck Wt ton flat bed. : 2 speed atels. good tires, recently - rewired, good condition; 1030 Sixth ! St. .Voodburn. Phone 5057. . 104O CHEV. nlrltutT f-wfieifi and tires. New cngUieTctePhofte 17586. TON International with van. good condition. Reasonable price. Phone 4-B892. . ' 1947 FtRD dump truck with job. . Phone 2-1749, Business APPtNO MACHINES XLL MAKESaddiflg machines and j typewriters sold, rented, repaired. iRoen. 456 Court. Phone 3-6773. APPLIANCE SERVICE BEN DIX, Crosley and Hetpoint Sale end Service. Ralph Johnson Appli ance. 395 Center. St.. Ph., a3i:t9. fKATEH ffpOASeireO. 3Tf Che ! fnckcta. Phone 3-431L . ... ENGRAVING ENGRAVING ""Half-tones rJne etching- Fine Workmanship. Prompt service, saiem uisravmg ' Co. division of Statesman Publish i ing Co. 280 N. Church St- Phone ! 2-2441 - .... . FtltNACB CLEAN IN O 'BILL'S FumaciTcleaning, ATI work fully guaranteed. PnOne HOUSE MOVING i tiOUSEMOVING and lacking "up "for llUI'U.uii tm. jtrrm mm """. 2-442.846 N. High, HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS t ft. WAtttixft Co" Products. Il3i S. ComL. Safn. Ph. $-Ue free J delivery. , jLAWNMOWKWS I SHARP ENlNO. Sales and Service. , Dougherty Bicycle and Mower jsnop. irao rairgrounqs...m. min o ARrr.NJN'Ci-4iuarsntad service. - New power and hand mowers. CatH j Harrr w. scotu i47,eo. comi si iiitrniirvir riAi un.r.0 t i SALEM'S Exclusive Ughting store 13 H. High St... Pn mm tworf art dSFlTOL Bedding Mattress reno tvators. run une. new nvaiiri Phone 2-4062V t MAJOR MOTORS Pre-War Cars ' 41 Ford Convert. $295 EXCELLENT BODY AND TOP 41 Buick Sdnctte. $395 a truly "original car tn -excellent comditton throughout, with new ' Tires and radio and HEATER. 40 Ply. 2 dn $195 A VFJtY GOOI RUNmrrt CAR WITH EXCELLENT TIRES MOTOR. . , i - i : : 39 Chev. 2 df . $95 WITH RAH AND GOOD TtHES 41 Chrysler 4 dr. $145 RADIO, HEATER AND OVERDRIVE. , .. 39 Olds Coupe. $195 i -CYLINDER WITH A RECON DITIONED ENGINE, NW TIBES AND RADIO, HEATER. MAJOR MOTORS gTATB. SAM HAS ONLY A FEW, DAYS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION STARTS HE SAYS, "Make us an Offer on these Cars." 90 RUICK Super RIVIERA 50 BUICK Super SEDANET , 't TONTIAC 8 Chleflaln DIx. , 1 'fl WILLYS STA-WAGON Radio, Heater. 50 CHEVROLET , 4-DR. SDN. Radio and Heater 50 CHEVROLET . I SEDANETTE. Powerglide 48 CHEVROLET AERO j Radio and, Heater SAM'S MOTOR CO. Liberty and Chemeketa Across from lt Natl Bank 1 PHONE a-7817 ft sALtl orlriBerauTi7uiTsa . Ford V-8. Club coupe. R t H. New White ws lis. Phone 2-8874. , . fi)BO CHEVTBusinesa coupe. $850 cath 1209 Ferry St. . . 8S8 Wanted, Cars Truck WILL TAKE good wed car for a Int. norm ana a nymoutn. lost eroaa- "ZEEB'S USED CARS RUY S ELL TRA n E 232$ Fairground Rd. Ph. J-1414 tS8 Motorcycles MOTOrSCOOTer. Perfect condition. Motor like new. $U0. Phone g-l98 after p.m. . 97Serlal Sd. four. Phone 1-0200. 1949TND1AN Scout, perfect CondP lion, jnene a-otsa. i fraii ouse era 1947 SIMMER 1? foot, 700. term. saw .own or furniture. 4350 iuien wood Drive. I860 38 FT. Colonial trailer, boune. Reasonable, $ mile out Wallace Rd. up Roger' Lnne. RL lj Bog ML TRADE Your Furniture tin Part Pymf. . on A NEW TRAILER frOMfl. Jncl idlni 'rurnmire 'Appliance 'Cbmblete Rslh See them Today at JAYHAWK Trailer Sales i40 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-8043 58TH perry Equipment T D $. Blade and drum and armored. 84,900. Phone 2-3328. R. V. StoOp. 3560 S. 12th St. f l FQRETlog trucHt and trailer: 1949 Chet. panel and n 4 wide gauie cat tth blade and drum. All thl equipment hffi Junt been over hauled thl spring. Will give a good deal to responsible party, bank terms. Inquire 8.19 Cade St., Salem, or phone 1-8133. Directory- NVRMNO tfOMft STATU ST ttUBSIS -502?. Eve. Ph. 4-1387. PLiJMBI GLNERAL REPAIR and pumps. De- rat'ir tt Maen, 970 S. ComX Pb- S-B222 A PAINTING PAINTING & Papering". Free eti- metee. 3-9513.8f)7,.Shlppin g. PttfNTf Uli J7' ' I PftfNTlNO 1 " Complete Printing Service. Prorrrfjt - cell very! reason able prices. Commercial Printing Department. Statesman Publishing Co Dial 9-2441 tToAU GRA PINO . ROAD GRADING. Joy Auickladen. Phone 3-5410 ,, , ' Xsn a sh(ihWf L , WALLTnG SAND and O RAVEL CO. Crushed rock. For roart and drive way. Cement Ready-Mi concrete. Garden sand. Rulldoaing drainace and ditching. e r. hovl and drag line. Phone 2-924 . , flPTlcTA"N km ' i Mike's Septio Service. Tanks cleaned, D footer aleana aewer. drain, pn 4B9, . ...... HAMtX'M'aepU lank cleaned. " line srvice Guaranteed work. Phone 404 ficonomleal Sep lie ta n i ser V i ce. fa ua r- anteed work. TODD'S. Ph. 2-0734. dT1wE BepUc Unka. drain. eleane Rotn-rooter aewer service. Pbeno. 3-53?7 foot. SHARPtWING " LAwSTUOWfikS Saw Shear We pickup 18th and "D. pnone 1-41. WLL DKlLUSti Domestic. Irrigation. Industrial. H. A". Robinson. 2214 Jl. Front St. Ph. a-,293. , f , : r I