2-USc 4) Statesman. Satan, Or. Thursday. July 23.. 1S53 600 Employment U 610 Salt Persons Wanted WANTED TAP C A T F5f A TV COME ON MEN. hen soil This Is urm, six it live years oju. urna j uw kk1 - fically to all you fire alarm men, roofing, siding, and food freezer men who are top salesmen and should be making $500 a week, but are starving by having your contracts rejected by the banks and your radius of doing business limited. 1 ' ... . . ' 1 We are building the best sajes organization to the northwest. We had only six credit rejects out of 102 deals written in 13 days. Top commissions ' paid. You keep the down shaft, balance of your commission paid from " the company. You will be thoroughly trained by our staff. So come on and Join us now. Many of your buddies are with us now. We .also need sales managers for new branches opening in the rest of the state. Coos Sftes,ntiemtSf'n1act Mr. Hutchins at room 330 in the Senator Hotel Friday. July 24 and Saturday. July 25 from 1:00 to 4:00 and 300 to 7:00 pjn. i .J ' j 602 Help Wanted Best Jobs U.RVVnr Kft Or, i .. 1300 M-Sales. Hardware Exp. . open M-Ofc Credit Mgn. Tillamook .325 F-Gen. Ofc. payroll -.-S185 F-I.B.M prof. .....open F-Typlst, part time p.m. $1.10 hr. r-X-ray tech. or R-N. to train ....open F-Sale clerk. 330; i WOO F-Accountant, super. Ptld. . ..aouv ..$225 F-Bookkeeper. Albany . S225 r-Bookkeeper. Gen. Ledger S250 F-Posting mach. oper. ...S200 F-Payroll clerk, temp. $1.21 hr. F-Recept. sten. 8:30-2:30 L25hr. F-Sten. gen. ofc. S day : 1 $230 F-Sten.. several, to id?? r-Sten, Lmbr., Apt fgrs $223 F-Sten. over 30. 4 hx day .$1.50 hr. COMMERCIAL. PLACEMENT AGCY. 494 State (Ore. Bldg.J Ph. 4-3351 Portland Ofc. 430 S.W. Morrison W ARK now taking applications for Paper Routes at Carries Divi sion. Statesman Building. I Boys m".st be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ents If you have already applied kindly do so again. . THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted. Mcd-I GOOD typist, out. pref. single man. start $325. 9 day. inquire Commer cial Placement Agency. 4-3351. TELEVISION REPAIRMAN WANTED Large merchandising establishment in Salem, is open for a well grained and practical experienced television installation and service technician. Give In detail In your own hand writing your qualifications for this opportunity. Apply Statesman. Box 347. 1 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to loan WE BUY real estate mortgages and contracts and place sound mortgage loans for lcients. Colonial Invest ment Company. Phone 4-2283. 687 Court street. PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-0794. Consolidate All Bills Twenty-five years ago General Fi nance Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men to give you a loan service. We have lent millions. TRY OUR SERVICE 5 You can repay anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer time to repay. Ph. first for a one trip loan. 1 Loan $23.00 to $300.00 on signature, furniture and equipment. i Loans to $500.00 off cars, trucks, and trailer houses. - ? Free customer, parking at "Marlon , Car Park"; across from office. 136 S. Commercial St. Lie. No S13S and M33 CUT CUT CUT Cut your present "pay mentj as much as 50. ' Lt us show how it may be done. S50 - $2,500 AMOUNTS PAYMENTS $166.32 $ 9.00 j 258.72 14.00 ! 533.92 29.00 j $30.0$ 45.00 . Industrial Loans lls S Liberty Phone 4-2203 5 REAL ESTATE LOANS Up to 20 yrs. i Amortization Quisle Service.- Minimum Cturfes. Calvin V. Kent ; Mortgage Loans 458 No. Church j Phone .4-2293 512 Loans Wanted WANTED $11,000. On new building Has club and cafe in operation. One of finest on N. Santiam. First mortgage. Write Box 550. co - Statesman. SMALL loan, business property, first mortgage. Write Box 80. Neskowin, Oregon. 515 Investments FOR SALE. $3000 in certificates of interest in' United Berry Growers Ins. Make offer. Ph. 31194. resontate6man 280 No. Ctantch SC Classified Advertisinr Per word. 1 time ,. - Per werd. 3 times Per werd. 7 times Per word. 1 month . 4c 10c lSc 60c Minimum ten words. Extra charge for "Blind" ads 25c Kesders in city briefs: Per word ?e Minimum ' ten words. No Refunds. ! - The deadline Cor classified and reader advertising is 3:45 o.m. daily. The tetesmanL reserves the ngnt to reject questionable advertising, it 'further reserves the .-ight to place 'all advertising under the proper '.cli t liication. . The Statesman assumes no finan 'rial responsibility for error which ' tha appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where this caper is at fault will re print that part of aa advertisement in which the tvoocraphical mistake occur i . , A "Blind" Ad aa ad containing a . Statesmen box number for an ad Tas is for the protection of the i advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter The Statesman ts n4 at Uberty to divuhea Informa tion as to the Identity of aa adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. 600 Employment ' 1 610 Sales Persons Wanted salesman's dream. 3 million dollar 604 Help Wanted. Male j YOUNG ambitious tire service man. must have experience. Excellent opportunity to work Into sales position. See Mr. Feiring. State Tr. Service. 710 State SIT ! APPRENTICE painter. 19-25. Year round work.. Box 552. co States man, CORRECTIONAL officers needed vat penitentiary. Starting . pay $230 month. Must be 21-43 and have; 8 years ot school. Contact State Civil Service Commission ; by noon Thurs. July 23rd. f YOUNG man to make appointments for nome portrait photographer. poribility of learning business I if interested. Call 4-3262 ! for inter view j COMMISSION salesman, no exper i ience necessarv. 5-dav week. " Annlv Sean Roebuck Co. S I i. ' i . ,t t CITY of Dallas. Oregon pop. 5500) mvi'es applications for experienced man as manager of : Municipal water system. Salary open. Apply: 'Dallas Water Commission. CJty Hall. Dallas. Oregon. f 606 Help Wanted. Female WANTED 10 . women for part time work, hourly wage, pleasant tele phone voice essenital. Apply 315 Hood St. Room 205 between hours of 11 & 1:00. Must be oyer, 18. ! WANTED Middle aged lady, live In. light housekeeping, baby sitting. No smoker, or drinker. 5085 Port land Rd. Phone 4-4180 after 6 D.m. BABY sitter. Vicinity 21st and State. Phone 4-5354 after 5:13 p. m . -j LADY to Aire for one child. Fall and Winter months in country home. Board, room and small wage. Con tact Statesman, Box 553. f ACCOUNTANT, experienced payroll. General ledger. Reply own hrd- wrltlng. Box 554 statesman HOUSEKEEPER for country. Phone 3- 1345. J. D. HartweU. I GIRL to care for baby daytime. Ph. 4- 1263. ' WANTED, two ladies to make ap pointments for home portrait pho tographer. Pleasing personality es sential, guaranteed salary if quali fied. Call 4-5262 for interview, j LADY for full time sales work. Previous housewares exp. desir able Apply in person. AUen Hard- ware. i HOUSEKEEPER for father and ; 3 mall children. Modern home. Per manent only. Mr. Bams 44476, ejtt. HOUSEWORK and ironing. 1 ,day- a wek. Phone 4-6513. ' Lumber Secretary j Permanent position for high type girl. Mutt take shorthand. Invoicing ex perience helpful. Ask for appoint men. Call Ellen McFarland. 2-4173. WANTED, experienced girl for iri surance office. Write qualifica tions. Statesman Box 548. 608 Pickers Wanted BEAN pickers wanted, S miles east of 'tern pole, old Silverton, Salem Highway. Starting week of Aug. 3rd. Henry Ohrk, Phone Silverton 3-4303. ? ADULTS only. Charlton Cherry Or chards. 6 A. M. Skyline Rd. Phone v 2-2840.--, ) BEAN pickers wanted. H. 1 Pedr cy Nursery. Call platoon leader t 2-33thweek; NOW registering bean pickers to star; picking early Aug. 6 miles north on North Riven Road. Fir .R'ove Farm. Rt. 2. Box 258. Salem. ' Phone 4-4063. ; i BEAN pickers reg. now. picking starts about Aug. 1. Haverson Bean Yard. mile south of Middle Grove School. Phone 3-1261. g BEAN pickers register now. Picking to rtart week of July 27th. Watch this column for specific day. Trail er space available upon request Roy Herr, Rt. 2. Box 5), Silverton. at unction of Silverton-Salem-Mt A ngel highways. Phone 3127. s BEAN pickers register now. Picking about Aug. 1st. Watch this column for specific date. Clarence Herr, Rt. 2 Box 188. Silverton. Phope Salem 3-1207. Silverton 3-4815. mile East and North Central HoW- rll School. ; GERMAIN platoon picking beans for Harold White about Aug. 1st. For- ! mer members and others 13 years and olderPhone 2-4544. I REGISTER now for bean picking starting about Aug. 15th. Call 428, Sidney Store, Jefferson or Jake Gilmore. 396 Jefferson. BEAN PICKERS Register Now j -10O Pickers needed, will start about Aug. 3rd. Riensche's Bean Yards. Phone 4-2789. L WANTED lWTbean pickerg $tartiKi between 1st to 5th of Aug. Trans portation furnished. Pick: only - 3 miles from Fairgrounds. Call 42837. J r. Abbott. 4203 Shafer Ave. 610 Sales Persons Wanted APPLIANCE salesman wanted who is aggressive and ambitious for fea ture advancement. Must be capable to sell both inside and outside. Lib eral commission plan. Apply Mr. Doyle, Montgomery Ward, Salem 612 Work Wanted, Male I BY A YOUNG journeyman barber. Phone 4-6670 Salem, eves. 5 CARPENTER work. Experienced apd references. Phone 4-2899. j CUSTOM hay baling. O. Strand. J?h. 3-45i2 Silverton I Phono 2-2441 Subscription Rates By rarrie- ta cities: Daily and- Sunday Daily only Sunday only By mail. Sunday only: (in advance) Anywhere la U. S. $ 1.4S per no. 15 per mo. .10 week; S SO per 2.75 six rt mo. 5 00 year By mall. Daily ana Sunday: (in advance l in six counties s 1.00 per rho- ( Benton. Clacka mas, unn. Mar- S.Z3 six rpo ion. . foi. ian- hiU 10 SO Tear Elsewhere in Oregon .. 1U pet na in u s outaas Oreicon 1.43 per Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Bureau of Advertisiag. ANPA Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association Advertisinr Represents t Ward-Griffith Co New York. Chicago -San Francisco. Detroit 600 Employment 612 Work Wanted, Male EXPERIENCED carpenter's helper wants work for summer, "Veteran and student. Call 8-6071 8-1 p.m. Tractor Work Plowing, discing, blade work, hay and ktbss mowing. Phone 8-3041. - -; -. CUSTOM MOWING, hay or crass. Ford equipment. 1893 Birchwood Dr. or 3-7731. I AM prepared to put in several more new lawns. Call 3-7373 days. 1-1190 evenin gs. ; LAWN planting, weekly care, fences, sprinklers, shrubs. Service Center. Phone 4-3573. . CARPENTER work, all kinds. Urge or small. Reasonable, j pa. 4-1424. 3-7809 LAWNMOWER AND circle sharpening. Oscar Vasfaret. 391 Gerth. Ph. 2-1656. pick up 6c De livery. - 614 Work Wanted. Female PROFESSIONAL upholstering done in my home, reasonable, pick up and delivery, call z-4i. 60-YEAR-OLD LADY wants house keeping for 1 man about same age. Call 2-3020 or write Box 553. Statesman 615 Situations Wanted CUSTOM baling, new wire tie. Pick- up baler. Phone 3-4850. WANTED practical nursing. 1740 Trade St CONCRETE work all kinds. Concrete walls, patios, sidewalks, basements. John Feldschau Se Son. Phone 2-8628. 4-5329. Call after 5 p. m. CHILD care fine place. : good refer- ence.Phone 4-5866. ENROLL now for piano lessons. Sug gest name for new club. Phone 4-4669. gOUSEWORK. babysitting. Anytime, reliable.Phone 4-4734 Evenings. CARE of small children" in country 2wmeaUyorMlUyJh-3j60. CHILD care in your home. Phone 2-6876. CEDENT work done. Free estimates. Phone 2-7163. WOMAN with two children. 5 and 7. Wis es employment in housekeep- Jig or Jct mana ingPlL3;1534i WANTED, part time work daily ex- ceit Sat. or Sun. Call Martin 2-6688. FURNACE FACTS: By having your , Furnrce. Chimney tc Ducts cleaned NOW you avoid the rush and save Monev too! Call C. J. Hansen Co. 'or work you'll like and prices you II Love ! Pfrpne 2-6882. J P A 1 N T I N G. papering, carpenter work, day or contract. Phone 2-1842. . "HAVING AUTO RADIATOR TROUBLES? V. "ley Motor Co. experts will solve your problems and save you money. Free estimate, speedy service. Center and Liberty. PAINTING, exterior and interior. McClain and Golden. Phone 3-3322 or 3-3869. ; PAINTING 25 years in Salem. Free estimates. Phone 3-7552. BULLDOZING and land clearing. 2595 Hollywood Dr. Phone 4-1838. MICKENHAM'S NURSERY STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT ED. HRS A M to P.M. PH. 2-7896 I WILL BUILD you a home either large or small 3c arrange finance atareal savingPhone eyes. 4-5233. DRESSMAKING, experienced? Mrs? J-Jius Plncus. 1700 North 20th. Ph. -9342. CEMENT WORK, all kinds. Prompt service, guaranteed. Phone 4-5129. SOME building, remodeling. Free es- tlmates Ben Graves. Ph. 3-8393. ROTO hoeing, plowing, discing, lev eling, lawns planted. Service Cen- ter Phone 4-3573. NEW HOME construction and re modeling. Free estimates and local references. Miles and Knutson. 46340 after 5 in eve. CARPENTESTwORK. Any kind. Rea sonable. 4240 Macleay Rd. Phone 45961 . DAYTIME child care, by day or week. Ph. 4-5055. 1225 N. 5th. CLEANING, rugs, windows. . wood work, baths, kitchens, also .paint ing. Sedgwicl-33 . NURSERY SCHOOL. Fine's Ultra modern. 855 Mission. Ph. 2-7658 LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling. grading. Phone 2-3220. PAINTING, papering, outside-inside walls - ceilings, woodwork, baths, kitchens. 3-33fl6. Painting For quality work reasonable prices call 2-862S. 618 Education REGISTER now Candalaria Kinder farten. Ages 4 and 5. Phone 2-6892. HIGH school for diploma at home. Pree booklet. Write American School. 653 N. Interstate. Portland. DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED several mechanically in clined and reliable men to train for positions in the Tractor and Equipment industry. If you are not making better than $90 pep week, or you don't have all year job e- curity. you .owe it to yourself to write for free facts, without obli gation, about this training and our Advisory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE Box 533, Statesman ' 620 Dory and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer & Basement Fquipment Rental Ditching by the foot Phon day 3-9408 Evenings 3-7412, 2-4417 t Salem. Oregon Land Clearing tS yrs. Exp. CaU for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete job. L C Mitchell. Phone 3-5337 700 Rental 702 Sleoping Rooms. Board PLEASANT room, near everything. 658 Ferry St. PLEASANT sleeping room, close in. private entrance. 49 w. Cottage, VERY comfortable sleeping room. 472 K. Liberty. Phone 4-3780. SLEEPING rooms, kitchen privilege. 1540 Bellevue. Phone 4-3769 after . p. m. , SLEEPING rooms near Shopping Cente. 346 N. Capitol. Phone 3-6253. NICE light housekeeping room. lady. 685 N. Church. ATTRACTIVE room, private home. ' Gentleman. 983 N. Summer. Phone 3-6368. 705 Apartments For Rent ONE ROOM & ak-ove-fumished apt. Clean. Every convenience. $35. Utility paid. Call 145 N. 14th. NICE clean 3 room furnished, ground floor apt. Adults. Phone 3-8768. 2-Rr OM furnished, housekeeping apt. Private entrance and bath. S25. State at 13th. To see phone 3-4370. DOWNTOWN business district. 3 -oom. furnished apt. Private bath. 42.50. Phone 3-4370. ; , $45 FURNISHED duplex. One bed room. Electric range, laundry fa . cilities. Adults only. 040 N. Com! St. See manager after 9 p. m. CLEAN 3 large rooms, lota of cup- board space, private entrance. Ideal for couple. 1765 Davidson. Call 2-7463 after 6 P- m. j 4 ROOMS attractively furnished. 1 bedroom, ideal for 1 or 2 middle sgd people. 603 S. Summer St 1 ROOM apt. with bath, light, heat, water furnished. Close in. S38. 34Q Union St. VERY nice 2 bedroom unfurnished aot Phone 3-8366. ; NEAR Capitol Bldgs. Clean furnish ed apt. Utilities paid. 763 Marion St. NEWLY decorated, 4 room upstairs art. Private entrance and bath. ' Adults, no pets. Sheldon apts. 1360 K. Liberty St. , 700 Rentals 70S Apartments For Rent 1 ROOM furnished, ground floor. Utility porch, electric stove and reLigeratoi. Private entrance and baht. After 3 AO. 1755 N. Front. P:ione 4-1677. - 3 ROOM furnished, private bath and entrance. Adults. $35. SIB N. Com!. i NeTLY redecorated 3 room duplex, $47.50 unfurnished, near 18th and Center, use of washing machine, garage optional. Phone 3-6391. ENGLEWOOD district. Furnished 3 rooms, private bath and garage. 2010 Nebraska. Phone 3-7796. 3-ROOM furnished apt. Nice & clears close in. 4 blocks So. of Ladd & Bush bank. Available now. 310 Bellevue St CaU after 5 JO. :: FURNISHED bachelor, basement 2 rooms. Private bath, utilities; 420 S. 20th. Phone 2-9875 COURT APTS. (10.50 and up per week. Phone 3-8723. 3-ROOM furnished court apt. Clean. $48 per mo. 3560 Portland Road, NICELY furnished 2 rooms, electric stove and refrigerator. Reasonable. Phone 3-4307. ' FURNISHED apartments. 2-roona. fur nished apt. Utilities. Children wel come. $25. Phone 3-8986. FURNISHED apt Close in. clean. Phone 45378. CLEAN, two room, furnished, bus garage. 959 S. 12th St. FINEST large 3 room bath. Unfur nished except range. Ph. 21117. EXCEPTIONALLY cool, clean, sun ny, 1 bedroom, nicely furnished, lots of closets. Kitchen has dou ble sink, ceiling fan, ample cup boards. Nice laundry, garage. West Salem 38347. LARGE 2-room furnished with pri vate bath No objections to chil dren. Ph. 35016. 3 ROOM furnished, adults, no drink ers, call after 12 noon. 37541. NOW AVAILABLE 1 and 2 bedroom apt. court. Unfurnished except range and refrigerator. Automatic laundry facilities, television avail abic. Good location. Phone 4-4862. APTST Furnished, includes utilities, $20 and up 827 N. Liberty. Apt. CLOSE rlT'UtThties furnished$30. $45 with private bath. 790 N. Church. FURNISHED basement apt. Oil heat. electric range, refrigerator, shower. private entrance, reasonable. 1488 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4706. FURNISHED APTT3 blocks from city center, immediate availability. call at Woodry Furniture. 474 S. 1 Commercial. ; FURNISHED 3 rm. court apt. Newly decorated, close in oh N. Com'L Ph 2-8648 or 3-6644. FURNISHED or unfurnished apart- ; me-it close in, shade trees, a place V3U will like to live. Beaulyrest mattress, automatic laundry, TV ! connection, new refrigerator and range, lot of hot water. Adults set at 336 Oak St. Capitol Plaza FURNISHED and unfurn. apartments 1165 Chemeketa. Phone 3-8630. Ambassador Apts. Nicely furnished apts. 550 N. Summer. 707 Houses For Rent NEAR 'post office. 2 bedroom furnish ed. Very reasonable to desirable tenants. 483 S. Cottage. Phone 3-46H7 or 3-5630, 2 BR. house. Gas heat. Large lot. $50 Water & garbage paid. 147 Broadway. ALMOST new. small, nice 2 BR home. Inside utility. Insulated. At tached garage. Beautiful view, $62.50 per monht. Inquire 900. Cas cade Dr. Ph. 2-4644. UPSTAIRS duplex, neat and clean. Very large. 3 rooms and bath. $40 per month. Contact Rawlins Realty. Phone 4-1761 or2-4664. 7-ROOM house located East of Salem on Turner Road $50.00 per month. For information call C. W. Parker, property manager. State Highway Department, Salem, phone 4-2171 Ext. 717- t BE5ROOM unfurnished house, close in, old but clean, adults, 149 N. 18th. Inquire rear house. Z-BEDROOM house, attached garage, fenced yard. $65 month. Phone 4-4830 after 5. ; CLEAN 2-Bdrm. unfurnished house, att. garage. 3 yrs. old. $65 w mo. Children welcome, no pets. ' mile east of 4 Corners. Keys at 4575 State. Phone 4-1975. i 2-BE0POOM cottage. 2 miles in country. Redecorated and clean. $45 pre mo. Phone 2-2673. S-BEDROOM, modern, desireable lo cation Hollywood district. Re sponsible tenants only. $75. Phone 4-2557. CABINS. 2 and 3 rooms. S7 and S8 a week. Partly furnished. 2415 Williams Ave. Phone 3-7712. COMPLETELY f urnishedT 309 S. 25th. Very lovely for working couple. 3-5085. - 1 ROOM house. 590 IM. 17th St. Inquire at 1595 N. 5th. WHY RENT Your choice (25) modern homes from $300 to $1000 down. See THE STAR REALTY 5330 S. Pac. Hy Fh. 2-2051 1 BEDROOM. Utility, car port, all electric, bus by door. 1230 S. 14th-. UNFURN. 4 rms" and bath $35. 3-58,8 1 BEDROOM new duplex, unfurnish ed, attached garage. Phone 42621. I BEDROOM cottage furnished or unfurnished. attached garage. Phone 3-5641. NICE 1-BDRM. furnished house, walking dist. to town. Ph. 3-3101. Eve 2-6758. OWE bedroom house unfurnished. North. Inquire at 3510 Portland Rd. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex, stove and refrigerator, call eves., Sat and Sundays. Phone 3-7059. 708 Farms. Tracts For Rant GOOD stock farm. 240 acres. Carry about 50 head. Tully developed probably 100. Barn for 25 cows. Vow has about 1.000.000 feet of timber and small saw mill. House 5 rooms and bath. D. A. Fish. 14SS S. Com'l. Pho nr 3 -4 7 06 . 20 or 30 ACRES of land and 6 room house with shower and wired for range. 8 mi South of Salem D. A. Pish. Phone 3-4706. 1488 S. Com'l St 709 Wanted to Rent SMALL house or apt. 2 bedrooms. Reasonable rent. Statesman Box 549. 710 Wanted to Rent, Houses 2 BEDROOM house with, garage. Un furnished except stoves. oU heat, $50 to $55 rent. Will lease with option to buy. Steadily employed, references on request. Prefer South.. Call 3-3020. 3 BEDROOM house to rent. Reason able Close to schools. Call 2-8358 titer 5 BUSINESS executive wants rent home, promises good care. Phone 2-3654 10 , a.m. to 3 p.m. Ask for Mr. Simon. 714 Business Rentals ROOM for shoe repair shop at 144 S. 13th. Ph. 3-5222. ' OFFICE SPACE for rent. Excellent location , downtown. Reasonable. Call eve. 2-6286. . FOR LEASE or rent. Four room of fice space in excellent location West-side business section. Ground level, admirably arranged for phy sician, dentist, or similar type of activity. Ph. 2-0363 or 2-2441 ext. 48 for further information and to ar range for showing. . 6FF1CE SPACE. Inquire 109 S. High! Phone 3-4114 FOR LEASE, lfiO-200 ft. frontage on Fdgewater St. West Salem. Ira trttta. Phone 3-8403. FOR LEASE, business building, park! tag area, very desirable - district. Suitable for roost any type of business- Rent crj'.y $123 a month. Al Isaak. Ph. 4-3311. GROUND FLOOR office or store space for rent Call at Fitts Market 216 N Comrrerdal Phone 3-4424. i BLDGS. in Hollywood. Could be used as one. Door between. Ap prox. 1000 sc. ft $50 a mo. ea. aide. Call Rawlins Realty at 2-4664 c 4-17CL - , Call 2-2441 Pulling Power 300 Real Estate 801 Basin Opottanifl MOTEL ONE of Salem's nicest 12 units and living quarters. Inquire 3355 Port land Rd. - FOR SALE, lease or trade, welding, blacksmithing & ornamental iron works. With good retail sales line and good lease. Phone 3-5600 ' for "PPli . For Sale; By Owner 14-spaee trailer court, including 5 partially furnished apartment. 9 oojcc wcauoD iu rxpiuios uuw ness zone. Call 2-9213 for appoint- ment FOtt SALE by owner 1 mile S. ol Hubbard on Highway 99. Service station & garage with living quar ters. Large grounds and well. A good buy & terms to suit. Write W. Wagner. P.O. 4297 Portland or call -a 1359. FOR LEASE, good Major Oil Co. Ser vice Station in Salem. Ph one 4-4458. WELL- established septic ink serv ice. Consider house equity. 658 Cen- ter. WHOLESALE Out survey shows Vat several areas in the Northwest need a progres sive wholesale distributor in the hardware, sporting goods, house wares, toys, electrical lines. If you would like to start in business for yourself on a small investment and , still have the power of a large dis tributor, we offer this opportunity to a good man. Your investment of $3500 to $5000 is in merchandise. You decide how much and what kind. We carry your dealer ac counts. This business offers a .tound future with exceptional in come. Write to CIRCUIT DISTRIB UTING CORP.. 1841 N. Lombard St., Portland 17. Oregon. MOTEL BARGAIN! ONE af the best for the money we have seen in Salem at only $32,000. Plenty of room to expand too! COLBATH LAND CO.. 515 Court St. Phone 4-4494. C. Arndt. eve. 4-1769. 802 Business Property $1,100 PER MONTH STABLE income. Let this apartment house pay for itself. Small down paym-nt, total price is $125,000. CCLBATH LAND CO., 515 Court St. Phone 4-4494. C. Arndt. eve. 4-17S9 j- MR. BUSINESSMAN ! YOU will want to be near Meier & Frank's new Store in Salem. Se cure your future with this business lot at $20,000. COLBATH LAND CO.. 513 Court St. Phone 4-4494. C. Arndt eve. 4-1769. 806 Houses For Sale 2 BEDROOM home with 'i acre, near schools. $6850. 4373 Durbin Ave. Phone 4-2869. ULTRA-MODERN, suburban. 3-bed-room home, north east. Near grade school. Large lot. Insulated.-folding door, verti-blinds. fireplace, auto, dishwasher, twice as many built ins. covered patio, attached garage, garden, lawn and shrubs. Buy from owner and savel Price $12,900. Phone 2-0004. NEAT & clean, 2 bedroom home on acre! Highway frontage, near Eola grade school. Shrubs in pro fusion. Sh?de and fruit trees, view) Owner will sacrifice for $7,600. Phone 2-0004. LIKE NEW. 2 bedroom, suburban, north-east hardwood floors, plas tered, insulated, garden space. This is reallv a nifty! Make a reason able offer. Phone 2-0004. SACRIFICE equity $350. Furnished 2-bedroom home. Ideal for chil dren, payments $35 month. 4840 Relman Rd. Call before 3 p. m. FOR SALE by owners, new home, 2 bedroom, knotty pine den, mahog any living room, birch kitchen, j roughed in for washer and auto matic dryer and double garage with ! over head storage. Located 2 blocks west Keizer school. 4750 Elizabeth St. Paddie and King, Builders, 2-7698 or 2-1434. 1 LATE BUILT large 2-bedroom home. , basement. 385 S. 22nd St. Ph. 3-6258. I NEW 2 bedroom home at 1745 B St. Owner at 720 N. 17th. Reduced $1000 Two houses on one lot. Located JCeiz er district Close to school, bus and shopping center. Immediate posses sion. Small down payment. Full price $7500. C. W. REEVE. REALTOR S60 Mission Ph. 3-4BflQ. Evenings 4-2945 or 3-9536 BY OWNER. 3-bedroom home, large living room with fireplace, dining room, basement. Large lot with fruit and walnut trees. Walking dis tance to State Buildings. Moving east and must sell immediately. 1130 E. St. Phone 4-4688. BY BUILDER NEW 3 bdrm. East Englewood. Best of everything, good loan. Phone 2-7071 ENCLEWOOD Dist.. close to aTl schools. 2 BR and den. Shaded lot secluded yard. $9,950. 4-yr-old home north. Lg liv and din rm. f irepd. 2 lg bedrms. Kit with eating space. Oil heat, plastered ga. Beautiful yard 'i acretll.500. 3 Apts phis nioe living qtrs. modern trailer space, good income, has been priced at $20,500. Let us show you and make reasonable offer. 2-Br home West Salem. 1150 sq ft floor space. lv and din rm, kit with eng space, inside util with showier stall, all rooms nice size. A good-' buy at $10,750. PHONE 2-6680 Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N. High Eve. call: Lyle Peck 3-5413 ALL MODERN 2 3rd bedroom. 1015 S. 2 BEDROOM home, or will rent un furnished. 3-7498. ' $6450 OWN this cute home and save, clean and neat 2 bedrooms and bath, au to, oil heat, plumbed for auto wash er, rooms all good size, only three years old. On large lot with full size" rage north. Widow forced to se sacrifice. Call 43353 eve. 2Q owes & Wood. 224 N. High. City Farm Appro x. one acre 3 BR home, fire place, basement, sawdust furnace, barn & chicken house. Plenty of fruit trees, on bus line. Priced at only $15,300 or would consider trade of- smaller house in town. Because of sicknets must be shown by ap pointment. Cozy Home 2 BR. fireplace & basmt. Oil furnace. Close to school and shopping cen- L ter, $8,750. Call. Mrs. Crittenden. ART MADSEN Realty 1328 State iPh. 35580. 28812 $350 Down $65 Per month on this 2 bed. rm. home with large liv. rm. and kit. OiL heat, attached1 garage. Ige. lot In city limits. Price $8400. I Z. KLUMPP. REALTOR 3053 Portland Rd. ' Ph. 27S4 BY OWNER Near Leslie and Mc Kinley Schools. 2495 East Nob Kill. 3 bedrooms on one floor. Two com plete baths. Living and dining rooms. Basement with party room. . Two fireplaces, automatic dish washer. Double garage. Ph. 21162. CLEAN 1-bedroom house, Englewood district. Fireplace, electric heat, garage. $3.750. terms. Phone -6747. fe OWNER, small 3 bdrm. home, nice clean. $3950. Will take car or lot in trade. Ph. 2-2277. Y OWNER 2-bedroom house. On H. 24th St. Hardwood floors. Large utility. Nice and dean. $9750. CaU I 800 Real Estate HIGHLAND OR ST. VINCENT SCHOOL BlSTRICT 3 bdrms.. llv. rm. with fireplace, dining rm, kitchen with breakfast area. Convenient utility rm. Oil furnace. Price 89800. Immediate Posrsston. CALL H. K. KYMON. VALUE PLUS FOR THE MONEY Finest district for schools and bus shopping close. 3 bdrms, hwd., firs.. 2 fireplaces, full baxmt., playroom, dblc darage. Paved street auto-oil heal, i lots of interest in this home at $17, SCO. CALL ROY S. FERRIS, CO-OP, pROKER. CHARM WITH ECONOMY A ige. family home with every modern con venience for gracious living, 5 bdrms., Ige; reception rm.. liv. rm. Sc din. rm.. dream kitchen & nook. den. 21. baths, gavto-coa! forced hot air heat. A wonderful home for entertaining. CAL G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. ONE BEDROOM PLUS DEN WITH FIREPLACE This Is a small compact and convenient home. Located close to Leslie Junior High and the new B iiuwi. i c i wai, x c i ma. v-n. ! NO. 3 BUSINESS ZONE Don't be good Duys ana locations in me market. g 1. 50x100 Comer main intersection, reduced to 2. 50x100 Good potential ..... u . T 3. --100x146 Area developing fast 4. '100x124 Very good . 5. 100x120 Corner ; . 100x700 Main Arterial Trackage 7. 93 102 Reduced from $11,000. now CALL ROY S. TERRIS. fO-OP. BROKER GRABENHORST! 3K0S., REALTORS 134 S. Uberty St. ' Evenings Layman 2-5193 Roy S. 806 Houses For Sals 4 Bedroom Located close in only 1 block to bus. near school, and business district, this comfortable home has been completely redecorated. All new birch kitchen, large front porch, 2 bedrooms up and 2 down; full basement, oil furnace, double ga rage. A good investment for future business property. Price is $10, 900.C0. Unobstructed View Just listed this all new modernistic home in Kingwood Heights. Un matched view of citv and river, on large lot (95' x 270'). This is an targe ioi x 2 u , inis is an inverted 2 level design with 3 bed- . - . ... I rooms, full bath and Urge utility room in the full daylight basement and ; huge glass enclosed living room, dining room, kitchen and 'i bath: on main floor. Automatic oil furnace, huge fireplace open on 2 sides. All hardwood trim. 2-r garage. Shown by appointment only. CaU us today. Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans Office 3-9217 Eves: 2-4709 or 3-7386 WEST SALEM VIEW PICTURE windows with wonderful view, full basem't and party rm. inwlv vnrrl uitH natiA fifrkla I lots ef rockwork $19,500. j l $700 DOWN OWNER transferred must sell 2 Br. Home North in City,, 5 yrs. old. Pecan firs, plastered, oil furnace, lots of built-ins, Ige. att garage, ; nice yard, full price only $8600. ! Will take late model car. j $6950 i CLOSE to State Hospital, nearly new 2 Br. Home, oil fir. furnace, att gar3ge. A steal at just $6950. DELUXE CONSTRUCTION 2 BIG Br.. Ige. paneled den. liv. rm. with marble fireplace, din. rm., kit. Sc nook, double pane glass, double garage. Ige. lot. 1500 sq. ft. of fie home $15,750 full price. BURTPICHA 379 ft. High St. Off: 2-4047 Eves: Bob Conklln 2-2598 CHOICE - CLOSE IN NEW, well-built 2 bedroom home, Hdwd floors. Living room with Ige. Thermopaned window. Spacious Kitrht-n with dining area, plumb ing in Utility room for Automatic Washer. Attached Garage. Only $0,000 S1500 down. See us at once. ED D. POTTER 215 S. High St. Ph. 3-3630 or 3-6375 240O SQ. FT. OF LOVELY HOME 3 NICE bedrms with loads of closet space. Large living rm with an un surpassed view. Separate Dr. Kit. 1 with nook and beautiful Knotty j Pine Party rm. with fire place. Double attach, gar. Lot 168x112. Shown by appt. only. Priced $25,500. TEN MINUTES TO TOWN LOVELY 3 bedrm home nestled in a setting of stately firs. Dbl. Plbg. Large kit. and nook separate dr.. Large liv. rm. Double gar. Al! this on 2 acres for only S15.00O.0O. HERE'S A BUY S75O0.00 SEVEN YR. old 2 bedrm home. Ex cellent rond. inside and out. Lot 50x150. 'Terms to the right party. ED BYRKIT AND CO. Phone 3-31JH' Frances KrMtpp eve. 2-6286 Ed Bykrit Eve. 2-6758 . Low Down Payment LATE built 2 bedroom "home, with automatic forced air oil heat to all rooms, very nice kitchen and in xide utility room. large garage plenty of garden space. Price re duced to S85O0. quick: possession. Retired Couple WILL really like this neat, clean large one bedroom home with a fire place. beautifully shaded back yard, garden area. large garage and work shop, located in the East En glewood area, right on a bus line and near a store. $6950 with very reasonable terms. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR .1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8216 FAIRMOUNT HILL YOUR opportunity to locate In this home loving neighborhood. The home is pleasant. 2 bedrooms, liv ing room, dining and kitchen- com bination. 2 rooms upstairs. Base ment is cool in sukimer, warm in winter, dry all the year round. Economical wood furnace. 52x150 lot Price $8,500. STAYTON MODEST, clean (-room home located on 100x100 lot in Stay ton where a car isn't a necessity. Well-kept lawn with trees and shrubs. Price $6.800. Terms. - Zwaschka Realtor 175 GRANT ST. PHONE 3-4035 BY r. H. A owner, 4-bedroom Ope Co in Englewood District. Large living room with fireplace, large dining room, dishwasher. Its baths, full basement, oil furnace. !arge back yard with fireplace, double garage Phone 2-8489. NEW MODERN HOME NEAR COMPLETION ' EXCEPTIONALLY WELL - BUILT HOME NEAR COMPLETION THAT IS REALLY A GOOD BUY. UV VING ROOM. BREAKFAST NOOK. BATH. UTILITY ROOM AND GA RAGE. THIS FINE HOME HAS A FLOOR FURNACE AND CITY WATER. CLOSE TO CITY BUS AND TO GRADE SCHOOL. THIS HOME IS PRICED AT S9.5O0.00. CALL ABRAMS. BOURLAND 4 SKINNER TODAY I j Abrams, Bourland . . . & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING Heal Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans 3-921 3-9217 Eves: 3-73M . H. K 8(jo Real Estate J L Ti J 1 "V l . I sorry ou didnt buy There are still $4,900 $1,000 $7,000 $ 5.750 $ 8.500 .$15.000 $ 8.500 I. olde home on lot Phone 2-2471 and Sunday call Ferris j 2-8010 J. E. Law 3-5113 I Houses For Sale EyVLY decorated two bedroom, country home. Lots of shade trees on 1 acre level ground. About 10 rrSiii. North Salem. Phone2-2158. MjpKinley School District 730 1 Waldo Ave. Modern 2-bedroom house to be sacrificed at $5300 with I4w monthly payments. A. M. Hpethlin, Broker, 198 W. Lincoln. Fone 3-42 10. pi FAIRMOUNT HILL Owhe" seUs at sacrifice, cozy 2 bed room cottage on valuable 50' lot, finest neighborhood, fruit, electric heat. Insulated, newly painted, ktdhen. 1 blk. city bus. $5750, trrps, $650 down! 1735 Gairmount Ave. j; r-i . - . : ! 3 $EROOM older house Interior, i kwvn1- vZiannratrl men LTan completely redecorated. Dish wash ef and disposal. Close ta stores, gfade. Junior, and high schools. Lrge attractive back yard. Phone 45949 be fore noon or aft er5. i BY OWNER Attractive 3-bedroom rnch style. Nice corner lot Ward robe closets, utility room. auto. isher. Frigidaire dryer, attached 2ar garage. Property like new, priced for quick sale. 2190 Mill St $500 DOWN ? i 3 BR. DOWN. 1 UP NICE clean plastered older home, Igei lot on paved st. Good close in location. Right by school and playground. This is your chance. Act now! Only $6500. SUMMER. REALTOR lf2$ State St Ph. days, eves 2-4602 P BY BUILDER NEW! 3 bedroom, attached garage, automatic oil furnace. Hardwood fjbors. On pavement and close to sfrhool. F.H.A. terms. Phone 4-2621. KLUMPP'S For the Couple Who jwant a sweet little cottage sol idly built and located on ;t acre of ground. With 50' well for irriga tion, with its homey living room, generous bedroom, nice kitchen. Price $6000. terms. i flie Ink Hasn't Dried on ?the listing of this 3-bedrm home cfily 4 years old. With nice living room, dining room, U type kitchen With lovely built-ins. Oil heat and nice fireplace, double garage and gjbod deep well for irrigating this 21Tacre tract Total price $15,000. frliey Just Moved Out Of hks 2-bdrm home only 4 years old with hardwood floors, oil heat, nice sized kitchen with attached gars re. Lot 60x120. .4 loan. Price $8625, terms. Immediate possession. Si ! Afrj Conditioned Comfort ' Of ?t His 2-bedroom home with hard- Wood floors and forced air. Nice living": and dining room. A super kitchen. Nice ized bedrooms with an ideal location only l'i blocks to Leslie school. Price $12,500. 1 h hPr:L 305$ Portland Rd. Phone 2-7642 Eye. 2-3884 or Z-35B6 i ; FOR YOU! 3 edrooms. a fine home for you and te' children. Near grade, junior apd high school! This one will hKiease in value while you live t&ere. Only $8,750. COLBATH LAND CO.. Phone 4-4494. 515 Court St. Z. Arndt. eve. 4-1769. BYi OWNER : Eastmoreiand home 3 bedrooms, birch kitchen and nook, .fontaf furnace, fireplace, wall to wall rug. flowers, shrubs. 2555 Elii Jve. I KFZER DIST. Modern roomy 2 bed- rF in , i v.i 1 1 aiMcu Range. .S acres. S8750. Phone 4-1709. LOCATED. 335 N. 24th. 2 bedroom on hps) line. Reasonable price 3-3993. CHOICE CORNERS i075 N. CAPITOL 66 jx 1 130 Furnished modern apts. $20,000, terms. Corner McCoy and Colonial. 2 .lots. $5.000. Estep. f REDUCED $4,000 3-BEDROOM Suburban ' Ranch style hbifie. Basement. City water. Might ti'ie mali home in trade. Price I jsijooo. wijl finance, pnone z-eiw. BYi OWNER; late built 2 bedroom hpnHe. attached garage. garden space. S750O. some terms. State Vets roan. 1040 Locust St. Phone 4tl4l$. 801 Lots For Sal Tv3o large lots near new school. paved road. Keizer District. In- quire 600 Evans Ave. i ! CHOICE LOT On! eentlv-sloDing hillside in Morn- ligsdie district one mile south of Salem; 70 by 130: near new grade school; 11650. Call 3-3948. EXTRA large lot. 20 Royal Anne cherry trees. 2 blocks from Keizer rhool. 1.000. . T ! C. W. REAVE, Realtor STs)! Mission Ph. 3-4590 I I Evenings 4-2945 or 3-9536 ACfut on Croisan Creek. Level. Creek frontage. Trees. Hard surface Stoad. S17tJ0 Terms. 4-4004. Iif mil Acx9Qcj9 Pot I Puplex and 8 Acres 4 Tiles from state bldgs. 2 bdrm. a)Dis. only 2 yrs. old. S acres mostly im commercial cherries and berries. Water for Irrigation, ssooo for all. .... 11 ti . . WIU KU 111 ART MADSEN Real tv 1338 'State Ph. 35580. 28813 I 25-ACRE RANCH Close in. East. Ideal -bed room home for raising stock, with good barn, i dree is through property, lots of ! shade. Permanent pasture. Price SI 4.000. Attractive terms to reason- f le buyer, call Mr. carpenter. ART MADSEN 1 REAL ESTATE 3-5SaO or 2-M1I. Home ph. 3-CC4S eves. FOR ! SALE : TO CLOSE JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS Farm - spprox. 287 ajcres - abt 40 acres cleared - 5 rootn house, outbuildings - elec tricity - water - on highway 22. 5 miles west of Dallas. $12,000 mln tfmim bid. Vj cash. Contact Law iWee Paul Scherb, Attorney. 9514 Washington Blvd.. Culver City, Calif onl a. - R00 Real Estate NELSON Fairmount District OLDER type home with 1 large bdrm, living rm. 16x15!,. large kit. St liv ing area. Lot 79 x 200. shrubbery & fruit trees, 3 blks. to bus. Price soaao. tau Mrs. Wootten. West Salem VERY attractive home with 2 nice bdrms. living . rm. 13.6x18; dining -m( 7x13.5j Lot 50x100. bus by door. 2 Is blks from school. Pons, in 3 weeks. Price $8200. Call Mrs. Woot ten. Are Your Ears Burning? Tm THINKING ofyou relaxing in this summer cool 2 bdrm home. For winter pleasures you bave an attractive Roman brick f place; forced air heat to keep you coxy. M'Kinley school la just 2 blks. '. Just $104900 will make this 4. r-old house yours. Call Al. Watts. 3-7265 '. . $1000 Per Month 20-Unit Residential Court Why put all your eggs in one bas ket? CO people pay the rent. Excel lent way to protect your income on your Investment All units fair ly new. with one-bed rm home for owner if desired. Well located, close to all schools Ac bus. Real oppor tunity to enjoy over $1,000 per month income. Call Mr. Schmidt. Plus 3x Acres on Creek A NEAT cory cottage overlooking year around creek. Ideal spot for country living, raise chickens and ducks. Only $6750. Nelson &( Nelson Specializing Realtor 703 N. High St Phone a-3869 we Specialize in trades Englewood Clieapie 2-BEDROOM house with utility room. Car port 3 blks. to Engle wood I School. Venetian blinds Owner will take ear for his equity Full pfice only $4,732.00. A jWhale of a Buy 3 BEDROOM, spotlessly clean house in St Vincent and Highland Dis trict Large garage. 1mm. pots Carpet, like lawn. Choicest shrubs. In the) very best of condition both interior and exterior. Full price only $8,500. Terms arranged. Candaleria. $6500 Down ON THIS gorgeous 3-bedroom home with a lovely, daylight basement. 1 bathrooms. Beautiful setting. - Seectaicular. unobstructed view. Velvety lawn. Warmth giving fire place. Let us show you this taste ful, exclusive, ultramodern home. Full price $23,500. Owner may exchange for Income property. Charming Home , Plus n,uio.TV . U1 , i .. . Restful, exclusive den. Trim built I Unusual fireplace. Shady, weedless yard. ! Fragrant flowers. Smart wall-to-wall carpets. Radiant heat Handsome . Youngstown kitrhen. Automatic washer and dryer. Price $26,000. Liberal terms arranged. Attention Ladies YOU'LL have enough store room for your shoes In this home. It won't make any difference how many you have! Besides, this is a luxur ious home. New , fashioned, spa cious rooms. Rare ' fireplace. Larue living room for TV. New district Insulated. Extra large garage. You'll love it. Full price $13,650. Business Building INCOME, apprx. $700 per month. Almost new bldg. Corner lot. Loca tion is . increasing in value daily. Owner may accept a smaller prop erty as part payment. Thia prop erty has many possibilities. Tull 3Ho on One Lot price siea.uw. ONE older type. 1 bedroom home 2 very modern rentals in Engle wood District. Garage. Corner lot. Paved St.. both sides. This is a real buy. Live In one, rent the others. Very liberal terms, full price J15.650. Recreation Park ONE of the most Domilar in the area this bas been a money maker foi years. Real nice living quarters. Swimming. Ball ground. Picnic irea. Refreshment stand. This is-an ideal if you don't-care, to work the year around. Apprx. it acres. Fuir price S2S.00O. Owner may consider other property as part payment. Strawberries P 7 ACRES In Marshall strawberries. Close in. One small bldg. A real buy for S4 2SO. 23 Acres WITH 420 teet highway frontage on 99E. Best of soil. Modern, 2-bed-ro-m house. Only S1.500 down will handle. Chiclcen house. Owner will sell house with 120 feet frontage for S5.0O0, or all goes for $7,300. 20 Acres 2-BEDROOM house. Barn. Chicken house. Garage. Machine ahed. Walkin cooler. Willamette and unity soil. Fruit trees. Berries. A good buy for $8,250. For Business Opportunities and Homes call for DAN ISAAK (4-3A3.-I) or MR. GRIMM ETT I Eve. 2-76791. or MR. KIGGENS (Eve. 4-54951 or AIR. CRAWFORD (Eve.-4-50201. For farms only, call for MR. LEAVENS Eve. 3-4735). If no answer, call 4-2248. Mortgage Loans 20 Year Maturity Construction Loan AL ISAAK & CO -1 REALTORS 3035 Portland Road Office Phones 4-3311 or 3-7820 1 Eve. 3-4735. 4-3533 4-5494. 4-5O20. 2-7679 no answer Phone 4-2248 "i-bdr. home, hdw. Irs firep basnt't with oil fur race. 3- bdr. In Hollywood Dist. 2-bdr. i yrs. old, Ige. lot. North. : 2-bdr.. walking distance to St. Vincents. 2-bdr. lr dr.. utility, att. garage, hdw firs., firep. 2-bOi m.. firep Mambrln Gardens, Ige. lot. 4- bdr.. Hdw. firs, throughout, dble. plumbing, dblc. lire p., full base't 40 acres, good 3-bdrm. home, all in cultivation. Includes if 8 6.950. 7,250. 8 7 ,950. t 7.950. 8 ,5. $12 .500. 913,750. $18,900. the crop and hay In barn. ZEEB'S REAL ESTATE! . 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3031 Eve. 2 -O301. 3-5S43. 2-4932. 2-SSS2. We need listings! Call us for our free appraisal. To Place Ad Call 2-2441