POUNDDD 1651 Statesmon. Salem, Of Thursday July 23, 1SS3 Soc 4) 1 Pages 1 -4 j Section 4 Canadian, Man Fins Water With Wands COWLEY, Alta. (JP) - An 81-year-old South Alberta man is one of the few persons who clings to the ancient practice of "water witching." i Ernest Cooknell of Cowley says he can locate i an under ground water supply by walk ing over the ground clutching a branch of a willow tree. He says four of ! his family could make the wands wiggle over water, but four others, could sot He doesn't know how or why he possesses the talent He says it may have something to do with the -ndividual's body chemistry, and possibly is inher ited. . Cooknell cailms that his "witch ing" has never failed to find water since he came to Cowley in 1901. He has found water at depths ranging as much as 230 feet He has never taken money for a job, believing the charm might be broken if used professionally. NO GAS FOR DRUNKS? : Sacramento, cant (vp) - Highway Patrol Commissioner Bernard Caldwell - declared ser vice stations should not sell gas oline to drunken drivers. "I would like a law," he said, "to make it unlawful to serve anyone who's drunk with fuel" Salem Obituaries BUFF Mrs. Claribel Buff, at Bend July 22. Late resident of 1596 ChemekeU SC Survived by husband. Otto V C. Buff. Salem; sisters. Mrs. Dewey Fole. Sweet Home, and Mrs. Pearl Finseth, Springfield. Ore. Several nieces and nephews also survive. Services will be field Friday. July 2. at 1 JO p.m. in the W. T. Rig-don Chapel with interment at Silverton Cemetery. BUSCH Mrs- Anna Busch. at the residence 190 N. 4th St. July 2a Survived by daughter. Mrs. Chris Battalion. Sa lem; son. Karl W. Busch, Salem; brother. John Neumann. Waco, Tex.; one granddaughter, one grandson and two granddaughters. Services will be held Thursday. July 23, at 1:30 p.m. in the Christ . Lutheran Church with the Rev. T. M. Gebhard officiating. Interment will be held at Lee Mission Cemetery. Under direc tion of the Clough-Barrick Company. CONKLIN Albert Conley ,Conklin,Jn this city, July 22. Shipment has been made to LaGrande to the Snodgrasa Funeral Home for services and interment by the W. T. Rigdon Company. EDMISTON Elsie Edmiston. late Tesident of 3785 Brooks St., at a local hospital. vJul.v 21. Daughter of Mrs. -Mary Exictrson of Salem and sister of Mrs. Paul Messer. Turner: John and Pius Lacier, both of Balfour, N. D., and Michael Lacher. Milwaukee, Wis. Member of the Catholic Church. Re citation of the rosary will be held in the Hcwell-Edwards Chapel Thurs day. July 23, at 8 p.m. Requiem mass ivill be held in. St. Vincent's Catholic Church Friday. July 24 at 10 a.m. with concluding services in City View Cemetery. HARRINGTON Lee Harrington late resident of Klamath Falls, at a local hospital. July 22 at hte age of 48 years. An nouncement of services will be made later by the Howell-Edwards Com- pa.iy. LOEWEN - Peter D. Loewen. at the family residence 1254 Huge St.. July 20 at the age of 76. Survived by wife, Helena Loewne, Salem: sons, Henry, Pete. Clarence. AJvtn and Dave Loewin. all of Salem; daughters, Mrs. Clara Pankratx. Mrs. Annie Pankratz, Mrs. Helen Harms, Mrs. Martha Guenther and Mrs. Irene Guenhter. all of Salem, and Mrs. Esther Freisen. Fort Worth. Tex. Member of Kingwood Bible Church. Services will be held in the King wood Bible Church Monday. July 27, at 3 p.m. with the Rev. John Friesen officiating and interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. The Howell-Edwards Company in charge. ; MfZE ! Harley Mize. at the residence 1173 th St. July 20. Survived by wife. Flora V. Mize. Salem; daughters. Miss Ge niece Mize, Salem. Mrs. Vio let Driessche. Mrs. Clyd Hilton, both of St. Andrews. Wash., Mrs. Opal McLaine. Harrishueg. Mrs. Lucille Cable. Salem, Salem. Mrs. Don Frye. M aville. Pa. two sons. LeRoy Mize. Portland. Fred Davenport. Scio; two Bisters, Mrs. Leo Furgen. Sioux Falls. S. D., Mrs. Maude Nash. Dubuque. Iowa: two brothers. George and Dave Mize. both of South Dakota: Jand ' two grandchildren. Services will be h-ld Friday. July 24 at 1.30 p.m. in Virgil T. Golden Chapel with inter ment at Lone Oak Cemetery. Slay ton. The Rev. Harold Lyman : will officiate. i 1 strom 3 3 Oscar Strom, at a local nutsing home. July 21. Services will be held In the Howell-Edwards Chapel ,Fri- day. July 24 at' 1 :30 p.m. wlthj in lermeni at .ny ww .eiiKKr;i alters Willlrm Henry Walters, at a local hospitL Julv 21. Late resident ot 111 Cnemeketa St Survived by shree diu-hters, Mrs. Ahram Van Stecn wyck Portland: Mrs. Cuy Wetson. Salem, and Mrs. A.! G. Scott, El Centro, Catif.: two -sons. Perr V. and Donald O. Walters, both of Sa lem: sister. Mrs. Nettie Carver. Bris tol. Ird.; 10 grandchildren ana six great-trandchtldren. Services will be held 'n the Vir?il T. Golden Chanel Saturav. Julv 25. at 2 p.m. with the Rev. L. C White officitin and in terment at City View Cemetery! idnt nwATou7.r.tth; of 52 srs. Survived by husband. Carl L. Well man: daughter, carta Jean Wellman. both of Selem;t sis ters. Mrs. Ray Drennen. Miles City. Mont, and Mrs. Peart Buckley. Port land, brothers. Walter Wmfield. .Jor- an. Mont.: Georee Joseoh Wlnfield. Helena. . Mont, and James Wlnfield. San Bernardino. C"li. S-r-rol nteces and nhews cliwiint r. Wav T'ot' ,'Oon!,,. - cHo: "Mr?. C""- 'o-ne- rf Ralem and now of fe t mot r-in-'w. irs. Hta 'Vood. Sm. J -vires will be held Thursd". July T3. at 130 p.m. In the HoweH-F-Hwards Choel with the Rev. H. W. Black officiating and concluding services at the Bedrest Memorial Park. i Stock Market Moves Higher NEW YORK UFi The stock ma ket braced itself and managed si small advance Wednesday after two straight declines. There wa4 almost an even balance between gains- and losses and neither exj tended very far. j j The Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced 20 cents as compared with a decline of 40 cents Tuesday. It stands at $107.30. The industrial component of the average was up 20 cents, the rail-! roads up 30 cents, and the utilities up 10 cents. The cains and losses were al-i most evenly divided with 384 un; ana 340 aown ma. 01 uie list ui i.uu individual issues on the tape; The total was slightly higher than Tues day. There were 5 new highs and 36 lows for the year touched dur ing the day. i Volume expanded a little and stood at 900,000 shares as com-? pared with 850,000 shares Tuesday,' Most Grains j Slide Lower j CHICAGO UT Most grains moved lower on the board of tradcf Wednesday although several July contracts spurted in the final mini ute as trading in these deliveries ceased. July wheat, rye and lard closed out without excitement. Wheat finished lower, corn lower to 1 higher, oats un changed to 3 higher, rye to 2 cents higher and lard 5 cents lower to 13 cents a hundred pound? higher, July $10.75. Canadian Royal Police Modernize WINNIPEG (vPKThe Royal Ca nadian Mounted Police has gone modern with a vengeance. Horsl es, which now appear only on ceremonial occasions, have been replaced by speeding patrol cars: equipped with two-way radio The sled dogs have given way to a monster on skiis called a bombarier snowmobile which costs less $0 run than the husl kies. j Trim cabin cruisers patrol the larger lakes and all branches arej linked by radio to speed the work. . i Portland Produce Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change-premium; quality, maximum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Port! land, 68-71C lb; first quality 66 69; second quality 63-66c. Valley routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter Wholesale, f. o. b bulk cubes to wholesalers-Grade AA, 93 score, 66 lb; 92 score, 65c; B, 90 score, 63c ;.C, 89 score, 60c J Cheese Selling price to Port! land wholesalers-Oregon singles! 42-45c lb; Oregon 5-lb loa 58 -50 C I Eggs To wholesalers-Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in-f eluded, f. o. b. Portland ; A large, 65 -66 c; A medium 64 -65 ; B grade, large. 59 -6 A smalls 50-51. . Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 73; A large, 68-69; AA, medl ium, 69; A medium 67-68; A smallj nominally 51. Cartons 3 cents addi tional. Live chickens No 1 quality f.o.b. plants Fryers, 2 -3 lbs 28-29; 3-4 lbs, 28-29; roasters 4 lbs up 28-29: heavy hens, al weights, 20-21; light hens. - al we'ghts, 19; old roosters 15-18. j Rabbits Average to growers Live white. 4-5 lbs, 23-25. 5-6 lbs, 21-23: old does. 10-14, few high er. Fresh dressed fryers to re tailers, 59-61; cut up 63-67. f Whole sale dressed meats: j Beef Steers, choice, ! 500-70(1 lbs. 40.00-44.00; good, 37.00-42.00f commercial 31.00-37.00; utility 27.4 00-33.00; commercial cows 24.-00 30.00; utility 23.00-28.00; cannersf cutters. 21.00-25.00. Beef cuts Choice steers-hind quarters, 50.00-52.00; rounds 248.00? 75.00; triangles, 27.00-32.00; fore quarters 30.00-35.00; chucks 35.001 40.00; ribs. 48.00 53.09 Pork cuts Loins, choice 8-l4 Ids. 65.o-es.50; snouiaers is ids. 42.0Q-45.00; Sparenbs 54.00-5630 -LA inn ih ivua nnl fresh hams, 10-14 IbS, 55 00-68 00,, veai ana caives uooa-cnoice. all weights, 34.00-40.50; commer cial 28.00-36.00. Lambs Choice-prime, 44.00 46.00. ! J Wool Grease basis. WiHamf ette Valley medium, 50-52 Ibj eastern Oregon fine and half blood, 56-62; Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42; 12-month wool, j 43-50. j Country dressed meats, f.o.b; Portland: Beef Utility cows. 24-28; can ners-cutters, 22-23; shells down t 17. ! Veal - Top quality, lightweight! 31-32; rough heavies. 23-28, I Hogs Lean blockers, 38-39 sows, light, 32-33. Lambs Best J 40-42. i . Mutton Best, 12-14; cuH-utilr ity. 8-10. j Onions 50 lb sacks Washington yellows med 1.00-1.75; large 15 1.40; Calif, yellows med and Ige L75-2.00; few 2.25; red, med 173- 3,00; white globes 2.50-t7S. : Potatoes Boardman lone whites nc 1 A, 20-2.75; so ,2. 5j D. 80-85; Calif, long whites no 1-4 2X5-3.00; same brands to 3125. IIdv7 York Sioclx Qnblaiions By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Admiral Corporation 24 Allied Chemical Alii' Chalmers American Airlines American Power & Light American TeL & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Company Borjg Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing 68 4S 13 155 74 33 95 51 37 73 24 26 S2 24 -70 79 38 17 27 7 66 95 42 11 71 55 58 12 47 36 27 50 60 27 63 9 21 11 26 58 19 Canadian Pacific i Caterpillar Tractor MCelanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated' Edison Consolidated Vultee ' Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pacific Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Company International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kaiser Aluminum Kennecott Copper libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Tel. k Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J. C.) Co. 25 67 9 144 5 69 Salem Market Quotations (As f 'late yesterday) BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 BUTTER .70 .87 .84 Wholesale - .71- 73 Retail .76 EGGS (Baying) ( Wholesale prices range from 8 . to 7 cents over buying price) Large AA , .65 Large, A .63 Medium A A .59 Medium A J7 Pullet .42 POULTRY Colored Hens Leghorn Hens Colored Fryers s-32 at .30 .15 JO Old Roosters Roasters Portland Livestock PORTLAND un (USDA) Cattle salable 500, market slow, steady 50 cents' lower with some cows off iimore; no. dry led steers ottered; few low-good steers 21.00-50; utility-commercial grade 14.00-19.00; utilit and commercial heifers 13.00-18.00; canner and cutter cows 10.50 12.00; shells downward to 7.00; utility cows 12.50-14.00,. few to 14.50; utility and commercial bulls 16.50-1730, few head 18.00-50. Calves salable 100. market ac tive, strong; good-choice vealers and light calves 18.00-22.00; few prime grade 23.00; utility and com mercial grade 13.00-17.00. Hogs salable 250, market active, steady to strong; choice one and twe butchers 180-235 lbs 29.00-50, few 29.60; choice 250-300 lbs 27.50 28.50; choice 320-500 lb sows 22.50 24.50; one 630 lb sows 21.50. Sheep salable 2,200, holdover 250, market very sloww supply choice and prime limited, market weak-50 cents lower at 20.50-21.50. few lots mostly prime at 22.00; utility and good grade bid sharply lower; de mand for feeders narrow, few good feeders 14.00 15.00; cull good slaughter ewes 1.50-4.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND (JB Wheat (bid) to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.24; Soft White (excluding Rex) 2.24; White Club 2.24. hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.25; 101 per cent 2.25; 11 per cent 2.25; 12 per cent 2.25. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 224; 10 per cent 2.24; 11 per cent 2.24; 12 per cent 2.24. Today's car receipts: wheat 59: ba'ley 1; flour 7; corn 3; mill feed 11 Although flounders have one eye on each side of their- heads at birth, but they rest on one side on the bottom and one eye migrates until both eyes are i the upper side of the head. NOTICE In accordance with the provisions of Sections 88-201. 88-2OT and 88-M3 O. C. L. A., notice is hereby given that pursuant to an otder of the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, the following warrants ouUUnding against Marion County. Oregon, issued more thjn seven years prior to July 1. 1953. will be cancelled and the payment thereof refused unless presented for payment within sixty days after July 1, 1953: Number ox Warrant Date 40741 . June 28. 1943 41427 July 10. 1943 41910 42299 42289 42572 42592 42608 42775 43222 43832 43984 44799 45254 45717 45727 45814 46888 17456 47688 48174 Aug. 10. 1945 Sept. 10, 1945 Sept. 10. 1945 Oct , 1945 Oct. . 1945 Oct. 10. 1945 Oct. 16. 1945 Nov. 9, 1945 Jan. 5. 194S Jan. 10. 1946 . Feb. 6, 1944 . Clyde Salisbury- Hollywood Cleaners St Laundry.. Renska L. Swart ,. , , L, . Feb. 9. 1948 Clara . Puree 11.. March 9. 1948 Eugene James March . 1944 Leon Raymond March 9. 1944 Howard Amand . May JO, 1944 June 1, 1944 June 1. 1944 June 10. 194$ June 10, 1944 Helen Saucies.. Matilda Klecker Lenore Prk.. Mrs. Bos Estrclla 4324 3 Jen LIvingstosL. 8270 June 10. 1944 Bessie Livinston Dated at Salem. Oregoe. this 1st H. C MATTSON -- - County Clerk, July 23 21 13 28 26 -; LReyonier Incorp. Pfd 31 Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Company Sears Roebuck 8c Company Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil California Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corporation Sunshine Mining , Swift 1 Company Transamerica Corporation Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel. Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric 48 iZ 'W 54 38 59 58 34 43 52C 72 29 8 37 27 17 40 106 24 37 59 23 38 14 43 26 44 44 Woolworth ' S2.000.000.00 CITY OF SALEM. OREGON, -PUBLIC SCHOOLS BONO SALE School District No. 24CJ. Marion County, Oregon. hereby invites sealed proposals for the purchase of 82.000 000.00 principal amount of its bonds, hereinafter described. Each proposal must be enclosed In a se curely sealed envelope. marked "Proposal for $2,000,000.00 School Dis trict No. 24CJ. Marion County, Ore gon, Bonds." and addressed to Con neU C. Ward. District Clerk, 460 North High Street, Salem. Oregon. Aii oias must oe receive a at or before 7 JO o'clock p. m. Pacific Standard Time on Tuesday. August 11. 1953, and bids so received will be opened by the Board of Education at a meeUng at the above-designated time and place. The bonds will be in denomina tions of $1,000.00 each, dated Septem ber 1. 1953. numbered consecutively from 1 to 2.000. inclusive, and will mature serially in numerical order as follows: $100,000.00 on September 1. 1954 100.000.00 on September 1. 1955 100.000.00 on September 1, 1958 100,000.00 on September 1. 1957 100,000.00 on September 1, 1958 100 000.00 on September 1. 1959 100.000.00 on September 1. 1960 100.000.00 on September 1. 1961 100,000.00 on September 1. 1962 100.000.00 on September 1, 1963 100,000.00 on September 1, 1964 100.000.00 on September 1. 1965 100.000.00 on September 1, 1966 100,000.00 on September 1, 1967 100,000.00 on September 1, 1968 100,000.00 on September 1. 1969 100.000.00 on September 1, 1970 100.000 0O on September 1, 1971 100.000.00 on September 1, 1973 100,000.00 on September 1, 1973 Interest on the bonds will be pay able semi-annually on March 1st and September 1st In each year, evi denced by coupons attached to the bonds. Both principal and Interest shall be payable at the office of the County Treasurer of Marion County, Oregon. The principal amount of said bonds is subject to prior redemption at the option of the School District, on Sep tember 1, 1959. or any interest pay ment date thereafter upon notice of redemption given by publication at least tnce at least thirty days prior to the date of ledemption, in a news paper published and circulated in the County of Marion and State of Ore gon, at a price equal to the prin cipal amount thereof together with unpaid interest accrued thereon at the date of redemption. Each proposal must specify in a multiple of 't of 1 of the rate of interest not exceeding 4 per an num which the bonds ar to bear, and must also state the amount bid for the bonds. Each proposal must.be accompan ied by a certified check payable to School District No. 24CJ. Marion County. Oregon, in the sum of $40. 00O0O to secure the disrtict against any loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to comoly with the terms of his proposal. No interest will be paid upon the deposit of the suc cessful bidder. The check of the suc cessful bidder wiU be credited on the Durchase price of the bonds, or retained by the district as liquidated damages in case the bidder fails to accent delivery of and pay for the bon U. Checks of unsuccessful bid ders will be immediately returned unon the award of the bonds. - Each bidder is requested to In clude in his bid a statement of the total interest cost and effective in terest rate, based upon aggregate in terest cost, that the District will pay. Drovided hi bid is acceoted and none of the bond are called prior to the finM mturitv date thereof. Th- ileht to rejct anv or all oro posals is reserved. Unless aU bids are rejected, the bonds will be award ed to the bidder comolving with the terms of the notice of sale, and sub mitting the bid which, after com mtHon on tt basi that none of the bonds will be called for redemp tion prior to the inal msturitv dat? thereof, orovide the lowest eot ta the school district. Te ao'wovlne leal oninion of the firm of Winre. McCuHorh. Shuler & Sire, will bo furnished the suc cessful bidCer. The fee for the leal opinion and the cost of orinMn the bonds will be paid by the District. A financial statement of the Dis trict and nr further esred, in formation mi b ec"re'1 from the "nrferned chvl 4rfrnintra Hmi Ofr. 460 North KJh Street. Sr'-rn. Oregon. "rv, boH will he dfllwred om- ointr. witrou undue ie1--" t the exnenr of the school Httrfc-t. at urh city in Oregon as the success ful Md'ler shall nam. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 21st day of July. i5 CONNTX7. C. WARD. Distric Cl-k. Jly. 23. 30. Au. 8 Pennsylvania Railroad Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp. To Whom Issued Amount Harel H. Kaiser 4m J. W. Gibson . i.9o John Rauscher. a mo Fred Horne ; . . xsa Pvt. Howard Boyinifton , 3.75 Audrey Jean Hollis g so Mary Beals j xi Mrs.' Homer Sm th . . , fjo Salem Iron Wnrw 2M .40.50 J7 - 4.00 -J1.40 1.10 2.10 . Davia . 1.10 - .70 . AM . 4.00 . 3.10 1.15 . 1.15 day of Julv. 19 si Stocks and; Bonds 1 Compiled By The Associated Press July 22 i BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 18 Kails Indst Utils Fgn Net Chang .Unch Unch Unch A.1 Wednesday 91.1 B3.5 93.8 78 8 Pm riav M 1 05 0.1 ? 7 4l Week ago .91.S 93 J 93.7 78.8 Month ago 90.8 . 94.4 92.4 ,78J Year ago .B7 S8.8 98 J 78.8 STOCK AVEKAGES 30 tndust Net change A. 2 Wednesday .138.0 Prev. day .137.8 Week ago 137.8 Month ago J37.6 Tear ago 142.8 15 IS M Rails Utils St'cks A.3 A.l . AJ M. : 52.4 107.3 86.3 52.3 107.1 M.7 32.4 107.3 84.4 51.1 104.4 84.2 52.4 107.1 300 Personal 316 Personal I XL NOT be responsible for any debts other than my own. Mrs. Newman H. (Mike) Fee. MRS. JEAN. Psychic reader, tells your past, present,' future. Can help overcome aU obstacles that keep you from success, health and happiness. Tip Top Motel, 3580 S. commercial riy. 99E.. Apt. 7. SECURITY DETECTIVE Agency, Pri vate investigation. 139 Pacific BIdg Phone 4-2248 1 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No 1. 2088 N. Commercial. Phone 2-9419 or 3-4537. P. O Box 724. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock CHESTER white weaner pigs, $15. Phone 3-5994 evenings. REGISTERED Durham bull. Out of Ueltie BUes high producing herd. Jack County, 2 yrs. old. gentle. Write or cal! evenings. Rt. 2 Box 117. Monmouth. Inquire at Pedec Store for old Glen Robertson Ranch. FOR SALE 2 year old bay stallion, white markings., gentle, highest offer takes. Phone 2-2125. POLED Hereford bull. 2 year oM, J. E. Peterson, Route 1, Box 402, Wallace Rd. i-'V EAR-OLD pony, raised with chil dren. Phone 2-2786. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C. McCandlish. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. BONDED ' Livestock Buyer. A. F. Sommer. 1265 Harmony Dr. Ph 4-2617. BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Edwards. Rt 3. Box 899. Ph. 4-1113. LICENSED and bonded livestock buyer. E. 1. Snethen. 165 Kenwood Ave. Phone 2-1345. WANTED, fresh and springer dairy cows. A. F. Sommer, 1265 Harmony Dr. Phone 4-2617. LOCKER BEEF. Hereford. 24c; locker pork 45c. Nothing down, 6 months . to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loan ed free. Salem Meat Co. 1325 S. 25th. Ph. 3-4858. 404 Poultry and Rabbits Crld.Fryers. Ph. 4-1090. DUCKS and gees for sale. Call noon or eves. 23307. CUSTOM killing. Fowl of any kind. Ph. 4-3426. NeweU'a Poultry Plant. Kin days a week. Rt. t. Box 109. Salem. RABBITS wanted, any aire and quan tity. Also purebred breeding stock for sale. Ph. 2-7107. GOLDEN BROAD and New Ramp shire chicks, hatched every Monday and Thursday. Our chicks grow faster. Fox Hatchery. 3830 State St Phone 3-4969. 403 Pats TO GIVE away, a year old dog. male. part Shepherd. Phone Z-2701 SIAMESE kittens, with papers. House broken. Phone 2-8488. PART Persian Angor cat. 2 years old. CaU 4-5938 after 3 P.m. COLLIE. Shephard puppies, male, excellent markings. Phone 2-0059. COCKER pups, red geld. PurebredT Good hunting stock. 3413 Williams Ave. PEKINGENESE puppies, $15 each. Phone 4-15C8. CHAMPION bred boxer puppies. Ev ery pup a potential champion. Moore's Tropical fish, equipment. Goldfish, Parakeets. 2 miles from Lancaster on Macleay Road. Phone 4-3773. Closed on Wednesdays. CANARIES, parakeets, call evenings. Powers, 735 BeUevue St. Ph. 4-1597. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 1958 Mc. Coy. 1 block east of N. Capitol, l'i blocks north of Madison. Ph. 3-6837. and Plants LATE cabbage, cauliflower, kale. Brussels sprouts, peppers and zin nias. 25c a doz. Arthur Plant's Greenhouses. 1298 . 13th. Large blooming tuberous begonias. 3 $1.00. merrill's greenhouse. brooks. tuberous begonias. fuchsias, geraniums and hanging baskets in bloom. merril's greenhouse. brooks. LARGE Pelargoniums 75c each. Af rican Violet Headquarters. Oppen's Greenhouse. 4330 Auburn Rd. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce) GOOD Fescue grass with vetch and oats. Hay mixed $20 per ton. Phone 2-3025. MONTMORENCY pie cherries, 6 miles out. Dallas highway to Brunks corner, service station turn left, 2nd house on right. Phone 2-1239. Emu HoopenstesKen. BALED oats and vetch hay. $25 in . field. G. F. Andresen; 4835 Lancas- ter. Dr. Phone 4-1973 or 4-1247. BALED clover, oats and vetch hay. $15 -. ton in field. Virgil Perrine. R Box 469. Phone 4-1350. BAj oats and vetch. Good hay. CIS ... An IJ , t 1 C? . . 1 ! Colevrdale school. Carl Leach. FOR SALE, pie cehrries. 6 lb. U-pick. Phone 4-4038. TREE .ripe No. 1 Tilton apricoU from the Dalles. Puriun Cider . Works.. 791 Edgewater. Phone 2-7614. 8 TON alfalfa and rye grass hay. $20 a ton in the field. Werline Hop Ranch, ' Independence. Phone 38F4. 8 TON of good oats and vetch hay $20 a ton in field. E. W. Brutka. a East Brooks. Phone 2-2191. SOYAL ANNE cherries. 6c lb you pick. John G. Shamberger. Rt. 4 Box $19. mile East Of Fruitland School. Phone 3-1337. HORSE and cattle hay, $13 ton and up. 4-3168 FOR SALE, baled oata and vetch hay or trade for beef feeders. Ed Winter Farm. Phone Dayton 17x2. Lambert cherries, u-pick. 5 ib. Call 2-2128 or 2-9894. ; WILL start picking Montmorency pie cherries. Thursday 23rd. Order now. mil Hobbensiefken. Phone 2-1239. FINE pi cherries. U-Pick. Phone 2-2124. i FOR SALE: Canning and freezing carrota. Call noon or , evenings. 23307. " . U-PICK strawberries. 8c. Benson and Hollin Bros. On Star Route and tvfrtor Hills. PIE CHERRIES. U-pick 8c Ib. 3 mites Wallace Rd. i miles River Bend -Rdl A. E. Pecker. U-PICK Montmorency pie cherries. 10c per lb. Brine your own eon- tatnem miles out. Macleay Rd. R- M. Li res ley. Rt. 5, Box 474, , 450 Merchandise 4SS H hold Good For Sal FLOOR . No Down Payment 1 ONLY 16 cu. ft. Chest Type Freez er. General EL Sealed Unit. 9 yr. guarantee. Reg. price $569.95. Special price $399.95 2 ONLY lb. General EL Wringer Washers. All-porcelain tub. electric timer, deluxe modeL Reg. price $139.95. , Special price $111.95 3 ONLY General Electric Automatic Dryers. Automatic time and temp, control, deluxe. Beg. price $249.93. Special price $169.95 TINKHAM Appliance GENERAL 260 N. LIBERTY. SALEM 400 Agriculture 412 FruU and Farm Produc CANNING APRICOTS. Direct from Yakima,; choice cots, through sea son. Crop is short so don't wait. Also raspberries, boysens, logans and youngs now In season. Trans parent apple- Peaches soon. We willhveverything as it comes on direct from farm to you. Phillips Bros. Farm Market. 8590 Portland Rd. Phone 2-4512. BLUEBERRIES for sale. James L. Bright, 1010 South Pacific Highway. Woodhurn. Phone 2-0822 . PIE cherries. Phone 4-5648 before 8:30 a.m. or evenings. 425 Auction Solos SUDTELL'S AUCTION Thuri., July 23rd 3913 Silverton Rd., Phone 3-6098 10 a.m. Misc. and some furniture. David Bradley Garden tractor, on rubber wiht ail attachments. 1 p.m.. Livestock, chickens, rabbits, geese, etc.. calves and veal. 4 sows, open, 5 160-1 a. pigs, heifers, bulls, steers, milk and beef cows, sheep. Live stock sold by the lb. or head. Come A good sale to buv or sell. LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES j YD. 450 Merchandise 455 Hsahold Goods For Solo $49.50. This is the best G. EL refriger ator you can buy. Phone 4-2532. 4134 tiager st. BED, coil springs and spring mat tress. Also baby's car seat. Like new. 1363 Coort St. ' ' FURNACE FACTS: By having your Furnace. Chimney Ducts cleaned NOW you avoid the rush and save Money tool Call C. J. Hansen Co. for work you'll like and prices yjull Love 1 Phone 2-6882. 18 CU. Jt. Upright Home Freezer, cabinet slightly damased In ship ment Big discount. See at Good Housekeeping Inc. 467 Court St. 456 Wanted. Hsehold Goods OZ33j) j WANTED HSED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Vallev Furn. Co. 2-7 "72 CASH TODAY Good used fu' or wfa sell on consignmen 3-6098 Sudteh's Auction. re 3h - ssf - s---a--s '! wssy Jp ws si j 458 Bmlding Materials" Metal Fences Permaneni;. No upkeep. Free esti mates. 36 mos. to pay, Borkman Lbr. Sc Hdwr. Phone 5-3701. 2460 SUte St Knotty Piris 'anelling $129.50. shelving $139.50. Ma hogany plywood 4x8 35c ft. It's nice! Fir plywood low as 3c, 11c. Plywood for any job cut to your size. Hardboard $1.75. wallboard $1.40, sidings, $50.50 up. Flooring priced right. Cedar for fence weave $15.00 to $35.00. M. Very attractive! Screens, and sceen doors. . roofing, cedar shingles, oak fis, everything for your job. Free delivery nd es timating service. No down payment 36 months to pay. Fine list of car penters to recommend. Come on In and visa 1 1 Portland Rd. Lbr. Yard OPEJI ALL DAY SATURDAY 3545 Portland R 1. Ph. 4-4433 LUMBER SALE GOOD shiplap $35 per M. Straight No. 3 $55. No. 2 and better $65. 2 in. lumber $15 per M. and up. Phone 2-2042. PAINT and TILE 9x9 Linoleum Tile 9x9 Rubber Tile isajui TH.1SS1 1 ureen, uray, nea and 1 white $2.00 a gal. Shingle Stain, green .$1.50 a gaL NORMS WALKER 1710 N. Front .Ph. ,4-2271 FURNACE FACTS: Bf having your urnace. Chimney 4c Ducts cleaned HOM you avoid the rush and save 4oney toot Call C. 3. Hansen Co. for work you 11 like and -prices you'll. Love! Phone 2-4882. ill's. a. j 18 ea. 450 1 Merchantlise 455 HMhoJd Goods For SaU I es SAMPLES on Approved Credit 3 ONLY General Electric Portable Ironrr. 96 ironing surface, temp. controL New. Reg. price $69.95. Special price $39.9S 2 ONtY General Electric Automatic Dishwasher and Disposal. 43" sink combination. Reg. price $559.95. No jonly $399.95 1 ONtY General Electric Radio and Phone. Plays aU three speeds. Blonde console. Reg. price $319.93. Sale- price : $189.93 GILBERT any ELECTRIC I ! f PHONI 2-0312 458 gufldlnq Malarial SALE Nails,f carload supply Cam pi; Adair used windows . Painted ahakes with under- -$ 9.73 I ..$ 3.00 couvse .$10.75 Unpainted cedar ahakes New 4x8 plaster board . Mahogany plywood Colorjd" bath sets, complete .Bargain Toileti, wash basins, kitchen sinks water heaters Cheap New 4'1 soil oioe 70C 4" Solid orange-burg pipe 38e New Xath tubs, complete $49 M 500 GjtL steel septic tanks $62.50 Metali garage doors, complete .$45.00 Waterproof wall boards, 4x8 $ 1.75 New -Grade-A screen doors $ 0.95 New fir door Jambs $ 2 JO Plywood. aU kinds Cheap Weathers tripped windows $14.20 Picture windows, sash Bargain Loose; insulation, per bag , $ 1.00 No. 1; cedar shingles $ 9.23 No. 2 cedar shingles f 5.00 Compf roofing, first grade $ 6.95 C. G. LONG tc SONS Ph. 445051 One mile N. of Keizer h. 445051 O Retnodel, Repair, Now Save your cash for a rainy day. No down payment. 38 months to pay. Epping Lumber Co. 1740 SUverton Rd. Phone 4-6123 ppen ; all day Saturdays Plumbing Values For less with guarantee of complete satisfaction. Check our great sav ings: in toilets, bathtubs, basins, electric water heaters, colored bath room sets, showers, pipes and fit tines. Be wise, save today. Capital Bargain House, 145 Center. 460 jsfluslcql Instrumsnts ALMOST new Besecher . saxophone. Phone 3-6617. - SPINET piano, now stored In ware houe. Must sell Immediately. Box 536 Statesman. ONLY Story and Clark Pianos have mahogany sounding boards. Will not 1 split, warp or crack stays in tun !75 better. The Music Cen ter.470 N. Canitol. Phnn S-s.171. NEW fand used pianos. For a better buy; ! Wlltsey Musis House. .1860 SUte, T 462 Sports Ecfuipmemt GENERAL boat repair. Ho-Hi Boat Sho M85 Birchwood. 3-8904. WaNTED-GOOD outboard motor 7' pfP or larger. Will trade 870.00 Auto j Radio Practically Brand NevM. Call 3-9311 4S4 Bicycles FOR SALE. Boy's Monarch 24" bike. Braod new tires and horn. $25. Phahe 2-3934 mornnlgs. FOR SALE, boy's bike in good con ditin, $20. Phone 3-0534. 468 for Rent, Misw4Umaous RENll Or buy. All types electrical or tr I tools, garden tractors, spray ers.fHowser Bros.. 1183 S. 12th. 0 DfUVE TRUCKS FOR RENt". Blaaketa furn. 1201 SUte. Ph. 2-9062. FOR flENT or lease, ige. warehouse spa(fe cement, floors, brick bldg. down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furf. 3-9185. 470 for Sale. Miscellaneous TT GREEN, armless daveno. Good con dltittrf, and good springs. Ph. 3-4269. REDUCED $1 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD I ofiice ' desk with glass top and cha-j Starting price July, 23rd, $78. Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Front At Court " Phone 3-9111 WE 6IVE S 6c H GREEN STAMPS. PRIVATE party . will sell spinet pi anoj like new to responsible person or family. Box 357 Statseman. Sewjing Machine Buyers PURCHASE a new' Singer Electric Walnut cabinet for as little as $12250. Call or write for free color ed catalog. Singer Sewing Center. 30 N. Commercial. FOBfSAUE Locker cartons 1 cent aclt. 500 for $4.00, also wax paper $1.09 la roll, no dealers. United Groivjers, Inc.. 4713 Liberty Road. BlJNlflBED f Canjtltell It from new $29.45 Used FMerchandUe Mart ' 270 (S. Liberty Phone 1-6371 TergiS of course FOR SALEi 8mm. Mauser rifle". New isights, new stock, perfect. 1 30.04 jArmy rifle. 1 dismantled '41 Indian motorcycle. Best offer takes. 3630 N. River Rd. Phone 2-74?a WE tVE a large power ' pipe cutter suitable for plumbing shop. Phone 4-avfo. 1944 LINCOLN V-12 motor, $13. Good Venis washing machine, $19. 421 Rosgmont. west saiem. 4YI crib and Beautyrest mat- jtress. szj. fnone z-waa. ' KUSWiSELL by Sunday. Frtgidaire rsnfe and refrig. Kenmore auto . .fnatic washer. All late models, and ta excellent condition. Maple chest, vanity, bench, night stand. Mahog anyiooffee table, lounge chair, like newt 3 pair drapes, girls clothing S-lQs, Fruit Jars, 5 room oil circu lator cheap.- See anytime. ; 180 E. . Marjdn. Stayton. m DAVENO. turqoise. good condition. $41.1 Davenport, green, $35. Phone 2-35S9 oCaU at 520 N. 14th St. Fowf lX motor scooter. Excellent condition. Phone 2-1280 or see at 44 3. V: State St. NEW SET of Americana Encycloped ia, will sacrifice at half price. ' If interested write Roe Anderson Rt. : 2, Bbx 540 Salem, Oregon. I ! Comp a $ 8.00 $ 1.40 . 20c 4. 450 ! Merchandise 470 For Solo, ' Miscellaneous BELOND headers, 49-51 rord. new, complete. Phone 2-1850. MANGLE ironer, portable Reminc ton typewriter and case. Like new. 2-98-JO. ELEC. PORTABLE. SEWING machine, good sewing con dltion and- guaranteed, only $29.50. Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Coml. DEEPFREEZE home freezers. Yeat er Apliance. 37$ Chemektta. Ph. . 3-4311. , SEAlfrV C6UNSEL6R. cosmetic. Ph. , 3-5401. TWIN Size bed - Brand new. Your choice of Bookcase headboard or flat headboard UMM Special at $13.95. Used Merchandise Mart. 270 S. Liberty - Phone 4-4J71. Terms of course, j NEEDED, old sewing machines. Up $50 or more for your old sewing ' machine on a new free Wetting house sewing machine with a 20 i yr. warranty. Yeater Appliance i Co.. 875 Cnemeketa St. Simmons outdoor chaise toungt es. Reg. 39.95 Spc at Glenn Wood ry's 29J5. U Save 10.0011 1605 N. Summer. THOR SPINNER automatic washers, like new. 2 only $79.50 ea. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 ChemekeU. Ph. 3-431 1. . ft; - BENDIX auto, washer and dryer. New. not In use. $123 discout if both taken. Cost $525 new. 555 Un ion St. after 11 a.m. Top Soil River silt, fin dirt, prompt delivery. . PH.me 2-1749. TOOL RENTALT U-FtX-rf. Corner of . North Commercial and Columbia. CHICKEN fertilixer ,$2l00 a yard. Yoi haul. Rt. 4. Box 288. Phone 4-2686. CH ARRIS foundation girdles, bra! For appointment Ph. 3-5818. Mary E. Bales. - j SINGER DROP head sewing machine. A-l condition. Only $19.93. Singer Sew ing Center. 130 N. Com! Special One Week SINGER Elec. Walnut cabinet sew ing machine.- Round bobbin, full set of attach, and free sewing lessons. Only $13.23 down and $5.87 per month. Ask for free catalogue. Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Coml PACKARD Bell chalrside radio. Like new ' - special this week $39.95. Used Merchnadise Mart, 270 S. Lib erty ! - Phone 4-637L Terms of course. PLAST!-k6tE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 ChemekeU. Ph. ' 4-4311. ELEC i clothes ryer only $595. 2 onlyj Yeatet Appliance Co 375 Chemekta St V PIANO BOXES Salem Music Co., 153. So. High. Ph. 2-8716 ;. $30 ALLOWED for your old water heater regardless of condition or make, on a new Westinghouse automatic electric water heater, with a ten year guarantee. Yeater Appliance Co. 370 . ChemekeU. Phone 3-4311. CLOTHESLINE posts. Iron legs for tables, furniture, railings. 1143 N. Liberty. - OJTANLKY home products. Leo MindX tfSC Madison. Ph. 3-4056. USED ! electric ranges $12.93 St up. z cater Appliance. 879 ChemekeU. Phone 3-4311. , Diamonds & Jewelry at cost plus 10V,. Call or write W. C Mitchell. 1175 Hillyard. Eugene. Ore.; 1-6557. V Crushed Rock FOR roads At driveway Cement, Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Sand. Bulldozing drainage and ditching. i yd. shovel it drag Una. Phone .-B29. Walling Sand & Gravel " ' Co. - GOOD' used refrigerators $4fl.50and" up. J Used washers $9.95 and up. Yeater Appliance 375 ChemekeU. , Phone 3-4311. NEW Spc. BR Set. Reg. $199.95. Our closeout price to you $149.50. Used Merchandise Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Phone 4-8371. Terms of course. 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous FURNACE FACTS: By havlnff your FurAace. Chimney St Ducts cleaned NOW, you avoid the rush and save Money tool Call C. J. Hansen Co. for 'work you'll like and prices ynuM Love! Phone 2-6882. Logs Wanted Top truck, scale prices paid for 2nd growth fin Check our new prices. Pnone 43381 days. 41784 eves. West Salem Lmbr. Co. 1160 W'iace Rd. 474 Miscellaneous FREE I wood, short pieces of lumber. 65 Bassett St. Coast Range Mill. LEI US smoke your fish, many satis fied customers. Salem Custom Curt ing. j 37005. m Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or mail your Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg Sate St Com. Ph. 3-X111 HOSPITAL beds for sale or renL Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. 3-9188 476 Fuel FURNACE FACTS 1, By having your urna?e. Chlmneji St Ducts cleaned NO At you avoid the rush and save Money tool Call C. J. Hansen Co. 1 for : work you'll like and prices you'll Love! Phone ? -8812. I ORDER NOW I Sawdust: blower and P. O. SUMMER PRICES END AUG. 13TH Mulch S. D. and Fertilizer WEST SALEM -FUEL CO. 1525 Edeewater Phone 24031 HAND PICKED 16" green edging of slabjl Also 16" dry slab. Summer Prices on fresh cut sawdust order todav. $ H GREEN STAMPS it Oregon Fuel Co. 3087 Broadway Phone 35533 ASKCRAFT'S fuel, cores, log-ends, ' ilab. Phone 3-3380. 844 Mill St. ANDEh SON'S hand picked ibwtnn. I cord $14. Phone 2-7751 or 4-425-V Higli way Fuel Co. Clean i sawdust, wood, green or dry. ' Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-4444. Capital Lbr. Fuel Co. Pickup your Presto logs. Briquets 4 wood 198 S. Commercial St Ph. 3-772L . 500 i Bus. & Finance 510 Monay to Loan 1 ' ' ' AUTO LOAN!" . ; ' WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church St Ph. 2-2457 ! I Parking Aplenty ';. ! ' Lie. Ml 59-S154 SKk US OK f ARM. CITY or ACRE- '. AGE I-OANS BEST OF TERMS. - j i E BUY Real Jte mortgages St eontracts STATE FINANCE CO. 1 S. High St. Pit. J-4121 '